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Presentation on the topic: musical journey. My homeland is Russia!

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation GOU DPO NIZHNY GOD INSTITUTE FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION Department of Literature and Cultural Studies COMPUTER PRESENTATION OF THE METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SECTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM “Musical Journey. My homeland is Russia! Completed by: music teacher MOU secondary school No. 11, Vyksa, Nizhny Novgorod region. Koroleva S.V. 2009/2010 academic year

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

EXPLANATORY NOTE, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Explanatory note: The proposed section on the topic “Musical Journey. My homeland is Russia! is focused on educating a student as a citizen and patriot of Russia, developing his spiritual and moral world and national self-consciousness. This topic takes place in elementary school and continues through middle and high school. To acquaint students with the diverse and diverse culture of Russian musical art, to form the foundations of musical culture. Develop the ability to listen, reflect and empathize, distinguish between means of artistic expression, develop Creative skills in different types of activities, to develop mental operations: figurative and associative thinking, creative imagination. To cultivate a steady interest in music lessons, to educate the musical taste of students, performing culture, respect for the history of Russia and the traditions of their people.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL EXPLANATION OF THE SPECIFICITY OF PERCEPTION AND MASTERING OF LEARNING MATERIAL BY STUDENTS As a result of testing and observing students, we can conclude that a fairly good level of development of voluntary, stable, concentrated attention. Of the 22 students in the class, 19 are able to hold their attention throughout the lesson. And only 3 people hardly maintain perseverance during the lesson. The intellectual development of students corresponds to age development. Most - 15 people are able to absorb the material without much difficulty, of which - 8 people are able to withstand a more serious load. According to the results of diagnosing the level of development and learning of students, the class can be divided into 3 groups: Group 1 - 8 people (36%). Children with a high level of development Group 2 - 10 people (46%). Children with an average level of development. Group 3 - 4 people (18%). Children with a low level of development.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

EXPECTED RESULTS OF MASTERING THE LEARNING MATERIAL As a result of studying the section, the student should learn: perceive music of various genres, musical works as a way of expressing the feelings and thoughts of a person, emotionally respond to art, expressing one's attitude towards it in various types musical- creative activity; to navigate in musical and poetic creativity, in the diversity of musical folklore of Russia, to distinguish between samples of folk and professional music, to appreciate domestic folk musical traditions; to embody the artistic and figurative content and intonation-melodic features of the professional (in singing, word, movement, etc.) and folk art(in songs, games, actions). Students are able to solve the following vital practical tasks: perception of artistic images of folk, classical and modern music; performance of familiar songs, participation in collective singing; playing music on elementary musical instruments; transferring musical impressions by plastic, visual means.

slide number 5

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slide number 6

Description of the slide:

FORMS OF LEARNING: An informative way of transferring knowledge in the learning process, turning to motivating learning; lesson scenarios are built according to the scheme: to feel - to realize - to reveal one's attitude; active creative search for the teacher and students; conversation - dialogue, role-playing game, collective forms creative work, a combination of collective and individual work (playing, singing, improvisation, creative notebooks, composing ditties, fairy tales, tales, creating drawings, plastic improvisations, etc.); complex use different types arts (music, literature, painting);

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN MUSIC LESSONS: The use of modern information technologies in music lessons makes learning vivid, memorable, and forms an emotionally positive attitude towards the subject. Demonstration of presentations at music lessons contributes to solving educational problems, achieving a new quality of learning. The use of ICT enriches the methodological possibilities of a music lesson, gives it modern level. Video recorder, interactive board, the computer is very convenient not only for mastering educational material, but also for enhancing cognitive activity, realizing the creative potential of the child, fostering interest in musical culture, and forming the spiritual world.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

DEVELOPMENT OF A LESSON ON THE TOPIC "RUSSIA IS OUR FAVORITE POWER!" 4 A class 1 quarter / 09/10/2009 / Type: Lesson-excursion The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the poetic and state symbols of Russia. Tasks: cognitive: - to form an idea of ​​the culture of Russia; cognitive activity and the students' dictionary of the term - anthem, symbolism; - to form the ability to listen, memorize, reflect; - to introduce students to the music of S.V. Rachmaninov; developing: - to develop the cognitive processes of students: thinking, attention, memory; the history of their Motherland, its state symbols; - to enrich the vocabulary and musical stock of students, educational: - to cultivate a sense of love and pride in their Fatherland through music, poetry; - educate mutual respect for each other, an adequate assessment of yourself and your friend. - educate positive motivation for learning.

slide number 10

Description of the slide:

Equipment and materials for the lesson: Exhibition of books. ... I have you, Russia, Like one heart, I’ll tell a friend, I’ll tell an enemy - Without you, like without a heart, I can’t live. (Yulia Drunina) piano-recorder textbook Music. 1 hour: textbook for educational institutions / V.V. Aleev. - 2nd ed., stereotype. Moscow: Bustard, 2008 ICT Lesson plan: Organizing time- 2 min. Preparation for the perception of new material - 3 min. Studying new material - 25 min. Consolidation of new knowledge - 5 min. Summing up the lesson - 3 min.

slide number 11

Description of the slide:

slide number 12

Description of the slide:

Flag of Russia The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich includes the first mention of the national flag of Russia. The tsar issues a Decree of April 9, 1667 for flags to be sent to Russian ships with fabrics “red, white and azure”. This Decree approved the colors of the Russian flag - red, white and blue. In Russia, three colors had the following symbolic meaning: white - nobility, blue - loyalty, honesty; red - courage, loyalty.

Open music lesson

The theme is "Russia is my Motherland".

Grade 3

Artistic and pedagogical idea of ​​the lesson: In the relationship of related arts - history, music, painting, cinematography - create the image of a hero, defender of the Fatherland - Prince Alexander Nevsky, a peasant - Ivan Susanin.

Lesson Objectives:

    Educational :

    introduce and assimilate new terms: "cantata", "contrast", "expressiveness and figurativeness";

    to appreciate the significance of the work of the great Russian composers S. Prokofiev and M. Glinka in the embodiment of the integral image of the Russian people as a defender of the Motherland;

    to analyze the musical form using the expressive means of music: tempo, register, timbre, melody, mode, intonation, dynamics.

    Educational :

    to form the skills and creative skills of each student;

    to instill a careful attitude to the history of their people;

    show the multidimensionality and harmony of various types of art to create the image of Alexander Nevsky;

    to show the desire of composers to convey nationality in their works.

    Educational :

    awaken and educate patriotic feelings children, pride in the heroes of the Fatherland;

    to foster a sense of mutual assistance and responsibility among students.

The results of the development of educational material

Personal results:

    A sense of pride in one's country Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one's ethnic and national identity through the study of the best examples of folklore, masterpieces of the musical heritage of Russian composers;

    A holistic, socially oriented view of the world;

    Development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning; mastering the skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers;

    Formation of ethical feelings of goodwill, emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

    The development of a musical and aesthetic feeling, manifesting itself in an emotionally valuable attitude to art, understanding its functions in human life and society.

Metasubject results:

    Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activity, search for means of its implementation in various forms and types of musical activity;

    Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature in the process of perception, performance, evaluation of musical compositions;

    Productive cooperation (communication, interaction) with peers in solving various musical and creative tasks;

    Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection; positive self-assessment of their musical and creative abilities;

    Mastering the skills of semantic reading of the content of "texts" in accordance with the goals and objectives of the activity;

    Acquisition of the ability to consciously build a speech statement about the content, nature, features of the language of musical works in accordance with the tasks of communication;

    Formation junior schoolchildren the ability to compose texts related to reflections on music and a personal assessment of its content, orally;

    Mastering the logical actions of comparison, analysis, in the process of intonational-figurative analysis of musical compositions;

    The ability to carry out information, cognitive and practical activities using various means of information and communication (including manuals on electronic media, training programs, digital educational resources, etc.);

Subject Results:

    Formation of ideas about the role of music in a person's life, in his spiritual and moral development;

    Knowledge of the basic laws of musical art on the example of the studied works;

    Formation of a sustainable interest in music and various types of musical and creative activities;

    Formation of the foundations of musical culture, including on the material of musical culture native land, development of artistic taste and interest in musical art and musical activity;

    The ability to perceive music and express their attitude to musical works;

    The ability to emotionally and consciously relate to music of various directions: folklore, classical; understand the content, intonation-figurative meaning of works of different genres and styles;

    Ability to embody musical images when creating musical and plastic compositions, performing vocal and choral works, playing children's musical instruments.

Means of education:

    Textbook “Music. Grade 3 "E.D. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva, T.S. Shmagina, (Moscow, Enlightenment, 2012)

    Music Center.


    Computer, DVD, CD, projector, presentation.

    Reproductions of paintings and icons by Russian artists.

    Children's tools.

    Masks for a creative task.

Activities in the lesson:

    Performance of folk and composer songs - with an instrument and a capella, canon singing, singing with playing children's instruments, singing with rhythmic movements.

    Music perception.

    Musical analysis of the work.

    Work with the textbook.

    Viewing a video clip.

    Creative task for acting.

    Consolidation of key concepts - cantata, aria, contrast.

    A conversation about the role of Russian heroes in the modern world.


Entrance to the class in a round dance with the singing of the song "Ural round dance". Rebuilding.

Performance - "Hymn of the Russian Federation".

1 slide.


Every nation has its own national heroes who are loved, honored and remembered.

What Russian heroes do you know? Who did we talk about in music class?

Their names remain for centuries, and their moral image not only does not disappear from the memory of their descendants, but, on the contrary, becomes brighter and brighter with the passage of time. This fully applies to Alexander Nevsky, Ivan Susanin. These names in Russia are still pronounced with special pride and reverence.

For more than eight centuries, the memory of the people about the holy noble Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky, a national hero, has lived. people's protector. The Orthodox Church canonized Prince Alexander as a saint, and this circumstance gives a new meaning to the interpretation of the image.
Alexander Nevsky is not a mythological hero, but a real person. His image is represented not only by church music, but also by composer's music, not only by icons, but also by artists' paintings; novels, poems, poems were written, monuments were erected, films were made.

2 slide.

Alexander Nevsky was the great-great-grandson of Alexander the Great, at the age of five he knew several languages ​​and prepared himself for military affairs. All the ancestors of A. Nevsky were military leaders.
W: Did he get the surname Nevsky at birth?
D: No, this name was given to him by the people.
W: Why did the people begin to call it Nevsky?
D: At the age of 20, he defeated the Swedes on the Neva River.

Artists - Mikhail Nesterov and Petr Korin in the language of painting (palette, color scheme, color) conveyed to us artistic image A. Nevsky, and each artist conveyed his own image of Nevsky. Compare these pictures.
D: Similarity - in both paintings A. Nevsky has weapons, holy images, a church in the distance, as a symbol of faith; the difference is that in the paintings there is a contrasting palette, a different mood of the hero, the images on the icons are also different.
W: These artists created vivid and in their own way contrasting images of the Russian commander, and which of the Russian composers created the unforgettable image of Alexander Nevsky?
D: Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev.

3 slide.

Working with the textbook.

(“Music” by E.D. Kritskaya, G.P. Sergeeva, T.S. Shmagina, grade 3, p. 16)

What is a cantata?

Teacher: You and I studied the choir "Get up, Russian people" from S. Prokofiev's cantata "Alexander Nevsky". Now we will watch a fragment from Eisenstein's feature film "Alexander Nevsky", where this choir sounds.

Viewing a fragment of the film "Alexander Nevsky".

T: What means of expression does the filmmaker use to convey the picture of the gathering of the whole people for war?

D: Mass scenes. People come from all directions to the call. People are armed.

W: What means of expression does the composer use to convey that everyone is going to war?

D: Alarm bell ringing, march character, percussion instruments come to the fore.

Performance of the choir "Get up, Russian people" (1 and 2 themes).

W: Let's compare these two topics, based on the main means of musical expression - tempo, register, timbre, melody, mode, intonation, dynamics. When comparing, we will use the expressions “1 topic” (“Get up Russian people ...”) and “2 theme” (“In native Russia ...”).

Children are divided into 2 groups and select the means of musical expression corresponding to their song.

Analysis of musical form.


Expressiveness 1 topic 2 topic

Tempo: fast slow Register: medium high
Timbre: penetrating soft
Melody: jerky smooth
Mode: minor major
Intonation: alarm march folk song
Dynamics: forte piano

W: Artists P. Korin and M. Nesterov created opposite images of the same person - A. Nevsky by means of fine art. And the composer S. Prokofiev created various musical themes by means of expressiveness, which are very different from each other. This will be called contrast.

Creative task:

W: Someone, perhaps in the future, will become a famous director and make his own film about Alexander Nevsky. Who wants to try it out right now?
D:(raise their hands, the teacher chooses one who did not show much activity in the lesson)
W: Imagine that you are a director, and you need to choose one actor from several for the main role. If you were making a movie, which class would you cast in the lead role?

The student chooses several boys from the class.

W: To compare acting data, everyone needs to pronounce the words of the main character from the film Alexander Nevsky "with the appropriate intonation:

1. “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”
2. "C native land die, don't come down!"
3. “On that stood, stands and will stand the Russian land!”

The student director conducts a casting and selects one actor for the lead role.


Deep forest covered with snow. Susanin brought the Poles here. The Poles fall asleep, only Susanin is awake. He reflects on the impending death, remembers his loved ones and mentally says goodbye to them.

What piece is this passage from?

D: M. Glinka's opera "Life for the Tsar".

4 slide.

Performance of a phrase from Susanin's Aria.

5 slide.

The Poles, waking up, are convinced that Susanin led them into the impenetrable wilderness.

"Where did you take us?" - the old Lyakh cried out.
“Wherever you need it! Susan said. -

Kill! torture! my grave is here!
But know and rush: I saved Mikhail!
A traitor, they thought, you found in me;
They are not and will not be on the Russian land!
In it, everyone loves their homeland from infancy
And he will not destroy his soul by betrayal.

6 slide.

Ivan Susanin, a simple peasant, died defending his country from invaders.

Teacher: M.I. Glinka ends the opera “A Life for the Tsar” with the chorus “Glory!”, singing not only the feat of Ivan Susanin, a simple peasant, but the feat of the entire Russian people in the struggle for their land, their country, their homeland.

Listening to the choir "Glory!".

What type of bell ringing sounds at the end of the work, why?

D: Festive bell ringing, because the enemy was defeated.

Composers S. Prokofiev and M. Glinka in their works, each in their own way, convey Russian culture, Russian history. This is the melodiousness of a Russian song, folk intonations, bell ringing - in one case - the tocsin, in the other - a festive chime. And they also reveal the image of a Russian hero: in one case - a commander, in another - a simple peasant.

We taught r.n. the song "I walk with a loach."

- Make a musical description of this song.

D: This song is performed by the choir, a capella, canon, melodious.

Execution r.n.p. "I walk with the loach" canon with children's tools.

Performance of "Ural Cossack" with rhythmic movements.


W: What did we talk about today?

D: About the feat of Russian heroes. About how artists, writers, composers sing in their works of our country, people who have dedicated their lives to defending the Fatherland.

Music teacher MOU "Secondary School No. 40" - Platitsina Larisa Alexandrovna Page 7

Grade: 2 G

Lesson type: combined.

Lesson topic: "Music Globe: Traveling around Russia?"

Target: To reveal the features of the genre diversity of Russians folk songs


Educational: to captivate students with the music of the Russian people, to promote the development and love for music, to form the ability to appreciate its beauty, to evoke a musical and aesthetic response to works of the folk genre, to develop the emotional sphere of students.


develop creative musical abilities, practical skills in the process of performing Russian folk songs, moving to music and its plastic intonation.


educate musical and aesthetic taste and the need to communicate with folk artistic culture, love for the folk song of the native land.

Forms of educational activity: individual, group.

Planned results:


Respect for the musical heritage of Russia;

Understanding the value of multinational Russian society. Cultural diversity of Russia.


Perform music independently.


Play the words and melodies of several folk lullabies.

Equipment: presentation on the topic, T.I.


    Organizational moment. (1 min)

    New material. (20-25 min)

    The stage of fixing the studied material. (10min)

    Summary of the lesson. Reflection.(5min)

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Hello guys, sit down.

How is your mood?

Is everyone ready for the lesson?

2.New material.

(The topic of the lesson and the words are written on the board). “Where are you from, Russian, did music originate?”

Definition of the topic of the lesson:

Where did Russian music originate? ( children's answers) - Of course in Russia.

Teacher's word:

Where are you from. Russian, music originated?

Either in a clean field, or in a misty forest

Is it in joy? In pain? Or bird whistle?

You tell me, where does the sadness in you and the prowess come from?

Whose heart was beating from the very beginning?

How did you appear? How did you sound?

Well, what about the song? Born with a song in Russia.

Today we will talk about the genres of folk songs. We will learn to move correctly, beautifully to the music of a different nature. Let's get to know the new games.

But today's lesson will be different. Let's imagine that we are in the old days ...

A long time ago, almost two thousand years ago. Russian people lived in tribes and communities, and they were then called the ancient Slavs.

1. A young family lived in one community. Their names were Ivan and Marya. They had a child...

The daughter lies and does not want to sleep,

Wrinkles bed linen.

Her mother fusses around her

With a song …. (lullaby) .

What lullabies do you know?

Let's watch the video for the song "Tired Toys Sleep"

2. While the child is sleeping, Maryushka has a lot of things to do around the house ...

If there's a lot to do,

Sing the song boldly.

They knit, weave, spin and reap,

These songs love work. …. (labor) .

Let's listen to the song "Spinning"

3. And when the child wakes up, you need to play with him.

Guys, let's remember how they played Kozushka in the old days.

(Children play the game "The goat went through the forest").

The goat went through the forest, through the forest, through the forest,

Look for a princess, princess, princess.

Let's jump with you, jump, jump,

And kicking legs, kicking, kicking.

And clap your hands, clap, clap,

And with our feet we stomp, we stomp, we stomp,

And we move our eyes, we move, we move,

Here and there we go, we go, we go,

Shake your head, shake, shake,

And we'll start from the beginning, from the beginning, from the beginning.

4. They live cheerfully and amicably, they do not know grief, guests are invited:

At the party, at the party,

Both under the hill and on the hill

The people are gathering

He dances and sings.

The songs are upbeat and alive.

These songs …. (dance) .

Watching an excerpt from the cartoon (2.50) - Russian folk dance - Kamarinskaya

In the meadow or on the edge

Friends gathered together.

People are surprised:

What is this round dance?

And now unfashionable

Songs …. (dance) .

The song "There was a birch in the field ..."

5. And to cheer each other up,

They always sing …. (chastushki) .

What ditties do you know?

Let's listen to the ditties ....

6. Night is coming - it's time to rest. And the image of this song helps to gain new strength from the "Dark Night" and "clear stars".

Listening to the song "At the dawn, at the dawn."

Lyric song genre

(Sincerity, warmth of the heart, chants, lyricism, tenderness, beautiful phrases.

7. About love in them and about friendship,

About the war in them and about the service,

Pressing the machines

They are always sung …. (soldiers, soldiers) .

And life goes on as usual, and the time has come for Ivan to serve in the army.

And Maryushka is waiting for him and sings a song ...

Listening and marching to the song "Soldiers, brave kids ..."

3. Stage of consolidation of the studied material.

Guys, what did you do in class?

They sang, listened to music, danced, danced, played……..

Guys, what genre of musical art did we talk about today at the lesson?

(about Russian folk song)

Tell me, why is there an ellipsis in the title of the topic of our lesson?

(because the genres of Russian folk song very varied)

Name the works that you remember, for whom they were written and by whom?

(the guys list: game, lyrical, round dance, soldier-recruit, labor songs and ditties).

Written by the people and for the people.

Were the pieces the same?

Different in character, movement, meaning, mood.

Right. This type or kind of songs is called genre in one word.

(word on the board).

    Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

Did you like the lesson?

Was there anything difficult for you?

Music lesson in 3rd grade

Theme of the lesson: “Musical journey to the village


Lesson type: travel lesson

The purpose of the lesson:


    • To consolidate the ability to distinguish the intonational features of Russian folk music;

      To consolidate the concepts: folk and composer music;

      To learn to distinguish between folk and composer music by ear;

      Learn to distinguish by ear the sound of Russian folk instruments;

      Organize the process of analyzing familiar folk and composer music;

      To teach children to sing in an ensemble with comrades, to the accompaniment of a teacher and a capella.


    Develop musical perception skills by enriching with diverse intonations;

    In the process of listening to music, develop timbre, dynamic hearing;

    Develop the ability to analyze, compare, generalize;

    In the process of vocal and choral work, develop singing skills;

    To develop the creative abilities of children, the ability to sing folk texts;

    To develop the creative initiative and independence of children.


    Based on the emotional perception of Russian folk art, to cultivate a love for music, the need to communicate with art;

    To instill love for the Motherland, for Russian nature;

    Form positive habits;

    Cultivate a friendly attitude towards comrades;

    Enrich spiritual world children.

During the classes.

Children enter the classroom to the sounds of a Russian folk song.

Hello guys! Today our lesson is dedicated to Russian folk song.

But today's lesson will be quite unusual;

In the morning, an amazing letter came to school, I will read it, and you listen.

Hello kids!

Rogues and rascals

I am Timoshka

From the village of Harmoshka.

I invite you to visit me,

I'm waiting for you all in my hut,

Near the forest on the edge.

For you to hurry

So as not to get lost in the forest

I send you a map

I compiled it myself.

Guys, let's go to visit the Samovar - Timoshka?

But since our lesson is musical, the trip to the village "Accordion" will also be musical. Do you agree?

Then we hit the road, and Timoshkino's letter will help us along the way, what lies ahead for us:

The river is ahead of you

Wide and deep.

You swim on it

Don't drown.

Guys, what song we know mentions the river?

"Down the Mother along the Volga" - hearing (slide)

------- (Remember to breathe properly while singing this song.)

Tell me, why do we immediately determine that this is a Russian folk song?

(the Russian song has distinguishing feature- its rapevnosti)

Please list the genres of Russian songs.

    Drawl, dance, calendar, soldier, ditties.

What genre is this song.

? Why are we learning folk songs?

Thanks for the interesting answer.

Guys, I suggest you learn new song which says …(slide)

"You tell me, tell us the forest river." - learning

And now a musical riddle: listen to the music and say where you have heard it before.

("Waltz" from the ballet "The Nutcracker")

Who is playing this music?

You have solved a difficult riddle, and our journey continues. Let's read in Timosha's letter where to go next?

The river was overcome -

And go bolder.

Village on the hill

Under the name "Veselushka".

Cheerful people in it

He sings Russian songs.

And you sing

Walk into that village

To make it easier for you to walk

To this village

Sing along kids

The song "Soldiers ..."

_________ "Soldiers, brave kids." (hearing) (slide)

They sang a song. Now answer my question:

Is this a folk song or a composer's song?

? What genre is this song in?

? What old words are in this song.

(Vostry. Power) - an explanation of the meaning of words ( slide)

My questions were answered correctly, well done, and our journey continues. What awaits us ahead and where to go now?

Left, see? - mountain,

You go right there.

Under this mountain

The bad wolf lives.

Hush, go

Don't wake up the wolf.

_____________ "Lullaby" (performed a capella.)

_____________ "Lullaby" (listening) N.I. Rimsky-Korsakov

Why is this song called a lullaby (from the word cradle).

Who sang lullabies.

In the old days, such songs were called “lullaby2”, from the word “to lull”, i.e. "swing".

Well done boys! This task was completed. The wolf was euthanized.

Half a village, half a way

We were able to get through quickly.

And now we'll rest

And let's go forward again.

The song "Zverobika" is performed in motion (physical minute).

The journey continues, but in which direction we will go, we will read it in Timoshkin's letter.

right bear,

He loves to sing

Singing loudly

Doesn't let you pass.

I'll tell you a secret:

I am friends with this Mishka.

You are a lot of ditties to him,

He will make way for you.

Mishka loves a ditty very much.

? - What is a ditty.? ( slide)

? - With what instrument can you sing ditties.

Guys, there is another way of singing ditties, which was widely used in Russia in the 19th century - it is called "under the tongue." performance)

? - Do you like to perform ditties.

Performance of ditties (tambourine and spoons)

Our journey continues, we must hurry. Timoshino's letter will help us again.

And now - obliquely,

Through the path into the woods.

Here, folks, this is my home.

Okay, it's comfortable.

If you want, jump

If you want, stop

If you want, even sing a song.

Guys, how warm Timosha is! Let's sing a song for him.

____________________________ “If you went on a journey with a friend” (performance)

Guys, our musical journey has come to an end.

Answer me the last question.

? What is a Russian folk song about?

(about folk life)

Quite right, a folk song is a mirror of the life of the people, with its sorrows and joys, but we must remember that every nation has both folk and composer music. We will talk about this in the next lessons.

And now - homework:

Crossword "Music of my people"

Thank you all for your work. The lesson is over.

Dance tunes sound……………


in music


3 "A", "B", "C", "G", "D" classes

Compiled by: Pavlova Vera Vladimirovna

Working programm subject "Music" is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary general education, An exemplary program in music for elementary school, recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, based on the author's program in music Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V.

The work program on music is focused on students of grade 3. The level of study of the subject is basic. Thematic planning is designed for 1 academic hour per week, 34 academic weeks, which is 34 academic hours per year. This number of hours fully corresponds to the version of the author's program in music Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V. recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Music: grade 3: a textbook for students of educational institutions / V. O. Usacheva, L. V. Shkolyar. 3rd edition, revised. and additional - M: Publishing Center "Ventana - Graf" 2013.

1. Planned results of mastering the subject"Music"

In the system of subjects of the general education school, the course of music is presented in the subject area "Art".

The purpose of "Music" in elementary school is to ensure the formation and development of universal educational activities (UUD): personal, meta-subject, subject.

Personal UUD:

Personal results are reflected in the individual qualitative properties of students, which they must acquire in the process of mastering the subject "Music":

A sense of pride in one's Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one's ethnic and national identity through the study of the best examples of folklore, masterpieces of the musical heritage of Russian composers, the music of the Russian Orthodox Church, and various areas of modern Russian musical art;

A holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, cultures, peoples and religions based on a comparison of works of Russian music and music of other countries, peoples, national styles;

The ability to observe various phenomena of life and art in educational and extracurricular activities, their understanding and evaluation - the ability to navigate the cultural diversity of the surrounding reality, participation in musical life class, school, city, etc.;

Respect for the culture of other peoples; formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

Development of motives for learning activities and the personal meaning of learning; mastering the skills of cooperation with the teacher and peers;

Orientation in the cultural diversity of the surrounding reality, participation in the musical life of the class, school, city, etc.;

Formation of ethical feelings of goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy with the feelings of other people;

Metasubject UUD:

Meta-subject results characterize the level of formation of universal educational actions of students, manifested in cognitive and practical activities:

Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activity, search for means of its implementation in various forms and types of musical activity;

Mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature in the process of perception, performance, evaluation of musical compositions;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the condition for its implementation in the process of learning the content of musical images; determine the most effective ways to achieve results in performing and creative activities;

Productive cooperation (communication, interaction) with peers in solving various musical and creative tasks in music lessons, in extracurricular and extracurricular musical and aesthetic activities;

Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection; positive self-assessment of their musical and creative abilities;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of the content of "texts" of various musical styles and genres in accordance with the goals and objectives of the activity;

Acquisition of the ability to consciously build a speech statement about the content, nature, features of the language of musical works different eras, creative directions in accordance with the objectives of communication;

Subject UUD:

The subject results of studying music reflect the experience of students in musical and creative activities:

Formation of ideas about the role of music in a person's life, in his spiritual and moral development;

Formation of a general idea of ​​the musical picture of the world;

Knowledge of the basic laws of musical art on the example of the studied musical works;

Formation of the foundations of musical culture, including on the material of the musical culture of the native land, the development of artistic taste and interest in musical art and musical activity;

Formation of a sustainable interest in music and various types (or any type) of musical and creative activities;

The ability to perceive music and express their attitude to musical works;

The ability to emotionally and consciously relate to music of various directions: folklore, music of religious tradition, classical and modern; understand the content, intonation and figurative meaning of works of different genres and styles;

The ability to embody musical images in the creation of theatrical and musical-plastic compositions, the performance of vocal and choral works, in improvisations.

Subject results of studying the subject "Music"

The student will learn:

Identify by ear the main genres of music

Participate in group singing

Recognize the studied pieces of music

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Apply elements of musical speech in various types of creative activity

Reveal genre beginning as a way of conveying the states of man, nature;

Know about the origins of music;

Distinguish the nature of music, determine and compare the nature of music, mood.

Understand the meaning of the concepts: "composer", "performer", "listener"

Determine the character, mood, means of musical expression in musical works;

Know samples of musical folklore, folk musical traditions of the native land

Know about the ability and ways to reproduce the phenomena of the environment with music

peace and inner peace human

Character traits Russian music (8 hours)

Introduction: the intonational-figurative language of M.I. Glinka, P.I. Tchaikovsky, M.P. Mussorgsky (musical portraits). The concepts of "Russian" and "Russian" music are different and common. Miscellaneous: bright polyphonic fabric of the South of Russia, chilly

the modest "ligature" of the North, the special dashing, strength and harmony of the Cossack song and the "polyphony" of other musical cultures within Russia. Common - intonation roots.

Folk musical creativity - "encyclopedia" of Russian intonation (12 hours)

Ritualism as the essence of Russian folklore. The originality of heroism in the folk epic epic. Znamenny chant. A drawn-out song as a special intonational warehouse of Russian music. Ditties and suffering. dance genres. Instrumental dance tunes.

The origins of Russian classical romance (6 hours)

The intonational sphere of urban music-making: the interaction of peasant song and urban salon romance, urban lyrics (popular), old romance.

Composer's music for the church (2 hours)

Choral music based on religious texts (D.S. Bortnyansky, P.G. Chesnokov, A.A. Arkhangelsky, S.V. Rakhmaninov and others) is a significant layer of Russian musical culture. Features of Russian intonation church singing.

Folk and professional composer music in Russian musical culture (6h)

Arrangements of folk songs. Rethinking the intonational sphere of Russian songwriting in the work of composers: two ways - accurate quoting and composing music in the folk spirit. The greatness of Russia in the music of Russian classics.

3. Thematic planning of music lessons in3"A", 3"B",

3 "B", 3 "G", 3 "D" classes

(1 hour per week, 34 hours in total)


Lesson topic

Number of hours

the date


lesson dates

Topic 1. "Characteristic features of Russian music" 8 hours.

Journey to the homeland of the Russian musical language. Let's go on a folklore expedition

input test

How does it happen when the songs don't die

Let's go to the North

We're going south

The specifics of the folk song

Functions and features of the folk song

The originality of the song folklore of the Moscow region

Topic 2. "Folk musical creativity - an encyclopedia of Russian intonation" 12 hours

Melodism, melodiousness of a folk song

Folk song genres

Historical songs and epic epic

Heroic-patriotic theme

Lyric songs

Camping songs

calendar songs. ritual songs

Control work for the first half of the year (Test)

Ditties and suffering

dance songs

Folk song in the royal chambers

The connection between folk and composer music

Topic 3. "The origins of Russian classical romance" 6 hours

Russian romance

peasant song

Urban lyrics

Old romance

Urban salon romance

Lyrical romance

Topic 4. “Composing music for the church” 2 hours

Music in the temple

"Our Lady Virgin, rejoice"

Topic 5. "Folk and professional composer music in Russian musical culture" 6 hours

Processing of folk songs

Intonation features of folk music in the works of composers

Rhythmic features of folk music in the works of composers

Pictures of folk life in the music of composers. fairy tale lies

yes, there is a hint in it ... ..

Transfer control work (Test)

Russian fairy tale in the works of composers

Educational and methodological support of the educational process


Musical art. Note reader. Grade 3 Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013.

Music. Methodological guide for the teacher. Grade 3 Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V., Shkolyar V.A. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2013.

Educational and methodological kits for the program " Primary School XXI century" on music, chosen as the main one for conducting music lessons.

Music textbook grade 3

Collections of songs and choirs

Music. Workbook. Grade 3 Usacheva V.O., Shkolyar L.V., Kuzmina O.V. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2014


Classical music motion picture CD

Art Encyclopedia of Foreign Classical Art CD

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart CD1,CD2,CD3.

Internet resources

WEB-resources for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation http://mon.gov.ru/pro/fgos/

Federal State Educational Standard