Who are we talking about? And in the grave he had no peace: rumor spread among the people that at night a fire was visible there and cheerful music was heard; To do this, eight days later they dug the corpse out of the grave, burned it to ashes and, loading a huge cannon with it, shot at the gates through which he entered Moscow, so that his ashes would not remain.

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Download presentation History games"Russian Drama Theater" - E.A. Tokmakov came to the theater as an already formed artist, educated by the Mkhatov school. Kotelnikova Lyudmila Ivanovna -. Pride of the Russian

Drama Theater

... FOUNDATION OF THE THEATER. The performance sounded like a symbol of victory. THE THEME OF PATRIOTISM IN THE 40s... Fadeychev Dmitry Viktorovich -. An organic, versatile actress, capable of creating images from poignant to dramatic. “Heroes of Russia” - How? Epic heroes. 1). 1941 - 1945. 3). July 15, 1240 Movie hero. 1.Name the main character of the film. Awards. 2). 1812 Heroic dates. He had four degrees. 1. Awards. Heroic pages of history. 7. Heroic deed. 2. The first Moscow prince who led the fight against the Tatars. 6. Epic heroes.“Parliamentarism in Russia” - Analysis of the activities of the State Duma of Russia. -4 Was the State Duma called a “paradox of history”? Explain why... - 1 State Duma called the "Duma of People's Hopes"? -3 The State Duma was nicknamed “The Duma of Insufficient Sufficiency”? History of parliamentarism in Russia.

To the Russian Parliament

“Russian Language Holiday” - Subject area. The project was carried out by the teacher of Russian language and literature of the Bereznikovsky secondary school Vasilyeva L.V. What is the basis of Russian culture? Creative project name. The road to writing. Developmental goals. Educational goals. Educational goals. Russian language. Abstract of the project. Celebration of Slavic literature and culture.

“Unified State Examination in the History of Russia” - Results of the Unified State Exam 2006 © T.P. Teterevleva. Comparison Unified State Exam results on Russian history (1st wave) 2005 2006 New topics: 1.4.7 Time of Troubles XVI – early XVII V. (reasons, essence, consequences). Distribution of participants by “waves” of the Unified State Exam. National politics in the 1920-1930s.

There are 9 presentations in total

Graves and words of the righteous about the grave

Dahhak says: “A certain man asked: “O Messenger of Allah! Who is the most God-fearing and pious among people?

The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: “This is the person who does not forget about life in other world and about decay in the grave. One who renounces the excesses of worldly splendor, its splendor and pomp. The one who prefers eternal life life on earth. He who does not consider the coming day to be the day in which he will live, and who already today recognizes himself as an inhabitant of the grave.”

When the noble Ali (radiyallahu anhu) was asked why he preferred the neighborhood close to the cemetery, he answered them this way: “Because I find that they are the most blessed of neighbors. They are the most sincere and devoted friends. For they do not gossip about me, and endlessly remind me of the afterlife.”

The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: “I have not seen a greater drama and a greater spectacle than the horror and tragedy of grave life.”

The noble Umar (radiyallahu anhu) said: “Together with the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) we wandered through the cemetery. Heading to one of the graves, the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) sat down at its head. I sat closest to him than everyone else who came. He started crying. Looking at him, I began to cry too. Everyone who was with us began to cry. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) asked us: “What is the reason for your crying?” We replied: “When we saw you crying, we also began to cry.” The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) told us then: “This is the grave of my mother Amina, the daughter of Wahb. I asked the Lord for my permission to visit her, and the Lord allowed me. Meanwhile, I asked my Lord for permission to pray to Him for forgiveness of my mother, but He did not allow me. Therefore, because the son’s feeling of tenderness and compassion for his mother prevailed, I began to cry.”

The noble Uthman bin Affan (radiyallahu anhu) stood at the head of one grave and cried until his beard became wet. When he was asked why he does not cry when it comes to heaven and hell, but cries when he comes to the head of the grave, he replied: “I heard the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) say:

“Life in the grave is, in essence, the place of first refuge during the journey to the eternal world. If the owner of the grave overcomes the dangers at the first site, then it will be much easier to overcome subsequent dangers. If he cannot escape at the place of his first stop, then everything will go much more severely and harshly. This is the reason for my crying."

It is reported that one day Amr bin As (radiyallahu anhu), driving past a cemetery, looked at it, and then, getting off his horse, performed two rakats of prayer there. He was asked: “What is this? We’ve never seen you do this before.” In response, he said: “I thought about the things that create a barrier between those who lie in the grave and the Lord. For this reason, I wanted to get closer to my Lord with the help of these two rakats of prayer.”

Imam Mujahid says: “The first thing that speaks to a person is the grave he arrives at. The grave, when its owner arrives at it, will say: “I am a haven of worms and insects, I am a land of loneliness, I am a land of foreignness, I am a land of darkness. This is exactly what I have prepared for you here. Come on, tell me what you prepared for me and brought with you?”

Abu Dharr (radiyallahu anhu) said this: “Shall I inform you about the day of my poverty and poverty? This will be the day when I will be laid in my grave. For I will be left all alone."

Abu Darda (radiyallahu anhu) from time to time, going to the cemetery, sat among the graves. When asked about the reason for this, he replied: “I sit next to those who remind me of the place where I will go. When I get up and leave here, they won’t gossip behind my back.”

Jafar bin Muhammad, getting up at night, came to the cemetery and said: “Why, when I call you, do you not answer me?” And then he said: “I swear by Allah, there is some kind of veil, a barrier between me and the answer that they give me. However, I will be the same as them.” Then he turned towards Qibla and performed prayers until the morning.

Umar bin Abdulaziz (Rahmatullahi alaihi) said to one of those who constantly came to him for sohbets: “O such and such a person! That night sleep did not take me, I could not sleep. All the time I thought about the graves and about those who lie in them. If you see someone you were friends with or close to in the grave three days after death, then you definitely don't want to get close to him. You will want to stay away from him. For where insects and worms scurry, everything turns into a corroded, rotting body covered in worms. Simultaneously with the destruction of that young body and the appearance of a bad smell, they also appeared. This is a place that has been filled with bad smells, replacing the smell of pleasant incense. A place where there are rotten shrouds instead of clean, neat clothes.” The person who spoke about this said this: “Umar bin Abdulaziz (Rahmatullahi Alaihi), having told about this, uttered a heart-rending cry and fell, losing consciousness.”

Yazid Raqqashi said: “O man who is buried in a grave and who remains alone in his grave! O man who remains underground alone with his deeds! Oh, if you could know thanks to what deeds you will be happy, what friend you should envy! And then he cried until his turban became wet with tears. Then he continued: “I swear by Allah, the person lying in that grave is happy thanks to his good and righteous deeds. I swear by Allah, he envies his friends who showed him the way to become submissive, and those who helped him by being on friendly terms with him.” When he looked at the cemetery, he cried bitterly.

Khatami Esam said this: “If someone, passing by a cemetery, does not sit for a while and think about himself, and if he does not pray a prayer of thanksgiving for those lying in the grave, then he will act treacherously both in relation to himself and to those who lie in those graves."

The pious servant of Allah Bakr said: “Ah, mommy! It would be better if you didn’t give birth to me at all. For your son has the prospect of being in the prison of the grave for a long time, and then the prospect of moving to another place.”

Yahya bin Muadh said: “O man! Your Lord calls you to heaven. First, think about where and what answer you should give to the Lord. If you want to give an answer to your Lord through the “window” of dunya, then you will begin to make preparations for relocation there while on earth, and eventually you will enter paradise called Darus Sallam.” However, if you look at the call of the Lord through the “window” of the grave, then the grave will become an obstacle on your way there.”

Hassan bin Salih, coming to any cemetery, said: “How beautiful is your appearance! But as for yours inner world, then it is full of dangers, melancholy, sorrows and difficulties!

Ata al-Sulami (Rahmatullahi alayhi), when dusk was gathering, went to the cemetery. Then, turning to the cemetery, he said: “O you who lie in the graves! You're all dead now, aren't you? Now you have clearly seen the payment for the deeds you have done on earth! How do I feel? Woe to me, woe to my situation!” The person talking about this later said about it: “Repeating these words, Ata continued to go to the cemetery almost every day. Truly, he was in the cemetery every day, from evening until morning.”

Sufyan Savri (Rahmatullahi alaihi) said: “He who constantly talks about the grave and the situation in the grave finds his grave one of the gardens of paradise. The same person who does not talk about the grave at all considers the grave to be one of the pits of hell.”

Rabbi bin Haytham (Rahmatullahi alaihi) forced a hole to be dug in his house. Having noticed some kind of callousness, cruelty, sadness in his heart, he immediately climbed into this hole, lay down in it, stretched out, and waited there for some time. After being there for a certain period of time, which, in his opinion, was pleasing to Allah, he said: “My Lord! Send me back to earth, return me to the world below, so that I can do good deeds on the earth on which I live in vain.” While in the pit, he read the following verse several times: “When death appears before one of them, he will pray: “Lord! Bring me back [to this world]: perhaps I will do a righteous deed in what I have neglected.” But no! What he says are just [empty] words. Behind those who leave the world there [will be] a barrier before they are resurrected" (al-Mu'minun, 23/99-100). Then, turning to himself, he said: “O Rabbi! I sent you back to earth, to the world below. If so, then keep your word and do good and righteous deeds!”

And Maymun bin Mahran said: “Together with Umar bin Abdulziz (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) we went to the cemetery. Umar bin Abdulaziz looked at the cemetery and began to cry. Then he turned to me and said: “O Maimun! In this cemetery that you see, the sons of Umayya, who are my tribe, lie in their graves. It was as if they had not lived in this world at all, as if they had not tasted this world, this life at all. Don't you learn a lesson from them? Look, now they are all lying here, giving an account for the work they have done. All the worms and insects are currently eating away at their bodies. They are surrounded by dangers on all sides. Isn’t there a lesson to be learned from this?” Having said these words, he began to cry, and then continued his speech: “I swear by Allah! I don’t know anyone happier than the person who, having entered the grave, was freed from the punishments of Allah, and than the person who went into the next world, being confident and believing.”

Sabit Bunani said this: “I went to the cemetery. Just as I was about to leave him, I heard a voice: “Oh Sabit! Be careful! Let not the silence of the inhabitants of the graves mislead you. How many people are there writhing in grief, suffering and torment.”

When Daoud Tai (rahmatullahi alayhi) passed by the cemetery, he saw a woman standing at the head of the grave and crying, and also heard her, crying, reading the following beytas:

“They put you in the grave and locked you up,

You have lost your life.

When they laid you on your right side in the ground,

How can I feel the taste of life without you?

After the woman recited these verses, she said: “My dear child! Oh, if only I could know which of your rosy cheeks will be eaten by worms and insects! But, alas, I cannot know this.” Daoud Tai, who heard these words, fell unconscious to the ground.

Malik bin Dinar (Rahmatullahi alaihi) says: “Once, when I was passing by a cemetery, I wanted to read the poems:

I came to the churchyard,

He shouted to those lying there:

“Where are the great and where are the fallen?

Where is the kingdom, where is the luxury?

Where is the one who trusted in his strength?

Where is the one who boasted, daring to justify himself?

Malik bin Dinar (Rahmatullahi alaihi) continued: “At that time, among the graves, I heard a voice. I could hear the voice of the one who spoke, but I could not see him. There was no one around. He said:

“Everyone has disappeared, there is no one who brings news,

Everyone sent with them died.

The daughter's lands are worms,

Without distinguishing between day and night,

They tirelessly devour beautiful faces and images.

O traveler who asks me, what is the state of the dead?

Is there really no edification in all this?

Malik bin Dinar (Rahmatullahi alaihi) says: “After that I left there crying.”

Poems inscribed on some gravestones

On one gravestone the following lines are written:

“Those who silently call you from the graves -

The inhabitants of the graves underground are quietly waiting for you,

O he who hoards from earthly things that cannot be owned,

Who are you saving for? When you die, you will come here naked.”

And on another stone it is written like this:

“O owner of countless riches! It seems that your grave is wide, and well-groomed on the outside, and safe. But the external beauty of the grave is not enough; your body languishes in it under the feet of others.”

Ibn Sammak says: “Once I passed through a cemetery. I saw that on one gravestone the following words were written:

“My family and friends pass by as if they don’t know me. They pass without greeting me. The heirs divided my entire fortune, but none of them showed interest in my debts. Everyone took their share and continued with their lives. O great Lord! How quickly they forgot the one who was among them yesterday.”

And on another gravestone people saw the following lines:

“The loved one is taken away from those who love him, he is an obstacle for other loved ones. However, neither the guard nor the gatekeeper can serve as a barrier to death. Do earthly things and its pleasures give happiness, since every word and every breath is counted... O careless one! Your dawn will be detrimental if you wake up in the pleasure of carelessness. Death will show no mercy to the ignorant for his ignorance. Death will not show mercy to a scientist for his knowledge. Death does not listen to sweet speeches that are like the song of a nightingale. She silences everyone, leaves them speechless. Your palace was bright, flourishing, crowded and honorable. Meanwhile, your grave among others is just a wasteland.”

On another gravestone the following words are written:

“I see the graves of friends lined up in a row. In their graves my friends gathered together like horses at a race. I cried, my tears flowed. My eyes have seen my place among them.”

And on the gravestone of one doctor the following words were inscribed:

“To the one who asked me who was looking for salvation from torment, I said: “Lukman Hakim, a doctor who treated anyone for illness, did not find salvation and went to the grave. Where are those who spoke about his healing art, who started talking about his skill? Where are those who talked about curing him and those who praised him? And where is the doctor Lukman himself? Alas! Is he who is unable to heal himself able to save another?

Here is another epitaph from one grave:

“Oh people! I had one desire, death folded my hands before I achieved it. Let the man who knows fear his Lord. Let him work, let him do things as long as life allows him. Let him never postpone things. I'm not the only one who moved to the place you see. Everyone, like me, will move. One day you will arrive too.”

It is advisable that those who come read these verses from the tombstones describing the shortcomings and character flaws of the people lying in the graves in order to learn lessons for themselves. From this point of view, a far-sighted person is one who, looking at the graves of other people, can see his own place among these graves. So he makes the necessary preparations for the day when he meets them. At the same time, he knows that before he joins them, these graves will not move and will not leave that place.

An intelligent person visiting graves or passing through a cemetery should never forget this truth: If those who are in the graves were given one single day of their own lives, then they, in order to receive that day , would want to conquer it by giving everything they had. However, this is impossible. For the dead are already in a state of ability to determine the price of actions. And there is no turning back. After they died and were interred, they saw all the truths in all their nakedness. They feel longing for one single day. Therefore, a person who behaves carelessly and negligently will wish, thanks to the day he has gained, by being diligent and performing service, to make sure that his shortcoming is forgiven.

Therefore, a person must realize his days in the same spirit and now must look for means and ways of getting rid of torment and retribution, as well as do everything necessary for this. Let a person who is successful in this regard and accomplishes everything that falls to his lot, wish to further increase his degree by realizing that day or all his days. May he thus deserve much greater rewards.

If people knew the value of their lives, then they would do what is necessary. However, only after their death, when there is nothing else left for them, do they understand the problem, but it is already too late. They feel longing even for the momentarily passing period of time of their wasted life.

O man now living! Now you have these minutes and hours. And you have to implement them in a similar way. If you miss this time by not using it, what will you do? From today, think about the day when you will feel sadness, melancholy, and prepare yourself for this day. Prepare for the day when the moment and opportunity slips away from you. For you missed them by not doing everything necessary while you had the opportunity.

For example, one of the pious righteous said: “I had a friend. After he died, I saw him in a dream. I told him: “Oh my friend! Glory to the Lord of the worlds, you are still alive!” And in my dream he tells me: “If I had time to glorify the Lord of the worlds, I would give the whole world and everything that is in it for it.” Then he continued and said: “Have you seen the place where they buried me? There a man stood up and performed two rak'ahs of prayer. Truly, if I had time to perform such two rakats of prayer, then for this I would immediately give the world and everything that is in it.”

To be continued in sha Allah..

Sacred secrets of death and the grave

from Ihya Ulum ad-Din by Imam Ghazali, rahimahullah

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

One of the main views of adherents of the Sunnah and a single community (ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'a) is the belief in bliss and torment in the grave.

However, some people have the idea: “If the body of the deceased was not buried, for example, he was eaten by a predatory animal, does he experience the torment of the grave?”

This question was asked to the Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymin (may Allah have mercy on him with His widest Mercy), and this is what he replied: “Yes, the soul will experience torment, since the body is absent, it has decayed, deteriorated. This question is from the section of sacred knowledge, and I cannot say that the torment of the grave will not affect the body at all, due to the fact that it has decayed or burned, since a person cannot compare matters related to Last life with what happens in this worldly life" See “Majmu' Fatawa wa Rasa'il al-Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih al-'Uthaymeen” 2/29.

And the true knowledge is with Allah Almighty, and I conclude my speech with the words: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may Allah grant blessings to our prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his brothers and greet them many times until the Day of Retribution!

Translated from Arabic: Abu Idar al-Sharqasi _________________________________________________________________________

1“When one of you dies, every morning and afternoon he is shown his place. If he is one of the inhabitants of Paradise, then his place is among the inhabitants of Paradise; if he belongs to the inhabitants of Fire, then his place is among the inhabitants of Fire. They say to him: “This is your place until Allah resurrects you on the Day of Resurrection.” al-Bukhari No. 1379, Muslim No. 2866.

And in conclusion, praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

The fivefold prayer is obligatory for every full man of sense who has reached adulthood, whether he is male or female, there is no difference in this. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ )

(meaning): “I did not create you except to worship me.” And in a hadith, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “ The difference between a Muslim and a polytheist or unbeliever - performing namaz "(Abu Daoud). It is narrated from Hasan al-Basri that he heard from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “ The first thing a slave will be interrogated for on the Day of Judgment is prayer. If the prayer turns out to be correct, then his other actions will also turn out to be correct, and if the prayer turns out to be faulty, then the remaining acts will also be faulty. " Therefore, Allah Almighty prescribed prayer to all prophets and former ummats, and there was no prophet who did not command his ummah to perform prayer.

Another hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “ You command your children to perform namaz at the age of seven, and when they reach ten years of age, if they refuse to perform namaz, then punish them " Of course, performing the fivefold prayer is not an easy task for everyone, but it is very easy for those who perform it sincerely and because the Creator himself made it a duty for him, and not someone else, and this is evidenced by the verse holy quran which says

(وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين )

(meaning): " Indeed, it (namaz) is a very difficult task, but not for those who are submissive to Allah. ».

The Hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says:

أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبوا )

« Truly, the most difficult collective prayers for hypocrites are the night and morning prayers. If they knew about the reward that is in them, they would crawl to visit them "(Bukhari).

As we know, initially fifty prayers were assigned to us, and knowing that our ummah (community) would not be able to perform them, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked Allah to reduce their number. And the number of prayers per day was reduced to five, although the reward for them we receive is the same as for performing fifty prayers.

Punishment for one who leaves prayer

The Almighty punishes the one who abandons prayer, being negligent in performing it, with 15 punishments: six in this world; three at death; three in the grave; and three on the Day of Judgment.

The punishments that the Almighty will send down in this world:

1) The Almighty removes grace from his property;

2) the radiance (nur) that the righteous have is removed from his face

3) the Almighty does not accept his good deed;

4) the Almighty does not answer the prayer (dua) he made;

5) Allah will make all people hate him;

6) from prayer good people he will have no share.

Punishments at the time of death:

1) will die a humiliating death;

2) will die experiencing severe hunger;

3) will die experiencing extreme thirst.

Punishments in the grave:

1) his grave will compress so much that even his ribs will fit into each other;

2) his grave will be very dark and filled with fire, which will burn him;

3) the interrogation of the two angels Munkar and Nakir will be very difficult for him.

The punishments that will await him in the next world:

1) unbearable punishment in hell;

2) an account for each action will be very difficult;

3) Allah Almighty will be angry with him.

And the one who says that he does not have time to perform these prayers does not understand the essence of his life. And the one who denies the very obligation of these prayers himself demands that he be punished with the fire of hell. Why? Because the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “ Anyone who leaves prayer on purpose, denying the obligation to perform it, then he falls into disbelief. "(Abu Darda). And a person who left the world as an unbeliever goes to Hell forever. And the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: “ Namaz is the pillar of religion; the one who left him destroyed the religion "(Baikhaki).

Dear brothers and sisters, look carefully at how great the punishment in the next world is for even one deliberately missed prayer. It is even difficult to imagine what kind of punishment awaits those who do not commit it at all. And all the punishments are only because they did not devote five minutes of time to perform these five prayers. May Allah give us the strength to fulfill the demands of Allah and beware of his prohibitions, because he is our creator and we must obey him.

When the deceased is placed in the grave, if this person was a hypocrite, the grave says to him: “Oh, son of Adam, how have you forgotten me? For you, I am a dark house of grief and sadness. For you, I am a pit filled with worms, where there is no no one to calm you down. Why did you walk the earth proudly, forgetting about me?

Now let's see who ends up with you when you're inside. When, having forgotten about me, you walked over me, I was very angry with you,” having said this, the grave will squeeze him so much that his ribs will enter each other. Allah will make a hole from his grave to Hell and show the place where he will be tormented after the Day of Judgment. And until the Day of Judgment he will be tormented in the grave.

If the deceased was a mu'min, i.e. a sincere believer and an obedient servant of Allah, then the grave will greet him as a long-awaited guest, and will say: “I loved you and looked forward to meeting you when you walked over me. Now let’s see what surprises you will get from me.” And the grave will become for him a green field and a Garden of Eden, Allah will show him a place in Paradise where he will be in eternal prosperity, and he will feel the wonderful smells of Paradise. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The grave of the deceased will be either the Garden of Eden or the pit of Hell.”

After burying the deceased before the arrival of the angels Munkar and Nakir, the first thing he notices is movement at his feet. From there, his good deeds speak to him: “O servant of Allah, who was left alone in the dark grave, we are your good deeds. All your wealth, family and friends have left you, only we remain with you to entertain you.” Then he will say: “How did I miss time, why didn’t I do more good deeds, leaving wealth, family and loved ones?” If he has difficulties with Munkar t Nakir or when they learn that he will be tormented in the grave, his grave neighbors will say: “Why, when we died, did you not realize that you too would die after us?”

For someone who has talked a lot about death, the grave will be like the Garden of Eden.

There are two days and two nights, the likes of which people have not heard or seen: the day when an angel will notify the servant of Allah that Allah is pleased with him or is angry with him; and the day when, standing before the Almighty, he receives a paper with his deeds, on the right or on the left side. And the nights are: the first night in the grave and the night before the Day of Judgment.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: " Man ignores what he was created for. He pays no attention to the one who has been watching him since his creation ".

When Allah Almighty wants to create a person, He says to one angel: “You write on Lawx everything that will be given to him on earth: his deeds, life expectancy and his outcome - he will die a believer and will be eternally happy or he will die an unbeliever and will be in endless torment ". This angel will be his observer all the time. Then Allah Almighty instructs another angel to protect him, from intrauterine life to adulthood. Allah Almighty instructs two angels to record his good and bad deeds, without being distracted for a moment. When his life ends, Allah Almighty recalls these two angels and sends Malakul Mavta, i.e. Israel (the angel of death) to kill him. After he is buried, Allah sends Munkar and Nakir to interrogate him. After all this, on the Day of Judgment, Allah sends the angels who recorded his deeds to bring him to Mahshar.

Interrogation in the grave

The truth is that:

1. After the burial, the person is revived, and he hears the rustling of the feet of people returning home after the funeral.

2. Interrogation of Munkar and Nakir.

3. Grave torment for infidels, hypocrites, sinners.

4. Compression by the grave. This was narrated by twenty-five companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him).

Based on materials from the book " Mawatinul insan".

Muhammad Husayniy