Once lied, who will believe you?
The 74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms "The Fruits of Thought" (1854) by Kozma Prutkov.
Original: Having lied once, who will believe you?
Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known that he once deceived someone, let him down, etc. And the one who deceived once can do it again.

  • - ...
  • - Whoever believes a woman will not live for three days ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - A half-joking attempt to calm the child...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - See once for all...

    Word history

  • - adv...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - not...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ONCE, adv. . Once. E. in life...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - ONCE, adv. ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - once I adv. quality-quantity 1. Once. 2. Taking once. II adv. things are...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - not once adv. quality-quantity...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - ed "...
  • - don't eat...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - @font-face (font-family: "ChurchArial"; src: url;) span (font-size:17px; font-weight:normal !important; font-family: "ChurchArial",Arial,Serif;)   =  adv. - once. ...

    Church Slavonic Dictionary

  • - See BOZHBA - Oath -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 36

    Synonym dictionary

"Once lied, who will believe you?" in books

Who lied more than once: An open letter to the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail

From the book In the last circle author Reshetovskaya Natalya Alekseevna

Not once lied: Open letter to the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail. Your newspaper has been devoting a lot of space lately to materials about Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Soviet writer, I would also like to express my opinion on the pages of the Globe about this

“Who swore to the banner once…”

From the book At the walls of the capital author Kuvshinov Semyon Filippovich

“Who swore to the banner once ...” The brigade withdrawn from the front was stationed near Klin, in the village of Selinsky. The commander of the 1st shock army, Lieutenant-General V.I. Kuznetsov, arrived here to the soldiers. Frosty January morning. On a densely trampled area they stand in two

"No one will believe a single word you say..."

From the book Literary Guide: 1968 the author Magid Sergey

“No one will believe a single word of yours anymore ...” No one will believe a single word of yours anymore, the primitive sound tosses and turns in your holes, slides down a slippery slope into a cesspool and there, in


From the book A Brief Course on Stalinism author Borev Yury Borisovich

ONCE KILLING ... In the 37th year, one of the leaders asked Stalin:? Aren't we conducting repressions too cool? Stalin answered unexpectedly: - Now you are talking about repressions. And why were you silent when we carried out collectivization, during which two

Chapter 1 "There was a time (will anyone believe this) ..."

From the book Military Petersburg of the era of Nicholas I author Malyshev Stanislav Anatolievich

Chapter 1 “There was a time (will anyone believe this) ...” The main and, if you call a spade a spade, the criminal act of Alexander the Blessed is the rebellion in December 1825. Of course, he didn’t want anything like that, and he didn’t direct the course of events, but his detachment from management affairs,

Once lied, who will believe you?

From the book encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Once lied, who will believe you? The 74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Meditation” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov. In the original: Having lied once, who will believe you?

Why the consumer will believe us?

From the book Anatomy of a Brand author Persia Valentin

Why the consumer will believe us? At each stage of the process, we determined absolutely everything related to the brand by the bones. Now it will not be difficult for you to choose from a huge list of our attributes, advantages and values ​​exactly those that will convince consumers that


From the book Why Men Lie and Women Roar author Piz Alan

WHEN YOU LIE ONCE, WHO WILL BELIEVE YOU? If you think that a person is lying to you, act as if you believe every word of his, and then he will definitely give himself away, because he will become overly confident in himself. Ask the liar to repeat everything again. Good liars in advance

From the book I want to be a bitch! A guide for real women author Argov Sherry

Consider yourself a gift of fate, and then he will believe you Sexual attractiveness is 50 percent what you really have, and 50 percent what you have, according to other people. Sophie

once lied

From the book Anticultural Revolution in Russia author Yamschikov Savva Vasilievich

Having once lied Freedom of speech, which we all dreamed about and which we reveled in at kitchen gatherings in the so-called totalitarian era, fell upon Russia spontaneously and unexpectedly, like May snow on flourishing orchards. And it immediately became clear that freedom itself

El Murid - Once Betrayed

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 928 (35 2011) author Tomorrow Newspaper

El Murid - Having once betrayed... As I write these lines, the NATO interventionists are moving their strike formations from Tripoli to the area of ​​Sirte and Brega. They are being replaced by punishers. There will be a massacre in Tripoli tonight. It has already begun - but, judging by the arriving parties of Islamic


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 832 (44 2009) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Yury Pavlov ONCE STEERED The article by Sergei Kunyaev "The Tragedy of the Elements and the Elements of Tragedy" ("Literary Studies", 1982, No. 1) about S. Yesenin's poem "Pugachev" is the first serious publication of a literary critic. It is natural that this article opens his book "The Sacrificial Chalice"

Vadim Kozhinov LIE ONCE ONCE...

From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 357 (40 2000) author Tomorrow Newspaper

Vadim Kozhinov LIED ONCE ONCE... THE FOLLOWING THESIS CAN ALWAYS BE DISPUTED: the wider the freedom of speech, the greater should be the responsibility of the authors for their word both about history and the present. And meanwhile, day after day, one has to read completely

3. May the Almighty God bless you, and make you fruitful and multiply you, and may you become a multitude of peoples, 4. and may the blessing of Abraham (my father) be given to you, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you will inherit the land of wandering yours, which God gave to Abraham!

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

3. May the Almighty God bless you, and make you fruitful and multiply you, and may you become a multitude of peoples, 4. and may the blessing of Abraham (my father) be given to you, to you and to your offspring with you, so that you will inherit the land of wandering yours that God gave

I was going to finish more than once

From the book How the Torpedo was destroyed. History of betrayal the author Timoshkin Ivan

I was going to finish more than once In Voronezh, things did not work out for me either in the game or in things that were completely far from it. The fact is that as a fee for performances in the team they gave me a car. Turned out to be out of order. And I received it without knowing it, instead of

I was recently given a book about modern monasteries and monks, it is called "Unholy Saints". The book is displayed in a conspicuous place in all church shops in Kostroma: “Be sure to take it, Father George,” my friend at the bus station assured me, “a wonderful book, very wonderful, you can’t tear yourself away!” I regret that I didn’t take it then: I judged by clothes, appearance pushed away. Emerald binding, on the lawn - a monk in a beam of theatrical spotlights. "Wizard of the Emerald City, smooched," I thought. But in vain.

“Father, I bought eight of these books and gave them to my friends,” said another woman, looking at the emerald book on my table. "Did you like it?" - “I liked it very much! That's how to live, that's who to take an example from! The third said that her sister's entire family read aloud the book of Archimandrite Tikhon in the evenings (before that, they read the Gospel or, more rarely, the writings of Bishop Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)). “My sister has two children,” the woman said, “they already go to school, they are much more interested in Father Tikhon's book than the Gospel. Our modern reality, the school of life. It is also the gospel, but more concrete, understandable, alive.” And as proof, she read me the resume on the back of the binding:

“One ascetic once said that every Orthodox Christian can tell his gospel, his Good News about meeting God. Of course, no one compares such testimonies with the books of the apostles, who saw with their own eyes the Son of God who lived on earth. And yet we, though weak, sinful, are His disciples, and there is nothing more beautiful in the world than contemplation of the amazing actions of the Providence of the Savior in our world. By the way, the book begins with the same summary.

The book is easy to read, often really hard to put down. She has only one significant drawback: she is deceitful, Sergian. A kind of socialist realism about the monks of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate at the end of the last twentieth century and today. Everything else is fine.

“I didn’t need to invent anything - everything you read about here happened in life. Many of those about whom it will be told are still alive today. And ends up like this:

“I would especially like to apologize to the readers for the fact that in the book I had to talk about myself. But without this, there are no first-person documentary stories.”

For seventy years we have been shown (and are still being shown today) documentaries about the heroic labor of Soviet people in factories, plants and collective farm fields, on the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal and the Moscow metro, about the indestructible union of the free republics, about disinterested fraternal assistance to the oppressed peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America. For seventy years we have been reading stories about V.I. Lenin, about F.E. Dzerzhinsky, about a boy from Urzhum S.M. Kirov: “Volodya Ulyanov was born in Simbirsk, he had a father and mother, he had a brother Sasha and a brother Mitya. Then he got married, his wife's name was N.K. Krupskaya. And the fact that he was a cannibal can be silent: after all, this is not in the literal, but in a figurative sense. And about our dear Nikita Sergeevich, documentary essays, reports and photographs, and about Leonid Ilyich, and about Mikhail Sergeevich. Now the turn has come to the bishops, archimandrites, and hieromonks. Everything is documented: the daughter of Marshal Zhukov, his mother-in-law, film director S.F. appears on the stage. Bondarchuk, sculptor V.M. Klykov. Also, presumably, "unholy saints." Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) is a professional in this field: he graduated from the screenwriting department of the All-Union state institute cinematography. Not for me, an amateur, to teach him.

The story "Father Gabriel", pp. 157-185.

“The undivided lord and owner of the Pskov-Caves Monastery in those years was the abbot, Archimandrite Gabriel. His strong temper is still legendary in church circles. But more than twenty years have passed since he left Pechory and became a bishop in the Far East.

Looking at the hierarchs of the Catholic Church in the conservative regions of Europe - both in Poland and in German Bavaria - it is sometimes difficult to get rid of the feeling that you are somewhere in the Smolensk diocese. The same self-satisfaction, the same intolerance of criticism, the same insane attacks on democratic norms. If anyone thinks that the German orthodox fathers are seriously different from the bishops Orthodox Church, he is very wrong.

Among our Soviet ecclesiastical lords there are countless stupid, cruel and vicious tyrants, bears in the voivodeship, the selection and placement of personnel were important aspects of the state anti-religious policy. It was these people who were promoted forward and higher by the Ideological Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the KGB, the Council for Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. But Bishop Gabriel (Steblyuchenko), even in that company, was an outstanding boor.

“Once, Father Gabriel suddenly flew up to the crowd of pilgrims peacefully standing near the fraternal corps. He yelled at the unfortunate, frightened people and, like a kite, dispersed everyone. Moreover, he called a carpenter and ordered them to board up the door to the room where Father John received the people.

For several days in Pechory they only talked about the fact that the governor, along with the authorities, did not let the people of God to the elders. Only Father John himself (who suffered the most from the governor) was serene. Moreover, he reassured us:

Nothing, nothing! I do my job, and the father governor does his.

No, of course, not once, but constantly, all the long thirteen years while he was the governor. Not only yelled, but also beat with a stick. And he taught the monks to treat pilgrims just as cruelly. More often than not, he didn’t beat himself, he didn’t dirty his hands, this was not a master’s business, but he ordered the monks or novices-polkans who accompanied him. Father Tikhon himself in the same story says that constantly. People for Archimandrite Gabriel are like puppets for Karabas-Barabas. It is no coincidence, I think, that the Doctor of Puppet Sciences called himself Vladyka.

“Let’s say the governor gets angry at some pilgrim he doesn’t like or at a stupid impudent tourist and shouts, threateningly pointing with his finger:

Grab it! Throw out of the monastery!!! Of course, we rush with all our might to carry out the order. And having run up to the unfortunate one, we calm him down in a whisper and peacefully escort him to the gate.

The viceroy saw all this perfectly and tacitly approved: they fulfilled their obedience, and did not go too far with stupid zeal.

I'm afraid the author's memory is not all right: they overdid it very often. And they did not repent at confession: a fist to the neck or a kick in the ass is not hooliganism, but only unquestioning obedience to the hierarchy. Without the skill of absolute obedience, it is always impossible to become a monk in everything. Obedience is higher than fasting and prayer. This is the first and greatest commandment in any monastery, in any barracks.

“One summer I was on duty at Uspenskaya Square. The viceroy at this hour, as usual, left his house to go around the monastery. And then a strong lad, unfamiliar to me, approached him. I heard that he was asking to be accepted into the monastery.

Are you ready to obey? the governor asked sternly.

But what about, father, anyone!

Is it any? - asked the viceroy.

Yes sir! Any! - the lad reported with fervor.

At that time, an old monk, Father M.

Well, if you really are ready for any obedience, then go up to this grandfather and give him a hand so that he flies away! - ordered the governor.

In an instant, the lad flew up to the old monk and gave him such a kick that the old man flew a few steps like a fish.

“The father governor with sincere amazement looked at the lad from head to toe.

N-yes ... - he drawled. - Nu you, brother, and fool! With these words, the governor took out twenty-five rubles from his pocket:

Here's your ticket. And go home.

And father M., having bowed to the governor, again, limping, wandered his way.

Any person who came to pray to God in the Pskov-Caves Monastery could fly out of the gate like a fish. Two women from Zagoryanka, parishioners of the church with. Zhigalovo (Shchyolkovo) told me that "the Mother of God humbled them and did not allow them to enter the monastery." One lad, a painter and a gardener, once arrived in Moscow with a huge bruise and a completely swollen eye. “They humbled me with a log, but it’s my own fault, I landed on the wrong flower bed.” It's a pity Father Raphael (Ogorodnikov) is gone, he could tell dozens of similar stories. I hope his brother Alexander remembers.

“There is only one reason in the world when a novice can, and not just can, but must, show disobedience,” Father John said. This is if the order is contrary to the gospel commandments. But this, thank God, has never happened in my lifetime.

Of course, there is not a word about love for a person in the Gospel and in the Epistles. And if there is, then in some parables. There are definitely no commandments about kicks in the ass and about a log in the face in the Gospel.

“Disciplinary obedience to the abbot in the monastery for all of us was unconditional and self-evident. Namely, I emphasize, unconditional, no matter how strange, stupid and absurd it may seem to secular people. Even in church people, such straightforward obedience sometimes causes shock, indignation, and streams of angry denunciations. Entire volumes are written about the absurdity and harm of obedience. It is not the fault of the enlightened authors of such writings. They simply do not understand that monasteries have their own life, subject to special laws. Not everyone can feel the purpose and meaning of these laws.”

For me, a representative of the white clergy, not a monk, one of the main tasks in the parish is to teach people not to become like Gabriel: this is how the guards treated the convicts in the concentration camps of the Soviet of Deputies. For me, a priest, there is only one charter, only one chamber of measures and weights, where standards of behavior are stored for all occasions without exception: Books Holy Scripture New Testament.

I don’t dare to judge whether Gabriel loved God (there is nothing about this in Father Tikhon’s story), but he considered his neighbor worse than garbage. An exemplary product of the totalitarian Soviet reality.

“Or to remember, for example, the most regrettable event in my memory in the monastery, when ten monks left the monastery at once. They wrote a letter to the patriarch, in which they announced that they were leaving the monastery in protest against the rude, despotic behavior of the governor, and demanded that Archimandrite Gabriel be removed from the monastery immediately. All these monks were mostly wonderful young people. They settled in Pechory in the houses of parishioners and began to wait for an answer to their message.

During the thirteen years when Gabriel was governor, not ten monks left the monastery, but several times more, most often the number is 60. Hieromonk Raphael (Ogorodnikov), a close friend of Father Tikhon, claimed that no more than 53.

“Soon a high commission from the Patriarchate arrived in Pechory with a decree on the removal of Archimandrite Gabriel from office. The aged Vladyka of Pskov, Metropolitan John, convened a monastery council. All the brethren gathered in the refectory, and the bishop, who had arrived from Moscow, raised the question of their attitude towards the vicar. There was a painful silence. And then the treasurer, Archimandrite Nathanael, was the first to ask for the floor. He read out an appeal he had written to the patriarch - with a request to leave the governor in the monastery.

The Moscow bishop was surprised, but asked if anyone else would like to sign this message. There was silence again. And suddenly the most revered elder in the monastery, Archimandrite Seraphim, got up from his seat.

Where to sign? he asked briefly, as always.

He came up and put his signature. It was signed by confessors and other monks. A few monks abstained."

The decree of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is not subject to discussion at the monastery council. The company commander cannot notify the Supreme Commander-in-Chief that he consulted with the platoon commanders and they decided not to follow the order of the Supreme Commander.

Father Raphael (Ogorodnikov) only chuckled when the commission “worked” in the monastery: “His Holiness’s hands are short, he won’t get our Gavryusha, Kuroyedov will never surrender his governor. The entire Council for Religious Affairs is behind him.”

V. Kuroyedov did not surrender his governor.

In the late 80s, Alexander Ogorodnikov got a whole bunch of typewritten reports from Archimandrite Gabriel about the foreigners who visited the monastery from somewhere, they were written very professionally. Surnames, names, profession, what interests you. Who tried to lag behind the group, sit on a bench, start a conversation with the citizens of the USSR, distribute illegally imported religious literature, etc. Alexander then passed these denunciations to Keston College. I believe they are public.

“True, some venomously suggested that the authorized Yudin went to the monastery “on the carpet”, because the viceroy had a higher rank. But those were just bad tongues. Although it is clear that in those days the governors and abbots could not but have relationships with representatives of state power.

This is how cheaters and thimble-makers work: “a higher rank” is one thing, “to have relations with representatives” is completely different. Father Raphael (Ogorodnikov) should be counted among the "evil tongues". By the way, didn’t he pass on the governor’s denunciations to his brother Alexander?

Of everything Father Tikhon told about Gabriel, I liked the story of the censer the most. Evil tongues giggled in the eighties that the governor could "accidentally humble" someone with that heavy censer while censing, but Father Tikhon is silent about such acts.

“The viceroy had a favorite, extraordinarily beautiful censer in the altar, so huge that we called it the “Babylonian furnace.” It contained half a bucket of glowing coals. The viceroy's father used this censer exclusively himself. Yes, it was so heavy - metal, gilding, stones, chains - that only a powerful father Gabriel could handle it. Sometimes, however, under a special mood, the father vicar during the vigil addressed, for example, to Father John:

Father Archimandrite, burn incense!

Father John, for whom it was not easy to lift such a censer, bowed humbly (this is the question of disciplinary obedience), took this nightmarish instrument and began to incense. But very soon he got so tired that he finished censing with both hands, barely holding the chains.

The governor's father was very amused. And when someone tried to express their sympathy to Father John, he said with surprise:

Why are you so angry? Who should humble me, if not the father governor?

For fifty years I have not ceased to be amazed at the peculiar sense of humor of our outwardly boring masters. Father John (Krestyankin) in all the photographs is bright, joyful, smiling. The viceroy's father is invariably gloomy, stern, evil. And suddenly: "... the father of the governor was very amused." I wonder what his joy was expressed in? Could he really smile? "Very amused" somewhere in the altar? During worship? The Joker stood at the Throne, in front of him was the icon of the Savior. Were all the other monks standing in the altar also “really having a lot of fun”? “Someone,” Father Tikhon says, “tried to express sympathy to Father John.” And not one of the unholy saints there dared to express his indignation to the father governor. In my system of values, such merry fellows and silent men deserve only contempt, there they are archimandrites, abbots, or someone else ... But let's continue the story about the censer.

“And now the St. Petersburg deacon appeared in the altar, raising a precious censer burning with coals and smoking with noble incense before the father governor. And solemnly proclaimed:

Bless, lord, censer!

The viceroy, out of habit, raised his hand for blessing and ... froze! He just couldn't believe his eyes! Finally realizing that some St. Petersburg deacon had dared to take his favorite censer, the father governor said in a quiet, chilling whisper:

Who gave it to you?!

The deacon froze with the ascended censer. Only his hand shook so that the ominous ringing of precious chains was heard throughout the altar.

Drop it now! - commanded the governor. The academician was completely numb with horror.

Throw who they say! - commanded the governor again.

In the altar, fleecy carpets were spread on the floor. The censer blazed with a good bucket of coals. The academician fell into a pre-fainting state. It was obvious that they did not go through this at the Leningrad Theological Academy. The Father Viceroy, not taking his eyes off him, beckoned old Hierodeacon Anthony with his finger and briefly commanded him:

Take the censer from him!

Antony snatched the censer from the Petrograder's hand.

Throw it away, - ordered the governor.

Without a moment's hesitation, Antony unclenched his fingers, and the censer fell on the carpet with a sad clang. The burning coals immediately scattered, the carpet caught fire. Those standing around rushed to put out the fire with their palms, crawling on their knees at the feet of the viceroy. And that one, in smoke and flame, looked majestically at this picture from above.

This is how obedience should be done! - concluded the governor.

And, turning to the St. Petersburg deacon, he threw out:

And you - get out of the altar!

“And what is the point? - they will ask me. - Isn't this an example of the most real obscurantism, tyranny and despotism? Did the Holy Fathers speak of such obedience?”

And I have nothing to object to… Except perhaps that we, the monks, are really some kind of abnormal people if we take such things as a whole for granted.”

I ask all readers of one million one hundred thousand copies to think about what kind of service is being performed, at the beginning of which divine service the deacon asks to bless the censer. And again I turn to my chamber of measures and weights. I believe that Metropolitan Kirill (Smirnov), Archbishop Ermogen (Golubev), Priest Anatoly Zhurakovsky would not have begun to crawl on their knees at the feet of the viceroy, they would have left the altar, for the words that the priest says during the Divine Liturgy were not for them empty sound. If Father Tikhon is right, if a person inevitably has to choose between such monasticism and Christianity, I choose Christianity. The Son of Man never looked majestically at those who crawled before Him on their knees. The vicar is not a Christian, and everyone who was silent, who was afraid to denounce the bastard, who was afraid to say out loud here at the altar that he refuses to serve him, should be banned from serving until repentance, for they were afraid of man more than God, served the vicar boss, not God.

I categorically reject such "obedience" and such "humility" to which Father Tikhon calls Christians on all six hundred pages. I do not find examples of such "humility" in the Gospel, I see it only in the Eastern despotisms and in the Stalinist USSR.

The supreme apostle Peter constantly objected to Christ, argued with Him, although each time he was convinced that the Teacher was right, and then argued again. And the Lord humbled him only once, but not with a log in the face and not with a knee in the ass, but only with His word:

“Get away from me, Satan! You are a temptation to me; because you think not about what is God's, but what is human" (Matthew 16:23)

In Father Tikhon’s book, the closest, most sympathetic people to me, Elder John (Krestyankin) and the “great governor” Alipiy, in principled cases, did not at all show unconditional obedience and did not recklessly humble themselves either before the civil authorities, or before the “hierarchy”. There are examples of this in Father Tikhon's stories. There were many more of them in real life.

I had to think about the boundaries of “humility” from the very first days of the priesthood.

“About fifteen people crowded in front of the small entrance in the altar. Protodeacon Georgiy tugs at my sleeve: "O. Georgiy, we go out to the middle, we approach the pulpit, you stand on the edge of the carpet directly opposite the bishop, face him and immediately bow to the earth." - "So the earthly ones are canceled before the Trinity, we don't bow to God like that these days." - "Nothing, for humility, but the Lord will forgive. Vladyka too." We have already reached the pulpit, it is too late to argue. I do deep throwing, but in the face there is a quiet, clear command: "Bows to the earth," and from behind, there is also a very clear non-verbal - manual command, someone pushes me in the hump with his fist: do not disturb the rhythm of the Divine Service, Fr. Rector. "... is awarded a pectoral cross." Then the merits and the high reward were discussed in detail in a sermon from the pulpit, then toasts were raised at the festive table in the church house. The order of toasts in the parishes of the Vologda diocese was also regulated by a special circular of His Eminence.

The words "for humility" full of the deepest meaning have become in the Moscow Patriarchate a universal instrument of struggle and victory. It would be good to introduce one more term into the rank of the Triumph of Orthodoxy: "O those who accept marvelous words in vain, the cornerstones of Orthodox deeds."

Entrance examinations for the correspondence department of the Moscow Theological Seminary. Estimates are not disclosed to anyone, the selection criteria are not known to anyone. During lunch, an assistant inspector comes into the dining room and reads out the list of those accepted. "The rest after dinner go home to the parish." "Father Inspector, why am I..." - "For humility." - "And me..." - "For humility." "Bless to turn to Vladyka Rector." - "No...for..."

Those who graduate from the seminary are enrolled in the academy only according to the grades in the certificate: the first to finish is the first to be undoubtedly enrolled. The rule is simple, it does not allow any reinterpretation. For two years, in 1984 and 1985, I submitted applications and for two years I was refused "in connection with the competition." Together with me, he entered the MDS in 1980, but graduated a year earlier as the first student of the 1983 graduation. Alexander Geronimus, priest of our Kursk diocese from Stary Oskol. The quietest, embodied humility, will not say a loud word in front of the hierarchy, let alone a fellow - he will not offend a fly. As far as I know, he wrote the same petitions at the same time for three years, then, it seems, he got tired of it.

The first class of the seminary, they return my term paper after checking it. This is an ordinary student's notebook in a box, on the last page the mark is "4". In the entire notebook there is not a single remark, not a single marginal note, not a single correction of a factual, spelling or stylistic error. No reviews. It is likely that the teacher simply opened the notebook at the end and assessed the work by volume. By that day, I had 22 years of experience at the institute, hundreds of term papers, dozens of diplomas, several dissertations and textbooks for universities passed through my hands. I turn to Fr. To the inspector. He, without looking into the notebook, without even raising his eyes to the questioner, without worrying about clear articulation, pronounces the magic formula. Then why not a deuce? The efficiency would be higher. Humble - so dry. The ideal of education is speechlessness. The peak of the triumph of Sergian "humility" - the Local Council in June 1990. All delegates of the Council - bishops, priests, laity - knew that its chairman, the Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, the then Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia Filaret, was a monstrous incarnation human vices, about which the central newspapers and magazines wrote quite frankly. But not a single delegate of the Council stood up and declared that Filaret could not only preside over the Council, be one of the main contenders for the Patriarchal throne, but even be present in this high assembly. Not a single one denounced the members of the Holy Synod for the fact that on the day of the death of Patriarch Pimen they elected Filaret Locum Tenens by a majority of votes. And today, the entire Moscow Patriarchate is silent when Filaret is defrocked, when he is an ordinary impostor, a “thief”, as impostors have been called in Russia from time immemorial, is silent about the fact that all the hierarchs who diligently promoted Filaret to the patriarch are still, like 5 years back, members of the Holy Synod.

Everyone has their own obedience and their own type of humility. They live in communal or one-room small-sized apartments, and sometimes in a bed in a hostel, dear Lenochka, Yulechka, Tanya, Manechki. Walk the streets on foot or ride in " public transport"Then they experience a high spiritual impulse and decide to break with this crazy vain world, devote their whole lives to serving God and neighbor, they take vows of celibacy, obedience, poverty. The best, most faithful to the oath become mother abbesses. Now no one will ever meet yesterday's Yulenka or Katenka in a trolleybus or bus, she died not only for the world, but also for the tram... If she, humbly lowering her eyes, goes to be anointed with oil or wants to venerate a miraculous icon, not a single "profane" will be allowed near that icon for several minutes ", from both sides they will diligently wipe the glass. God forbid some kind of gap on the carpet path, along which the bishop or mother deigns to walk, inadvertently step on. At least for a second, at least on the very edge. Every visitor, if not from the rich and not official Mother will certainly endure an hour in the hall, for greater humility, not because she is busy with something.

His Holiness rides in a bulletproof government limousine purely out of humility. On the same limousine, he arrived at the Elokhov Cathedral to transfer the relics of the wretched monk Seraphim, and then departed at breakneck speed for Sarov ”(“ Notes of a Village Priest ”pp. 115-118)

Why do rational arguments in favor of building a pulp and paper mill near Cherepovets not work?


But how short! Lies creep in
and blinders gradually fly from the eyes ...
You ask: “How is it? well?"
Baron Munchausen! Fake. Morok.
So close the doors behind you
Once you lie, who will believe you?*
- Lana Snow

As they say, "the question is, of course, an interesting one." In Russia, in general, the situation with the rational is not very good. Today, the entire West is in shock: they imposed sanctions on the Russians, the ruble is falling, oil is becoming more expensive, gypsum is being removed, and they are happy and proud that “Crimea is ours!”. Just like in that parable about the Mongol Khan and the city besieged by him.

But now is not about that. And about what is very close. An occasion to remember about "Stop Pulp and Paper Mill!" became last gear"Crossroads" on the Cherepovets "Channel 12" with the participation of the respected owner of "Severstal". She clearly provoked a surge of public excitement. What the author can judge from personal experience - the very next day he was literally backed against the wall by one very corpulent and respected gentleman in the city, who demanded to immediately determine the position in relation to the construction of the pulp and paper mill, in general, and to Alexei Mordashov, in particular, because "the whole city is against it."

In fact, this acquaintance of mine with trembling hands and a face red with excitement is not the only one in the city. In the ranks of the opponents of the new industrial construction today, indeed, there are the "shirk masses" - the well-known "yellow mark" is easily found on the rear window of not only budget cars, but on quite presentable, tinted Lexuses, cruisers, and other "behas".

What unites all these people in the general rejection of Mordashov's plan, which, it seems, has already been agreed with everyone: with a foreign partner with the necessary technology-competencies, and with the leadership of the region, and, perhaps, with someone higher?

After all, if you look at it, the idea is good: to build a powerful, modern production, the same, scientifically speaking, “multiplier”, which will essentially give a second life to the Vologda forest industry, which is now in obvious stagnation, and at the same time will improve our taiga, littered with no one an unnecessary bastard. But, most importantly, the region will have a new source of tax revenues, and local residents will have the prospect of new high-quality (in terms of working conditions and wages) jobs.

Of course, the investor also has a "selfish" motive - to earn. But this is exactly the case when it is optimally balanced by non-material internal motivation: an ambitious and quite sincere desire to build "the best pulp and paper mill on Earth."

"And yet," as the unforgettable Emmanuil Gideonovich used to say from Radio Day. Everything good that is in the project is not noticed or questioned (even if it offends the doubters themselves - for example, the assertion that our employees are not able to follow the technology as strictly as the Finns). On the surface, there remains one nasty dregs that is difficult to verbally define. In fact, this is not even a thought, not serious arguments against, - one bitter emotion.

It is clear that there are people deliberately kindling it and maintaining this fire in their own selfish interests. But the vague bitterness was not instilled by them, everyone has felt it for a long time.

The immediate personified irritant is the already mentioned Aleksey Aleksandrovich, who, as is commonly believed, has long been a Muscovite and who "doesn't give a damn about Cherepovets," as my old aggressive interlocutor put it. When I timidly objected that it was necessary to sound the alarm about this earlier - when it was determined which Marquis of Karabas would own Severstal and the surrounding "fields", he brushed it aside: "it was a long time ago."

But the residue remains! And after all, no one knows for sure what things our “robber barons”, the current “pillars” of our native economy, had to cross in their time on the way to power and property. “Either he stole, or someone stole from him.” But the theft was for sure, and they still cannot forgive her. Not only “those who are over 50”, but also younger people do not leave the feeling of deep unrighteousness and wrongness, that “malice” that has weighed on us for almost a quarter of a century.

It seems that the reaction to the PPM project is just a reflex, like vomiting, the reaction of people who do not know what else and how to change in their lives. He is like a poisonous drop (capable of killing more than one horse), into which the Cherepovets industrial haze has condensed, turning into almost a national metaphor.

It is time to recall another product of the same smoky Cherepovets twilight - Leonid Parfyonov, a fierce fighter against our common Soviet past, who made his whole career on this. The heightened feelings of a professional anti-Soviet can be trusted, and in his last “Namednya” he sounds the alarm: “Sovietness has become more active in our life!”. Confirming the common hunch that the big country is changing.

Where is her new helmsman turning, determined to satisfy the general request of passengers to move away from the timeless rotten backwater? Is the author of the hypothesis that the national leader wants to rewind time slightly, to return Russia, no, not to a complete and final “scoop” (which is impossible, and would be tantamount to a catastrophe), but to that point of bifurcation (“to a new political thinking”), where you can try to correct the course, following the experience of the new main partner of the country - China?

"He who betrays once, betrays more than once"...

So I thought, sitting at the computer late at night. I wondered who the author of these words? And I climbed into Runet ...

Someone claimed that the source is the Bible; someone that the gospel, on other sites it is said that this is an English proverb. Who to believe? But, the material that I encountered was interesting and very. It is with great pleasure that I share with you.

Gospel of Mark 13:11

"When they are led to betray you, do not worry in advance what you will say, and do not ponder; but what will be given to you in that hour, then speak, for it will not be you who speak, but the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 10:19 Luke 12:11

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia. arch. Nikifor. 1891.

Gospel of Mark 13:12

"Brother will betray brother to death, and the father of children; and children will rise up against their parents and kill them."

Gospel of Mark 13:13

"And you will be hated by all for My name's sake; but he who endures to the end will be saved."

Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible Encyclopedia... arch. Nikifor. 1891.

Gospel of Mark /quotes/

"The Sabbath is for man, not man for the Sabbath."

"If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; and if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand."

"There is nothing hidden that would not be revealed, and nothing is hidden that would not come out."

"Whoever has, to him will be given, and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken away from him."

"I believe, Lord! help my unbelief."

"He who is not against you is for you."

"Beware of scribes who love to walk around in long robes and receive greetings in public assemblies."

(Source: "Aphorisms. The Golden Fund of Wisdom". Eremishin O. M. - Enlightenment; 2006.)

Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms. Academician. 2011.

The greatest wisdom of words. Wisdom that exists outside of politics and religion. This is the wisdom of the ages.


Let me remind you some parables:

About the son who betrayed his mother

“One woman was accused of satanism and was going to be burned at the stake as a witch. But according to the custom that existed at that time, everyone had to confirm that she was a witch. A huge crowd, like stones, threw exclamations “witch”, only her son was silent among the crowd.
“Burn your son too,” someone shouted, “ he is the son of a witch, so heSatan. Fearing for her son's life, the unfortunate woman shouted into the crowd:
This is not my son!
And then the indignant son yelled along with the frenzied crowd:
Witch! Witch!
And at the same moment a flame blazed at the feet of the innocent. Tongues of fire were already licking the body, but it was not this pain that burned the mother's heart. The unfortunate woman remembered how for the first time a child stirred under her heart, as if a flower had opened its petals, she remembered how in agony she gave birth to a long-awaited child, how she heard his first cry, announcing the appearance of a new creature into the light of day, she remembered how she first applied a warm dear to her chest a lump, how he first uttered the word "mother", how he took the first step ... She looked at her native face, distorted by madness, and burning tears flooded her cheeks, scorched by fire.
The fierce fire went out, the pitiless flame disappeared, leaving gray ash on the square, which was carried in all directions by an indifferent wind. The crowd, having received pleasure, dispersed, and the son of an innocent woman was still standing in the square. He had no one and nowhere to go. He was soon driven from the square, and he wandered in search of another life. And wherever he was, wherever he went, he was persecuted from everywhere, scolded, insulted and often beaten. And the more he got, the more often he remembered his mother: her warm soft hands, her voice dear to the heart, her native image, her tenderness and love.
- The world is cruel, - said the unfortunate man.He took from me what was dearest of all.
No, it's not the world that took away your most precious thing,he heard a voice inside him.It was you who disowned him to save your life.
And the son began to live with an eternal reproach of conscience, as with a stigma.
Time passed, the woman was acquitted, honor was restored to her good name, and her son remained forever a leper, persecuted from everywhere. And he did not have a quiet life, and he did not receive a quiet death.

Do not renounce love for the sake of their own salvation. Forsaken, excommunicated from life, deprived of human love and an honest name.

The stolen egg /parable from Leonardo da Vinci/

“Once a partridge, having chosen a place for itself on a cypress, looked at a neighbor who settled on an olive tree, and, not finding her at home, stole an egg from her nest.

Time passed, and, as expected, chicks hatched in both nests. When the noisy and gluttonous offspring grew up and got stronger, a significant day came - departure from their native nest.

The first to fly were the chicks that lived on the olive tree. After making a few circles over the garden, they returned home. The turn came for the chicks that lived on the cypress. Having made the flight, happy and contented, they returned to their nest. And only one chick, hatched from a stolen egg, obeying an inner call, returned to its mother, who built a nest in an olive tree.

And the conclusions are very simple:

1. You need to forgive the person who betrayed you. You can give him another chance. But are you sure that the person has realized the lesson he has learned? But if he perceives the good as your duty, betrayal will be repeated again and again.

2. Betrayal is one of the tests that have fallen to your lot. But, no matter how much they betray you, "everything returns to normal" (from the Old Testament. The book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 1, verse 6). The chick will return to its native nest, and justice will prevail.

3. "He who betrays once, betrays more than once." This phrase is as old as the world. And do I need to look for the original source? This wisdom is passed from mouth to mouth, through centuries, through generations...

74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms "The fruits of meditation" (1854) Kozma Prutkov.

Original: "If you lie once, who will believe you?"

You can also say this: "Mendax in uno, mendax in omnibus" (He who lied in one lies in everything)

Be careful in your trust. No wonder this wisdom has passed through the ages.

Good luck to you and all the best.

/ Elena Zhmachinskaya. 2013/

When I read the interview, I was speechless. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov, who regularly lays flowers at the foot of the "Pergamon Altar" - Lenin's mausoleum, stands for Orthodoxy! One of the "apostles" of internationalism - stands up for the Russian, outraged people ...

Yes, Gennady Andreevich spoke out a lot and zealously against the main costs of privatization, against the Yeltsin regime. Thank him for this! He worked hard to protect the socially weak categories of the population. But, have mercy! In the interview - the same "teacher", instructive - directive tone, the same pretentious "party" notes.

And what does it mean that the communist ideology has changed radically? How could the ideology denoted by the same word change; ideology, the name and essence of which went down in world history with the murders of the royal family, the clergy, Russian aristocrats, and the Cossack class? By building concentration camps for their own people, by denunciations and false pretenses...

From whose lips are these warnings heard today “... about the activation of the dark forces of the world behind the scenes, preparing on the wave of flaring turmoil for a decisive battle for world domination, described at the dawn of the Christian era by the Apostle John the Theologian in his famous Apocalypse” ???

Are we, Orthodox, not to know what Gennady Andreevich, who has seen late, talks about? Why does today's leader of the Communist Party of Russia instruct those who yesterday the Communist Party did not allow to live with dignity, exposing them to real genocide on ideological grounds?

Why and why is the name of an ideology that has completely compromised itself with the meanness, stupidity and hypocrisy of its confessors, being galvanized under a different sign? Why pour "new wine" into "old wineskins"? Why does Gennady Andreevich not want to finally part with the communist infection and completely switch to the Orthodox-patriotic platform, telling the whole world and, above all, his own people, about the true sources of the communist "doctrine", about the Masonic conspiracy, about the leaders of the revolution - Lenin, Dzerzhinsky, Sverdlov...

Having told the TRUTH, and not sugary tales about "Grandfather Frost and Twelve Months" ...

Why not declassify secret documents from the party archive, publish photographs with real, and not retouched, faces of the leaders of communism? Not to publish their works, removed from open access to the annals of the "special depository" for a very understandable purpose? Why not publish in the press real data on how many victims the "leading role" of the Communist Party and its maniacal leaders cost us? And publish not on behalf of an unknown, revealing researcher, but on behalf of its current leader.

And, having done this hard work, do not come to the church altar with repentance on behalf of those who still believe in the "ideals" of communism, watching on TV how the leader of their party lays flowers at the ritual burial place of one of the most bloodthirsty and terrible enemies of the Russian people? Why not publicly, in front of the whole world, relieve himself of the exorbitant burden of guilt for the party he represents today?

Some who are not too experienced in the faith can say, and indeed they say, that Christ was the first communist...

But in fact, he was Satan ...

I recall the poem of the famous Russian poet and monarchist writer, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy - "VERTOGRAD", built in the form of a dialogue between the bride and groom. Here are the lines from there -

“... - So who are these people - exclaimed the bride -

Wanting, like children, someone else's shitting place?

They have many names, my silver angel!

They are demagogues, they are communists.

They, oh, Lada, don’t consider much to be a stranger -

When they need something, they drag and grab ... "

The text of the poem is taken from a pre-revolutionary edition. In Soviet editions of the poet's poems, the word "communists" is replaced by "anarchists". The reason is clear...

Is Gennady Andreevich "in good faith" deluded in the true essence of communism until now? The PhD should be more wise...

The repentance of the leader of the party and the rejection of the inhuman doctrine created by the enemies of the human race, with its transition to Orthodoxy, is the example that would open the eyes of millions, and would not continue to “blind” them in the future, prolonging the imitation of the life of the stinking corpse of communist heresy. Moreover, many people, through their thoughtlessness and deceit, continue to profess communism, albeit sweetened by talk about the Russian nation and the defense of Orthodoxy, would repent and join the body of the Church of Christ, freeing themselves from the weight of the anathema pronounced by St. Patriarch Tikhon to the leaders of their party...

There is no need, Gennady Andreevich, to knock on the gates of a "foreign monastery" with "your charter."

Such guests may turn out to be a "Trojan horse"... Stand together with your electorate under the Banners of Orthodoxy, and only then will it be possible to speak of catholicity. Just do not forget that repentance for the deeds of the party that you once joined and, therefore, accepted its ideals, will reduce you from the position of a well-known party leader to the position of an ordinary Christian, who, for quite a long time, according to church rules, will have to resemble in "catechumens"...

And only then the Church will accept him under her Omophorus. If he deems it worthy. You will have to part with the mentoring tone and join the share of the ordinary citizen and Christian. Are you ready?

I'm sharp. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm blaming. In an open conversation, in a Christian way. And, as the Lord commanded, I call to repentance. I do not want to offend anyone, and I will be glad to see brothers and sisters in the lost part of the Russian people. And in you, Gennady Andreevich! If you help our long-suffering people in saving their souls, and throw off the mask of justice from the communist regime, exposing its satanic roots, even if sacrificing your influence and your position as a leader, Holy Russia will never forget you...

And the Lord bless you!

And just like that, just starting from your words, I, alas, CANNOT believe you!

Too often the Communist Party has deceived the Russian people.

Let's hope that this time everything will be fair.

With sincere hope and wishes of personal courage,


Everything is correct, but.... they will not repent.
Leopard change his spots.
They lie, they lie and they will lie. Smoked eyes do not eat smoke.
It's a shame for the simplicity of the people, the very simplicity that is worse than theft. Again, millions hang their ears and are ready to stomp behind these crooks into the bright yesterday.
Good luck to you!

Thank you Sergiy for your support. The article was written in 2004. Now it’s 2018... They didn’t repent and didn’t repent. And they don’t even intend to. More than that, I see with the naked eye how the infection of lies and hypocrisy, double standards, penetrates and has already penetrated into all the cracks of our society. In the years of my childhood, adults were ashamed to tell a lie. Today, a lie is a universal way of existence of the mind of the majority. From small to large. It is painful and insulting for the younger generation, which is accustomed to lies from a young age. God bless you!