Since launch Comedy project Club is already 13 years old. During this time, some of the residents changed, appearance scenes and a little concept of the project itself, new sections and participants appeared. Comedy Club then and now has quite a lot of differences, but remains a fun program.

Alexander "A" Revva

Resident of the show since 2006. But in 2013, Alexander took a break for 2 years. Performs with miniatures together with other comedians. Revva has several memorable roles. In one of them he records and performs songs as Arthur Pirozhkov.

Member of the Comedy music team, performs together with Zurab Matua. The guys work in the genre of musical miniatures and experiments.

Andrey is relatively new to Comedy. He takes part in skits by other comedians and leads his own project in the role of rapper Glebati.

Anton "Banderas" Ivanov

Member of the new trio “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”. The guys show miniatures, the scripts for which they write themselves. Previously, Ivanov participated in the show “Slaughter League”.

Reads monologues that he composes independently. He often takes stories for them from his own life or the lives of friends. Sometimes takes part in miniatures.

Vadim "Rambo" Galygin

Participant of the project from its very inception. Now he appears on stage quite rarely. Participates in miniatures, reads his own monologues.

Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov

He has been working in the project since its inception. Performs with Timur Batrutdinov and other residents with various skits.

Gabriel "Le Havre" Gordeev

He reads monologues, runs his own column and periodically participates in projects and miniatures with other residents.

He is a co-host and producer of Comedy and has been involved in the project since its inception. Previously he played in the KVN team “New Armenians”.

Former member of the KVN team “Sports Station”. Performs with miniatures.

He performs his project in the image of Vladimir Putin. Appears in programs quite rarely.

Dmitry "Lyusek" Sorokin

Performs with other residents with musical numbers (sketches, experiments).

Demis "Karibidis" Karibov

Has been working at Comedy Club since 2007. Since 2008 he has been working in a separate project Comedy Vumen.

Participates in musical experiments and miniatures.

The only female resident of the project. Performs in musical and regular miniatures.

One of the oldest members of the project, but recently appears infrequently. Performs with miniatures.

Participant in the shows “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League”. Became a resident several years ago. Performs with miniatures.

He has been working in the project since its inception. He is a co-host, but also performs his own monologues.

Zaitsev sisters

Roman Yunusov and Alexey Likhnitsky are members of the Zaitsev Sisters duet. They also participate in skits with other residents.

Sergei Gorelikov (“Serge Gorely”)

Participant of the project since its inception. During his entire work at Comedy, he mainly played in miniatures together with Garik Kharlamov or other participants in the show.

People grow up and change. Sometimes it’s even difficult to remember what the first episodes of the program were like, and what jokes were relevant. The project is growing and developing along with the viewer, so watching Comedy Club is still a pleasure.

Comedy Club then and now: how the residents have changed over 13 years of broadcasting updated: November 8, 2018 by: CherryRain

What are the names of the Comedy Club residents and received the best answer

Answer from Orbital constellation[guru]
Artashes "Tash" Sargsyan - show host and entertainer.
Garik "Harry" Martirosyan - his own humorous monologue, miniatures.
Pavel “Snowball” Volya - makes fun of the celebrities present on the program, without mincing words.
Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov - miniatures (usually in a duet with Timur Batrutdinov). Characters "Edward the Harsh". Since the release of September 12, he no longer participates (temporarily).
Timur "Kashtan" Batrutdinov - miniatures (previously, often, together with Garik Kharlamov).
Alexander "A" Revva - miniatures and monologues. Characters "Granny" and "Arthur Pirozhkov".
Le Havre (Gavriil Gordeev) and Oleg Vereshchagin - miniatures and dialogues between the “waiter” (Le Havre) and the “security guard” (Oleg Vereshchagin), also “Majors” and other miniatures.
Dmitry "Lyusek" Sorokin, Zurab Matua and Andrey Averin - musical sketches.
Duet “Zaitsev Sisters”, now duet “Lyosha and Roma” (Alexey Likhnitsky, Roman Yunusov) - miniatures, parody proverbs.
Duet named after Chekhov (Anton Lirnik and Andrey Molochny) - miniatures with Ukrainian flavor.
Alexander Nezlobin - humorous monologues about the relationship between a man and a woman.
Mitya Khrustalev - miniatures (performs in a duet with Vitya Vasiliev).
Vitya Vasiliev - miniatures (performs in a duet with Mitya Khrustalev)
Sergei Bessmertny - monologues, satirical advertisements in newspapers, etc.
Duet "Butterflies" (Alexander Nezlobin and Igor "Elvis" Meyerson) - dialogues, usually sarcastic remarks and teasing each other.
Lubinda Arachagu (black African from Zambia) - humorous monologues, stories from the life of a foreigner who came to Russia.
Vadim "Rimbaud" Galygin - performed in miniatures and with monologues.
Tair (Tair Mamedov) - parodies of the “Maximum Program”.
Timur Rodriguez and Max Perlov - musical numbers and parodies.
Duet " Good evening"(Andrey "Burym" Burym and Sergey "Los" Stakhov) - short miniatures.
The Beatles duet
Also in the program you can see performances by residents from regional branches"Comedy Club", participants of the "Killer League", participants of KVN (Andrei Rozhkov, Alexander Pushnoy, Mikhail Galustyan, Sergei Svetlakov took part), pop stars (group "Prime Minister", Anton Zaitsev, Boris Repetur, Mikhail Boyarsky, Grigory Leps , group “Tea for Two”, Soso Pavliashvili, Timati), politicians (Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Grigory Yavlinsky).

Garik Martirosyan

It is he who gives the show an Armenian flavor, being constantly on the air of the program. This is a person who confirms the saying that if he is talented, he is talented in everything.

One can only envy his education, erudition, resourcefulness and artistry. As a child, he had bad behavior and, probably, that’s why, for the purpose of self-education, he eventually trained to be a psychotherapist.

True, he now treats people with the help of humor, and not with the latest achievements of medical science. Although, probably, his medical education helps him communicate on stage with the United Sexy Boys group. At least he can diagnose each of its participants.

Look at their live, although it cannot be said that it is casual, live communication, selecting one of the programs in HD quality on our website to make sure of this.

But real finest hour Garika on the show is about her discovery and communication with guests. This is where his artistry and talent for improvisation are revealed.

By the way, the initial part of the program has changed a lot over time. The typical Western vulgarity in conversations with club guests has been removed and the level of communication has increased significantly.

This is largely thanks to. His constant partner in this friendly skirmish is.

Pavel Volya

The “Glamorous Scumbag” was born and raised in Penza, and came from the KVN team “Valeon Dasson” and became widely known in Moscow.

By the way, he is also talented not only in humor. Pavel, nicknamed “Snowball,” plays in films and records songs. He worked as a radio DJ for a long time.

He moved to Moscow even before he became famous and received a residence permit at the Comedy Club; at first he worked here as a foreman.

By the way, he himself does not mention this in his speeches as often as the fact that he is educated as a teacher of Russian language and literature. It even becomes interesting what such a “Glamorous Scumbag” would teach children. At least their writings would definitely not be boring!

But since the airing of the first program, its popularity began to grow every day. Known for his cynical jokes (especially at the beginning of his career in Comedy), ridiculing show business figures.

This all happened while greeting guests and was said directly to their faces. That's why he became the "Glamour Scum".

Who hasn’t been forced to lie on the floor by his songs about the girl Lyuba, who became a YouTube star, about the Friday adventures of a middle manager, about the growing part of Anya Kuznetsova’s body (lucky all her namesakes in real life after this song).

His more than thirty songs have long been stolen into quotes. Their texts are always on the verge of what is permitted, which is why they are attractive to the listener. Their topics are always relevant, and the texts are full of humor.

In terms of compatibility, the famous bard produces. Which, apparently, he does very well, because the performances of the Comedy team are still becoming more and more popular. He also produces and participates as a director in such TV series as “Univer” and “Interns.”

Vadim Galygin

Another old shot that took part in the first Comedy releases Club, after which he started his own business, and now began to appear on the program’s episodes again.

Who would have thought that Vadik “Rambo” was the son of a military man and was himself a senior lieutenant in the Belarusian Armed Forces.

Apparently, strict military discipline was not to his liking and he rushed to where violations of it were most welcome. He rushed forward to hazing in “Kamedi” again through KVN, in whose teams he “showed up” since military school.

He started with stand-up, where he succeeded to such an extent that his performances were recorded on mobile phones and other recording devices. Vadik Galygin at that time was associated with the word “bag”.

In his current role, he shines in scenes with, and others.

He has many bright stage images, playing which he displays an extraordinary sense of humor and artistry. His ability to improvise was amazing even during his stand-up performances.

Demis Karibidis

This hot guy with an inexhaustible temperament was born in Tbilisi. He also became a star of “Comedy” after performing in KVN. In general, the Comedy Club has done well, having such a talent pool as a club of resourceful funny people.

As the name obliges, the club finds talents, and Comedy takes them on as residents. In this case, the acquisition turned out to be very valuable, since ( real name stars) brought a new wave of positivity and energy here.

He is full of charisma, and the performances with his participation really excite the audience.

IN Comedy line-up Club there are still many residents who will not let the public get bored. This is both a stand-up performer and the host of a separate section “Foreplay” Serge Gorely (in everyday life Sergei Gorelikov), and Viktor Vasiliev, who adds variety to club entertainment with photo idiocy.

Such stars as also perform here, and sometimes even SAM - V.V. is present. Putin. His role is played by.

Residents of Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and Stand Up Comedy - at your holidays!

Who doesn't know the residents of the Comedy Club? Pavel Volya, Garik Martirosyan, Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, Vadim Galygin, Alexander Revva - these and many other names are known throughout the country. But how did this club come about? Thanks should be given to Mark Twain. And it was like this... At the end of the 19th century, the famous American writer often performed humorous acts at various public events. Thus, he laid the foundation for the stand-up comedy genre in the United States. IN post-war period this genre literally exploded (in in a good way) country - comedy clubs for comedians to perform were opening at every turn.

How the Comedy Club conquered Russia...

Decades later, already at the beginning of the 21st century, a member of the KVN team “New Armenians” Artashes Sargsyan visited one of the American clubs. The Comedy Club incredibly impressed him, and the artist, returning to his homeland, decided to organize a similar establishment. So in 2003, the first Comedy Club opened in Russia. And already in 2005 it moved to the TNT channel, where it is still successfully developing today. New faces regularly appear among the show's participants, and sometimes guest Comedy Club artists perform on stage. Changes are also taking place in the design of the club. For example, in 2010 he radically changed his image and began to look more respectable and modern.

Residents of Comedy Club perform in different genres. Some read mind-blowing monologues (Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Alexander Nezlobin). Others perform duets or trios, playing out funny miniatures (“The Zaitsev Sisters”, “Duet named after Chekhov”, “Smirnov, Ivanov, Sobolev”). Still others come up with interesting images and funny stories for them (Alexander Revva, Garik Kharlamov). Still others compose terrible songs (Semyon Slepakov, Dmitry Sorokin). At the Comedy Club they joke about show business, sports, politics and all other areas of society. An important component is improvisation on stage. Often residents involve the public in this. In other words, you definitely won’t get bored with the Comedy Club artists! They will perfectly decorate any holiday.

Version of the show from the fair half

Charming girls from the body can also give a sea of ​​positive emotions. Comedy show Woman, which appeared in 2008. It is often called the Women's Comedy Club, but the broadcast format is somewhat different. There are monologues here too, but in general the performances are more theatrical and there is a lot of room for songs and dances. The Comedy Woman artists are former members of KVN teams. Each girl has her own inimitable image, within the framework of which events develop on the stage of Comedy Vumen. Tatyana Morozova is a simple Russian woman, Polina Sibagatullina is a poetess and part-time socialite alcoholic. Blonde Nadenka is played by Nadezhda Sysoeva, a somewhat opposite personality - a kind of chav - is portrayed by Maria Kravchenko. The role of the uncontrollable and crazy girl went to Natalya Medvedeva. And the real sex symbol of the show is Ekaterina Varnava. These are just some of the images that make you laugh thanks to the talent of the Comedy Women participants!

And another funny project...

Data comedy shows belong to Comedy Club Production. They produce comedy television programs, series and films here. One of the latest projects is the TV show Stand Up, released in 2013. The title emphasizes that the show is also filmed in a stand-up comedy format. However, if the residents of the Comedy Club are mainly people from KVN, then the Stand Up artists are ordinary people who have passed the casting, as well as former participants in such television projects as Laughter without Rules, Killer League, Comedy Battle. The finalists of these shows are as creative as Comedy Club artists, so their presence at the celebration will make the evening unforgettably funny!