I had an INTERVIEW with Alexei Gromyko in one of the classrooms of the Belarusian State University. It turned out symbolic. After all, the founder of the diplomatic “school of Andrei Gromyko” began to comprehend “his universities” on his native Belarusian soil. It is also logical to meet his grandson, the director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in the academic environment of Belarusian colleagues close to him.

Alexey Gromyko: The Union State must preserve itself as the core of integration processes
Photo by Yuri Mozolevsky.

A man with an open, charming smile, uncharacteristic of the “Gromyko brand,” stepped towards me - unlike the famous grandfather, who, as they say, was absolutely closed and impenetrable in communication. “But this is absolutely untrue and one of many myths,” Gromyko Jr. rejected the words about the secrecy. According to him, the main lesson he learned from his grandfather was how to behave, talk and feel at ease in different environments. By the way, Alexey Anatolyevich says that he visited the village near Gomel, where Andrei Andreevich was born, and his wife’s roots are here, in the Minsk region.

If Andrei Gromyko’s main achievement was the Helsinki Act, then Alexey Gromyko is known as a supporter and developer of the concept of “Greater Europe” from Lisbon to Vladivostok. And it just so happened that these two great ideas are alive and actively discussed at the Minsk site in the form of Helsinki-2. This became the topic of our conversation.

The reason for your visit to Minsk was a conference on the strategic security of the Union State. It cannot be considered in isolation from global systemic changes. What is the essence of today's turning points?

I would draw attention to the fact that a global redistribution of forces is currently taking place. Perhaps not even because some of the most developed countries with post-industrial economies turn out to be ineffective and weak in some way. The main reason is that there are many other centers of power, growth economies, rising countries that are beginning to feel their strength in economic terms and, accordingly, their political weight is growing.

Any of the largest forces, which in history are accustomed to rise and create their own rules, are faced with regions and countries around the world. These regions and countries have their own competitive advantages and want their opinions to be taken into account. Therefore, for the first time in the history of international relations, there is a development and formation of polycentrism that covers the whole world, and against this background the weight of traditional centers of power is gradually decreasing.

Among these new players that have appeared on the global stage are the Union State, as well as alliances that include Belarus and Russia with their partners. Alexander Lukashenko’s initiative is well known that these integration processes should become part of a broader strategy for connecting the EU and the EAEU. Why, in your opinion, is the idea of ​​a “Greater Europe” from Lisbon to Vladivostok alive, despite the current difficulties along this path?

Indeed, we are talking about strategies designed for years to come. And now, when it seemed that an era of almost a new Cold War, of structural confrontation, was approaching, the very idea of ​​Greater Europe, from my point of view, is not going anywhere and is not becoming obsolete. It is designed for the entire depth of the 21st century. It is precisely on the basis of the growing strength of polycentrism that various centers of power will build their relations in the 21st century on different grounds than they were before. The same European Union will increasingly rotate autonomously as a global entity. All this will push European countries, not in a geographical sense, but in a civilizational sense, to ensure that Europe becomes more consolidated, more united.

- Are you sure about that?

What for me is an indisputable truth or thesis, which in my eyes has not been refuted by any events, is that strategically for all of us Europeans there is no chance of maintaining our leading positions in the world unless the east and west of Europe return to normal relations. Even more - strategic partnership relations. And this is the idea today of establishing partnership relations between the European Union and the Eurasian Union. About combining integration processes in the West and East of Europe with large-scale infrastructure projects promoted by the new giant of the 21st century - China. This idea is not only alive, it is developing, as can be seen from the strategy for building a large Eurasian space, cooperation to connect the Eurasian Economic Union and the One Belt and One Road initiative.

No less important is the idea of ​​common and indivisible European security, without which there can be no development. And as we heard at the recent international forum of the Minsk Dialogue, today European politicians at the highest level are expressing interest in a new negotiation process similar to Helsinki 2. How do you see his prospects?

Many European states fear that the strategic interests and thinking of large countries will set the tone. In this regard, Helsinki 2 is, firstly, the idea that, compared to 1975, the maximum number of countries large, medium and small should be involved in this process. At the same time, it is clear that if the largest countries do not come to a compromise, then these initiatives will lead to nothing. In this case, the role of small countries increases many times over if large states for some reason cannot reach an agreement directly. It is precisely the stabilization function that small and medium-sized countries could perform in order to help large players find points of common ground and reconciliation - this is a very important function.

Minsk’s desire to give new breath to Helsinki-2 is very important, because it fits into the general desire of the CIS countries and the Eurasian Economic Union, the CSTO and the Union State to normalize relations in Europe. So that political considerations do not interfere with the development of objective connections in the economy and social life. The promotion of this idea by Belarus shows that this idea is very important not only for reconciliation between major centers of power, but it is important for everyone.

What would your great grandfather say today, watching how the negotiation process in Minsk is being initiated in the spirit of the Helsinki Agreements - the main brainchild of Andrei Andreevich Gromyko?

I think I would give my famous advice: “better 10 years of negotiations than one day of war.” Europe, if it is not able to rebuild and regroup, to come up with ideas for new consolidation and coupling of various integration models that are now developing in these vast spaces, will be a faded creature. But even if the European Union manages to turn into not only an economic but also a political player, this will not be enough. He must look for some geopolitical leverage that could support him among the leading centers of power in the world, including Russia, Turkey and the United States. There are already many forks here...

- ... in which it is very important for the Union of Belarus and Russia to propose its agenda?

The strategy of Russia and Belarus, the Union State, is to do everything to preserve itself as the core of integration processes in the Eurasian space. Because there are different geopolitical fields of attraction. And if Russia and Belarus cannot do this, then they will be torn apart by these fields. So our states need to create their own core together with their partners, and the larger it is, the stronger the gravity will be.

The host of the “Polygon” program, Alexey Gromyko, is ready to host the event with military fervor and military style.

Alexey Gromyko is a man of high energy and wild charisma. He can and knows how to conduct events of any level very well. Fun, perky and military-style. There are people whom nature has endowed with talent from birth. Alexey Gromyko belongs to the category of these people. Surprisingly flexible, bright, collected, charismatic and very attractive in appearance - Alexey Gromyko has won his audience in the entertainment industry.

Any event that Alexei Gromyko undertakes cannot leave any of the guests indifferent. He, as a very versatile person, can arrange not only a wedding celebration, but also easily and brightly celebrate a birthday, the anniversary of the opening of an entertainment shopping center or other store in the capital. Alexey Gromyko has eight years of extensive experience in the radio, television and holiday industry. Business forums city days and just small human joys Nothing from this list is alien to our hero, write, call, he will be glad to find an interesting and exciting program for you.

Hundreds or even thousands of admiring reviews and the smiles of people who have ever asked for his help speak about the professionalism of the presenter. He definitely knows a lot about the holiday and is ready to do everything possible to make this holiday happen and be enchanting!

Leave your feedback about the presenter:

The parents (mother is a housewife, father is a lieutenant colonel of the Department of Economic Crimes) chose a name for their only son for a long time. The surname Gromyko, combined with the patronymic Arkadyevich, created the basis for the most important joke among strangers: “Aren’t you a relative of that same Gromyko?” I didn’t have any favorite subjects at school, but I was good at writing essays. Very soon, the presenter's talent emerged: at the age of 10, he broadcast the program "Amur Stars", where, among other young talents, he told city news. So, for the opportunity to skip school, Alexey fell in love with TV.

Graduated from Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Polytechnic University with a degree in oil and gas equipment engineering. History and philosophy were among my favorite subjects. During his first year of study, Alexey gets involved in the radio, where he “broadcasts” for some time. Then he goes to work in the editorial office of a weekly newspaper, where he writes in a variety of genres - from obituary to investigative journalism.

Alexey is hardworking and independent: during his school and university years, he tried a wide variety of professions (building, pulling cables, loading cars, guarding buildings) and purely for the purpose of having pocket money (for a new bicycle or a date with a girl).

Alexey came to Moscow to sell vacuum cleaners for pumping oil and water. But he remembered that his second home was TV, and got a job as an on-air promo editor for one of the federal channels.

Alexey got to the casting of the Polygon program by accident, as always, his friends advised him to try himself. The format of the program turned out to be close, thanks to the military department, where I have experience as a mortar operator and the rank of reserve lieutenant. She loves her work, and has the most sincere respect for the military for their special mindset and humor. I had to get used to the tight filming schedule on the fly: Alexey didn’t even think that there would be a catastrophic lack of time for food and sleep. He devotes a large amount of time to preparing for broadcasts - reading special literature and studying technical data.

And yet, Alexey considers an engineer to be a true creative person, who, with his iron logic and spatial thinking, is able to create something completely unique. He does not consider himself to be a creator; he is convinced that he is good at winning over his interlocutor, as well as writing smoothly and speaking incessantly.

Hobbies: skydiving, diving, traveling. Alexey relieves stress like a man, with the help of martial arts - aikido, karate, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling (he has been doing a little of everything since childhood). Shooting at the range is also very relaxing.

Preferences for the fair half of humanity: “A girl is a certain set of characteristics (hip-to-waist ratio, figure, face, manner of movement), which either adds up to an ensemble that excites you or not. This does not depend on whether she is blonde or brunette "A woman, even if beautiful, does not know how to walk - this is a disaster."

Credo of life: “Don’t get tired of life, explore it completely.”

On Radio KP we discussed the challenges facing Russia with the director of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Photo: family archive.

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- Alexey Anatolyevich, where do you feel it will take us all? case of the poisoned British spy Sergei Skripal?

For experts, the situation was absurd from the very beginning. As with a similar “event” in the Syrian Duma, when it was already clear from the video that the chemical attack attributed to Bashar al-Assad was a staged event. The case of Sergei and Yulia Skripal is very similar to the cases of Alexander Litvinenko and Boris Berezovsky. Information that would actually make it possible to determine who did it, how and why, will be classified. And public opinion will be presented with facts or pseudo-facts, which will be impossible to double-check. Thank God that the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons exists. And today there is a generally accepted opinion among experts that it is impossible to establish which country produced and used this toxic substance. And then you can talk about this topic as much as you like, suspect “with a high degree of probability” one or the other, but with such interpretations you will not achieve the truth. Remember how long the scandals surrounding the Malaysian Boeing lasted. Has anyone remembered this in recent months?

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Alexey Anatolyevich Gromyko
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specialist in British studies, European integration, international relations

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Alexey Anatolyevich Gromyko(born April 20, Moscow) - Russian historian and political scientist, Doctor of Political Sciences. Director of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2016). Head of the Department of International Relations at the Institute of International Relations and World History of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky since September 1, 2016.




President of the Association for European Studies of Russia (AEVIS).

Co-founder of the Russian movement “For strengthening the democratic world order and in support of the UN.”

National coordinator for the Russian Federation in the Science Committee of the Russia-NATO Council.

Awards and titles



Individual monographs
  • Political reformism in Great Britain. 1970-90s. M..: XXI Century - Consent, 2001.
  • Political modernization of Great Britain: from Westminster to a plural model of democracy. M.: Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS, N 158, 2005.
  • Modernization of the UK party system. M.: The whole world, 2007.
  • Images of Russia and Great Britain: reality and prejudices M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2008.
Chapters in collective monographs
  • Globalization in the British concept of the “third way”. Chapter 2. In: State and society in the context of globalization: a view from the left. Rep. ed. A. A. Galkin. M.: ISP RAS, 2003.
  • Left-centrism: problems and prospects. // Almanac Forum 2000. At the turn of the century. M.: The whole world, 2000.
  • UK experience. Chapter 2. B: Experience of leading Western European countries in the search for optimal relations between the state and private business. M.: Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS, No. 137, 2004.
  • "The Third Way": what's next? From the concept of participation to the “new progressivism”. In: Challenges of the 21st century. Globalization and problems of identity in a diverse world. Rep. ed. T. T. Timofeev. M.: Lights, 2005.
  • Great Britain. The era of reform. M.: The whole world, 2007. (Chief editor and co-author).
  • Anglo-Saxon model. Chapter in the monograph: “Social Europe of the XXI century” of the series “Old World - New Times”. M.: The whole world, 2011
  • Civilizations as an object of research and Russian identity. Chapter in the monograph “Russia in the diversity of civilizations” of the series “Old World - New Times”. M: Ves Mir, 2011
  • Immigration, multiculturalism and Islamic extremism in Europe. Chapter 15, part IV in the monograph “Security of Europe” of the Old World - New Times series. M: Ves Mir, 2011
  • The project of pan-European security: a difficult path of formation. Chapters 29, 30, Part VIII in the monograph “European Security” of the Old World - New Times series." M: Ves Mir, 2011
Articles in academic and scientific journalistic publications
  • British Labor is on the verge of power. In: Problems of social democracy on the threshold of the 21st century. M.: ISP RAS, 1996.
  • Victories and defeats of modern social democracy. // Polis, No. 3, 2000.
  • 100th anniversary of British Labour. // Modern Europe, No. 4, 2000.
  • Great Britain: Euroamerica of the Western World. In: Modern Britain: problems and prospects. Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 83. Rep. ed. V. N. Shenaev. M.: "Flinta", 2001.
  • Elections 2001 in Great Britain: general and specific. In: Britain after the 2001 general election: results and trends. Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 91. Rep. ed. V. N. Shenaev. M.: 2002.
  • Taming terrorism: the experience of Northern Ireland. In: Terrorism and political extremism: challenges and searches for adequate responses. M.: Institute of Political and Military Analysis, 2002.
  • The end of ideology or the contours of a new “big idea”. In: Political thought in Great Britain: some results and prospects. Reports Institute of Europe No. 101. Rep. ed. Al. A. Gromyko. M.: 2002.
  • Britain is at an intra-civilizational breakdown. In: Russia and Britain in the processes of European integration. Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 114. Responsible editor. Al. A. Gromyko. M.: 2003.
  • Labor and power. Britain in a comparative context. // Modern Europe, No. 4. M., 2002.
  • England in the post-imperial space: Lessons for Russia and Europe. Reports of the Institute of Europe No. 126. Rep. ed. Al. A. Gromyko. M.: Lights, 2003.
  • Britain is regaining its position. Conversation between Lord Howell and Al. A. Gromyko // Modern Europe, No. 2, 2003.
  • British situation. In: Europe: parties and elections. Reports Institute of Europe No. 125. M.: Ogni, 2003.
  • British paradoxes. In: European Parliament. Problems and prospects. Rep. ed. V. Ya. Schweitzer. M.: Lights, 2004.
  • Is Britain at risk of political apathy? In: The electoral process in Russia: national characteristics and European experience. Reports of the Institute of Europe, No. 132. M.: Ogni, 2004.
  • Small spool but precious. Small parties in modern Britain. // Modern Europe, No. 2, 2005.
  • British foreign policy: from empire to "axial power". // Cosmopolis, No. 1 (11), spring 2005.
  • The evolution of the party-political system in Northern Ireland during the peace process. In: Scientific Notes - 2005. Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. M.: Scientific book, 2005.
  • Problems of Britain's transition from Westminster to a plural model of democracy. // Magazine Elections, No. 4, 2005.
  • 2005 UK general election: results and consequences. // Comparative Constitutional Review, No. 3, 2005.
  • Small parties in Great Britain: the left flank. In: The European Left at the Turn of the Millennium. Rep. ed. V. Ya. Schweitzer. M.: Publishing house. Lights TD, 2005.
  • UK: after sunset. // Russia in global politics, No. 6, 2005.
  • Great Britain between Europe and America. In: Russia and NATO in the new context of international security. Rep. ed. D. A. Danilov. M.: Ogni TD, 2005.
  • "The Third Way" - what's next? // journal Modern Europe, 2, IE RAS., M., 2006.
  • Europe - America - Russia: on the issue of comparing interests // Almanac: Challenges of the 21st century., issue 2., “Social processes and civilizations”., Ch. ed. T. T. Timofeev., IE RAS / Institute of Economics., M., 2006.
  • Russian-British relations in the second half of the 20th century // In: Russia and Britain. Vol. 4. “Connections and mutual representations of the 19th-20th centuries.”, ed. A. B. Davidson., Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences., M., 2006.
  • The evolution of the party-political system of Northern Ireland in the process of peaceful settlement // Scientific Notes, ed. E. P. Bazhanova. Institute of Current International Problems Dip. Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Scientific book., M., 2006.
  • Metamorphoses of American neoconservatism: an ideology on the decline // Observer-Observer, No. 8, 2007.
  • Tony Blair Limited // Russia in global politics, March-April 2007.
  • Civilizational guidelines in the relations between Russia, the EU and the USA // Free Thought, No. 8, 2007.
  • “Slow history” or changing optics. Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 214, 2008. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2008.
  • British Civil Service // Russia and the European experience of civil service // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 212, 2008. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2008.
  • Metamorphoses of liberalism and conservatism in Great Britain in the 20th century // Materials of the round table “European Right: Past, Present, Future”. Part I // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 210, 2008. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2008.
  • The British about the past and future of post-Soviet Russia // Diplomatic Yearbook 2007. Collection of articles. M.: Scientific book, 2008. pp. 77-95.
  • Pandora's Box vs Aladdin's Magic Lamp // International Life No. 5, 2008. M.:
  • Labor at the crossroads: lessons from the second half of the 1920s // Modern Europe, No. 4, 2008.
  • The Big Idea of ​​Russian Foreign Policy // Svobodnaya Mysl No. 7, 2009. M.
  • Not only a financial, not only a structural, but a systemic crisis has erupted // Crisis as catharsis // Materials of the round table of the IE RAS // International Life, M., 2008 No. 12.
  • Threats, challenges, architecture of European security // International life, M., 2009, No. 4.
  • Ten days of negotiations are better than one day of war // Memoirs of Andrei Andreevich Gromyko, M.: Ves Mir Publishing House, 2009. Compiled.
  • Russia and Europe: non-military aspects of security // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 232, 2009. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2009. Editor.
  • Civilization between tradition and innovation // Civilizations in Europe and the world: continuity and novelty // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 234, 2009. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2009.
  • Images of Russia in Great Britain: prejudices and reality // Diplomatic Yearbook 2008. Collection of articles // Team of authors. M.: Publishing house "East - West", 2009.
  • Andrei Gromyko and his time // Political class, June 2009 No. 7(55). M.
  • Partnership formula // Strategy of Russia, No. 3, March 2009.
  • Limits of integration // Strategy of Russia, No. 5, May 2009.
  • Civilization and Russia. The debate continues // Russian Strategy, No. 7, July 2009
  • Problems of immigration, multiculturalism and Islamic extremism in Europe // Problems of extremism in Europe: causes and consequences // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 239, 2009. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2009. In print.
  • Great Britain in the 1930s: foreign policy of national egoism // To the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War // Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 236, 2009. M.: “Russian Souvenir”, 2009
  • Europe after the crisis // Conference materials // Reports of the Institute of Europe, No. 240, 2009. M. Editor.
  • “Political cycles of Great Britain against the backdrop of the global economic crisis” // Great Britain before the general elections / Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 250, 2010, M.: “Russian Souvenir”.
  • “Intercultural integration models” // Intercivilizational relations and crisis processes / Reports of the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, No. 253, 2010. M.: “Russian Souvenir”.
  • “General elections - 2010: non-standard, unprecedented, unusual” // Great Britain - 2010: new political situation / Reports of the Institute of Europe, No. 255, 2010, M.: “Russian Souvenir”.
  • “Great Britain: a social model of development” // Social Europe in the 21st century. European experience. Part II. / Reports of the Institute of Europe RAS, No. 247, 2010, M.: “Russian Souvenir”
  • “The European Union – a fading center of power?” //Reports of the IE RAS No. 260, 2010, M.: “Russian souvenir”
  • “Will the new Babylon stand? problems of intercivilizational integration of Europe" // "Modern Europe" M.: January, 2010, No. 1.
  • ““Two heads are better than one” - an unexpected outcome of the general elections in Great Britain” // “Modern Europe”, M.: October-December 2010, No. 4.
  • “The fate of the left idea: extinction or triumph?” // Materials of the international practical conference on April 19, 2010 “The crisis of European social democracy: causes, forms of manifestation, ways to overcome” / M., Klyuch - S, 2010.
  • “Gromyko: man, diplomat, politician” // Materials of the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Andrei Andreevich Gromyko. Diplomatic Academy. Editor and co-author // M: Vostok - Zapad, 2010
  • Gromyko Al. A., Budargin A.V. “Ulster: from ethno-confessional to civil nationalism” // Ethno-confessional conflicts in Europe and the post-Soviet space / Book based on the materials of the scientific-practical conference on December 11, 2008 at the IE RAS // M.: Sovero- print, 2010
  • “At the crossroads of history” // Free Thought. 2010, no. 12
  • “Competitive advantages” // Russian Strategy, No. 1, January 2010
  • Gromyko Al. A. Preface to the book “The Fall of the Berlin Wall.” From the notes of the adviser - envoy of the USSR Embassy in Berlin // series "Current history / Igor Maksimychev. - M.: Veche, 2011
  • Gromyko Al. A. “New security architecture for Europe: ways to solve the problem” // Domestic diplomacy during the Second World War (to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory) // Materials of a scientific and practical conference // Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. M.: Scientific book, 2011
  • Gromyko Al. A. “European integration is such a young and such an old topic” magazine “Modern Europe” No. 2, April-June 2011, review of the textbook “European Integration” ed. Butorina. - M.: Publishing house. "Business Literature", 2011.
  • “At the crossroads of history” // “Free Thought”, No. 12, 2010
  • Dr. Alexey Gromyko “From Britain with coution”, FERST magazine London-Washington, Special Issue, September 2011 (English)

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Excerpt characterizing Gromyko, Alexey Anatolyevich

Of course, I would like to watch something else, but there was nowhere to go - I offered her to choose...
We found ourselves in something like a very bright forest, bursting with colors. It was absolutely amazing!.. But for some reason I suddenly thought that I wouldn’t want to stay in such a forest for a long time... It was, again, too beautiful and bright, a little oppressive, not at all like our soothing and fresh, green and light earthly forest.
It's probably true that everyone should be where they truly belong. And I immediately thought about our sweet “star” baby... How she must have missed her home and her native and familiar environment!.. Only now I was able to understand at least a little how lonely she must have been in our imperfect and at times dangerous Earth...
- Please tell me, Veya, why did Atis call you gone? – I finally asked the question annoyingly swirling in my head.
– Oh, that’s because once upon a time, a long time ago, my family voluntarily went to help other beings who needed our help. This happens to us often. And those who left never return to their home... This is the right of free choice, so they know what they are doing. That's why Atis took pity on me...
– Who leaves if you can’t come back? – Stella was surprised.
“Very many... Sometimes even more than necessary,” Veya became sad. “Once our “wise” people were even afraid that we wouldn’t have enough Viilis left to properly inhabit our planet...
– What is viilis? – Stella became interested.
- This is us. Just like you are people, we are Viilis. And our planet is called Viilis. – Veya answered.
And then I suddenly realized that for some reason we didn’t even think of asking about this earlier!.. But this is the first thing we should have asked!
– Have you changed, or have you always been like this? – I asked again.
“They changed, but only inside, if that’s what you meant,” Veya answered.
A huge, crazy bright, multi-colored bird flew over our heads... A crown of shiny orange “feathers” sparkled on its head, and its wings were long and fluffy, as if it was wearing a multi-colored cloud. The bird sat on a stone and stared very seriously in our direction...
- Why is she looking at us so carefully? – Stella asked, shivering, and it seemed to me that she had another question in her head – “has this “bird” already had lunch today?”...
The bird cautiously jumped closer. Stella squeaked and jumped back. The bird took another step... It was three times larger than Stella, but it did not seem aggressive, but rather curious.
- Did she like me, or what? – Stella pouted. - Why doesn’t she come to you? What does she want from me?..
It was funny to watch how the little girl could barely restrain herself from shooting away from here. Apparently the beautiful bird did not evoke much sympathy in her...
Suddenly the bird spread its wings and a blinding light came from them. Slowly, slowly, a fog began to swirl above the wings, similar to the one that fluttered over Veya when we saw her for the first time. The fog swirled and thickened more and more, becoming like a thick curtain, and from this curtain huge, almost human eyes looked at us...
“Oh, is she turning into someone?!..” Stella squealed. - Look, look!..
It really was something to look at, since the “bird” suddenly began to “deform”, turning either into an animal, with human eyes, or into a man, with an animal body...
-What is this? – my friend bulged her brown eyes in surprise. -What is happening to her?..
And the “bird” had already slipped out of its wings, and a very unusual creature stood in front of us. It looked like a half-bird, half-man, with a large beak and a triangular human face, a very flexible, cheetah-like body and predatory, wild movements... She was very beautiful and, at the same time, very scary.
- This is Miard. – Wei introduced the creature. – If you want, he will show you the “living creatures”, as you say.
The creature, named Miard, began to have fairy wings again. And he waved them invitingly in our direction.
- Why exactly him? Are you very busy, “star” Wei?
Stella had a very unhappy face, because she was clearly afraid of this strange “beautiful monster,” but she apparently did not have the courage to admit it. I think she would rather go with him than admit that she was simply scared... Veya, having clearly read Stella’s thoughts, immediately reassured:
– He is very affectionate and kind, you will like him. You wanted to watch something live, and he knows this better than anyone.
Miard approached cautiously, as if sensing that Stella was afraid of him... But this time for some reason I wasn’t scared at all, rather the opposite - he interested me wildly.
He came close to Stella, who at that moment was almost squealing inside with horror, and carefully touched her cheek with his soft, fluffy wing... A purple fog swirled over Stella’s red head.
“Oh, look, mine is the same as Veiya’s!..” the surprised little girl exclaimed enthusiastically. - How did this happen?.. Oh-oh, how beautiful!.. - this already referred to the new area that appeared before our eyes with absolutely incredible animals.
We stood on the hilly bank of a wide, mirror-like river, the water in which was strangely “frozen” and, it seemed, one could calmly walk on it - it did not move at all. A sparkling fog swirled above the river surface, like a delicate transparent smoke.
As I finally guessed, this “fog, which we saw everywhere here, somehow enhanced any actions of the creatures living here: it opened up the brightness of their vision for them, served as a reliable means of teleportation, in general, it helped in everything they could at that moment these creatures were not engaged. And I think it was used for something else, much, much more, which we could not yet understand...
The river meandered like a beautiful wide “snake” and, smoothly going into the distance, disappeared somewhere between the lush green hills. And along both its banks amazing animals walked, lay and flew... It was so beautiful that we literally froze, amazed by this stunning sight...
The animals were very similar to unprecedented royal dragons, very bright and proud, as if they knew how beautiful they were... Their long, curved necks sparkled with orange gold, and on their heads there were red spiked crowns with teeth. The royal beasts moved slowly and majestically, with every movement shining with their scaly, pearlescent blue bodies, which literally burst into flames when exposed to the golden-blue rays of the sun.
- Beauty-and-and-more!!! – Stella barely exhaled in delight. – Are they very dangerous?
“Dangerous people don’t live here; we haven’t had them for a long time.” I don’t remember how long ago... - came the answer, and only then did we notice that Vaiya was not with us, but Miard was addressing us...
Stella looked around in fear, apparently not feeling too comfortable with our new acquaintance...
– So you have no danger at all? – I was surprised.
“Only external,” came the answer. - If they attack.
– Does this also happen?
“The last time it was before me,” Miard answered seriously.
His voice sounded soft and deep in our brains, like velvet, and it was very unusual to think that such a strange half-human creature was communicating with us in our own “language”... But we are probably already too accustomed to all sorts of wonderful miracles, because within a minute they were freely communicating with him, completely forgetting that he was not a person.
- And what - you never have any troubles?! – the little girl shook her head in disbelief. – But then you’re not at all interested in living here!..
She spoke of a real, unquenchable Earthly “thirst for adventure.” And I understood her perfectly. But I think it would be very difficult to explain this to Miard...
- Why isn’t it interesting? – our “guide” was surprised, and suddenly, interrupting himself, pointed upward. – Look – Saviya!!!
We looked at the top and were dumbfounded.... Fairy-tale creatures were smoothly floating in the light pink sky!.. They were completely transparent and, like everything else on this planet, incredibly colorful. It seemed as if marvelous, sparkling flowers were flying across the sky, only they were incredibly large... And each of them had a different, fantastically beautiful, unearthly face.
“Oh-oh.... Look... Oh, what a miracle...” for some reason Stella said in a whisper, completely stunned.
I don't think I've ever seen her so shocked. But there really was something to be surprised about... In no way, even the wildest fantasy, could it be possible to imagine such creatures! , spraying sparkling golden dust behind him... Miard made a strange “whistle”, and the fairy-tale creatures suddenly began to smoothly descend, forming above us a solid, huge “umbrella” flashing with all the colors of their crazy rainbow... It was so beautiful what was breathtaking!..
The first to “land” to us was pearl-blue, pink-winged Savia, who, having folded her sparkling wings-petals into a “bouquet”, began to look at us with great curiosity, but without any fear... It was impossible to calmly look at her whimsical beauty, which She attracted me like a magnet and I wanted to admire her endlessly...
– Don’t look too long – Savia is fascinating. You won't want to leave here. Their beauty is dangerous if you don’t want to lose yourself,” Miard said quietly.
- Why did you say that there is nothing dangerous here? So this isn't true? – Stella was immediately indignant.
“But this is not a danger that needs to be feared or fought against.” “I thought that’s what you meant when you asked,” Miard was upset.
- Come on! We, apparently, will have different concepts about many things. This is normal, right? – “nobly” the little girl reassured him. -Can I talk to them?
- Speak if you can hear. – Miard turned to the miracle Savia who had come down to us, and showed something.
The wondrous creature smiled and came closer to us, while the rest of his (or her?..) friends still floated easily right above us, sparkling and shimmering in the bright rays of the sun.
“I am Lilis...lis...is...” an amazing voice echoed. He was very soft, and at the same time very sonorous (if such opposite concepts can be combined into one).
- Hello, beautiful Lillis. – Stella joyfully greeted the creature. - I'm Stella. And here she is – Svetlana. We are people. And you, we know, Saviya. Where did you come from? And what is Saviya? – questions again rained down, but I didn’t even try to stop her, since it was completely useless... Stella simply “wanted to know everything!” And she always remained like that.
Lillis came very close to her and began to examine Stella with her bizarre, huge eyes. They were bright crimson, with gold specks inside, and sparkled like precious stones. The face of this wonderful creature looked amazingly tender and fragile, and was shaped like the petal of our earthly lily. She “spoke” without opening her mouth, at the same time smiling at us with her small, round lips... But, probably, the most amazing thing they had was their hair... It was very long, almost reaching the edge of the transparent wing, absolutely weightless and , not having a constant color, all the time flashed with the most different and most unexpected brilliant rainbows... The transparent bodies of Savius ​​were sexless (like the body of a small earthly child), and from the back they turned into “petals-wings”, which really made them look like huge bright flowers...
“We flew from the mountains...” a strange echo sounded again.
- Or maybe you can tell us faster? – impatient Stella asked Miarda. - Who are they?
– They were brought from another world once upon a time. Their world was dying and we wanted to save them. At first they thought they could live with everyone, but they couldn’t. They live very high in the mountains, no one can get there. But if you look into their eyes for a long time, they will take you with them... And you will live with them.
Stella shivered and moved slightly away from Lilis who was standing next to her... - What do they do when they take it away?
- Nothing. They just live with those who are taken away. It was probably different in their world, but now they just do it out of habit. But for us they are very valuable - they “clean” the planet. Nobody ever got sick after they came.
- So you saved them not because you were sorry, but because you needed them?!.. Is it really good to use them? – I was afraid that Miard would be offended (as they say, don’t go into someone else’s house with boots...) and pushed Stella hard in the side, but she didn’t pay any attention to me, and now turned to Savia. – Do you like living here? Are you sad for your planet?
“No, no... It’s beautiful here, gray and willow...” whispered the same soft voice. - And good-osho...
Lillis suddenly raised one of her sparkling "petals" and gently stroked Stella's cheek.
“Baby... Nice one... Stella-la...” and fog sparkled over Stella’s head for the second time, but this time it was multi-colored...
Lilis smoothly flapped her transparent petal wings and began to slowly rise until she joined her own. The Savii became agitated, and suddenly, flashing very brightly, they disappeared...
-Where did they go? – the little girl was surprised.
- They are gone. Here, look... - and Miard pointed to the already very far away, towards the mountains, smoothly floating in the pink sky, marvelous creatures illuminated by the sun. - They went home...
Veya suddenly appeared...
“It’s time for you,” the “star” girl said sadly. “You can’t stay here for so long.” It's hard.
- Oh, but we haven’t seen anything yet! – Stella was upset. – Can we come back here again, dear Veya? Farewell, good Miard! You're good. I will definitely come back to you! – as always, addressing everyone at once, Stella said goodbye.
Veya waved her hand, and we again swirled in a frantic whirlpool of sparkling matter, after a short (or maybe it just seemed short?) moment, “throwing us out” onto our usual Mental “floor”...