The authors: Galyudkina Oksana Maksutovna, Nefedova Lidia Vasilievna, Sheludko Svetlana Ivanovna, KSU "Maykainskaya secondary school No. 2 of the education department of Bayanaul district", teachers primary school, Pavlodar region, village Maykain

Target: formation of cultural behavior skills in public places;

fostering respect for others through the development of the rules of cultural behavior in society.

The first class hour - mastering the rules of cultural behavior

Target: mastering the rules of cultural behavior in public places, the development of communication skills.

Method used: Rivin's method.

I. Brainstorming (work in groups).

What is an educated person? What qualities does he have?

Children discuss questions in groups and express their opinion. The group commander organizes the work in such a way that each member of the group expresses his opinion: each member of the group names only one quality of an educated person or one judgment about him.

II. The teacher summarizes the students' answers, presenting the image of an educated person. Then encourages children to express their opinion about a well-mannered person, and whether they would like to make the same impression on people. It leads to the conclusion that being a well-educated person means observing certain rules of behavior in society. Informs the goal arising from this conversation - the assimilation of the rules of cultural behavior in public places.

III. Briefing on the order of work at this class hour: the development of the rules will go in pairs of shifts according to the Rivin method; the result of the work should be questions to the texts and knowledge of the rules. It is desirable that by this class hour the children are already familiar with Rivin's methodology, so that their attention is focused on the content of the rules, and not on the order of work.

The algorithm of work according to the Rivin method:

1. Get text.

2. Find a partner.

3. Decide who will start work first.

4. Read the first rule aloud.

5. Put together a question to the first rule.

6. Write down this question in your notebook. Write your partner's name next to it.

7. Switch roles.

8. Do the same work with the partner rule.

9. Find another partner.

10. Show him the worked out rule.

11. Work according to the algorithm from point #3.

By strictly following the algorithm presented above, while one student writes down the question, the second at this time simply waits for him. To avoid wasting time, another option seems more appropriate: first, the students discuss both paragraphs and formulate questions, and then simultaneously begin to write down these questions.

IV. After mastering one text, the student works with the next partner according to the method of mutual verification and mutual training: they check each other, finalize each of their texts and then exchange texts. For this work, questions are used that were compiled during the development of the rules according to the Rivin method. Then they continue to work according to the same scheme: the Rivin method, mutual verification, mutual training and text exchange.

Texts with rules for working according to the Rivin method

"On the street"

1. Go outside neatly dressed so as not to offend others with your appearance.

2. Try to move only on the sidewalk, so as not to endanger your life and an emergency on the road.

3. It is indecent to talk loudly, laugh, quarrel, sing and whistle on the street so as not to disturb others.

4. Don't eat outside because it's not hygienic and you can stain yourself and others.

5. Paper and other rubbish should be thrown into the bins so as not to pollute the environment.

"In the school cafeteria"

1. Come into the dining room calmly, slowly, so as not to attract the attention of others.

2. Walk carefully between the tables so as not to interfere with the others and not to touch the dishes.

3. In the dining room, strictly adhere to the queue so as not to create confusion.

4. Sit neatly at the table, do not put your elbows on the table, do not talk, as this is not accepted by the rules of etiquette during meals.

5. Remove dirty dishes from the table after you to make the work of the attendants easier.

"At school"

1. Do not be late, come to school on time so as not to interfere with the teacher's lesson and the class to work.

2. Respect the teacher and comrades, as this is the norm of behavior for a well-mannered person.

3. Do not run during the break, so as not to harm your health and the health of others.

4. Do not chat in class so as not to distract your comrades from work.

5. Take care of school property, because the work of other people is invested in it.

"In the theatre"

1. Dress nicely and cleanly in the theater - this will show respect for the artists and spectators.

2. Do not forget to undress in the wardrobe so that the clothes do not interfere with you and others.

3. Enter the hall on time, no later than the third bell, so as not to distract the audience and not interfere with the artists.

4. During the performance, behave politely, as it is accepted by the norms of behavior.

5. After the performance, thank the actors for the performance, because they tried for you.


1. Do not come to visit without an invitation, as you can disrupt the plans of your friends.

2. Do not be late for the appointed hour, so as not to let the hosts down.

3. Do not bring friends with you if they are not invited, as this may embarrass the hosts.

4. At a party, get to know everyone, try to keep up the conversation in order to feel comfortable and not create problems for the people around you.

5. Do not stay too long at a party, so as not to seem intrusive, not to tire the hosts.

As a result of working with texts, children have questions about texts that are used for mutual verification and mutual training.

"On the street"

1. How should you dress when you go out?

2. What part of the street should you drive on?

3. What is indecent to do on the street?

4. Why can't you eat outside?

5. Where should the garbage be thrown?

"In the school cafeteria"

1. How to enter the dining room?

2. How do you go between tables?

3. What rules of conduct should be observed in the dining room?

4. How should you sit at the table?

5. What should be done after eating?

"At school"

1. When should I come to school?

2. How should one relate to comrades and a teacher?

3. How should you behave during recess?

4. What can not be done in the lesson?

5. How should school property be treated?

"In the theatre"

1. How should you dress for the theatre?

2. Where do you need to undress?

3. When do I need to enter the hall?

4. How should you behave during the performance?

5. What should be done after the end of the performance?


1. Why should you not come to visit without an invitation?

2. Can I be late for a visit?

3. Is it possible to take friends with you if they were not invited?

4. How to behave at a party in relation to other guests?

5. How long should you stay at a party?

At the end of the class hour, teams are formed that are given the task of preparing for the tournament.

Second class hour - tournament (application of the rules in practice)

Target: the use of the mastered rules in practice, the education of mutual responsibility, the formation of the ability to work in a team, the development of student creativity, student self-government, analytical and evaluative skills and abilities.

Method used : WHO modification.

Preparation for this class hour begins immediately after the first class hour of this cycle and goes on all week: children prepare questions, sketches, drawings aimed at identifying the team that has mastered the rules of cultural behavior best of all. Students consult with the class teacher or others of their choice. A continuity-based approach to working on rules of cultural behavior enhances the effectiveness of this work.

Class hour progress

To conduct the tournament, a jury of several people is created, whose duty is, firstly, to determine the responding team (observing the players, to identify who raised their hand first); secondly, to ensure that all team members are responsible in turn in the team; thirdly, to keep score of the tournament.

At the beginning of the tournament, the jury announces the criteria for evaluating teams. It is important that along with the correctness and completeness of answers, artistry, the activity of all team members and the consistency of their actions should be among the criteria.

I. Tournament preparation: teams pronounce the rules of conduct in order to check their readiness for the tournament (2-3 minutes).

II. Job submission: Teams take turns presenting tasks. The jury gives the right to answer to the team that first signaled its readiness to answer (by raising a hand, a signal card or some other conventional sign). At the same time, it is important to ensure that teams observe the following order: each team member can answer again only after all the other team members have answered once. If the team encounters difficulties (students who have not yet answered do not know the answer), knowledge is transferred from the team members who have already answered in the form of reporting answers to the task.

Tasks for the tournament may represent situations of improper behavior of people in society, which need to be analyzed and voiced the correct option.

These may be scenes in which it will also be necessary to evaluate the behavior (actions) of people from the standpoint of the rules of cultural behavior.

The tournament may include tasks for artistry and resourcefulness: invite teams to portray a certain situation: for example, a dating scene at a party.

Third class hour - collection and discussion of opinions on the methodology

Target: children's awareness of the need and importance of observing etiquette and the benefits that a person gets from correct behavior in society; development of student self-government, communication and information skills.

Method used: reverse Rivina.

The number of groups is determined by the number of questions on which children collect the opinion of classmates. The optimal number of questions is 4-5. With a large number of questions, the survey will be delayed, it will take a lot of time to collect opinions, and most importantly, for the sake of which the information was collected (discussion, conclusions), it will be done in a hurry and of poor quality.

The groups are given the task to collect the opinion of their classmates on one of the questions. In groups, commanders discuss with group members who will interrogate whom. Spontaneous movement around the class will lead to a loss of time.

Sample questions on the topic

1. Do you consider obligatory observance of the rules of cultural behavior?

2. Who lives easier, cultured or uncultured people? Why?

3. What gives a person cultural behavior in society?

Finding out the opinion of their classmates on question asked, the students again gather in groups and process the collected information, supplementing it with their own opinion of each member of the group. The result of information processing should be a brief message to the class of the main ideas. The teacher unobtrusively corrects opinions, organizing, if necessary, a discussion of positions (opinions, messages) and leading the children to the desired conclusion.

fourth class hourmeeting with parents

(can be combined with a parent meeting on the topic "Formation of skills of cultural behavior in the family")

Target: strengthening the relationship between families and schools, managing the upbringing of children in the family through the development of unity of values ​​and approaches to raising children, creating conditions for children to demonstrate achievements, increasing children's self-esteem, and building self-esteem.

Method used: VPT modification.

Class hour progress

At this class hour, you can use the materials of the tournament (the second class hour) or prepare new ones of a similar nature.

1. Parents are divided into small groups, which are assigned to students. Using the knowledge of the rules and questions to the texts, the students train their parents.

2. The next stage repeats the scheme of the tournament. Teams present their tasks, but parents answer them. Children act as experts, commenting on, supplementing or correcting their parents' answers. They can show the correct answer in the form of a skit.

Another variant of this stage is to show dramatizations of how to behave and how not to behave. Parents comment on what they saw, children supplement, correct their answers.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of the city of Kurgan

“Secondary school No. 53 named after A.A. Sharaborina"

Let's talk about the culture of behavior

Classroom hour

Developed and implemented:

Sharandina V.V.,

teacher of history and social studies,

class teacher 7B class

MBOU "Secondary School No. 53"

Kurgan, 2015

Purpose: Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct, rules of etiquette, worked out and implemented by the students themselves as a result of group work on the topic of conversation.

Motivation for choosing this topic: students themselves must come to the rules of conduct at school, and to etiquette, they themselves must realize their necessity, so that later they more consciously adhere to all this.

Tasks: Development of communicative abilities of students; prevention of disputes among children, prevention of conflict situations between students and teachers.

Form of conduct: the work of students in groups to develop rules of conduct at school, as well as the development of the duties of the class on duty.

The class is divided into 2 groups, taking into account the wishes of the students. The children sit down at their tables. The teacher brings students up to date: tells the topic of the conversation, tells in what form it will take place.

The course of the conversation

Before the start of the teacher's performance, B. Okudzhava's song “Let's exclaim!” is included. The meaning of the words of the song is discussed with the children, a search is being made for a connection with the topic of the conversation.

introductory word students

Man has been living among people since his birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - classroom. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the "I" of each does not suppress the "I" of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each "I" to fully develop.

Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, a librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person's good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of conduct at school, as well as about moments disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which resentment arises. As a rule, resentment is mutual.

Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of courtesy, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not without reason that people have composed wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships: “From one word, yes forever a quarrel”, “A razor scratches, but a word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.

What do you think the word "polite" means?

Task 1 "There was such a case ..."

So, I suggest that you do the following work in groups: within 2 minutes, come up with, accurately, briefly and expressively play scenes of typical situations of compliance with or violation of the norms of the culture of behavior and communication in various situations. For example: “How we greet each other, adults at school, on the street”, “How we object to adults, parents”, etc.

Group presentations and general discussion. The attitude of other groups to the situation.

Task 2 "Polite person"

A little man is drawn on the board in front of you. Let each of you give him the sign of a well-mannered person.

(arrows are drawn from the little man in different directions and the students take turns writing down the characteristics of a well-mannered person)

The personality traits of an educated person are discussed. Rules of conduct are being developed.

Politeness, goodwill, friendliness in a relationship is mutual.

Do not allow quarrels, fights, abuse, shouting, threats. It humiliates a person.

Cherish your honor, the honor of your family, school, keep your comrades from bad deeds.

Help the younger ones, be fair to the unprotected.

Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

Task 3 "Treasury of Folk Wisdom"

There is a table with two columns on the board. The beginnings of folk utterances are written on the left side. On the right side is the end of the proverb. It is necessary to match the beginnings and endings by dragging the phrases on the right side to the corresponding lines.

Make up two parts of the proverb about the culture of behavior:

Do yourself as you wish

Not an expensive gift -

To argue about trifles -

Don't judge by clothes

The word is silver

look at business.

silence is gold.

and visiting - as ordered.

dear love.

miss the deal.

Though not rich

From the word salvation

For an uninvited guest

From one word

and from the word death.

not even a spoon.

and guests are welcome.

yes forever quarrel.

you have to walk on one leg.

Task 4 "We made a rule ..."

Each group receives a task written on a prepared card. Topics are chosen by each team by drawing tasks from the hands of the teacher.

School etiquette ( appearance, speech within the walls of the school, politeness).

Rules of conduct at school (in the classroom and during breaks).

duty class duties.


Form Hairstyle Change or second shoes

Politeness Trash

Thrift Being Late Addressing Each Other

Absenteeism Cell phones Everyday speech at school

Other people's things Manner of communication Behavior in the dining room

Coming to school Skipping lessons

"Metropolis" School Property

Caring for the Younger and the Weaker Solution contentious issues

Smoking at school Behavior in class Behavior during breaks

Use of obscene language Duties of duty class

Within 5 minutes, the topic is discussed, proposals and recommendations are made, their wording is discussed. All this is recorded on the provided paper. Then the students select the most important points. From the selected material, students prepare a presentation, which they defend in front of the class, defending their achievements and proving the need for one or another item.

Final word students.

How do you learn to be polite?

Until the 16th century, the word “vezha” was widely used in Russian, i.e. a person who knows how to behave in a given situation. There are a number of ways to learn to be "respectful".


Reception is difficult. You need to double up. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal. For example, today - "manners". Another time, the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Mark not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits.


It is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but to give an honest assessment, without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful in this, in which thoughts about oneself, about the people around, assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Helps and self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others. An ancient Eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” - "With the ill-mannered," he replied, "I avoided doing what they do."


the first condition of upbringing is knowledge of generally accepted norms and rules of conduct;

the second is to train and practice right conduct;

third - strong and stable habits of behavior.

Do yourself as you wish

Not an expensive gift -

To argue about trifles -

Don't judge by clothes

The word is silver

look at business.

silence is gold.

and visiting - as ordered.

dear love.

miss the deal.

Though not rich

From the word salvation

For an uninvited guest

To the village where the one-legged live

From one word

and from the word death.

not even a spoon.

and guests are welcome.

yes forever quarrel.

you have to walk on one leg.


The form


Change or second shoes



Greeting students and adults


being late

Addressing each other


Cell Phones

Everyday speech at school

foreign things

manner of communication

Behavior in the cafeteria

Coming to school

Skipping lessons

Behavior during lines and events


school property

Compliance with safety rules

Caring for the younger and weak

Resolution of controversial issues

Behavior in the classroom

Behavior during change

duty class duties


The form


Change or second shoes



Greeting students and adults


being late

Addressing each other


Cell Phones

Everyday speech at school

foreign things

manner of communication

Behavior in the cafeteria

Coming to school

Skipping lessons

Behavior during lines and events


school property

Compliance with safety rules

Caring for the younger and weak

Resolution of controversial issues

Smoking in and around school

Behavior in the classroom

Behavior during change

Use of obscene language

duty class duties

1. A person from his very birth lives among people. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only a large association of people, but also a small group - a school class. What is a class? A class is an association of people, where the “I” of each turns into a common “we”. And it is necessary that each separate “I” feel comfortable in this big “we”. And so that the "I" of each does not suppress the "I" of his neighbor. This requires the existence of certain rules of conduct that would enable each "I" to fully develop.

2. Let's count how many people we meet daily. At home, we communicate with relatives: mom, dad, brothers and sisters, neighbors; at school - with teachers, schoolmates, a librarian; in the store - with the seller, cashiers, strangers; on the street - with passers-by; old and young people, adults and peers. It is difficult to count how many people you will see in one day; with some you will only say hello, with others you will talk, play, the third you will answer the question, you will turn to someone with a request. Each person is in constant communication with acquaintances and strangers at home, at school, on the street, in a store, at the cinema, in the library, etc. We all know that the behavior of another person, a friendly or rude word often leaves a mark on the soul for the whole day. Often a person’s good mood depends on whether they paid attention to him, whether they were friendly, benevolent when communicating with him, and how insulting it can be from inattention, rudeness, an evil word. We spend a lot of time at school, so today we will talk about the rules of behavior at school, as well as moments of disrespectful attitude, that is, one after which resentment arises. As a rule, resentment is mutual.

3. Unfortunately, not all school groups adopt the rules of politeness, friendliness, and delicacy. You need to think about your mistakes in behavior. An even friendly tone, attention to each other, mutual support strengthen relations. And vice versa, arrogance or rough treatment, tactlessness, offensive nicknames, nicknames hurt painfully, sharply worsen your well-being. Some believe that all this is trifles, trifles. However, harsh words are not harmless. It is not for nothing that people have put together wise sayings about the role of words in human relationships:“From one word yes forever a quarrel”, “The razor scratches, but the word hurts”, “Affectionate word is a spring day”.


Reception is difficult. You need to double up. You live and do everything as usual, and at the same time observe yourself through the eyes of another person. Every time you set a goal. For example, today - "manners". Another time, the goals will be different: how do I talk to people? How do I say hello? How do I stay away? Mark not only your shortcomings, but also your good traits, qualities, habits.


It is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but to give an honest assessment, without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you and tell yourself directly. A diary would be very helpful in this, in which thoughts about oneself, about the people around, assessments of oneself would be reflected.

Studying other people's opinions

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Helps and self-knowledge and observation of the behavior of others. An ancient Eastern sage was asked: “Who did you learn good manners from?” - "With the ill-mannered," he replied, "I avoided doing what they do."

Game workshop on the culture of behavior for elementary school students "Be educated everywhere - you are not alone on Earth!"

Goals and objectives of the classroom:

Development of skills of observance of moral norms of behavior and rules of etiquette;

Assimilation by students of the basic rules of behavior in the theater, transport, at a party.

Preparatory work. The class teacher in advance invites students to read books on the culture of behavior, create an initiative group that should prepare students' speeches; dramatizations-miniatures about the ridiculous behavior of people who do not know the rules of etiquette; colored paper tokens.

Equipment. Three white sheets of drawing paper, felt-tip pens, markers, paper tokens.

Description of class

The class teacher invites the children to visit an unusual theater, where in miniature performances main character Vasya Vasechkin lives by his own rules, which are different from the rules of behavior followed by well-mannered people.

The teacher offers to look at the situations that Vasechkin finds himself in, find his mistakes in behavior and correct them, correctly formulate the rules of behavior. For each well-formulated rule, the student receives a token. At the end of the meeting, the participants will count who has the most tokens.

So the show begins...

Game situation "In the theater"

1st game miniature In the theater buffet

visit often

Theater buffet.

There are cream cakes

Bubble water.

Like firewood on plates

Chocolates are lying

And through the tube

Drink a milkshake

Don't ask for tickets

To the balcony and stalls.

Let them give you tickets

To the theater cafeteria.

Leaving the theater

Take it with you

Under a trembling heart

In the stomach, a sandwich.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation. Why do we need a buffet in the theater? (Reasoning guys.)

2nd game miniature - “The light in the hall went out.

There is a performance..."

The auditorium of the theater is conditionally shown at the blackboard - there are two rows of chairs, "spectators" (4-6 students) sit on them. They carefully "watch the performance." Vasechkin, out of breath, bursts into the hall. He finds his row and begins to make his way between the rows, turning his back to those sitting. He drops his cake on the lap of one of the spectators. Finally he gets to his place and begins to ask what the artists have already shown. He looked a little at the actors' play, finished chewing his chocolate bar, which he had unwrapped for a long time and noisily. Vasechkin yawns and decides to return to the buffet, inviting a friend with him. And here he is in the lobby. The woman drops her handkerchief. Vasechkin, like a real knight, bends down, takes a handkerchief, and gives it to the lady. And he hears in response: "Never, boy, do not do this." Disappointed Vasechkin wanders into the buffet.

The class teacher invites students to name the mistakes that Vasechkin made.

Two girls come out and read Agnia Barto's poem "In the Theater":

1st girl:

When I was

Eight years,

Watch ballet.

2nd girl:

We went with a friend, Any.

We took off our coats in the theater,

They took off their warm coats.

Us in the theater, in the locker room

They handed out the numbers.

1st girl:

Finally, I'm in ballet!

I forgot everything!

2nd girl:

Even three times three

I couldn't now.

Finally I'm in the theater

How I've been waiting for this!

1st girl:

I now see a fairy

In a white scarf and wreath.

I sit, I do not dare to breathe,

I have the number in my hand.

2nd girl:

Suddenly the orchestra burst into the trumpets.

Me and my girlfriend Any

They even shuddered a little.

1st girl:

Suddenly I see - there is no number.

Fairy spinning on the stage -

I don't look at the stage.

I rubbed my knees -

I can't find the number.

2nd girl:

Maybe he is

Under a chair somewhere?

me now

Not for ballet!

1st girl:

The trumpets are playing stronger

The guests are dancing at the ball,

And me and my girlfriend Any

Looking for a room on the floor.

2nd girl:

He rolled off somewhere...

I crawl into the next row.

Guys wonder:

- Who's crawling down there?

1st girl:

A butterfly fluttered across the stage -

I didn't see anything:

I was looking for the number below

And finally found him.

2nd girl:

And just then the light came on

And everyone left the room.

- I really like ballet, -

I told the guys.

The teacher invites the children to explain what the girl did wrong in the theater?

During the discussion, the students formulate the rules of behavior in the theater. The teacher writes them down with a marker on a white piece of paper. If the rules below seem cumbersome, you can simply read them out and write them down on paper main idea rules of conduct in the theatre.

Possible rules of behavior in the theater:

After you have bought a ticket, it is recommended to read the play (performance), learn about its author, as a result of which you will form your own vision of the play, with which you can compare the production of the director, the interpretation of this or that image by the actor. This will make the perception of the performance more complete, will provide an opportunity to discuss it (at the end or during the intermission) with your companion or friends.

Before purchasing tickets, you should study the plan of the hall, which hangs next to the ticket office window, and choose the seats that are convenient for you.

If there is no free choice, and the seats are far from the stage, you should take theater glasses with you.

In case of illness, a visit to the theater should be postponed so as not to interfere with coughing or other manifestations of illness to the rest of the audience.

Clothing for the theater should be solemn. The hairstyle should be such that it does not interfere with the audience from behind. Bags intended for the street, shops are also inappropriate. Cosmetics and clothes should not be bright and catchy.

A man (boy, youth) enters the theater first, presenting tickets. It is necessary to have a margin of time to take their places before the third call. You can only enter the box when the lights go out in the hall.

A man (boy, young man) also goes first to his place, followed by a woman (girl, girl). You should pass facing those who are sitting, and you should not apologize. If the passage is narrow, then those sitting should stand up. Women or girls may not rise.

You should not look at the audience through binoculars, borrow binoculars from neighbors, tell them the content of the play.

If the place is occupied, you should contact the attendant in the hall.

If you are late, you should go to the tiers or balcony, regardless of the purchased seat. If there are no empty seats, you should stand at the door until the intermission, after which you need to take your seats.

No noise is allowed during the performance.

During the intermission, you can stay in the hall or leave. If the companion does not want to go out, the man or the young man should stay with her.

You can leave the theater before the start of the second act if you don't like the play. If you decide to stay, you should not interfere with others with your appearance or remarks.

You can only leave the hall after the actors have left the stage.

Game situation "In transport"

3rd game miniature "At the bus stop"

The student reads a poem by G. Oster:

When you get old - go

On the street on foot.

Don't get on the bus anyway

You have to stay there.

And now there are few fools,

To give way.

And to those distant times

They won't be at all.

The teacher offers the students a short conversation: how should one behave at the bus stop? (Discourses of students.)

4th game miniature "In the bus"

There are six chairs in a row near the blackboard, they conditionally show the interior of a half-empty bus. A very old woman is sitting in the "bus". A conductor sits in front. At the bus stop, Vasechkin jumps on the bus and, holding his girlfriend by the hand, begins to drag her into the salon. Having thus helped the “lady”, he flops down on the seat and shouts to his girlfriend: “Anka, pay the fare!” Anya, who has sat down behind an elderly dozing woman, wakes her up and asks her to hand over the money for the ticket. Passengers, mostly elderly people, get on at the next stop. Vasechkin is talking to Anya, pretending not to notice the tired old people. Anya gets up, gives way to the old woman, but at the same time she says: “Sit down. You old people can’t sit at home!”

After viewing the miniature, the class teacher invites the children to analyze the behavior of Vasechkin and Anya on the bus, find the mistakes they made, and formulate the rules of behavior in transport. In the course of the discussion, the leader writes down the rules of behavior in transport on the second sheet of drawing paper. Students who correctly formulate these rules receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of conduct in transport:

When entering, do not prevent passengers from entering the bus (tram, metro).

If there is an empty seat, feel free to take it.

Make way for the elderly, women and older people.

If you're with a girl, offer her a seat.

Don't talk loudly to your friends on the bus.

Do not litter in transport, do not attract undue attention to yourself.

Game situation "Away"

5th game miniature - "Away"

The student reads a poem by G. Oster:

If a friend's birthday

invited you to my place,

You leave a gift at home -

Useful for yourself.

Try to sit next to the cake.

Don't get into conversations.

you while talking

Eat half as much sweets.

Choose smaller pieces

To swallow faster.

Do not grab the salad with your hands -

You can scoop up more with a spoon.

If they suddenly give nuts,

Rash them carefully in your pocket.

But do not hide the jam there -

It will be difficult to take out.

The teacher in a short conversation explains to the students how to prepare for the upcoming visit to visit.

6th game miniature "Vasechkin receives guests"

Near the board are a table with a bouquet of flowers, chairs. In the depths of the "door". Vasechkin has a birthday, he arranges chairs for guests. They call. Vasechkin asks his grandmother to open the door. The guest shouts from the threshold: "Hello!" and throws the ball to Vasechkin from a distance: “Hold it! A gift for you! Look, don't lose! Remember when you lost my knife?" Vasya turns to his grandmother: "Grandma, receive guests, but for now I will talk with Sasha." They call again. Grandma opens the door. A crowd of classmates breaks in. Pushing the grandmother back into the corridor, they shout in chorus: “Congratulations!” Vasechkin approaches his friends, takes a gift in a beautiful package, throws it on a chair and tells the guests: “Come into the room, take off your coat!” Turning to his grandmother, Vasya adds: “Everyone has gathered. You can put it on the table."

The class teacher offers to analyze the situation he has seen, asks to find the mistakes made by Vasechkin and his classmates. Students formulate rules on how to receive guests, how to give and receive gifts, how to introduce when meeting people.

The facilitator writes down the rules of behavior at a party on the third sheet of drawing paper. Students who correctly formulate the rules of conduct receive incentive tokens.

Possible rules of conduct at a party:

When choosing a gift, remember who it will be intended for: a boy or a girl, a man or a woman.

Remember the proverb: "A gift is not expensive, but love is expensive."

A gift is usually given at the entrance to the premises.

At a party, behave modestly, without the permission of the owners, do not touch things and do not walk around the rooms.

At the table, behave modestly, observing the rules of etiquette.

Behave respectfully with adults, referring to "you".

Summarizing. At the end of the class hour, the class teacher thanks the initiative group, which helped the students to visit the unusual theater, see funny miniatures and the ridiculous behavior of Vasya Vasechkin. The teacher sums up the analysis of situations, once again repeats to the students the rules of behavior in public places. The children are invited to make additions to the rules of conduct already formulated and written down on sheets of drawing paper.

The students collectively give a round of applause to their classmates who have collected the most reward tokens. The class teacher invites the children to continue their work unusual theater and stage new miniatures, inventing the theme of a new performance.

Class hour with training elements

"Behavior and culture of communication"

Ibraimova Flyura Ildusovna

Simferopol 2015


    To develop the ability of students to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of conduct;

    cultivate moral qualities;

    introduce children to the principles of communication.


    Based on the life experience of children, help them analyze their actions;

    learn to predict the consequences of your actions

Preliminary work:

    Conversation "By what rules we live";

    conversation "The luxury of human communication";

    class hour "Communication is an art";

    workshop "It is possible, it is impossible";

    psychotraining "What is responsibility?";

    testing "Moral qualities of a person".


    Interactive board;

    Wall newspaper;


XXIcentury. It is called the age of computerization and mobile communications. But our century has one feature that allows us to call it the century of communication. You guys study, and we, adults, go to work. We all carry out different assignments, meet different people every day. Within the walls of the institution, you are in constant communication with people: educators, teachers, a doctor, a librarian. You have almost all the material conditions for a correct, all-round development, the conditions for you to grow up as physically healthy, beautiful, educated people. We want to kindle in your hearts the unquenchable fire of human kindness. And it is bitter for us, your educators, sometimes to observe in you traits that do not correspond to our dream. You sometimes do not respect and do not appreciate the work of others, you do not know how to behave properly, you are sloppy. And most importantly, sometimes you don’t have that cordiality, kindness, mercy, that sensitive and delicate attitude towards each other and to the people around you, which are obligatory for every person. Today we will talk about this with you.The topic of our class hour is “Behavior and culture of communication” . In the process of conducting our class hour, we will use trainings.

What is training?

(These are special training exercises during which people must learn to understand other people, study themselves and overcome their shortcomings. Learn to control their behavior).

What does it mean to control your behavior?

(This is the desire and ability to live with other people in harmony and goodwill. Do not cause inconvenience to people with your behavior).

What depends on our behavior and actions?

(The attitude of people towards us, our mood and those around us).

No, it doesn't matter how a person eats, walks, sits down, greets people, addresses people, talks to them, and most importantly, how he acts.

Let's take a looksituation.

One girl, who was remarked that she laughed too unnaturally and loudly, said offendedly: “My behavior is my own business!”.

Did she do the right thing? (Analysis of the situation)

In one single case, it is correct only when a person like Robinson lives on a desert island. We are not Robinsons, we live among people, and our words, gestures, deeds are not indifferent to others.And we need to behave among people in such a way that they feel good, pleasant, comfortable with us, in accordance with the norms and rules of conduct.

What is a rule of conduct?

(These are established norms of behavior).

Where do you meet the rules of conduct?

Are rules necessary?

Imagine for a moment that there are no rules. What will happen?

What are rules of conduct?

(so that there is order, so as not to make mistakes and not to commit bad deeds)

Can you break the rules? Have there been times when you violated them and how did it end?

The ability to control one's behavior, the ability to control oneself depends not only on whether a person knows the rules of behavior, whether he knows how to use them correctly, but also on the individual level of upbringing and on the volitional qualities of a person.

In preparation for our class hour, we conducted a test. The test was called "The moral qualities of a person."

What do you know are the most important positive human qualities? (Answers of children).

Exercise 1. It is necessary to discover something good in other people. You see positive qualities on the board, name 5 of them that adorn your desk mate.

Intelligent Inquisitive Hardworking

Soft Versatile Intelligent

Sweet Diligent Polite

Delicate Tactful Sincere

Soulful Responsive Accurate

Beautiful Pretty Wise

Reliable Erudite Kind

Honest Well-mannered Fair

You named those qualities for which a person is loved and respected.

Do you think it is possible to cultivate such qualities in oneself? What is needed for this? (Desire, diligence and purposefulness).

Every person has negative qualities as well as positive ones. One scientist called them "Dragons", which interfere with life and achieve the intended goal. We have these small "Dragon", which, if they are not tamed, develop into an adult "Dragon".

Task 2. Name your dragons! (Laziness, deceit, boastfulness, greed, lies, curiosity, intemperance, rudeness, grouchiness, rudeness, cockiness, theft, uncleanliness).

When these qualities are manifested badly not only to the person himself, but also to people who are nearby.

Task 3. Continue sayings

Have yourself as you want dear love.

Not expensive gift for business look.

I am glad to argue about trifles about guests.

Do not judge by clothes, and a spoon is not in store.

The word is silver and quarrel forever.

Though not rich, but at a party, as they say.

From the word salvation business to miss.

On an uninvited guest, silence is golden.

In a village where one-legged people live, and from the word death.

From one word, you have to walk on one foot.

Game "Dial"

12 participants form a "clock face" - each of them corresponds to a certain number on it. Someone orders the time, and the "dial" shows. Minute hand - participant jumps, hour hand - participant clap.

Task 4. In the images of birds and animals ridiculed negative traits person. Who are they talking about?

- “A fox does not stain its tail” (About a cunning dishonest person).

- “Like a wasp crawls into your eyes” (Purposeful).

- “Puffed up like a mouse on groats” (touchy).

- “At home - a rooster, and on the street - a chicken” (Boastfulness. Who is rude to his neighbors, but cannot fight back a rude person on the street).

- “Slippery, like sadness or eel” (False, insincere, dodgy person).

- “Magpie, where he sits, he will play dirty tricks” (On human dishonesty).

We have noted that bad human qualities are ridiculed in the image of animals and birds. This leads to the following task.

Task 5. “I so want to be….”

How would you like to see yourself? List.

Communication is a special kind of behavior, one of the forms of human interaction. In the process of communication, people develop mutual understanding, find a common language. Communication is a need for every person. People constantly communicate with each other: exchange knowledge, thoughts, consult, agree on something. And for communication to be pleasant, you need to be fluent in speech. Let's talk about the culture of speech. And in order to express your thought, you have to choose words. Not only does the speech turn out to be “clumsy”, some of you use “swear words”, which speaks of lack of culture and bad manners. But did you know that you can’t joke with “swear words”? The connection between body and soul is broken. Some guys believe that if they use foul language, then they act like independent, independent and almost adult people. And this speaks primarily of their bad manners. And to make it pleasant for others to communicate with us, we have developed

basic rules of communication .

Smile, radiate positive emotions. Cheerful, cheerful, calm person always attracts people.

Be interested in the interlocutor as a person.

Call the interlocutor by name.

Listen and be able to distribute the initiative in a conversation.

Keep the topics of conversation suggested by the interlocutor.

If a person knows how to use these simple rules then he has a good relationship with people.

First rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself"

Second rule: "Always treat others as you would like to be treated"

Task 6. "Boomerang game"

What is a boomerang? This is a tool that returns to the one who threw it.

Fragments of phrases are given, and you try to guess their endings.

1. “I took hold of the railing, and my hand came across someone’s nasty and sticky chewing gum. And suddenly I remembered…”

Approximate answer: ... which, too, stuck gum anywhere, without thinking about other people.

2. “I arrived at the reservoir, and the entire shore was strewn with tin cans and dirty bags. And suddenly I remembered…”

Approximate answer: .... that she also threw garbage without thinking about other people.

3. “I forgot my pen and no one gave me a spare. And suddenly I remembered…”

Sample answer: ... that she was also greedy and did not want to share with others.

4. “During the break, someone tripped me up, I fell, and everyone laughed, it was painful and insulting. And suddenly I remembered…”

Sample answer: ... that I also tripped my classmates and laughed when they fell.

5. “Someone hid my notebook, and I was looking for it all the lesson, for this I received a remark in the report. And suddenly I remembered…”

An approximate answer: ... that I also hid other people's things for fun.

6. “We were cleaning the school grounds and I had to carry piles of leaves by myself because everyone had run away. And suddenly I remembered…”

Approximate answer: ... that I also sometimes shied away from cleaning, not thinking that others would do my work for me.

So, everything that a person has done wrong, then comes back to him from other people. REMEMBER THIS!

We must live among people, behave politely, delicately, respect, spare and protect each other. To remember this, let's remember with youLaws "Not".

    Do not rush to be the first to sit at the table.

    Don't talk while eating.

    Remember to close your mouth when you chew.

    Do not champ, refrain from noble eructation.

    Don't be the first to jump out the door.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Do not shout or raise your voice if there are no deaf people in front of you.

    Don't wave your arms.

    Don't point your finger at anyone.

    Do not mimic the speaker, even if he is a stutterer.

    Do not sit down before the elder, without his permission.

    Don't forget to take off your hat and outerwear when entering the dining room.

    Do not repeat "I" too often.

    Don't get in the habit of being late.

    Do not interfere in someone else's conversation without saying "I'm sorry."

    Don't forget to apologize if you accidentally pushed someone.

    Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

    Don't do things that might bother other people.

    Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

    Do not consider yourself the center of the Universe, this will always help you choose the right tone in communicating with others.

These laws, guys, be guided in everyday life.

You need to measure yourself as a person by your attitude towards people. Good man first of all sees the good in people, and the bad

bad. A good person is not able to offend another, a bad person, on the contrary, finds satisfaction in humiliating, insulting another.

When we talk about the culture of communication, we put into this concept the ability to control one's behavior and ability to communicate. Here are the most important norms of morality, which the great Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

    You live among people. Do not forget that your every act, your every desire is reflected in the people around you. Know that there is a line between what you think you want and what you can. Check your actions with a question to yourself:Are you doing evil, inconvenience to people? Do everything so that the people around you feel good.

    You enjoy the benefits created by other people. People give you happiness, repay them with kindness.

    All the blessings and joys of life are created by labor. One cannot live honestly without labor. People teach:Who does not work shall not eat. Always remember this commandment. A loafer, a parasite is a drone devouring the honey of industrious bees.Teaching is your first work .

    Be kind and considerate to people. Help the weak and defenseless. Help a friend in need. Don't hurt people.

    Don't be indifferent to evil. Fight against evil, deceit, injustice. Be not an example of someone who seeks to live at the expense of other people, causes evil, robs society.

REFLECTION . Let's summarize.

    What kind of person is called educated?

    What are rules of conduct?

    Do they need to be done?

    What does it take to cultivate positive qualities in yourself?

    What depends on your behavior and actions?

    What determines life in your class?


Good manners, culture of behavior make our life together comfortable, pleasant, reasonable and beautiful. We believe in this passionately and sincerely. Then everyone around us: teachers, educators, comrades and even strangers will feel good with us. And we will be well and joyfully among the people. And without this, perhaps, happiness does not happen!

- Greetings:

- Good morning, dear children! I'm glad to see you!

The work of factories and fields is not easy,

But there is much harder work.

This job is to be among people.

Alexander Mezhirov

Today we will talk about behavior among people, you will get acquainted with the new rules. Become nurturing. Be careful, be active.

“In every man nature sprouts either as cereals or as weeds; let him water the first and destroy the second in good time.” (F. Bacon).

Starting from a very early age, we acquire a certain culture of behavior. Without exception, our actions can be beautiful or ugly. We may speak rudely or courteously, our movements may be graceful or clumsy, our manners may be refined or vulgar, our attitude towards others may be dignified or impolite. General culture is made up of many components. How pleasant it is to deal with people who know how to behave beautifully, and how painful it is to associate with rude, impolite people.

Etiquette(from fr. etiquette- label, inscription) - the rules of behavior of people in society.

And now, at the present time, what kind of person can be called cultured and polite?

Where and how does a person get the first etiquette skills?

Is a child born immediately polite and well-mannered?

What do you need to do to be considered polite?

Is it good to be polite or should we be ashamed of it?

Can a person who strictly adheres to the rules of behavior always be considered cultural?

Does everyone follow the rules of etiquette in our class? Is everyone in our class polite?

Now we will find out what polite words you know. Listen carefully to the riddles

    Even an ice block grows From a warm word .... ("Thanks.")

    The old stump will turn green, When it hears .... ("Good afternoon.")

    The boy is polite and developed He speaks when meeting ... ("Hello.")

    If you can’t eat anymore, We’ll tell mom ... ("Thanks.")

    When we are scolded for pranks, We say ... (I'm sorry.)

    Both in France and Denmark They will say goodbye ... ( "Goodbye.")

Politeness makes our life easier. But politeness is not just " magic words", and this is primarily a manifestation of attention to the people around you. You did not say a word, but simply held the heavy door, let an elderly person or your peer go forward, took a heavy bag from your mother, and everyone you helped, without any "thanks " and "please" understood that you are a polite and well-mannered person.

So, I suggest you divide into groups.

1 row - about school etiquette

2 row - about behavior in society. places

3rd row - about the rules of relations with each other

1 situation (1 row)

School change. The students leave the classroom, the boys begin to run and play. During the game, they do not notice the librarian carrying a stack of books, one boy, let's call him Kostya, pushes the librarian, the books are scattered on the floor, but Kostya does not notice this and runs on. The librarian has no choice but to pick up the books herself. One of Kostya's classmates, Yegor, is nearby and helps to collect books. "Forgive him," Yegor says, "Kostya is so unassembled! Let me help you carry the books." It would seem that the unpleasant incident is settled, the librarian is satisfied. Is this how you think? What can you say about Kostya and Egor? What would you do in this situation?

(student answers)

Video rules of conduct at school.

Fixing the rules.

Your behavior says more about you than words.

Parents always demand from their children the observance of the rules of decent behavior. But this becomes especially important when guests come to you or when you are alone in public places, without adults. There is no one to tell you how to act correctly in this or that case, there is no one to pull you up if you behave ugly. In such situations, your maturity and independence are manifested.

But there is another important circumstance: you represent your family. Do you want your family, your parents to be thought badly? But usually, it always happens that when we meet a rude, ill-mannered person, we always think or say out loud something like this: “What kind of parents does this child have? Couldn't they have taught him how to behave decently in society? And even more often people are indignant out loud: “And what do they only teach you at school?”

In order not to let down your parents and teachers who teach you good manners, try to be a well-mannered and polite person.

➤ Never dishonor those who bring you up, who is responsible for your upbringing: your family and school!

2 situation (2 group)

Three friends came to a cafe, sat down at the table, ordered dinner for themselves, began to interrupt loudly, waving their arms, and began to tell something to each other. The people sitting nearby thought that no one had really told them how to behave. One of the visitors even made a remark to them, but no one reacted to it. What can you say about the behavior of these friends? What would you do in this situation? How to behave properly at the table?

There are official rules of conduct:

    On the street and in public places, speak without shouting, do not make noise, do not disturb other people.

    Maintain cleanliness in public places - do not litter, do not spit, protect green spaces.

    Protect public and other people's property.

    Do not commit unworthy acts and protect friends from them. This means: do not offend and insult others, do not take other people's things, do not mock animals, etc.

Rules of conduct in the cinema, circus.

a well-mannered person should not talk loudly in these establishments, rustle candy wrappers, get up during a performance or a film.

For example, when visiting a zoo or a circus:

you can not climb to the cages of animals, throw something into them, tease and make noise, so as not to scare and disturb other people.

    When coughing and sneezing, it is customary to cover your mouth.

    Use a handkerchief for a cold.

    Do not go out into the street casually dressed and unkempt.

    Eat carefully and quietly in catering establishments, use napkins.

    One should not publicly speak rudely or badly about other people or current events.

3 situation

Situation. A boy and a girl meet at the door of the store. The boy must leave the store, and the girl must enter. The boy gives way to the girl, and at this time several people gather behind him. “Why did you get up? Come out faster!” the guy behind shouts. “Don’t delay, I’m in a hurry!”. To which the boy replies: What do you think the boy could answer this guy? How could the guy behave? What would be the reaction of the people standing next to you?

Can the boy's act be called chivalrous? What does it mean to be a knight?

Relationship talk.

Knights in the Middle Ages were called brave, courageous warriors who wore heavy armor. To become a knight, it was necessary to go through a whole science, the school of warriors, which was studied from 7 to 21 years. At the age of 7, a boy who was preparing to become a knight went to a noble family as a page. There he learned good manners, helped his master ride and fight with swords. At the age of 14, the page became a squire. He had to prepare the master for battle, take care of the horse and armor. By the age of 21, most of the squires had become knights. Knighthood was not limited to the ability to fight - it was a special way of life. A knight must be generous, keep his word, tell the truth, protect the weak. And still nobly and exalted to treat girls.

Who can be called a knight today?

The knights of today should differ from the medieval ones only in the form of clothing. In all other respects, this is the same set of noble rules of circumvention.

I think we also have knights in the class, tell us how to treat girls?

    A real man treats women with respect. If you do not respect a woman, then you are not a real man.

    A real man always takes care of his health.

3. A real man knows how to laugh at himself.

4. A real man is always in control of his emotions.

I wish you in the future, when you grow up, become real men.

Summing up the above, I can say that if you follow all the rules of etiquette, you will be well-mannered people with whom it is pleasant to communicate, and will achieve great success.

But while you are students and you are all in the same class, you must have class laws

    Law 00 Time is gold. Don't waste it. Always and everywhere be on time.

    The law of the raised hand One cannot outshine everyone. If someone raised his right hand, be quiet and listen to the speaker.

    law of truth Remember, not only you need the truth, but also the people around you! Be true!

    good lawBe kind to your neighbor, and goodness will return to you!

    law of careBefore demanding attention to yourself, show it to the people around you. Remember their interests, needs, needs.

    Mercy LawYou feel good today, but there may be people around who have tears in their eyes. Don't forget about them!

    Law of Respect If you want to be respected, respect the human dignity of others.

    freedom law Each person must be free, and while defending freedom, do not forget about the freedom of another person!

    law of honor Remember your physical strength only when you are alone. Always remember your dignity.

(gift for class laws in a cool corner law 0:0, do not fall out of the closet, etc.)

I hope that from what was discussed today, you will draw conclusions. After all, a person himself can influence his cultural level, the level of his upbringing. And so that you all become cultural let's pronounce

An oath of good conduct.

I swear to always be healthy

And go to school right!

I swear!

Carry "good" and "excellent" in a briefcase.

I swear!

I swear that I will try hard

No more fighting with my friends!

I swear!

I swear to be a child brought up

Do not run around the school, but walk in steps.

I swear!

And if I break my oath,

Then I give my milk tooth,

Then I promise to wash the dishes forever,

And I will not play on the computer!

I swear!

I will always be perfect as a child

And I will never forget my vow!

I swear!

This is the end of our class hour, thanks for the lesson!