>Essays based on the work Prisoner of the Caucasus

Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity

In the story " Prisoner of the Caucasus"L.N. Tolstoy contrasts two heroes who are Russian officers. Despite the same conditions, Zhilin and Kostylin manifest themselves differently in different situations, which cannot go unnoticed. So, for example, they both participate in the Caucasian War of the first half of the 19th century, both want to go on vacation for a while to see their families, and both find themselves on a dangerous road leading straight to captivity to the Tatars.

Zhilin comes from an impoverished noble family. He has one elderly mother and no one else. He is used to doing everything himself and achieving everything himself. Kostylin, in contrast, comes from a wealthy family. By nature he is a dependent and weak person. Despite the fact that he has a gun and could have saved them both from the Tatars, he did not shoot, but only ran away into the bushes. Similar behavior is visible during both heroes’ stay in captivity. Out of fear, Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home, dictated by the Tatars, asking for a large ransom. Whereas Zhilin did not write such a letter until they were fed, their shackles were removed and they were given fresh clothes.

During the month that the officers spent in captivity, little changed. Kostylin was still upset about any reason and hoped for a quick ransom from his parents, and Zhilin carefully thought through an escape plan and dug under the barn. Along the way, he helped local residents fix things that were broken, fed the dog, although he himself did not have enough to eat, and made clay dolls for Dina, the little daughter of a Tatar. During this month, the village residents fell in love and respected him. Some called him a “dzhigit”, others a master.

When the time came to flee, Zhilin, of course, took a comrade with him. However, Kostylin failed this time too. He whined so much on the way that his shoes rubbed his feet, that Zhilin put him, so heavy and fat, on himself and carried him himself. Then a Tatar driving through the forest noticed them and brought the prisoners back. This time they were put in a deep hole and the measures were tightened. Dina, Zhilin’s only true friend, came to the rescue. Not afraid that she would be punished, she brought Zhilin a long stick, with the help of which he got out.

After certain difficulties, he was still able to reach his people and was released, but Kostylin remained in the hole for another month until a ransom was paid for him. Through such adventures, the author was able to clearly show how the destinies of people with different characters develop, how courage and bravery can help at the right time, but cowardice and cowardice can fail.

Zhilin and Kostylin different destinies essay 5th grade


1. Briefly about the work.

2.1. Life in captivity.

2.2. The escape.

3. My favorite hero.

L. N. Tolstoy wrote his story Prisoner of the Caucasus in 1872 and dedicated it to the events Caucasian War. In the work, using the example of two people, he described the difficult life in Tatar captivity and the military valor of a Russian prisoner.

Zhilin and Kostylin - different characters both in character and in the way of thinking. But one day they found themselves on the same road. During his captivity, Zhilin behaved like a hero, fought back and tried to escape. But Kostylin, on the contrary, chickened out and, having a loaded gun and a war horse, not only did he not protect his comrade, he even failed to escape himself!

It is remarkable how both of these officers, being in the same circumstances, behaved differently. Zhilin invariably relied only on himself, constantly looked for opportunities to escape, and always behaved correctly. For example, he did a good job - he made dolls from clay and distributed them to local children, repaired things and treated the sick. In this way he won the respect and sympathy of the Tatars.

Kostylin, on the contrary, behaved passively and cowardly. He, complaining about his fate, constantly lay in the barn, relaxing physically and mentally. He did not strive for anything, did not want to fight, was afraid of everything and was lazy. Both comrades reacted differently to the possibility of ransom. Zhilin did not want his elderly mother to pay an exorbitant fee for him, so he bargained up to five hundred rubles for his freedom, and even then he deliberately sent the letter to the wrong address. Kostylin, on the contrary, was glad that he could shift the responsibility for his release onto someone else and inactively began to wait for the ransom from the house.

During his first escape, Zhilin showed himself to be a persistent and courageous man. Overcoming the pain in his legs from the hard pads, he patiently endured all obstacles, purposefully walked forward, hoping for the best. His comrade in misfortune, on the contrary, whined all the way, complained and wanted to go back into captivity, and subsequently he became so weak that Zhilin was forced to drag his comrade on himself. This act showed all the most beautiful traits of a man - kindness, self-sacrifice, readiness to help.

After returning to the Tatars, Zhilin did not stop losing hope of escape. Despite terrible conditions, in which the prisoners found themselves, Ivan continued to act, take initiative, and fight. His optimistic spirit and cheerful attitude, his unquenchable energy and determination greatly influenced the result. Zhilin's warmth and pleasant manners prompted the owner's daughter Dina to help him escape. Taking risks, the girl helped the prisoner escape and even escorted him outside the village.

Zhilin happily reached his own, and Kostylin, refusing to escape again, spent another month in captivity. He, half dead and weak, was released as soon as the ransom arrived. Of course, I am delighted with the main character Zhilin. He is a fearless and courageous person, confident in himself and his abilities, positive and cheerful. He was able to change his circumstances, he was able to cope with a seemingly incredibly difficult problem, he was able to get out of a difficult situation with dignity. You can learn a lot from this man, for example, how to be an optimist in difficult circumstances, how to become a good friend, how to behave correctly in an unusual environment.

Zhilin and Kostylin are the main characters of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L. N. Tolstoy.

Theme of the story

During the war in the Caucasus (Russians are fighting with the mountaineers for territory), two Russian officers, Zhilin and Kostylin, go home on vacation. Along the way, the heroes are captured by the Tatars; They ask for a ransom for them. Zhilin, not wanting to ask his old mother for money, plans to escape, but due to Kostylin’s slowness the idea fails. Then the officer tries to escape again, and this time luck smiles on him - he escapes. And Kostylin is rescued from captivity by ransom only a month later.

How officers Zhilin and Kostylin behave in captivity

Kostylin is a plump and obese man. Throughout the entire time he is in captivity, all he does is sleep and count the time until the ransom. At the same time, Kostylin does not hesitate to ask the family for a huge ransom (5,000 rubles). The main thing for him is that he be rescued as quickly as possible and that he finds himself again in convenient and comfortable conditions.

Zhilin behaves exactly the opposite. He refuses to write a letter to his mother asking for a ransom, because he doesn’t want her to worry about him and give away the last thing she has. When the Tatars force Zhilin to write this letter, he writes, but the address is obviously incorrect. The officer decides for himself: either he gets out of captivity on his own, or he will have to die or remain there for the rest of his life. In order to escape, Zhilin begins to dig.

In addition, while in captivity, Zhilin is engaged in various useful activities, thereby earning the attention and respect of the local Tatars.

For example, it differs in that:

  • makes clay dolls for local children;
  • repairs his Tatar owner's stopped watch;
  • repairs guns and other paraphernalia of local residents.

And even during the escape, Zhilin stands until the last, holds on with all his might, and does not abandon Kostylin, although he lets his comrade down several times and does not want to pull himself together for the sake of their common salvation.

Thanks to his perseverance and strong-willed qualities, Zhilin still manages to escape from captivity.

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Zhilin and Kostylin are the complete opposite of each other.

1). So, when captured, Kostylin did not help Zhilin fire at the Tatars, did not wait for him, but quickly fled to the fortress.
Zhilin, even seeing the superiority of the Tatars, left without weapons, undertakes various maneuvers to get away from them. Realizing that he is not succeeding, he firmly decides that he will not surrender and points his horse at one of the Tatars, determined to kill him.

2). When talking with the Tatars about the ransom, Zhilin is adamant; he understands well that he has nothing to lose except his life. He is daring, bold, and even tries to dictate terms. Zhilin already knows for sure that he will run away. That's why he writes the wrong address on his letter home. He relies only on himself and does not want to burden his mother.
Kostylin is a coward. He does not contradict the Tatars, he agrees with everything. He writes a letter, as long as he is fed and treated well. The Tatars even set him up as an example to Zhilin, saying: “...you keep getting angry, but your comrade is meek! »

3). While in captivity, Kostylin is waiting for an answer and money from home. He resists nothing, humbly awaiting his fate. Sometimes it seems as if he is no longer alive. A good confirmation of this are the lines: “Kostylin once again wrote a letter home, he was still waiting for the money to be sent and was bored. He sits in the barn all day long and counts the days until the letter arrives, or sleeps.”
Zhilin is the complete opposite of him. Everything he does in captivity is a step towards his release. He, taken captive by the Tatars, in blood, with a broken head, tries to remember the way. In the village, he examines the surroundings, looking for a way to his people. He gains the trust of the Tatars by making toys and repairing various items. He even “heals”, although he knows that he is risking, because he does not know how to do this. He creates a tunnel, adopts a dog, hoards cakes. He, unlike Kostylin, has no time to be bored.

4).When Zhilin suggested running away, Kostylin got scared, became timid, he didn’t even think about it. He has some questions. The entire escape Kostylin is a burden: he climbed under the wall - got caught, rattled; I hurt my legs on the stones, I was tired, I was scared of a deer; whines all the way. And again they are captured only because of him.
And Zhilin already has a plan ready. He is Kostylin’s guide throughout the escape. He looks for the way and helps him walk, and when he can no longer move, he carries him on himself. He should have left him long ago and gone alone, but he doesn’t even think about it. He knows for sure that “it’s not good to abandon a comrade.”

5). After an unsuccessful escape, Zhilin, although depressed, is still looking for a way out of the current situation. He tries to dig in again. Failed, he tries to ask Dina for help.
And Kostylin completely lost heart. He got sick, he kept moaning or sleeping.

The behavior and actions of these heroes indicate that Zhilin is a brave, daring, wise, courageous, purposeful, devoted person.
And Kostylin is cowardly, clumsy, timid. In general, he looks like a person, just

Sections: Literature

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  1. Forming the ability to think about the actions and behavior of heroes in order to clarify their characters;
  2. Development of comparison skills using the example of contrasting Zhilin and Kostylin;
  3. Development of students' speech and instilling the skill of text analysis.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Teacher's word: topic and purpose of the lesson.

III. Main part. There are three points written on the board that will be covered during the lesson:

  1. Behavior of heroes in critical situations.
  2. The attitude of Zhilin and Kostylin towards others.
  3. The attitude of others towards the heroes.

1. Behavior of heroes in critical situations.

Conversation on issues.

1) What are the most important critical situations in the story?

  • Zhilin and Kostylin are captured;
  • The Tatars demand a ransom;
  • Life of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity;
  • First escape from captivity;
  • Second escape.

2) Remember how Zhilin and Kostylin were captured. Tell us about it so that we can see what is being told as if on a screen. Draw a word picture.

Zhilin sees danger - six Tatars are rushing across, retreat is impossible. Then he galloped with a saber at the Red Tatar and would probably have cut him down if the bullet had not hit the horse. The horse not only fell, but “crushed its owner.” At first, two Tatars rushed at Zhilin, but he managed to throw them off, then three more jumped off their horses and began hitting him on the head with rifle butts. And only five were able to subdue Zhilin, who was already unconscious.

Kostylin (he tells Zhilin about this already in captivity): Kostylin, who saw the Tatars, “fries the horses,” beats with all his might, but the horse is exhausted and stops. Kostylin’s gun stopped working. Abdul catches up with him and takes him away.

Attitude towards horses: Kostylin mercilessly “fries” the horse, Zhilin treated him lovingly, asking: “Mother, take it out...”

3) Read the ransom demand scene expressively.

To take the right tone in reading, you must first understand the essence of the behavior of the captives.

What is the behavior of Zhilin and Kostylin in the ransom demand scene?

Zhilin - refuses to pay a large ransom.
Kostylin - agrees to a ransom of 5 thousand, does not bargain.
Zhilin - he will send a letter with the wrong address, but he still bargains, he is proud, brave, and is not afraid of the Tatars and their threats.
Kostylin is a coward, weak-willed. The Tatars see this and press him.

- How do Zhilin and Kostylin behave in captivity?

Kostylin - hopes for fate. Sleeping.

Zhilin finds everything interesting: the customs of the people, how the saklya is decorated, how the Tatars dress, how they eat, how they behave when they are sad, when they are happy. He walks everywhere, looks at everything. Tatar children fell in love with him, he began making dolls for them. Active, inquisitive. In captivity, he makes crafts and repairs. The goal is to escape from captivity, explore the place, feed the dog so that it doesn’t bark at the fugitives, and stock up on food.

4) Scene of the first escape from captivity.

Zhilin – it’s difficult to “dig from stones.” He carefully dug the hole wider so that his overweight comrade could crawl through.
Kostylin is a cowardly observer. Afraid of everything. Does not help. He can’t even crawl through a hole silently. While escaping, he whines: sometimes he wore off his feet in boots, sometimes he cut off his feet without boots.
I couldn’t carry them far - the Tatars took them, and because of Kostylin the escape failed.

5) Second escape.

- Why does Zhilin make dolls for children and repair guns?

To win over the Tatars.

Why did Zhilin go to see how the old Tatar lived?

The cautious Zhilin felt a dangerous enemy in the old Tatar and, preparing to escape, wanted to anticipate all possible obstacles.

Zhilin is brave, Kostylin is cowardly.

Zhilin, while alive, will fight for freedom, and Kostylin is broken and submissive, he doesn’t even want to hear about any escape.

2. The attitude of Zhilin and Kostylin towards others.

How do Zhilin and Kostylin treat people?

Zhilin's kind attitude towards Kostylin. Zhilin trusts him, believes that he, like any decent officer, must keep his word. And there was an agreement, when we went without a convoy, not to leave.

The officers met in captivity, and Kostylin did not hear a word of reproach, although he alone was to blame for the deplorable situation of both of them.

Zhilin takes care of Kostylin: both for himself and for Kostylin, he makes demands on the Tatars: remove the stocks, feed them well, give them clothes.

Zhilin remembers and fulfills one of the commandments of the Old Testament: “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may be well and may live long on earth.” Even in captivity, he takes care of his mother (“Where will she get the money? She lived off what I sent her”), and about Dina. He is friendly towards the poor - the Tatars.

Kostylin is sleeping, counting the days until the money arrives. Indifferent to everyone.

Tolstoy is silent about Kostylin’s attitude towards people - also a means of characterizing him.

Zhilin does not mock Tatar rituals, respectfully and seriously observing other people's customs.

Kostylin is indifferent, cowardly, lazy.

Zhilin goes to visit his old mother, he said goodbye to the soldiers warmly and from everything it is clear that he is a good person.

- In what position do we see Zhilin and Kostylin in the Tatar village and do they perceive all the inhabitants of the village as their enemies?

Harsh conditions: torn clothes, food - water and bread, sometimes just unbaked dough.

Zhilin is in the stocks, everything is interesting to him. The peaceful Tatar residents are not his enemies at all, he helps them, repairs everything - some watches, some a pistol.

Kostylin lived like a slave. He didn’t know anyone - everyone was his enemy. Didn't help prepare an escape for both of them.

- What can be said about the attitude of Zhilin and Kostylin towards people from the episodes of the first and second escapes?

Kostylin whines - “he doesn’t know the way,” “we won’t get there at night,” “the boots are worn out on his feet.”

Zhilin tolerates Kostylin’s whining. She drags him, thinking in her hearts: “And the devil dared me to take this deck with me. If I were alone, I would have left long ago.” He doesn’t harbor any grudges even when the fugitives are caught. Again he invites him to run away and bids him farewell in a brotherly manner.

Dina is Zhilin’s faithful friend. He cares about her safety. Handing over the pole, he says: “Take it back, Dina, otherwise they’ll grab you and kill you.”

3. The attitude of others towards the heroes.

Residents of the village do not see Kostylin. He sits in the barn or sleeps.

Zhilin: a good, kind person, a craftsman. People ask to be treated. The owner shows affection for Zhilin, brings him tackle, tweezers, gimlets, and file files.

Dina is Zhilin’s true friend. She will bring milk, flatbread, a piece of lamb. Dina rejoiced at the crafts Zhilin made for her: a doll, clay animals. She helps to get out of the pit, showing real heroism: she dragged a long pole, caught up with Zhilin, put in cakes, began to break the block, and cried bitterly when she saw that she could not overcome it.

Conclusion: man is responsible for evil and injustice, everyone must, even in difficult conditions, be active, sow not enmity and anger, but peace and goodwill among people towards each other. People different nationalities can and should live in peace and friendship.

- Why did the Tatars decide to kill only Zhilin?
- Why did they bring Kostylin when they demanded a ransom from Zhilin?

The Tatars consider Kostylin harmless and cowardly and are trying to get him to agree to all the conditions, “to set an example” for the rebellious Zhilin.

- Is Zhilin only kind to Dina?

No, he shows a kind attitude towards his mother, towards the soldiers, towards Kostylin, towards the Tatars, towards Tatar children.

Does Zhilin's kindness benefit people?

Yes, he does something all the time good to people, he is caring, attentive, sympathetic. He does not settle scores with Kostylin, who betrayed him.

Students select epithets that characterize the characters in the story.

Zhilin: kind, honest, brave, inquisitive, active, hardworking, active, proud, noble, highly moral, generous.

Kostylin: cowardly, passive, inactive, weak-willed, broken, submissive.

IV. Working with illustrations.

Who is depicted in all 3 illustrations

Zhilin, the hero of the story by L.N. Tolstoy, in various situations.

The writer does not describe Zhilin's appearance. It is only said about him: “And although Zhilin was not very tall, he was brave.”

How do you imagine appearance hero?
- Your opinions coincided with the image given by the artist.
- Why? What?
- Find words that can be used as captions for each illustration.

1 painting: “The horse hit the ground with all its might - it fell on Zhilin’s leg.”
2nd picture: “Zhilin sat down and began to look at the place; began to look in the Russian direction; there, between these two mountains, we must run.”
Scene 3: Dina tried to help Zhilin, free him from the stocks.

V. Checking homework.

In the previous lesson, students were given the task: to choose proverbs and sayings that characterize the main characters.

  1. The truth is brighter than the sun.
  2. Cheek brings success.
  3. Death is not scary for the brave.
  4. It is not the place that makes the person, but the person the place.
  5. A great ship has a long voyage.


  1. I ran from a wolf, but ended up running into a bear.
  2. Still waters run deep.
  3. Don't laugh, peas are no better than beans.
  4. They let the goat into the garden.
  5. You can't hide an awl in a bag.

The second task was to draw the episodes of the story that we liked. (“Create your own illustration”).

Why did you draw this episode?

VI. Expressive reading favorite passages.

Why did you like these passages?

VII. Conclusions. Giving grades for work in class.

Homework - written work “Zhilin and Crutches”n.”

Guys, I think “Prisoner of the Caucasus” left no one indifferent. L.N. In this story, Tolstoy addresses you, children, he teaches you to distinguish good from evil, beautiful from ugly. I would like to believe that, following the example of the hero of Zhilin’s story, you will grow up kind, hardworking, brave, you will not abandon each other in trouble, you will treat people well, love your mother, consider others, and not be afraid to take responsibility. Thank you for the lesson, goodness and fairness to you.