From school lessons we remember that a person, like any other living organism, consists of many cells. In humans, there are approximately 50 trillion of them. The nucleus of every cell contains molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid, abbreviated as DNA. Their structure was discovered in 1953 by British and American scientists, for which they received Nobel Prize. Molecules are multidimensional, consisting of two long (about a meter) intertwined chains twisted into a spiral. The chains are connected to each other by peculiar crossbars, reminiscent of a ladder. This whole “structure” is divided into genes, each of which is responsible for a specific biological function. The double helix contains 26 thousand. genes. Their complete set is called a “genome”. The genome of each individual person is unique; it is the program of our life. It contains hereditary codes by which the kinship of people can be determined. Each genome contains 2 copies of the same gene - one from the father, the other from the mother. This makes it possible to conduct a paternity test.

A DNA paternity test determines whether the man believed to be the father of the child is indeed such. Statistics say that 90% of such tests are ordered by men. When examining samples, it is precisely those long polymer molecules contained in the nucleus of cells taken from two objects that are analyzed. By the coincidence of loci - the location of a certain gene on the chromosome map - the relatedness or lack thereof of two people is determined.

Paternity test indications

Indications for conducting a DNA test are the desire to make sure that the child is really from the father (to calm down jealous husbands), fear of hereditary pathologies, diagnosis of existing or possible diseases. IN last years such a test is in great demand to confirm kinship due to the tragic events taking place in the country related to military operations. It is also used in forensic science when it is impossible to establish the identity of crime victims.

DNA paternity test for court

To establish paternity through the court, special procedural rules will be required. Thus, a DNA paternity test in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Forensic Examination” is carried out only in state laboratories of the Ministries of Justice, Health and Defense. The blood of the child, mother and putative father is used for analysis. The result is not provided to the parents, but is sent to the court. A pre-trial DNA test can only motivate the justice authorities to order their own analysis, and if the defendant refuses to undergo an official examination, it will serve as indirect evidence of his involvement in the birth of the child.

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Paternity test without mother's consent

A paternity test without the mother’s consent in non-state laboratories is possible and does not even require her consent, but the accuracy of the result with her participation may be higher.

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Having chosen and contacted the laboratory, a person receives from the laboratory assistant detailed instructions on how to collect the material being studied, if this procedure will be carried out by the applicants themselves, and will be given shipping envelopes. Preparation consists of mandatory adherence to the recommendations received when taking a genetic sample from each participant. Hair, nails, blood, saliva, and nasal discharge are suitable for this.

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Paternity test technique

The technique of analyzing the human genome when determining paternity does not require a detailed study. For the identity of two compared objects, 14 matches of DNA fragments are sufficient. Some laboratories make up to 30 comparisons in order to obtain the most reliable information.

There are two ways to obtain material for analysis: invasive (through penetration into the body) and non-invasive. A non-invasive paternity test involves:

  • hair paternity test - this non-standard method is used when it is not possible to take oral swabs for analysis. Only hair with a bulb is suitable for analysis. There is no 100% guarantee of the success of this procedure, because... It may not be possible to extract a DNA profile. Having at least 10 hairs will increase the chances. You should not touch them with bare hands. It is best to use tweezers or gloves. If they were picked up in the bathroom, you need to dry them first. Then the hairs are placed in a clean paper or plastic bag or container. Material after cosmetic fixation or embalming, as well as hair cut with scissors and left on a comb without follicles, are not suitable. Earwax, chewing gum, and a used handkerchief will help in determining paternity. Another test taker may provide a standard sample, such as a mouth swab;
  • paternity test using saliva - it will require the so-called buccal epithelium - a smear from the inside of the cheek. The advantage of this method is the convenience and ease of sample collection.

A blood paternity test is an invasive method. For this test you will need blood from a vein. Its advantage is that you can take enough material to determine the identity of the genome, but the disadvantage is the need for personal presence, for which you often have to travel long distances.

Other invasive methods include a prenatal paternity test.

Prenatal paternity test during pregnancy

Modern medicine is at such a level of development that it can answer who the father is even before the birth of a child. A prenatal paternity test is performed during pregnancy. There are such methods:

  • Chorionic villus biopsy - used in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). The biomaterial is collected using a needle inserted by a doctor under ultrasound guidance to the membrane covering the fetus. According to statistics, the risk of miscarriage does not exceed 3%;
  • amniocentesis - amniotic fluid is taken as the material. The procedure is possible between 14 and 20 weeks of pregnancy. It involves penetrating a thin needle through the peritoneum into the uterus to collect fluid. There is a slight (up to 1%) risk of complications;
  • cordocentesis - blood is taken from the umbilical cord.

Home paternity test

You can take a paternity test without leaving your home. For self-collection of material, special packages are sold, which include gloves, a brush, a test tube, instructions, and an agreement form with the laboratory. Samples must be provided by the father, mother and child. Before taking it, you must not eat, drink, or brush your teeth for an hour.

After rinsing your mouth with warm water, rub the brush for one minute on each side on the inside of your cheek and leave it in the air for half an hour, then put it in a test tube and close it. Place in an envelope and mail or deliver it yourself. How long does a paternity test take? The test result can be received in 3-5 days by mail or by phone. There is also an express paternity test, it is ready in a day.

Paternity test results

The accuracy of the paternity test is 99.99-99.9999999% to confirm paternity. Missing 0.01% to 100% means that theoretically there is a possibility of the potential father having a twin brother with the same genome. A negative test is always 100%.

How to cheat a paternity test?

Is it possible to cheat a paternity test? Licensed laboratories guarantee the reliability of their conclusions. The study is carried out by two independent groups of experts on two automatic analyzers, after which the results are compared. Thus, the influence of the “human factor” is minimized. Deception can be committed at the level of sampling material at home.

Where can I get a paternity test?

To conduct a paternity test, there are special DNA laboratories equipped with analyzers capable of comparing up to several dozen genetic markers. The most famous in Ukraine is Medical Genomics Ukraine LLC, representing the English laboratory Medical Genomics Ltd. It has been in our country since 2007 and has collection points in 43 cities. In the capital, such analysis is carried out by the Scientific Medical Center, the Nadiya Reproductive Medicine Clinic, the Mother and Child Medical Center, and the laboratory of Dr. Rödger et al.

Our laboratory uses the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, which has replaced the previously used RFLP method because it is more accurate and can be used with small DNA fragments. For this reason, there is no need to use blood as the genetic material; saliva is sufficient.
The child inherits DNA from the mother (23 chromosomes) and from the father (also 23 chromosomes). Each parent is responsible for half of the child's DNA. Thus, a child (and every person) has 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each DNA region (locus) of a chromosome pair has specific DNA fragments (alleles) on each chromosome. A DNA test is done by identifying specific pieces of DNA (alleles) for a specific set of loci in the father, mother, and child. If the mother and father are the child's parents, then two pieces of DNA at each locus in the child's chromosomes must be inherited, one from each parent. Establishing paternity or maternity is possible using these DNA fragments.

How accurate are DNA tests?

A DNA test is the most accurate method of establishing paternity. The accuracy in case of a negative answer is 100%.
The accuracy in case of a positive answer is 99.9+% - 99.99999%. Expert conclusion confirming paternity - FATHER- cannot be done with 100% probability, since there is always a theoretical probability of the existence of a twin brother of the tested father with the same genetic profile. The accuracy of the tests offered by our laboratory is the highest in the world today.

Is it possible to establish paternity by blood type?

This method is not a method of establishing paternity; blood types may coincide by chance. Only DNA testing can confirm and refute paternity. Calculate the child's blood type and Rh factor

What standards are used to ensure the accuracy of DNA tests?

Our laboratory strictly complies with the standards of international accreditations AABB, ISO, CLIA and others. Since we use at least 16 genetic markers, the results are usually quite certain - either 0% or 99.9+%. In difficult cases, when 16 markers cannot provide such high accuracy, the laboratory uses up to 33 markers

What is a buccal swab and is it as accurate as blood?

A buccal swab is taken from the mouth using sterile cotton swabs. To take a smear, you need to rub the stick on the inside of your cheek in a circular motion for 10-20 seconds. The result of a DNA test will be as accurate as a blood test, since the DNA in all cells is the same.

Can I use regular ear cotton swabs for swabs?

It is advisable to use sterile swabs for smears; it is most convenient to purchase a kit for taking smears from our DNA center. However, you can also use regular cotton swabs - open the new packaging before collecting the material and remove the cotton wrap on one side of the swab. Use 2-4 sticks for each participant and place in paper envelopes. See instructions for more details.

How long can a smear be stored if I take it at home and do not bring it to you right away?

The kit with the taken genetic material can be stored for a long time - several months, however, we recommend that you do not delay its transfer for analysis, transfer it within 7-10 days, since over time the likelihood of successful DNA extraction decreases.

Is it possible to send me the smear kit and results without anyone knowing?

We understand the sensitivity of the issue of establishing paternity. The set and results will be transferred to you in the most convenient way for you.

Can a paternity test be performed without the mother?

Yes, the test is usually done only for father and child. The mother's consent is not required. However, if the mother also participates in the test, the accuracy of the test may be higher in some cases.

What if I want to do a DNA test for another child or another father?

Additional family members can be included in the test - another father, a child, for an additional fee; the cost of such a test will be cheaper than performing two separate tests.

At what age can a child be tested for paternity?

Even a newborn can be a participant in a DNA test. Taking a smear of saliva with a cotton swab is a painless and non-traumatic procedure. If the child is on breastfeeding, it is necessary that at least an hour has passed since the last feeding.

What happens to the samples after the test?

We destroy samples immediately after testing and results are received. Test participant data is archived.

How will I receive my test results?

The results can be obtained at DNA centers, or they can be sent by Russian Post or any courier service, by email or by phone. You choose the method for issuing results when ordering the test.

How to interpret test results?

In the vast majority of cases, the conclusion contains an unambiguous result. The putative father is either "ruled out" or "not ruled out" as the biological father. Each of the 15 identifying loci is analyzed separately, a paternity index is calculated from it, and the individual indices are then combined to calculate a “combined paternity index.” The higher the combined index, the higher the probability of paternity.

What does a DNA paternity test result look like?

The result of a DNA paternity test is a document on letterhead with a laboratory stamp, which contains a conclusion about the probability of paternity. In case of a negative result, paternity is excluded, its probability is 0%. In case of a positive result, paternity is not excluded; its probability is 99.9+%. In addition to the conclusion, the document contains genetic passports of those tested, that is, information about the DNA structure unique to each person.

What is the Combined Paternity Index?

The Combined Paternity Index is a number that represents the probability of paternity. The number is calculated based on how common the genetic information found in test takers is in the population of your race. The Combined Paternity Index can generate a 99.999% probability of paternity, and even higher. For example, an FIR of 9,999,987 means the putative father has a 9,999,987 to one chance of being the biological father.

Can the opinion be used in court?

The conclusion you receive from performing an analysis for personal use can be used as the basis for filing a lawsuit. This analysis is done without identifying individuals. The analysis for the court is done with the identification of the personalities of the participants, only it will have legal force.

Are the results confidential?

Your results are strictly confidential and are issued only to you personally, to the postal or email address you provide. Any information on the analysis is communicated only to the customer’s phone number specified in the order form.

Is it possible to take the test anonymously?

Yes, you can specify any names when ordering the test.

Do I need a referral from a doctor or the court to order a DNA test?

No, you don't need any direction, it's your right to know the truth.

Is it possible to do a DNA test if for some reason it is not possible to take a buccal swab? Why do you offer such a low price for a DNA paternity test?

Our laboratory is the largest in the world and thanks to the latest automated equipment, we do more tests per unit of time. This means that our goal is to attract as many clients as possible, and not to earn a lot on one. At the same time, the quality of the test is at the level of world standards.

Is it possible to take a paternity test before the baby is born?

Yes, we can perform a prenatal paternity test. The analysis we offer is completely safe for the fetus; paternity is determined by the venous blood of the mother and the putative father. Such an analysis is possible if the gestational age is at least 9 complete obstetric weeks.

Does DNA change after a blood transfusion?

DNA does not change after a blood transfusion. If blood is collected within 2-3 weeks of a blood transfusion, there is a small chance that a mixed DNA profile will be obtained (an undesirable situation). But this is not a problem when collecting material from the oral cavity (oral swab - as in our case), or if more time has passed since the transfusion. All donor blood is cleared by this time.

In this case, you must inform us that such a situation exists. If it is not possible to test both suspected fathers, we will conduct an extended analysis and calculate the chances that the next of kin may be the biological father. In any case, you can be confident in the result of the analysis.

What happens if I collect the material incorrectly myself? Will I need to pay for the test again?

In this case, you will have to resubmit the material. There is no need to pay anything extra.

Why such a fast turnaround time for DNA analysis? In other clinics it takes about a month.

Since we do a large number of tests, material is sent to the laboratory several times a week. Delivery of samples - 2 working days. The analysis itself takes 2-5 business days. If the analysis is urgent, it is sent immediately and executed with the highest priority.

The alleged father does not want to do a DNA test, how can I determine paternity?

For analysis, you can use material from your father’s relatives - parents, children, brothers and sisters. Grandparent and grandchild testing is as accurate as paternity testing.

The alleged father is far away, in another country. How can I do a DNA test?

You can take the material yourself anywhere in the world and send it to us for analysis. It is stored for a long time, several months. You can also use the services of collecting any doctors, including representative offices of our laboratory in 168 countries.

“The child is not mine, she spoiled him!” Such thoughts sometimes creep into the heads of men who, for one reason or another, cannot understand or come to terms with the fact that the child has the wrong hair or eye color and does not look like his father.

To finally make sure that the child is yours, you need to take a DNA paternity test.

Where can it be completed, how long does it take to complete and how much does it cost in 2020? You will find detailed answers to these questions in the article.

Determining paternity by DNA is a scientific method that consists of comparing the genetic formulas of a child and the alleged biological father.

Taking the test yourself is very simple; you can easily do it yourself at home in 15 minutes. There is no need to go to the hospital or call a medical professional at home.

What is needed for a DNA paternity test? To obtain DNA samples, you need to prepare the following tools:

You should not drink or eat 2 hours before receiving samples. Smoking is also prohibited.

Immediately before obtaining samples, you should rinse your mouth with regular drinking water. No need to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with elixir, use dental floss, etc. To a small child You can just give him clean water to drink.

Taking a cotton swab, you need to wipe the inner surface of the mouth (cheek mucosa) with it. In this case, you need to make at least 20 movements with the stick, turning it slightly. After this, the cotton swab needs to be cut with scissors.

The part that the person held with his hand must be thrown away. And that part of the stick that was used to wipe the cheek must be put in an envelope, making sure to sign it first (write your full name).

This procedure must be repeated 2-3 times. As a result, each envelope should contain 3 cotton swabs.

You must not touch the tip of the stick that was used to wipe your cheek.

If the child does not drink water (for example, a newborn), then samples of his material should be taken 2 hours after feeding.

Envelopes must be signed: indicate the full name of the person whose materials are in the envelope.

There are important principles when working with an envelope after collecting material in it:

  1. You should not lick the envelope to seal it. You need to carefully peel off the fabric strip and use the adhesive to secure the edges of the envelope.
  2. Sample envelopes should not be packed in a plastic bag or file.
  3. You cannot use envelopes with polyethylene inserts, because this will lead to damage to the material and loss of DNA.

In addition to cotton swabs, you can provide the following materials: hair, nails, toothbrushes, cigarette butts and any other items that contain human DNA.

Today, the achievements of humanity and the law make it possible to find out who is the biological father of a child and force the unscrupulous parent to fulfill his duties.

If a woman wants to prove that the biological father of her child is a specific man, then she must follow the protocol:

In what situations can the court initiate a DNA examination to establish paternity?

  1. If it is necessary to establish paternity to collect alimony.
  2. Upon immigration.
  3. To obtain the right to inheritance.

The specific figure is not established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The price of a service such as establishing paternity by DNA depends on many factors:

If the test is done out of curiosity, it will cost less than DNA testing done in court. Also expensive will be a paternity test carried out before birth.

Approximate prices for Moscow:

  • DNA paternity test (father + child) – 10 – 12 thousand rubles. (non-urgent test);
  • forensic DNA paternity analysis – 16 – 18 thousand rubles;
  • non-invasive prenatal DNA test (pregnant woman + presumed father of the child) – 60 – 90 thousand rubles;
  • For the urgency of the test, you will have to pay another 3-4 thousand rubles.

The accuracy of a DNA paternity test in case of a positive answer is 99.9%.

Why not 100% result? Because from a scientific point of view, there is a theory that the tested father may have a twin brother with the same genes.

In the case of a negative result, its accuracy is 100%.

Who pays for DNA?

In this case, we are talking about who pays for the paternity examination if the case is heard in court.

So, you can pay for a service at a medical center:

  • the person who sent an application to the court to consider the case on recognition of paternity;
  • plaintiff and defendant (in half), if the application requesting consideration of the case is written by both parents (presumed).

If the initiative to recognize the defendant as the biological father of the child comes from the court, then payment for services for conducting a DNA examination is taken from the federal budget.

If the court upholds the claim filed by the child’s mother, the defendant (biological father) will be required to pay the money that the plaintiff spent on the DNA test.

Sometimes a woman or man needs to find out who the father of an unborn baby is.

A non-invasive prenatal paternity test will help reassure future parents. It can be done as early as the ninth week of pregnancy.

To carry out this test you will need the following material:

  • blood from the mother's vein;
  • swabs from the father's mouth or blood from his vein.

Using special modern equipment in laboratories, the mother's DNA cells are screened out from the fetus' DNA cells. These cells are then matched to the DNA of the suspected father.

A non-invasive intrauterine DNA test in Moscow costs from 60 to 90 thousand rubles.

To save money, you can do an invasive DNA test. Then the client will be charged 25-30 rubles for the procedure.

How is the invasive test performed? The procedure goes like this:

  • in stationary conditions, material is taken from the pregnant woman’s amniotic fluid, as well as blood from the umbilical cord;
  • Venous blood is taken from the putative biological father.

An invasive DNA test can also be performed from the 9th week of pregnancy. You cannot undergo the study before this period, since it is believed that until the ninth week there will not be enough DNA in the material taken.

An invasive research method is a very dangerous test, as it increases the risk of miscarriage. In addition, there is a possibility of infection in the amniotic space.

How to do a DNA paternity test for free?

Genetic testing can be done free of charge only in one case: if it is initiated by a court.

If a person applies personally as part of a civil or administrative case, then he will have to pay for the service at his own expense.

Can the child’s father do a DNA paternity test if the child’s mother is against it? Yes maybe.

So, according to Art. 52 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the entry of parents in the child’s birth certificate can be challenged in court at the request of the father or mother, as well as the child (adult) or his guardian.

That is, the alleged father of the child (plaintiff) needs to write a statement of claim to the court. After this, the judge will order a genetic examination.

If the defendant (the child’s mother) refuses to carry it out, this will be a big plus for the plaintiff; the judge can satisfy his claim and recognize him as the father of the child.

If the woman does not refuse a DNA test, then the result of the court hearing will depend on the result of the test - whether the DNA of the father and child matches or not.

But in addition to the paternity test, the plaintiff will need to present to the court any other evidence about the origin of the child from him: testimony of witnesses, photos, videos, etc.

How long does it take to do a DNA test?

The kit with the material can be taken in advance, and it must be submitted to the laboratory within 7-10 days. If you take it later, then the accuracy of the results will decrease.

Tests are done within 10-20 days, depending on the clinic or center to which the person applied.

If you need to do an urgent test, then for an additional fee (plus 5-8 thousand rubles to the total amount) the DNA examination will be carried out in 3-7 days.

The test result is documented. The document is drawn up on the letterhead of the medical institution.

It contains information about the probability (in percentage) that the applicant is the biological father of the child:

  • the result is positive – the probability of paternity is 99.9%;
  • the result is negative - the man is not the father of the child;
  • the result is false - if the quality of the collected material does not meet the standards (the person took the material incorrectly, it was not enough to collect DNA).

If the father or mother of a child, for personal reasons, does not want to go to the laboratory to submit material for a DNA examination, then they can submit the material anonymously. In this case, you must indicate any name (pseudonym) on the form.

The client receives the results of a DNA test, submitted anonymously, by mail, email, or phone.

The results of DNA testing conducted anonymously cannot be used as evidence in court.

A medical report issued for an anonymous client has no legal force.

DNA test results for court must be made with identification of the individual.

If the client does not even want to leave his phone number, then the clinic must assign him an individual contract number, and in the “Father” and “Child” columns the client can indicate fictitious names.

To obtain the results of the examination, the client himself can call the clinic and provide the contract number. The results must be announced to him over the phone.

Where can I get a DNA paternity test?

It is possible to obtain a reliable result of an analysis for recognition of paternity in Russia only in specialized laboratories that are accredited to provide such a service.

Therefore, before going to a clinic to submit material for DNA examination, you need to ask whether this medical institution has a license to carry out specific work, and whether the laboratory has received AABB, ISO, CLIA or other (international) accreditation.

Establishing paternity through DNA testing is the right of any resident of the Russian Federation. But before you decide to take such a step, you need to answer the question: “Am I ready for any research result?”

A DNA test can be carried out in several variations: by collecting blood, saliva, placenta (during pregnancy). You can take the test anonymously; you do not need to bring your child to the clinic.

The price of the service can range from 10 to 90 thousand rubles, depending on how the test is carried out (invasive, non-invasive), how much material was used, how quickly the client needs to get the results.

Last modified: January 2020

It is a rare couple that can claim that the marital relationship is stable, and if a child appears out of wedlock, doubts about paternity cannot be avoided. If for the mother doubts about her own motherhood are practically excluded, then in relation to the second partner questions often arise about how to do a DNA paternity test and when to do without it.

According to statistics, every tenth child born in a complete family is not related by blood to his official parent. Meanwhile, on the legislative side, there is a whole set of laws aimed at protecting the interests and rights of minor citizens. Conducting DNA testing from an exceptional procedure has long turned into a standard event, on which not only the confirmation of the father’s identity depends, but also the assignment of parental responsibilities to him to provide for and raise the baby.

What is the procedure?

It is not always possible to conduct a DNA test on a voluntary basis. When one of the parties does not agree with the testing of genetic material, the basis will be a court decision made during the proceedings regarding the determination of the payer of alimony or when it is necessary to officially recognize the father.

There are many different ways to test a pair of an adult and a child. The collection of genetic material often occurs through:

  1. Scraping from the buccal mucosa.
  2. Analysis of salivary secretions.

However, other material – any tissue of the body or blood – can become a source of comparison and analysis. In most cases, no additional preparation is required from those tested, and the actions of doctors are absolutely safe and painless, unless we are talking about testing the fetus during pregnancy.

Description of how the procedure is carried out:

  1. Acceptance of samples in the laboratory.
  2. Carrying out comparative analysis with transcript.
  3. Preparation of a medical report with conclusions regarding the relationship of those tested.

Behind the simple description of the procedure, there are many legal details related to preparation for testing and the consequences of the established fact of kinship (if the conclusion is positive).

DNA contains many different genes, and comparisons are made by comparing individual sections of the molecule. The coincidence of 14 sites is a reason for recognizing the positive result of identifying kinship, allowing the interested party to further seek through the court certain legal norms related to the determination of paternity.

Not only mothers initiate the procedure in order to bring the biological parent to justice, sometimes fathers themselves want to know for sure whether the child is theirs, and testing during the period of gestation is common, i.e. even before he was born.

DNA during pregnancy

The development of medical technologies has led to the possibility of conducting genetic examinations without waiting for the birth of the baby.

Two methods have been developed and used during pregnancy:

  1. Non-invasive procedure does not involve any risk to the mother and fetus, involving blood sampling from a vein. It is carried out at any period of pregnancy, starting from the 7th week, when it becomes possible to isolate free DNA of the unborn child. Next, the biomaterial is taken from the putative father and matches or their absence in the compared areas are determined in the laboratory.
  2. Invasive method more risky, as it involves collecting amniotic fluid in the period 14-20 weeks, or collecting material through a puncture in the period 9-12 weeks. Before deciding on such a method, parents should compare the degree of risk for the pregnancy and the feasibility of the procedure.

Parental doubts do not always lead to DNA testing - many couples prefer to raise the child as their own, since establishing blood relationships is not of paramount importance. However, in some situations, the problem becomes fundamental when interested parties want to confirm the presence of blood ties with the mother or father, and the procedure is not always initiated by one of the parents.

Assumptions about substitution in the maternity hospital are, rather, exceptional situations, as are cases of unintentional separation from the child and loss of contact over a long period of time (when the child is lost and, in the process of search activities, it is necessary to confirm or refute the find lost child).

The above cases are exceptions. In practice, a DNA test is carried out by fathers or mothers in the process of determining claims on the following issues:

  • determination of place of residence;
  • alimony assignments;
  • participation in the child’s life, etc.

In fact, it is possible to understand a man who does not want to take on the responsibility of providing for someone else’s child. With the help of genetic material analysis, the slightest suspicion of the spouse’s infidelity is eliminated, allowing marriages to be saved.

If the father is against it and does not want to be responsible for the financial support of the child, mothers often go to court with a request for a forced procedure for establishing kinship.

Positive result and kinship, confirmed by a medical report, give the right to further within the framework of the current provisions of family law.

In the following situations, the initiative to conduct an examination belongs to the court:

  • in the process of identifying the defendant in a claim for the assignment of alimony payments in favor of a minor;
  • for immigration;
  • if the father is not alive - during inheritance.

Regulations by law

Determination of paternity and related rights and obligations are regulated by the Family and Civil Procedure Code:

  1. Articles 47-52 of the Family Code provide for the possibility of presenting any evidence when identifying the child’s father.
  2. Article 86 (part 3) of the civil procedural legislation assigns an important role to DNA testing and analysis of genetic material in proving paternity in controversial situations.
  3. Article 67 of the Code of Civil Procedure determines the priority of a court decision when establishing the father of a child.

In paragraph 2 of Article 52 of the RF IC there is an important remark that paternity can be challenged by proving that the man knew that he was not blood relative, impossible.

Forced determination through court

When a couple cannot agree on a peaceful settlement, and the mother is faced with the need to collect financial support for the child, paternity can only be established by a court decision, i.e. forcibly, regardless of the position of the intended parent.

The action plan describes the steps to determine the father and recognize his status in court:

  • Preparation for trial and collection of evidence. The mother gives an explanation of the situation: details of the acquaintance, the degree of closeness of the relationship and prospects at the time of close communication and contacts with the defendant).
  • Bringing testimony proving the existence of a close relationship between the plaintiff and the potential parent (neighbors, relatives, friends, colleagues are involved).
  • Preparation of a statement of claim with the attachment of documentary evidence prepared in advance (this can be SMS correspondence, mail, photographs, video materials at the time of pregnancy, gestation and the birth period). The court will accept as evidence and records the words of a paternity candidate claiming to be the father.
  • During the proceedings, the judge orders a DNA examination, on the basis of which a decision will be made to determine the status of the defendant.

Features of a claim for recognition of paternity after a DKN examination

The mother applies to the district court, choosing the instance at her place of residence or the address of the defendant.

The application is drawn up in accordance with the norms of the Civil Procedure Code, the requirements imposed by the court, and must contain the following information:

  • Information about the parties to the process (plaintiff, defendant).
  • The main part contains a description of the circumstances that led to the need to determine the father, with references to documents proving the fact of close ties with the defendant.
  • After listing the evidence, the plaintiff formulates a demand to recognize a specific citizen as the father of her child.

If the mother is against

The examination is not always initiated by the child’s parent. The father will face a similar legal procedure if the mother is against genetic research. This right is enshrined in Art. 52 of the RF IC, establishing equal rights to challenge records of parents.

A man who intends to confirm or deny his paternity writes a statement of claim indicating the circumstances that led to the need to establish paternity. After hearing the parties, the court makes a decision to force an examination, and if the child’s mother refuses, the judge has the right to satisfy the plaintiff’s demands by recognizing his paternity.

It should be taken into account that the results of the study of genetic material are not the only evidence - the court must consider other documentary evidence of the existence of a relationship, including testimony of other persons.

Due to the lack of a uniform method for carrying out the procedure, uniform tariffs for conducting research have not been established. Much depends on the chosen method (analysis of salivary secretions, blood, placenta, etc.).

Medical institutions where DNA testing can be done allow anonymity of actions, without requiring a visit from the citizens being tested. It is enough to present the biomaterial collected and delivered properly.

If the court does not establish the need for a free procedure, you will have to prepare an amount of 10-90 thousand rubles (depending on the clinic, region, method of research).

Up to 20 days are allotted for analysis and preparation of a conclusion, but if desired, express diagnostics will allow you to get results within 3 days, if you pay extra for urgency in advance.

A DNA test with an accuracy of 99.99% will allow you to identify the father of a child, relieving families of doubts and suspicions. For a mother raising a child alone, a court order will help legally recover funds from the negligent parent for raising the child.

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According to statistics, the percentage of men who doubt paternity is quite high. Studies have shown that at least 10% of children born in marriage are not genetically related to the official father listed on the birth certificate. Paternity testing has long become a common analysis. It can be carried out not only after the birth of the child, but also during pregnancy, starting from the 9th week.

Deoxyribonucleic acid is a long molecule twisted into a helix. It is contained in every cell of the body and performs the most important function - storing genetic information about the individual. It is the chromosomes, of which there are 23 pairs in DNA, that determine characteristics, nationality, etc. When a cell divides, it is DNA that ensures its exact copying. This ability of deoxyribonucleic acid formed the basis of cloning.

Before you do a DNA paternity test, you need to clarify that identical twins can have an identical DNA strand. If we talk about a parent and a child, then the chromosome set always consists of maternal and paternal genes. In other words, the analysis takes into account only the proportion of the father's gene in the child's DNA.

A DNA paternity test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In case of father's doubt. If the father has doubts about the genetic relationship with the child, he can take the test himself. All that is required is his and the child's DNA. However, mothers often resist testing. This can also lead to psychological trauma for an already grown child.
  • Judicially. If a father refuses child support during a divorce, claiming that the child is not his, the court obliges him to take a DNA paternity test at his own expense. If the plaintiff refuses the procedure, he is forced to pay alimony.
  • Upon adoption. A father who learned about the existence of his child after some time, but in the absence of the mother or her death, can facilitate the adoption procedure by passing a paternity test.

A special feature of this test is its high accuracy. There is no need to take the test several times. It is enough to contact a trusted laboratory and pay for the analysis. There are also home paternity tests available. But their essence is only to collect material at home and send it to the laboratory in an envelope. It is impossible to establish paternity without resorting to the services of a laboratory, as this is a rather complicated procedure.

Who participates and what is taken for analysis?

A paternity test is a complex process of reading information from a DNA strand. Since it will not be completely identical for father and child, individual fragments of the chain are taken (from 10 to 30 sections) and carefully compared. The more areas examined, the higher the reliability of the test.

This analysis has several features:

  1. The test only requires DNA from the father and the child. To perform the test, a DNA sample from the alleged father and child is sufficient. Usually mothers do not doubt their relationship with the child for obvious reasons, but if there are such doubts, you can take a test to establish maternity. If there are several putative fathers, it is necessary to collect genetic material from all of them.
  2. It is possible to conduct the test before the baby is born. Some time ago, carrying out such a procedure was difficult. It was necessary to wait for the birth of the child or carry out a complex and traumatic procedure of puncturing the amniotic sac to collect amniotic fluid. Now there is no such need. Scientists have developed a method that can be used to isolate a child's DNA directly from the mother's blood.
  3. Mother's participation is not necessary, but desirable. The mother's participation in the DNA test is required not to establish kinship, but to determine the part of her genes passed on to the child. This will help avoid coincidences if some of the genetic material in the father and mother is similar.

To carry out the analysis, you can donate blood or saliva, but more often laboratories work with buccal epithelium. This is a smear from the mucous membrane of the inside of the cheek. To do this, just swipe a cotton swab behind your cheek. It is easy and painless for a small child. The accuracy of the analysis does not depend on the material.

You can also use blood, saliva, hair, and nail particles.

It is worth remembering that only a test conducted with the personal data of both subjects will have legal force. Home tests, as a rule, serve to satisfy the father's curiosity, but the test result is not suitable for presentation in court.

Preparation and interpretation of results

When donating blood for DNA, standard preparation is required: refrain from drinking alcohol and fatty foods the day before the test. Blood is donated on an empty stomach to avoid premature clotting. The time of day does not play a role in such an analysis.

If a smear is taken from the inside of the cheek, no preparation is required. When conducting home test you need to take a sterile cotton swab, which will be included in the kit, and run it several times along the inside of your cheek. The stick is placed in a bag and sent to the laboratory in an envelope.The decoding is carried out by a doctor or laboratory assistant.

The result comes in the form of a sheet of paper with a specified percentage of matches.

When decoding, the following points should be considered:

  • The maximum percentage of matches is 99.9%. This does not mean that the probability is lower; laboratories simply adhere to the principle of objectivity. There is always a possibility that the child's father has a twin brother. Despite the fact that such cases are very rare, doctors take this probability into account when interpreting. With this percentage (about 100%), the error is excluded.
  • Reliability depends not so much on the quality of the collected material, but on the professionalism of the laboratory technicians and the number of loci studied (sections of the DNA chain). If the laboratory guarantees the analysis of about 30-33 loci, there is no doubt about the reliability of such a test.
  • If the father of the child is the subject, then the result will indicate “the biological paternity of patient 1 (full name of the father) in relation to patient 2 (full name of the child) is not excluded,” and then the percentage of matches will be indicated. If the person being studied is not the father of the child, the result will say that no similarity of genetic material was found. In this case the error is excluded.

Very often, the result obtained is still called into question, especially if it does not coincide with expectations. However, modern laboratory research methods are accurate enough to avoid such errors. The father can always retake the test if he wishes, but this is usually not necessary.

More information about the analysis can be found in the video:

A DNA paternity test primarily has a social and psychological aspect. This is not just a test that tells you about your health status; the result depends on future life family and individual child.

The main advantages of this analysis include:

  1. High reliability. As mentioned above, the test is quite reliable and does not require repeating an expensive procedure. As a rule, the result is unambiguous - either a 99.9% match or no match.
  2. Legal aspect. With the help of a paternity test, a woman can recover child support from the child's father. The child will also have equal legal rights with the father's other children. This is very important when property disputes arise.
  3. Information content. The test is used not only by fathers, but also by children who are looking for their father or simply want to establish his identity.

Disadvantages of the analysis:

  • Quite a high price. Not everyone can afford to conduct such an analysis, much less duplicate it.
  • You also need to wait about a week for results. Such a test is not carried out instantly. This is a complex and painstaking procedure, so subjects will have to be patient.
  • Among the disadvantages is the psychological aspect of the procedure. If the child is already an adult, this can cause him psychological trauma. There are also frequent cases of depression in men when receiving a negative result.

However, mothers who resort to such tests need to remember the negative aspect of the legal aspect. For example, alimony may be less than a single mother's allowance. The father will have equal rights to the child and his financial means. He can also apply to live together with the child.