“Lesson of Leo Tolstoy” - And there is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth. Childhood memories. Plan. L.N. Tolstoy. Little Leva Tolstoy dreams of the “brotherhood of man.” Lesson topic: Commander Kutuzov. Happy childhood L.N. Tolstoy. The era of Nicholas I. “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”. Cane discipline. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

“Tolstoy's Tale of Childhood” - Nikolenka did not remember his mother well, like the writer himself. Problematic question: What incident from Nikolenka’s life will he remember for the rest of his life? Problematic question: Is Tolstoy’s story “Childhood” autobiographical? Nikolenka remembered the incident with the tablecloth until the end of his life. Problematic question: Why does Nikolenka call her parents in French?

“Years of life of Tolstoy L.N.” - Religious sentiments, reaching the point of asceticism, alternated with carousing, cards, trips to the gypsies. The only surviving image. Alexey Lvovich Tolstoy (born October 31, 1881, died January 18, 1886) 12. 180th birthday. Thirteen children were born into the family of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy:

“Sevastopol Stories” - Introduction. Content. 2. The feat of a man in war in B. Vasiliev’s novel “Not on the Lists.” The image of a Russian officer. 1. Russian officer as imagined by L. N. Tolstoy (“Sevastopol Stories” and “War and Peace”). The novel is about the heroic deeds of the main character, who was only 18 years old. The young, beardless Lieutenant Pluzhnikov, full of desires, graduates from college.

“The Life and Work of Tolstoy” - Portrait of I. E. Repin. L.N. Tolstoy on arable land. I. N. KRAMSKOY (1837-1887) Portrait of the writer L. N. Tolstoy. 1873. Table “Life is an increase in one’s soul.” Painting by I. Repin. ON THE. Nekrasov, editor of the Sovremennik magazine. Tolstoy's grave. L.N. Tolstoy, aspiring writer. School for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. "ABC".

“The Years of Tolstoy’s Life” - The coachman’s hands were shaking and sweat was rolling off his face. 1870 – 77 – “Anna Karenina” 1879 – 82 – “Confession”. Writer, public figure, teacher (1860 – 1870). Gain some knowledge of natural sciences. eleven. Yasnaya Polyana: experience independent life(1849 – 1851). Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana. 1908. Compose an essay from all the subjects that I will study.

Slide 2

Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - great writer 19th century - the golden age of Russian literature. Born on the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Tula province on September 9, 1829, he died on November 20, 1910 at the age of 82. The count belonged to a noble, rich family. He was related to the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. On his mother's side he was related to A.S. Pushkin. In his youth Tolstoy passed military service in the Caucasus, participated in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. After retirement, he traveled extensively throughout Europe. A life full of events and impressions later helped the gifted wordsmith create true literary masterpieces. www.site

Slide 3

The genre of the work is short story. Unlike a fairy tale - fictional fantastic work, the story is a true story, a true story.. www.site

Slide 4

The heroes of Leo Tolstoy's story "The Jump" are sailors (people on deck), a boy, his father - the captain of the ship and a monkey. www.site

Slide 5

Summary- On a calm, warm day, the sailors were bored on the deck of a ship returning from a voyage around the world. Suddenly, a nimble monkey took the hat from a 12-year-old boy - the captain's son - and began to climb the ship's mast with it. Enraged by the ridicule of the sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and, in pursuit of it, climbed to the very top of the tall mast. The sailors were afraid that the boy would fall from such a height and die. Nobody laughed anymore. Suddenly the captain came out of the cabin. Immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation, he shouted at his son: “Jump into the water or I’ll shoot you!” The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors rushed into the water and saved the boy. www.site

Slide 6

Questions about the story: Where do the events take place? (On the ship) Where was the ship returning from? (From the circumnavigation of the world) How old was the boy? (12) Who was the boy's father? (Ship captain) Why did the boy rush after the monkey? (She took the hat from him. He tried to take it away.) The boy was not afraid of heights. He climbed higher and higher after the monkey, regardless of the danger. What was the reason for such reckless behavior? Why did capital cry after his son was saved? www.site

Slide 8

Mast height - masts on ships that in the 19th century. could travel around the world, reaching a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey building. The decks were made of rock-hard wood. www.site

Slide 9

Conclusions - the boy did not feel sorry for his hat at all. He felt uncomfortable because they were laughing at him. Trying to protect his dignity, he committed a rash act that almost cost him his life. You cannot give such importance to the ridicule of the crowd. You must have your own opinion and not succumb to momentary resentment. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from harm. www.site

Slide 10

The climax is a place of special tension of events in the text. www.site

Slide 11

The text consists of 3 parts: introduction - a description of the place where the events unfold; plot - the monkey takes the boy’s hat, everyone laughs, the boy is offended; climax - a boy, chasing a monkey, climbed to the very top of the mast. he is in mortal danger; denouement - the captain saves his son with decisive actions. www.pptcloud.ru

Class: 3

Lesson objectives:

  • Familiarize students with Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”
  • Develop emotional and aesthetic perception of the work
  • Develop Creative skills children
  • Enrich vocabulary and promote speech development
  • Learn to perform project tasks
  • Learn to work in groups
  • Teach the ability to transform literary texts from the perspective of the hero

Educational materials:

Tutorial on literary reading, presentation for the lesson, audio recording of Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump”, handouts for completing project tasks, handouts for reflection.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating knowledge:

– What work did we work with in the last lesson? (With the story “Shark” by L.N. Tolstoy).

III. Checking homework:

  • – What was the homework assignment? (Retelling of this work).
  • – Today we will retell, continuing each other. To make our story more accurate, you can follow the text of the work.

    1. - What kind the main idea what did L.N. Tolstoy want to say with this work? (Children sometimes do not feel danger and commit rash acts that can lead to big trouble. And adults love their children very much, worry about them and sometimes take great risks to help them out of trouble.)

    IV. Introduction to a new topic:

  • – Consider the sailboat for the story “Shark”. Now look at the sailboat on the slide. Slide 2. Such a ship used to serve as the main means of long-distance sea voyages. The deck of such a ship was made of wood as hard as stone; the masts rose 15-25 meters above the deck, i.e. had the height of a 5–8-story building. The masts had crossbars that supported the sails. There were many ropes and rope ladders stretched from crossbar to crossbar.
  • - Let's try to feel how hard it was for the sailors to raise the sails to the crossbars at the top of the masts. ( Fizminutka: children stand up and show with appropriate movements how they raise the sails up).
  • – Today we will get acquainted with a new work. This is Leo Tolstoy's story “The Jump”. Slide 3. The story takes place on a ship on the high seas. This work is also very instructive. Listen carefully and think what the author wanted to tell us.
  • V. An audio recording of Leo Tolstoy’s story “The Jump” is played.

  • – Did you like the story?
  • Repeated reading of the work by strong students.
  • VI. Work on the content of the text:

    (If possible, quote answers from the text).

    – Where do you think there was a monkey on the ship? Slide 4.(The ship was returning from a trip around the world, and she was probably taken somewhere in hot countries.)

    – How to understand the expression “diverged even more”? (This means she writhed even more, jumped, etc.).

    – Why did the baby climb onto the mast of the ship? (The monkey tore his hat off his head, put it on and quickly climbed up the mast. And everyone began to laugh.)

    – How did the monkey behave? (She deftly climbed higher and higher.)

    – What did she do in the end?

    – How did the people on deck initially react to the boy’s pursuit of the monkey?

    – When did everyone freeze in fear? Why? Slide 5.

    – What made the boy come to his senses, look down and stagger?

    -Who came on deck at that moment? Slide 6. What did he have in his hands? For what?

    – What did the captain do when he saw and assessed the situation?

    -What did the boy do?

    - How did you save the boy?

    VII. Characteristics of heroes:

    “Did it happen by chance that the boy climbed to the very top of the mast, or did some of his character traits play a role here: heroism, courage, boasting, self-confidence, touchiness, pride, the desire to test himself or show off, to do everything his own way?” Slide 7.(Children's choice). Slide 8.

    -Who was to blame for the fact that the boy found himself in a dangerous situation?

    Slide 9. (Bring the children to the conclusion that the monkey is only a reason for conflict between the sailors and the boy. After all, he was the son of a captain, and his subordinates laughed at him.)

    – What feelings possessed the boy? (At first he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, then he blushed, rushed after the monkey, he was filled with enthusiasm, he became very excited, then he came to his senses from the screaming and staggered.)

    – What can you say about the character of the captain, the boy’s father? (Strong, resourceful, decisive, a man of his word.)

    – Why do you think the captain cried? (He experienced too much shock. He was very afraid for his son.)

    VIII. Project work:

  • – Now you will split into groups. Each group will receive a card with a project task.
  • After the discussion, we will hear your responses.
  • Children discuss answer options and choose a speaker.

    IX. Lesson summary: – What is the main idea of ​​the story “The Jump”? What did the author want to tell them?

    Slide 10. – Are these two stories “Shark” and “Jump” similar? (The setting is similar - a ship on the water. The mood and experiences are similar: at first everyone good mood

    , then anxiety, excitement, fear, at the end relief, relaxation. In both works, the father saves his son and shows resourcefulness in tragic moments. When their children are on the verge of death, they save them. They are helped by strong paternal feelings. Their characters have courage, the ability to act and not get lost.

    X. Reflection:

    – Did you like today’s lesson?

    – Did you like the work you came across?

    – What did you take away from this work? – How many points did you get?

    Slide 11.

    XI. Homework: prepare an expressive reading of the story “Jump.”


    Task cards for groups:

    • Tell us about what happened from the perspective of the sailor who was on deck as planned:
    • What did I see first and why was it funny?
    • What happened then and why did I feel scared?
    • What did my captain do?

    What do I think about this?

    • Tell us about what happened on behalf of the boy according to plan:
    • What happened and why was I offended?
    • What did I do and why didn't I think about the consequences?
    • When did I get scared?
    • What did my captain do?

    Why did I jump into the water?

    • Tell us about what happened on behalf of the captain according to the plan:
    • What did I see when I went on deck and why did I feel scared?
    • What did I do?
    • How did I feel while my son was underwater?

    Why did I scream and run to my cabin?

    Reflection card:

    1. Evaluate your work in class (choose an answer, circle the required number of points, calculate the result)
    2. Did I listen and read the story carefully? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    3. Have I thought through the answers to the questions posed? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points. Did I participate in
    4. Did I draw the right conclusions after reading this work? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    5. Was I active in class? Yes – 1 point. No – 0 points.
    6. Total I earned: ______ point(s).

    The content of the presentation:

    1. Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich - great writer of the 19th century - the golden age of Russian literature. Born on the Yasnaya Polyana estate in the Tula province on September 9, 1829, he died on November 20, 1910 at the age of 82. The count belonged to a noble, rich family. He was related to the princes Trubetskoy, Golitsyn and other aristocrats. On his mother's side he was related to A.S. Pushkin. In his youth, Tolstoy served in the Caucasus and took part in the heroic defense of Sevastopol. After retirement, he traveled extensively throughout Europe. A life full of events and impressions later helped the gifted wordsmith create true literary masterpieces.

    2. The genre of the work is a story. Unlike a fairy tale - a fictional work of fiction, a story is a true story, a true story...

    3. The heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s story “The Jump” are sailors (people on deck), a boy, his father - the captain of the ship and a monkey.

    4. Summary - On a calm, warm day, the sailors were bored on the deck of a ship returning from a voyage around the world. Suddenly, a nimble monkey took the hat from a 12-year-old boy - the captain's son - and began to climb the ship's mast with it. Enraged by the ridicule of the sailors, the boy rushed to take his hat from the monkey and, in pursuit of it, climbed to the very top of the tall mast. The sailors were afraid that the boy would fall from such a height and die. Nobody laughed anymore. Suddenly the captain came out of the cabin. Immediately realizing the seriousness of the situation, he shouted at his son: “Jump into the water or I’ll shoot you!” The boy jumped into the sea. The sailors rushed into the water and saved the boy.

    5. Questions about the story:

    Where do the events take place? (On the ship)

    Where was the ship returning from? (From circumnavigation)

    How old was the boy? (12)

    Who was the boy's father? (Captain of the ship)

    Why did the boy run after the monkey? (She took the hat from him. He tried to take it away.)

    The boy was not afraid of heights. He climbed higher and higher after the monkey, regardless of the danger. What was the reason for such reckless behavior?

    Why did capital cry after his son was saved?

    6. Other children's stories by Leo Tolstoy, recommended for reading:



    Bishop and robber.

    7. Mast height - masts on ships that in the 19th century. could travel around the world, reaching a height of 25 m, i.e. 8-storey building. The decks were made of rock-hard wood.

    8. Conclusions - the boy did not feel sorry for his hat at all. He felt uncomfortable because they were laughing at him. Trying to protect his dignity, he committed a rash act that almost cost him his life. You cannot give such importance to the ridicule of the crowd. You must have your own opinion and not succumb to momentary resentment. Parents love their children very much and always try to protect them from harm.

    9. Climax is a place of special tension of events in the text.

    10. The text consists of 3 parts:

    introduction - a description of the place where the events unfold;

    plot - the monkey takes the boy’s hat, everyone laughs, the boy is offended;

    climax - a boy, chasing a monkey, climbed to the very top of the mast. he is in mortal danger;

    denouement - the captain saves his son with decisive actions.

    11. Who do you think is to blame for the accident that almost happened? The sailors offended the boy with their ridicule and pushed him to take a risky action.

    12. Why did Leo Tolstoy call his story “The Jump”? (It was the jump that saved the boy’s life).

    13. Describe the boy’s character. (Proud, brave, young and reckless)

    14. Describe the character of the captain. (decisive, man of action, loves his son very much, proud).

    1. Introduce students to another work by L.N. Tolstoy “The Jump”; learn to analyze the actions of heroes. 2.Develop oral coherent speech, cognitive abilities. 3. Introduce the history of the creation of ships 4. Develop a moral attitude towards people around you.

    Retelling the text according to plan. Off the coast of Africa. The long-awaited command: “Swim!” Competition for young swimmers on the open sea. The father admires his son and encourages him. The appearance of a sea monster. The squeals of frightened boys. Father's fear and despair. Instant solution. Rescue the boys. Screams of joy.

    A story about ships. Even in ancient times, people had to move on water in order to hunt or shorten their travel route. For this he used ordinary wood. Then the man needed to transport something, and he tied several trees together. This is how the first raft turned out. In the Stone Age, man learned to use tools, and then, using a stone, he began to hollow out a hole in a tree, and this is how the first boat was created. But many peoples made boats from animal skins

    The first ships - small wooden vessels of various shapes, moving with the help of oars, appeared long before our era in Egypt, Crete, Ancient Greece and Rome. In the 5th century BC, ships with several rows of oars appeared. Ships with two rows of oars were called bremes, and those with three rows were called triremes.

    The crew of the large ship numbered several hundred people. In the 5th century, a faster ship, the galley, was created in Venice. It had a length of 40 - 50 meters, a width of 6 meters, one row of oars, a crew of up to 450 people, and a speed of 7 knots (13 km/h). In addition to the oars, it had two masts with slanting sails. The transition from rowing to sailing fleet was carried out until the 15th – 15th centuries.

    Working on content. How did the monkey appear on the ship? Why is there nothing about the monkey at the end of the story? How do you understand the phrase “diverged even more”? How can you say it in other words? Find in the text and read what the monkey did with the hat? How did the boy behave in the first two minutes when he was left without a hat? Read it. How did events unfold next?

    How do you understand the phrase “the boy got excited”? How can you say it in other words? Notice what verbs the author used to characterize the boy’s actions? What does this tell him? Why did the boy climb the ship's mast? Has the attitude of others to the monkey’s antics and the boy’s behavior changed? At what point did this happen? Read it. What did the captain do to save the boy? Why do you think the captain cried? In which episode were you worried about the boy? What would you do if you were in the boy's place? What advice would you give to a boy?

    Work in groups with proverbs. Assignment: Read the proverbs proposed in the card and say which of them can be attributed to the stories of Leo Tolstoy. Name this story. 1) Be brave in mind and heart. 2) The father is proud that his son is a brave man. 3) You can’t do well with skill alone, without habit. 4) It’s fun for some, but I’m not laughing. 5) Where the fighter realizes, the end of the enemy is there.