As you, dear and respected readers, may have noticed from my previous posts, not so long ago (a month ago) I returned from a trip to our northern neighbor, the Republic of Belarus. About cities, their appearance, attractions, etc. I told you. And now I would like to tell you about an integral part and one of the integral symbols of any civilized state - the Belarusian railway, especially the passenger transportation system.

Although the Belarusian Railway (hereinafter referred to as BC, abbreviated from the official name BZD-Belarusian Chygunka) some 25 years ago was part of the same huge railway transport system as the railways of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as UZ, abbreviated from the official name Ukrzaliznytsia ), during this period, many differences formed between them, which will mainly be discussed. So, the first and most important difference lies in the classification of railway transportation. In the vastness of Uzbekistan, a more “soviet” system of dividing trains into suburban and night trains has been preserved passenger (fast, passenger and express) and day passenger (Intercity, regional express and regional train), of which during independence only such a thing as a day passenger train appeared." In Soviet times, trains of this format ran as local ones. In Belarus During the period of independence, the train classification system has changed dramatically, becoming more modern and European. The former commuter trains changed their name to regional economy class trains, passenger trains began to be divided into interregional economy class, business class and international trains. Also such concepts as trains of urban and commercial lines appeared. Each of these subtypes of trains began to have its own markings and colors, the symbols of these subtypes were the types of flowers growing on the territory of Belarus

Now let's move on to such an important factor as the quality of service and service at stations, stations and inside trains. In this regard, important advantages of BC in relation to UZ are a much higher degree of modernization of the country's main stations (interactive electronic displays, better and more modern finishing of ticket offices halls and waiting rooms), the absence of division into suburban, intercity and international ticket offices, the ability to buy a train ticket using a payment card of international systems, the presence of self-service ticket machines at the largest train stations (however, only the owner of a national payment system card can buy a ticket from such a machine , Belkart", which I managed to get burned on once.) The photo below shows the waiting room and ticket office of one of these modernized train stations - the Grodno station.

Most of the largest Ukrainian train stations, reconstructed during the 2000s and 2010s, do not look like after a nuclear war, but clearly do not reach the level of modern ones. Let's just say that such a reconstruction could have been considered ideal in the 70s and 80s last century, but not now
Another important factor in railway transportation is the frequency of trains. In this regard, BC is also significantly ahead of UZ trains, which run at Soviet frequency, there are a large number of direct cars, since Soviet times, not on any branch, not counting some sections on the border with other states, the movement was not cancelled.
The third factor by which UZ and BC can be compared is the condition of the rolling stock. It is also worth noting the advantage of BC - the majority of the rolling stock on interregional and international lines is either new or new. It was a shock for me to see a modern carriage with a vacuum toilet and an electronic display, next in general mode on a regular train. The rolling stock of regional business class lines and city lines consists entirely of modern Swiss-made trains, the so-called Stadler Flirt. By the way, these trains have recently been produced on
territory of Belarus, in the suburb of Minsk Fanipol

On regional economy class lines, just like our suburban lines, there are mostly good old electric or diesel trains produced by the Riga Carriage Works, although there are also newer examples, such as DP1 (620M) or modernized DR1B

But we also have such examples, so
What can we say that in terms of suburban MVPS, UZ is approximately on the same level as BC. Although this statement is debatable, because Belarusian rolling stock is much better looked after than Ukrainian. The photo below shows a typical electric train of the only depot serving Belarusian electric trains-Minsk PM-9

Another factor by which our railways can be compared are tariffs. We can say with confidence that in Belarus they are quite cheap, more expensive than in Ukraine, but quite adequate to the income of the local population. For 100 km of travel on regional economy class lines BC you will pay 16,800 Belarusian rubles (21.84 UAH, 60.66 rubles), while in Ukraine (in the vastness of, for example, the Lvov railway) it will cost 15 hryvnia (11,538 Belarusian rubles, 41.6 rubles).
So, it is logical that having discussed all the advantages of the Belarusian Railway, we can calmly move on to its disadvantages. The first and most important of them is the high degree of negligence of the control workers; on the evening train to Minsk there may be no controllers or conductors at all. Or they may simply sit in the carriage and never once during the entire trip go to check or sell tickets. None of the Belarusian stations are ticketed, none have such a thing as platform control of passengers. Also not a very pleasant fact is the absence of glasses in the cup holders in most carriages and the absence of many types of social benefits in a state that declares itself social.
But in general terms, we can say with confidence that warhead is still constantly progressing, it has a more or less bright present and a good and clear future, which, alas, cannot be said about its native UZ.

Indicate the route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways about the availability of tickets and their cost. Choose the appropriate train and place. Pay for your ticket using one of the suggested methods. Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.

How to return a purchased train ticket?

Is it possible to pay for a ticket by card? Is it safe?

Yes, sure. Payment occurs through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel.The gateway was developed in accordance with the requirements of the international security standard PCI DSS. The gateway software has successfully passed the audit according to version 3.1.The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode.The payment form is optimized for various browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

Purchasing an electronic ticket on the website is a modern and fast way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.When purchasing an electronic train ticket, seats are redeemed immediately at the time of payment.After payment, to board the train you need to either register electronically or print a ticket at the station.Electronic registration Not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can complete it by clicking on the appropriate button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printout of your boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.Print e-ticket You can do so at any time before the train departs at the ticket office at the station or at the self-registration terminal. To do this, you need a 14-digit order code (you will receive it via SMS after payment) and an original ID.

For many residents of Belarus, rail transport is one of the most comfortable, reliable and affordable travel options. The history of the Belarusian Railway began more than 150 years ago - in 1862, when train traffic was opened on the Grodno-Porechye section.

Today BZD occupies a leading position in the national transport services market. Every year, railway transport in Belarus transports more than 140 million tons of cargo and 90 million passengers, providing over 60% of the country's total freight turnover and 30% of passenger turnover.

Structure of the Belarusian Railway

The Belarusian Railway includes 29 organizations, each of which has the status of a legal entity; 7 separate structural divisions (branches); as well as 3 representative offices abroad - in Russia, Kazakhstan and Poland. In total, over 79,000 people work at the Belarusian Railways. Among them are representatives of about 500 professions. Railway workers honor their traditions - about 400 labor dynasties work on the railway.

The Belarusian Railway has 572 passenger stopping points and 320 passenger stations, 19 large stations, including 4 extra-curricular ones. On average, more than 200 thousand people are transported by rail per day.

The organization of cargo transportation is provided by 370 stations: 9 of them are sorting stations and 27 are cargo stations. The average daily loading volume exceeds 200,000 tons.

Passenger Transportation

« Belarusian Chygunka" is a world-famous brand. Today, passenger rail service connects Belarus with Paris, Nice, Berlin, Warsaw, Prague, Bucharest, Vienna, as well as the capitals and administrative centers of Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, and Kazakhstan.

In communication with the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and Kazakhstan, up to 34 pairs of trains of permanent circulation of the Belarusian Railways run. Including the Belarusian Railways, it forms 6 international branded trains, of which 5 are in communication with the Russian Federation and 1 with the capital of Ukraine.

In recent years, the passenger rail transportation system in Belarus has changed significantly. Today, passenger transportation by public rail transport is carried out in the following types of communications:

  • urban (city lines);
  • regional (regional lines);
  • interregional (interregional lines);
  • international (international lines);
  • commercial (commercial lines).

City lines represent the transportation of passengers within the city of Minsk, the regional center and beyond, but not further than stations (stopping points) located in satellite cities. Today, modern 4-car electric trains on city lines connect Minsk with three satellite cities: Zaslavl, Rudensky and Smolevichi.

Are in constant demand among passengers regional business class trains. On November 19, 2011, regular service was opened on the Minsk-Baranovichi-Minsk and Baranovichi-Brest-Baranovichi routes, and a month and a half later, business class regional trains began running on the Minsk-Orsha-Minsk route. The work carried out to modernize the infrastructure and electrify the Osipovichi-Bobruisk section made it possible, starting from April 6, 2013, to carry out transportation by regional business class trains between Minsk and Bobruisk.

Since May 2013, new train routes of regional business class lines have been introduced on the sections Orsha-Krichev-Kommunary, Kommunary-Mogilev; in September 2013 - on the Minsk-Zhlobin section; in 2014 - on the Minsk-Molodechno section.

Regional economy lines provide transport services to the segment of passengers not covered by business class lines, and are the most popular type of transportation.

Interregional lines represent the transportation of passengers between Minsk and regional centers, as well as between the regional centers of the republic themselves. Depending on the speed of delivery to the destination and the number of stops along the route, interregional lines are divided into business and economy class.

The movement of interregional business class trains is carried out on routes connecting the capital with Brest, Gomel and Vitebsk.

International lines- transportation between the Republic of Belarus and other states. They provide passenger service between the city of Minsk, regional centers of the republic and capitals, as well as individual regions of other states.

The Belarusian Railway pays great attention to improving the quality of passenger service and updating rolling stock. As part of the State Program for the Development of Railway Transport of the Republic of Belarus for 2011-2015, the Belarusian Railways acquired 7 passenger diesel locomotives; 16 electric trains produced by the Swiss company Stadler Bussnang AG; 9 diesel trains of various compositions developed by the Polish company PESA Bydgoszсz JSC.

Procedure for purchasing travel documents

Ticket sales on the Belarusian Railway are fully automated and carried out through the Express-3 automated control system.

To sell travel documents for trains of regional economy class lines and city lines using bank payment cards, self-service payment and reference terminals have been installed.

In February 2011, a system for selling travel documents of the Belarusian Railway on the website was put into operation

Electronic registration has been introduced when purchasing tickets via the Internet, which allows the passenger to travel on the train in accordance with the order paid via the Internet without issuing a travel document at the ticket office.

Advantages of transit

The favorable geopolitical location of the Belarusian Railway at the crossroads of the II and IX pan-European transport corridors, at the junction of the 1435 mm and 1520 mm gauges, determines its role as the most important connecting link between the countries of Europe and Asia. Today, the priority activity of the Belarusian Railways is the development of transit transportation. The share of transit in the total volume of freight traffic along the Belarusian highway is about 30%.

A number of stable railway routes for transit freight flows have been formed in Belarus. First of all, this is the transportation of goods to the ports of Latvia along the Zaolsha-Bigosovo route, as well as in communication with the Kaliningrad region and Lithuania. Transportation to and from the European Union countries is important within the framework of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. II, as well as between the countries of the Baltic and Black Seas within the framework of the Pan-European Transport Corridor No. IX.

The transfer of cargo to the Belarusian Railway in the East-West-East connection is carried out at three border crossings: Brest-Terespol, Bruzgi-Kuznitsa Bialystotskaya and Svisloch-Siemyanuvka. The main capacities of the transshipment and warehouse infrastructure are concentrated on the border with Poland; there is significant potential for organizing the transshipment of bulk cargo. The cargo terminals provide a full range of services for the processing and storage of cargo of various types.

The Belarusian Railway is ready to provide reliable transport links between China and European countries, to become the optimal transport and logistics link in the implementation of large-scale projects in the field of economics and transport logistics.

Over the past years, the number of regular freight container trains running between China and Western Europe has been steadily growing. Today the following trains regularly run on the Belarusian Railway:

  • China - Poland (Chengdu-Lodz);
  • China - Germany (Chengzhou - Hamburg);
  • "New Silk Road" China - Germany (Chongqing-Duisburg);
  • "BMW" Germany - China (Leipzig - Shenyang);
  • Ford Germany - China (Duisburg - Chongqing);
  • "Saule" Lithuania - China;
  • China - Germany (Wuhan - Hamburg);
  • China - Spain (Yiwu - Madrid).

Infrastructure modernization

The strategic goal of the Belarusian Railway is to modernize its infrastructure. One of the most important projects in this area is the electrification of railway lines.

Today, railway lines within the II Pan-European Transport Corridor are fully electrified.

A large-scale investment project is being implemented to electrify the Gomel-Zhlobin-Osipovichi and Zhlobin-Kalinkovichi sections of the IX Pan-European Transport Corridor. In September 2013, the first stage of this project was implemented - the Zhlobin-Osipovichi section was opened.

After completion of the electrification of the Zhlobin-Gomel section, the operational length of the electrified sections of the Belarusian Railway will be 1091.2 km or 19.5% of the total length of the highway.

In September 2015, the Belarusian Railway began electrification of the Molodechno-Gudogai-state border section.

Much attention is paid to the development of cargo infrastructure. In particular, in 2015, the Belarusian Railways completed the modernization of the Kolyadichi City Freight Station, which is part of the Minsk Transport and Logistics Center, as a result of which its storage and cargo processing capacity was significantly increased. Today, the Kolyadichi station is the most important link in the organization of export-import freight transportation on the Belarusian Railway, including container transportation. At the Kolyadichi station, cargo is processed and transshipped to the regions of Belarus, as well as to the CIS countries, the Baltics and abroad using the capabilities of rail and road transport.

Cooperation with foreign countries

The Belarusian Railway actively cooperates with the railway administrations of the CIS countries, the Baltic countries, the European Union and far abroad, and also participates in the activities of such international transport organizations as:

  • Commonwealth Rail Transport Council;
  • Organization of cooperation between railways;
  • International Union of Railways;
  • Coordination conference on planning and implementation of transportation in international passenger traffic
  • International Association “Coordination Council for Trans-Siberian Transportation”.

Representative offices of the Belarusian Railway abroad:

  • In Russian federation
    Russia, 125047, Moscow, pl. Tverskoy Zastava, 5a, office 219,
    Tel./fax (+7 499) 262 94 27,
    [email protected]
  • in the Republic of Kazakhstan
    Kazakhstan, 010000, Astana, st. D. Kunaeva, 6,
    Tel. (+7 7172) 60 04 99, fax (+7 7172) 60 04 98,
    [email protected]
  • in the Republic of Poland
    Republic of Poland, PL 00-681 Warsaw, ul. Hoza 63/67,
    Phone: tel./fax (+48 22) 47 44 080, tel. (+48 22) 47 44 822
    [email protected]

The Belarusian Railway (Belarusian Chygunka) is a state association subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus. It includes 66 organizations with legal entity status, as well as three representative offices.

The Office of the Belarusian Railway is considered to be the apparatus of the warhead. BC is also connected with the railways of some countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Ukraine).

Contact information of the Belarusian Railway:

  • Address: Minsk city st. Lenin 17.
  • Phone number: +375 17 225-63-10 (Inquiry).
  • Fax: +375 17 227-56-48.
  • Official website
  • Opening hours: the help desk is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Belorusskaya Railway

The railway provides moving services not only to any point in the country, but also in an international format.
Belarusian cast iron: official website of the company

The website contains an online train schedule for the Belarusian Railway:

Helpful information: Belarusian Chygunka suggests visiting the website, which is quite modern and easy to use. Here you will find all the necessary information. The site also has a line that makes it easier to find information, and a personal account for the Belarusian Chygunka.

Moreover, the site is constantly updated, so it is convenient to follow railway news and find out innovations, changes in train service and ticket prices.

Promotions, discounts, special offers

The Belarusian Railway takes care of its passengers, providing them with various amenities in the form of a system of special offers.

Current bonuses when purchasing Belarusian railway tickets at the link:

Discounts on travel in the direction Belarus-Russia

They depend on the timing of the sale of tickets to the total cost of travel on the territory of the Russian and Belarusian Railways for passengers when purchasing compartment and SV cars.

This offer includes:

  • 20% discount on the total fare, subject to sale within the period from 60 to 30 days before the departure of the required train.
  • 15% discount on the total cost when selling a ticket from 30 to 21 days before train departure.
  • 0% discount on ticket purchases from 20 to 11 days before train departure.
  • When traveling in CB class carriages, as well as compartment carriages of Belarusian Railways trains on some routes, a discount rate of 10% of the total cost is also applied when purchasing a travel document in round trip directions.
  • 5% surcharge when selling a ticket for 10 days or more.

When purchasing a ticket for a reserved seat category of a carriage, there is a 10% discount on side seats.

Note! The discount is valid when purchasing tickets at the ticket office at the railway station.

When purchasing tickets for a group to the CIS countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, a discount is provided:

  • 20% of the fare for a group of adults (10 – 24 people).
  • 30% of the cost for a group of adults (starting from 25 persons).

Discounts on travel between Belarus and Lithuania

Passengers purchasing a ticket on the Minsk-Vilnius route are given a 10% discount upon presentation of travel documents at the Lithuanian Railway ticket office.

Express program

It determines the procedure for calculating and paying money for the purchase of tickets by program participants using plastic cards and non-cash purchase of tickets issued on the official website of the BC.

Note! Such a program must be monitored on the website of the BC and the bank.

The Belarusian Chygunka is developing the freight transportation infrastructure in every possible way and offers for transportation:

  • Large luggage.
  • Long cargo.
  • Heavy loads.

Freight transportation

All this is included in the special composition of railway transporters, divided into types:

  • Articulated - designed for heavy transformers and other large loads weighing up to 5000 tons.
  • Transport couplings are used when transporting long loads.
  • Well - intended for loads weighing up to 120 tons. Such loads have a large height or diameter.
  • Flatbeds are ideal for transporting heavy equipment.
  • Platform ones are used for transporting large luggage with a total weight of up to 120 tons.

Belarusian Railways carries out transportation of goods and luggage in accordance with:

  • Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo on the railways of the CIS member states, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Estonia DC-1835.
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of the Republic of Belarus No. 8 dated January 22, 2018.
  • Rules for the carriage of goods.
  • Standards for the transportation of dangerous goods by rail.
  • Rules for the transportation of liquid cargo in bulk in tank cars and bunker cars for the transportation of oil bitumen.
  • Tariff policy.

Note! The Belarusian Railway is being improved and strives to meet all modern requirements. This desire set her the task of opening Electronic Transportation. In such a system it is proposed to place an order for cargo transportation, as well as additional services and obtain all the necessary information.

The operation is carried out directly through the official website, through interaction with employees.

Classes of service

Various trains travel along the Belarusian Railway.

One of the new and most comfortable types is the electric train.

Its advantages include:

  • Covering a distance of 300 km in 3 hours.
  • Modern interior.
  • The presence of two classes, on which the cost of the ticket depends.

All electric train cars are distinguished by spacious seats for passengers and comfortable seats, the ability to charge a phone and luggage racks. There is a buffet on the train premises.

New train

Fast trains also pass through the territory of the Belarusian Chygunaks according to the following routes:

  • Minsk – Moscow “Belarus”
  • Polotsk - Moscow "Dvina".
  • Branded group of cars Minsk - St. Petersburg as part of fast train No. 52/51 Brest - St. Petersburg
  • All you need to do is choose the most suitable option in terms of convenience and pricing.


    The Belorusskaya Chygunka trains provide a range of both free and paid services.

    The most popular service is meals on trains.

    Tea on the train

    The conductor can prepare and serve the passenger coffee, tea, and other drinks that do not contain alcohol free of charge, if they are included in the cost of the travel document.

    The following are available for a fee:

    • Coffee, tea, other drinks.
    • Confectionery.
    • Personal hygiene items.

    Additional free services include:

    • Bed sheets.
    • Board games.
    • First aid.
    • Seat belts.
    • Additional information including stops at Belarusian railway stations.

    The Belarusian railway is considered the most comfortable and clean, and the service staff is pleasant and polite.

Year of company foundation: 1953 Region: Republic of Belarus

Annual report 2010: download (28160 KB) Contact Information: 220030, Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Lenina, 17
(+375 17) 225 48 60
(+375 17) 327 56 48
[email protected] Director of company:

Morozov Vladimir Mikhailovich
Head of the Belarusian Railway.

Vladimir Mikhailovich Morozov was born in 1965 in the city of Buda-Koshelevo, Gomel region. In 1989 he graduated from the Belarusian Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. After graduating from university, he worked as a park attendant at Mogilev station, then as a hump attendant and as a station dispatcher at Mogilev station.

In 1991–1992, Vladimir Mikhailovich was a train dispatcher at the Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Railway.

In 1992–1993 he was deputy head of the Mogilev city freight station, and in 1993–1995 – its head. In 1995–1999, he headed the Osipovichi station of the Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Railway.

From 1999 to 2005 – first deputy head of the Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Railway. From 2005 to July 31, 2012, he was the head of the Mogilev branch of the Belarusian Railway.

On July 31, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko appointed Vladimir Morozov as Head of the Belarusian Railway.

In 2007, Vladimir Mikhailovich Morozov graduated from the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus with a degree in Public Administration of the National Economy. In 2008 he was awarded the “Honorary Railway Worker” badge. Deputy of the Mogilev Regional Council of People's Deputies.

About company: Today, the state association “Belarusian Railway” is a modern transport system with a fairly developed network of railways with a length of 5.5 thousand kilometers, 366 stations, of which 238 carry out freight operations. Being one of the main transport complexes of the country, it is currently developing successfully and provides more than 68% of the freight turnover of all types of public transport and about 38% of passenger turnover in Belarus.

Located at the junction of the 1520 mm gauge and the European 1435 mm gauge, the Belarusian Railway is one of the main links in ensuring trade and economic relations between the countries of the European Union in communication with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The most important trans-European corridors pass through Belarus, designated according to the international classification II (West-East) and IX (North-South) with a branch IX B (Baltic ports).

The priority areas of the association’s work are creating conditions for the long-term development of railway infrastructure and the further introduction of innovative technologies, increasing the efficiency of the transportation process and labor productivity.

The strategy of the Belarusian Railway is the development of cargo transportation by express container trains. The growth in freight volumes is achieved through a timely response to changes in the transport services market, optimization of transportation schemes for main foreign trade cargo, improvement and unification of tariff conditions.