With this form of payment, it should be taken into account that the sale of any product or service for cash in Russia must be carried out through a cash register with the issuance of a corresponding receipt to the buyer. This is not difficult to organize when picking up goods at your own expense, but if we are talking about delivery by courier, then the issue is somewhat more complicated. According to regulatory authorities, the courier must have a portable cash register machine with autonomous power supply. There is a sufficient range of such equipment on the market, but, naturally, its acquisition requires additional costs.

Many online stores take a simpler route, installing one cash register in the office. The scheme is simple - the courier prints out a receipt in the office and delivers it to the buyer along with the goods. It is difficult to say whether such actions are legal. On the one hand, there is an indirect violation of trade rules due to a noticeable discrepancy in the time of issuing a check and receiving payment. On the other hand, this does not fall under administrative offenses, since it is not spelled out in the current administrative code. However, the fact is clear that such “improvement” does not meet with understanding among regulatory authorities and can cause problems.

Payment by bank cards

Bank cards are one of the most convenient forms of payment. Today, credit cards are becoming increasingly common, allowing users to make orders without going to the bank to apply for a loan.

Accordingly, the successful operation of an online store directly depends on its interaction with existing payment systems. Therefore, you are required to:

  • Submit an application and register in the electronic payment system. After reviewing the application, a personal code will be assigned in the system.
  • Conclude an Internet acquiring agreement with the bank. As part of this, the bank will open a current account, where funds from customers who have made purchases using plastic cards will go.

The bank with which you enter into an agreement will charge a fee for connecting to the system and servicing the current account. Every day you will receive a cash flow statement by email, on the basis of which you can record the fact of payment for the goods and organize delivery. But it should be remembered that when paying with bank cards, as well as when paying in cash, the use of cash registers is required.

Payment by electronic money

Electronic money - Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Mail-Money, PayCash, etc. are a form of non-cash payment and do not require the use of cash register equipment. With this payment method, the online store is required to register in the payment system and provide the center with all the necessary documentation, including primary documentation. Registration is also required from the buyer, but it follows a much simpler procedure.

To make a purchase, the buyer must have the required amount of electronic money in his electronic wallet. You can top them up by depositing cash or by bank transfer. Naturally, rarely will anyone specifically create an e-wallet to make a purchase in your online store; this form of payment is more likely intended for long-time users. However, it wouldn’t hurt to at least provide links to the relevant sites of electronic payment systems or post feature articles on the site.

Payment for goods is made by transferring electronic currency from the buyer’s account to the seller’s account. There are special programs or a web interface for this. The fact of making a payment is registered by receiving notifications through the program, web interface or receiving a notification by email.

If the buyer refuses the order

We are talking about the semi-legal option mentioned above, when the receipt is printed in the office and delivered by courier along with the goods. If the goods you delivered are not suitable for the buyer, and the receipt has already been printed and is in the cash register’s memory, then you must act in accordance with the Rule of the Ministry of Finance of Russia No. 104 of 08/30/1993. It provides for the drawing up of an act at the end of the working day in the KM-3 form. Let us remind you that this red tape can be avoided by equipping the courier with a portable cash register, which will issue a receipt after the buyer evaluates, accepts and pays for the goods. This allows you not only to reduce the risk of return, but also to avoid problems with regulatory authorities.

The payment method in the online store, which is only gaining strength and is not yet as popular as electronic money. The most popular and widespread network of terminals in Russia is QIWI. This company easily connects online stores, enters into contracts with both individuals and legal entities, and the interest for withdrawing funds from their e-wallet is not that high.

Depending on who you are, an individual or a legal entity, a tariff is selected and the process of connecting the online store to the payment system begins. If you individual, then the commission for accepting payments is 1%. For withdrawal of funds you will be charged from 0% (to the bank account of an individual of a certain bank) to 2.5% for withdrawal through payment systems (Contact, Unistream, etc.). If you entity, then the commission for accepting payments in an online store depends on your turnover and type of product. The transfer of received funds to your current account is free of charge.

From instant to 1-2 days

2. Safety.
The security system is at a high level. But, as we already said, double-check your payments.

Growing. Terminals are becoming more and more widespread not only in large cities, but also in towns and villages.


The simplest scheme involves simply copying the code from the Qiwi website and pasting it into your place, and this does not require programming skills.

5. Cash on delivery.

This payment method is closely related to postal shipments to regions of Russia or to those places where the online store is unable to accept money by courier.

In the future, we will tell you how to reduce cash on delivery payments and increase the frequency of prepayments when sending by Russian Post.

1. Speed ​​of receiving “real” money.
From a week to 2-3 months. “Loss” of parcels and money is possible.

2. Safety.
Unfortunately, postal workers sometimes make mistakes and your money may not always reach you, so tracking and control of sent parcels and money received for them is mandatory.

3. Demand by buyers.
Very high. The main reason is the lack of other types of delivery in the regions. What remains is Russian Post. Not everyone makes an advance payment, so they choose cash on delivery. That's why it's in such demand.

4. Easy to use and connect to the online store.

The biggest difficulty is packing goods according to the rules of the Russian Post + tedious filling out the paperwork for sending a parcel with cash on delivery. True, there are ways to automate all this. We will definitely tell you about this.

It should be taken into account that upon receipt of the parcel and payment for it, the buyer additionally pays approximately 6-10% of the purchase amount as payment for the transfer of funds to the seller. You can view the tariffs for this.

How much will it cost to send a parcel with cash on delivery to your desired location?
Automatic rater for calculating First Class shipments.

6. Cash.

The only one of all the methods listed above that requires a cash register. And not in all cases. If you receive money through a third party under an agency agreement, then you do not need to issue checks. And if you work with your own couriers or customers buy from your office, then you will need a cash register.

1. Speed ​​of receiving “real” money.
If you work with your own couriers, you usually receive cash on the day of the sale. In the case of working with third-party courier services, everything depends on the terms of the contract. On average, you receive money for orders from a week to 3 weeks.

2. Safety.
High if you do not consider cases of theft on the part of your couriers or errors on the part of third-party courier services.

3. Demand by buyers.
The tallest. They want to receive the goods as usual “today”, and only the courier will help us with this.

4. Easy to use and connect to the online store.

The easiest way of all.

7. Conclusion.

Organizing the acceptance of payments in an online store is only a complex matter at first glance. In fact, almost everything is already automated and there is not much manual work. Let's compare different payment systems according to their characteristics.

Speed ​​of receiving real money
1. Electronic money;
2. Bank card;
3. Payment terminals;
4. Cash;
5. Bank transfer;
6. Cash on delivery.

By and large, the security of all payment systems is now at a high level. We will only highlight double-checking of all electronic payments and extreme caution.

Demand by buyers.
1. Cash on delivery (due to the large number of residents throughout Russia);
2. Cash;
3. Electronic money;
4. Bank card;
5. Payment terminals;
6. Bank transfer.

Easy to connect to the online store.
1. Cash (does not require connection);
2. Cash on delivery (does not require connection);
3. Electronic money;
4. Payment terminals;
5. Bank cards;
6. Bank transfer (subject to automation).

Conclusions are at your discretion, since each online store owner pursues his own goals and it is difficult to advise everyone on one thing. In any case, if you can accept all of the above on the site payment systems for goods in an online store, it will only get better, since you will reach almost the entire Russian audience.

1. At the start, in addition to cash and cash on delivery, it will be enough for you to pay with electronic money and through terminals, since these systems are easy to connect and do not require special skills to use;
2. Optimize and automate payment-related business processes. Don’t be lazy to connect your store to payment systems so as not to waste your time on invoicing and other things;
3. Be vigilant. If the last name and first name of the owner of the plastic card are different from the recipient, you can already be wary;
4. Give the buyer a choice. It should not be limited to one or two payment methods;
5. When sending by Russian Post, persuade the buyer to prepay by offering him a discount or a gift with the order;
6. When trying to beautifully highlight the type of payment that is beneficial to you

We will be glad to hear your advice, your experience and answer all your questions.

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Good afternoon In our material today we will talk about a very interesting opportunity to use credit cards - paying for goods and services via the Internet. Interest in this service, as practice shows, is quite high among both holders of regular (debit) plastic cards and credit card holders. Meanwhile, many cardholders are frightened by the apparent complexity of making payments via the Internet, and they are content with conventional payment methods.

At the same time, online stores very often make big discounts for customers who pay for goods by bank transfer, or offer various bonuses (for example, free shipping). By paying for goods by postal order or cash on delivery, the buyer not only complicates the process of purchasing the goods, but also loses benefits. It is worth noting that the process of paying for goods with a credit card is not as complicated as it seems - even an inexperienced computer user can cope with this procedure, just follow simple recommendations.

About paying for goods in online stores

Just 15-20 years ago, it would never have occurred to anyone that the selection and purchase of goods can be done so simply: just go to the Internet, select a suitable store, and with a few keystrokes on the keyboard, the goods will be sent first to a virtual “basket”, and then - and to your home. It will be delivered by mail, courier, or you can take it out yourself from the store’s warehouse - it all depends on your choice. Now, many people around the world use the services of online stores, and this number is growing every day. It is worth noting that purchasing goods without visiting a store is not such a new phenomenon - just remember television “shopping on the couch”, offers in newspapers and magazines, mailing catalogs of cosmetics, books, and household goods, which were very popular a decade or two ago. The emergence of online stores marked a new era in shopping - it is now possible to buy goods and services from anywhere in the world - all you need is a computer with Internet access.

Speaking about methods of payment for goods in online stores, it is worth noting that at first they were not particularly diverse - you could buy goods using prepayment - by postal order or through a bank - or with payment upon receipt (cash on delivery or cash to the courier). The development of e-commerce and banking services has led to the fact that customers of online stores are no longer satisfied with the range of payment methods. In an effort to simplify and secure payment for goods as much as possible, owners of online stores began to launch additional online payment services: using electronic wallets (Webmoney, Yandex.Money and others), payment terminals (for example, Qiwi) and, of course, payment with using a bank card. It is the features of this payment method that our material today is devoted to.

Technology of paying for goods using a plastic card

As mentioned above, the development of technology has ultimately led to the fact that you can buy any product while sitting in your favorite chair - just make a few “clicks” with the mouse. At the same time, you won’t have to stand in line at a bank or post office to pay for goods—payment can be made using an online service. If you plan to use this online shopping service, we recommend that you read the instructions below. By following them, you can protect yourself from fraud and significantly simplify the payment procedure.

So, what is the procedure for paying for purchases with a bank card (it should be taken into account that now we are talking about both credit and debit cards - the payment technology is no different)? The payment process consists of the fact that, through a special service, the buyer sends an order to the bank to pay the required amount to the online store. In this case, the payment may look like a regular transfer from account to account (then the buyer makes it through the Internet bank independently, using the recipient’s details), but it can also be made using special programs and services. This is the payment method we will talk about.

So, what is the sequence of steps that will allow you to register your card for online payments?

  1. First, you need to select and issue a bank card that can be used to pay for goods on the Internet (such cards have a special identification code CVV2/CVC2). It is worth noting that Cirrus Maestro, Electron and some others cards are not suitable for online payments, so you should clarify this point when applying for a card at the bank;
  2. place on the card the amount necessary to pay for the goods or open the required credit limit;
  3. when choosing an online store, go to the section dedicated to payment and see if the seller accepts payment by cards of your payment system;
  4. After selecting a product and placing an order, select payment by card as a payment method. After this, the online store should redirect you to an intermediary site, where the card is registered;
  5. Following the instructions on the intermediary website, register the card. You will need to provide your personal information, card number, CVV2/CVC2 identification code (usually indicated on the back of the card). The PIN code should not be requested by such portals under any circumstances;
  6. the next stage is confirmation of the entered data. Most portals use the following procedure: a certain amount (within 1-3 rubles) is automatically blocked on your card. To confirm that the card belongs to you, you will need to authorize this operation (via the Internet banking hotline) or simply enter the exact amount that was blocked in the appropriate form on the payment service page;
  7. if the previous stage was successfully completed, the payment service will provide a special personal ID code for making payments;
  8. So, registration is completed. Now you can quickly and easily buy any goods and services (shoes and clothing, computers and household appliances, train and plane tickets, etc.), and without wasting time on settlements with the courier, withdrawing cash or processing transfers to banks and post offices.

Internet payment security

Speaking about payments on the Internet, one cannot help but touch upon such an issue as their security. It is this problem that worries many card users, and it is the risk of fraud that makes them refuse to pay for goods on the Internet. At the same time, minimizing the danger is not so difficult.

As can be understood from the above, to pay for goods on the Internet, the buyer’s personal information and card number are used, so this procedure cannot be considered absolutely safe (as well as when withdrawing cash from an ATM or paying for goods with a card through a terminal in a store, cases of fraud are possible) .

Therefore, you should carefully choose the online stores where you make your purchase. Moreover, payment via the Internet requires prepayment, and without trusting the store in such conditions you cannot make a purchase. Large stores that value their reputation offer their customers a variety of payment methods and cooperate only with proven payment services, so when shopping in such stores, the risk is minimal.

It is worth noting that many of our clients are scared of third-party services to which the store’s website “redirects” them. However, such tripartite cooperation significantly reduces the danger: the fact is that such payment portals are protected from viruses and hacks much better than the website of even the largest online store. Thus, the risk of information leakage tends to zero.

In what cases should you suspect fraud and think about the risk of refusing to make a prepaid purchase online?

  • You are making a purchase in this store for the first time and have not heard positive reviews about it;
  • the online store website does not inspire confidence, it gives the impression of being cheap and hastily made;
  • prices in the store are unreasonably low;
  • the online store is completely copied from another, larger one;
  • prepayment is the only way to pay for goods in this store; there is no possibility of self-pickup or courier delivery;
  • when registering a card, the site does not redirect you to the pages of the payment service, but requests information about your card - for example, number, PIN code, personal data;
    The exception is cases when payment will be made through online banking, then the store may request an account number, full name, and bank details. But even in this case, there is no need to enter the card number and codes on the online store website.

Thus, the principle of safe online shopping is absolutely clear: you need to be careful when choosing a store and payment method, then the risk of fraud will be minimal.

Positive aspects of paying for goods with a credit card

Speaking about bank cards in general and credit cards in particular, it is worth noting that the use of these payment instruments gives their owners unlimited possibilities. One of them - paying for goods via the Internet - has undoubted advantages:

  • the ability to purchase goods on foreign websites and international auctions (for example, the well-known eBay). Such sites work with buyers from other countries exclusively on the basis of full prepayment, and using cards it is very simple and inexpensive to make;
  • saving. Commissions for making payments through Internet banking or online payments in most banks are significantly lower than commissions for other payment methods. So, for cash on delivery at the post office they will take about 4% of the amount, for prepayment by bank transfer you will have to pay 2-3%, while online payment usually costs 2-1% of the amount;
  • no fees for credit card payments. Please note that banks charge large fees for cash withdrawals on credit cards. They can be avoided if payment is made by bank transfer;
  • a huge field of services and goods that can be paid for by card online. Nowadays, various Internet services offer payment for clothes and shoes, household and household goods, furniture and transport, groceries, utilities, payment of loans, fines, training, software, entertainment, air and train tickets and much more.

We talked about the advantages, ease of use, as well as registering and verifying an account in the PayPal payment system in the first part of our instructions.

Now it’s time to look at the features of payment in PayPal and answer the main question that torments every novice shopper: How does payment via PayPal work? By the way, if you don’t yet know what the PayPal payment system is, we suggest you familiarize yourself with its description on our website -.

So, all payments made through the PayPal system can be divided into two categories: sending payments yourself and paying according to invoices issued in the system. It is clear that each of these categories has its own nuances and characteristics. Let's look at everything related to paying with PayPal using examples.

Pay by invoice using PayPal
Paying with PayPal for a product purchased at an auction or in any online store actually involves paying an invoice that is automatically issued for the purchase. Therefore, after clicking the “Confirm order” button and making a payment for the transaction, you are automatically redirected to your page in the PayPal system. As a result, on the right side of the page you will see a proposal to log into your account using your login and password, and on the left - the amount of the payment to be made:

After entering your personal data, a payment page will open in front of you. To complete the payment, you need to use the “Pay Now” button. Payment via PayPal usually does not cause any difficulties:

Important: The PayPal account is automatically set in the currency of the country to which the payment system belongs, i.e. in US dollars. At the time of the card verification procedure in PayPal, the account will be replenished automatically, the replenishment amount will be 1.95 dollars. If dollars are used as the invoice currency, the payment will initially be debited from your PayPal account and only then (the remaining invoice amount) will be debited from the card linked to the account.

For example, you did not top up PayPal. At the same time, you want to pay for an item whose price is $5. In this case, in the “Payment Methods” line on your PayPal page, you will see two columns:
- the balance in the PayPal payment system is $1.95,
- the amount to be written off from a debit or credit card will be equal to 3.05 dollars.

As a result, it turns out that funds from your PayPal account are spent first and only then (the balance of the payment) the funds are debited from your card.

If you want to make a payment in a different currency, the entire payment will go through the card, while the PayPal account balance will remain the same ($1.95). In addition, payment via PayPal can be made after the seller of the goods issues an invoice to you. When you issue an “invoice”, an invoice with the following contents will be sent to the email address you specified during registration:

To complete the “invoice” payment, just click on “Pay invoice”.

How are payments sent?
To send a payment in the PayPal system, you first need to log in to the system using your username and password, and then go to the “Sending a payment” category:

By clicking on the link, you will see several fields that must be filled out. So in the “To” field you need to enter the recipient’s email address. In the remaining fields you need to indicate the desired payment currency and the amount of the payment itself. There are two tabs at the bottom of the page: “Personal Payments” and “Online Shopping.” If you use the last tab, the payment will go through without the commission that PayPal charges from the payment sender if the payment is sent through the “Personal Payments” form. We would like to note that when purchasing goods in the appropriate form you need to check the box.

Now you just need to click on the “Continue” button, after which you will be taken to the payment completion pages:

Currency Conversion: PayPal Fees for Senders
If replenishing your PayPal account and making payments are operations in which no commission is charged to the sender, then currency conversion is an operation that literally “hits your pocket.” However, there is no escape from this, because users of the system live in different countries, therefore, each of them has their own currency for payments (hryvnia, rubles, etc.). In this case, payments are mainly made in US dollars, British pounds or euros. In such a situation, currency conversion is an inevitable process, for which, unfortunately, the sender of the payment pays. But that's not all. The following question remains unclear: At what rate is currency conversion carried out? We will now try to figure this out.

As a rule, before converting currency, system users are offered several options for performing this operation:
- currency conversion by the bank that issued the card linked to a PayPal account (automatic currency exchange);
- currency conversion using PayPal.

Before giving a final verdict and choosing the most profitable option, you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. First of all, you should pay attention to the exchange rate of the bank that issued the card that you are currently using to make payments in the PayPal system. It is also worth considering the maximum payment amount allowed by the bank and whether there are other restrictions on working with the card.

It is worth noting that some Russian banks do not charge fees to payment card users when making two or more conversions. If your bank is one, without limiting the number of card transactions, you can draw an unambiguous conclusion: when converting currencies, it is more advisable to use the bank’s automatic system!

As for the conversion rate in the PayPal system, to view this information you need to use the online calculator, which is located in the “My Account” / “My Funds” tab.

If the automatically set currency conversion method does not suit you, you can change it. To do this, you need to go to the “My Account” tab, then go to the “Profile” category, then “My Funds”, where you need to select the line “My pre-approved payments”. You can change the settings using the “Update” button:

You will then be taken to the next page where you will be asked to indicate your available funding sources:

On the page that opens, opposite the information about the plastic card, there will be an active link “Conversion options”:

Important: It is worth remembering that after changing the currency conversion conditions, all subsequent operations will be carried out using the conversion method you specified!

Topping up your PayPal account: accepting money and returns
When returning funds to the payer's PayPal account, you need to take into account one caveat: the refund may be refunded in full or in part! But the refund amount under the terms of the system cannot exceed the amount of the payment you initially transferred.

When a refund is received from the seller, a notification will be sent to your email address:

After receiving the notification, be sure to check the presence of the completed transaction in your general payment history. For returns, as a rule, funds are credited to the payment card within 30 days, but usually this operation is carried out faster (within 5 - 7 days).

When receiving a partial refund, the scheme is identical, except that the letter will contain a corresponding clause.
When funds are received into your PayPal account, a notification about the receipt of funds will be sent to the email address you specified during registration:

After reviewing these notifications, you can click on the “Additional information” link, after which full information about the transaction will become available to you. Here you will have a choice: accept the payment or refuse it. When you confirm the receipt of funds in your PayPal account, its balance will increase by the amount received.

How to add a PayPal bank account to withdraw funds from the system to your bank account.

In September of this year, the PayPal payment system announced very good news: the Russian ruble was added to the number of currencies that are considered the main ones for making payments using PayPal. Thanks to this, Russian users have the opportunity to withdraw money from the system. To perform this operation, you first need to log into your PayPal account, log in, then select the “Profile” tab, and then select “Add/Change Bank Account”:

You will see a new form that needs to be filled out in Russian. In this case, all the data you enter must match those that you specified when opening the payment card. Don’t forget to enter your bank account number and BIC of your bank, after which you can confirm your actions by clicking the “Continue” button:

Be sure to check the correctness of the entered data (based on the BIC code, the system checks and automatically identifies the bank). If everything is correct, click “Continue”:

When you go to the next page, you will see that your PayPal account has a bank account linked to it:

To check the operation of your account, PayPal will transfer two amounts to it within 2–4 days. A notification with instructions for further action will be sent to your email address. As soon as your account receives the funds transferred by the system for the purpose of account verification, you will need to confirm your account. On the main page of your account, you will see the corresponding “Verify bank account” button:

After this, you will see the account you added in the general list of your bank accounts. However, withdrawals to the newly added account will not yet be possible. To fully use your PayPal account, you need to complete the confirmation procedure:

You can add several accounts to your PayPal account at once, from which you need to select the main one, which you will use constantly, and confirm it:

Having selected your main bank account, confirm it by clicking on the appropriate button:

If the procedure was successful, the system will notify you about this, after which you will be able to use your account in full:

Adding a new currency “Russian ruble” to PayPal
To activate the new currency, you need to log in to the PayPal payment system website. Then, in order to be able to replenish PayPal in the future, you will need to go from “Profile” to the “My Funds” category, where there is a “Currencies” tab:

After this, you will go to a page with a list of currencies from which you need to select, for example, the Russian ruble. To do this, click on the “Add currency” button:

As you can see, PayPal payments can be made in absolutely any currency that is convenient for you to use for payments.

Withdrawing personal funds from PayPal to a bank account
It’s worth noting right away that withdrawing funds from PayPal to a bank account in Russia is only possible in the bank’s currency, i.e. in Russian rubles. Therefore, when withdrawing money in any other foreign currency, the available amount will need to be converted into rubles.

To withdraw money, you first need to log into your PayPal account. Then follow the “Withdraw funds” link and click on the “Withdraw funds to a bank account” button:

After this, the system will take you to the next page where you will need to enter the amount you want to withdraw. Then, you need to click on the “Continue” button:

Now you need to confirm that the information you entered is correct. If everything is correct, click on “Submit”:

After requesting a withdrawal, you will receive a notification indicating the time period within which your request will be processed. As a rule, data processing occurs within 5 – 7 days:

To check the data on the completed operation, you need to go to your accounts page, which should reflect the last operation you performed to withdraw funds from PayPal:

Now just click on the “Details” button, after which the details of the completed operation will become available to you:

After the operation, a corresponding notification will be sent to the email address you specified, which will also reflect all the details of the operation:

At this point, the procedure for withdrawing funds from the PayPal payment system can be considered complete. After some time, the money you have withdrawn will arrive in your bank account. By the way, replenishing your PayPal account follows a similar pattern. Thus, we can say that replenishment in PayPal is carried out simply in the reverse order to the example we gave.

Shop with pleasure using the PayPal payment system!

Many people imagine the process of paying for purchases in a physical store and in an electronic retail outlet, which is located on the global network, in the same way. However, there are several differences that need to be considered in order to get a complete picture of the mechanism for conducting transactions using credit plastic through an electronic and physical store.

Payment process in a physical store

Today, it is more common for Russian citizens to pay by card at familiar, “real” retail outlets. The process itself, from the moment the client takes his card out of his wallet until the moment the money arrives in the merchant’s account, can be divided into several stages:

A visual process of checking credit plastic to see if it belongs to the person making the purchase;
- the moment of processing the card and receiving data about it;
- authorization process;
- if the authorization process is completed successfully, a sales receipt is issued;
- the process of issuing a sales receipt to the buyer;
- transferring a copy of the check receipt to the bank processing the payment from the card.

After all these operations are carried out by the cashier in the store, the acquiring bank, using banking mechanisms, will credit the store’s account with money, and the bank that issued the card itself, based on the check data, will be able to demand reimbursement of expenses.

When a customer pays with a credit card in a physical store, the cashier is required to check that the signatures on the credit card and the check he gave the customer to sign match. The cashier may also ask you to provide identification to make sure that the cardholder is the buyer.

In order to avoid participation in the process of a large number of documents, all sellers who are part of the company acquire standard trade receipts (slips or drafts) through the acquiring bank. This document consists of two copies of the form that is filled out. Between the copies of the check there is a carbon copy. Each check has its own number and its issuance is required.

In the process of paying for goods with a card, the card itself is processed on a special machine and all the necessary data from the card is automatically entered into the receipt. The client signs only on one copy of the check receipt, and the signature is transferred to the second form using a carbon copy. With this signature, the buyer agrees to write off money from the card account. The buyer takes one copy (with a signed copy) with him and if controversial issues arise, he can use it as proof that he is right. The seller sends the second form of the check to the acquiring bank.

Payment by credit card: type of credit card processing

All physical stores can be divided into two groups depending on the type of card processing: mechanical or electronic. During mechanical processing, an imprinter is installed in the store, which is designed to scan embossed information from the card and enter it into the receipt. Unfortunately, the buyer will not be able to pay in a store with a mechanical type of card processing with a non-embossed card.

If card processing occurs using a POS terminal, then this outlet is classified as a store with electronic card processing. The terminals are equipped with modems and a device that reads information from the magnetic stripe of a credit card. A cash register, a printer, and a keyboard for typing pin codes are also connected to it.