By nature, each of us is given a certain set of mental and physical qualities, as well as instincts, at birth. They help you survive this complex world. Everything else directly depends on the upbringing we received at an early age. Children, who have their own character traits, simply cannot always agree with their parents. This is due to the fact that each person is an individual and has his own, specific point of view.

The problem of fathers and children arises for loved ones belonging to different generations. Each of them has its own historical period. In this regard, from generation to generation, views on life and its value system change, which any of us is ready to resolutely defend.

In former times, people revered the principles of their elders as the basis of their existence. However, quite often, children, having absorbed family experience, want to get out of the influence of adults. At the same time, they deny all the dogmas of the older generation. Children think that they can build their lives much better, brighter and more interesting. They want to resolve all issues on their own as quickly as possible.

The problem of fathers and children arises in almost all formations of human society:

In family;

In the work team;

In general in the social formation.

From the very birth of a child, parents teach. When he goes to kindergarten- educators. Schoolchild - teacher. At a certain time, a moment arises in this chain when all kinds of teachings begin to cause rejection. This usually occurs when the child begins to develop personal qualities, awareness of the right to make his own choice, as well as responsibility for it.

The problem of fathers and children in our time is quite complex. In some cases, the task of establishing a balance in the views of generations simply cannot be achieved. Some of us enter into open confrontation with representatives of another generation, others, in order to allow peaceful coexistence, step aside, allowing themselves and others to gain freedom in the implementation of ideas and plans.

The problem of fathers and children is very relevant these days. It is very acute for people belonging to different generations. However, it must be remembered that only mutual tolerance and respect for each other will prevent serious confrontation. The most important thing is love and understanding.

Parental advice inherently serves as coercion or dictate. As a person grows less and less often, the desire to obey arises. Parents need to realize this in time and shift the arrow of their relationship with their children to neutral ways of presenting their information. Otherwise, conflicts are inevitable.

The most difficult thing for parents is that they must accept their child as he is, put up with all his shortcomings, as well as character traits. In addition, the older generation must forgive the insults and wrong actions of their children. It is also difficult to come to terms with the fact that the child will grow up and go into his adult life, which has its own worries and affairs.

The problem of fathers and children has been raised quite often in literature. This issue has been addressed to one degree or another by many writers. The most striking echo of a theme that is relevant at all times is I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” In addition to this work, the very name of which indicates its main theme, the relationship between generations was illuminated in many masterpieces of literature. It is difficult to say who first raised this issue. The problem is so vital at all times that its description has always existed on the pages of literary works. A.S. did not ignore the complex problem. Griboyedov in his comedy "Woe from Wit". L.N. also touched upon it. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace".

(489 words) Fathers and sons are two sides of an eternal confrontation. Each generation is different from the previous one, so disagreements arise time after time, again and again. These differences are due to the difference in eras, the difference in worldviews, and therefore they can be called natural. The dispute between young people and representatives of the older generation has already become the norm. That is why the problem of fathers and children is called “eternal”. I will explain my idea using examples from Russian literature.

I. S. Turgenev describes the conflict between fathers and children in his work. The novel “Fathers and Sons” begins with the arrival of Arkady and Evgeny to visit Kirsanov’s father and uncle. This event turns the peaceful and quiet life of the estate into a cycle of disputes, skirmishes and disagreements. Young people disagree with old people in everything: they don’t need art, science is above all, and love is now empty romanticism. Representatives of the older generation are perplexed how it could happen that in ten years the worldview of young people has changed so dramatically. Nikolai Petrovich diligently delve into all the subtleties of the guest’s experiments and theories in order to better understand his son, and Pavel Petrovich completely declares war on new views. Of course, the departure and death of Bazarov, the marriage of Arkady somehow reconcile the two warring camps, but the author allows us to speculate what awaits the second son of Nikolai Petrovich? He will also go to university and will also bring home new views on the world, even more radical than the previous ones. This is the eternal destiny of fathers and sons: to overcome the historical gap and strive to understand each other.

Another example was described by V. G. Rasputin in his work “Farewell to Matera.” The author examined the problem of fathers and children, focusing on the peculiarities of the worldview of representatives of different generations. Daria, an elderly woman, is very conservative and confined to her place of residence. She is afraid of the city, afraid of changes in life. The heroine looks not forward, but back, her gaze is directed to the past, where her happy youth remains. Therefore, she perceives the demolition of the cemetery as a personal insult. She remembers many people who are now buried there. But her son Pavel is distinguished by progressive thinking. He understands the need to build a power plant, and also pragmatically takes into account all the advantages of city life. His wife Sonya is of the same opinion and really likes the idea of ​​moving. And Daria’s grandson also approves of him, because he wants to make a career at a large construction site. They all look to the future, assess the prospects. Due to the difference in the direction of view, the characters do not understand each other and will not be able to understand. These are the age-related characteristics of people: with the onset of old age, they increasingly dream about the past and less often observe the present time. And they stop thinking about the future altogether, because age is taking its toll, and they don’t have long to live. There is no way to stop these changes, so the conflict between fathers and children will be repeated every time.

Thus, the problem of fathers and children will always be relevant, because generations differ from each other, and these differences cannot be eradicated, since they are embedded in the depths of the people’s psyche, as well as in the nature of time itself. Everything around is changing, taking on new forms, and only those who have not seen a different order, who do not remember the past and are not tied to it by the bonds of memory, can keep up with this process. In such conditions, parents and children will always be on opposite sides of the barricades, so the problem of their confrontation is eternal.

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We all live on the same planet and, as we often like to say, we make up one big friendly family. We are all children different eras. Each person has his own view of things. Among people of the same time, they (the views) are somewhat similar, which usually cannot be said about the views of representatives of different generations. Therefore, a clash of different points of view is inevitable.

The most important, in my opinion, is the problem of “fathers and children”, in other words, the problem of relations between the older generation and the generation of “children”. Communication between them is both necessary and inevitable. It is between “fathers” and “children” that many problems arise. The question of “fathers and sons” worried representatives of different eras; it was raised more than once in Russian literature. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev reflected on this question in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” In his work, the problem of “fathers and sons” is consonant with the time of writing, but has much in common with its modern version of sound. The author presents to the reader the judgments of his heroes: “... a son is not his father’s judge...”, “The pill is bitter - but you need to swallow it.”

The problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant today. However, today it has acquired a slightly different color. In the modern world, it seems to me, this question arises from a misunderstanding, a desire to exalt oneself in front of the older or younger generation.

Misunderstanding is a flaw modern society, and the misunderstanding between “fathers” and “children” is a tragedy of two generations. It is main reason, a prerequisite for the problem to arise. In my opinion, misunderstanding arises at the slightest clash of different views on the same subject. For completeness this issue I'll give you a fairly simple example...

Very often the problem I am considering arises in school, most often between a student and a teacher. As a rule, in our time, the role of a teacher is played by a person of the so-called old school, in other words, brought up in harsh war and post-war conditions. In his perception of life certain things have been established. new rules of conduct. For this person they are undeniable. Most often, such a teacher does not perceive a liberal attitude to life. He, naturally, shows the student the correct, as it seems to him, path of behavior. Here, rejection or misunderstanding of the student’s individual choice and opinion is manifested. But there is no problem with this yet. The student's reaction is important here. There are two options. One of them provides, if not complete submission, then some concessions on the part of the junior. This option is ideal in this case. However, another option is also possible, in which the student puts his individuality above the opinion of his elder. This is, I think, the problem. Here both sides show not so much selfishness as rejection of other people's opinions.

The second reason for the problem is the desire to exalt oneself. Maybe this reason is not the most important, but it has great importance. This phenomenon is not as selfish as it seems at first glance; it is rather of a natural nature, because it is inherent in the minds of most people by nature. And since this trait can manifest itself exclusively in communication, especially between different generations, it will primarily serve to arise the problem I am considering. However, this is not the only drawback. It can be noted that a desire of this kind is also the immediate cause for the emergence of misunderstanding.

But as for the problem of “fathers and sons” in general, an analysis of its causes cannot lead to its solution. It occurs almost instantly, and it is impossible to prevent it. After a problem appears, a process of development of the so-called “problem situation” occurs. In my opinion, this point is the most interesting to consider. Development is the most painful stage. It involves a change in emotional tone between two parties, or rather an increase in tone. Of course, the event happens gradually. During this period, the representative of each side experiences the highest nervous tension.

In the family, this can be expressed by constant disputes between parents and children, in school - by the dissatisfaction of a student with a teacher or a teacher with a student. This stage is perhaps the longest in the entire development of relationships. And the longer it goes on, the more obvious the conflict outcome.

The next stage can be the conflict itself, although it is not necessary. In such a situation, both the younger and the older ones are patient, restrained, and well-mannered people. They cannot afford to lose their temper and thus show their negative side.

Conflict is a kind of completion of a problematic situation. However, the problem still remains unresolved.

Passing from generation to generation, it (the problem) turns out to be eternal. In confirmation of this, I want to say that Turgenev’s words still ring true for the older generation: “What you were taught - it turns out - is nonsense... good people don’t bother with such trifles anymore... you’re supposedly retarded kol-pak..." I conclude that the problem of "fathers and sons" will never find an ideal solution. From the problem I am considering, as from any other, there is a way out. It is possible, in my opinion, with partial concessions on both sides. The ideal relationship between “fathers and children” implies understanding and attention from both children and parents. But it seems to me that this is not always possible in real life. The older generation, wanting to help the younger, offers its own method of solving this or that issue. Most often based on personal experience and considering the proposed path optimal, they do not think about the individuality of human destiny and, as a rule, gradually begin to simply impose their point of view. The relationship between parents and children must be one that both the elders and the younger will need. The upbringing of children is of paramount importance here. In this I see the only possible solution to the problem of “fathers and sons.” The fate of their child primarily depends on the parents at that stage when the best traits of his character are laid and developed in the child’s mind. Any person should know from an early age that he, like all people, has the right to his own opinion, that patience, understanding and respect for parents are qualities that will help him go through his long and difficult life path.

Our country will always remain the richest, the strongest, the most, because nowhere will you meet people like Andrei Sokolov! Even if people begin to appear in Russia who are ready to spit on honor and conscience, their number will always be small compared to the number of decent people to whom honor and conscience are not alien. You can think this way ad infinitum. Now, having re-read what was written, I realized that the concepts of honor and conscience are very conditional, very subjective. They depend on the value system adopted in any country, in any circle. IN different countries, different people have completely different interpretations and meanings of conscience and honor. And I really want to hope that someday in the future the concepts of honor and conscience throughout the world will be the same, uniting in different countries now and those that existed before, but have not reached our time.

And I really want it to be as possible more people possessed such virtues as honor and conscience.

We all live on the same planet and, as we often like to say, we make up one big happy family. We are all children of different eras. Each person has his own view of things. Among people of the same time, they (the views) are somewhat similar, which usually cannot be said about the views of representatives of different generations. Therefore, a clash of different points of view is inevitable.
The most important, in my opinion, is the problem of “fathers and sons”, in other words, the problem of relations between the older generation and the generation of “children”. Communication between them is both necessary and inevitable. It is between “fathers” and “children” that many problems arise. The question of “fathers and sons” worried representatives of different eras; it was raised more than once in Russian literature. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev reflected on this question in the novel “Fathers and Sons.” In his work, the problem of “fathers and sons” is consonant with the time of writing, but has much in common with its modern version of sound. The author presents to the reader the judgments of his heroes: “...the son is not his father’s judge...”, “The pill is bitter - but you need to swallow it.”
The problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant today. However, today it has acquired a slightly different color. IN modern world, it seems to me that this question arises from a misunderstanding, a desire to exalt oneself in front of the older or younger generation.
Misunderstanding is a shortcoming of modern society, and misunderstanding between “fathers” and “children” is a tragedy of two generations. It is the main reason, a prerequisite for the problem to arise. In my opinion, misunderstanding arises at the slightest clash of different views on the same subject. To complete the presentation of this issue, I will give a fairly simple example...
Very often the problem I am considering arises in school, most often between a student and a teacher. As a rule, in our time, the role of a teacher is played by a person of the so-called old school, in other words, brought up in harsh war and post-war conditions. Certain rules of behavior have been established in his perception of life. For this person they are undeniable. Most often, such a teacher does not perceive a liberal attitude to life. He, naturally, shows the student the correct, as it seems to him, path of behavior. Here, rejection or misunderstanding of the student’s individual choice and opinion is manifested. But there is no problem with this yet. The student's reaction is important here. There are two options. One of them provides, if not complete submission, then some concessions on the part of the junior. This option is ideal in this case. However, another option is also possible, in which the student puts his individuality above the opinion of his elder. This is, I think, the problem. Here both sides show not so much selfishness as rejection of other people's opinions.
The second reason for the problem is the desire to exalt oneself. This may not be the most important reason, but it is of great importance. This phenomenon is not as selfish as it seems at first glance; it is rather of a natural nature, because it is inherent in the minds of most people by nature. And since this trait can manifest itself exclusively in communication, especially between different generations, it will primarily serve to arise the problem I am considering. However, this is not the only drawback. It can be noted that a desire of this kind is also the immediate cause for the emergence of misunderstanding.
But as for the problem of “fathers and sons” in general, an analysis of its causes cannot lead to its solution. It occurs almost instantly, and it is impossible to prevent it. After the emergence of a problem, a process of development of the so-called “problem situation” occurs. In my opinion, this point is the most interesting to consider. Development is the most painful stage. It involves a change in emotional tone between two parties, or rather an increase in tone. Of course, the event happens gradually. During this period, the representative of each side experiences the highest nervous tension.
In the family, this can be expressed by constant disputes between parents and children, in school - by the dissatisfaction of a student with a teacher or a teacher with a student. This stage is perhaps the longest in the entire development of relationships. And the longer it goes on, the more obvious the conflict outcome.
The next stage can be the conflict itself, although it is not necessary. In such a situation, both the younger and the older ones are patient, restrained, and well-mannered people. They cannot afford to lose their temper and thus show their negative side.
Conflict is a kind of completion of a problematic situation. However, the problem still remains unresolved.
Passing from generation to generation, it (the problem) turns out to be eternal. In confirmation of this, I want to say that Turgenev’s words still ring true for the older generation: “What you were taught - it turns out - is nonsense... respectable people no longer bother with such trifles... you, they say, are a backward cap... “I conclude that the problem of “fathers and sons” will never find an ideal solution. From the problematic situation I am considering, as from any other, there is a way out. It is possible, in my opinion, with partial concessions on both sides. Ideal relationship“fathers and sons” imply understanding and attention from both children and parents. But it seems to me that this is not always possible in real life. The older generation, wanting to help the younger, offers their own method of solving this or that issue. Most often, based on personal experience and considering the proposed path optimal, they do not think about the individuality of human destiny and, as a rule, gradually begin to simply impose their point of view. The relationship between parents and children must be one that both the elders and the younger will need. The upbringing of children is of paramount importance here. In this I see the only possible solution to the problem of “fathers and sons.” The fate of their child primarily depends on the parents at that stage when the best traits of his character are laid and developed in the child’s mind. Any person should know from an early age that he, like all people, has the right to his own opinion, that patience, understanding and respect for parents are qualities that will help him go through his long and difficult life path.


1. Boyko V.V. Love, family, society / V.V. Boyko. – M.: 2001. – 295 p.

2. Kravchenko A.I. Sociology: textbook / A.I. Kravchenko. – M.: TK Welby, Prospekt Publishing House, 2005. – 536 p.

The topic of the problem of “fathers and sons” is still relevant today. This problem occurs in many families around the world. However, at different periods of human history it manifested itself with varying degrees of severity. For example, during the existence of traditional and industrial types of society, young people, as a rule, could not freely express their thoughts and act in any situation as they saw fit. During the transition to a post-industrial society, family relationships also change. Nowadays, conflicts between two generations occur much more often.

This problem arises because all generations live in their own time and each has their own system of principles and values, which is very important to them, and each generation is ready to defend this system. The views of the older generation were once considered the basis of human existence. Quite often, children, adopting the life experience of their family, at the same time strive to free themselves from the pressure of adults, to reject everything that came before them, thinking that they will arrange their lives differently.

Soviet and Russian sociologist V.T. Lisovsky, in his article “Fathers” and “sons”: for dialogue in relationships,” describes the sociological research he conducted using the example of Soviet and Russian society, considering the problem of dialogue between “fathers” and “children”. According to his research, 80% of society believes that this topic is relevant and should be considered. The article also describes the cause of the conflict: “The essence of the problem is a sharp break in the continuity of generations caused by the transition from one state ( Soviet period) to another (modern) and socio-economic crisis." According to V. T. Lisovsky, the solution to the problem lies in education and morality younger generation. In matters of education, the main attention should be paid, first of all, to the formation of independence, the ability to consciously make decisions and be responsible for them, and the development of the desire to understand the world and self-knowledge. Special attention issues of moral education deserve, the solution of which should help overcome widespread ignorance among young people, and, consequently, increase the level of culture of the entire society and country. Unfortunately, nowadays the new generation has completely different ideas about the values ​​of life, and therefore the solution must also occupy the social sphere. For example, the younger generation entering adulthood inevitably faces modern problems society, such as corruption, social justice, decline in cultural and moral development.

But in addition to the so-called “gap of eras,” there are several more reasons for the problem of “fathers” and “sons,” and they are more likely on a psychological level. These reasons will exist at all times, regardless of shift historical eras, development of social spheres and society. These reasons are the “early maturation” of young people and the conflict of interests between children and parents. Young people consider themselves old enough to solve any problems on their own, but for parents their children will always remain small, inexperienced children who still need to be protected from the bad influences that exist in society. For the natural protection inherent in parents, they conduct various kinds of conversations, which are often presented as instructions, and children usually reject this solution to the conflict, since they believe that they are already old enough. Young people want to solve problems themselves and take responsibility for them. Of course, they may make the wrong decision, but it is necessary to understand that it is largely thanks to mistakes that young people gain life experience. Therefore, the solution to the problem on a psychological level must come from both generations. In my opinion, parents should change the form of conversation and their attitude towards their child, show that they do not intend to block his path in his affairs, but, on the contrary, are ready to support and help in anything. And on the part of the child, there must be an understanding that parents primarily care about his well-being, and do not violate his personal space.

As the French writer and member of the French Academy A. Maurois wrote: “The art of aging lies in being a support for the young, not an obstacle, a teacher, not a rival, understanding, not indifferent.”

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that the problem of “fathers” and “sons” has always given rise not only to a lot of disputes and contradictions, but also to many ways to solve it. The topic of intrafamily relationships has been, remains and will be relevant at all times.

Bibliographic link

Tarasenko D.N., Lekatsa A.N. THE PROBLEM OF “FATHERS” AND “CHILDREN” IN MODERN SOCIETY // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2015. – No. 11-6. – P. 962-963;
URL: (date of access: 02/25/2020). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"