The international training center CROSSclub was founded in 1982 and today is one of the best centers for personal development. Within its walls you can receive personal consultations, take online courses and trainings, and also receive professional psychological support from an expert at the center. Here are collected unique techniques based on the personal 35-year experience of professional psychologist and psychotherapist Mikhail Litvak.

Cross Club: teaching the philosophy of winners

The director of the center is Boris Litvak, a business coach, psychotherapist, author of books and various training programs on psychological topics. The center's certified experts are always ready to answer your questions, solve any problems you may have, and be sensitive to anyone who requires help.

Mikhail Litvak's Cross Club offers a variety of training programs in the areas of career, business, self-esteem and relationships. By studying according to Litvak’s trainings, you receive invaluable support, are motivated by results and are guaranteed to achieve your goals, no matter how difficult they turn out to be.

Krasnoyarsk Psychological Club CROSS

Club of Those Determined to Master Stressful Situations. Psychology of happiness according to the method of M.E. Litvak.

You will be able to turn anxiety into enthusiasm, get rid of depression or depression and begin to manage your feelings. Stop fighting and start loving each other. Start enjoying life.

“Becoming wise is a duty, not a desire.

Therefore, it is better that this also becomes a desire,

for only the wise can be happy."

M.E. Litvak "If you want to be happy."

Our club was created on October 17, 2009 by a group of people for whom the books of Mikhail Efimovich Litvak helped solve many family and work problems. Having tested the effectiveness of the methods he proposed through personal experience, believing in our strengths and the need for our own development, we decided to unite. Why should we unite if each of us is unique, each has his own life goals, each goes his own way to achieve them?

We have something in common - the desire to get to know ourselves as much as possible and use our resources. By helping each other, this can be done faster and easier. Someone great said that even if you are alone in your boat, it is always calmer to see the lights of other boats rocking nearby.

Classes at the club are intended for those who want to better master the M.E. Litvak system and learn how to apply it, acquire the skills of public speaking and building close relationships, and learn to overcome obstacles to personal growth.

We don’t promise you an instant solution to all life’s problems - if you don’t want to spend effort on methodical, lengthy and courageous work to explore yourself, then it’s better not to come to us.

I became acquainted with the books of Mikhail Efimovich Litvak in 1999. Then I was 32 years old and all the attributes of external well-being (family, children and a prestigious job) were already in my life. The only thing missing was inner satisfaction with my achievements. With the help of Litvak's books, I was able to understand some of the reasons for my condition. I began to apply his recommendations, first in the family - with loved ones, then in work and assessed their effectiveness.

However, as the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow said, there will be no end to complaints, but by the level of complaints one can judge the level of human development.

Having solved lower-level problems, I felt the desire to “swing for more.” To be sure to achieve my goal, in 2008 I met the author of the books personally. Attended seminars by M.E. Litvaka in Russia and abroad, in groups in Rostov, became friends with his long-time students. The results not only met, but also exceeded my expectations.

Naturally, it is not words that help, but actions. But still, “in the beginning was the word...” - the result will be if the actions are thought out and properly planned.

Classes at the Krasnoyarsk branch of the CROSS club began in 2009 as a meeting of like-minded people - readers of Litvak’s books. I gave lectures and discussed them with the audience. Gradually, the listeners of my lectures began to present their problems for solution. Following new requests, new forms of work appeared: personal growth groups, consultations, and on-site seminars. To do this, I needed to undergo professional training as a consulting psychologist.

Gradually, some of the regular participants in my classes, whom I can rightfully call my students, took over the teaching of individual topics and areas. So, at first, the amateur club “grew” into a multidisciplinary center for psychological assistance. Knowing the patterns of development, I can confidently predict the further growth and advancement of both the club as a whole and its members.

Elena Starunova. I am 38 years old, economist. Krasnoyarsk

I do organizational work at the CROSS club.

Three years ago I was very lucky - I learned about M.E. Litvak’s methods through his books, then met him and the participants of CROSS clubs at seminars in other cities. The life stories of Mikhail Efimovich’s students and their successes surprised me and gave me strength to seriously work on myself. Then the understanding came that all the troubles in life, the absence of the family of my dreams, problems with loved ones and colleagues are all a consequence my misunderstanding of the laws of life and incorrect behavior.

In 2009, with the support of M.E. Litvak, like-minded people and I created a branch of the CROSS club in Krasnoyarsk. Methodical work on mistakes and the help of the group helped me achieve good results. Communication with fellow students working on personal growth and their support helped me change my attitude towards myself, people and the world around me faster than with self-study. I managed to establish relationships with a teenage child, with parents, with colleagues. There was a prospect for professional growth, a clear life goal and a path to it.

And this is probably the most important thing - to know what you really want and what you live for.

I cannot and do not want to advise anyone. But everything always comes on time. It was difficult and at times very painful. But it was worth it! Thanks to Mikhail Efimovich and the entire Krasnoyarsk support group!

For those who have decided

You can come, leave and return to us at any time.

Since 2006, student of Mikhail Efimovich Litvak.

Since 2008, organizer of seminars for M.E. Litvak and his students.

Since 2009, presenter of seminars on the Litvak system (geography: 10 cities, 2 countries).

From 2009 to February 2017 - head of the CROSS-Tyumen club.

From March 2017 to May 2018 – Deputy Head of CROSS-SPb.

Since May 2018 - head of the Mikhail Litvak Club in St. Petersburg.


When I started studying according to the Litvak system, I had no idea where it would lead. At that time, I wanted to meet like-minded people, there was a thirst for knowledge, a desire to communicate with Mikhail Efimovich. I had no idea that I would change my profession, move to another city, or teach seminars abroad.


“Whether you have the right teacher or not depends on what you want to learn.” Dan Millman

I consider myself lucky to have a Teacher. I remember the first meeting with him. December 2006. I came to the seminar brightly dressed and made up. She sat down next to me. And all the time he looked at me, according to my feelings, only once. Closely. When I talked about hysterics...

At that time he conducted trainings differently. Everyone present went through the “hot chair”. Everyone got 10-15 minutes. I don’t remember what he told me. But after the seminar, I cried for two hours and realized that I needed to continue studying.

Later, he changed the tactics of conducting trainings and began talking with those with whom he had time. Explaining it this way: “I immediately understand what’s wrong with the person. I want you to understand where his life went in the wrong direction.” That is, the seminars are not only therapeutic, but also educational. After all, Mikhail Efimovich talks about a person’s past, his present and future. The most important thing in my opinion is: “You can learn this.” No mysticism, only science! I have adopted this principle in my practice. Over time, people develop “Psychological Hearing” and “Psychological Vision”, and the ability to “Predict the Future” appears.

I attend Mikhail Efimovich’s seminars several times a year, and between them I actively work on myself. I heard this system of training from him when he told how he practiced taiji - he studied all his free time himself, and then came to the master and corrected the technique.


Before Litvak, I was very skeptical about psychology. The only thing I read in school was “How to Win Friends” by Dale Carnegie. At the university I tried to read a Russian book, but it didn’t work. In 2005, I separated from my boyfriend and a friend “slipped” me “The Sperm Principle” with the words: “If you want, read it. No, no." I devoured it almost in a day, thinking: “God, what a monster I am, how the poor boy lived with me” and “If the author of the book is still alive, I definitely need to meet him.”

After getting acquainted with Litvak’s system, I, following his recommendations, taught for several years at Tyumen State University in my specialty. In 2011 she defended her PhD thesis at St. Petersburg State University. I have 24 publications. Participation in international, all-Russian and regional conferences and congresses. Therefore, it is easy to talk to scientists. It’s just as easy to talk to managers. After all, I developed not only as the head of CROSS-Tyumen. But, using the methods of Mikhail Efimovich, I changed my main (at that time) job several times with a promotion. Moreover, I was promoted to the first managerial position (deputy head of department) from an ordinary research assistant, bypassing several steps.

I tried to do everything that Mikhail Efimovich says - I kept (and keep) a diary, wrote a detailed autobiography, practiced tai chi for several years, mastered Strelnikov gymnastics, exercises for the facial muscles, autogenic training. I practiced “Psychological Aikido” whenever possible. I also worked on the organizing committee of the Tyumen Rock Festivals, as an assistant director at the Student Spring, and as a secret shopper. I registered with an online company to learn how to sell. She attended courses in theater and public speaking. After all, IU says that “it is desirable that every person master three professions: salesman, actor and intelligence officer.”

In November 2011, I was trained at the “Training seminar for leaders and teachers of CROSS clubs.”

In 2012, under the guidance of Mikhail Efimovich, she mastered the “Forecast of Fate” color test (an experimental psychological determination of the structure of the personal complex (“sociogen”), developed by him on the basis of the Luscher test.

In 2015, I completed retraining in the specialty “Psychology” at the Tyumen Regional State Institute for the Development of Regional Education and went “free swimming” - now I only do what I love - psychology.

And, of course, from the very beginning I taught classes at the CROSS-Tyumen club. Now it’s even difficult to calculate how many there were over the years. Over time, they began to invite me to other cities. The geography of training is growing: Guangzhou (China), Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Nizhny Tagil, Nebug, Novy Urengoy, Nyagan, Salekhard, St. Petersburg, Tyumen. Seminars are planned in Prague and Thailand.

At some point I was asked for a personal consultation. I led her through, saying: “If it helps, pay.” To my surprise, a few days later they brought the money. This determined my “starting cost.” Since then, the price of consultation has increased several times. I like the principle of Mikhail Efimovich, taken from the Bible: “Take care of your soul, the rest will follow.” After all, money, like happiness, cannot be goals - they are “products of properly organized activity.”

I can tell you a lot more: how my well-being, my environment, my relationships with people and myself have changed. In short, it felt like I had started to live.

My Students and Clients also grow, change and learn to live in accordance with “their nature”, with their abilities. Here is one of the reviews: “Tanya, I want to express my gratitude to you for your quick psychological help! I did everything you recommended, 100% trusting your professionalism. As a result, your recommendations led me to my goal. My contract has been completed and I want to share with you my first achievement in Business. In July I earned 1,000,000 rubles. I’m glad that I achieved my goals and I’m glad that my twisted script once brought me to “CROSS” and introduced me to you! It’s so great that the decision to change yourself entails quality of life! I continue to develop and rewrite my life script.” PC.


Having attended classes at the Moscow branch of the club in 2007, I decided that there must be a CROSS in Tyumen! And in the spring of 2008, we invited the head of CROSS-Moscow to conduct training in our city. In February 2009, a seminar was organized by Mikhail Efimovich Litvak. Despite the crisis and the small number of people, he arrived!

But we consider the birthday of Tyumen CROSS to be March 14, 2009 - the day when the first meeting of the club took place. People come to classes mainly through word of mouth. Seminar participants solve their problems, their lives change dramatically. Relatives and friends, seeing these changes, also join us. Some come after reading Litvak’s books or listening to recordings of seminars.

During my leadership of CROSS-Tyumen (2009-2017), more than 60 seminars by Mikhail Efimovich and his Students took place in Tyumen. I can’t even begin to count the number of evening classes and consultations. CROSS participants grow and develop. In 2018, several of my Students attended the New Year’s seminar of IU Litvak on the Black Sea. I don’t remember the first time they called me Teacher. But I remember that there was an internal protest: “What kind of teacher am I!? I can't teach you anything! You study yourself!” Then I heard the phrase “The teacher is the one who has walked the path before” and “I humbled myself.” Now my Students and Clients are not only in different cities, but also in different countries. The Tyumen CROSS school is developing. Special thanks to my Students:

Svetlana Dmitrova for the successful management of the CROSS-Tyumen club.

Oksana Artimovich for the creation and management of CROSS-Novy Urengoy.

At the offsite seminar in Tyumen, I watched and rejoiced at how people were drawn to you, how spontaneously you gave lectures and consultations during breaks. That’s for sure “A psychologist is not a profession, but a way of life.”

Litvak Club in St. Petersburg

Not only are my Students and Clients growing, but I also continue to grow and develop. After all, the main thing in this life, in my opinion, is to find and realize oneself. In May 2018, I started my new project “Mikhail Litvak Club in St. Petersburg”. I invite you to classes and seminars!


While studying psychology, I started writing poetry (that’s why we also find a common language with creative people). My first poem in the diary (03/22/2008) is dedicated to Mikhail Efimovich:

Thank you, my dear Teacher.

Thank you I tell you.

For my humble abode.

For my beautiful life.

Thank you for the days and nights

For the thoughts that you brought,

For your speech, for your eyes,

For how you helped me.

I greet every new day

With a smile of happiness on your lips.

I dedicate my poems to you

And gradually I notice

How the ashes of the script fall.

I'm becoming stronger, braver,

Be more confident and mature.

And I’m just melting with delight,

When things get tough.

After all, difficulties are given to us from above

They must all be overcome.

And we will become wiser and taller

Look at ordinary life.

We will see, we will hear,

We will believe and love.

Don't depend on circumstances

And what needs to be said.

And everything around will be wonderful,

And life will be paradise for us.

And the fact that “lived in vain”

The “calculation” will begin at the same hour.

And most importantly, thank you to Mikhail Efimovich for believing in me, unconditional love and support. And also for personal example! I continue to learn from this amazing man. Amazing depth of knowledge and skills. Amazing attitude towards life and people. As I said in 2010: “I stopped believing in the Litvak system. My faith turned into knowledge.” And a few years later: “Mikhail Efimovich, I’ve been studying with you for ten years - it feels like I’ve begun to understand something.” And the more I study classical psychology, the more I am amazed at what depth lies behind the “simple words” in ME books. To my question: “What would I do without you,” he calmly replies: “I would find someone else who would help you.” I understand that only 10% depends on the psychologist, but without these 10% nothing would happen.

The main guideline for me in whether I am going in the “right” direction is Mikhail Efimovich’s aphorism: “Life is an easy thing. If it’s hard for you, it means you’re living wrong.” Yes, by the way, a diploma in ecology and a silver medal at school help to understand the plight of excellent students.