The novel by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" is a work that, in addition to recreating real historical events contains deep moral significance.

Pyotr Grinev - central hero novel, on behalf of which the story is being told. This is a seventeen-year-old young man, the son of a nobleman living in the Simbirsk province. His father, Andrei Petrovich Grinev, is a man with a developed sense of honor and duty to the fatherland. He always sought to instill in his son the qualities of a true nobleman - courage, honor, valor, courage. Even before the birth of his son, Andrei Petrovich enrolled him in the Semyonovsky regiment.

Petrusha received his education at home. His first teacher was Grinev's serf Savelyich, who taught the boy Russian literacy.

When Petrusha was twelve years old, he was assigned a tutor from Moscow, who did not particularly strive to fulfill his duties as a noble boy. But this did not prevent the receptive boy from mastering French, which subsequently allowed him to take up translations.

At the age of seventeen, the young man went to serve the fatherland. But not to the capital, as he wanted. The father sent his son to distant Orenburg, which was not at all pleasing young man.

Acquaintance with Ivan Ivanovich Zurin, who, having drunk the inexperienced Grinev, beat him, became for the young man good lesson. In the episode with the duel, Pyotr Andreevich showed courage and the ability to stand up for the honor of the girl.

In the Belogodsk fortress, where he was sent by the Orenburg general, Grinev witnesses a peasant uprising under the command of Emelyan Pugachev. Because of his refusal to join the rebels, Grinev faces death, and only chance helped him survive. Pugachev turned out to be the same companion who helped Grinev get to the fortress and to whom he gave the hare coat in gratitude.

Pyotr Andreevich also shows courage during the rescue from the Belogodsk fortress of Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov, in whose family he managed to become his own person.

The actions of the protagonist fully correspond to the proverb chosen by Pushkin as an epigraph: "Take care of honor from a young age."

Essay 2

Petr Grinev is the main and goodie story "The Captain's Daughter"

He is a young nobleman from a wealthy family. All day long the boy chased pigeons and played with the yard boys.

He learned literacy from the stirrup Savelich, who was named his uncle and always accompanied Peter. A French teacher was invited for the boy, but later, Peter's father kicked him out for not fulfilling his duties.

When Peter was sixteen years old, his father decides to send him to the service. Peter rejoices in this. He thinks that he will go to Petersburg, where he will have fun.

But everything turned out differently. A strict father wants his son to become a real man. He sends Peter to serve in the remote Belogorsk fortress.

On the way to the fortress, a hurricane begins. The tramp, who later turned out to be Pugachev himself, helps Pyotr Grinev get settled for the night. Being a grateful and not greedy person, Peter favors him with his hare sheepskin coat. Later, it is this act that saves his life.

He becomes an officer, the commanders are satisfied with his service. Peter is fond of reading books in French and writing poems. He meets officer Shvabrin. They have a conflict and they fight a duel, during which Peter is stabbed in the back. Grinev is a generous and unforgiving person, he cannot keep hostility in his soul, therefore he quickly forgives his offender Shvabrin.

A young man falls in love with the commandant's daughter Masha Mironova and wants to marry her. The girl loves him back.

During the attack of Pugachev's gang on the fortress, Peter shows courage and decisiveness of character. Even under pain of execution, he does not bow before the impostor.

After the capture of the fortress, his fiancee Masha gets into trouble. She is forcibly held by Shvabrin and forced to become his wife. Peter, risking his life, overcomes all difficulties and saves the girl.

The young man is then arrested and charged with treason. Pyotr Grinev shows all the strength of his character and steadfastly withstands all tests. His beloved finds out about the arrest and thanks to her, Peter is acquitted.

At the end of the story, Peter marries Masha Mironova. He becomes a respected person. Their life develops happily and safely in the Simbirsk province.

Reading the story, you feel sympathy for Peter, he showed himself as a worthy, honest and courageous person.

Option 3

Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is one of central characters story by A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The work is built in the form of Pyotr Andreevich's memoirs, in which he talks about his childhood, about the service, about the Pugachev rebellion, about his love for Marya Mironova. The reader sees how one of the best representatives of the nobility and the Russian army is formed from a carefree undergrowth under the influence of severe trials. The hero is sincere, faithful to duty and honor, generous, decent, courageous, noble and not alien to self-irony.

Grinev comes from a family of a retired military man, "Prime Major", and the daughter of a poor nobleman. As a child, Petrusha grew up as a carefree undergrowth, spending time playing with "yard boys" and chasing pigeons. The upbringing of the boy was first carried out by the stirrup Savelich, then the Frenchman Beaupré, discharged “from Moscow along with a year's supply of wine and Provence oil”. But despite the fact that Beaupré did not make any effort in terms of training, and from Savelich the hero, according to him, learned only Russian letters and "could very sensibly judge the properties of a greyhound dog", in the further narrative, the reader sees that Grinev is very educated young man. He writes poetry, translates, reads books in French.

At the 17th year of his life, the hero goes to the service at the behest of his father. Petrusha's youthful dreams of the guards are full of anticipation of pleasure and freedom. The father, a military man of the old school, believes that service in St. Petersburg is harmful for his son, since there he will only learn to "wind and hang out." Andrei Petrovich sends his son to provincial at that time Orenburg, under the command of his old friend and comrade. The main mandate of the father is to preserve "honor from a young age", to serve faithfully.

On the way to the place of service, Grinev commits acts that betray his inexperience and youthful frivolity, lordly manners, the desire to prove to Savelich, to himself, to those around him that he is no longer a child. The narrator describes episodes of drunkenness and gambling with Zurin, a quarrel with Savelich, without hiding anything, calling himself a boy who escaped to freedom. But his further behavior testifies to the existence in Peter of a moral core, such qualities of character as honesty, sincerity, fidelity to duty and oath, the ability to admit one's mistakes, the ability to be grateful and noble.

Grinev apologizes to Savelich, admitting his wrong, sincerely repents of his frivolous behavior in a roadside inn: “... guilty; I can see that it's my fault. I messed up yesterday, but I offended you in vain. He gives his hare sheepskin coat to the counselor in gratitude for the fact that he led them to the inn during a snowstorm. The hero shows nobility, standing up for the honor of Masha Mironova in a duel with Shvabrin. The same character trait makes Pyotr Andreevich not mention the name of his beloved at the trial and does not allow him to triumph over Shvabrin in the scene of departure with Marya Ivanovna from the captured Belogorsk fortress.

Grinev, under threat of death, refuses to swear allegiance to Pugachev, because he "sworn to the empress" and cannot change the oath out of a sense of duty and honor. Peter is able to feel sympathy for someone who was an enemy to everyone; is able to perceive the servant as a reliable and irreplaceable friend and risk his life to save loved ones.

The image of Pyotr Grinev is an example of courage, honesty, generosity, nobility, those qualities that were inherent in the best officers and representatives of the nobility of Russia.

Composition on the theme of Grinev in the novel The Captain's Daughter

One of the main characters in the immortal novel by A. S. Pushkin is Pyotr Andreevich Grinev. Peter was born into a simple family of a distinguished officer. His family was quite large, but only Peter managed to live to adulthood. His father tried his best to give some kind of education. Peter was also engaged in the represented Savelich, who taught the boy to read and write. And the Frenchman, who, for all his importance, did not give anything useful.

Seeing that his son would never receive a normal education, and could finally turn into a parasite while serving in St. Petersburg, Peter's father decided that it was better to send him to Orenburg. Although Peter was not happy with such an event, he could not argue with his parents, since from childhood feelings of respect, reverence and obedience were developed in him. Before sending his son, Grinev, the elder, indicated to observe the most important rule, which read: "take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." This was strongly imprinted in the soul of the young man, and he served the empress with faith and courage.

Gradually, Pyotr Grinev became from an ordinary guy into a brave and fair man. Who once defended the honor of Masha and challenged her offender to a duel. Also, he was not afraid to resist during a conversation with Emelyan Pugachev, and directly made it clear that under no circumstances would he go over to his side, and if he had to, he would fight with his entire gang. And despite the fact that Peter could have killed him, he went to save Maria from Shvabrin.

In an exceptional way, the image of Pyotr Grinev is filled with courage and a certain skill that helped him overcome even the most difficult and dangerous obstacles. And undoubtedly his kind and generous character saved him at a meeting with Pugachev, giving Peter life at the same time.

Grinev's image

The work "The Captain's Daughter" in its plot recreates real events that went down in history, through them the author conveys to the reader the deep meaning of morality.

Pyotr Grinev is a key character in the novel who leads the story. This is a young man of seventeen years old, from a poor noble family, who received a home education. The boy was taught to read and write by a simple serf Savelich.

At the age of 12, Peter was sent a Moscow tutor, who had no particular desire to educate the boy. But Peter was so inquisitive that he could easily master the French language, which later made it possible to translate.

At the age of 17, Grinev was sent by his father to serve in Orenburg. The father's decision somewhat upset the young man, who had an ambitious desire to serve in the capital.

If we assume that Pushkin tried to create an exclusively positive image of Grinev, then this would not be entirely true. In the course of the story, one can observe how personal formation is going on, the formation of the character necessary to overcome the difficulties that arise.

An instructive lesson for the immature Grinev is the meeting with Ivan Zurin, who, having drunk the young man and taking advantage of his inexperience, begins to dishonestly play the game.

In the course of the entire work, the image of Grinev undergoes a dynamic change. At the very beginning, a boy with a naive soul appears before us, who has no worries. Further, the youthful image of the self-affirming personality of a young officer opens up, and in the end it is already a fully formed, matured man. Pyotr Grinev is perceived by the reader as a positive hero, who, like an ordinary person, has his own advantages and disadvantages. Despite laziness and frivolity, he remains a good-natured person.

Pushkin, having chosen Grinev as a narrator, does not try to hide behind his back, during the entire storyline there is a clear author's position. The writer lays all mental reflections in his hero, thereby forming him as an independent person. Certain situations are selected, thanks to which the hero acts as Pushkin himself wishes.

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  • The image of Russia in the comedy Gogol's Inspector General essay

    In one county town at the beginning of the 19th century, the famous comedy of N.V. Gogol Inspector. City N is represented in the work as collective image provinces of Russia, which are similar to each other.

  • When starting to analyze the image of Pyotr Grinev, the main character of the family chronicle, one should first of all pay attention to the special place of Grinev in the work. It is not only one of the main actors, but also the "author" of the notes, the narrator. Finally, behind the image of the narrator (the same Grinev in old age, in early XIX c.), "shines through" and the face of the true author of the "notes" - Pushkin. To some extent, in judgments about life, in the relationship of the narrator to events, no-no, and a purely Pushkinian perception of reality will manifest itself.

    It is difficult, and it does not make sense to deal with the question of in which Grinev's arguments we have before us the thoughts of the young hero of the novel, in which - the real author, but one should be aware of the complexity of Grinev's image. It would be equally wrong to identify Grinev's views with Pushkin's worldview (it is immeasurably more serious, progressive, deeper; Grinev is very simple and limited), and to completely ignore some elements of Pushkin's views on life in Grinev's worldview (for example, in Grinev's judgments about people, which he encounters, in some judgments about Pugachev, in his assessments of the government camp of the fighting forces).

    Let us also note that in the composition of Grinev's image, from the very beginning of the narrative, an orientation towards clarity and simplicity was taken. Wait a story-narrative about interesting and not quite ordinary adventures of youth. Lots of action, little thought. Psychology is transmitted through actions, deeds. Actions and adventures are told in a very simple way. So the grandfather tells his grandson about the experience. This simplicity, artlessness, however, is characteristic of Pushkin's prose in general. When analyzing the image of Grinev, all this must be taken into account. And do not lose sight of the difference between the two points of view on the events depicted: the point of view of the narrator and the point of view of Pushkin. Examples of measures will be shown below.

    The disclosure of the hero in successively developing life events, in actions, in relations with people around him, leads us to a plan of analysis:

    1) childhood and youth, the environment that raised the hero;

    2) manifestation of character at the first entry into independent life;

    3) attitude towards others during the period of peaceful life in the Belogorsk fortress;

    4) a love story for Marya Ivanovna and

    5) the history of relations with Pugachev (the character develops and manifests itself to the fullest and views on life are determined);

    6) final generalization: the main personality traits of the hero, the typicality of the image, its place in the composition of the novel.

    Speaking about Grinev's childhood and youth, one should pay attention to the various influences that influenced him and shaped his personality. The father is a retired prime minister, a limited and imperious landowner and head of the family, at the same time he is distinguished by a strict attitude to moral issues, inspires his son with a high understanding of issues of honor in her nobility, considers officer service not as a means for arranging a career, but as a duty of a nobleman before the state.

    His discussions about St. Petersburg, about the promotion of his former comrades, give off the spirit of some kind of opposition to the orders established in areas close to the government and the court. All this has its effect on the son. Little is said about Pyotr Grinev's mother, but the appearance of a loving and caring woman, meek and gentle, also arises from the little that we learn about her. Her influence will be felt later, when the character of Pyotr Grinev begins to be revealed.

    The Frenchman Beaupré "was a hairdresser in his own country", he was "discharged from Moscow along with a year's supply of wine and olive oil." The figure is colorful and quite typical, touching on a theme well known to students from “Undergrowth”, “I Burn from Wit” and “Eugene Onegin”.

    A large place in the upbringing of Pyotr Grinev was obviously occupied by the serf uncle Savelich, an honest, intelligent and literate person, but, however, very limited. His image reflects the age-old slavish position of yard servants. Such are the people who surrounded Pyotr Grinev. The way of life of Pyotr Grinev in his parents' house is typical for a noble undergrowth: "I lived undergrowth, chasing pigeons and playing leapfrog with yard boys." “It’s enough for him to run around girls’ rooms and climb dovecotes,” says the father. First steps independent living(episode with 3urin) reveal the features of the emerging personality. Students can easily understand them, remembering Grinev's behavior. Here is the frivolity and rudeness of the landowner's son in relation to the old devoted servant (“I am your master, and you are my servant”): at the same time, in an effort to give back the money, the debt, it would seem, is not very serious - losing in a billiard game - we see a certain idea of ​​the need to keep one's word, of honesty. This was followed by a cordial conversation and peace with Savelich, revealing cordiality and kindness in Grinev.

    What does the story about his peaceful life in the Belogorsk fortress give for the development of the image of Grinev? Note that the Mironov family was the best thing for him: simplicity, good nature, modesty and unpretentiousness, cordiality and sincerity of relations - all this cannot but affect Grinev. His mental demands are small, his attitude towards the service follows the formula “do not ask for the service; do not excuse yourself from the service."

    Grinev is little concerned that “there were no reviews, no exercises, no guards in the God-saved fortress, and that the only cannon was crammed with pebbles and rubbish. But in the subtext, the reader feels the attitude of the author of the novel to what is being described: the protection of the outskirts of the vast empire is poorly organized. This is one example of the presence of two angles of view in the image of reality. Having nothing to do, Grinev reads French books taken from Shvabrin (it turns out that Beaupre was also useful for something).

    The emerging love for Masha Mironova causes a desire for poetic pursuits. “My experiences for that time were pretty good,” the narrator narrates, and gives an example: Destroying the thought with love, I try to forget the beautiful ... etc. Poems are bad. Pushkin took them from a collection published by no. Novikov: "A New and Complete Collection of Russian Songs", 1780 - 1781, slightly changing individual lines. One of the researchers notes: “The poem belongs to those that Pushkin, in his History of the Village of Goryukhin, described as being composed by “soldiers, clerks and boyar servants.” As you can see, the mediocrity of the hero is repeatedly noted in the course of the story. He does not strike us either with a brilliant mind, or with extraordinary aspirations, or with strong passions. That's not his attraction.

    Take care of honor from a young age ...

    A. S. Pushkin

    One of my favorite pieces of Russian classical literature- the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". The writing of the story was preceded by many years of work by the author, who studied the history of the popular uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev, listened to the songs and stories of his contemporaries. It turned out great piece of art, main character whom Petr Andreevich Grinev.

    At the beginning of the story, this is a minor, chasing pigeons with yard boys, living carelessly in the family of a landowner. Petrushenka was spoiled, he was not seriously engaged in science, but he dreamed of serving in St. Petersburg. Contrary to his wishes, the father sends the young man not to the city on the Neva, but to the distant Orenburg province. The father, who faithfully served the Fatherland, wanted to see his son as a real man, and not a life-burner. Before leaving, Pyotr Grinev hears a parting word from his parent "to preserve honor from a young age."

    The further events described by A. S. Pushkin are serious life tests that form the personality of the hero. He shows nobility and gratitude at the inn, generously rewarding the escort for salvation in the snowy steppe. Honor and dignity do not allow Pyotr Andreevich not to pay off for the loss with Zurin. In the Belogorsk fortress, having met the family of Captain Mironov, Pyotr Andreevich became a welcome guest in the commandant's house, showing intelligence, respect and correctness. Having fallen in love with Masha Mironova, the young man goes to a duel with Shvarin, who discredited the name of his beloved. In a peaceful remote fortress, we see how the hero changes, how he shows the best human qualities and wins our respect.

    The peasant war led by Emelyan Pugachev dramatically changed the lives of all participants in the events and put the young officer in front of moral choice. When I read episodes of the story describing the behavior of the garrison after the fall of the Belogorsk fortress, I sincerely admired Grinev's courage and his decision not to swear allegiance to the impostor. He knew perfectly well that the gallows awaited him. But he could not betray the empress and was determined to remain true to his military duty to the end. A hare coat given to an escort at an inn saved the life of a young officer. Pugachev did not execute him because he found out.

    And from that moment begins a special relationship between Pugachev and Grinev. I think that the moral qualities of the hero: courage, loyalty to military duty, decency, honesty - made it possible to win respect in the eyes of Emelyan Pugachev himself. The fugitive Cossack and the Russian officer, of course, could not become friends, but good relations between them arose. Pugachev, at the request of Pyotr Andreevich, saves Masha from Shvabrin and sets her free. The hero is grateful to him for this, but refuses to swear allegiance. I am sure honesty, uncompromisingness, sincerity of the officer and bribed the impostor.

    Having passed all the tests, risking his life, Pyotr Grinev did not sully his honor like Alexei Shvabrin. For this I deeply respect him. He fulfilled his father's parting words and became a real Russian officer. In the story, A. S. Pushkin showed us how the personality of a young officer was formed, how his character was tempered, and his outlook on life changed. Grinev, making mistakes, gained invaluable experience, which allowed him to become brave and courageous, able to protect both his Motherland and his beloved. The author is proud of his hero and rewards him with personal happiness with Masha Mironova. It seems interesting to me that the narration of events comes from the face of the aged Pyotr Andreevich, who leaves notes to his descendants. The notes contain an idea expressed decades ago by his father: “Take care of honor from a young age!”

    I consider the story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" one of the works that are important and necessary for modern youth. We can find answers to many life questions in it. And most importantly - remember that honor must be protected from a young age!

    Aug 10 2010

    The son of a landowner, Grinev was educated at home according to the custom of that time - first under the guidance of an uncle, then - a Frenchman Beaupré, a hairdresser by profession. Grinev's father, imperious to the point of tyranny, but honest, alien to seeking before the highest ranks, wanted to see in his son a real nobleman, as he understood it. Looking at military service as the duty of a nobleman, old Grinev sends his son not to the guard. And in the army, so that he "pulled the strap", became a disciplined soldier. Saying goodbye to Peter, the old man gave him instructions, in which he expressed his understanding of the service: “Serve faithfully to whom you swear allegiance; obey the bosses; do not chase after their affection; do not ask for service, do not dissuade from service, and remember the proverb: take care of the dress again, and honor from youth.

    Pyotr Grinev seeks to fulfill his father's precepts. During the defense of the fortress, he behaves like a brave officer, honestly fulfilling his duty. On the offer to enter his service, Grinev, after a moment's hesitation, resolutely refuses. “My head is in your power,” he said to Pugachev: “let me go - thank you; If you execute, God will judge you." Pugachev liked Grinev's directness and sincerity and endeared him to the generous leader of the insurgent people.

    However, duty did not always win in Grinev's soul. His behavior in Orenburg is determined not by the duty of an officer, but by a feeling of love for Masha Mironova. Violating military discipline, he arbitrarily goes to the Belogorsk fortress to save his beloved girl. And only after releasing her, moreover, with the help of Pugachev, he again returns to the army, joining the Zurin detachment.

    But by nature, Grinev is soft and kind. He is just and admits to himself his frivolity. Feeling guilty before Savelich, he asks his forgiveness, gives his word to continue to obey his uncle. Grinev loves Savelich. At the risk of his life, he tries to help Savelich out when he fell into the hands of the Pugachevites of the Berdskaya Sloboda. Grinev is gullible and poorly versed in people of this type, like Shvabrin. Grinev has sincere and deep love for Masha. He is drawn to the simple and good Mironov family.

    Despite the noble prejudice against Pugachev, he sees in him an intelligent, courageous, generous person, a defender of the poor and orphans. “Why not tell the truth? - Grinev writes in his notes. - At that moment, strong sympathy attracted me to him. I ardently wished ... to save his HEAD ... "

    The image of Grinev is given in development. His character traits develop and gradually reveal themselves to the reader. His behavior in each case is psychologically motivated. Of the representatives of the nobility depicted in the story, he is the only positive person, although he remains, in his views and convictions, the son of his time and his class.

    Need a cheat sheet? Then save it - "Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the main character of the story. Literary writings!

    Pyotr Grinev is the hero of the story "The Captain's Daughter", on behalf of whom the story is being told. The image of Grinev is a continuation of the theme of an ordinary person, an "insignificant hero", begun in 1830 by "The House in Kolomna" and "Belkin's Tales". The son of a Simbirsk landowner, who has been living on his estate for many years without a break, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev grew up and was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-local life, imbued with a folk spirit. Pictures of his childhood, education, upbringing, painted with irony, sometimes stand on the verge of caricature and somewhat resemble the famous comedy of Fonvizin. And the hero himself admits that he grew up “undersized”.
    It is also significant that the father of the hero, Andrei Petrovich, this disgraced aristocrat, who once served under Count Minich and, apparently, was forced to retire after the coup of 1762, is a detail that had a kindred and personal meaning for Pushkin. The fate of Grinev, the senior "nobleman in the bourgeoisie", is typical, according to Pushkin, for a time when the old nobility loses its significance, becomes poorer, turns into a "kind of the third state" and thus into a potentially rebellious force.
    The best features of Grinev are due to his origin and upbringing, his unmistakable moral instinct is clearly manifested in moments of trials, decisive turns of fate and help him to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. The hero has the nobility to ask for forgiveness from the serf - the devoted uncle Savelich, he immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul, the moral integrity of Masha Mironova, firmly deciding to marry her, he quickly discerned the nature of Shvabrin. In a fit of gratitude, he without hesitation gives a hare sheepskin coat to the oncoming “counselor”, and most importantly, he knows how to discern an outstanding personality in the formidable rebel Pugachev, to pay tribute to his justice and generosity. Finally, he manages to maintain humanity, honor and loyalty to himself in the conditions of a cruel and inhuman internecine war. Grinev equally unacceptable elements of "Russian rebellion, senseless and merciless", and formalism, soulless coldness of the official, bureaucratic world, which is especially clearly manifested in the scenes of the military council and court.
    Moreover, finding himself in a critical situation, Grinev is rapidly changing, growing spiritually and morally. Yesterday's undergrowth of the nobility, he prefers death to the slightest deviation from the dictates of duty and honor, refuses the oath to Pugachev and any compromises with him. On the other hand, during the trial, again risking his life, he does not consider it possible to name Masha Mironova, rightly fearing that she will be subjected to humiliating interrogation. Defending his right to happiness, Grinev commits a recklessly bold, desperate act. After all, the unauthorized trip he made to the “rebellious settlement” was doubly dangerous: he not only risked being captured by the Pugachevites, but put his career, well-being, good name, and honor at stake. Grinev's action, forced by the irresponsibility and passivity of the command, indifference to the fate of the daughter of the heroically deceased captain Mironov, posed a direct challenge to official circles.
    It was in this hero that Pushkin reflected his views on Pugachevism ...

    The image of Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" (version 2)

    Grinev Petr Andreevich - the main character of the last major work A.S. Pushkin, the story "The Captain's Daughter". Grinev is a provincial Russian nobleman, an officer of the Catherine's army, on his behalf Pushkin narrates.

    Pyotr Andreevich Grinev is the son of a Simbirsk landowner who has been living on his estate for many years. He was brought up in an atmosphere of provincial-local life, imbued with the spirit of the common people. Grinev steps on the road of life as an inexperienced youth of 17 years old, but life's trials make him a personality, consolidating what he learned from his parental home: loyalty to duty, honor, kindness and nobility. The best features of Grinev are due to his origin and upbringing, his unmistakable moral instinct is clearly manifested in moments of trials, which helps him to get out of the most difficult situations with honor. The hero has the nobility to ask for forgiveness from the serf - the devoted uncle Savelich, Grinev immediately managed to appreciate the purity of the soul and the moral integrity of Masha Mironova, he quickly figured out the base nature of Shvabrin.

    From the very early years Parents have a very strong influence on how the character and views of the child were formed. They were honest and decent people who had seen a lot in their lives. Thanks to his parents, Petrusha (as his relatives called him) fell in love with Russia from childhood, he knew what loyalty to duty and the word that you gave meant. The younger Grinev respected older people, was brave and strove for justice. The father, when he sent his son to serve in the army, first of all wants Peter to grow into a real soldier, and not become a dissolute varmint, a rake and a spender. Grinev Sr. believes that his son can become a brave and noble person.

    The father helps to mark Peter's landmarks in this life, telling him to serve faithfully to whom he swore allegiance. He said to obey the bosses, but they don’t chase after affection and don’t ask for service. Petrusha should not be dissuaded from the service, and the main dress must be protected while it is new and honor while you are young. Those lessons that Petr Grinev received were not in vain for him. When he lived in the Belogorsk fortress, he showed himself to be a brave officer and very a good man and a comrade who values ​​honor above all else.

    Grinev risks his life with a sword in his hand when he defends the honor of Masha Mironova. She was slandered by the hypocritical and cowardly Shvabrin. We discover a new side of the enamored Petr Grinev. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of his beloved being happy. Grinev is an ardent and very gentle admirer. Peter Grinev shows how strong he is in spirit, his decency and courage. Fate did not break him, he did not renounce his views. Grinev's character is more and more tempered. Pushkin's hero discovered real life values.

    The father, in order to teach him something worthwhile, sends him to the service with the order "Take care of honor from a young age." And Peter, in spite of everything, fulfilled this order. Before the eyes of readers, Pyotr Grinev grows from an inexperienced young man into a strong and courageous young man who can become an example to follow, because he has all the qualities that are valued in a person.

    The image of Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" (version 3)

    The story of A. S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" is unique and interesting in that the fates of heroes with different characters are intertwined in it. In fact, this historical tale describing the rebellion of that time. But on the other hand, there are notes of pure, sincere, light and bright love in the story. This feeling flares up with a bright fire and continues to burn throughout the story, warming the soul of the reader.
    Do we know Peter Grinev? familiar. This is the main character of the story. Perhaps Pushkin invested in the creation of the image all the most honest, noble, kind and correct. Grinev's character and personality were "built" by his father, Andrey Petrovich Grinev. Andrei Petrovich is a former military man. His personality is reminiscent of his son. The same honest, kind, open and sincere. Military service Peter's father ended quickly, because he did not want to be dependent on anyone and "beg for" ranks, as many did. In his son, he brought up the most noble qualities inherent in man.
    Soon Petya was seventeen years old. The father was worried about future life son and began to choose a worthy place for him to serve. Peter himself raved about St. Petersburg, he imagined the service there bright and interesting. But contrary to Petya's dreams, Andrei Petrovich chose his service near Orenburg, where Peter met his future love. Having collected things, Peter left, remembering the words of his father: "Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age." And so he bore the meaning of this instruction throughout his life.
    In Orenburg, new heroes are added to the reader's attention. This is a commandant, a brave and correct man, loyal to Empress Catherine II. His wife, Vasilisa Yegorovna, is a fatal and wise woman. The commandant's daughter, Masha Mironova, is a modest and shy girl. Evil Shvabrin, the same age as Peter, is a dark, vile and cynical personality.
    The nobility of the nobleman and the character of the father are manifested in Grinev more and more. I was especially impressed by the duel played between Shvabrin and Peter. Shvabrin publicly insulted and slandered Masha, but Grinev, like a true nobleman, defended the honor of the girl. The result of the duel - Peter is wounded, and Shvabrin is the winner, but what a! The unfortunate coward who struck from behind. This fact indicates the cowardice, meanness and insensitivity of this person.
    I really liked this story. The personality of Pyotr Grinev is especially pronounced here. He does not possess heroic strength and dodgy mind. But he is sincere, open, naive. That is why it evokes sympathy in the reader. He does not know how to pretend, be hypocritical, even wanting to save his life. This is the manifestation of true nobility, strength of character.