How frustrating it can sometimes be to miss a frag because the game is frozen and the enemy has disappeared. At such moments I really want to kick system unit or slam your fist on your laptop. There will be very little benefit from this; it’s wiser to just set up the computer once so that the tanks don’t lag and enjoy the process.

Read below on how to set up your computer for playing World of Tanks.

Computer settings

Setting up a computer for the game World of Tanks can be divided into two parts: setting up the hardware and working with the operating system. Let's take a look at each of the parts in detail.

  • Setting up hardware for World of Tanks

Quite often, good computers show poor performance. The components seem to be an order of magnitude higher than required, but the FPS stubbornly refuses to jump over the 40 mark. There may be several reasons for this.

Firstly, the case may be dirty. If a computer or laptop is not cleaned of dust, it accumulates inside, settling on the cooler and some contact boards. Because of this, the processor cools worse, parts interact more slowly, and the computer heats up.

To increase FPS in World of Tanks you need to properly clean the case. You can do this at home by unscrewing a few screws. The main thing is to remember: the rags should not be wet, and it is even better to use a special vacuum cleaner.

Secondly, some components could simply be outdated. The computer requirements in World of Tanks are not very high (see the table), but perhaps it’s time to replace the video card or RAM stick. More information about selecting parts for a computer for playing tanks:

  • Setting up the operating system for World of Tanks

Often the problem lies not only in outdated hardware, but also in software that requires updating. To improve performance, you can take a whole range of methods:

  1. Update video card drivers.

Drivers are special programs that are responsible for the interaction between computer components and the operating system. The newer the video card drivers, the better performance it can provide. New versions for NVIDIA and Radeon are released monthly and are available for free on the official websites.

  1. Clean the system from unnecessary files.

Gigabytes of unused information are stored on almost every computer. 20 seasons of your favorite TV series, completed games, old work documents - all this takes up space, loading the hard drive. Because of this, the system cannot adequately process data, which in turn leads to a decrease in FPS. The factor is certainly not key, but if you remove everything unnecessary, the game will produce 2-3 FPS more.

  1. Remove everything from startup.

Startup is a system compartment responsible for launching applications when the computer is turned on. The more applications are turned on, the more RAM will be occupied. This, again, is a drop in productivity. You can remove unnecessary elements from there by launching the control panel and selecting Startup in it (see the pictures).

  1. Close everything except the tanks.

This point refers to radical measures for those who want to direct all the power of their computer exclusively to World of Tanks. By closing the browser and turning off Skype, you can gain a few more frames, especially since the necessary things, like radio, have long been .

In-game settings

Even if you set up your computer as correctly as possible, you can only get adequate results from it by setting up the graphics correctly. In order to start this, you must first open the “Advanced” item in the “Settings” column.

There are two ways to go here:

  • Immediately set everything to minimum and turn it off.

This is a radical method for owners of very weak computers. The game will not look beautiful at all, but there will be fewer lags.

  • Selectively disable effects.

Some graphic effects in the game are too much. They add very little, but at the same time “eat up” most of the resources. What should I turn off?

  1. Shadows. They consume the largest amount of RAM.
  2. Dense grass and foliage. Only a powerful video card can draw all the small details. Owners of medium-sized ones are better off avoiding this.
  3. Tracks of caterpillars. They are simply useless.

Installing additional software

Even if the above methods did not help, do not despair. Especially for owners of very bad computers, programs have been developed that completely disable even more effects.

Wot Tweaker

A comprehensive program that simultaneously removes effects and compresses textures. As a result, the graphics drop to the level of 2000, but the performance rises sharply. Download .


The Tundra modification for World of Tanks completely removes foliage and grass on the map, in addition, it replaces the standard sky texture with a black one. This was designed as a mod to make aiming and tracking enemies easier, but it also worked well to lighten the load on the system. Download the mod.

Did the article help? Or maybe there is another way to configure a computer with weak parameters for the game World of Tanks? Share in the comments!

Triple buffering- a method of displaying images in computer graphics that avoids or reduces the number of artifacts. Triple buffering allows for faster image output compared to double buffering.

However, it is worth noting that both of these options should be enabled if you have a sufficiently powerful video card. Do your own tests and you will understand. I for example in all my tests I left vertical sync and triple buffer enabled- this is how my FPS increased, sometimes very significantly (depending on the location).

System and environment

For a comfortable game, it is very important that the game has enough RAM. If you have 2 gigs of RAM or less, I strongly recommend closing ALL programs you don’t need, such as ICQ, Skype, background defragmenters, desktop widgets, players (especially iTunes) and other unnecessary software.

Also, some antiviruses and firewalls have a “Game” mode, in which the operation of the system will be optimized so that the antivirus does not slow it down.

In general, the goal is to free up as much RAM as possible. You can also enter the task manager using the combination CTRL+Shift+ESC(simultaneously) and see which processes are consuming more RAM and CPU resources. Just please do not close processes whose purpose you are not sure of! This may cause the system to crash.

How I conducted FPS tests in World of Tanks

I ran a series of tests, measuring FPS with different graphics settings. In addition to the settings of the game itself, I edited the file preferences.xml, and also changed the settings of the video card, which we have already discussed above.

Purpose of the test- set the optimal settings to get maximum FPS in the World of Tanks game. You can also do these tests yourself to set the highest possible graphics settings for a comfortable game, so the article will be very detailed. I strongly recommend that everyone do these same tests, since everyone has different hardware and the same game settings may not work the same on different computers.

To take FPS readings I used the program Fraps(, which, by the way, can also record video, but we don’t need this function for our tasks. You can, of course, be guided by the frames per second counter built into the game, but Fraps has one undeniable advantage.

We are talking about recording the FPS indicator in a log file, which is very convenient for my test, since it clearly demonstrates the FPS statistics. Logging is done by pressing the hotkey (by default F11), optionally the log can be kept for a limited period of time - I set it to 100 seconds, this is quite enough. In 100 seconds you can drive a tank to your heart's content, move the camera around, get involved in battle, and, in general, do a stress test for the video card. The log is written to two files:

  • text, indicating the average, minimum and maximum FPS values;
  • a table in csv (Excel) format in which FPS is displayed per second.

Below in the screenshot you will see the Fraps program and its interface. The free version has all the features we need.

To collect FPS statistics, we are specifically interested in this tab shown in the picture. Let's figure out what it all means there.

  • Line Folder to save benchmarks in- path to the folder where the FPS log (log files) will be saved. For my convenience, I defined a folder on my desktop to make it easier to find.
  • Benchmark hotkey- a key that, when pressed, starts recording FPS readings to a log file.
  • Benchmark Settings - data that will be written to the log. A tick on FPS is enough for us.
  • Stop benchmark after- if the checkbox is checked, logging will be stopped after the specified period of time after pressing the hotkey.

I didn't touch the rest of the settings. If you don’t want to conduct tests yourself, then you don’t need to download Fraps, you can read the article to the end and make the indicated changes in the game and computer settings.

Looking ahead, I want to say that the number of frames per second may vary not only because of the graphics settings, but also because of the map to which the great random sent you. Thus, FPS on desert maps is usually higher than on city maps. This is explained by the fact that the city has more different objects, such as houses, bridges and other buildings, the rendering of which requires much more video card resources than desert landscapes. Therefore, I tested the same settings several times on different gaming cards.

FPS testing in World of Tanks

The first test, let's call it "FPS 1".

So, Fraps is installed and running, it's time to log into World of Tanks and measure FPS. For the first test I chose Auto detection in the graphics settings in the game. The game engine, having requested data on the system characteristics, concluded that my laptop could handle:

  • improved graphics
  • lighting, shadows, average detail, as well as average water quality.

Well, it’s debatable, of course, but let’s try to play like this. The battle has started, I wait for the 30 second countdown and press F11 to start recording FPS in the log. I skated several battles with these settings and you will see the average test results below:

  • Avg: 26.84
  • Min: 9
  • Max: 43

Avg - average FPS value; min and max I think are clear. It was not very comfortable to play - frequent FPS drops and stuttering. Because of this, several unpleasant leaks occurred.

Test two, FPS 2

For this test, I decided to independently determine the graphics settings in the game. I set everything to minimum except the draw distance. I won’t dwell on this point for long, just take my word for it - Draw distance did not affect FPS at all, so leave it at maximum.

For this test I set:

  • standard graphics;
  • everything else is set to minimum or disabled, except for the drawing distance - it is set to maximum.

Test result:

  • Avg: 35.1
  • Min: 18
  • Max: 62

Well, that's not bad! There is an increase, the minimum drawdown has doubled, which was reflected in the gameplay in the fact that there were no strong brakes. Average level FPS increased by 8.26 units, which in principle is also not bad, but there was no desire to stop there.

Test three, FPS 3

This test turned out to be a little different from the others and you will soon understand why. Firstly, I left all the settings as in the second test, but changed the graphics from standard to enhanced. And what do you think? FPS became a little better than in the second test (literally by a few units). But, as I already said, I didn’t want to stop there. Still, the developers were right about the new render;)

To further increase game performance, I overclocked my video card. This is also called overclocking. I was very pleased with the result.

Overclocking a video card

Attention! You do all the following actions solely at your own peril and risk!

"Well, it's very difficult!" - you say and you will Not are right. Today, overclocking a video card is very simple and with a head with brains, and not a hole into which you eat, it is also safe. Before overclocking your video card, you need to prepare your computer.

The most important thing in overclocking a video card is its proper cooling. To measure the temperature of a video card, install some widget on your desktop, for example GPU Meter. In the passive state, the temperature of the video card should be in the range of 50-60 degrees Celsius, and in the active state (in the game) no more than 85-90; if higher, you have problems with its cooling.

To cool the video card, you can install an additional cooler if your system unit can accommodate it, or, if you have a laptop, you can buy a special stand for it with additional cooling fans. If it overheats, it certainly won’t melt, but only if your PC has an emergency shutdown (almost all laptops have such a feature).

It would also be a good idea to replace the thermal paste on the video card board and other places if you have never done this before and you have had your computer for a long time. You can again find out how to apply thermal paste on Google; there are even plenty of videos about this on YouTube.

As for me, I completely disassembled my laptop in order to clean all the dust from all the boards and replace the thermal paste. Real hardcore, but unfortunately that’s not what the article is about. By the way, after assembly it works great, I write from it. Maybe open your own workshop?

Let's assume that you now have everything in order with temperature and cooling, so how to overclock? To do this, you don’t need to disassemble anything, just download and install one of the utilities listed below:

  1. Riva Tuner is a utility for overclocking Nvidia-based cards. More suitable for professionals, as it has a huge number of settings. You can easily get confused if you don't know what's what.
  2. - a very easy-to-learn utility, supports Nvidia and AMD cards, so it’s suitable for almost everyone. You can read about the capabilities and see the list of supported cards, and download the program itself from here (links to the official website of the program).

Let's launch the program. In it you can control the power of your video card, as well as the frequency of its processor + several other functions. She looks like this:

Unfortunately (or fortunately) on my laptop you cannot control the power of the video card, as well as the rotation speed of its cooler (because it does not have a separate cooler), but you can change the frequency of the processor and memory. Let's not go too deep into the intricacies, if you're interested, google all the concepts, but at the initial stage I recommend the following (it's safer):

  • increase values ​​only Core Clock And Memory Clock;
  • increase NECESSARILY gradually, about 5-10% and constantly monitor the temperature of the video card!
  • DO NOT SET THE MAXIMUM VALUES IMMEDIATELY! Burn your card, then don’t come to me with complaints.

On the right side, the program shows all the necessary statistics of the video card. What is indicated on the graphs is signed in the program itself, you’ll figure it out. After setting the new Core and Memory clock values, you must press the button Apply for the changes to take effect. There is no need to restart your computer, changes happen instantly.

Before running to measure FPS in the game, I carefully adjusted the overclocking of the card, choosing a mode in which the card did not heat up above 85 degrees at maximum load. For this purpose the program 3D Mark was used. Again, I won’t go too deep into this issue; I’ll just show the results of my tests:

  • without overclocking: 6371 points
  • with overclocking: 7454 points

Now let's return to World of Tanks, test three, aka FPS 3

Having selected the optimal overclocking mode for the video card, I launched WOT and logged the FPS readings in several battles. Here are the averages:

  • Avg: 39.90
  • Min: 11
  • Max: 82

For the first time in the history of the game in World of Tanks, I saw an FPS value greater than 80! Despite the smallest drops of the three tests - 11 FPS, the game was much more comfortable. The tanks started flying!

Comparative analysis

I ended up running three different graphics settings tests on my computer. In each test, I skated at least 10 battles in various locations, and then averaged the data and this is what happened:

FPS test 1: Auto-detection of graphics settings - improved graphics, lighting, shadows, average detail, as well as average quality of water and effects.

FPS 2 test: Custom setting - standard graphics, everything else is off or low except draw distance, which is at maximum.

FPS 3 test: custom setting - improved graphics, all other settings at the very minimum, or turned off completely (effects for example, lighting, shadows); drawing distance - maximum + overclocking the video card using MSI Afterburner (you don’t have to overclock it, everything will still be ok).

All tests had grass and track tracks turned off.

Test results in graphs and figures

Graph of FPS changes per second (tests were carried out for 100 seconds). Y axis - FPS, x axis - time:

Average FPS values ​​for three tests:

As a result, I managed to increase the average FPS from 26 to 40 (rounded), which was an increase of approximately 1.5 times! And the peak value increased from 43 to 82, which is already twice as good.

In custody

If the advice in this article did not help you, then three conclusions follow:

  1. You did something wrong, you made a mistake somewhere.
  2. Nothing will help you anymore due to the fact that the computer is very weak to begin with. It is necessary to upgrade (first of all the processor).
  3. Windows is completely screwed up and needs to be reinstalled. I noticed that over time, these tips in the article began to help less, even to me, the author of the article. And I have already stopped seeing the target 80 FPS. The solution was to reinstall the system and voila - everything works like a clock again!

Did this article help you? Leave the answer to this question in the comments. If it helped, give the link to your tanker friends and clan members.

Everyone Thanks a lot For your attention, you can also leave your tips for increasing FPS in World of Tanks in the comments.

What is the best way to configure the graphics on your computer in the new World of Tanks 1.0 update? What does each type of setting mean? Let's study and make beauty!

Due to the introduction of HD cards and new music version 1.0 will be one of the most important stages in the history of World of Tanks. Realistic graphics appeared thanks to Core - our own engine, which breathed life into game locations. With the transition to this engine, the graphic settings will be reset. Don't worry, we will explain in detail how to set everything up. And today we’ll talk about how to make settings for your computer and how the automatic settings detection function works.

Please be patient: there will be a lot of technical information (but it is useful!). And if you don’t like to read long articles, you can watch a video about game settings or use information blocks to go straight to the questions you are interested in. Go!

Automatic detection

The auto-detection function is activated in two cases: when you start the game for the first time and when you click on the " Recommended" in graphics settings. This feature evaluates game performance on your computer using new algorithms for the processor, graphics card, graphics memory, system memory, and other system performance tests. After carrying out all these tests, the system determines the golden mean between a comfortable FPS (frames per second) and the quality of graphics on your computer and sets one of the ready-made settings: “Minimum”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Maximum” "or "Ultra".

Important! Differences in performance between client versions 1.0 and 9.22 may also be due to autotuning results. As before, the highest quality picture for your PC will be displayed while maintaining comfortable performance. If the frames per second value does not suit you, try adjusting the client’s graphic settings yourself.

How it works

The auto-detection system tries to find a balance between the best graphics settings and frames per second. Please note that you may notice changes in FPS after auto-detection compared to the previous version (we've already talked about this, but we'll repeat it because it's really important), since our main goal is to provide the most high-quality picture with comfortable performance indicators. Essentially, the feature may offer an option that will result in FPS changes, but only if such changes are not critical to the game's performance.

If you're not happy with the frames per second after running auto-detection, select lower graphics settings - this will significantly improve performance (for example, select the "Medium" settings if the system offered you the "High" option). However, we do not recommend switching from improved rendering to standard rendering if autotuning suggested it to you. You will significantly lose picture quality, but performance can be improved by further adjusting the graphics settings.

Still not satisfied with the result? Then change the preset settings as you like.

Manual graphics settings

Selecting a Graphics Type

When setting up manually, you will initially be able to select the graphics type: “Standard” or “Enhanced”. Both of them are remastered in HD quality. The only difference between them is that “Enhanced” supports a full range of new technologies and effects.

NOTE: If, after auto-tuning, the game client prompts you to choose the “Enhanced” graphics type, we recommend using it. If the performance does not suit you, you can change the advanced graphics settings yourself, but we do not recommend switching to the standard renderer.

Advanced settings

Some graphics settings have a greater impact on client performance than others. By lowering the correct setting, you can achieve good FPS without significantly reducing image quality. We recommend starting with effects (anti-aliasing, texture and object quality, draw distance, lighting and post-processing). These are resource intensive settings and cutting them down will help improve FPS in most cases.

NOTE: All computers have different configurations, and exactly the same settings changes may have different effects on different PCs.

Browse the list below to become familiar with each of the settings and see how they all affect the picture. Graphics settings are grouped starting with the most resource-intensive ones to make it clearer which ones to turn off first.

Smoothing: straightens out rough pixelated or jagged edges of objects using different technologies in Standard and Enhanced graphics.

  • In Standard Graphics, anti-aliasing is optional and is not tied to graphics presets.
  • In Enhanced Graphics, anti-aliasing is necessary to ensure the best possible picture and is tied to graphics presets.

Here's how anti-aliasing will affect the image:

Texture quality: affects the resolution and type of filtering used. The higher the level of detail, the better. However, be aware that this setting is resource intensive. Maximum texture quality includes HD textures in the HD client.

Quality of objects. The detailing of objects affects the level of detail (Level of Detail - LOD). For each object, several options are created with different levels detailing. The closer the player is to an object, the more detailed that object is depicted. This eliminates the need for highly detailed objects at long distances when careful rendering is not needed, and saves performance resources. Moreover, the higher the quality of the settings, the greater the distance from the player the object detail settings are switched. This parameter also affects the realism of tank tracks. At “Medium” settings and below, they are rendered in a simplified form.

Draw distance: affects the distance at which objects are displayed. This setting only applies to objects that are not critical to the game. For example, the monastery on the map of the same name will be the same in all settings, but the fences around the fields will be different.

Why is optimal draw distance important for your computer? On some maps, with a short rendering range, the enemy may be behind a small obstacle - and you will not know about it until you shoot at him.


  • Motion blur And post-processing are cinematic effects like vignetting, chromatic aberration, distortion and film grain. They support the overall impression of the graphics.
  • Shadow quality We removed the settings from the “Basic” settings in update 1.0 due to significant optimization of the mechanisms for transferring them.
  • Lighting quality extremely important for the overall perception of the image. Lighting interacts with all other graphic elements. Depending on the selected quality, the complexity of its calculations varies: it depends on certain technologies (Screen Space Reflection, Global Illumination, GodRays, Lens Flare, HBAO, wet and puddle effects).

Landscape and water: The impact of water quality on performance depends on the card type. Locations with a marine theme (“Fjords”, “Fisherman’s Bay”, “Calm”) consume slightly more resources than those without water.

We have completely redesigned the landscape: improved its quality, added support for tessellation, which was also redesigned specifically for “Enhanced” graphics. Now this technology will work on video cards that fully support DirectX 11 (but will not be available with “Standard” graphics, since the landscape will be simplified to improve performance).

Small stones, tracks of tracks, shell craters will receive a geometric shape with additional detail. This is just a graphical improvement and will not affect the behavior of the car.

You can disable tessellation to improve performance in sniper mode and also to prevent the technology from interfering with your aiming. Here's how the landscape will change depending on this setting:

Effects: allow you to customize the required quality of explosions, fire, smoke and other similar effects. This parameter can be useful in battle, since such effects indicate which enemy vehicles have just been shot at (there will be puffs of smoke around them). When adjusting the quality of effects, keep in mind the benefits they provide.

Improved destruction physics thanks to Havok Destruction technology means that objects can fall apart. If this functionality is disabled, detailed damage will not be displayed. The setting only works with “Enhanced” graphics and is calculated in separate threads. You can disable this functionality if your computer's processor is not powerful enough.

Did you already know that appeared in the game ?

Due to the introduction of HD maps and new music, version 1.0 will be one of the most important milestones in the history of World of Tanks. Realistic graphics appeared thanks to Core - our own engine, which breathed life into game locations. With the transition to this engine, the graphic settings will be reset. Don't worry, we will explain in detail how to set everything up. And today we’ll talk about how to make settings for your computer and how the automatic settings detection function works.

Please be patient: there will be a lot of technical information (but it is useful!). And if you don't like reading long articles, you can watch a video about game settings or use information blocks to jump straight to questions that interest you. Go!

Automatic detection of graphics settings in tanks 1.0

The auto-detection feature is activated in two cases: when you launch the game for the first time and when you click on the “Recommended” button in the graphics settings. This feature evaluates game performance on your computer using new algorithms for the processor, graphics card, graphics memory, system memory, and other system performance tests. After carrying out all these tests, the system determines the golden mean between a comfortable FPS (frames per second) and the quality of graphics on your computer and sets one of the ready-made settings: “Minimum”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, “Maximum” "or "Ultra".

Important! Differences in performance between client versions 1.0 and 9.22 may also be due to autotuning results. As before, the highest quality picture for your PC will be displayed while maintaining comfortable performance. If the frames per second value does not suit you, try adjusting the client’s graphic settings yourself.

NOTE: Please note that the old and new settings are not mapped to each other as the game is moving to a new graphics engine. The “Minimum” and “Low” settings work with standard graphics, while “Medium” and above work with enhanced graphics.

IMPORTANT: The SD client offers the same set of graphics presets as the HD client, so you can enjoy the new cards even if you play with standard graphics. The only difference is that the SD client does not support high-resolution textures.

How it works

The auto-detection system tries to find a balance between the best graphics settings and frames per second. Please note that you may notice changes in FPS after automatic detection compared to the previous version (we have already talked about this, but we will repeat it because it is really important), since our main goal is to provide the highest quality picture with comfortable performance indicators. Essentially, the feature may offer an option that will result in FPS changes, but only if such changes are not critical to the game's performance.

If you're not happy with the frames per second after running auto-detection, select lower graphics settings - this will significantly improve performance (for example, select the "Medium" settings if the system offered you the "High" option). However, we do not recommend switching from improved rendering to standard rendering if autotuning suggested it to you. You will significantly lose picture quality, but performance can be improved by further adjusting the graphics settings.

Still not satisfied with the result? Then change the preset settings as you like.

Manual graphics settings in WoT update 1.0

Selecting a Graphics Type

When setting up manually, you will initially be able to select the graphics type: “Standard” or “Enhanced”. Both of them are remastered in HD quality. The only difference between them is that “Enhanced” supports a full range of new technologies and effects.

NOTE: If, after auto-tuning, the game client prompts you to choose the “Enhanced” graphics type, we recommend using it. If the performance does not suit you, you can change the advanced graphics settings yourself, but we do not recommend switching to the standard renderer.

Advanced graphics settings in World of Tanks 1.0

Some graphics settings have a greater impact on client performance than others. By lowering the correct setting, you can achieve good FPS without significantly reducing image quality. We recommend starting with effects (anti-aliasing, texture and object quality, draw distance, lighting and post-processing). These are resource intensive settings and cutting them down will help improve FPS in most cases.

NOTE: All computers have different configurations, and exactly the same settings changes may have different effects on different PCs.

Browse the list below to become familiar with each of the settings and see how they all affect the picture. Graphics settings are grouped starting with the most resource-intensive ones to make it clearer which ones to turn off first.

Anti-Aliasing: Smoothes out rough pixels or jagged edges of objects using different technologies in Standard and Enhanced Graphics.
- In Standard graphics, anti-aliasing is optional and is not tied to graphics presets.
- In Enhanced Graphics, anti-aliasing is necessary to ensure the best possible picture and is tied to graphics presets.

Texture quality: affects the resolution and type of filtering used. The higher the level of detail, the better. However, be aware that this setting is resource intensive. Maximum texture quality includes HD textures in the HD client.

Quality of objects. The detailing of objects affects the level of detail (Level of Detail - LOD). For each object, several options are created with different levels of detail. The closer the player is to an object, the more detailed that object is depicted. This eliminates the need for highly detailed objects at long distances when careful rendering is not needed, and saves performance resources. Moreover, the higher the quality of the settings, the greater the distance from the player the object detail settings are switched. This parameter also affects the realism of tank tracks. At “Medium” settings and below, they are rendered in a simplified form.

Draw distance: affects the distance at which objects are displayed. This setting only applies to objects that are not critical to the game. For example, the monastery on the map of the same name will be the same in all settings, but the fences around the fields will be different.

Why is optimal draw distance important for your computer? On some maps, with a short rendering range, the enemy may be behind a small obstacle - and you will not know about it until you shoot at him.

Lighting and post-processing:
1. Motion blur and post-processing are cinematic effects similar to vignetting, chromatic aberration, distortion and film grain. They support the overall impression of the graphics.
2. We removed the quality of shadows from the “Basic” settings in update 1.0 due to significant optimization of the mechanisms for their transmission.
3. The quality of lighting is extremely important for the overall perception of the image. Lighting interacts with all other graphic elements. Depending on the selected quality, the complexity of its calculations varies: it depends on certain technologies (Screen Space Reflection, Global Illumination, God Rays, Lens Flare, HBAO, the effect of getting wet and puddles).

Terrain and Water: The impact of water quality on performance varies depending on the map type. Locations with a marine theme (“Fjords”, “Fisherman’s Bay”, “Calm”) consume slightly more resources than those without water.

We have completely redesigned the landscape: improved its quality, added support for tessellation, which was also redesigned specifically for “Enhanced” graphics. Now this technology will work on video cards that fully support DirectX 11 (but will not be available with “Standard” graphics, since the landscape will be simplified to improve performance).

Small stones, tracks of tracks, shell craters will receive a geometric shape with additional detail. This is just a graphical improvement and will not affect the behavior of the car.

You can disable tessellation to improve performance in sniper mode and also to prevent the technology from interfering with your aiming.

Vegetation: The level of detail of vegetation affects the complexity of calculating the effect of wind on trees (there is no wind in the SD client). The higher the quality of the grass, the more there will be. You can lower this setting to increase FPS.

IMPORTANT: The disguise mechanic works the same regardless of the settings selected.

Effects: allow you to customize the required quality of explosions, fire, smoke and other similar effects. This parameter can be useful in battle, since such effects indicate which enemy vehicles have just been shot at (there will be puffs of smoke around them). When adjusting the quality of effects, keep in mind the benefits they provide.

Improved destruction physics thanks to Havok Destruction technology means that objects can fall apart. If this functionality is disabled, detailed damage will not be displayed. The setting only works with “Enhanced” graphics and is calculated in separate threads. You can disable this functionality if your computer's processor is not powerful enough.

One of the most important parameters affecting the playability of Online games is FPS.

FPS stands for Frame per Second (number of displayed frames per second).

Why is this necessary? Correct graphics settings in World of Tanks, as in any other Online game significantly increases your chances of winning.

FPS drops interfere with movement, make it difficult to aim, and usually end in “shots at nothing,” long reload times, and victory for the enemy.

To achieve good FPS, you must either have a high-performance gaming computer with a top-end graphics card, plenty of RAM and a powerful processor, or try to customize the game as much as possible to suit your configuration. Weaknesses in the system can be compensated for by proper graphics settings in World of Tanks, which we will talk about now.

For convenience, we have divided the settings according to the degree of influence on graphics and FPS, using a color scheme

These settings can be adjusted “as your heart desires.” Does not affect FPS.

We recommend correcting it first. This is true for mid-level systems, when you want to see beautiful graphics and stable FPS, but resources do not allow you to set everything to the maximum. These settings do not greatly affect the gameplay.

Graphics settings that do not affect FPS

You can customize these settings as you wish without worrying about performance loss

Graphics settings affecting FPS

3D render resolution. Changes the resolution of 3D objects in the scene. Affects the depth of the 3D scene. Reducing the parameter improves the performance of weak computers.

You can adjust the 3D rendering while playing. If during a battle your FPS drops, use “right Shift -” to decrease the depth of the scene and “right Shift +” to increase it.

Reducing the depth will increase FPS on the fly. Screen resolution

. The higher the resolution, the higher the load on the video card. It is recommended to select a value that matches your monitor, otherwise the image will become blurred. On very old video cards you have to lower the resolution to get “playable” fps. And We recommend lowering the resolution below the screen resolution as a last resort if other methods no longer help. Vertical Sync

triple buffering.

Vertical sync is the synchronization of the frame rate in the game with the vertical scan frequency of the monitor. Triple buffering avoids the appearance of artifacts in the picture. If your system produces less than 60 FPS, the developers recommend disabling both parameters (note: on modern monitors it does not particularly affect the picture).

Smoothing Removes jagged edges of 3D objects (ladder effect), making the picture more natural. It is not recommended to enable it when FPS is below 50.
Switching the graphics mode to "Standard" switches the engine to an old render with outdated effects and lighting. With standard rendering, most advanced graphics settings become unavailable.

It is recommended to enable it on weak computers. Texture quality

Lighting quality. The higher the quality of the textures, the more detailed and clearer the picture in the game looks. The higher this parameter, the more dedicated video memory is needed. If your video card has a limited amount of video memory, texture quality must be set to the minimum. (Maximum texture quality is only available when “improved renderer” is enabled and on a 64-bit operating system.)

Shadow quality. Opens up a whole range of dynamic effects in the game: sun rays, optical effects, shadows from physical sources (trees, buildings and tanks). This parameter greatly affects the performance of the video card. If you have a weak video card, set the lighting quality to medium values ​​or lower.

. Affects the rendering of shadows from objects. Reducing the quality of shadows does not greatly affect the gameplay. If you have an old video card, the first step is to set the shadow quality to minimum.

Grass in sniper mode. Affects not only performance, but also gameplay. If your FPS in sniper mode drops below 40, you need to disable it.

Extra quality effects. Affects “special effects” in the game: smoke, dust, explosions, flames. By decreasing this parameter, you can reduce the number of particles in the frame and limit the distance at which they will be displayed. It is recommended to leave it at least “low”, otherwise explosions and other elements necessary for orientation in battle will not be visible.

Add. effects in sniper mode. They regulate the same thing, but in sniper mode. If during sniper mode your FPS drops, which undoubtedly affects your accuracy, it is recommended to reduce the parameter (not below the “low” level).

Amount of vegetation. Adjusts the density and distance of vegetation drawing in the game. When FPS is low, it is recommended to set it to minimum. This can free up precious megabytes of video memory.

Post-processing. They saturate the picture with the effects of scattered soil, splashes of water and snow. The setting does not affect performance much. By turning it off, you can free up video memory a little.

Landscape quality. The parameter determines at what distance the quality of the landscape begins to become simpler.

This parameter heavily loads the processor. Attention! With the minimum setting, there is a strong distortion of the landscape, so you may not see some ledge behind which the enemy is hiding, and after the shot the projectile will hit the edge of the obstacle, and not where you were aiming. It is recommended to set the setting value to at least “medium”. Water quality

. This parameter adds wave effects, water vibrations when moving, and reflections from objects. If you have a weak video card, it is recommended to reduce the parameter. Decals quality

. Affects the drawing distance and detail of decals - detail textures that increase image quality (fallen leaves, traces of dirt, paving slabs and other sharp objects scattered across the map). When set to “off,” even shell craters disappear. The more decals, the more video memory is required to load them. If you are not bothered by the simplification of the landscape, it is recommended to set it to “minimum” at low FPS. Object detailing

. In the game, all objects have several models of different quality. Currently, buildings have 3 types of objects, tanks from five. The quality of object rendering greatly affects performance, and at large distances small objects will still not be visible. When an object is removed, its model changes to a rougher one. The parameter affects the distance at which a higher-quality model will be drawn. The lower the parameter is set, the shorter the drawing distance for high-quality models will be. Transparency of foliage

. Disables drawing of foliage at close distances. It is recommended to enable it on weak systems. Tree detailing