Who said that growing indoor flowers is difficult and problematic? Do not seek advice from such a person ever again. And do not ask him why indoor geraniums do not bloom. What to do? He won't answer you either. But we will tell you what we will do now. We will discuss exactly the usual room, we do not touch the royal one. She needs a different kind of care. And competent care of a simple geranium will allow you to admire the flowering almost all year round. Go!

It blooms all year round, mainly in summer, with cultivation for all types of climates, blooming more in mild climates. For gardeners or vases as a pendant, it should be grown in place for at least 1 to 2 hours of sunshine. For gardeners, use 20 cm spacers between plants. Substrate cultivation with organic compost, animal fertilizer well tanned and sandy, for good drainage as it does not allow excessive moisture. We must always cut fennel flowers and dry leaves to avoid this, to stop the release of new buttons.

General principles

In natural natural conditions Geranium grows in rather harsh climatic conditions. And in the room, the owners spoil this fragrant beauty very much. So she uses kindness, fattening for her own pleasure. The greenery is increasing, but it is in no hurry to release buds. So, it is necessary to arrange a Spartan content for the dove. Then she will think that the hour of death is near, and she will rush to leave offspring. That is, bloom.

Watering should be regular, but not plentiful. Propagation by cutting young branches is cut at the bevel, passed in the rooting and placed in trays and placed in a place with a lower temperature, so the best season for this is at the end of winter.

Roots appear around 4 weeks old when they are removed from the community tray and placed in pots. Prepare the vessel substrate with gravel or vessel fragments at the bottom by placing wet sand followed by the substrate. Arrange 1 to 3 seedlings per pot to be very full and decorative.

For best results you will need:

  • reduction of living space
  • proper watering
  • short haircut
  • competent diet
  • resettlement (last resort)

All this is quite feasible under conditions home growing at no extra cost.

Reduction of living space

Some owners plant indoor geraniums in a huge tub, for growth. Then they wait for years to bloom. Waiting in vain. Buds will appear only after the root system completely occupies the entire space of the pot. Until this moment, the beauty will grow green mass and "legs".

Solution. Keep young plants in small pots. Transplant adults into containers of the same size, only replacing the soil with a new one. For a room geranium aged 5 years, a “living space” with a diameter of no more than 16 cm is enough.

This plant works well for balcony bibs and is also cultivated with other palm and dracaena plants, in medium to large pots. FROM bright colors and graceful form of geraniums are a wonderful addition to any garden, vase or parapet. In addition, they are easy to grow flowers and usually bloom quickly when they need the help they need. In today's post, learn how to care for geraniums and keep them even prettier with our tips!

Ideal time for geraniums to bloom

Geraniums are considered outdoor plants, so they are ideally arranged outdoors. Planting can be done in flowerbeds or flowerbeds to decorate windows. Flowering usually occurs in summer, as the flower loves direct contact with sunlight. Keeping all the cares, it is very likely that flowering will occur without any problems.

Advice. If the roots begin to crawl out through the drainage holes or frankly look out on the surface of the soil, then just carefully cut them with scissors, and rinse the wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Proper watering

Indoor geranium does not bloom sometimes from excessive care. This includes abundant watering. But in natural conditions, geranium does not grow in a swamp. No, it rains there, but rarely enough. But after all, it is accepted by some flower growers houseplants to surround with care means to arrange a watering place regularly, but from the heart. It is quite natural that the roots of indoor geraniums will be under constant water stress. And what flowering can be expected when the main feeding organ rots and dies?

Because geraniums are heat tolerant, many people stop watering them. Never stop moistening the soil. To check if it needs water, use your fingernail to dig out and check if the humidity is dry or low. Another tip is until the water seeps through the holes under the pot. To keep geraniums healthy and strong, always remove dead flowers. After flowering, remove dry branches. Another tip is to fertilize a specific liquid flowering fertilizer every 15 days.

Although they are stable colors, it may be that climatic conditions environment call geraniums for certain threats such as pests and diseases. In this case, the ideal is to hand over a soft dry hand to remove insects or aggressors in the plant. Then apply the medicine or appropriate treatment. To avoid such pests, be very careful with watering so as not to soak the soil. Also, take care to clean the outside of the site and leave the soil airy.

Solution. Water the plant only when the top layer of the earth dries out at least 2 cm. Do not be lazy to once again pick the soil in the pot to see if it's time to water the beauty. Yes, and another loosening will never be superfluous.

Advice. At the bottom of the container for planting, be sure to lay a decent layer of good drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, gravel. This will allow excess water to drain freely into the pan.

Geraniums are usually propagated by seeds or cuttings. The best month for seedlings is the month of January. To encourage the growth of new flowers, it is advisable to use already dead flowers. Although this perennial flower, it is also considered an annual event. To encourage flowering and beauty, renew the flower bed after a few years so that the plant does not lose its characteristics.

Also fascinated by the beauty of geraniums? The ancient sages claimed various properties of geranium. It is said that Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, advised his students to drink geranium tea to soften the passions of youth. Pliny the Elder, a Roman naturalist, swore that a small amount of the flower's tincture daily would prevent any disease. And Horace, the Roman poet, believed that swallowing geraniums could increase the learning ability of any person.

Short haircut

Like any lady, room geraniums definitely need to watch their hair. It is problematic to do this yourself, so the owners will have to regularly engage in such a procedure. Without a haircut, you will not get a lush bush. A long bare branch will stick out of the pot with a shabby bunch of leaves on top. And the buds appear only on young growth. Such a pole will not bloom.

Geraniums give aromatic bushes and flower bouquets

They prefer mild temperatures, but tolerate variations in the Brazilian climate well, including our winters with few harsh conditions - only short-term care during periods of intense heat or very humid environments, which can harm the plant. In the first case, it is necessary to increase irrigation, in the second, on the contrary, reduce them in half in order to avoid the appearance of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria, such as mold or rust, for example.

The best soil and way to water and fertilize geraniums

In Europe, the flower is not only for decoration: it is the basis of a jelly, similar to roses. As well as vinegar and astringent creams, usually kept in clear glass filled with leaves to give a special touch to home decoration. beautiful plant with hanging twigs and flowers that can have different colors.

Solution. Regularly - this is more than once a month, like in a hairdresser. This is a strong pruning (half the height of the shoot) immediately after the next flowering. That is, in the fall. No need to feel sorry for faded branches. They will no longer give buds. But after a haircut, indoor geranium will begin to actively release young shoots in the spring, which will soon please the owners with buds.

A perennial flower, that is, which has a long life and which blooms in almost all seasons in beautiful bouquets of fresh flowers that do not go unnoticed. Geranium decorates beautifully chest, window, balconies, falling on leaves and flowers in a gentle and beautiful way. The variety of geranium flowers is full of secrets and criticism, many believe that red geranium brings protection and health to the inhabitants of the house, white color brings fertility, and pink color used in potions for love. See below how to take care of geraniums so that your plant is always beautiful and blooming.

By the way, try planting several plants in one wide planter. Then your bouquet will be not only magnificent, but also multi-colored.

For those owners whose indoor geranium has never bloomed yet, another method of stimulating and maintaining the “hairstyle” of the pet is suitable. A young plant begins to pinch over every 4 leaves. After this, the active growth of lateral shoots occurs. They also need to be pinched in the same manner.

The geranium is multiplied by seeds or shares, which become new seedlings. The soil must have good drainage, be prepared with two parts common land and with one organic compost or earthworm humus. Lighting should be full and regular watering, especially when sowing seedlings. It is important to feel the soil before watering, avoiding damp soil that can rot the roots and encourage fungi or bacteria.

Flowering occurs all year round, with a focus on spring and summer. Its flowers are edible as well as fragrant. Pruning of leaves and dried flowers should be done as needed to enhance flowering, as pruning should be done in early spring.

The result is a compact, lush bush, rather than a long bare trunk sticking out alone. By the way, if you got such an ugly copy by inheritance, as a gift, or you yourself launched the plant, then you don’t need to torment it with a haircut. Just cut off the crown and root. Don't throw away the rest of the barrel. At proper care he is still quite capable of growing side branches. This will not add aesthetics to him, so also carefully cut off the juveniles and plant them in a separate pot.

Chemical fertilizer should be added to the water weekly in spring and summer, one drop to one liter of water, or as directed by the manufacturer. In autumn, the tip should reduce fertilization, and in winter it should not be done. Transplantation can be done at the end of winter.

For pests, use a fungicide found in herbal stores. Write your comment about how to grow geraniums at home. Leafy flowering shrubs or small to medium green plants are plants for beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Depending on the type of plants and the level of maintenance required, a potted plant is the perfect addition to a small apartment either in the garden, on the porch or in the backyard. The ideal plant, in fact the species, is the Kalanchoe plant.

Advice. If an adult indoor geranium is neat, lush and does not “shoot” separate long branches to the sides, then you should not be zealous with scissors. It will be enough to lightly pinch the tops of all shoots.

Competent diet

In women, everything should be fine, so they strictly monitor their diet. Indoor geranium too female but she doesn't have to choose. For the diet for her is made by the owners. Often they do not bother and simply shove any available top dressing into the pot without measure. As a rule, this is a nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

This species is a collection of 125 subspecies and is mainly characterized by their method of asexual self-propagation through their leaves. Most subspecies bloom in the wild and can be grown indoors or outdoors and will bloom once a year. Its blooming and coloring patterns make it a very striking and attractive addition to any gardener's spread. Such a plant requires some care, but in general it is not a highly enriching plant. There are many different aspects of caring for this type of plant, but below we will look at the process of pruning or cutting a Kalanchoe plant, which will help the plant to display its flowers to its maximum advantage.

On such nutrition, a thick, mighty green mass grows, the leaves turn out to be juicy, bright, large. But there are no flowers. Well, what kind of lady will bloom if she is fed the same thing every time? And if you overdo it, then the greens will become loose, watery and begin to get sick. Everything is like people.

Solution. Proper Diet should contain the maximum possible set of trace elements. Are you taking multivitamins? And for good flowering, fertilizer must contain potassium and phosphorus. This is an axiom. And, of course, other goodies.

When to prune The Kalanchoe plant blooms in late winter to late spring. Normally the plant needs sunlight, but in terms of flowering it is a short bottomed plant. Then darkness should be provided for the flowering of the plant for 3-4 months. Within a year, you must remove dead or brown leaves present on the plant, but pruning and cutting should be done after the flowers of the plant have disappeared. After flowering, the plant should only be pruned when the flowers begin to turn brown around the edges or begin to fade in color.

Just do not forget that too much good - it's not good. Busting with fertilizers will not help indoor geraniums bloom. He can just destroy her from the inside.

It is better to purchase a complex mineral fertilizer from a well-known manufacturer. Then read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly.

Advice. Ask the store to pick up a mineral water that is suitable specifically for pelargoniums. In such a package, the nutrition of milking your beauty is the most balanced.

If you leave these flowers that are worn on the stem, they will not fall and the plant will not feel or produce new flowers. How to prune a Kalanchoe plant. Gently shake the plant to see if there are any insects on it, such as bees and ants. Look at the leaves to see if any worms or any such pests have made holes, or if you have yellow veins like veils. If such leaves exist, they should be treated first to prevent the spread of pests.

Pull out the yellow, brown and rotting shoots from the stem. The leaf should be cut at the base of its stem where it is attached to the branch. Cut the dead stem just above the meeting point of the branch and the trunk. Even broken or damaged leaves and stems must be cut.

Resettlement (last resort)

You tried very hard to provide suitable conditions for your indoor geranium. Spring has come, and the buds are not expected. Well, you have to act decisively. As he said famous poet? “The less we love a woman…”

It is not enough to remove dead flowers and stems as this only encourages the growth of new flowers. The Kalanchoe plant must be allowed to grow back in width or foliage. Thus, if such a branch occurs, cut off the stem with dead flowers at the tip, cut the stem with a second or third leaf.

After the pruning procedure, be careful with Kalanchoe water levels. Reduce the amount of water you normally feed with as less water is needed after trimming. This is a crucial period when the life of the plant depends on the amount of water supplied. When new growth appears on cutter images, you can resume normal water levels. It can also supplement growth with fertilizer from ½ strong plants. Don't worry, just use fertilizer every 2-3 weeks.

So you will have to arrange for your beauty to move. After all, a change of residence is always stressful. And plants often in such a situation try to leave behind offspring.

Solution. As soon as the threat of return frosts is blown away, we boldly pick out our young lady from the pot. We go to the garden or to the flower bed. And with a firm hand we plant it right in open ground. We choose a sunny place, in the shade of flowering you will not wait.

Planting a Kalanchoe Plant In order to grow more Kalanchoe plants from your existing plant, you need to take leaf cuttings. Sheets of 4" to 6" should be made, and make sure a small section of the trunk is also part of the cut. Leave the cut out for 1-2 days and then you can plant in a small pot. Use non-draining soil, just like the type of soil the cactus grows in, and may place a cut in the pot so that the leaf is slightly above the surface. Keep the soil moist and do not place the cut in direct sunlight.

We take care of her in the usual way:

  • watering
  • loosen
  • get rid of pests

Around the middle of summer, we look closely at our migrant ... and are stunned by the number of buds. It is very important not to change anything now. Care and conditions should remain the same.

Now you can admire the fabulous hats of flowers until the onset of cool days. Then you need to carefully dig out the indoor geranium and transplant it back into the pot. Often, with this procedure, you have to cut off a significant part of the root system. Because sometimes it gets too big.

In this case, simply add root stimulant treatment and any adaptogen to your usual care. These drugs will greatly help room geraniums recover after transplantation.

What about those who live in an apartment? Or those who do not have summer cottages, flower beds? There is an exit. It is not at all necessary to hang around with a pot in an embrace, thinking where to attach it. It is enough for the summer season to take out a container with room geraniums on a balcony or loggia. Some even manage to keep the plants on the windowsill outside. Naturally, with the help of coasters.

Care does not change. Even such a refreshing procedure instead of a cardinal transplant has a beneficial effect on the plant. You will see, flowering will not keep you waiting.

As you can see, it is very easy to find out why indoor geraniums do not bloom. What to do? It's not hard to remember either. And following our recommendations, it is very easy to achieve lush flowering of the plant at home.

Video: how to make geraniums bloom

Geranium is a popular balcony and indoor flower in many apartments: it is unpretentious in care, grows quickly and pleases with abundant lush flowering for a long time. To support the plant during its flowering period, you should be attentive to the care and give it the necessary fertilizers.

General rules for caring for geraniums and fertilizing

To ensure a comfortable existence for geraniums, it is important to choose suitable home conditions:

  • a small pot (a strongly overgrown root system will lead to a large mass green leaves and reduced bloom)
  • fertile soil;
  • good drainage, as geraniums are very sensitive to stagnant water;
  • well-lit sunny place;
  • regular feeding.

When fertilizing, the season is taken into account: in spring and summer, top dressing is carried out 1 time in 2 weeks, top dressing is removed in winter. It is permissible to introduce half of the usual dose of stimulants in the middle of the winter months. Care should be taken in the choice of fertilizer preparations, since geraniums do not need organic top dressing. For its flowering at home, mineral fertilizers are required, the main of which are potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Usually they are applied in equal proportions, but by the beginning of flowering, the nitrogen dose is reduced and the amount of potassium applied is increased.

If separate fertilization is not possible, you should use ready-made mineral complexes that contain additional minerals. Special attention should be given to the content of iodine, to which geranium responds with increased flowering. You can not apply liquid fertilizers without first watering the earth - this will lead to burns and the death of the roots. Geraniums are fed an hour after the main watering.

Additional minerals for geraniums

In order for geranium to bloom profusely, in addition to the three main mineral components, magnesium sulfate is additionally added. The combination of sulfur and magnesium actively stimulates the formation of inflorescences, making flowering permanent.

To prepare an aqueous solution for top dressing, 15 g of the drug is diluted in 5 liters of water and watered with soil in a pot. The water used to prepare the solution at home should not be colder than 20 ° C - this will allow the crystals to dissolve completely and be absorbed by the plant in a larger volume.

The combination of magnesium with other minerals is also ambiguous, it should be borne in mind that it helps in the absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus, but at the same time reduces the rate of calcium absorption.

In order for the plant to maintain healthy growth, additional calcium supplements should be carried out, or the application should be divided.

An equally important mineral element for abundant flowering is iodine. It accelerates the formation of inflorescences and increases the number of buds. To prepare the solution at home, it is enough to dissolve 1 drop of iodine in a liter of warm water. It is enough to add 50 ml of the prepared iodine solution to one geranium bush. When watering, the liquid should not fall on the trunk of the plant; top dressing is applied along the walls of the pot.

Features of the care and fertilizer of geraniums

Start laying the necessary nutrients should be from the moment of transplantation. Geranium has a negative attitude to this procedure, so they usually do it in the form of transshipment into a pot of a slightly large volume. If ready-made soil is used for planting, then magnesium sulfate and nitrogen can be added to the soil with care. If the composition is prepared independently, then a full range of mineral fertilizers is laid in order to provide the plant with a proper start for healthy growth and abundant flowering. For the main fertilizer, granular top dressing of prolonged action is suitable. They mix with the soil during the transplanting process, and then slowly dissolve, giving off nutrients over several months.

In order to safely grow a flower from cuttings, it is recommended to use a solution of glucose or heteroauxin for stimulation. Use with caution for rooting some varieties of royal geraniums. In this case, it is possible to replace it with another stimulant, yeast or nettle solution. A yeast solution at home is easy to prepare from 100 g of raw materials and 1 liter of warm water.

When applying fertilizer, it is important to observe the dose: if the leaves turn yellow and become stunted, this indicates that an excessive amount of nitrogen fertilizer was applied, and it makes sense to reduce the dosage.

Nitrogen is good in the early stages, when the plant has undergone spring pruning and needs intensive nutrition to build up the green mass of the leaves.

At home, geraniums can be fed with milk formula by dissolving 100 ml of milk in a liter of water. Use alternating with regular watering. Ash mixed dry with soil will help replenish potassium reserves; or ash solution added as an auxiliary top dressing.

For the abundant flowering of the plant, complex means and feeding systems are not required. It is enough to provide the flower with nutrient soil, and in the spring and summer, give a full range of mineral fertilizers, paying close attention to watering with iodine. Reasonably dosed top dressing, which includes, in addition to the three main components, also magnesium, calcium, sulfur, zinc, iron, iodine, will provide the owner of the geranium with abundant flowering at home, throughout the year.