Comfort of life modern man almost completely depends on various machines and mechanisms. Can the reader imagine his life without a washing machine, TV or car and much more? In modern times, man and machine represent a so-called symbiosis, when various machines and mechanisms are embedded in human life. And here it is worth noting that they affect not only the everyday side of life. Everything in this world rests on the shoulders of machines and mechanisms. Mechanisms began to be introduced into spheres of human life when it became clear that thanks to the mechanism it is possible to replace human labor, and it is also possible to perform a volume of work that a person cannot do or that requires a large amount of effort and energy to complete.

Unfortunately, machines and mechanisms tend to fail or simply break down. And people by profession, mechanical engineers, come to the aid of broken products. Needless to say, mechanical engineers only do repairs; their activities are quite versatile.

When is it celebrated?

Like any other profession, mechanical engineers have their own professional holiday. It has been celebrated since 1996. Thanks to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, the holiday of Mechanical Engineer Day appeared on the calendar and it falls on October 30. It is not an official holiday.

A little about the profession

A mechanical engineer is not just a person who repairs or adjusts the operation of machines and mechanisms, he is also a designer, an inventor, and a person who has quite a lot of knowledge in the field of science and technology, and also has experience in operating various equipment. Today, mechanical engineers must think one step ahead of all humanity, because people have become more demanding of convenience, and the requirements for the operation of surrounding machines and mechanisms are growing.

Background of the holiday

It is worth noting that humanity did not always have such benefits. One of the first mechanical engineers is Archimedes, who became the author of a large number of inventions and also contributed to the development of mechanics. In Russia, the first mechanical engineers began to appear after 1712, when the first engineering school was opened. However, it is historically accepted that mechanical engineers appeared in 1854, thanks to the formation of the corps of mechanical engineers in Russian Navy.

In the future, on Mechanical Engineer Day, preferably starting in 2014, I would like a parade-exhibition of the achievements of Russian mechanical engineers to be organized.

Many people believe that the profession of mechanical engineer appeared only in modern times. In fact, its first representative can be considered our distant ancestor, who first descended from a tree and took a stick or stone in his still clumsy upper limb. The engineering profession already existed in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and at present it has been divided into many independent specialties, of which there are hundreds today.

Without engineers, the way of life we ​​know would disappear within hours, if not faster. It is their tireless work that provides us with all the benefits of civilization that are so familiar today. Therefore, we are always happy to congratulate them on their own professional holiday.


Mechanical Engineer Day acquired official status with the issuance of the corresponding order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1996. However, the first steps in this direction date back to 1854, when the Corps of Mechanical Engineers was formed for the first time in our country in the Imperial Russian Navy. But somehow it turned out that the country’s leadership never got around to approving the official date.

That's why we celebrated this important holiday purely on a voluntary and public basis. At first it covered only naval specialists of the relevant profile, and then became increasingly broader.

Today this day is celebrated by engineers of various specializations related to such areas of activity as:

  • design;
  • design;
  • direct operation of various technological equipment.


On this day in Russia it is customary to congratulate all engineers, both those involved in the design and construction of machines, and those responsible for their operation. Well, there are millions of such specialists in our country. Therefore, it is clear how large the scope of the celebrations is. True, they are all local in nature; each enterprise celebrates the date in its own way.

However, the common feature of all celebrations is:

  • congratulations to the teams by management;
  • exchange of congratulations between partner enterprises;
  • rewarding production excellence and presenting them with prizes or valuable gifts.

Corporate parties are held almost everywhere, and at home all the “culprits” are greeted with festively laid tables, family members and relatives gathered to congratulate their own engineer.

Since 1996, true intellectuals - mechanical engineers - have received the right to officially celebrate their holiday. Now, every year on October 30, representatives of this honorable and sought-after profession gather to talk about their achievements, hear about new products invented by colleagues, and remember the first self-taught mechanics.

Russians have long and deservedly respected mechanical engineers. Back in the middle of the 19th century, a special corps of mechanical engineers was officially created in our country, and even today many institutes train these in-demand specialists. And those celebrating always remember the great Archimedes with kind words, considering him their teacher and mentor. Without a doubt, this ancient Greek mechanical theorist laid the foundation of modern mechanics; he is responsible for a number of very important discoveries in this area.

Mechanical Engineer -
It sounds beautiful, proud,
You are walking on the ground
Confident and firm.

In the kingdom of mechanisms
Everything is under your control
Head and hands
Needed here every hour.

On your holiday I wish
Always be successful
To have you in life
An eternal engine.

In the most complex mechanisms
It's impossible to figure it out
But in the confusion of schemes,
In the intricacies of all systems
And in the terrible secrets of machines
The mechanic is sorting it out.
Ah, mechanical engineer,
This is knowledge example!
And today, on a glorious holiday,
Congratulations, mechanic!

Congratulations, mechanical engineer. I wish that everything in life spins and turns, without glitches or unexpected stops. I wish that every cog, nut and bolt of your destiny takes its place and forms a single organism of happiness, prosperity, positivity and success. Happy holiday!

A long time ago, in the Russian fleet,
By order of the King,
Such people were needed
As engineers, and for good reason.

Understand the mechanisms
After all, not everyone has it.
If something is broken,
It should earn you twice as much.

Mechanical engineer - master.
This is a professional.
Congratulations on this holiday
Everyone who became an engineer.

So that everything works properly,
To avoid damage, injury,
Be on time everywhere and help everyone
You strive day and night.
And every complex mechanism
During my working life
You studied it down to the smallest detail.
Let in your working life
Everything will always be harmonious
For days, for months, for years!

In the world of complex mechanisms
You are undoubtedly the head.
Accept your holiday as soon as possible
Congratulations are your words.

Nice mechanical engineer
I wish you many years
Receive a salary in euros,
Live happily and without troubles.

Let it be interesting
Hard work,
Will improve
May there always be hunting.

Tech savvy
He is a professional
In his environment, he is like a fish,
Almost universal!

Mechanics is a calling,
Ideas worth a million
And in it is education,
Visible from all sides!

This is what we wish on this day:
Reach great peaks
So that the rewards are ahead,
And there were a lot of them!

Let me congratulate you today,
Happy Mechanical Engineer Day,
The profession glorifies painstaking work,
And praises in honor of the holiday.

Plans, projects and delivering them on time,
And design development
Everything is within your power, with a light hand,
Your tasks and functions.

We wish you better health,
Prosperity to your family,
May it be easier for you with your projects,
All of you must pass the test.

May your plans come true clearly,
May they never break
You will certainly be lucky in brave deeds,
And everything always works out.

There is no work in production,
Then tighten the nut, then lubricate the oil seal,
For the mechanism, Monday is like Saturday,
A mechanical engineer is in charge here!

Instruments sparkle in his hands,
And everyone is on tiptoe when the process is going on,
In mechanics he knows all the secrets,
The progress of the enterprise depends on him.

The profession, of course, is not easy,
But still, you are in demand everywhere,
With all our hearts, we congratulate you,
Let your work be duly appreciated!

On a professional holiday,
Bright, long-awaited
You, mechanical engineer
Be healthy, have fun,
Days and nights
Fill your whole life with happiness,
And don't know sadness
Smile, prosper -
Everything will be alright
And increase your income
To live in abundance,
Never be discouraged
Still, you are a master,
So, just win
I wish you happiness!

Congratulations, respected, our mechanical engineer.
Today we will say about you: “He is an example for others!”
For your work and effort, let them increase your salary
Yes, in honor of this holiday they will even give a prize.
Since today is your holiday, celebrate more joyfully,
And we will all wish you the embodiment of your ideas.
Everything that is in your plans, everything that is in your thoughts, you will quickly implement.
Definitely improve everything... And, finally, heal!
It's cool to be a specialist and work better than everyone else.
Develop yourself so that you will be successful in your career.
Smile at us, mechanic, we want to hear your laughter!

Today there are a huge number of holidays. They can be divided into Orthodox, professional and general holidays. So, the Orthodox include Easter and Christmas. General holidays include: New Year or March 8. Professional holidays include days on which congratulations are received by people of a certain profession, be they doctors or teachers. These include Mechanical Engineer's Day, which is celebrated in the fall, on October 30.

Mechanical engineer. A little about the profession

With the advent of electricity, humanity became dependent on many devices. It is impossible to imagine life without airplanes and buses, washing machines and heaters, televisions and computers. Technology has become deeply embedded in human life, but it tends to break down and fail. And then mechanical engineers come to the rescue, to whom any mechanism is subject.

However, this is not all. Mechanical engineers don't just fix broken products: they invent them. Without their participation, the huge number of gadgets that make life easier would not exist.

The importance of the profession

This profession is quite universal. Mechanical engineers are needed in the metalworking and engineering industries. People of this profession even take part in the creation of space instruments. Mechanical engineers are capable of drawing up designs and then implementing them. On Mechanical Engineer Day, it is very important to congratulate people who work in this profession, because humanity owes them a lot. All items that make human life easier and more comfortable were created by mechanical engineers. They even own inventions that people rarely think about. For example, the presence of hot and cold water in the house.

history of the holiday

The profession is quite ancient and has its roots in distant Greece. Archimedes can be considered the first mechanical engineer in the world. A mathematician and physicist, he laid the first foundations of geometry. And what are his inventions worth! Systems for lifting heavy weights, throwing machines - Archimedes developed all this according to his own designs.

Mechanical Engineer Day in Russia is celebrated not so long ago - it was approved only in 1996. But the first people of this profession began to appear in Russia back in 1712. The first engineering school opened that year. But historians consider the official date of the appearance of this profession to be 1854, when the corps of mechanical engineers appeared in the Russian Navy.

Holiday now

In Russia, Mechanical Engineer Day is celebrated on October 30. However, this is not the only country that congratulates these specialists on their professional holiday. Mechanical Engineer Day is celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus. An interesting fact is that the profession is quite common and in demand in each of the countries mentioned above.

Mechanical engineers are usually considered people who have invented something remarkable. For example, one can recall Henry Ford, the American scientist who in 1908 created new model cars. Today, to become a mechanical engineer, you need to obtain a higher education.

Congratulations for Mechanical Engineers

On October 30, the question arises of how to congratulate a mechanical engineer so that he likes it. After all, it is necessary to make it clear to a person what an important work he is doing for the entire human race, how important it is for the comfort and life of everyone.

The methods of congratulations are very banal, but this becomes unnoticeable if the congratulations come from the heart. So, postcards would be an excellent gift. A mechanical engineer's day will be more fun if the image on the card is humorous. This could be a photograph of a person with a drawn wrench, or a postcard resembling a drawing of a device. If you need to congratulate a whole team of workers, you can order a cake with a wrench made from cream and whipped cream.

When congratulating a loved one, as a rule, it is not customary to limit yourself to one card - there must be a gift. Since Mechanical Engineer's Day is not as popular as, say, New Year or February 23, you will have to approach this issue creatively. You can give a T-shirt with a print or a mug of a suitable theme, or limit yourself to a gift of purely practical use: for example, give the hero of the occasion a suitcase with tools.

A person is always pleased if they remember his professional holiday. If it is not possible to congratulate you in person, you can use the SMS messaging service. In addition, it is best to send not just text, but poetic lines.

Mechanical Engineer Day is a holiday that should be marked on the calendar so as not to forget to congratulate people in this profession. Mechanical engineers take part in the movement of scientific and technological progress. Their achievements should be proud.

is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid was no longer visible through telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not on the 9th, but on another date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will collide with Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the likelihood of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid crossing its orbit with our planet as 1 to 7300 (0,00014 % ). ESA placed 2006 QV89 in 4th place among celestial bodies posing a potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of “flight” of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Lent, which begins 48 days before the Holy Day. And after 50 days they celebrate Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd Easter cakes.

Easter treats are blessed in the church on Saturday, the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the day of the Holiday itself.

We should greet each other on Easter with the words “Christ is Risen,” and respond with “Truly He is Risen.”

This will be the fourth game for the Russian team in this qualifying tournament. Let us remind you that in the previous three meetings, Russia “at the start” lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest in the entire existence of the Russian football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and the islanders cannot expect anything good from the upcoming match. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore unpleasant surprises may await us.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name, built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Venue of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time is 21:45 Moscow time.