On the eve of the New Year holidays, many parents are wondering: what shows to attend to please their children? Today, the choice of New Year's performances is very large. At the same time, parents strive not only to please their children on holidays, but to ensure that entertainment activities also contain an educational aspect.

Performances and theatrical performances ideal for such purposes. Main question: how to choose a truly high-quality presentation? "Social Navigator" and MIA "Russia Today" present to your attention a list of the most popular New Year's performances for young viewers.

Several performances and productions took the leading position in the rating. These included:
"Gear. Mechanical heart". This performance is held in the Alexandrovsky concert hall. Musical performance "A Tale of Friendship", it is represented by A. Shilov Gallery. Unique "Sand serpentine"- everyone can attend this unforgettable show within the theater, the productions of which are based on sand animation.

Family events of this type are becoming increasingly popular. And the creators of performances and entertainment for children are trying to improve their productions. In this regard, of course, the cost of attending such festive events rises. This can be seen from the statistics "New Year trees 2015-2016", it has also been conducted by MIA “Russia Today” for five years.

At the second level in popularity in these statistics are four more New Year's events for babies:
"New Year's Eve in art gallery - 3" ; "New Year's Courage"; "Home Christmas tree"; Children's party for little spectators "Christmas tree-sticks-New Year".

Seven productions took an honorable third place:
"New Year with Peppa Pig"; Kremlin Christmas tree; "KinoElka", an unforgettable show Christmas tree in Mosfilm; "My first Christmas tree"; "Masquerade at Korstonyat's"; "Secret mission Morozova"; "The Mischievous Snowman or Treasure Planet".

According to statistics, it is safe to say that every year the number of productions that take part in the competition for leadership increases. Which naturally has a positive effect on the quality of such events. A year ago, for example, only 7 children's performances were among the leaders. Today there are twice as many such performances.

This is due to the fact that many organizers of children's New Year's parties strive to raise their performances to the highest level. After all, it is very difficult to take into account all the nuances when working with such a demanding public. Even the names of the New Year's show can have great importance in its perception by the viewer.

Daria Tyurina, an expert at “Social Navigator” and the author of the rating, notes that in the capital there are still many low-quality New Year’s shows. When buying tickets for such productions, you never know what to expect.

During the New Year's show season entertainment programs 2015-2016, more than a hundred children's productions took part in the rating. In these statistics, the score was given to the name of the presentation, storyline, visual component (presented on the Internet), availability New Year's gifts for little guests. Age recommendations and their suitability for the intended audience also played an important role. After all, it is very important that the child can easily perceive the duration of the performance.

Analyzing children's New Year's performances for young viewers of the capital, experts came to the conclusion that, regardless of the presence of many different shows using modern technologies and special effects, chamber productions and New Year's shows for the whole family. And of course, mixing different genres in creating New Year's holidays for children.

The musical production "A Tale of Friendship", presented by the Alexander Shilov Gallery, has a limited number of seats (no more than forty-five people). sells out early.

New Year's show, which is shown by the Sand Theater and occupies a leading position in the popularity rating of New Year's productions, is designed for twenty-five seats. This is a big plus, because the atmosphere in the hall can be called homely, and attention is paid to every child.

These cozy displays have a very beneficial effect on the state of mind of guests. After all, residents of megacities often experience psychological fatigue from noisy, public events. And such uncrowded New Year's performances for children in Moscow provide an opportunity to spend time practically at home. This is confirmed by many child psychologists. Indeed, today many educational institutions (kindergartens, schools) have very large groups of students, which leads to emotional stress on children.

An important fact that influenced the elevation of the above ideas to the rank of leaders is the educational moment. After all, the production that is offered to children should not only entertain children, but also teach and educate. For example, on the show "Sand serpentine", each guest can try himself as a creator of paintings in the sand.

And the show "GEAR. Mechanical heart"- this is a real active performance in which every spectator takes part. Children dance, sing, fly kites and wonderful bubbles.

The cost of a ticket to popular New Year's productions is, of course, not cheap entertainment. After all, prices for a New Year tree average about one and a half thousand rubles per ticket.
Many parents are interested in what age should they start taking their child to shows and New Year's performances so that it is as informative and useful as possible? No pediatric specialist can give a definite answer to this question. After all, many factors play a role here. The main thing, of course, is the characteristics of each baby. After all, it happens that at two years old it is difficult for a child to understand what is happening on stage. Also, a child may not feel comfortable in a company where there are many people.

For the first time, experts advise preparing your child for visiting the theater. This shouldn't be a surprise. The child should be told about the meeting with the heroes of the holiday. So that the child does not get scared and get stress instead of fun. In addition, if the child’s behavior shows that he is tired or does not feel comfortable at the holiday, you should support him, calm him down, or even take him home, without turning the fun into a test for the baby.

If parents pay attention to the child’s behavior while attending the first performances, then new year holidays The child will remember with joy all his life. In addition, this will help instill in the child a love for theater and cultural events of this kind.

If you don’t like the classic New Year tree in the Kremlin with a round dance and a sweet gift in a fancy-shaped box, pay attention to alternative children’s performances. There are a huge number of them planned for December and January, but it’s better to hurry when buying tickets - they sell out instantly.

For the little ones

Interactive performance “Winter in the Magic Forest”

A kind and exciting show for spectators from one to 3.5 years old. Children will learn the story of the fairytale forest and its inhabitants who first encountered the coming of winter. The performance is interactive, which means that little spectators will participate in the performance. Together with their parents and heroes, they will have to set up a winter corner, decorate a Christmas tree and make a craft that they will be allowed to take away as a souvenir. There are no more than ten children at each performance, and it lasts about half an hour. After the activity, children will have the opportunity to play and take photos with the characters.

Address: musical interactive space “Tim-tilim”, st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 31

Price: 750 rubles

Christmas weeks "Anna-Lisa and the Bear"

Festive micro-musical for kids based on the fairy tale “How cowardly people are!” Swedish writer Hjalmar Bergman. With the help of music, children will be told the story of a girl named Anna-Lisa, who became friends with a large and scary bear. The girl was not afraid of the beast, because she simply did not know that it was worth fearing. The ticket price includes the performance itself, master classes, an interactive program, refreshments and gifts.

Address:“Mom’s Garden Seasons”, Hermitage Garden, st. Karetny Ryad, 3

Price: 2,700 rubles (family ticket for one adult and one child)

Holiday "Little Christmas Tree"

A cozy and calm New Year's holiday for children who are celebrating their first New Year in their lives, from the project “Together with Mom.” The kids will meet Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the bunny, decorate the Christmas tree, dance in circles and sing songs to live music. At the end of the performance, little spectators will receive a gift (it is included in the ticket price).

Address: st. Pokrovka, 4

Price: 1,800 rubles (family ticket for one adult and one child)

Performance "Dream on New Year's Eve"

The authors of the play mixed several children's fairy tales, and it turned out to be a fascinating New Year's journey, which involves a large number of characters from Koshchei the Immortal to Father Frost, who, in addition to the Snow Maiden, is helped by the symbol of the next year - the rooster. Young viewers will also not stand aside and will help good defeat evil.

Address: Puppet Theater "Firebird", st. Stromynka, 3

Price: 700 rubles

Small-scale theatrical production “Snow Ball”

The performance from the Green School lasts 45 minutes and is based on improvisation and the ability of the actors to react to the situation as innocently as children do. During the presentation-communication process, kids will be able to touch everyone theatrical miracles. At the end, everyone will be treated to tea and gifts.

Address: st. Krymsky Val, 9, building 4

Price: 2,000 rubles (family ticket for one adult and one child)

For older children

Circus show Zamorozka

New Year's performance with the participation of circus stars from different countries the world, which will perform acrobatic acts and tricks on the stage of the Moskvich cultural center, will appeal to both children and adults. Viewers will have to figure out why people smile and what miracles a kind smile can create, defeat the evil wizard and unfreeze the good fairy. It won't be possible without Santa Claus. Please note that the gift is not included in the ticket price; a ticket for it can be purchased for an additional 500 rubles.

Address: CC "Moskvich", Volgogradsky prosp., 45/15

Price: from 600 rubles

Ice show “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”

A traditional New Year's story, which was turned into a large-scale show with a huge budget. The performance involves Olympic champions Adelina Sotnikova, Alexey Yagudin, Tatyana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin, the costumes are created in France, the weight of the props and equipment is estimated in tons. The hall is also huge, so tickets far from the stage can be bought for 800 rubles. The most expensive ticket in the stalls will cost 3 thousand rubles.

Address: Ice Palace "Park of Legends", st. Avtozavodskaya, 23

Price: from 800 rubles

Scientific tree from Polytechnic

Even such a holiday as the New Year at the Polytechnic turned out to be very scientific. The action, called “An Ordinary New Year on Proxima b,” begins with the story of how scientists discovered the closest exoplanet to Earth, Proxima Centauri b, on which life can exist. And where there is life, there is the New Year. But to celebrate, the children will need to solve many problems in biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics. There will be gifts for everyone at the end. The organizers draw the attention of parents to the fact that the Christmas tree is designed for children aged seven years and older; a younger child may simply not be allowed in.

Address: CC "ZIL", st. Vostochnaya, 4, bldg. 1

Price: 2,000 rubles

New Year's adventures in KidZania

The city of children's professions "KidZania" also planned a special holiday program. Children will meet all sorts of fairy-tale creatures and, of course, Santa Claus, as well as participate in various competitions and quizzes. Treats and gifts await everyone. During the holidays, New Year's professions will appear in KidZania, a street fair will open, and the city will be decorated with bright lights.

Address: Shopping center "Aviapark", Khodynsky Blvd., 4

Price: 3,750 rubles

New Year in "Living Systems"

Another fascinating scientific tree called “New Year’s Journey to the Enchanted BIO-Kingdom.” This is not just a performance with a traditional holiday rescue, but a real quest throughout the museum, interesting experiences, games and gifts. Children under ten years of age are allowed on the Christmas tree only if accompanied by adults; for an adult ticket you will have to pay an additional 950 rubles.

Address: Bioexperimentarium “Living Systems”, st. Butyrskaya, 46/2

Price: 1,950 rubles

New Year's performance at the Museum of Cosmonautics

The New Year's space fairy tale "Snow Brothers" is a story about how Winter decided to marry one of her sons (their names are December, January and February) to the Snow Maiden and what came of it. The show's website states that the performance received official approval from the astronauts who returned from orbit. Their names, however, are not specified. The ticket price includes an independent visit to the museum exhibition.

Address: ave. Mira, 111

Price: from 1,100 rubles

Performances of the Snark Theater on the ship "Bryusov"

For the first time in its history, the theater is organizing a New Year's tree. The chosen site was unusual place- ship "Bryusov". In total, two performances are planned: “New Year’s Portrait” for children from six years old and “Fairy Tales” children's world» for children from four years old. Guests of each of these performances will enjoy an interactive program and New Year's gifts.

Address: ship "Bryusov", Krymskaya embankment, 9

Price: from 800 rubles

Film tree from the Mosfilm studio

Viewers will be treated to a festive journey into the world of cinema. The fairy-tale performance, the main characters of which will be young spectators, is based on a plot reminiscent of a dystopia. The new director of the magical Film Academy has banned miracles, creativity, holidays and love. This is what the children will have to fight, and Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will help them. The program includes impressive special effects, music, songs and dances. After the performance, in a specially equipped film village, you will be able to take pictures, take part in master classes, apply makeup and play with the animators.

Address: st. Mosfilmovskaya, 1

Price: from 1,370 rubles

New Year's program at the Museum of Moscow

Interactive theatrical program for children 5–10 years old. Participants will travel back in time and learn how Muscovites used to celebrate the New Year. There is also a quest element here: the children will have to solve riddles along the way and look for precious treasures of the past for the New Year tree.

Address: Zubovsky Blvd., 2

Price: 1,600 rubles

Scientific adventure from the Moscow Planetarium

New Year's scientific adventure with complete immersion in the atmosphere of a real space station. All the action takes place in game reality in full-size sets with working equipment and crew. For convenience, the missions are divided by age so that children solve feasible tasks. There are programs for children 7–10 years old, 11–13 years old and for teenagers over 16 years old. The ticket price includes a gift.

Address: st. Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1

Price: from 1,650 rubles

Cover: Olesya S. Los/Project “Together with Mom”

New Year's performances for children in Moscow in 2019-2020 will traditionally be colorful, large-scale, with the participation of your favorite artists, figure skaters, clowns, and illusionists. Full program and exact schedule ice shows, performances, matinees in theaters, galleries, concert halls and at other public sites will be approved closer to December 2019. But even based on the incomplete list of events, it is clear that a good mood is guaranteed for Muscovites and guests of the capital.

Kremlin Christmas tree

Grandiose New Year's performances 2020 for children in Moscow will be held at the State Kremlin Palace from December 24, 2019 to January 8, 2020.

  • Address of the GKD: Vozdvizhenka street, building 1.
  • Performances start at 10.00, 14.00 and 18.00.
  • Ticket prices range from 4,500 to 14,000 rubles.

An hour before the main show, an interesting program begins with a disco, games, competitions, and musical entertainment for children. At the Kremlin Palace, preschoolers and schoolchildren will meet fairy-tale characters and have the opportunity to send a letter to Santa Claus or communicate with his representatives.

Then the festive performance will begin on the main stage of the Kremlin. No child will be left without a gift.

Events organized at concert venue capital city hall, are not inferior in the variety of scenarios and colorful decorations to the holidays in the State Palace of Culture. At the same time, the prices are quite affordable: tickets for New Year's performances 2019-2020 will cost 1000-4000 rubles.

The performances take place at 36 Novy Arbat Street. There is no exact schedule yet. The organizers keep the program of events secret so that children do not lose interest in it ahead of time. Judging by the experience of past years, the performance will be not only interesting, but also educational. Last time, the artists easily, entertainingly and unobtrusively showed the audience how dangerous the passion for computer games and excessive time spent on the Internet is. Even adults believed in the sincerity of what was happening on stage.

Factory of the Scientific Tree in Living Systems

Anyone who has ever dreamed of being where Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are preparing for New Year's magic, “Living Systems” is invited to the Scientific Christmas Tree Factory! Brave researchers will visit the production of scientific miracles and see with their own eyes how a real holiday is created! And if all stages of production are completed and the secrets of the magic are revealed, the guys will create their own New Year's extravaganza!

Moscow State University them. Lomonosov has prepared an interactive science show for children.

  • Venue: Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, 1.
  • Dates: December 21, 2019 – January 8, 2020.
  • Duration – 2 hours.
  • Ticket price for children is 3000 rubles (+ adults free).

In a programme:

  1. Cryo show. It includes experiments with liquid nitrogen and dry ice, effectively smoking chocolate flakes.
  2. Tesla show. For some time, preschoolers and schoolchildren will turn into magicians from cartoons and fantasy games, they will independently release lightning, make swords shine and glow.
  3. A tour of the university - it starts on the main square and covers classrooms and laboratories.
  4. Congratulations from teachers and graduate students, presenting children with sweet gifts and personalized certificates of visiting the university.
  5. Photo session for memory.

What would New Year's holidays be without ice shows? During the holidays there will be several of them in the Russian capital. Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko will delight the citizens and guests of Moscow with a new ice show “Cinderella”.

The organizers will specify the venue, dates and times of performances closer to the premiere. It is known that the new program will feature stars of classical ballet and figure skating; the director of “Cinderella” is People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Filin. The main roles will be played by Sochi Olympic champions Adelina Sotnikova and Yulia Lipnitskaya.

Olympic champion Tatyana Navka and her team are also preparing New Year's show on ice. It will take place from December 29, 2019 to January 7, 2020.

  • The schedule shows two sessions: 13.00 and 18.00.
  • Venue: Sports Palace "Megasport", Khodynsky Boulevard, 3. Landmark - CSKA metro station.
  • Ticket prices are 2500-3900 rubles.

The organizers promise the audience a real fairy tale on ice with magic, an entertaining plot and beautiful skating, bewitching artistry and music. It cannot be otherwise, because the best skaters of the country are participating in the performance.

“A Tale of Friendship” in the Shilov Gallery topped last year’s rating of children’s New Year’s parties according to RIA Novosti. This year, the organizers promise an even more exciting performance - the musical fairy tale “School of Grandfather Frost.”

  • You can watch it from December 14, 2019 to January 12, 2020.
  • Venue: Alexander Shilov Gallery at 3 Znamenka Street. Landmark: Borovitskaya metro station.
  • The price of participation for a child is 1900 rubles, for an adult – 1600 rubles.

Preliminary show times are 11.30, 14.00, 16.30 (the schedule is subject to change). The performance lasts 2 hours and includes:

  • watching a fairy tale;
  • dancing, singing;
  • learning to play ancient instruments;
  • circus acts;
  • photo with Father Frost and Snow Maiden;
  • present;
  • acquaintance with the paintings exhibited in the gallery.

The plot of the fairy tale is about kindness, friendship, fidelity. main character Klyaksa was offended by the school staff for not being invited there. The blot decided to take revenge and stole magic tools from the forest master. Their magic is that they make sounds that awaken nature. The master's granddaughter goes in search of the stolen property, and her friends, including those from the audience, help her in this.

Musical “The Snow Queen. Global warming"

The Helikon Opera troupe also prepared a children's holiday musical.

  • The theater is located on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, 19/16. Landmark - Arbatskaya metro station.
  • The musical will run for only 2 days: December 28 and 29.
  • Starts at 11.00 and 15.00.
  • Ticket prices start from 2000 rubles.

The musical is based on the well-known fairy tale plot " The Snow Queen" The main character will serious challenge– she will face global warming and feel its consequences. The director and actors promise that it will be fun, entertaining and instructive. The main intrigue is the script, in which everything is turned upside down, but this will make the musical even brighter, more colorful, and will immerse the audience in an atmosphere of miracle and magic. What's New Year without a miracle?

Performance "The Secret of the Enchanted Prince"

The Lenkom Theater will also delight children. On December 28-29, 2019, the play “The Secret of the Enchanted Prince” will take place on its stage.

  • Performances start at 12.00, 14.00, 18.00.
  • Duration – 70 minutes.
  • Ticket prices range from 1,000 to 6,000 rubles. You can purchase them at the theater box office at the address: Malaya Dmitrovka Street, 6. Landmark: Tverskaya, Pushkinskaya, and Chekhovskaya metro stations.

The production director of the play, Sergei Dyachkovsky, took as a basis the fairy tale “The Nutcracker and mouse king" Viewers will meet well-known characters - they have matured, but still believe in miracles. Good fairy tale filled with modern magic in the form of special effects, play of light and shadows, sand animation and other wonders. Each little guest receives a sweet gift.

Other entertainment

On the eve of the New Year, dozens of paid and free platforms for the whole family will operate in Moscow.

  1. You can visit ice towns and look at sculptures made from ice in Sokolniki, on Poklonnaya Hill, in Izmailovsky Park, at VDNKh, in Gorky Park.
  2. Almost 40 slides are organized in the capital, from which you can ride sleds and cheesecakes.
  3. The central streets, boulevards and squares of Moscow will shine with millions of lights, light tunnels will appear on them, fairy forests and other holiday attributes.

Out-of-towners and foreigners will be interested in the thematic excursion “New Year trees of Moscow” with a visit to Red Square, Sparrow Hills and Arbat - places where, according to tradition, the most beautiful forest beauties are installed. Such excursions are offered by many metropolitan travel agencies. The cost varies from 500 to 1000 rubles. Guides for some routes are Santa Clauses.

Tickets to the Kremlin Christmas tree are in great demand during the New Year holidays, because the Kremlin Christmas tree (also called the State Kremlin Palace Christmas tree) is rightfully considered the most important performance for children.
For all Russians, the living personification of the New Year is the spruce tree near the Kremlin Palace. Every year since 1961, this place turns into a real fairy tale for children and adults. The traditional festival has only gained strength over the years, and at the moment the Christmas tree in the Kremlin 2021 is the most anticipated event of the year. The scenario of the Christmas tree in the Kremlin Palace was worked out by the best and most talented professionals in the country. Honored figures of theater and music take part in the productions. Buying tickets to the Christmas tree in the Kremlin is the best gift for your loved ones, because everyone probably dreams of something like this.

Christmas tree in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is the place where the holiday atmosphere is captured best. By purchasing tickets to the Christmas tree at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a parent introduces his child to spiritual values. Here he gets acquainted with one of the main attractions of the country. History comes to life before his eyes and cultural heritage. Religion will be introduced visually. A whole group of professionals who participated in the creation of the Christmas tree in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior will tell in a colorful way about the dogmas of Christianity. A nice bonus there will be a distribution of gifts, an appearance fairy tale characters, the opportunity to participate in the event.
Circus New Year's shows

Christmas tree in the Circus

You can’t ignore the New Year trees in the circus this holiday. After all, they are created there incredible shows with the best artists of the circus arena. Even adults are recommended to plan a trip to the circus; the exciting stunts will amaze any viewer. The real atmosphere of a winter celebration will happen here too. Children will look into a fairy tale and meet animated characters from their favorite cartoons. Professionals in their field will perform skits, whole stories and a beautiful program for visitors. There will be competitions and gifts for the youngest participants of the show. The Christmas tree at Nikulin's circus and the Zapashny brothers' New Year's show received great recognition from the audience. Tickets for the Christmas tree at the circus are among the first to be sold out.

Christmas tree in Crocus City Hall

A great gift for your child would be buying a ticket to the Christmas tree at Crocus City Hall. The organizers surprise their visitors every time, offering to plunge into the cartoon world. The New Year's tree in Crocus is a bright and memorable performance with the participation of professional artists. A place where your child will definitely not be bored. Here, children actively participate in the event itself: they solve riddles, help the characters, show off their skills, and learn new things.