Chernikova Alevtina Anatolevna- Rector of NUST MISIS.


In 1988 she received higher education at Voronezh State University with a degree in industrial planning.

In 1997, she confirmed her qualifications as a professional accountant - chief accountant, expert accountant, consultant of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

From 1997 to 2012, she worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor, and professor at the Department of Economics and Management at STI MISiS.

In 2002, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences (“Ensuring sustainable development of dairy industry enterprises (On the example of the Voronezh and Belgorod regions)”).

From 2004 to 2007, she worked as Deputy Director of STI MISiS for financial and economic activities.

In 2005 she received the academic title of Associate Professor in the Department of Economics and Management by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

From 2008 to 2012 she worked as director of the Stary Oskol Technological Institute (branch) of the State Technical University "MISiS".

In 2008, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences (“Methodology for the strategic development of regional territorial-industrial complexes and mechanisms for enhancing investment support”).

In 2010 she received the academic title of professor.

Since 2012, she worked as the first vice-rector of the National Research Technological University "MISiS", acting. rector of the university.

In 2013, she was appointed to the position of rector of NUST MISIS.

Alevtina Anatolyevna Chernikova- Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, since 2013 - Rector of the National Research Technological University "MISiS".

1988 - graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Voronezh State University with a degree in Industrial Planning. She began her career at the Research Institute for the Problems of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (NIIKMA) named after. Shevyakova.

From 1993 to 2003, she worked as chief accountant and financial director at Systemservice LLC, whose activities included the development and implementation of automated process control systems.

1997 - awarded the qualification of a professional accountant - chief accountant, expert accountant, consultant of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

1997-2012 - went from senior lecturer to professor at the Department of Economics and Management at STI MISiS.

2002 - defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

2004-2007 - Deputy Director of STI MISiS for financial and economic activities.

2005 - awarded the academic title of associate professor.

2008-2012 - Director of the Stary Oskol Technological Institute (branch) of the State Technological University "Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys".

2008 - defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences.

2010 - awarded the academic title of professor.

2012 - First Vice-Rector of the National Research Technological University "MISiS"; and about. Rector of NUST MISIS.

Since 2013 - Rector of the National Research Technological University "MISiS".

Under the leadership of A. A. Chernikova, in 2014 NUST MISIS was ranked among the best universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings, and in 2015 - according to THE World University Rankings. In 2017, the university became a participant in THE, QS and ARWU subject rankings in six areas at once. Today, NUST MISIS is in the TOP-200 in materials science, in the TOP-100 in the category “Engineering - Metallurgy”, and ranks 30th in the world in the field of “Engineering - Mining”.

Alevtina Chernikova’s work has been recognized with a number of awards and commendations:

In 2015 A.A. Chernikova became a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education. In 2014, the rector of NUST MISIS was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation.”

In 2018, for her great contribution to Russian-Kazakh cooperation, A. Chernikova was awarded the Kazakh Order of Labor Glory, III degree, and the departmental medal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan “For contribution to the development of the foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.” In the same year, the rector of NUST MISIS was awarded the honorary badge “Mining Glory”, 1st degree.

In the Belgorod region, her work was awarded the Gratitude of the regional governor (2009) and the medal “For Services to the Belgorod Land”, 1st degree (2014).

In 2016, the rector of NUST MISIS was recognized as the winner of the “Rector of the Year” competition in the “University Management” category according to the “University Rector” magazine. In the same year, A. Chernikova became “Rector of the Year” in the nomination of the same name at the X All-Russian competition “Student Active”.

Alevtina Chernikova was born on May 22, 1966 in the village of Shatalovka, Belgorod region. In 1988, she received a diploma from the Faculty of Economics of Voronezh State University. Alevtina Chernikova’s first place of work was the Gubkin Research Institute of Cinematography named after L.D. Shevyakova, who studied the Kursk magnetic anomaly.

Then, from 1993 to 2003, she worked at the Systemservice company, whose scope of activities included the development and implementation of automated control systems for enterprises and production. After four years of work as a chief accountant, Chernikova was certified by the IPBR under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, receiving the qualification of a professional accountant. Subsequently, Alevtina Chernikova took the position of financial director of Systemservice, which she held until 2003.

Alevtina Chernikova’s teaching career at NUST MISIS began in 1997, in parallel with her work at Systemservice and advanced training. After several years of work as a senior lecturer, A. Chernikova received the title of associate professor and then professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the Stary Oskol branch of NUST MISIS.

Her lectures were a hit with students because, according to students, she was able to not only explain the intricacies of economic theory in an accessible manner, but also maintain an atmosphere of creativity and cooperation in the classroom. In 2002, Alevtina Anatolyevna summarized the experience of scientific activities, which resulted in the successful defense of her PhD thesis on the topic “Ensuring sustainable development of dairy industry enterprises.”

In 2004, Alevtina Anatolyevna became deputy director of STI NUST MISIS for economics and finance, while continuing her teaching activities. During her time as Deputy Director of STI NUST MISIS, Chernikova managed to optimize the financial and economic activities of the branch, automate accounting, tax and management accounting systems, develop a system for planning income and expenses, and solve a number of other priority tasks for the university.

In 2008, Alevtina Chernikova received a Doctor of Economics degree. Her work was devoted to the study of the methodology for the strategic development of regional territorial-industrial complexes and mechanisms for enhancing investment support.

Excellent management skills and many years of teaching experience allowed Chernikova to take the position of director of STI NUST MISIS in 2008. In the same year, she developed the concept of public-private partnership in higher education, which was successfully implemented and served as the basis for the creation of an innovative scientific and educational complex on the basis of STI NUST "MISiS" with the support of the mining and metallurgical holding "Metalloinvest" - one of the world leaders in area of ​​iron ore production.

Under the leadership of Chernikova, STI became a laureate of the “Gold Medal “European Quality” competition in the category “100 Best Universities in Russia”; a number of divisions of the Stary Oskol branch of MISiS won the competition of the best departments of the Russian Federation. The institute's research staff became winners of the "International Scientist of the Year" and "Engineer of the Year" competitions. These achievements did not go unnoticed - in 2009, Alevtina Anatolyevna Chernikova received the title “Director of the Year”.

In 2012, Alevtina Chernikova was appointed the first vice-rector of NUST MISIS with the functions of acting rector. A year later, on May 21, 2013, Chernikova became head of NUST MISIS.

Rector of NUST MISIS Alevtina Chernikova is the author of more than 135 publications, including 104 scientific papers and 31 teaching aids. Alevtina Chernikova’s work has been recognized with a number of awards and commendations. In the Belgorod region, her work was awarded with the Gratitude of the regional governor Evgeny Savchenko and the medal “For Services to the Belgorod Land”, 1st degree. NUST MISIS awarded Chernikova with a gold memorial badge of the university and a medal “For Impeccable Service”, 1st degree. In 2014, she was awarded the title of Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, and in 2015, the rector of NUST MISIS became a laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education. Alevtina Anatolyevna was recognized as the winner of the “Rector of the Year 2016” competition in the “University Management” category.

Under the leadership of Alevtina Chernikova, in 2014 NUST MISIS managed to become one of the best universities in the world according to QS World University Rankings, and in 2015 - according to THE World University Rankings. In 2016, NUST MISIS was the only Russian university to be included in THE 20 World’s Best Small Universities Ranking, and also achieved the highest dynamics in the regional and world QS rankings among Russian universities. The goal of NUST MISIS is to gain leadership positions in the field of materials science, metallurgy and mining by 2020 and reach a new level in the field of biomaterials, nano- and IT technologies.

Since 2015, Alevtina has been a deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma.

Chernikova Alevtina Anatolevna

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Voronezh State University in 1988. She began her career at the Research Institute for the Problems of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (NIIKMA) named after. L.D. Shevyakova.

From 1993 to 2003, she worked as chief accountant and financial director at Systemservice LLC, specializing in the development and implementation of an automated process control system (APCS) and enterprise management system (APCS). In 1997, Alevtina Chernikova was awarded the qualification of a professional accountant - chief accountant, expert accountant, consultant of the Institute of Professional Accountants of Russia under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. During the period from 1997 to 2012, she went from senior lecturer to professor at the Department of Economics and Management at STI NUST MISIS. In 2002 she defended her dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences, and in 2008 - Doctor of Economic Sciences.

From 2008 to 2012 - Director of the Stary Oskol Technological Institute (branch) of NUST MISIS. In 2012 - first vice-rector of the National Research Technological University MISiS, acting. rector of the university. Since 2013 - Rector of NUST MISIS.

During her leadership, NUST MISIS became the winner of the project to increase the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's best research and educational centers, and was among the best universities in the world according to the QS World University Rankings and THE World University Rankings.

Author of more than 120 publications, including more than 90 scientific papers and 30 teaching aids. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education. She was awarded the medal “For Services to the Land of Belgorod”, I and II degrees, the “Golden Memorial Badge of MISiS” and the medal “For Impeccable Service of MISiS”, I degree, was awarded the title “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation”, and received a letter of gratitude from the Federal Agency for Education.

Alevtina Anatolyevna, until recently, most high school students aspired to become lawyers, managers, but not techies. Have trends changed and engineering professions are back in fashion?

In 2012, NUST MISIS was in 103rd place in the ranking of demand among applicants. And now we are in 21st position on this list and fourth among technical universities! Interest in technical education has become a trend today, and we can say that through joint efforts we are creating this trend.

A lot is being done to popularize technical education at the federal level. These are various specialized programs: the All-Russian Engineering Competition, the All-Russian Engineering Festival, which this year was held at the NUST MISIS site. One cannot help but recall the many grant and scholarship programs for undergraduate and graduate students studying engineering. A lot is being done to develop the scientific and technical creativity of schoolchildren: centers for supporting technical creativity, centers for technological support of education, the Quantorium project, in the implementation of which our university takes an active part. As part of this strategic initiative, technology parks are being created throughout the country for children aged five to eighteen years.

As a result, in recent years, more and more talented school graduates are choosing technical specialties. This is a conscious choice; this can be judged by, for example, a criterion such as the increased number of original education documents submitted upon admission. If in 2015 every third applicant immediately brought original documents, then during the 2016 admission campaign there were more than 50 percent of such applicants.

NUST MISIS is one of the most active universities, where a variety of events on an all-Russian scale take place. This year, for the first time in Russia, your university held the international festival of inventors, Moscow Mini Maker Faire, in the summer. The only conference in Russia on new educational technologies has already become an annual event - EdCrunch. What benefits does such activity bring to the university, its students, teachers, and scientists?

Young people aged 17–18 years come to study with us. Depending on what direction of study our students choose for themselves, they spend four to ten years at the university. Our task is not only to provide them with a professional education during this time, which will allow them to successfully compete in the labor market, not only to open up the world of science for them, but also to provide opportunities for personal development, filling these years with bright and interesting student events.

We set ourselves the task of ensuring continuity of education, so that at any stage of professional development, a student or graduate, employee or teacher, or anyone who needs new knowledge and competencies, can come to our university and get it.

Therefore, constant improvement of the quality of education is a priority task of the university, for the solution of which new forms of education are being introduced: gamification, educational computer personalization, distance learning and much more. Thus, our EdCrunch conference has become one of the largest forums on new educational technologies not only in Russia, but also in Europe. This communication platform brings together the best experts in the field of open online education from around the world. NUST MISIS is one of eight Russian universities that became the founders of the Open Education Association, within the framework of which the university has already developed 14 online courses. These are mainly technical courses, but there is also a personal effectiveness course; it is one of the three most popular on the National Open Education Platform.

We are as open as possible to cooperation with other universities. For example, with the Mathematical Institute named after V.A. Steklov RAS, we created an interuniversity center for in-depth study of mathematics. Together with the Russian Quantum Center, the NUST MISIS Quantum Center, open to all researchers, has been created, which claims a leadership position among the world's leading scientific centers in the field of quantum technologies.

The developed university development strategy receives active support from students. Recently, for example, in Russia the results of the ranking of student councils of leading universities in Russia were summed up. The NUST MISIS Student Council is in the top 10 in the categories “Development of Student Self-Government”, “Openness and Transparency of Activities”, and also took first place in the category “Student Trust”. In 2012, the university launched the “Open Rectorate” project, where students take an active part in the life of the university, and since 2017 we are moving to an online format, within which students can not only ask questions that interest them, but also make their suggestions. We are forming a bank of NUST MISIS ideas, many of which receive support and become real projects.

Now everyone is talking about the university development model 3.0. You propose to go further, talk about “University 4.0”, where the fourth element is the creative component. How and why does this model work?

- “University 3.0” is education, science and innovation. This model is already working in universities. But I think version 4.0 is more harmonious, when the formation of a creative, creative environment is a prerequisite. To prepare a graduate who is competitive in the labor market, we need not only constant integration of science, education and innovation, but also a creative environment that will maximize the abilities of each student. We must not forget about individual educational trajectories; it is necessary to take into account the abilities and needs of each student.

Creating a creative environment at a university involves the development of many projects: scientific, social, cultural. An example is "CultLab", where we introduce students to different areas of painting. Or another project - the guys learn from abstract artists and paint pictures themselves. The volunteer movement is especially important to me: helping children and labor veterans. Our students teach computer literacy courses for older people and take the role of teachers very responsibly.

What do future employers value in young specialists? Who do they want among their employees? And how do you work with specialized companies?

The employment of university graduates must be dealt with systematically and constantly; NUST MISIS pays close attention to this issue. Our goal is for every graduate to know where he will work by the time he graduates. Issues of student employment are dealt with primarily by specialized graduating departments that have established close connections with companies; they understand who they are training and for what needs. In addition, NUST MISIS has created a Career Center, which annually interacts with 5,000 students, organizes more than 100 career events and collaborates with more than 1,200 partner companies in Russia and abroad. In particular, the university hosts the All-Russian Forum for students and graduates of technical specialties Breakpoint, the Forum on preparation for employment "Professional Navigation", the Federal Championship for solving business cases of the mining and metallurgical profile CUP MISIS CASE. The center also organizes “Career Days” with employers and partners, excursions, internships and internships at enterprises of relevant profiles.

The international QS Graduate Employability Rankings were recently released, reflecting the level of interaction between universities and employers and how successfully their graduates are employed. According to the criterion “Organization of interaction between employers and students,” NUST MISIS became a leader not only in Russia, but also in the world, scoring the maximum 100 points out of 100 possible. Only seven universities in the world have the same indicator.

As part of facilitating the employment of university graduates, we have entered into internship agreements with more than a thousand companies in all areas of student training. The largest number of students undergo internships in the companies Metalloinvest, OMK, Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works, Karakan-invest, EVRAZ, Norilsk Nickel, AK ALROSA and many others. Experience shows that student internships during their studies in 70–80% of cases result in employment. Our graduates work in various fields, in Russia and abroad. For example, in metallurgical and mining production complexes, in leading IT corporations and industrial holdings, in research centers and in the government service.

One of the most discussed topics now is professional navigation literally from kindergarten. Is it really that important or is it just a fashion statement? Does NUST MISIS conduct any career guidance events?

The university has developed and is successfully implementing a professional navigation program, which is aimed at attracting talented applicants aimed at studying at our university. Thanks to this program, schoolchildren can learn better about engineering professions, acquire additional knowledge in the field of exact and natural sciences, and see how the university lives and works. I would like to note that for several years now we have been systematically working to generate applicants’ interest in engineering professions. NUST MISIS provides high-quality technical education, but if strong students do not come to the university, it will be difficult for us to maintain a high level of education. Therefore, the preparation of an applicant who can master our program must begin not even in high school, but in middle school.

The “Engineering Class in a Moscow School” project, implemented jointly with the Moscow Government, turned out to be very successful. In September 2015, the university began cooperation with nine schools, the total number of students in engineering classes was about 200 people. In the 2016/2017 academic year, the number of schools increased to 39; in total, more than two thousand high school students study in engineering classes at NUST MISIS.

In addition, in November 2015, NUST MISIS became one of the founders of the Interuniversity Academic Center for Professional Navigation in Mining and Geological Specialties, opened on the basis of the State Geological Museum named after. IN AND. Vernadsky RAS. The project “Two days at NUST MISIS”, designed for schoolchildren in Moscow and the Moscow region, is enjoying success. High school students get the opportunity to fully experience college life, including living in a residence hall, attending lectures, working in research laboratories, participating in student activities, and working in the FabLab digital production center.

The professional navigation program is designed for three target groups of applicants: applicants from Moscow and the Moscow region, residents of all regions of Russia and foreign citizens. In 2015–2016, more than 150 thousand people took part in the program’s events.

- What are the university’s plans for 2017?

Currently, NUST MISIS is implementing two strategic programs: a development program, which was approved for the period from 2009 to 2017, and a program for increasing competitiveness, valid until 2020. The strategic goal of NUST MISIS by 2020 is to become a global leader in the areas of specializations “Materials Science”, “Metallurgy and Mining”, as well as to significantly strengthen its position in the field of biomaterials, nano- and IT technologies.

I am sure that NUST MISIS has everything necessary to fulfill its obligations. This is a correctly chosen development strategy, a highly professional team, talented students, a developed educational and scientific infrastructure and support from the business community.