Ostrovsky knew how to create interesting and memorable characters. Perhaps one of his most famous plays are "Dowry" and "Thunderstorm". Each of them reflects in its own way the problem of limited society, its materiality and lack of spirituality. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. List actors this drama is replete with vivid images. On the pages of the work one can meet tyrant merchants and an unhappy dreamy girl, a half-witted lady and a self-taught mechanic, a hypocritical young man and a cowardly merchant's son. Main. Heroes perform a plot-forming function, but what is the role secondary characters? For example, Vanya Curly? This essay will be devoted to the characterization of Kudryash in the play "Thunderstorm".

You should start with a name. The author does not just choose certain names for his characters. You also need to remember about a certain tradition that has developed in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The speakers were the surname Prostakovs in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", the name of the city of Glupov in Shchedrin's novel, even Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov and Devushkin fit into this paradigm. In "Thunderstorm" there are Wild, Kabanikha and Tikhon - also speaking names. At the same time, the character of the character is inextricably linked with his name. So, the character of Curly can be judged by knowing his first and last name. The name "Ivan" is widespread in epics and fairy tales. Gradually, the image of Ivan the Fool was separated from the image of another Ivan, enterprising young man who will find a way out of any situation and be able to deceive the devil himself. So here Vanya turns out to be the only person who can answer Wild in his own manner. At the same time, Wild is afraid of Vanya precisely because Kudryash lacks blind obedience and servility to the merchant.

The character's surname, Curly, is also associated with this image, because the Ivanovs from fairy tales have curly hair. In addition, it emphasizes the valiant prowess and kindness of character.

Vanya Kudryash - carrier national character. He is strong, kind, funny and daring. The case is on fire in his hands. Ivan is practical and sensibly looks at things. Despite the fact that he also belongs to the merchant environment, there is no greed and greed in him. Curly is alien to the beauty of nature. This can be seen from the first scene - Kudryash's conversation with Kuligin. Vanya values ​​freedom and is afraid of losing it. Most likely, this was the main reason for the relationship with Varvara. Their feelings are sincere. They meet in secret for a long time. Both Varvara and Ivan appreciate these relationships, both of these characters remain internally free. During night walks, Varvara and Ivan joke, sing and have fun. Thanks to this couple, secret dates between Boris and Katerina became possible. It should be mentioned that initially Kudryash dissuaded Boris from communicating with Katya, having learned that Boris's beloved was married. Unlike Boris, Kudryash fights for his love in The Thunderstorm. He does not leave his beloved, like Boris, but runs away with her.

However, one should not idealize the image of Curly in the play "Thunderstorm". There is a lot in the character of Curly negative traits. Ivan himself admits that "it hurts dashing for girls." So, no one can guarantee that Varvara will be happy with him. To his positive qualities of character, it is imperative to add negative ones: the desire for power, narcissism, boasting. He is also a representative dark kingdom but wants to be a master, not a slave.

Thunderstorm is one of the most famous works Ostrovsky. The play was written by the author at a time when society was hiding in anticipation of impending changes. A clear conflict loomed between the conservatives living under the old laws and the world younger generation representing a progressive force. We will talk about one of these representatives of the youth, who is not afraid of changes and meets them halfway. The image and characterization of Vanya Kudryash in the play "Thunderstorm" is not as bright as that of the main characters. He is a minor character, but without him the work would not have turned out so holistically. Kindness and sincerity of Ivan attract the reader from the first minutes. He is a fighter in life, despite the rustic appearance, so contrary to character.

Ivan Kudryash is a young guy. Beloved of Varvara Kabanova, daughter of Kabanikh.

Image and characteristics

Ivan is a young, stately and strong young man. Works for Wild as a clerk.

The only one who is not afraid and can fight back the merchant keeping the urban population in fear.

“... He feels with his nose that I won’t sell my head cheaply. He is scary to you, but I know how to talk to him ... "

Rude. Ivan is not one of those who grovel and fawn. He will answer, so he will answer, it will not seem a little. His speech without frills, but understandable to everyone.

“I am considered a rude man, why is he holding me? So, he needs me. Well, that means I'm not afraid of him, but let him be afraid of me.

Wild is happy with everything. The landowner turns a blind eye to Ivan's rudeness, not paying attention to the ambitious guy. All forgives. Does not punish, does not drive away. Apparently both need each other. Curly is on hand, you don’t have to show heroism, trying to prove something.

Boyky. Fearless. Ivan is not to be intimidated by anything. Fear is not natural to him. He will rebuff anyone who tries to raise his voice at him. For a word in a pocket does not climb.

“He is the word, I am ten; spit, and go. No, I'm not going to fawn over him."

“I am for mine ... yes, I don’t know what I’ll do! I'll cut my throat!"

Talented. Ivan is musically gifted. The guy does not let go of the guitar, constantly playing some tunes and singing something under his breath.

"...Takes a few chords on the guitar."

With such talent, he has the right place in the music conservatory, and instead of real music connoisseurs, he has to entertain the local audience.

Windy. Despite the fact that Ivan has a girlfriend, the guy still looks at others. Knows this weakness, but can not do anything. You can't go against nature.

“It hurts dashingly for girls…”.

Rustic. Curly is distinguished by simplicity, what he thinks is what he says. Expresses feelings frankly, without falsehood and pretense.

Freedom-loving. The worst thing for Ivan is to lose his freedom, which the guy really appreciates. All his insides protest against slavery and blind obedience.

Purposeful. He finishes what he started. Do not succumb to circumstances. Going forward towards the dream.

Relationship with Barbara. Ivan and Barbara have been dating for a long time. It is not clear how serious their feelings are. Maybe this is pampering, maybe in the future the couple will create a family. Time will show. Some coldness is present in their secret dates. Varya is constantly attacked by yawns from boredom. The guy is also reserved. It is not natural for him to show feelings. He treats everything with a share of cold indifference. Ivan in a conversation with Varya does not stand on ceremony, being rude.

“What are you taking so long? Wait for you more! You know what I don't like!"

They are more like bosom friends than passionate lovers. At the end of the work, the young people run away from home together. Ivan did not abandon Varvara, as Boris did. Once again proving that he is capable of deeds and is used to confirming words with deeds.

Conscientious. Curly was very worried when he learned that Boris was carried away by Katerina. A married woman. He thought it was not human.

He feels sorry for the guys from the bottom of his heart. After much deliberation, despite remorse, in the end he goes to meet, together with Varvara participating in organizing a date for the young.

In 1859, A. N. Ostrovsky wrote the play "Thunderstorm". By this time everything Russian society lurked in a terrible fear of expectation of future changes. And indeed, more and more clearly began to mature social conflict between the old world conservatives with patriarchal way, the so-called "dark world" and the new world of young and progressive forces. old world in the play "Thunderstorm" is represented by the rich and very vicious merchant Kabanikha and the evil, insufferable merchant Dikoy. Of course, their power over those around them is still very great, but they also begin to understand that some new, alien, incomprehensible and already hated force is gradually beginning to awaken in the lower strata.

"Thunderstorm". Curly characteristic

N. A. Dobrolyubov will devote his article to this topic entitled "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom." Where he writes that the dark world of petty tyrants, mending arbitrariness everywhere, began to feel the sprouts of another life, with other beginnings, although it is not yet clearly visible.

Analyzing in more detail the topic "Thunderstorm". Characteristics of Kudryash”, it should certainly be noted that Katerina, Boris, Kudryash, Varvara and Tikhon represent exactly such a small town of Kalinov in the play. However, are they all capable of fighting and repelling the tyranny of the petty tyrants ruling over them?

Characterization of Curly in the play "Thunderstorm"

Can Vanya Kudryash stand up for himself, and who is he? After all, in fact, the topic "Thunderstorm" is set. Characteristics of Curly". Curly is one of the secondary characters, a young man who works in the office of a rude merchant Wild. But Kudryash is also reputed to be a rude person and does not want to "serve" before his master. He declares to Kuligin and Shapkin, they say, "I'm not afraid of him, let him be afraid of me," and although he himself tries once again not to catch Diky's eyes. But if the merchant Dikoy does not expel him, then they need each other, and therefore Kudryash does not need to show heroism to present some of his demands.


Curly is one of the first characters in the play and introduces us to the way of life in the city of Kalinov. He is bold, cheerful and self-confident. He has his own passion, with whom he secretly meets in the evenings from her mother Kabanikhi. Kudryash and Varvara facilitated the meetings of the married Katerina and the nephew Wild Boris, free from marital ties.

Finishing the discussion on the topic "Thunderstorm". Characteristics of Kudryash ”, it should be noted that when all their secret dates were revealed, Boris did not save Katerina and obediently left for Siberia, where his uncle had sent him. But Kudryash is not the same, he takes Varvara and runs away with her. Curly if he set a goal, then he achieves it, no matter what it costs him.

Ivan Kudryash is an image of a simple guy from the people, one to whom no one orders. Even his last name is so sonorous and simple - Curly. This combination of sounds expresses his cheerful and daring nature, love of freedom.
He really is like a curly hair on an even hairstyle - masterful and uncontrollable, but at the same time possessing his own beauty. There is a certain dignity in Ivan, and to some extent he even surpasses more status people in this parameter. For example, it is Kudryash who tries to help Boris with moral advice, it is he who has some intentions to make Wild more patient and kind to people.

In this image, Ostrovsky draws the beauty of the national spirit, such a simple guy from the people, who, although he is hooligan and headstrong, still adheres to certain principles. This faithful person will always follow his own love and he easily runs away with Barbara, is not afraid of secret dates with her.

In addition, the clerk is sensitive to other people, he is not helpful and does not fawn over anyone, but has real compassion. Although, of course, to some extent, this image is a bit exaggerated, and such people in the "pure" form described by the author, we can not often see in everyday life. Nevertheless, it is easy to understand what Ostrovsky wants to tell us in this way.

Kudryash is an image of the common people, in particular the Russian people, which is characterized by frankness and honesty, the ability to defend their own opinions and convictions. However, if we look a little deeper, then Vanya also skillfully uses the situation, because the Wild One needs him and therefore, among other things, allows himself some self-will and a slightly rude attitude.

On his own, he would like to reason with Wild, but he fears that no one else will take his side. Therefore, Curly and it remains only to behave as he behaved before. This is his freedom, which he does not want to limit in any way.

The result is an escape, which is very symbolic, as it emphasizes the nature of this hero. Curly runs away with Varvara, as it were, beyond the space of the play itself and thus overcomes certain limits. He runs away with Varvara from the evil Kabanikh, and this emphasizes the desire of the free spirit of the hero to avoid all kinds of external negative influences that limit him.

Option 2

Ostrovsky wrote a huge number of different works that are studied at school. And one of them is "Thunderstorm". One of the main characters is Ivan Kudryash. And although he is an ordinary guy, only for him there are no orders from other people, he uses only those that he invents himself, and no one can convince him of this. And his last name is not only simple, but also sonorous. He likes freedom more than anything in the world, and he would not exchange it for anything.

His hairstyle is very popular with everyone around him. It does not need to be twisted, but all because his hair curls on its own, and many dream about it. In addition, many turn to him for help and he has not yet refused any of them. He always helps those who need help or practical and necessary advice. Only he managed to help and change Wild a little. And thanks to him, he became a little more patient and kinder to people, and in fact this had not been observed before him. And Boris turned to him for advice that no one could give him before.

By this, the author shows that although he is a powerful and free guy who can do whatever he wants and no one can forbid him, nevertheless, his soul is very kind and he will never be able to pass by. He has certain principles that he can never violate. When he liked Varvara, he gradually began to achieve her, and although it was very difficult, the guy was not going to retreat. And then one day he managed to achieve all this, and now they met secretly every day. And when the girl suggested that he run away from here and live in peace and no longer hide, the guy agreed without hesitation.

He never fawned over anyone, and if he really didn’t like a person, then he could report it without any problems and was never afraid of anything or anyone. Although in reality such people are very few or practically non-existent. But, nevertheless, each reader can easily and simply understand what exactly the author wanted to convey to us.

And since he is honest and kind, he will always and to the last defend what came to his mind, as well as what he really considers the right option. But then one day there comes a moment when he simply takes advantage of the situation and this situation is connected with the Wild. In this case, he treats him rudely and not quite correctly. He knows perfectly well that the Wild will never yield to anyone, and therefore now he is taking his side. In addition, he is one hundred percent sure that no one else will stand on his side except him.

And the only right option is to escape with your beloved from here forever. And thanks to this, he will be able to protect not only himself, but also his beloved.

Composition on the theme Curly

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky created the drama "Thunderstorm" at the time of the overdue conflict between the old world, living according to rooted customs, rejecting the new, and the younger generation, who want to progress and oppose patriarchal customs. This opposition formed the basis of the work.

One of the secondary characters of the play, the representative of the new world is Kudryash Ivan. The writer introduces the reader to this character in the first scene of the play, from which Kalinov's orders become known.

A. N. Ostrovsky uses in the play such artistic technique, as a speaking surname, thus conveying the main features of the characters. Based on this, it can be said about Ivan that his surname is associated with curly hair - a feature of the Russian people, characterizes the guy as strong, kind, daring.

Curly clerk of the merchant Wild, song nature. Unlike other workers, he is able to fight back " dark kingdom”, answers his boss with the same rudeness, therefore he has a reputation for being rude, in his own words. Dikoy does not kick the guy out, as he is an excellent worker.

Ivan considers himself a fickle, windy person, saying about himself: “It hurts dashing for girls ...”. But for a long time, the guy meets with Varvara Kabanova in secret from the girl's mother, Kabanikh. Despite the high feeling, even in relation to his beloved, he shows rudeness, meeting her with the following phrase: “Why are you taking so long! Wait for you more! You know what I don't like!" For the sake of Varvara, Ivan is ready for a lot, but he believes that married girls should stay at home, he himself loves freedom and is afraid of losing it.

Ivan does not condemn the relationship between married Katerina and Boris, being sensitive, attentive to other people, he warns the guy that such love can be fatal for Katerina and turns out to be right.

At the end of the work, when secret meetings were revealed, for a long time outwardly obeying the old world, Varvara and Kudryash no longer want to follow patriarchal customs. Unlike Boris, Ivan is able to stand up for his feelings, so he runs away with his beloved from home, because he is unable to endure tyranny, oppresses the representatives of the "dark kingdom".

So A. N. Ostrovsky, with the help of the image of Kudryash, reveals in the work the problem of the irreconcilable contradiction of society in the period of the pre-reform upsurge.

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Ostrovsky knew how to create interesting and memorable characters. Perhaps one of his most famous plays are "Dowry" and "Thunderstorm". Each of them reflects in its own way the problem of limited society, its materiality and lack of spirituality. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. The list of characters in this drama is replete with vivid images. On the pages of the work you can meet tyrant merchants and an unhappy dreamy girl, a crazy lady and a self-taught mechanic, a hypocritical young man and a cowardly

merchant's son. Main. Heroes perform a plot-forming function, but what is the role of secondary characters? For example, Vanya Curly? This essay will be devoted to the characterization of Kudryash in the play "Thunderstorm".

You should start with a name. The author does not just choose certain names for his characters. You also need to remember about a certain tradition that has developed in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The speakers were the surname Prostakovs in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", the name of the city of Glupov in Shchedrin's novel, even Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov and Devushkin fit into this paradigm.
In the "Thunderstorm" there are Wild, Boar

and Tikhon are also speaking names. At the same time, the character of the character is inextricably linked with his name. So, the character of Curly can be judged by knowing his first and last name. The name "Ivan" is widespread in epics and fairy tales. Gradually, the image of Ivan the Fool was separated from the image of another Ivan, an enterprising young man who would find a way out of any situation and be able to deceive the devil himself. So here Vanya turns out to be the only person who can answer Wild in his own manner. At the same time, Wild is afraid of Vanya precisely because Kudryash lacks blind obedience and servility to the merchant.

The character's surname, Curly, is also associated with this image, because the Ivanovs from fairy tales have curly hair. In addition, it emphasizes the valiant prowess and kindness of character.

Vanya Kudryash is the bearer of the national character. He is strong, kind, funny and daring. The case is on fire in his hands. Ivan is practical and sensibly looks at things. Despite the fact that he also belongs to the merchant environment, there is no greed and greed in him. Curly is alien to the beauty of nature. This can be seen from the first scene - Kudryash's conversation with Kuligin. Vanya values ​​freedom and is afraid of losing it. Most likely, this was the main reason for the relationship with Varvara. Their feelings are sincere. They meet in secret for a long time. Both Varvara and Ivan appreciate these relationships, both of these characters remain internally free. During night walks, Varvara and Ivan joke, sing and have fun. Thanks to this couple, secret dates between Boris and Katerina became possible. It should be mentioned that initially Kudryash dissuaded Boris from communicating with Katya, having learned that Boris's beloved was married. Unlike Boris, Kudryash fights for his love in Groz. He does not leave his beloved, like Boris, but runs away with her.

However, one should not idealize the image of Curly in the play "Thunderstorm". There are many negative traits in the character of Curly. Ivan himself admits that “it’s too dashing for girls.” So, no one can guarantee that Varvara will be happy with him. To his positive qualities of character, it is imperative to add negative ones: the desire for power, narcissism, boasting. He is also a representative of the "dark kingdom", but wants to be a master, not a slave.

Kudryash's quotes most vividly complement this image:

“We don’t have a lot of guys like me, otherwise we would wean him to be naughty!”

"I'm considered a brute."

“Yes, I won’t let it go either: he is a word, I am ten ... No, I won’t become a slave to him.”

(to the barbarian) “Why are you taking so long? Wait for you more! You know what I don't like."

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