We asked the President of the Chernobyl Union of Russia, Vyacheslav Grishin, about planned events in the year of the 30th anniversary of the disaster and about the social protection of liquidators.

- Vyacheslav Leonidovich, toWhat issues have already been discussed at the meetings of the Interdepartmental Group?

I would like to first remind you that the Chernobyl Union of Russia approached the government in 2014 and 2015, and then the president, with a proposal to create an organizing committee under the Government of the Russian Federation on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the disaster. It was proposed to do this by analogy with the commemorative events on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the disaster. We hoped that the organizing committee would be headed by Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, who oversees issues of medicine and social protection. However, the proposal did not go through. According to our information, the Ministry of Finance categorically refused not only to participate in the work of the committee, but also to allocate funds for an important date. The government recommended holding commemorative events within the limits of funds allocated to ministries and departments. Due to the fact that the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is organizing work to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, it took upon itself the organization and leadership of the Interdepartmental Group. We treated this with understanding and are actively participating in the work. At one of the first meetings, Leonid Belyaev made it clear that ministries and departments, when organizing certain events for the memorable date, must coordinate them with the Chernobyl Union of Russia.

The possible participation of the President of the Russian Federation in commemorative events is currently being coordinated. We propose organizing a meeting between Vladimir Putin and Chernobyl activists and inviting ministers of relevant departments to it. We would like to raise the issue of medical and drug provision for Chernobyl victims, and the continuation of awarding state awards to those liquidators who deserve it, but have not yet been recognized in any way. According to our data, we are talking about 15–20 thousand people.

We are grateful to the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for making the decision to award three thousand liquidators with one of the highest awards of the ministry - the medal “For Excellence in Liquidating the Consequences of an Emergency Situation.” Today, regional organizations of the Chernobyl Union of Russia are preparing submissions on the allocated quotas.

On December 1, 2015, we decided to establish our own awards, medals and badges dedicated to the memorable date. You can get acquainted with them on our website: http://souzchernobyl.ru.

We have put forward a proposal regarding the Day of Participants in Liquidation of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters and the Memory of the Victims of These Accidents and Disasters. In this date, in our opinion, two categories are unfairly combined: heroes and victims. In Moscow, for example, for several years now, November 30 has been celebrating Chernobyl Victory Day. This day is dedicated to the commissioning of the Shelter object (sarcophagus) in 1986. We propose to approve November 30 as the Day of Participants in Liquidation of the Consequences of Radiation Accidents and Disasters, and April 26 to remain the Day of Remembrance for Victims of Radiation Accidents and Disasters.

- You personally went on business trips to the Chernobyl zone twice. What memories do you have?

The disaster found me in the position of head of the officer club of the Higher Central Officer Courses of the Civil Defense of the USSR. An order was already being prepared for my appointment to the position of head of the USSR Civil Defense Museum. In June 1986, I was invited to the Headquarters of the USSR Civil Defense and given the task of going to the emergency zone to collect information about the consequences of the disaster, distinguished liquidators, in order to subsequently prepare a museum exhibition. However, the business trip fell through. An order was issued from the very top to classify all information about the disaster and the liquidation of its consequences.

Nevertheless, on September 25, 1986, a decree was promulgated on awarding the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) to internal service lieutenants Viktor Kibenko and Vladimir Pravik. Firefighters Nikolai Titenok, Vladimir Tishura, Vasily Ignatenko and Nikolai Vashchuk, who fought the fire at the 4th unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, were posthumously awarded orders. In December 1986, a new Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR followed on rewarding a large group of liquidators, among whom were already the relevant leaders, commanders of military units of the Armed Forces and civil defense, and individual specialists from ministries and departments. So my postponed business trip to Chernobyl took place on the 20th of January 1987. The pass issued at the Civil Defense headquarters allowed passage everywhere. Therefore, I saw examples of real courage and professionalism demonstrated by the liquidators both at the station itself, and in the 30-kilometer zone, and in nearby settlements. This was a real feat of the Chernobyl survivors! This is impossible to forget!

But there were also facts of a different kind. Once I had to communicate with the commander of a separate mechanized civil defense regiment who arrived from the Belarusian Military District. I asked him to introduce me to the military personnel of the unit who were included in the award decree. Leafing through the pages of the decree, the regiment commander suddenly became stern. It turned out that supposedly two people were awarded from his unit, who in fact had nothing to do with it: a senior officer and a warrant officer-secretary, who brought some documents from the district headquarters, spent the night and left.

How so? - the regiment commander was indignant. - We presented several dozen of our military personnel, but who were awarded? What will I tell my people?!

He was deeply offended both for himself and for the fighters who had been working in the zone for eight months. In his hearts, he declared that he would immediately write a report on his dismissal from the army...

I took a camera with five films with me on that business trip. I took a lot of pictures, but upon returning to Moscow it turned out that they were all overexposed due to large doses of radiation. To be honest, I didn’t even think that it was necessary to take care of protecting photographic films. I am very sorry that valuable personnel were lost.

After the business trip, I wrote a detailed report about what I saw and heard. I believe my observations were taken into account by the USSR Civil Defense Headquarters. And, of course, I prepared an exhibition about real heroes and the work to eliminate the Chernobyl disaster for the Civil Defense Museum. It opened at the end of 1987.

In 1988, you were elected chairman of the executive committee of a public organization for the protection of the rights and interests of victims - the Chernobyl Union of the USSR, and in 1990 - president of the Chernobyl Union of the RSFSR. What contributed to this?

Scientific and propaganda work was launched around the exhibition in the civil defense museum dedicated to Chernobyl victims. On April 26, 1988, close relatives of the first liquidators who died in Moscow and were buried at the Mitinskoye cemetery came to our museum. It was then that they decided to create a public organization to protect the rights and interests of victims - the Chernobyl Union of the USSR. Professor Lev Khitrov was elected as the first chairman, who provided scientific support for the decontamination of the natural environment. Unfortunately, he died from cancer - the consequences of the radiation dose received at Chernobyl. I was elected chairman of the executive committee.

At the same time, the Chernobyl brotherhood was created. Questions began to be raised about the need for the state to adopt a certain legal document that would protect the liquidators. Because in the first three years after the disaster alone, over three thousand Chernobyl victims passed away, many families lost their breadwinners. However, their deaths were not recognized as being due to radiation exposure at Chernobyl. Only certain categories of specialists or family members of the deceased received payments in compensation for damage caused to health. These rules did not apply to military personnel, which was, of course, wrong. Our organization took up the issue and achieved justice.

- What do you remember from your second trip to the disaster response zone?

Having already been elected president of the Chernobyl Union of the RSFSR, I realized that I needed additional experience, impressions and communication with people at the site of the tragedy. In January 1990, I went to the zone for a month and a half as deputy head of the operational group of the USSR Civil Defense Headquarters. I had to engage in party political work in civil defense units, ensuring that personnel comply with security measures.

Based on the data obtained, including during this business trip, we developed proposals for the Chernobyl law. We took as a basis the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on benefits and compensation for participants in the Great Patriotic War. And it was fair. When they arrived in the 30-kilometer zone, they asked: “Are you going to war or from war?” And in fact it is war. If you keep a report from April 26, 1986 to December 31, 1990, when the active phase of liquidation of the consequences of the disaster ended, it turns out to be even slightly longer than the period of the Great Patriotic War. Our proposals did not raise any serious objections.

- In May 1991, the RSFSR Law “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant” was adopted. This law, with a number of subsequent amendments and clarifications, is now the main Chernobyl document. Does it, in your opinion, meet the hopes and aspirations of Chernobyl survivors for fair social protection?

Our experts have calculated that since May 1991, when the law was adopted, to date 46 changes and additions have been made to it, which to a greater extent did not expand, but limited the social guarantees of citizens exposed to radiation.

This is explained by a number of reasons. The basic law was prepared in Soviet times. In my opinion, initially there was an inaccuracy, if not a mistake, that the liquidators were not given the status of Defender of the Fatherland in this law. It turned out that they, just like the population living in the contaminated areas, found themselves in the category of victims of the disaster. After this, the spirit of patriotism and fulfillment of military and professional duty gradually began to fade among the liquidators. They were overcome by illnesses and were depressed by the imperfection of the authorities in fulfilling their obligations. People were forced to become defenders of their destiny, health, and went to court. And then the authorities, without analyzing the situation, began to defend themselves against the Chernobyl victims. The result was inequality: military personnel who went through Chernobyl were not covered by the benefits and compensation that civilian specialists (and, in the event of their death, family members) received for disability, because they had a special status. This became the basis for a division of interests and internal contradiction among the liquidators. In the Chernobyl Union of Russia there were heated debates about this, reaching almost to the point of assault on the sidelines.

We have put forward agreed demands to the authorities. And we continue to do this at this stage. At the same time, we have not joined and are not going to join political parties or destructive opposition forces. We were able to resolve this difficult situation and remain a constructive public organization, understanding that only interaction with the authorities can solve our problems. And everything worked out for the time being, until a law on the monetization of benefits was adopted in 2005. He touched everyone. The transfer of our benefits into monetary compensation has significantly reduced the benefits that were received in kind. Today, financial resources allocated for social protection of Chernobyl victims do not fully compensate for damage caused to the health or property of citizens exposed to radiation.

- What role does your organization play today in the social protection of liquidators and victims?

We closely monitor sensitive moments. For example, in October 2015, the government made an unpopular decision limiting the number of settlements located within the boundaries of preferential zones. In them, residents either stopped receiving previously existing social guarantees, or began to receive them in a reduced form. We expressed our disagreement with this decision. In the center of protest opinions - the city of Novozybkov, Bryansk region - a public reception room was created. Residents of 52 settlements in the south-west of the Bryansk region, who were affected by the unpopular decision of the government, initiated an appeal to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with claims for the return of the status of contaminated territories.

- What are the most significant events that will take place in connection with the 30th anniversary of the disaster?

On April 26, the traditional flower-laying and rally will take place at the Mitino memorial. In many cities there will be receptions for liquidators, their meetings with young people and students, and the opening of new monuments dedicated to the feat of Chernobyl survivors. Moscow is considering the possibility of naming one of the public gardens after the Chernobyl heroes.

Commemorative events will take place throughout the year. On November 30, we intend to open a Monument of Glory on Poklonnaya Hill, dedicated to the feat of participants in the liquidation of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation accidents.

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MOSCOW, April 26. /TASS/. Commemorative events in honor of the 30th anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were held on April 26 in the Russian Federation. Solemn ceremonies took place in many regions: in Kaliningrad, the accident liquidators were awarded medals from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in Kostroma, a memorial sign to the victims of nuclear disasters was unveiled.

Thirty awards from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Celebrations were organized in Kaliningrad, Chernyakhovsk and Gvardeysk (Kaliningrad region), and departmental medals of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were awarded to thirty liquidators.

The memory of the victims of the nuclear power plant accident in Kaliningrad was honored with a minute of silence and the laying of flowers at the memorial to the Liquidators of the Consequences of Nuclear Disasters. About 200 people took part in the ceremony, according to police.

According to the public organization Chernobyl Union, out of 2.6 thousand residents of the Kaliningrad region who participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, 1.2 thousand people are still alive today.

Monument to the victims of the accident in Kostroma

A memorial sign to the victims of nuclear disasters and accidents was unveiled in Kostroma. The city also plans to erect a monument to the Kostroma liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the press service of the Kostroma region notes.

On the day of the 30th anniversary of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Kostroma, a rally was held on Mira Avenue, which was attended by widows, relatives of the liquidators of the accident, representatives of the regional administration and the public.

Among the first detachments sent to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant zone were 320 cadets of the second battalion of the Kostroma Higher Military Command School of Chemical Defense. Subsequently, more than 3 thousand Kostroma residents took part in the liquidation of the accident.

2 thousand rubles for pensions of Abkhaz disabled Chernobyl veterans

About 50 participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster live in Abkhazia. As one of them, Shota Akaba, told a TASS correspondent, almost all participants have disabilities.

“Today, the pension of a participant in the liquidation of the consequences of a terrible accident is 2 thousand rubles, and for disabled people - 2 thousand 500 rubles. However, this money is not enough for anything, since almost everyone received radiation and is constantly in need of medicines and treatment,” Akaba said .

According to Valentin Abgadzhava, a Chernobyl disabled person of the second group, this money is not enough for the basic medicines that he constantly needs. “When the accident occurred, I was 29 years old, I was studying near Kiev, naturally, I volunteered to eliminate the consequences of the accident, but basically no one really asked when the military registration and enlistment offices called,” Abgadzhava told a TASS correspondent.

According to him, he arrived in Chernobyl two days after the accident and stayed there for half a month, until the car in which he was transported had an accident. As a result, the man spent a long time in a hospital in Boryspil (Kiev region) with many fractures. The radiation received by Abgadzhava constantly makes itself felt, he says.

Scope of the accident

The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred on April 26, 1986. As a result of the explosion, the fourth power unit was completely destroyed. This tragedy, according to experts, was the largest in the history of nuclear energy. More than 115 thousand people were evacuated within a 30-kilometer radius from the station. More than 600 thousand Soviet citizens took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident.

In terms of the number of affected population and territories exposed to radioactive contamination, as well as long-term consequences, the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has no equal today.

According to various estimates, from 600 to 900 thousand people from Russia and other republics of the former USSR participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident. In the Russian Federation, more than 59 thousand square meters were exposed to radioactive contamination. km of territory, including about 2 million hectares of agricultural land and about 1 million hectares of forest land. About 3 million people lived in the affected areas, of which more than 52 thousand were resettled.

Today, April 26, marks 30 years since the terrible tragedy at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. In 1986, 400 million people were affected by the accident, most of them in Europe: “Only 47% of all harmful substances remained on the territory of the Soviet Union, the rest went to other countries. Siberia, the Far East, and even the United States suffered. Yes, the tragedy was and IS terrible. She didn't pass, no. For a long, long time it will resonate with pain in the hearts of those who have already buried loved ones. Those who survived felt pain and fear for the future of their children and grandchildren. Those who were on the 4th block were offended, leaving there their only, unique and irrevocable thing - HEALTH. Offended by the Government that they forgot about the Chernobyl victims. Even the Law, published in 1991, which tried to somehow smooth out the blundering committed by the country and its rulers, * has sunk into oblivion *, since they are CONSTANTLY coming up with various new Resolutions that reduce benefits for those people who SAVED OUR country, our dear one and all countries that were indirectly affected by this accident. I’m scared for those who will still be affected by the consequences - after all, cesium and strontium have not yet decayed, they are in the ground, in the water, which means that the threat hangs over people for many years to come. These are congenital deformities, oncology. I remember when my husband returned after Chernobyl, they tried to find out the dose of radiation he received. It was a great secret, sealed with seven seals... Radiation sickness was not exposed to anyone, later, after 10 years, they began to expose it, already when many were no longer alive... I saw children born after the tragedy with deformities incompatible with life, children , with congenital cancer. I will not go into specifically the medical aspects of this disaster, although they are in the foreground. We will talk about the attitude towards people who, at the cost of their lives and their health, eliminated the consequences. Although this is not true, it will take a long time to liquidate it, let’s say - they tried to reduce the destructive effects of this disaster. About the memories of the officer who participated in the cleaning of block 4 - V.I. Ryzhakova -<<Раз начал говорить о Чернобыльском АЭС, то на ней и остановлюсь и поделюсь своими впечатлениями. Меня судьба направила туда в октябре 1986 года. Все увиденное там не укладывалось в голове. Даже, спустя много лет. Управление ликвидацией трагедии было. Но больше было неразберихи и головотяпства, что свойственно нам всегда, когда приходит беда, будь то война или катастрофа. И не последнюю роль здесь сыграла *засекреченность* информации, отсутствие оперативной связи, новых точных приборов, дозиметров и рентгеновского контроля и т. д. Поразила сама станция своими размерами. Кроме 4 блоков там стояли еще два. Много вспомогательных корпусов и зданий. Все это можно сравнить с крупным промышленным городом. Но более всего потрясло то, что сама станция практически находилась на реке Припять. Так установили станцию для удобства транспортировки по воде блоков реакторов из-за их негабаритных размеров. Если говорить о стойкости во время всех испытаний, которые наш народ перенес в тот трагический год, то, по моей оценке, события 11 сентября, потрясшие Америку - это капля в море. Но вернусь к АЭС. Кровля крыши на блоках атомной станции (этого профиля) должна была быть выполнена из нержавеющей стали. Но вместо этого, видимо, по чьему-то *рацпредложению*, ее покрыли несколькими слоями рубероида. А при взрыве 4-го блока на кровлю 3-го блока обрушились обломки от защиты реактора (графитовые трубы, водяное охлаждение из никеля и прочее). И все это прилипло к крыше. И смыть жидкостью с вертолетов радиоактивный "мусор" было уже нельзя. В результате в ход пошли ломы и лопаты... и люди-ликвидаторы. Ликвидаторы счищали "мусор" и на месте оставляли инструменты. Ибо брать с собой было смерти подобно! На всю груду лопат, ломов и пожарных шлангов строились деревянные настилы, трапы. И новые ликвидаторы уже бежали поверх груд инструментов. Можете себе представить, что там творилось! В зоне повышенной радиоактивности долго находиться было невозможно. Тысячи людей сменяли друг друга, оставляя тонны инструмента, чтобы счистить несколько центнеров радиоактивного "мусора". В СМИ в то время много писали о том, что в зоне 4-го блока радиация составляла всего-то 15 мрн/ч. Чудовищная дезинформация! Я своими глазами видел, как стая ворон, пролетая высоко в воздухе над 4-м блоком, "посыпалась" вниз, как будто ударилась о стеклянную стену. Картина не для слабонервных. Видел, как падал вертолет. Бочка с жидкостью для дезактивации оборвалась, трос "сыграл" на винт, и вертолет рухнул вниз. Не будь повышенной радиации, пилотов можно было бы спасти. А по телевидению показывали передачи, будто в зоне катастрофы (4 блок) во всю орудуют одни роботы. Мы, находясь там, горько посмеивались над такими передачами, кощунственными по сути. Так как именно в это самое время ликвидаторы тысячами бросались, как на амбразуру, в 4-й блок, чтобы остановить последствия аварии и саму "ядерную чуму". В зоне повышенной радиации работали "Роберты" - живые люди. Только через 4-й блок, рухнувший от взрыва, прошло более 100 тысяч таких "Робертов", в зоне, где радиация составляла 800-1200 мрн/ч в действительности, а не 15, как уверяли власти через СМИ. Выход в такую зону радиации составлял не более 1 минуты. Больше было нельзя. Но и этого оказалось достаточным, чтобы искалечить здоровье и жизнь сотням тысяч людей до конца их дней.> > I want to tell you, dear readers, how those who survived this terrible, SILENT AND INVISIBLE war were congratulated in the Volgograd region and how the survivors are treated. To all the surviving liquidators, just before the big day, they announced that there is no money in the regional budget, which means you will have to pay for the medals yourself... Care, so to speak, about people. You earned it yourself, you pay for it yourself. On the eve of the event, a meeting was held in the region with the governor of the Volgograd region A.I. Bocharov with Chernobyl victims of the region. But... the reeds were not expected there. About how the events developed, I will give the story of the chairman of the Chernobyl Union, Kamyshin, Vladimir Bronchenko - - We were warned about this meeting exactly a week in advance. Naturally, we prepared well for it, having in hand a package of questions for Andrei Ivanovich Bocharov, the governor of the region. Moreover, in many years such a meeting with the governor himself was the FIRST. However, on April 22, having arrived at the appointed place an hour and a half before the start of the conversation with the governor, we suddenly found out: the delegation from Kamyshin was not on the list of invitees. As a high-ranking official from the regional administration explained, the head of the regional public organization of the Chernobyl Union of Russia, Yuri Kosarev, who “forgot” about Kamyshin, is allegedly to blame for everything. Whether he forgot or not is not for us to find out. I will mention, however, the fact that over the past three years, Yuri Ivanovich has never once inquired about what and how the liquidators of the consequences of man-made disasters, registered in Kamyshin and the region, live. But we, by and large, are still administratively “subordinate” to Kosarev. Moreover, according to the charter of our organization, we must participate in the annual reporting conferences. For unknown reasons, this does not happen either. Since the Kamyshans did not get three seats in the White Hall of the regional administration, we were offered to take seats in the auditorium of one of the theaters in Volgograd. (Can you imagine - people traveled 200 km to meet with the governor of the region, but they did not find THREE chairs... Attitude , to put it bluntly, AWESOME, on the eve of the anniversary and the order at my own expense - my comments. By the way, they simply forgot about the order...). To be honest, that day we had no time for a theater offering comedy. The “comedy” farce that played out near the walls of the regional administration building was supposed to forestall the committee on affairs of territorial entities and information policy of the Volgograd region, which stood at the origins of the meeting between Chernobyl survivors and A.I. Bocharov. Having limited themselves to a short apology addressed to us, his officials departed in their own direction, and we - in ours, to our native Kamyshin. That says it all... Attitude towards people. To those who survived the fight against death. Only words and farce...

In April 1986, the largest man-made disaster in the world occurred - the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Many people were involved in eliminating its consequences, risking their own lives. This year will mark the anniversary of this tragedy; on this occasion, a commemorative medal “30 years of liquidation of the Chernobyl accident” has been issued. Manufacturer of the medal: Chelznak Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Description of the award

The medal has a traditional round shape, is made of brass and has a yellow tint. On its front part you can see a dark red cross, the edges of which are bordered with gold. A medallion is placed where the ends intersect. On its bright blue background is an image of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The date of the accident is engraved underneath it - “04/26/86”. Even lower, in a semicircle, it is written: “CHERNOBYL.”

There are several inscriptions on the back. The top one, occupying 2 lines: “XXX years”. Below it is the phrase: “FOR COURAGE, CHARITY, REMEMBER.” It is written in 3 rows. The reverse of the award is bordered by a wreath. Below, in the center, is an asterisk.

The medal is connected to a pentagonal block covered with a striped ribbon. The stripes on it are arranged in this order: on the left there is a narrow dark green one, behind it there is a wide scarlet one, in the middle of which there is a narrow yellow one, then again a narrow green one. On the right is a wide stripe of dark blue. There is a narrow black edging on the right edge.

Chernobyl disaster

04/26/1986 went down in human history as the date of the largest man-made accident at a nuclear power plant in the entire history of existence. In addition, this accident will remain as a monument to human carelessness.

The disaster affected a large number of people. Some of them died immediately, many later. Most of the liquidators who are alive today suffer from serious, almost incurable diseases. But not only those people who participated in eliminating the consequences of the disaster suffered; the disaster affected hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens.

The place where the nuclear power plant was located in Chernobyl is the bank of the Pripyat River in the north of the Ukrainian SSR, not far from the border with Belarus. It is only 94 kilometers to Kyiv. Today it is the territory of Ukraine. The nuclear power plant was built in an area with many forests and swamps. Other settlements were located at a sufficient distance, for this reason Pripyat was built for the employees - a city intended exclusively for their residence.

From Pripyat to the Chernobyl station it was only 3 kilometers. Founded in 1970. In 1986, about 47 thousand people lived in the city. Today it is considered abandoned.

How it all happened

At the time of the disaster, 4 power units were operating at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Everything happened on the 4th after one in the morning on April 26th. This power unit was a boiling water reactor that did not have a containment shell. Before the accident, he was tested. People who worked on the reactor had to check whether the turbines were able to provide the required amount of residual energy to power a special cooling system if an unplanned power outage occurred. Another question they were looking to answer was whether the turbines could withstand such outages before emergency power supplies came on.

It was impossible to interrupt the tests, for this reason the emergency protection systems were turned off in advance. To ensure safety, it was necessary to reduce the reactor power by a quarter. However, everything planned was never done. For reasons that have not yet been established, at 1 hour 23 minutes. and 47 sec. It turned out that the reactor power decreased significantly below the expected level and amounted to approximately 1% of the nominal value.

The station personnel, headed by A.S. Dyatlov decided to overclock the reactor in order to return it to working condition. But after 30 seconds. The reactor power increased sharply. Since the emergency systems were disabled, a chain reaction occurred. The station staff failed to stop her.

The result was a very powerful explosion. The reactor was completely destroyed. There was a partial collapse of the nuclear power plant building. The slab, weighing approximately a thousand tons, was thrown away. The graphic shell of the reactor ignited. All the radioactive substances that were part of it ended up in the atmosphere. There was a fire in some rooms and on the roof.

When the building collapsed, 2 people died. One of them is MCP operator V. Khodemchuk. His body could not be found, as it ended up under the rubble of multi-ton drum separators. The second is V. Shashenok, he died later from his injuries and burns.

Reasons for what happened

Today there are 2 official explanations for the causes of the disaster. In addition to them, there are alternative versions of what happened. The country's leadership created a commission that named the employees and management of the nuclear power plant as the culprits of the accident. The IAEA formed another commission, which decided that the reason was a whole range of violations of existing rules by employees. The last straw was bringing the reactor into an unregulated state.

Among the violations committed by the station employees were the following:

  • Carrying out tests “at any cost”. The experimenters did not stop even seeing changes in the state of the reactor.
  • Disabling technological protections. If they had worked, the reactor would have been shut down long before it entered dangerous mode.
  • Silence about the extent of the disaster at first by the leaders of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Later, in 1991, the State Atomic Supervision created another commission. She decided that the disaster was due to a failed reactor design. In 1993, INSAG released a report that also cited reactor design flaws as the main cause. However, there is still no single version of the reasons with which all experts would agree.

Consequences of the accident

After the explosion occurred, the fire department received a fire alarm. Firefighters spent several hours extinguishing the fire. It was possible to extinguish it by 6 o'clock in the morning. A total of 69 firefighters were involved.

At first, most did not realize the extent of the damage to the reactor. Therefore, it was decided to supply water to the reactor core to cool it. While fighting the fire, some firefighters received serious doses of radiation. Some are fatal.

Since firefighters could not provide enough water, from the next day until May 5, helicopters constantly flew over the 4th power unit, dropping sand. In total, about 2.4 thousand tons of lead and 1.8 thousand tons of sand were dumped. It was believed that in this way not only would the fire be extinguished, but the spread of radiation would also be prevented.

However, the effect was the opposite. The reactor continued to heat up, resulting in more radioactive substances being released. The reaction became uncontrollable. They were able to correct the situation only by May 5th.

Accident victims

The Chernobyl disaster had a huge effect. Many people received large doses of radiation, tens of times higher than permissible. Firefighters received very large doses. There were about 600 of them. All of them died from radiation sickness, 31 of them a few hours after exposure.

134 Chernobyl NPP workers and rescuers who were at the scene at the time of the explosion developed radiation sickness. 28 of them died within a few years. The country's leadership began to form teams to clear the accident area. It is believed that they included about 800 thousand people. Experts say that approximately 300 thousand were exposed to a lethal dose.

The Soviet people learned about the accident only on April 27. The next day, TASS reported an accident at the station. On the 27th, the population of Pripyat was evacuated. People were told that they were being taken away temporarily and would return in 3 days. This was done to stop panic. It was forbidden to take pets with you.

Due to the Chernobyl accident, the prestige of nuclear energy was seriously damaged. For many years, no new nuclear power plants were built in the United States and Europe. Approximately five million hectares of land were withdrawn from agricultural production. An exclusion zone with a radius of 30 kilometers was formed around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Several hundred small settlements were liquidated and buried.

Today, the radiation level near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant has become lower. It is only 200 times more than permissible. For comparison, at the time of the accident this figure was 13 thousand. It will be impossible to live in this territory for a long time.