Another project of the TNT channel with the participation of two showmen Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov, known for their participation in numerous entertainment television shows and cinema. The long-awaited dream of the leading actors has finally come true, and with it the opportunity to realize the plots they invented.

This time, they received the opportunity from the channel’s curators to bring to life the many-year-old ideas of their author’s project, presenting draft versions of the script for the episodes, the guys received the green light and began work on creating the show.

It is worth noting right away that the humor in the episodes will be quite specific and risks becoming a reason not only for numerous complaints from viewers, but also a reason lawsuits and penalties. Whether this is the intention of the project’s authors will become known later, when it will be possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion by watching all the episodes of this show to the end.

They're waiting for you ahead plot stories: about little baby and his meeting with his mother’s new friend; about a naturalist who is clearly out of his mind and an ordinary person who, by the will of fate, found himself in Taiga for the first time; about the king, sexual minorities, police officers and scientists. In addition, there are many more images that, according to the authors, you can and should laugh at. On our website you can watch the comedy project of Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov KhB-show online for free in good quality.

The XB show is a completely new humorous show created by Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov, and they also play the main roles in this project. These are two incredibly talented and very successful comedians who have been shining on TV screens for many years now. The show has such a strange name because it is an abbreviation of the main characters' last names. Immediately after its release, this show won many fans both among viewers and among film critics. This is confirmed at least by the fact that the request to watch HB online is one of the most frequently asked recently on the Russian Internet.

The plot of this show can be divided into two parts, in one of which is the main one, the actors play themselves, and in the other, several humorous sketches are shown that are filled with humor and jokes, and are made in such a way that they will amuse absolutely any viewer. At the moment, all series of HB are 19 episodes, each of which is distinguished by its unique humor and great jokes, written by some of the best comedians of domestic television. HB all seasons - only one season has been filmed so far, but given the success of this project, there is no doubt that new seasons of this wonderful show will definitely appear in the near future.

HB show - watch online for free in good quality, all episodes and all seasons:

It is worth noting that a lot of time passed from the moment the idea for this show was thought up until the start of filming. Garik and Timur used all this time to make their show simply perfect, so that it would be remembered by the viewer as one of the funniest and most interesting on domestic television. It is also worth noting that this show is one of the highest budget of all that is currently being filmed, so the creators and writers are absolutely unlimited in resources, and all the costumes and special effects look quite realistic and interesting. Of course, this series will be able to delight the public with new episodes for a long time, because it was immediately very well received by the audience, so new episodes are planned for the future.

This show can be recommended for viewing not only to those who are fans of the Comedy Club or Our Rashi, but also to people who simply like to watch interesting funny sketches. After all, in this project all the episodes are made with very high quality and at a high level, they are not like other similar projects and are distinguished by a rather unusual production style!

The last episode of the first season of this wonderful show turned out to be one of the most interesting and funniest of all that appeared on the screen. After all, it was in the last episode that the actors really gave it their all and once again demonstrated an interesting, high-quality, and most importantly...

9259 8 0

The first season of this great show is already nearing its end, so now we can draw certain conclusions about how it turned out. Everyone can draw these conclusions for themselves, but it is only worth noting that the series has truly become very popular among television viewers, and this fact...

5568 8 0

Perhaps only the lazy, or those who have no connection with the outside world, are not talking about this show now. And all because it is gaining momentum so rapidly and with each episode it turns out funnier and better that everyone is talking about it. It has gained its popularity thanks to a number of...

3910 5 0

Comedy Club residents Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov have filmed a truly worthwhile, incredibly funny project that has been pleasing the viewer for several months. He earned himself enormous popularity due to his bold, but at the same time quite appropriate humor, in which the main...

3074 3 0

Perhaps everyone knows about this show now, because it quickly gained popularity due to its funny, although at times slightly vulgar jokes, well-staged scenes that are not similar to each other, as well as excellent acting. This program is unique in that a lot has been invested in it...

4137 5 0

In the new series of an extraordinary and quite popular humorous show, you can see even more funny stories and incredibly funny jokes that will appeal to even the most sophisticated viewer. All this is possible thanks to the talent of the two actors who play all the roles here, as well as...

4008 5 0

More than half of the first season of this wonderful entertainment show has already passed, and now we can safely say that this show has broken all sorts of records in popularity and won many audiences' sympathy. One of the main factors for such success can be called the actors playing here...

3559 -2 0

The show from Comedy Club residents Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov turned out to be so funny and high-quality that it gained enormous popularity among television viewers. More than half of the season has already passed and now we can conclude that the program has won many fans due to...

3969 9 0

In the HB show, season 1, episode 10, there will be even more humor, unique jokes and incredibly funny, unusual situations. In previous issues, one could observe interesting, dissimilar characters who will be remembered by the viewer for a long time and perhaps over time will become popular...

2994 5 0

With each new episode of the entertainment program from Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov, the show is gaining more and more momentum, and this fact in itself is amazing. After all, everyone is accustomed to the fact that if some high-quality show comes out, then over time it will definitely become worse and narrower...

3550 7 1

From the very first episodes, this show gained great popularity among not only Comedy Club fans, but also people who like to watch high-quality, interesting and, of course, funny comedy shows. This show is also notable for the fact that it doesn't get more boring with each episode, and you can even...

4754 10 0

By watching the XB show online, season 1, episode 7, you will know what new surprises and good, unique jokes the creators of this great entertainment project have prepared for us. In the new series you can see even more interesting and unusual cases, which were filmed in an inimitable...

3113 3 0

The new comedy show from Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov is not just funny entertainment– this is also very useful information for young people who suddenly want to break the law. The program shows what is bad to do and how one should not behave in society. If...

3048 1 0

Once upon a time, I didn’t even know what televisions were for. I just didn’t understand that’s all, but my whole family was constantly watching something there. My wife is a housewife, she didn’t turn off the TV, but I just didn’t know what good could be there. There is only one program that I started watching with interest - Comedy Club. Of course, I don’t watch like crazy all the episodes in a row, but from time to time I don’t mind sitting in front of the TV and relaxing a little. The program is quite good, it has been running since 2005. During this time they have clearly learned a lot and are making normal releases one after another. You can always find something good for yourself. Yesterday, for example, there was a very successful 50th issue. So I can recommend the Comedy Club to everyone who loves the Youth genre

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

No matter how old I was, I always loved watching programs. I watched it all the time when I was getting ready for study in the morning, when I was relaxing after work. I have been familiar with the Comedy Club TV show since 2005 and I never got tired of watching it. The presenter is so charismatic that you look with admiration at every movement of his face. Today a replay of this program is airing on the screens. I look at the screen again, watching episode 50 and enjoy it, because this is the strongest episode of the Comedy Club TV show. And I’ll probably always laugh at the presenter’s joke about medicine, it’s so serious and at the same time natural and catchy. He would not work in television, but as a poet, he would be on a par with Mayakovsky and Balmont. The flow of the program itself is simple, so it is very easy to understand from start to finish, leaving the best viewing experience

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

Definitely, this production of the program is 100% copied from abroad. Since this is all tested on the audience and improved to the smallest detail

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

I am not a fan of watching any kind of TV shows. I think that they are all the same type and uninteresting. But when there is a TV at work, and there are absolutely no customers, then you have to put your eyes somewhere and automatically watch something. So, we turn on the same channel every day and leave it on all day. Looking at the screen every day without interest, I got carried away by watching the Comedy Club program. Less than a year has passed, and I’m already enthusiastically watching episode 50 and realizing that I quickly got involved. I discovered that, having been watching the program since 2005, I missed many precious episodes that were released before that. Each episode is not only spectacular, but also has practical benefits. I think I need to catch up and start watching my favorite show at home online from the very first episodes

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

I don’t miss a single episode, because now I’m looking after my child and have time to watch TV. It's not that great, but I like it

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

Oksana Pechorskaya
Oksana Pechorskaya 2017-03-30 15:11:57

Ever since my youth, my attention has been drawn to television programs that charge me with a positive attitude. The Comedy Club became such a program for me. I didn’t even notice that we have been together since 2005. And, although the program is positioned as Youth, I also find it useful. So today, in the evening, for exactly the 50th time, we met again in the usual lineup. It's 4, and I never cease to admire the work of the entire Comedy Club team, because this is their merit in creating a high-quality television product. The program always stood out as fresh. Although, there was a time when the transmission seemed to begin to fade, but recent months again pleases with high-quality releases. And at a time when everything around you is flying somewhere at lightning speed, it’s nice to be able to say STOP even for a moment and relax alone with your favorite show.

Comedy Club Season 4 Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov - Names

Comedy Club is my brother's favorite show. He didn't miss a single episode. Last night I decided to share this time with him for the first time. It's amazing how I could not watch it even once in my life. It seems they showed episode 50 of season 4. And I actually found the show quite interesting. I had no idea that this show was so good. Although, it’s not in vain that since 2005, thousands of people have loved her. Now I can say that I am one of them. I won't miss the next episode for anything. And I recommend the Comedy Club to everyone, because the program of the Youth genre will bring you a lot of positive things