Children love soap bubbles. But often purchased bubbles cannot be inflated well. They burst at the very beginning. In addition, the solution has a corrosive effect on the eyes and sometimes on the skin. Try to find the labeling and composition on the package. It's unlikely you'll find them.

You cannot know for sure what the solution is made of. Each manufacturer strives to save money and does not always use high-quality raw materials for their product. We offer you a recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin. And not even alone.

Making a rainbow treat at home is not at all difficult. But you will definitely be confident in their quality. More often than not, it is better than the factory one.

It is important to use high-quality water for cooking. Please note that hard water will not allow you to blow large bubbles, and they will be difficult to blow out.

Filtered water is ideal. You can buy non-carbonated drinking water in the store. You can also get good bubbles from melted or boiled liquid.

Classic recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin

This is exactly how bubbles were made when we were little, this is the recipe according to GOST. What is necessary?

  • 100 g of clean water;
  • 10 g glycerin or laundry soap;
  • 20-40 g glycerin.

How to cook:

  • Cut the soap.
  • Let it dissolve completely.
  • Use only soap without additives or fragrances.
  • Pass the resulting solution through gauze.

Since we have a recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin, all that remains is to add it. First, take only 20 g. If you can’t blow out the bubbles, you can add about the same amount.

Glycerin is needed to prevent the bubbles from bursting immediately. Don't take the cream. What you need is pure glycerin. Or use sugar and gelatin in a 1:1 ratio instead. Only 25 g of this mixture.

Recipe with dishwashing liquid

Take this recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin and dish soap if you want to please your child with huge, simply gigantic bubbles.

  • 100 g of clean water;
  • 30 g glycerin;
  • 30 g dish detergent.


We definitely take clean water. The detergent is of high quality and it is better to choose something expensive, for example, Fairy. The composition will determine the size of the bubbles and how long they will last.

Combine water with detergent. When the solution is homogeneous, add about half of the prepared glycerin. If the bubbles inflate easily, great. If not, add a second part. Here a lot depends on the composition of the water. Therefore the ratio may be different.

Third recipe

This recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin will take longer to prepare. If you need them right away, it is better to opt for another method.

  • 100 g of clean water;
  • 30 g glycerin;
  • 15 g washing powder;
  • 3 drops of ammonia.

The water needs to be boiled. Then combine all the ingredients in a large container and let them dissolve well. After the solution has cooled, keep it cool for 72 hours. Strain. Place in the refrigerator for half a day.

Fourth recipe

  • 100 g of clean water;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 100 g shower gel.

Water and shampoo are mixed. You can also use shower gel or laundry soap (pre-rub and dissolve it in warm water). Next, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 7 days. After a week, take it out and add sugar. Ready.

Fifth recipe

Making bubbles using this method is very simple, and most importantly, fast. The composition includes only water (100 g) and bath foam (30 g). Nothing more. Just mix them together. We recommend taking foam for children from the “Little Fairy” series. The results are very beautiful balls.

So we told you the recipe for soap bubbles with and without glycerin. The bubbles are ready. What to inflate them with?

Soap Ball Blowing Tools

There are several different options. It is very convenient to use a ready-made blowing stick. You can make it yourself by twisting regular wire into a loop. Some people prefer a drinking straw. Cut the end of the tube on 4 sides.

What if there is none of this? Don't be discouraged, make a ring using your thumb and index finger. Here's a blower for you.

If you want to blow a giant bubble, you'll need a special loop. It's also easy to do. Take 2 sticks. Connect them together with 2 ropes to form a loop. Dip the ropes into the soapy solution, then spread the sticks a little wider and move them in different directions. It turns out very beautiful.

Now you have more than one recipe for soap bubbles with glycerin, foam, and shampoo. All that remains is to make soap balls and have fun with your child.

In childhood, many had fun with one thing: buying a bottle of solution and blowing soap bubbles. These funny balls were flying everywhere. It was a fascinating activity, so interesting that we didn’t even notice how the bubble ended... Let's discuss how to make soap bubbles at home.

It's time to remember childhood fun and fully enjoy soap balls. You don’t need to rush to the toy store to buy a soap solution; you can easily prepare it yourself at home. Basic components can be found in any home:

  • Glycerin or sugar.
  • Water.
  • Soap.

How to make your own soap solution at home

There are many recipes for making soap bubbles, which differ in composition and method of preparation. Choose a recipe whose ingredients can easily be found at home. Or prepare the components for a special soap solution in advance. I suggest you see how to cook the classic version.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. If you can’t find a jar of glycerin at home, you’ll have to walk to the pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a piece of laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Instead of a grater, you can use a knife, choose what is more convenient.
  2. Pour hot water over the soap and stir the solution with a spoon until the soap is completely dissolved. In the process, you can chuckle with a villainous laugh.
  3. Do not bring the solution to a boil! The water should be hot, but not boiling!
  4. If a few pieces of soap are left floating in the saucer, strain the solution through cheesecloth.
  5. Last step. Pour glycerin into the resulting liquid.

Don't forget to prepare the tool you will use to blow bubbles. A stick from a store-bought bottle of soap bubbles will do. Often at home they use a straw, which is also very convenient. Or you can roll a circle of the desired diameter from wire found in the garage. Now you are ready to blow bubbles of any size!

Video recipe

Soap bubble solution like store bought

In addition to the classic method, there are many other recipes for making bubbles. Let's say you want to make a soap solution like you would buy in a store. In this case, let’s study the table with the composition for making a store-bought version.

It is better not to use tap water. It degrades the quality of the bubbles! Use the dishwashing liquid you usually use.

As soon as you find corn syrup at the store, you can start making soap bubbles. Ready?


  1. Boil water and pour into a bowl.
  2. Pour dish liquid into a bowl and stir.
  3. Add corn syrup and mix well.

Ready. You are awesome. You can leave the solution for two to three hours to infuse, and then start having fun by encouraging your friends to take part.

Video tips

DIY soap bubbles with glycerin

Are you intrigued? Did you like the idea and want to continue experimenting with bubbles? What, classic recipe not the only one that uses glycerin.

Recipe with washing powder

I want to warn you that it may take several days to prepare a solution with washing powder. If you are ready to make sacrifices, read the instructions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm up the water. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add washing powder and mix. The powder should completely dissolve.
  3. Pour glycerin and ammonia into the solution. Stir.
  4. Let it brew for at least two days. More is possible.
  5. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and place the container in the refrigerator overnight.

If you do everything right, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe for big soap bubbles

The method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result will be more interesting, because the bubbles will come out more than one meter!

Take either distilled or boiled water. If you want to make more liquid, just maintain the proportions.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in a bowl of water, then strain the excess water through cheesecloth.
  2. Add sugar. All that remains is to melt it. Do not heat the liquid to boiling point!
  3. Take the resulting liquid and add it to the prepared water.
  4. Add glycerin and dish soap next. Stir the resulting solution. Be careful! No foam should form in the liquid.

Ready! Now you can please your loved ones with bubbles of a new scale!

Recipe for long lasting big bubbles

The second way is to make a liquid from which you can get meter-long bubbles.

Filtered or distilled water works great. Use thicker dishwashing liquid. Use lubricant without impurities, we are just creating a solution for bubbles.


  1. Mix all ingredients except water.
  2. Heat the water and pour into the solution.
  3. Mix thoroughly, but not too much. Foam should not appear on the surface of the liquid.

The solution is ready! The result was so-called “especially tenacious” bubbles. They will not burst even after contact with water. I advise you to try them in action right now!

Homemade recipe without glycerin

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, it doesn’t matter. The bubbles, of course, will not be so impressive, but they will inflate. And this is the main point.

Option with detergent

The recipe is extremely simple and unpretentious.

It is not recommended to use dishwashing detergent from dishwashers!

Mix the ingredients thoroughly in the required quantity and you're done. You can blow bubbles.

Option with foam

Another simple recipe for crafting soap solution at no additional cost. You will need:

Take the ingredients, combine, mix – done! Let's blow bubbles and enjoy!

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

If you're serious about the art of bubble blowing, it'll be helpful to learn how to make the strongest bubbles that won't burst. To prepare you will need:

Are you prepared? Great! Let's start making the solution.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the soap and crumble it into a cup.
  2. Add hot water. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. Add sugar and glycerin to the solution. We stir until victory is achieved.

A particularly strong solution has been prepared and can be used. Test in situations where ordinary bubbles would immediately burst.

There are a huge number of tricks and life hacks that help in preparing soap solutions at home. The following tips will make the difficult task of cooking easier.

  1. If you put the solution in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, it will only be beneficial.
  2. Glycerin makes the balloons strong, but you don't need to add too much, otherwise the bubbles will be difficult to blow.
  3. For soap purposes, use either boiled or distilled water. Tap water is not suitable for blowing bubbles.
  4. The fewer additives, fragrances and other dyes in the detergent, the better the bubbles will be.
  5. You need to inflate slowly and evenly so that the bubbles turn out beautiful and voluminous, and do not burst at the very beginning!
  6. A thin film should appear on the solution. If there are small bubbles on it, the solution is not of the best quality. Wait for them to disappear.
  7. You can dissolve food coloring in a soap solution and get fun, colorful bubbles.

It is not necessary to run to the nearest store for soapy entertainment; it is enough to have soap, water and glycerin on hand. Bubbles are easy and hassle-free to make yourself. And if you involve children in this procedure, as when preparing slime, you will have a bright and unforgettable pastime.

Try it, experiment! Add dyes to the foam, use flavors, encourage the family - do everything to get the full benefit of this unforgettable childhood game.

Bubble Since ancient times, they have attracted both children and adults. During excavations in Pompeii, archaeologists found frescoes (1st century AD) depicting people blowing bubbles. This fun is no less popular now.

Durability is the main thing that is valued in soap bubbles. This property directly depends on the correct proportion of ingredients for the solution, so if you decide to make bubbles yourself, you must strictly follow the instructions.

Recipe 1

One of the most simple ways. You need to take 200 g of dishwashing detergent (not for dishwashers), 600 ml of water and 100 ml of glycerin (sold in any pharmacy). All ingredients must be mixed well. Ready! The glycerin (or sugar) in this composition helps to make the bubbles strong. By the way, you can’t take plain water from the tap - it will contain a lot of salts, and this will have a bad effect on the quality of the film. Therefore, it is better to boil the water and let it cool or use distilled water. Such bubbles will be durable, although not very large.

Recipe 2

This method is more complicated - it will take more time and require complex components. For 600 ml of hot boiled water you need to take 300 ml of glycerin, 20 drops of ammonia and 50 g of any detergent (in powder form). Mix all the ingredients and leave to brew for two to three days. After this, carefully filter the solution and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. It’s a little tedious, but this product will allow you to make durable and large bubbles, just like the professionals who perform at soap bubble shows.

How to check the quality of the prepared mixture?

A bubble with a diameter of 30 mm should “live” for about 30 seconds on average. If you dip your finger in a soapy solution and then quickly touch it to a soap bubble - and the bubble does not burst - then the solution is correct.

Once the soap solution is ready, all we have to do is choose a tool for blowing bubbles.

How to blow soap bubbles?

A “classic” device for blowing bubbles is a straw, such as a cocktail straw. A straw was also used 300 years ago - this is what we see in the painting of a French painter of the 18th century Jean-Baptiste Chardin(1699-1779) “Soap bubbles” - and continue to be used today.

“Soap Bubbles”, Jean-Baptiste Simeon Chardin, 1734. Photo: Public Domain

To blow more complex soap bubbles, for example using the “matryoshka” principle, pour the bubble solution into a flat plate with a diameter of about 20 cm. Using a straw, inflate the bubble so that it “lies” on the plate. You will get a hemispherical bubble. Now carefully insert the tube inside the bubble and inflate another one, but of a smaller size.

How to prepare a solution for giant (from 1 m in diameter) soap bubbles?

The show with huge soap bubbles shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow fascinates both adults and children. It can decorate both children's parties and weddings and give an unforgettable magical atmosphere.

Recipes for large (from 1 m in diameter) bubbles

Recipe No. 1

  • 0.8 l distilled water,
  • 0.2 l dishwashing detergent,
  • 0.1 l glycerin,
  • 50 g sugar,
  • 50 g gelatin.

Soak the gelatin in water and leave to swell. Then strain and drain off excess water. Melt gelatin with sugar without bringing to a boil. Pour the resulting liquid into 8 parts distilled water, add the remaining ingredients and mix without foaming (foam is the enemy of soap bubbles!).

This solution produces especially large and durable bubbles, and most importantly, it is absolutely non-toxic, which means it is harmless to you and your child even in contact with skin.

Recipe No. 2

  • 0.8 l distilled water,
  • 0.2 l thick dishwashing detergent,
  • 0.1 l of gel lubricant without impurities,
  • 0.1 l glycerin.

Mix the gel, glycerin and dishwashing detergent. Add hot distilled water and mix thoroughly without creating foam on the surface. This method will allow you to make the most “tenacious” bubbles that do not burst even when in contact with water.

How to make giant bubbles?

A regular straw is not suitable for blowing giant bubbles. Tie a wool thread to two sticks, such as knitting needles. The resulting structure must be dipped into a plate with soapy water, allowing the woolen thread to soak. Then, moving the knitting needles apart and moving them, try to create your first soap creation.

Another - more complex - manufacturing method will require step by step instructions. You will need 2 sticks, a cord that should absorb the soap solution, and a bead.

Step 1. One end of the lace needs to be tied to the end of one of the sticks.

Step 2. Step back 80 cm and put on a bead (serves as a weight), then tie the cord to another stick.

Step 3. The remaining tip must be tied again to the first knot. The result should be a triangle of cord on sticks.

To start a bubble, dip the cord into the solution, let it absorb the soap, and then pull it out, lift it with outstretched arms in front of you and straighten the sticks. Do not make sudden movements, but also do not delay the process, as the soap solution can quickly spill out onto the ground.

*Bubble show stores and large children's stores have a huge selection of devices for blowing giant soap bubbles - in different shapes and with different numbers of cells. You can blow one large bubble or a swarm of tiny bubbles that will fly off in different directions in an instant.

Soap bubbles - bright, floating in space, shimmering in different colors color scheme balls. Most people buy soapy liquid in children's toy departments, but the best solution is to make soap bubbles at home yourself.

Tools for blowing soap bubbles

There are a lot of recipes for making compositions for launching soap balls, and if it is difficult to surprise with the fact of their presence, then it is possible to attract attention with their quality and form. They all turn out just like store-bought ones, or even better.

For inflation use:

  1. Cocktail straws with a cross cut on one edge.
  2. Pen body.
  3. Unusual dough molds.
  4. Empty pasta.
  5. Hollow bottles with a cut off bottom.
  6. Figured frames made of wire.

By adding a little imagination to the creative process and using the experience and recommendations of specialists, you can create an incredible rainbow-colored, memorable show.
If you didn’t already know how you can make soap bubbles yourself at home without glycerin, we’ll tell you now.

Soap bubbles recipe without glycerin

If soap bubbles are prepared for very young children, then you should avoid using glycerin. Its presence in the structure of the liquid significantly thickens the composition and makes playing difficult. Not every child can blow out a colorful balloon. The composition without glycerin can be prepared in 5 minutes.

Required components:

  • dishwashing liquid - 100g;
  • water, boiled or purified - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

All ingredients are mixed and set aside for 24 hours in a cool place.

Important! Since soap bubbles are prepared mainly for children, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of household chemicals. It is also important to consider the likely reaction of some adult guests to the allergen.

Modern dishwashing liquids are based on a potassium composition, which resembles the contents of shampoo or soap. Therefore, it makes excellent bubbles. All that remains is to add the fastening element.

To improve quality you need:

  • dishwashing liquid - 25 ml;
  • boiled cooled water - ½ tbsp;
  • sugar - ½ tsp.

Mix all ingredients and let the liquid brew for 12-15 hours.

Dishwashing liquid recipe

To make soap bubbles at home, no special skills or materials are required. Everything can be found quickly on the farm.

Required components:

  • dishwashing detergent - 145 g;
  • boiled water - 800 ml;
  • food coloring - 3 tsp;
  • glycerin - 3 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. All ingredients without dye are combined and thoroughly mixed.
  2. The entire volume is divided into three parts. Add 1 tsp to each serving. food coloring (the output will be three bubbles with different colors of bubbles).
  3. Let it brew in a cool place.
  4. If you want to get more stable, dense bubbles, you can use glycerin instead of sugar.

How to make large store-bought soap bubbles

It’s not difficult to make soap bubbles “like in a store” with your own hands, since there are many recipes available. It is important to understand that mixing the components is not enough.

Giant soap bubbles are no longer the ultimate dream. The solution is prepared with the obligatory use of gelatin.

Required components:

  • shampoo - 800 ml;
  • gelatin - 1 pack. ;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • glycerin - 150 ml.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Gelatin is poured with water and allowed to swell.
  2. Sugar is dissolved in water.
  3. Combine gelatin with sugar.
  4. The mixture is filtered and combined with the remaining water.
  5. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.
  6. It is recommended to keep the finished composition for at least 12 hours before using it as intended. Knowing how to make soap bubbles yourself at home with glycerin, there will always be a holiday in your home.

With glycerin

Glycerin - available in pharmacies without a prescription. Without it, it is difficult to prepare liquid for an enchanting show with soap bubbles. Thanks to this simple ingredient, dense balls are obtained that are resistant to external irritants (dust, light wind).

From laundry soap

You can make soap bubbles with your own hands if you have a bar of laundry soap. If the housewife does not have glycerin in her supplies, the result will still not disappoint. You can also add gelatin or sugar and “adjust” the composition to individual preferences.

Required components:

  • water - 2 l;
  • laundry soap - 1 glass;
  • glycerin, or sugar syrup, or gelatin.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Laundry soap (72%) is ground using a grater.
  2. The shavings are added to well-heated, boiled water.
  3. Add additional ingredients as desired.
  4. The mixture is stirred until the grains dissolve.
  5. Cool.
  6. The solution can be used after the liquid has completely cooled.

From baby shampoo

The presence of children in the house also implies the presence of baby shampoo. The manufacturer usually uses ingredients that are safe for children when making hygiene products, therefore, the bubbles will not be chemically aggressive.

Once you understand how to make soap bubbles for your baby at home, you can always entertain your child.

Required components:

  • baby shampoo - 200 ml;
  • purified water - 400 ml;
  • glycerin - 3 tbsp. l.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Combine the shampoo with water, mix thoroughly and let it sit for a day.
  2. Glycerin is added to the total infused mass.
  3. If glycerin is not on hand, an alternative option is sugar (6 tsp).

From washing powder

It should be noted that to make children's soap bubbles with their own hands, they use the maximum natural product, without fragrances or synthetic ingredients. The volume turns out to be quite large and the liquid should be prepared in advance.

Required components:

  • purified or boiled water - 600 ml;
  • glycerin - 200 ml;
  • ammonia - 20 drops;
  • washing powder - 100 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Washing powder is dissolved in well warm water.
  2. Glycerin and ammonia are added to the cooled solution.
  3. Keep in cool place - 48 hours.
  4. After settling, it is recommended to store the mixture in the cold (+5 degrees). When choosing a powder, you should give preference to children's ones, as they have a gentle composition and are hypoallergenic. The recipe is suitable for show programs that surprise with the incredible size of the bubbles.

Figured soap bubbles

To make the bubbles unusual, shaped, and festive, frames with different patterns are used. You can make them yourself, following instructions from the Internet.

Important! The soap solution should be prepared quite thick.

Required components:

  • water - 500 ml;
  • glycerin - 500 ml;
  • laundry soap - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 100 g.
  1. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and kept in a cool place for 15 hours.
  2. The question of how to make soap bubbles at home so that they are as strong as store-bought ones will disappear if you follow the recommendations.

Unpopping bubbles

If you want to surprise your guests with non-bursting soap bubbles of a meter in diameter, made with your own hands, then following the proposed recipe, you can get the desired result.

Required components:

  • distiller water - 800 ml;
  • dishwashing detergent - 200 ml;
  • glycerin - 150 ml;
  • gelatin - 1 packet;
  • sugar - 50 g.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The gelatin mixture is prepared according to the instructions on the bag and filtered through a piece of gauze.
  2. Dissolve sugar and gelatin in a bath - do not bring to a boil.
  3. Warm water is added to the resulting mass.
  4. Add all ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  5. When mixing, do not be excessively active, since it is highly undesirable to foam the composition.

To get the product at home High Quality, you should listen to the recommendations of experts:

  • To create a foam composition, it is necessary to use boiled water, ideally distilled;
  • detergents used to produce bubbles must be natural;
  • using glycerin you can adjust the thickness of the mixture - it is not recommended to prepare a dense liquid for babies, as it is more difficult to inflate them;
  • when preparing, it is better to follow recipes with precise dosages, since excessive amounts of glycerin and sugar can significantly complicate the blowing process;
  • you can add a familiar aroma with your favorite bath foam;
  • You should be patient and hold the bubbles until they are used in practice - up to a day;
  • You should not blow bubbles in a living room, as the liquid can leave aesthetically unattractive marks on furniture, floors, and walls;
  • if the composition gets on mucous tissues, it must be immediately washed off the surfaces with running water;
  • Children playing with soap bubbles must be supervised.

Soap bubbles made with your own hands at home according to our recipes are significantly superior to industrial ones. They are prepared from high-quality and affordable materials and are universal entertainment suitable for any celebration. Multi-colored soap balls are appropriate for children's parties and weddings. If you set a goal, you can organize an enchanting performance without involving animators.

Soap bubbles are an integral attribute of most holidays. They cause joy and a lot of pleasure in children and adults, besides, entertainment with them always looks spectacular and any event turns into fairytale adventure. They also have other advantages: they are affordable, versatile in design, and enable even beginners to create incredible beautiful shapes and use them in games or competitions.

We will not consider how professional craftsmen use bubbles in their activities. They have the skill and special equipment. We are interested in how to make soap bubbles yourself at home. It turns out that the solution is prepared simply and in any volume. The basic components for preparing the solution can be found in every home, but it is important to follow a few recommendations. The latter will be described in detail in the recipes below.

The main advantage of soap balls is durability. The longer the figure lasts, the more delight it causes among others. If you get down to business on your own, you should adhere to several basic rules:

  • to prepare the solution, you must use boiled, distilled or bottled water purchased in a store;
  • natural soap or natural-based detergent ensures the reliability of the ball (in comparison with the perfumed products used);
  • glycerin combined with sugar dissolved in warm water also provides good quality films;
  • It is recommended to keep the solution for a day;
  • if it is windy outside, then inflating the balloons should be moved indoors;
  • baby mix should be prepared exclusively from products intended for children;
  • try to avoid the formation of foam on the surface, as it contributes to the rapid rupture of the ball;
  • if you add a little food coloring to the mix, you can get balls of all the colors of the rainbow;
  • if glycerin is not on hand, then you can use a mixture of sugar and gelatin in equal combination;
  • There is no need to shake the solution during use.

The best and proven recipes for making soap bubbles

Recipe No. 1 is the simplest and therefore loved by many parents.

  • 50 ml dishwashing detergent.
  • 200 ml of boiled water, preferably distilled.
  • 10 mg sugar or powdered sugar. The latter option is preferable, as it dissolves faster.

After mixing all the ingredients, the soap bubbles are ready for use. You probably have a question about how to use the solution. It is poured into a large shallow plate, and then the wide part of an ordinary kitchen funnel is lowered into it. It is enough to dip the edges of the product to form a large ball when blown. If you don’t have a funnel at hand, you can use a regular plastic bottle. The bottom of the bottle is carefully trimmed (the edges can be aligned with a match). Depending on the choice of bottle, you can get balls of different diameters.

Recipe No. 2 – for a children's party

  • Shampoo or any other baby detergent – ​​200 ml.
  • Distilled water – 40 ml.
  • Glycerin - no more than 3 tablespoons (otherwise it will be difficult for children to blow out balloons).

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The solution is poured into small bottles so that children can hold them comfortably. The recipe is ideal for events involving children, as it is absolutely safe. Plastic straws of various diameters are dropped into the bottles. With their help, small shaped balls are blown out. It is recommended to first split the tip of the straw on one side. If kids want to blow out several balloons at once, then fasten the tubes together (the number does not matter). If you don’t have juice tubes on hand, you can use a ballpoint pen after removing the refill.

Recipe No. 3 - the most ancient cooking method

  • 100 g of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater. You should not use regular toilet soap; it contains a lot of fragrances and essential oils.
  • 50 ml of cold boiled water. Previously, melt or rain water was used.
  • Glycerin 1/3 of the solution volume. Glycerin gives the ball strength and greater density, which affect the flight duration.

The components are mixed, but not much (lumps of soap remain). If you bring the solution to a homogeneous mass, the bubbles will quickly burst.

Interesting! In the autumn or spring, you may notice that soap bubbles almost instantly fall down rather than rise up. This process depends on the air temperature. It cools the film quickly so it doesn't rise. At sub-zero air temperatures, you may notice that the balloons freeze while still in flight.

Recipe No. 4 - specifically for creating large balls and other shapes

  • 100 ml water (boiled or distilled). Its temperature should not be less than 70 degrees.
  • 50 ml glycerin.
  • 10 g washing powder.
  • A couple of drops of ammonia.

Mix all ingredients until smooth, then the solution should stand for about 72 hours in a warm place. After this period, strain it through a fine sieve. Cool the resulting mass and store it in the refrigerator. After carrying out all the above procedures, you can begin to create large bubbles. In this case, it will be quite difficult to make do with improvised means. Therefore, we prepare a loop of nylon rope. The diameter of the loop depends on the desired volume of the figure. Two long sticks are attached to the rope, as well as a small weight. The weighting material is secured in such a way that a certain shape is formed from the loop, for example, a triangle.

The rope is dipped into the prepared solution. It should be lifted slowly, holding it evenly with chopsticks. Carefully, you move to the side so that the air flow forms a ball. The diameter can reach up to 1 m.

Recipe No. 5 - a quick and cheap option

  • 30 g bath foam;
  • 100 ml water.

The ingredients are mixed and within a few seconds the solution for creating fantastic balls is ready. When choosing foam, it is recommended to give preference to the children's series, since it contains products with high foaming properties. As a blowing object, you can use wire twisted in the shape of a loop. If you use two objects, you can make a cylinder. We blow out a ball from one loop, then carefully apply a second object to it and pull it to the side - we get an elongated figure.

Recipe No. 6 – sweet, but not edible

  • 40 g granulated sugar or powder.
  • 300 ml water.
  • Dishwashing liquid in an amount of 100 ml.
  • 50 ml glycerin.

The components should be mixed until smooth. The sugar should completely dissolve. To speed up the process, you can use warm water or soak the mixture for a few minutes. Baking molds can be used as a special blow molding tool (why don't we continue with the sweet theme?). To do this, they should be secured to a strong wire on both sides so that it is convenient to hold the object.

Recipe No. 7 – super strong mix for balls

  • Dish detergent – ​​100 ml.
  • Liquid soap – 50 ml.
  • Water – 400 ml.
  • Glycerin – 50 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 50 g.
  • Baking powder for dough – 10 g.

Mix water, glycerin, detergent and liquid soap, granulated sugar and baking powder. Pour the solution into a wide container. Can be used immediately.

How to make soap bubbles that even an adult can fit into? This recipe is exactly what you need. To turn your idea into reality, you need to take a plastic gymnastics hoop. Lower the object into the solution and then slowly lift it up. This entertainment will provide a special atmosphere even at parties for adults.

Recipe No. 8 – gelatin balls

  • 1000 ml water.
  • 200 g dishwashing detergent.
  • 100 ml glycerin.
  • 50 g sugar.
  • 50 g gelatin.

Dissolve gelatin in a small amount of warm water. Then add sugar to the solution and heat over low heat. Once the sugar crystals have dissolved, add the remaining ingredients. To create balloons, you can use any blowing product. You can even use your palms, forming a circle with them.

Soap bubbles - a simple and accessible fun for everyone

We looked at how to make soap bubbles. Having prepared them according to one of the methods described above, and having had plenty of practice in creating balls, cylinders and triangles of various sizes, you can organize a party.

In order to do everything absolutely right and not spoil the holiday with unexpected situations, do not forget about the safety rules:

  • Although the solution is very beautiful to look at, it should not get into your mouth, eyes, or ears.
  • You need to blow the balloons in a direction where there is no one, not even animals. Otherwise, when bursting, irritating substances will get on the mucous membranes and can cause a burn. If this problem does occur, you should thoroughly rinse the injured area with running water.
  • After using the magic mix, it is important to wash your hands.

Ready but unused liquid can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. Now you know many secrets, you can safely create large and small masterpieces. Experiment - you will definitely succeed!