Description: Is your club planning a holiday for cheerful and cheerful pensioners? Then accept as a gift our scenario on a sports wave, suitable for the day of an elderly person, Valentine's Day or other holiday. Time from 30 minutes to 1 hour.


Grandfather Sergei
Coach Anna
Young man
Grandma 1
Grandma 2

1. A humorous fairy tale about a grandfather “Grey hair in the beard, devil in the rib,” who fell in love with the girl of a fitness instructor.

To participate in a fairy tale-sketch, 4 actors will be required: a young girl, a woman of about 60, a young guy and a grandfather.


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather Sergei. Formerly an officer, now retired. In his youth, Sergei was fit and dashing, but now he has gained a little weight, it has become difficult for him to walk, and his heart has begun to ache.

One day, grandfather Sergei was walking from the store and saw a fitness center. Well, he thinks, I should go in, see how people are doing sports now, and practice myself.

Grandfather entered the hall. He was met by a beautiful girl, slender, short, with beautiful posture and a smile on her face.

– Hello, my name is Anna, I’m a fitness instructor, how can I help you?

Grandfather Sergei:
– Daughter, I would like to lose extra pounds and get healthier, otherwise I’ve become completely lazy. And I really want to live longer, they say that movement prolongs life.


2. Comic exercises for the elderly

Presenter: Charging begins! Be equal! Attention. Pay in order of numbers!

Pensioners: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th......etc. the count is over.

Presenter: Feet shoulder width apart. To the music, follow me!


1.) If you got up in the morning,
I had a headache.
Pour water into the basin,
Dip your head there.

One, two, one, two!

/makes head movements reminiscent of dipping into a basin/

2.) So as not to catch a cold in winter,
We urgently need to toughen up.
Feel free to wipe yourself with snow,
Rub with a towel.

/makes movements reminiscent of rubbing snow on the body/


Presenter: Well done everyone, you can sit down.

And now for a brain exercise - riddles with a trick.

3. To keep your brain from rusting - funny riddles with answers

1st riddle – exercise for the brain.

What is ahead for the grandson and behind for the grandfather? (Guess: youth)

2nd riddle.

Its furs are not worn, but stretched. People are invited to the holiday, but not treated. (Guess: accordion)


4. Performance of new grandmothers with ditties and dances

Costumed grannies in fashionable clothes “float out” onto the stage. youth style, and start to light up.

Grandma 1:

1.) We will sing ditties for you,
We will sing and dance.
And when you leave, please
Collect a fee from you! /jokingly/

Grandma 2:

2.) I was in Letual,
I bought mascara for myself.
Why paint it?
I couldn’t find it! Ugh!.. /angrily/


5. Competition for grandfathers: “The first guy in the village”

The following competition can be arranged for men. The one who tells you the most interesting hobbies about himself will be the first guy. 2 grandfathers are called. Take turns naming your hobbies or skills. For example:


Whoever has the most hobbies is the winner. The main thing is that hobbies are true and not fictitious.

The winner is awarded a medal - “The first guy in the village!”

6. Competition for grandmothers: “Who is the cutest in the world?”


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 149 R ub.

Cool 40th anniversary script for a woman

The scenario for a woman's 40th birthday is cool - it's really real. You always really want both the hero of the day and her guests to be satisfied with the holiday. And if you have the task of organizing an unforgettable celebration, we recommend using some of the ideas that we will reveal to you in this article.

It is better to start the holiday with sincere congratulatory words in honor of the hero of the day. Let the recipient feel that the entire festive evening is dedicated to her, that all her relatives, colleagues, friends and acquaintances want to congratulate her, wish her happiness, health and all the blessings that are so valuable in our world.

After congratulations and toasts from the guests, you can move on to fun games, competitions, dances, without which there is not a single scenario for a woman’s 40th anniversary; the cool nature of the events will be very helpful.

While everyone is sober, it makes sense to offer the “Find Me” intellectual competition.

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare as many pieces of paper as the number of participants expected. Each player writes a description of his appearance on a piece of paper: beautiful eyes, bow lips, plump cheeks, mustache, etc. Then all the descriptions on the pieces of paper are put into one box. The host takes out pieces of paper, reads out the information, and the guests try to guess who is hidden under this or that description. To interest the guests in guessing, you can say that the one who guesses the most will win. Each participant can name only one option. If someone has already proposed an option that is described on this piece of paper, then the second time he has no right to name a guess.

After such a game, it would be nice to raise a glass to the winner of the competition, and, of course, to the most important woman of the evening - the hero of the day.

We offer fun table competition, which will decorate your 40th anniversary scenario for a woman is cool.

You will need alcoholic drinks. The rules are quite simple. The guests are divided into two teams. There must be an equal number of players in each group.

The first team member says a toast, which is dedicated to the hero of the occasion; at the end of it, he and the opposing team are obliged to drain their glasses. The next toast is made by a member of the second team, he drinks, captivating the players of the first team with his example. So, taking turns, raising wine glasses or shot glasses and praising the hero of the day, the teams actually say a long, continuous toast. In it, they glorify all the most attractive qualities of the hero of the occasion, for which they offer a drink to their rivals. If one of the teams missed their turn, hesitated, unable to find anything else to say, or refused to continue the fight due to already unclear speech due to drinking, they are declared defeated. If you wish, you have the opportunity to complicate the competition; to do this, invite the participants in the game to continue the words spoken in the toast by their opponents, developing the thoughts of their opponents.

Another team competition

To play this game you will need oranges, apples, tomatoes, carrots and other fruits and vegetables. A closed, large black box is placed in the middle of the table in front of the participants, with some object inside, for example, an ordinary rolling pin. The conditions of the competition are simple: you give both teams the first question, the answer to which lies in a black box. If the teams do not guess, then the host invites each guest to eat a vegetable or fruit, for which the host reads out the next question. This continues until one of the teams guesses the hidden object in the box. Please note, if desired, fruit can be replaced with fine glasses. At the end of the competition, it will be noticeable who committed the fine by the player’s drunken appearance. Here are options for questions that can be included in a cool 40th anniversary scenario for a woman, for the word “rolling pin” mentioned above:

1) This thing is in every home, but it is not used every day. 2) This thing comes in different sizes, different colors and shapes. 3) In the hands of an experienced woman, this thing can bring true pleasure to both the woman herself and her entire family. 4) Sometimes this thing is used by rare economic men. 5) Even with a strong desire, this item cannot be purchased at the Soyuzpechat pharmacy or kiosk. 6) This thing in the hands of an angry woman can turn into a terrible weapon. 7) You can’t bake a pie without this.

Another competition is offered for men and women, the presenter warns that the game is for those who know how to drink.

A banquet is a great opportunity to show off your skills in creating unusual cocktails and drinking them. But, still, it is better to hold this competition among the most experienced fighters on the drinking front.

The most courageous and temperature-resistant participants are called from among the guests. The presenter announces to everyone in advance that they will have to participate in a difficult alcohol competition. It is imperative to give this warning before the start of the competition so that each guest soberly weighs his strengths and abilities. Players are seated at a table lined with bottles of various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Several empty cups or glasses are placed in front of each person - preferably small ones, so that the players last longer in the game. They decide by lot who will start the process. The first guest takes a glass and pours one drink of his choice into it. He passes the container to his neighbor, who also pours it, from any bottle and in the quantity he sees fit. The next person, if the glass can still be topped up, makes his contribution by pouring any drink into the resulting mixture. Whichever participant is given the glass, filled to the brim through joint efforts, must drain the contents. And it’s his turn to create a new cocktail masterpiece in a clean glass. Overall, the game is exciting, but very intoxicating. It will be better if the leader stops it after 2-3 laps. Otherwise, its participants simply physically will not be able to participate in subsequent competitions.

Then the host invites everyone to dance. After the dances, the souvenirs and prizes of the competition participants are counted. The most active player is offered a special prize and medal as the most cheerful entertainer of the celebration.

A cool 40th anniversary scenario for a woman can actually be anything. An important point is the ability of the host and the desire of the guests to have fun. At the same time, do not forget about giving gifts. A selection of themed anniversary gifts can be found in the section "

Many people believe that celebrating a 40th birthday is a bad omen, associating 40 years with a 40-day memorial period. Some are so afraid that they prefer to forget about their birthday altogether, and most of the anniversaries limit themselves to a modest family dinner. Women often refuse to celebrate this birthday for another reason - another decade has passed, which means youth is gradually disappearing.

Let's try to look at the 40th anniversary from a different, positive point of view. This is the age when you still look good, are full of strength and energy, and, at the same time, have already reached certain heights on the career ladder, which means you can afford more. Most women at this age have a strong, time-tested family with grown-up children. This means there is time and means to live for yourself, see the world or try something new, to fulfill an old dream. 40 years is a unique age, you already have the intelligence not to do stupid things, but you also have the energy to allow yourself to do them sometimes.

So, taking everything into account positive sides age, one might say - there will be a holiday for the anniversary! This date is very important, so I want to make the event memorable and bright. Any standard birthday turns into sitting around the table and drinking alcoholic beverages. Of course, such a pastime can also be interesting in the company of friends and loved ones, but on this day you want something special. It’s better to start preparing for the holiday in advance so that you have time to think through and arrange everything. Many thematic agencies today provide services for organizing any events, however, it is much more interesting to do everything yourself. Only you know what you want, which means you can make the holiday perfect for yourself.

There are many scenario options for a woman’s 40th birthday – it could be a social party, or it could be a mischievous and cheerful picnic or a trip somewhere. You can start as standard; there is nothing wrong with presenting flowers and gifts at the beginning of the ceremony. Then you can give the floor to all the guests so that they can congratulate the birthday girl, but this procedure should not be delayed. Now you can move on directly to celebrating the anniversary. The usual feast can be diluted with competitions, dances, skits or ditties in honor of the hero of the day. It is important that, despite all signs and superstitions, a woman’s 40th birthday is remembered by her as the noisiest and most cheerful holiday.

You can celebrate the holiday both at home and in a cafe, restaurant or even bowling alley. The room for the celebration must be prepared in advance - decorated with balloons, garlands, lanterns and flowers. You can paste stickers on the walls, where each of the guests will write a wish for the birthday girl, or hang flags where compliments will be written to the hero of the day. You can also make a wall newspaper or decorate the hall with photographs of the hero of the occasion. You can invite a professional toastmaster, but not everyone has this opportunity. You can organize a fun birthday party yourself, if you only have the ability and desire to amuse and entertain guests. Usually in any company there is a friend or relative who is suitable for the role of leader.

If the celebration takes place at home or in a cafe, you need to prepare fun competitions. It is better that this part of the organization is not handled by the birthday girl herself, but by someone close to her, in order to surprise the woman and involve her in the general fun. Here are some examples of such competitions, which are always popular. Guests are divided into 2 teams, each of which is given a piece of paper with several rhyming words. Typically these words rhyme with "anniversary", "birthday girl" or "celebrant". The participants’ task is to compose a poetic congratulation using the suggested words. Since the rhyme is most often chosen as a joke, the result general creativity will be a lot of fun.

There are a large number of competitions with compliments. For example, everyone present for festive table should take turns telling the hero of the day compliments, each of which will begin with the letters of the woman’s first and last name. For example, the birthday girl’s name is Irina Petrova. The first guest can say “sincere”, the second “rainbow”, the third “ironic”, the fourth “unusual” and so on. Another option is for all the guests to start saying compliments in a circle, with everyone trying to say as many as possible. Continues until the fantasy runs out. Now everyone must jump rope exactly as many times as they said nice words to the hero of the day. The winner is the one who does not lose his way during a large number of jumps.

To prepare, you can find some songs on the Internet or remake them yourself, write poems or ditties. Chatushki have always been popular at holidays; it is better to prepare them in advance and organize a song competition. An anniversary wouldn't be complete without dancing.

If your birthday falls in the warm season, you can celebrate it in nature. Here you can also come up with a huge number of outdoor competitions and games. A standard game of “Pantomime” or a slightly interpreted game of “Princess Nesmeyana” will do. The guests are divided into 2 teams, some in the role of Nesmeyan, others in the role of jesters. The jesters must cheer up the Nesmeyans without touching them; whoever laughs goes to the mixer team.
It is very good to organize a quest in the fresh air. Guests are divided into several small teams, depending on their number. The organizer hides one treasure and gives out tips on where and how to look for the map. The map should also be prepared in advance, then cut into pieces and placed in different places. The first hint should indicate where the parts of the map are, and the more subtle the hint, the more interesting the quest will be. The treasure could be a cake, sweets, a bottle of wine or another drink, whatever you have enough imagination for. You can do a similar quest for the birthday girl, hiding one of her main gifts.
The event organizer can also involve the birthday girl’s friends in this. For example, ask them to prepare small skits, dances or songs dedicated to the hero of the day. Any woman will be delighted with such a holiday. It is also not recommended to constantly mention age; many women do not want to be reminded of this at all.

If you are superstitious, you don’t have to celebrate your 40th anniversary, but devote this day to yourself. For example, visit a spa, hairdresser, get a manicure or go for a massage. And after a while, you can hold a themed party, which supposedly does not relate to the birthday.

The hero of the day changes her profession.

Women's anniversary evening.

Decoration of the hall - posters “Shooting pavilion”, “Quiet! Filming in progress!”, “Unscientific science fiction film” (Name, patronymic of the hero of the day) changes profession." Guests gather to the sounds of songs from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” In the corner there is an incomprehensible design that could simply be drawn on a large sheet of paper - a time machine.

Those gathered sing to the tune of the song “The January Blizzard is Ringing.”

It’s a difficult problem for us to meet on weekdays,
Work, home, family - spinning, spinning.
The planet flies into the distance through the turmoil of days...
Wait, wait, the anniversary is coming.

And the showers pour down elastically,
But it's my friend's birthday
Never forget.

We love our (Name), we value our (Name),
We respect (Name).
Bloom, (Name), Always.

But life, as it is, is a complex task.
And we always look into the distance warily.
But at this glorious hour, among working days
Wait, wait, the anniversary is coming!

The presenter appears in the form of Shurik.

Shurik. This is where I got in successfully. There is someone to tell about my invention. If you only knew what a useful invention I am working on now! What kind of experiments I am doing! My device will glorify me! There is nothing suspicious about him. It's a time machine! With its help you can pierce space and go into the past. Now we will test the time machine at close range.

Incomprehensible sounds are heard, turning into carcasses. The hero of the day appears in the hall.

Excuse me, but who will you be?

The hero of the day answers.

How did you get here? Why are you looking at me? There are no patterns on me and flowers don’t grow. But you have flowers.

He hands the bouquet to the hero of the day, escorts her to the place and begins to host the anniversary evening.

At my disposal, dear guests, is a charming hero of the day and a time machine, with the help of which we can pierce space and time. A demonstration of all the capabilities of the machine will happen later. In the meantime, as a representative of the public, I tell you that it’s time to start congratulating you. And the first word...

The official part begins, 1-2 congratulations are heard.

We'll have to increase the voltage. Dangerous? Yes, it’s dangerous... But the risk, as they say...

Makes a toast to the hero of the day. A little later the phone rings.

Recorded voice. Please call (name, patronymic of the hero of the day). Until what time are you busy today? One artist says, I don’t know him, but I really want to meet him. I'll call you again. I'm very persistent.
Shurik. But the most persistent ones are still in this room.

Official congratulations continue.

What text, what words! But what kind of repertoire do you have? We need something massive, modern!

Those present sing a song to the tune of “Marusya”.

I'll raise my glass
Even though there was no toast,
For the hero of the day I will drink to the dregs, to the dregs.
Let her life boil,
Doesn't sit still
And she will be as good as today.

(Name), on your glorious anniversary
Listen to the wishes of the guests!
There will be everything: health, happiness, joy -
Whatever you want, have it!

Remember this hour
And, of course, us,
It’s not often that we sing so smoothly, we sing!
And we wish from now on
Just have luck.
And we drink to the bottom for you again!

Colleagues congratulate the hero of the day.

I can't stand it! We will now penetrate into the past and see ancient Moscow.

The machine is working. Appears in the hall Ivan Vasilievich.

Ivan Vasilievich. Ivan Vasilyevich I... Great Tsar, Prince of All Rus'... Aren't you demons? Oh, and on the tables are peppered hare kidneys, pike stuffed with garlic, black caviar, red caviar, overseas caviar, eggplant! The king wants to have a meal!

Takes a seat at the table.

Shurik. Great king! The ambassadors are asking to be accepted.
Ivan Vasilievich. Speak up, boyars!

Congratulations continue.

Alas for me, alas. Woe is me…
Shurik. Ivan Vasilyevich, do you drink vodka?
Ivan Vasilievich. Anisova.
Shurik. There is no Anisova, there is only Stolichnaya. (Pours it for the king.)
Ivan Vasilievich. Hello, boyar.
Shurik. Have a snack, everything is paid for. Have another glass under the pike head. That's (name, patronymic of the hero of the day) will support you.
Ivan Vasilievich. Oh, noblewoman, I’m very glad to meet you! Please come to our table. Oh, noblewoman, sculpted with beauty, scarlet with lips, allied with eyebrows!

He leans over and whispers something in her ear.

Charming (name, patronymic of the hero of the day)! Do you think it’s easy for us kings? Every day in the labors and concerns of the state.
Shurik. Great king, they didn’t order execution, they ordered him to say the word!
Ivan Vasilievich. Speak!
Shurik. They want to contact the noblewoman...

Relatives congratulate you. The bell rings.

The song “Suddenly Happiness in Silence” sounds, girls with letters pinned on their chests that together make up the word “pension” or “anniversary” dance and pass each other a gift, which ends up in the hands of the hero of the day.

Ivan Vasilievich. I demand that the banquet continue! Everybody dance!

A dance block follows.

To you, noblewoman, I wish you a fur coat from my shoulder! It's time for me. Quickly, prince, bring me back.
Shurik. In three minutes everything will be ready.

The machine is working, Ivan Vasilyevich leaves.

(For guests.)
As eyewitnesses, you have no value. There is no price for our dear hero of the day, who has prepared small gifts for you!

Conducts a quiz based on the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession.” When watching a film, they don’t pay attention to the little things, so when answering, it’s not knowledge that matters, but ingenuity and luck.

What magazine did Ivan Vasilyevich hide behind when he slept? ("Knowledge is power".)
Which artist's song did the king listen to on tape? (V. Vysotsky.)
Extension phone number for the dental clinic? (362.)
How many times did Shurik's wife Zina get divorced? (Three.)
How much money did Miloslavsky find in Shpak's safe? (Three packs of 100 rubles each)
What color keychain was on Miloslavsky's bunch of master keys? (Blue.)
What label was on the bottle at Shpak's bar? (Cinzano.)

The last toast sounds. The anniversary ends with a song to the tune of “The January Blizzard is Ringing.”

We will remember this wonderful hour,
Your stellar anniversary is in our hearts, in our hearts.
And tomorrow a new day will spin, spin...
Wait, wait, don’t rush to leave!

Chorus. The January blizzard is ringing,
And the showers pour down elastically,
But it's my friend's birthday
Never forget.
We love our (Name), we value our (Name),
We respect (Name).
Bloom, (Name), Always.

Drop your prejudices and start preparing 40 summer anniversary women. You will definitely find our original script. The celebration will be unique, since the presented program is original.

Scenario for a woman’s 40th birthday: the scenario consists of several stages:

  1. Original greeting - let's set sail.
  2. Lottery of roles at the holiday - there are no unnecessary people on the ship.
  3. Congratulations to the birthday girl - in verse.
  4. Competitions.
  5. Sailing home.

Progress of the scenario

The child, a cabin boy, greets the guests, gives everyone tickets for the ship and blue lollipops in transparent wrappers to prevent seasickness, tickets with seat numbers. Accompanies you to your seats.

When everyone is seated, it is announced over the loudspeaker: “Please keep your tickets until the end of the voyage, everyone have a pleasant voyage.”

Music is playing.
According to the scenario of a forty-year anniversary, a woman needs to organize the arrival of guests before the birthday girl appears.

Guests in the hall. Suddenly the light goes out, one beam shines in which a couple is dancing. Gradually she fades into the background, the presenter, the captain of the ship, comes out.

Captain of Fantastic Voyages
Everyone is welcome on the ship.
Guests will be pleased with the trip,
They will all touch the dream.
There will be danger somewhere,
We will all swim and break through,
Let's celebrate the anniversary's participation,
In a bright day, in a burning fire.

Good evening, ladies, gentlemen! We have gathered here to celebrate the anniversary of an amazing person, kind, sympathetic, sweet, beautiful. Now I will ask you a few questions, and you will tell me who it is.
“The most harmful and conflict-ridden enemy cannot resist this woman’s dazzling smile.”
“Her sense of humor will make the very first ignorant of ignorant people laugh.”
“Geniuses will be surprised and admired by her talents.”
“An evil heart will be melted by her kindness and mercy.”
“There will be no travel on any ship without this, and all ships will fail at the very first storm.”

Who is this? Of course, our excellent, kind, sweet, beloved, respected, and most importantly, the TALISMAN of our ship - (F.I.).

The lights go out and the hero of the day comes out to solemn music. She is met by a child - a cabin boy - and escorted to a place of honor.

In a world of storms, worries and anxieties,
In the middle of a ship's voyage.
It's hard to withstand this threshold,
Without bending over tons of obstacles.

The birthday girl did everything
She has a husband and children,
So let's congratulate her
WITH significant date this one.

It's amazing how many people want to congratulate this wonderful woman! We see family, colleagues, and friends. Today you will hear millions of wishes and congratulations from your closest people. And now - the first toast! For you, (name), for your holiday!

And we are ready to set sail. We all know very well that in order for a ship to make a successful journey, before departure it is necessary to break a bottle on it. But I suggest not to waste precious alcohol, we will still need it. Let's all take pens and pieces of paper and write our wishes to the birthday girl, and she, in turn, will write what she would like to achieve by the next anniversary.

After that, we will cork the bottle and give it to the birthday girl. And on her next anniversary she will open it and see if the wishes have come true. But it is important that you write your wishes by saying them out loud.

As you have already heard, I am the captain of this vessel, called: “Saint (name)”, my name is (name), there has never been a more unusual voyage in your life! The ship continues to sail, so only God knows where it will take us today! But we will look with optimism and hope that the beautiful pirates will not kidnap the birthday girl at the most inopportune moment.
It is not possible to get off our ship, so good voyage, ladies and gentlemen!

So, what kind of weather can we expect while sailing?
Partly cloudy, anniversary hurricane with champagne.
The temperature above the table is 40 and above, the air has a festive flavor.
There is foggy cloudiness in the head at night, clearing is possible in the morning. If everyone is ready to set sail, then I suggest raising a celebratory glass.

Undoubtedly, only the closest and dearest of our birthday girl gathered in our hall. But how well you know her, we will now find out.
What kind of music does she like...
- Rest,
- Have fun,
- Work,
- Clean up the house,
- To be sad,
– Who is her favorite performer?

Dancing to the music.

If it were not for our (name), we would not have seen the journey. Since it is she (I.O.) who guards and protects the ship.

For the journey to go smoothly, it is necessary for each team member to act as one. Now each of you will draw a card, some will have questions, some will have answers. You must find the right answer to your question and then show it in action.

Guests take turns drawing questions and answers, matching them and completing them.

The point of this game is that absolutely any answer is suitable for each question.
Possible questions and answers:

  1. Do you drink often?
  2. Do you like erotica?
  3. Do you often quarrel with family and friends?
  4. Do you often swear at friends and acquaintances?
  5. Are you hiding your leftover income from your family (husband)?
  6. Are you ready for knightly feats?
  7. Are you ready to leave for Donbass?
  1. Oh yes, it brings me unearthly bliss.
  2. When the husband (wife) does not see.
  3. Unfortunately, only once a day.
  4. When no one sees.
  5. And don’t be ashamed to ask, knowing me!
  6. Dreaming about it.
  7. Happens sometimes at night.

Host: And our voyage continues. The weather outside is still clear, only a little cloudiness begins to appear in my head.

Anniversary, there is so much in this word
Congratulations, laughter, games,
We wish you explosive happiness,
And health and happiness along the way.

There is a smile on the hero of the day’s face,
This warms our souls doubly,
All bad weather is just a mistake,
A dove of peace sits on the window.

It was not by chance that we gathered here,
Children, husband, girlfriends, friends,
We love you very much, extremely
We are all a big family together!

In a real team, everyone understands each other without words. For this competition I need one volunteer, the most courageous and courageous.

When one person comes out, the presenter speaks into his ear any word related to the anniversary, for example, the mascot of a ship, he must portray it in such a way that others can guess what or who it will be about. The one who guesses first is invited to the stage, and the actions are repeated.

Competition "Board Broken"

The sound of a siren, a general alarm is declared.

And our team continues to delight our birthday girl (name) with its consistency. You need to split into two teams.
After the teams separate, pour the alcohol of your choice into two large glasses, give them a straw, and whoever drinks the most will drink the most.

Presenter: After such health procedures with life-giving sea moisture, you simply need to refresh yourself!

The host calls the birthday girl away and hides her.

While all the guests are having a snack, two half-naked pirates “fly” into the hall and report that the ship’s mascot has been stolen, and the crew needs to complete a task to return the birthday girl.

Competition "Underwater Labyrinth"

The leader stretches a rope on the floor, thereby marking the route. The participant must eyes closed go through it without stumbling. Those sitting in the hall help him.

At this stage you can carry out.

Fanfare sounds, and the birthday girl appears, surrounded by two pirates, who report that the team has completed the task, so they are forced to return the talisman to our ship.

The ship's mascot is a miracle,
It is more important than all, it is more expensive than all
The captain is much more important
And in general, everything won’t be the same without him!

Here come the dashing pirates,
And they stole our happiness.
Yes, the guys are very bad,
But we dealt with them, atas!

The hero of the day is with us, guys.
There he sits with a happy face,
All anxiety is immediately removed,
We will reward her with a crown.

You need to drink to this woman,
She brought positivity to everyone,
I'll give her three bouquets,
I will be very polite to her!

Being surrounded by pirates, our birthday girl (name) missed and yearned for her crew. Let's support her with compliments. To do this, we will again divide into two teams. Then the very first team member must tell the birthday girl a toast, drain his glass and pass the baton to the next team. After the second team says a toast and drinks, the task returns to the first team, but to the second participant. And so on until the end. Whoever doesn't find something to say will lose. The birthday girl will give you the prize for the best praise - hot and steamy kisses.

We all know that you are a goddess,
You just can't find anything more beautiful
Men holding their breath
They're afraid to even approach

Beautiful, beloved, dear,
Beautiful, perky always
We raise toast after toast,
We love and appreciate only you!

Live a hundred years, no two hundred, three hundred
Always be with us, lead us
Don't be sad, smile with happiness
We will follow you to the end of the road!

When the pirates returned the birthday girl, they said that they had never seen a greater treasure than her. Therefore, together with her, they gave away all their wealth so that such a beautiful woman would continue to live and prosper. But in order to open this treasured chest, you must pass the test again. But it won't be easy. This is a truth test. If someone does not pass it, the treasured chest will not be opened. So, attention (fanfare sounds), next task.

The captain of the ship approaches the presenter and hands her a “crystal of truth.”

According to Calypso's predictions, the crystal of truth is awarded (date of birth of the hero of the day) to the chosen one. Our ship had been looking for this man for many years, and finally we found him. We present the birthday person with a crystal. Solemn music sounds, after this word from the presenter: “It’s time to find out what the birthday boy is thinking about.” A song is playing. Then the birthday girl passes the crystal to other guests (in a circle).

The chest is ceremoniously brought in. Solemn music sounds. We carry out.

And we arrive at the final station of our journey. During our journey, he was so captivated by our birthday girl that he was ready to leave the ship to our birthday girl. The floor is given to the mascot of our ship - (last name, first name). And I am leaving my ship, but its talisman remains with you, which I hope you will continue to delight and delight with toasts and. Have a good trip!

October 31, 2016.