How to restore the nervous system is a question that worries many. The modern rhythm of life requires people to be fully committed in many matters. Personal life, family, work, study and many other activities are associated with emotional overload, so it is not surprising that after a while a process of stagnation sets in. A person needs emotional rest, and its absence threatens with serious consequences, in which one rest will not be enough.

Causes of overvoltage: when you need help

To begin with, it should be said about the reasons that lead to nervous disorders. This may be due to pathologies in the functioning of brain cells, which requires appropriate treatment. A common cause is poor ecology, which has a negative effect on the nervous system.

In other situations, the cause of nervous exhaustion is the person himself.. Not proper nutrition has a bad effect on the functioning of the brain, and as a result, suffers. The same consequences have low physical activity. Fatigue of the body and severe physical exhaustion leads to nervous exhaustion, which indicates the interconnection of all body systems.

Well, the main factor without which life is impossible modern man- Prolonged stressful conditions.

A similar situation is aggravated by various kinds of stimulants that allow a person to cheer up and be in good shape for a certain time. Adaptogens, coffee or tea, the use of energy drinks - all this gives an invigorating effect, but at the same time has a negative effect on the nervous system.

Smoking, on the contrary, is a depressing factor for the nervous system, helping to relax the body and gain peace. However, most people who use tobacco products simply do not suspect that they are calmed by the habit, and not by the process of smoking. Tobacco, on the contrary, helps the nervous system to go into an exhausted state. Such unresolved influences lead to a person.

The body begins to actively warn its owner about possible problems. This is manifested in a feeling of anxiety, a person becomes restless. There is also a feeling of insecurity in a person, he is afraid of unforeseen situations, he believes that he will not be able to eliminate them. This condition can lead to loss of sleep and worsening of the general condition.

A person with an exhausted nervous system begins to be too cautious. Within reasonable limits, this is not a pathology, but in those moments when this becomes paranoid, it should be concluded that there are obvious problems in a person. Indifference to everything that happens increases, doubtfulness becomes more, first of all, in oneself and one's own strengths.

At the moment, there is an opinion that nerve cells cannot be restored. It is worth noting the fallacy of this statement, since if this were true, then a person would fall into senile insanity already in early years. Nevertheless, it must be clarified that the regeneration of nerve cells is slower than that of other body systems.

It does not take much effort to create conditions that can stimulate cell renewal. A person needs to adhere to elementary rules that will reduce the likelihood of problems after stress. This concerns not so much the normalization of the daily regimen and nutrition, but the revision of one's beliefs and attitude to life. It is important to prioritize correctly, not allowing overestimation of certain aspects.

Having dealt with your attitude to life, you need to move on to the actions themselves, with the help of which you can restore the nervous system. The first rule concerns the normalization of sleep patterns. Sleep is an important part of human life. During sleep, the body is restored, the replacement of damaged cells. Such a proverb as “the morning is wiser than the evening” was not born by chance - it well reflects the meaning of sleep in our lives.

To sleep was useful and healthy, you must follow the rules. It is important not to overwork yourself during the working day. Fatigue literally knocks a person off his feet, but this is not entirely true. Overtired, you can earn a sleep disorder, as a result of which you will not be able to fall asleep normally, and the body will be tired the next day.

The bed should be comfortable, not too soft or hard. It is important not to eat a lot before bed. The influx of fresh air has a beneficial effect on the human body, so it is important to ventilate the bedroom or sleep with an open window in the summer.

Proper nutrition is of great importance for the body. Thanks to him, the human body receives the necessary components for life. Their absence entails problems for the nervous system: a person becomes irritable, gets tired quickly and cannot withstand stress.

Of considerable importance are frequent walks, especially in the fresh air. This is beneficial from several sides: the brain receives an influx of fresh air, and a person can relax at this time, since such walks help to calm down, a person can be distracted from negative thoughts. If there is a feeling that a nervous breakdown is close, you should take a day off or vacation.

Favorably affects the alternation of several types of activities. After a hard day's work, you can take up a garden or personal plot, if any, and then move on to reading literature or solving crossword puzzles. It should be noted that it is also necessary to alternate rest with some activity.

A favorite pastime or hobby favorably affects the emotional background. It promotes relaxation, a set of positive emotions from your favorite business. It is important to have a positive attitude, to overcome the existing difficulties and perceive them from a positive side.

Folk remedies for the nervous system

Traditional medicine will also help restore nerves at home. They can have both a calming effect and a healing effect. For example, mint tea has a positive effect. To do this, you need to take a branch of mint, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. Drink the drink should be warm, it is recommended to do this before going to bed.

A mixture of several plants has a beneficial effect. For example, motherwort, peony and valerian, if taken in equal amounts and brewed, will help to get in order and calm down. Alcohol-based tinctures with medicinal plants also have a positive effect.

To strengthen and normalize the functioning of the nervous system, tea based on St. John's wort, oregano and thyme is well suited. Valerian, motherwort and hawthorn tinctures, which should be taken before meals 3 times a day, also have a positive effect.

In addition to drinks, there are also forms of treatment such as baths, which will also help restore the nervous system. Coniferous trees are especially good. To prepare a bath, you must use Pine cones and needles, approximately 0.5 kg. These components should be poured with boiling water in a volume of 4 liters, then put on fire and kept in this state for 90 minutes. Next, the resulting mixture is poured into a bath filled with water, and immersed inside.

Sleep is a necessary component of human life, and due to nervous disorders, insomnia can occur. Warm milk with honey will help to cope with it. Take the drug should be shortly before bedtime.

A mixture of lemon, honey, dried apricots, walnuts and dried fruits has a stimulating effect. All components must be mixed and passed through a meat grinder, then add a little honey. The drug is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.

Honey has a lot useful properties positively affecting most human systems. Mixing honey with beets will make a good stress reliever. A remedy made from honey and garlic has a similar effect. To prepare it, you need to take 250 g of honey, but only liquid, add the same amount of grated garlic and let the composition brew for 1 week. The mixture should be consumed before meals, 1 tablespoon per day.


How to treat and restore the nervous system when using the drug method? Very simple. The main thing is to choose the right drug. However, it should be noted that the use of such a method in the early stages of nervous exhaustion is undesirable. In most cases, when problems with nerves appear, you can cope on your own.

The drug method is suitable for those situations in which problems are in an advanced stage. It is important to consult your doctor before taking any medication.

Sleeping pills are used to normalize sleep. At the initial stage of the problem, over-the-counter drugs are suitable. These include Melaxen. In the absence of the desired result, Somnol or Zopiclone is used. They can be taken no longer than 1 month.

To improve resistance to stressful situations, Adaptol should be taken. The course of treatment is 20 days. To support the work of nerve cells, nootropic agents are used: Piracetam, Olatropil, Nootropil. Fluoxetine and Amitriptyline are antidepressants and allow you to bounce back after severe depression.

In order for the result to be complete, complex therapy is used, in which vitamins are used. They are essential for nervous tissue. Of particular importance are the vitamins of group B: Milgamma, Neuromultivit and Neurovitan.

The use of vitamins

Do not immediately ask yourself how to treat? In many cases, you can cope with the current situation on your own, simply by drinking a course of vitamins and putting your affairs in order. However, there is a large supply of valuable and useful substances that people often forget about: natural sources of vitamins and minerals. These include food, including fruits and vegetables.

The best natural remedy for depression is vitamin A. It slows down the aging process and helps the body avoid premature wear and tear. It is found in beef (boiled or stewed), butter, baked potatoes or raw carrots. Dried or fresh peaches and apricots are also a source of this vitamin.

B vitamins, especially B1, B6, B12, improve memory and attention, help restore vigor and good mood, protect the brain from negative influences and slow down the aging process. They are found in oatmeal, seaweed, beef liver, bananas, white bread, oranges, pork, oysters, tuna, halibut, yogurt and ice cream.

The main vitamin of the human body - vitamin C - protects the nervous system from overload. In addition, it promotes the production of stress-fighting hormones. It is found in tomatoes, spinach, lemons and oranges, watermelons, bell peppers and cabbage.

Vitamin D is not only a bone builder that strengthens them. It also affects the nervous system, ensuring its viability. The fact is that the vitamin is responsible for fixing calcium, and the latter just has a beneficial effect on the nerves. It is found in fish oils, chicken yolks, and butters and cheeses.

Vitamin E helps to make the thinking process clear and precise, allows the body to recover from loads of a different nature, including intellectual ones. It is found in vegetable oils, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds.

Thus, the treatment of the nervous system must begin when the first signals of the body appear.

To normalize the work of the nerves, you should rest more often, alternate activities, eat right and treat everything easier.

Severe stress leaves an imprint on the state of the body and even leads to neurosis after stress. Just do not confuse strong stress with daily unpleasant situations that spoil your mood and cause fatigue, nervous tension, which is easily relieved by taking a bath, relaxing massage and watching your favorite series. It is very important to know how to restore the nervous system after an experienced shock, traumatic event and prevent depression.

The state of mind of any of us depends on the quality of human life. When everything goes well, everything is harmonious in the family, successful at work, then minor troubles are simply not noticed. Negative situations do not clog thoughts, complicating life and harming the body and daily well-being.

Before you figure out how to restore the nerves, you need to know the origin of the disease. This may be due to disorders in the functioning of the nerve cells of the brain, requiring serious treatment. The most common reason is the poor environmental situation in the region of residence, which leads to nervous exhaustion of the body. This is the only reason that does not depend on the patient himself, he creates all the rest himself:

  • unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system;
  • low physical activity, sedentary work, low mobility during the day. In this regard, the body constantly feels tired and lacks strength, which subsequently also results in nervous exhaustion;
  • prolonged stressful situations, which has a constant overwhelming effect on the nervous system.

Various stimulants can only aggravate an already deplorable situation. They give a person strength and vigor only for a short time.

The use of energy drinks, strong tea or coffee also gives only a temporary effect of a surge of strength, but the nervous system still suffers.

Smoking depresses the nervous system. Relaxing the body and giving it peace, nicotine slowly depletes the body's nerve cells and causes irreparable harm. Tobacco products really help to calm down for a while, but a person does not understand that it is not the process that soothes, but the habit of the body.

Gradually, nervous exhaustion makes itself felt, and the body begins to give alarm signals. The person may experience anxiety, feelings of anxiety and fear. He is not confident in his abilities, he tries to avoid awkward situations and unpleasant conversations, but he does not succeed. In this state, restful sleep is lost, malfunctions inside the body begin their external manifestation in the form of dry skin, pallor of the face, dark circles under the eyes, etc.

Very often there is apathy, indifference to life, lack of interest in everything that happens around, self-doubt.

Symptoms of the disease

The process of restoring the nervous system is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • anxiety and feelings of unease. The problems that arise lead a person into a stupor, it seems to him that these situations are unsolvable, and he cannot do anything with them. Because of this, nervous tension increases, a person is in a state of constant stress. At night, he is tormented by nightmares, he cannot sleep from restless thoughts, inadequate behavior is manifested;
  • doubt. Afraid to do something on their own, a person doubts his abilities and blames the people around him for this. He is looking for an excuse for himself, does not trust the others. In the process of such a state, paranoia may develop;
  • indecision. In situations where it is necessary to show stamina and willpower, a person lets everything take its course, he is afraid to be responsible for something, it is easier to follow someone else's order or instruction than to be responsible for his own actions;
  • fear. There is simply a pathological fear of doing something wrong and harming oneself or others. There remains complete inaction;
  • lack of energy and indifference. Just so that no one disturbs these people, they want to leave everything as it is. They don't care what happens, due to lack of power they can't change anything.

Preventive measures

In order not to have to restore nervous exhaustion, you can prevent these problems and protect yourself from this ailment. Restoration of the nervous system is not required if:

  • visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo regular medical examinations;
  • follow the rules of proper nutrition;
  • in the most vulnerable periods, maintain immunity with the help of vitamins;
  • go in for sports, do morning exercises daily;
  • stop the abuse of alcohol and smoking;
  • give yourself more rest, be distracted from work more often;
  • avoid overwork and stressful situations.

Nerve recovery

Restore the nervous system at home and reduce signs of nervous disorders. There are several simple ways:

  1. Sleep is the first thing you need to restore the body's strength.
  2. Vacation. If nervous exhaustion has brought you to the point where apathy for everything around you arises, you need to be distracted. Just do not lie on the couch for two weeks, but take sunbaths on the seashore or travel, exploring new corners of the planet and learning a sea of ​​new fascinating information.
  3. Hobby. If it is not possible to take a vacation, you need to find something to your liking: beadwork, design, diluting the monotonous gray life with something new.
  4. Sports. You don’t need to put a lot of stress on your body, it’s enough to start with something light. The best option that has a restorative effect is yoga. Such exercises will help relieve physical stress and moral.
  5. water procedures. How to recover with water? It's simple: a pool, a river, the sea, a bathhouse or a sauna - all this will help you calm down, relax and give you an emotional charge.

Medical management of symptoms of exhaustion

After the stress experienced, antidepressants will help to recover, but they are prescribed as a last resort, when the body has been exposed to negativity for a long time.

For the normal functioning of the central nervous system, neotropic drugs are prescribed. To normalize restless sleep - sleeping pills. But these pills should not be taken for longer than a month, otherwise they are addictive and do not have the desired effect.

In most cases, you can deal with this problem yourself by resorting to a course of vitamins and minerals that will put the nerves in order and give the body vitality. And it is not necessary in this case to use multivitamin complexes and synthetic agents. Many nutrients can be obtained from food. Vitamins without which the nerve cells of the body suffer are vitamins A, B, C, D and E.

Folk remedies

At home, advice from traditional healers can also help restore the central nervous system. They will not only help to calm down, but also cure existing problems. Peppermint tea has a calming effect. The tea recipe is simple: pour boiling water over a sprig of mint and let it stand for a couple of minutes. There are no restrictions on the use of such tea, but it is better to drink it before bedtime.

Plants such as peony, valerian, and motherwort also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. They are also brewed as a tea and consumed for sedation. Tinctures of these herbs will also be effective.

In addition to drinks, you can use therapeutic baths. The best option for such therapy are coniferous trees.

It is necessary to deal with the treatment of such conditions from the appearance of the first symptoms, otherwise then recovery may be delayed for a long time.

In a constantly changing world, control over all processes of the human body is carried out by the nervous system. It is divided into central and vegetative. The first is responsible for the perception of the outside world.

The second is for control over the system of internal organs.

The vegetative system is functionally divided into:

  • Sympathetic. It manifests itself in the process of activating the body and is responsible for its mobilization;
  • Parasympathetic. Controls relaxation and restoration of vital energy;
  • Metasympathetic. Carries out communication and integration of internal organs among themselves. Acts as an intermediary between the 2 previous systems.

Among the world's population, 20 percent are faced with disorders of the autonomic nervous system, namely, with the question of how to restore it. However, not all of them know how to do it in order to live fully.

Manifestations of a nervous system disorder

People with a strong nervous system easily overcome any troubles and difficulties that arise on life path. Its violations are found in the form of physical manifestations. At the same time, a person feels apathy, lethargy, various kinds of ailments.

System disruptions are affected by:

  • pathologies in the work of brain cells;
  • malnutrition;
  • bad ecology;
  • exhaustion and fatigue of the body;
  • prolonged stressful state;
  • physical inactivity.

Artificial stimulants like coffee, tea or adaptogens only make things worse. After them, there is a weakening of the already meager internal reserves. If provoking factors are not eliminated, the nervous system is depleted. The body begins to give signals.

How does this manifest itself:

  • Restlessness and anxiety. It seems to a person that he is not able to cope with the problems that arise. Begins to get nervous, unforeseen situations cause stress. Often this is accompanied by inappropriate behavior, insomnia. Life turns into a nightmare;
  • Indolence and indecisiveness. The desire to let everything take its course or to carry out other people's commands and decrees is preferable to independent actions;
  • Doubtfulness. Doubting his own abilities, a person begins to blame others for the failures that occur. This is his justification. He does not believe in the sincerity of other people in relation to himself. Something similar to paranoia;
  • Caution. Within reason, this is not a problem. In this case, we are talking about pathological caution. It is better to do nothing at all than to fail;
  • Indifference. Exhausted people come to terms with everything that happens. They don't even think about changing things. It's better for them to keep things the same. The main thing is that no one pestered. This is accompanied by chronic fatigue.

Restorative abilities of the body

The human body is perfect. He has an amazing ability to self-regulate. The statement about the inability of nerve cells to recover is erroneous. In fact, their death and renewal is carried out regularly. In the process of stress, there is a consumption of substances that ensure the interaction of nerve cells. What leads to their deficiency.

Because of this, the disease becomes chronic. It is important to know that the same consumption is only to a lesser extent effective in any mental processes. Deficiency of substances occurs with an excess of emotions and impressions. As a result, the perception of what is happening is disturbed.

How to restore the nervous system yourself

As soon as there are obvious signs of problems, you should act immediately. There are several tips on how to restore nerves without resorting to the help of specialists. Unless, of course, we are not talking about neglected cases in which one cannot cope without outside help. What ways of self-regulation will help?

Among the measures to restore well-being, the normalization of sleep plays an important role. To make it complete, you should not eat less than 3 hours before going to bed. It is undesirable to take active steps before this or watch exciting videos. It is better to relax, listen to light music or read.

Rational nutrition is the key to health. This is better than any diet, especially since they can provoke stress and then you have to think about how to restore your nerves after that. Be sure to include foods rich in calcium, silenium and vitamin B group in the diet.

The state of the human body largely depends on breathing. Preference is given to diaphragmatic breathing, which helps to calm and normalize the work of all organs. You can use yoga exercises.

Good stimulation and restoration of the nervous system is provided by dousing with water. It should be cool in the morning. You can take a contrast shower. In the evening, warm baths have a beneficial effect.

Physical activity helps to strengthen the whole body. Daily walking at a fast pace promotes deep breathing, improves blood circulation. All this has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Engage in oriental techniques that promote the healing of the whole body: meditation, yoga, auto-training, etc.

Folk methods of restoring the nervous system

The question is often asked in what ways to restore the nervous system and is it possible to do this at home? To calm the body and cope with the disorder, folk remedies are used.

Peppermint tea has a beneficial effect. A sprig of a plant is brewed with boiling water. When the infusion becomes warm, it is enough to drink half a glass before going to bed.

A mixture of equal proportions of motherwort, valerian, and peony herbs helps to calm down well. You can use alcohol tinctures of plants.

Tea from thyme, oregano and St. John's wort normalizes and strengthens the nervous system.

Soothing pine baths help to relax. Pine needles and cones are used. Half a kilo of the mixture is poured into 4 liters of boiling water. Put on fire and boil for 1.5 hours. Used for baths at night.

Despite the ability of self-regulation, the nervous system should be protected. Failures that occur when it is weakened lead to diseases. Therefore, it is better to prevent trouble than to think about how to eliminate it later.

Good day my dear readers. The assertion that nerve cells do not regenerate is common, but erroneous. Regeneration of nervous tissue occurs in the same way as other cells, only more slowly. Today we will try to figure out how to restore nerves in order to help your body quickly bounce back after stress, injury or diseases of the nervous system.

Nerve damage due to trauma

When struck with a blunt object, wounded by a piece of glass, stab wounds, bone fractures, compression by a tumor, damage to the nerve fiber can occur. They are:

  • closed - concussion, compression, bruise without skin damage;
  • open - with gunshot or cut wounds.

With mild damage, changes affect only the myelin sheath: motor impairment and loss of sensation are restored after two weeks. With concussion, nerve injury, hemorrhages, small ruptures of the membrane are possible. In this case, the functions of the damaged nerve are compensated for within 30-40 days.

With a complete rupture of the nerve trunk during open injuries, surgical intervention is required, which must be carried out 1-2 days after injury. Even with timely treatment, scar tissue forms at the site of the rupture, which can lead to disability due to impaired functions.

Nerve plastic surgery is possible in two ways:

  • connection of the ends of the nerve bundle;
  • replacement of the defect with the tissue of one's own nerves.

After the operation, it is necessary to restore the movement of blood and lymph. For this, in addition to medications, they use:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • active movements.

A large role in strengthening muscles and ligaments belongs to physiotherapy exercises. Gymnastics relieves muscle stiffness caused by paralysis, and also accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues.

At the very beginning, you should perform passive exercises, it is good to use gymnastic equipment - dumbbells, balls, jump ropes. Gradually make movements more actively, with increasing amplitude. Therapeutic exercise, carried out in the pool, gives a greater effect.

Rehabilitation under the supervision of an experienced instructor or doctor will help you quickly return to an active lifestyle.

Inflammation of the nerves

Inflammation of the nerve endings or neuritis can be localized anywhere: in the arms, legs, solar plexus, eyes, ear canal, face and neck. Symptoms depend on which nerve is affected, but there are common signs that are characteristic of all inflammations:

  1. Pain along the nerve;
  2. Loss of sensation, tingling, numbness;
  3. Muscle weakness, to complete atrophy of muscle tissue;
  4. Failure of the internal organs.

The causes of neuritis can be infectious or colds, hypothermia, lack of vitamins or poisoning with toxic substances.

Neuritis of the facial nerve

With this disease, one half of the face is affected: the corner of the mouth, eyebrows, eye almost does not blink, lips move poorly, facial asymmetry develops, taste changes.

Restoring the facial nerve is completely possible in 90% of cases. At the same time, in addition to drugs that restore nerves, physical methods of treatment are prescribed:

  • patients are advised to sleep on the affected side;
  • tie a scarf to tighten the muscles, restore symmetry to the face;
  • stretching the face with adhesive tape.

Therapeutic gymnastics for mimic muscles consists in tension and relaxation. To do this, raise and lower the eyebrows, puff out the cheeks, curl the lips with a tube, and close the eyes. Speaking aloud the sounds U, O, A, I, P, C is necessary in any free time.

Inflammation of the optic nerve

Symptoms of the disease occur acutely and suddenly with acute or chronic infections, during pregnancy, trauma, meningitis, diabetes. There are pain when moving the eye, as well as:

  • flashes or flickering lights;
  • reduced or complete loss of visibility;
  • violation of color perception;
  • the pupil of the diseased eye expands, becomes motionless.

How to restore the optic nerve? Mild forms are treated quickly, vision is fully restored, in a severe stage, complete or partial loss of vision is possible. How to restore the optic nerve without the use of drugs? This is possible with minor damage, if, nevertheless, the doctor prescribes treatment, then the list of drugs includes antibiotics, vitamins, hormones.

Neuritis of the optic nerve in a mild stage can be treated with folk remedies. Aloe juice is diluted with boiled water 1: 5, moisten cotton swabs with the resulting solution and apply to the eyes.

Brew nettle leaves with raspberries in a thermos, after the tea is infused, you need to drink it in small portions throughout the day. This drink can also be used to apply tampons to the eyes.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is the largest and longest. When it is compressed in the lower back or sacral region, inflammation occurs, as well as (sciatica), which occurs with osteochondrosis or herniated discs.

The pain syndrome is localized in the lower back, can move to the gluteal muscles, legs, reach the toes. Patients complain of burning, numbness or decreased sensitivity, sometimes it is difficult to make the slightest movement, bend the knees, raise the feet, it is difficult to sit, lie down.

How to restore the sciatic nerve? Treatment of the disease should be carried out in a complex. Along with drug treatment to relieve inflammation, pain is prescribed by physiotherapy, massage, topical agents, and mud therapy. It should not be forgotten that any manipulations are carried out after the acute pain symptom subsides.

Nerve recovery after stress overload

Stress is a state of physical or emotional tension that occurs in an extreme situation. In episodic conditions, nerves can be restored with sleep, as well as good rest. In frequently recurring situations, the restoration of nerves and psyche can take a long time.

Which organs are most affected by stress?

  • heart and blood vessels (possible heart attacks, strokes);
  • organs of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, ulcer);
  • the entire nervous system is affected (insomnia, neuroses);
  • weakens the immune system.

After severe stress, you need to use medications. Such situations include:

  • a threat to the life of oneself and loved ones;
  • sudden theft or loss;
  • dismissal from work;
  • constant scandals in the family, at work;
  • an attack of a serious illness;
  • catastrophic employment, lack of time for important tasks;
  • information stress of the body;

At the moment of strong emotions, the body produces the hormone adrenaline, it causes a rush of blood to the head, heart, while human strength increases several times, which allows you to set records in difficult situations. When adrenaline is produced, actions must take place: to enter into a struggle is provided for by nature.

If a person does not do anything at this moment, adrenaline begins to have a devastating effect, reserve forces are depleted. The loss of the meaning of life in chronic overexertion leads to depletion of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Can you learn to manage stress? How to calm your nerves and restore the psyche? I recommend watching the following tutorial:

Medication treatment

Most often, tranquilizers are prescribed from medications, these drugs reduce anxiety, anxiety, a sense of fear, and have a sedative effect. The following medicines are used:

  • relanium, elenium, librium;
  • seduxen, diazepam, nitrazepam;
  • eunoctin;
  • radedorm;
  • tazepam, oxazepam;
  • trioxazine.

Pills that restore nerves eliminate the effects of stress, but do not affect the organs that adrenaline has damaged. In addition, drugs have contraindications, side effects, with prolonged use, addiction can occur, and for people whose activities are related to driving, they reduce reaction and coordination.

The most well-known drug based on plant and synthetic components is Novo-Passit. It is used in the following conditions:

  • irritability;
  • fear, anxiety;
  • distraction, fatigue;
  • mental stress, neurasthenia;
  • mild form of insomnia;
  • migraine with nervous exhaustion;

The composition of the drug includes lemon balm, hawthorn, St. John's wort, valerian, hops, elderberry. The synthetic component guaifenesin helps to restore nervous tissue.

Treatment with vitamins

With frequent stress, nervous breakdown at home, you can help yourself relieve headaches, weight jumps, digestive disorders caused by stressful situations, with the help of ordinary vitamins.

Nerve repair vitamins are best obtained from foods.

  1. Vitamin C - relieves depression, prevents stress. Ascorbic acid is found in citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, bell peppers, herbs, onions;
  2. B vitamins - affect nerve cells, strengthen the immune system, with a deficiency, irritability appears, sleep is disturbed, it may begin. Found in cereals and legumes, nuts, corn, bananas, potatoes, fish;
  3. Vitamin A - deficiency leads to depression, impaired sexual function. Retinol can be obtained from carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, apricots, peaches. It is also found in cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, seaweed, viburnum;
  4. Vitamin E - in women with its deficiency, reproductive function is impaired. Tocopherol is found in nuts, vegetable oil, turnips, spinach, beets, asparagus.

To fully compensate for the lack of vitamins, you can take vitamin complexes, in which the daily dose of all microelements is calculated. These complexes include:

  • complivit;
  • hexavit;
  • undevit;
  • gendevit;
  • invigorates;
  • neuromultivit.

In addition, with the help of vitamin complexes, it is possible to restore the child's nerves. For children, trace elements will help with stress on the psyche, with fatigue, drowsiness, as well as with a decrease in immunity. The body of a child, which is enriched with vitamins, is highly resistant to stress.

Treatment with tinctures

Neurasthenia, irritability, palpitations respond well to treatment with natural soothing herbs. Infused with an alcohol solution, they are an excellent cure for anxiety and stress. These drugs include:

  • tincture of valerian;
  • motherwort tincture;
  • St. John's wort tincture;
  • tincture of mint or lemon balm.

These funds help to eliminate irritability, anxiety, restlessness, normalize sleep, and restore a calm state. Tinctures help in case of constant unreasonable fear, as well as in case of nervous disorders in menopause.

So, we have found out that it is possible and even necessary to restore nerves. With the help of medications, you can stabilize brain activity, restore mental activity, normalize sleep, get rid of depression, drowsiness, lethargy.

If it is not possible to cope with stress on their own, relatives and friends should help the person and refer him to a qualified specialist.

First of all, it is worth understanding: what kind of damage to the nervous system is present in the patient. Severe lesions of the central nervous system, affecting the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, or other important centers, are treated only with medication. Damage to the lobes of the brain can occur due to vascular diseases, brain intoxication with alcohol decay products (acetaldehyde), with tumors and some other diseases, in particular encephalitis, syphilis, etc. In the case of diagnosis of such diseases, the patient is treated in hospital or at home, while using nootropic substances, antioxidants and other drugs.

Restoration of the nervous system with folk remedies

If the central nervous system was subject to strong physiological (alcohol, drugs) or psychological stresses that did not affect the brain, you can try vitamin therapy and treatment with folk remedies, in particular, medicinal herbs. For general recovery and relaxation, decoctions and teas with dried and fresh chamomile, mint, lemon balm, hawthorn and motherwort are suitable. Valerian tablets and drops can be used as a sedative and hypnotic. Baths with aromatic oils are an excellent way to relax. Coniferous (pine and cedar) oil has a relaxing effect, citrus oils (orange, tangerine, grapefruit) make a person more cheerful.

Restoration of the nervous system with the help of a psychologist or independently

If there is no organic damage to the nervous system, and the person is simply very tired from any events or a protracted illness, simple treatment options are best: consultations of a psychologist or psychotherapist (it is best to choose a person who specializes in the cause of a stressful condition, for example, in child-parent or partnerships).

Often, having worked with a psychologist a stressful situation or a problem that has affected the deterioration of the state of the nervous system, a person starts the recovery mechanism on his own. In addition, for the fastest recovery of the nervous system, the following actions are necessary: ​​a large number of walks in the fresh air and increased physical activity, in which more oxygen enters the brain (in turn, affecting the activity of nerve cells). You should also change your diet - remove alcohol from the food system, add foods containing calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, iron and vitamins of groups B and C. The latter improve the production of serotonin and serve as natural antidepressants.