And so, it's time to talk about the New Year. Or rather, it’s time to start preparing for this holiday. And for this you need new competitions for the New Year 2017 and New Year's games and entertainment to make it fun for you and your guests. Such competitions are also suitable for children and families and everyone will have fun. Ready to get started? Let's see what new we have.

Competition - lucky egg.
For the competition, you need to prepare empty barrels of Kinder Surprise toys in advance. 32 such barrels will be enough. Divide the barrels into 4 groups of 8 pieces each. You also need to write numbers on pieces of paper: 2, 0, 1, 7. Write each number 8 times and put all the pieces of paper in different barrels. It turns out that you have only 32 barrels and 8 of them have the same numbers.
Place all the barrels on a tray and mix. The participants of the game come out. For example, 4 people. At the leader's command, they must take one barrel and open it. Take out the piece of paper with the number and put it near you. Then they immediately take the second barrel and open it. If there is a different number, then they take the next barrel. If the number in the barrel is the same as what is already there, then they put the piece of paper back into the barrel, close it and put it on the tray. And they take another barrel. The point of the game is to be the first to find all four numbers to get the name of the year: 2017.
As you understand, if the number in the barrel is the same as what is already there, then the barrel is put back on the tray. Participants should not have the same numbers.
Well, whoever collected 2017 first gets a gift.

Competition - the tail of the rooster.

Everyone knows this competition, but only in a different version. For the competition you need a drawing of a rooster, but without a tail. You also need to make a tail, which will have to be attached to the rooster.
Glue a drawing of a rooster on the wall. We blindfold the participant and give him the tail in his hands. We spin the participant, and he must reach the rooster and attach his tail. Whoever can do this more accurately wins.

Competition - who will eat first.
Everyone has seen roosters eating. They lean towards the food and peck it. In this competition we will do the same, only with evemdems chocolates.
3-5 participants come out. Everyone has a plate and there are 15 evemdems chocolates on the plates. Participants keep their hands behind their backs. At the leader’s command, they lean towards the plate and use their tongue to take the chocolate bar. Whoever eats all his chocolate the fastest this way wins.

Competition - let's sing.
Everyone knows that roosters sing beautifully. Especially in the morning. In this competition we will almost sing. To be more precise, we will pronounce tongue twisters. Therefore, you need to prepare fun and funny tongue twisters in advance.
The participants take the stage. They are all given pieces of paper with the same tongue twister. They take turns reading it. Then the participants are asked to put candy in their mouths and repeat the tongue twister again with their mouths full.
Whoever comes up with the best or funniest result wins.

Competition - let's sing 2.
And in this competition we will sing for real.
Those who wish come out and are given the lyrics of funny New Year's songs. At first they sing them just like that. And then they are given lemon slices and they put them in their mouths! And so they have to sing songs. Let's see how much fun there is in their voice.

The toastmaster distributes posters with 5 words written large on them to the competition participants. In a minute, each participant must compose a New Year's article about an event that happened in the world, so that it contains comprehensive information about this event, and in addition, all the given words are used (these words can be turned into any parts of speech). The winner is the one who used all the words and who came up with the most interesting news (chosen by vote).

  • Zimbabwe, ice, dinosaur, helicopter, football;
  • Greenland, fainting, cactus, language, calendar;
  • Turkmenistan, ghost, model, kangaroo, salt;
  • Australia, penguin, battery, tango, elections.

Fortune telling

Any number of players can participate in the competition. A rope is stretched in front of the participants, on which pieces of paper are suspended. The player is blindfolded and given a pair of scissors. He must cut the thread with his eyes closed, and then read on a piece of paper what awaits him in the coming year.

The most sensitive

3-4 people are invited to the competition. All competitors wear the same thick gloves and are blindfolded. Each person is given the same fairly small object (pine cone, Christmas tree toy, toy car, etc.) in their hand. Whoever guesses first gets a point. The one who scores more points wins.

The most sober

The “most sober” participants are invited to the competition. Everyone is given a plastic bottle, a bowl of water, a teaspoon and an empty plate. A plastic bottle is placed on a plate, and a bowl of water is placed next to it. The players' task is to pour as much water into the bottle as possible within a certain time. The winner is the one who poured more into the bottle and less into the plate (i.e., whose hands shook less).

Cheerful lollipop

Everyone is invited to the competition. The players begin to sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.” After listening to one verse, the toastmaster stops them and gives everyone a lollipop. Players must put it in their mouth and continue singing the song. After listening to the second verse, the toastmaster again stops the singers and gives them another lollipop. The participants continue to sing again. Anyone who refuses or can no longer sing is eliminated from the competition. The winner is the one who can sing the song with a lot of lollipops in his mouth.

New Year's train

Everyone can participate in the competition. For the competition, you need to prepare a bag with notes on which body parts are written. The first two players draw out a piece of paper with the names of body parts, read which parts of the body they should touch each other and perform. Without letting go, the second and third players interlock, then the third and fourth, and so on until everyone runs out. Then, to cheerful music, everyone should dance along with such a New Year's train.

Put the genie back in the bottle

Everyone can participate in the competition. Each participant is given a plastic bottle and 10 A4 sheets. The players' task is to push these sheets into the bottle as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task first wins.

Tree fortune teller

For the competition, you need to draw a large spruce on whatman paper, and attach many multi-colored balls to it with tape (so that the ball can be torn off). On the reverse side of each ball, you need to draw a symbol of what awaits you in the coming year:

  • Car - buying a car
  • Rattle - new addition to the family
  • The key is purchasing an apartment
  • Steamboat - travel around the world
  • Watch - changes in life are expected
  • The letter is important news
  • Dress - a major wardrobe change
  • Human figure - new acquaintances
  • Cup - great achievements
  • Kopek - a significant increase in the budget
  • Gift - surprise
  • Heart is love
  • Book - important knowledge
  • A glass - many holidays

Everyone who wants to know their fate must tear off the ball they like and show the image on it to the toastmaster. The toastmaster reads the prediction.

Find a gift on the Christmas tree

For the competition, you need to draw a large spruce on whatman paper, and attach many multi-colored balls to it with tape (so that the ball can be torn off). On the reverse side of each ball, you need to draw a gift symbol:

  • The car is a toy car
  • Food processor - grater
  • Dishwasher - sponge
  • Hairdryer - comb
  • Chandelier - light bulb
  • COMPUTER (electronic computer - computer) - calculator
  • Ariel washing powder - laundry soap
  • Electric kettle - boiler
  • Typewriter - pen
  • Sewing machine - set of needles
  • Notebook - a notebook with the inscription Notebook

Each participant must tear off the ball they like and show the image on it to the toastmaster. The toastmaster gives a corresponding gift.

And I can do more

Several couples are invited to the competition. Girls must serve the men bottles of lemonade (1.5 liters), the men's task is to hold as many bottles as possible in any way. The couple in which the man holds the most bottles wins.

Box with a surprise

Everyone is invited to participate in the competition. The toastmaster brings out the box. Using leading questions, you need to find out what lies in it. Whoever guesses correctly receives a gift. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

Through the Looking Glass

Several people are invited to the competition. Everyone is given a New Year's quatrain printed on a piece of paper. The players' task is to read what is written as expressively as possible. The catch is that the poem is written in a mirror image.

Santa Claus - Snow Maiden - snowballs - chimes

Everyone is invited to participate in the competition. Line up in one line. In front of them, the toastmaster's assistants pull the rope (to a height of 10 centimeters). There will be a table on one side of the rope and a dance floor on the other. The presenter says the names (dance floor, table, snowballs, chimes, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden).

Participants must depict this:

  • dance floor - step over the rope and end up on the side of the dance floor and start dancing;
  • table - go back and depict a feast;
  • snowballs - depict a snowball fight;
  • chimes - tilt your head left and right with the words “Tick-tock, tick-tock”;
  • Santa Claus - young people should hit their staff and say: “Happy New Year!”; Snow Maiden - girls should say: “Did you call me?” and feign surprise

The one who makes a mistake is eliminated. The pace gradually increases. The winner is the one who never makes a mistake.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Toastmaster: It is no coincidence that we have gathered here today, We will celebrate the New Year with you.…

Sports competition "Cockfighting" for the Golden Cockerel Cup

- Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle;
- developing interest in various sports through relay races and competitions.
- strengthening children's health;
- development of motor reaction, attention;
- development in children of attention, the ability to act coherently in a team, courage, and a sense of self-confidence.
- education of strong-willed qualities, cohesion and friendship.
- Achieving a positive emotional attitude.
Equipment and inventory: 2 chairs, 2 hoops, balls, 2 spoons, 2 kinder eggs, combs with elastic bands, buttons and peas in plates, two fluffy tails, braid.
Location: playground.

Progress of the event

Educator: Today we will go to the fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel, where we will test how dexterous, brave and fast you are. You all know that the Rooster welcomes the coming day, it foretells the arrival of the morning and the end of the reign of the night. The crow of a rooster frees a person who has fallen into the power of dark forces. Chickens were first domesticated in India about 4 thousand years ago. In India, chickens and roosters were considered sacred solar birds. In ancient Rome, chickens were looked after by priests.
Persian traders organized rooster competitions in market squares 5,000 years ago. Later they spread to India and other Asian countries. In Vietnam, cockfighting was so popular that it formed the basis of the national style of martial arts, called the “golden rooster.” In many countries of the Ancient World, the rooster was a sacred animal, an object of religious worship. In Rome, during the reign of Julius Caesar, cockfights began to be held regularly. In England, this is a favorite pastime of the nobility and aristocracy; Students from noble families were taught in colleges to raise roosters and prepare them for fights. Even the English clergy was fond of cockfights, and church premises were used for them. In the 17th century Cockfighting became one of the types of gambling until Queen Victoria banned it by special decree. In the United States, cockfighting was popular with many presidents and political figures; competitions were even held in the White House and other government buildings.
How do you think?
1. How many breeds of chickens are there, and which of them do you know? (About 200 breeds. Andalusian Blue, Plymitruk, Minorca, Russian White, Brahma, Silver, broilers, guinea fowl...)
2. All these breeds are divided into types. How many are there? (Five types: egg, (meat, meat - egg, fighting and decorative.)
It might break, it might get cooked, it might turn into a bird if you want. (Egg).

I found a ball, broke it, I saw silver and gold. (Egg)
The eternal question bothers people, what came first was the Chicken or the Egg?
A game

“Transfer the egg in a spoon.”

Look, this is a spoon, There is an egg in it. Take a run along the path. Just don’t break it. There is a team competition
It was considered especially important how chickens eat at sunset: if it’s good, there will be good luck, and if it’s bad, there will be bad luck. Sometimes battles were postponed because of such predictions. Sacred chickens were kept on ships, and if these chickens did not eat food, it meant that the gods did not consent to the battle.
Well then. Now let's play a game

"How do chickens eat"

Cockerel, golden comb cockerel, butter beard, silken little head, you get up early - you don’t let the kids sleep, look out the window and I’ll give you some peas.
Preparation. Two plates with buttons and peas mixed in. Two chairs.
Contents of the game. We divide the children into two teams; they need to choose peas from the buttons.
Rules of the game: Who can pick the peas the fastest and run to the chair and back?
The pugnacity of roosters has been known literally since the domestication of chickens. In some places, roosters are specially raised for cockfighting. The ancient Greeks also enjoyed cockfighting. The training of young Athenian warriors included mandatory attendance at cockfights. Themistocles said: “Let the young warriors learn perseverance and courage from the roosters.”

Game "Cock Fight"

Who is more stubborn, who is stronger
Come out into the circle quickly
Cockfight is not easy
Take care of your fluffy tail.
Preparation. Team captains are given two fluffy tails, which they cling to their backs.
Rules of the game: They stand in the center of the circle and without leaving it, whoever rips off the tail first.

Game "Cockfight"

Hoop, each hoop has two participants. Participants need to push their opponent out of the hoop. Whoever stepped through the hoop lost.
Preparation. A circle with a diameter of 2 m is drawn on the floor. All players are divided into two teams and line up in two lines around the circle (one opposite the other).
Contents of the game. The players choose captains who send one of their players into the circle. Each of them stands on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the combatants (at a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stumble.
The winner is the player who manages to push his opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a winning point. The team whose players have a large number of victories wins.
Rules of the game: 1. The rules prohibit removing your hands from your back. 2. The match ends in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time. 3. The game continues until everyone has played the role of fighters. 4. Captains also fight among themselves (last).


The belt (braid) is tied with a ring. The players squat down and put the ring on their knees so that their legs cannot be straightened. Hands are placed under the knees.
Jumping in this position on their toes, the players try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who does not maintain balance loses.


Game content. They play in pairs. The players of the pair squat down, holding a short, strong stick under their knees. The hands are lowered under the stick, and the fingers are connected in front of the knees, in front. A couple depicts fighting roosters. The roosters jump at each other, trying to push the enemy so that he loses his balance and falls. If the "Rooster" falls to the ground more than the agreed number of times, then it is considered defeated.
Rules of the game: The fallen person must rise from the ground without separating his hands. If the "roosters" fall at the same time, the point is not counted for either one. You cannot push your opponent with a stick. The game must take place within a small area, beyond the boundaries of which you cannot go.
Educator: Well done, fast guys. Let's summarize the results of the competition.
Everyone wins!
Distribution of sweet prizes: marmalades in the form of scrambled eggs.

The New Year of the Rooster is expected to be a fun and magical holiday! For such a holiday you need a cheerful company of friends or colleagues.

Usually, New Year's celebrations for adults are planned in advance. And therefore it is worth thinking through all the details necessary for this.

Details include the menu for the festive table, the lineup of guests and New Year's competitions for the entertainment of adult guests. The rooster is the symbol of the year, so try to please it. What does a rooster like? Everything is bright, shocking, impressive. He's a badass and a big fashionista.

We have prepared for you a small but useful collection of competitions that will be suitable for the host to conduct competitions in the year of the rooster.

New Year's entertainment for adults with competitions

We don't always manage to celebrate the New Year with a lot of snow. However, if we still managed to catch him, then we can easily come up with a lot of New Year’s competitions and entertainment on the street.

Let's look at a few of them:

Cockerel on a stick

Everyone's favorite lollipop since childhood - a cockerel on a stick - can become the subject of an incendiary competition. To do this you will need:

2 giant models - a cockerel on a stick.
2 participants.

To win the competition you will need to dance with the symbol of the year to different music. The music changes all the time, sometimes fast and cheerful, sometimes sad, sometimes childish, you can turn on a melody suitable for striptease. The most original dancer receives a candy - a cockerel on a stick.

Decorate the Christmas tree

Competition for adult couples. All invitees must split into pairs. The man will have to choose a woman as his partner, who will subsequently portray the beautiful Christmas tree.

To decorate the Christmas tree, you need to take garlands, ribbons or tinsel. It will be fun if feathers or a chicken mask are used as props. After all, the year of the rooster is coming. The tree should hold one end of the tinsel, and the man should decorate it with the other end. The couple that is the most beautiful and dresses up the fastest wins.

Lady from the snow

This competition is for adults only. The invitees are divided into two teams. Each team sculpts its own snow lady. The main thing here is to understand that you need to sculpt not a snow woman, but a beautiful woman made of snow, with natural female forms.

To decorate such a figure, you can use all ladies' jewelry. Beads, dresses, hats and stoles are perfect. The winner is the one whose female figure turns out to be the most beautiful and closest to a natural woman.

Song of the year

In this competition you need to choose the most famous New Year's song. All participants are given pre-prepared cards containing nouns from this song.

The participant will have to depict the word that is indicated on his card. The rest guess the name and make up a song. It is appropriate to include a song associated with the symbol of the year - the cockerel. This is a very fun competition.


For this competition you will need a large, roomy bag. Then you will need to put different clothes in this bag. A hat, tights, scarves, socks, bras and panties in size 3XL are perfect for this!

Then a variety of music is played at different intervals. All guests dance and during the dance they pass this bag from hand to hand. As soon as the music stops playing, the participant in whose hands the bag is, takes out an item of clothing from it and puts it on himself. The competition continues until the bag is empty.

The most dressed up and cheerful participant wins.

Competition with clothespins

One of the team members will become the Christmas tree. You need to decorate the Christmas tree until the New Year's chimes are striking. The team with the funniest Christmas tree wins.

The same competition can be turned not into decorating a Christmas tree, but into dressing up a rooster. That is, you need to prepare the props in advance: feathers, a rooster’s tail on a clothespin or elastic band, a mask or helmet, a comb, a false beak, etc. Whose cockerel is more elegant is the winner.

Neon show

For such a competition, you need to purchase items that glow in advance. This could be a bracelet, beads, glasses and more. The electric lights turn off and everyone wearing illuminated items begins to dance. A very fun competition!

Golden eggs

Well, how can you not wish your adult friends wealth and prosperity in the New Year? To do this, we offer a new competition with eggs.

Boil a few eggs in advance. We paint them with gold decorative paint. Dry it.
We buy or prepare 2 baskets ourselves. We add other distracting items there. Divide the eggs equally among the baskets!

Participants - 2 people, at the command of the leader, must, blindfolded, find golden eggs in baskets among other objects and hay (paper cut into noodles). All this happens with cheerful music.

The one who finds all the eggs, or more than the other participant, is the winner.

Celebrating the New Year of the Rooster should be fun and always in a noisy company. After all, this holiday happens only once a year. It should be remembered with laughter and fun for all adults until next New Year!

The New Year of the Rooster is coming to an end. It's time to cook!

In general, the entire entertainment program for a wedding is based on properly entertaining the guests and newlyweds, making them break away from endless toasts and filling their stomachs, shake up a little and laugh a lot. To do this, of course, you can hire professional artists or organize a dance program for guests. However, not everyone will decide to dance in the company of unfamiliar people, and hired musicians will not force you to leave the table.

Competition - Pass the leaflet

  • Props: paper
  • Participants: everyone interested

All players stand in a circle. They need to pass a piece of paper to each other without using their hands using their breath. To do this, you need to put the piece of paper to your lips, take a breath and hold your breath for a few seconds until the other player does the same manipulations, only after that the first participant can let go of the sheet. If you do not hold your breath, the paper falls and the player sits down in his seat. The last remaining participant wins. To ensure that players do not delay movement, this competition can be held with cheerful music or under the guidance of a presenter.

Competition - We invite you to tea

  • Props: dry biscuits (5 pieces for each player), baby bottle with tea
  • Participants: 2-3 men

Among the various competitions and games for a wedding, there are some that may seem completely easy at first glance, such as this one. To hold the competition, you must invite 2-3 participants, preferably men. Each player is offered the following:

  • eat 5 stacked dry cookies (all at once);
  • whistle as loudly as possible;
  • temporarily drink all the tea through the nipple from a baby bottle.

Whoever completes all three tasks is rightfully called the winner.

Competition - Dance with Spaghetti

  • Props: spaghetti pack
  • Participants: male-female couples

All participants become male-female pairs. The players' task is to dance to the music while holding one straw of raw spaghetti in their mouths between them. The straw should be held carefully so that it does not break. The musical accompaniment can be changed from slow to fast and vice versa, and the presenter needs to monitor the honesty of the players. The couple who finishes the competition with an intact straw wins.

Competition - Cockfighting

  • Props: not required
  • Participants: men

There are comic competitions and wedding games that can evaluate the prowess of men. For example, the game "Cockfighting". Participants need to take a rooster stance: stand on their right leg, hold their left leg with one hand, and extend their right arm forward, palm up. So, our cockerels are ready, the battle can begin. The battles take place in pairs. The task of each player is to hit the opponent’s palm with his right hand, jumping on one leg and without losing balance. The enemy needs to be knocked down so that he stumbles.

Competition - Cinderella's slipper

  • Props: chairs for women, large cardboard box, scarves
  • Participants: equal numbers of men and women

This competition identifies men who understand the beauty and elegance of women's legs. Participants are divided into male-female pairs. The ladies sit on chairs and put one of their shoes in a common cardboard box. Men are blindfolded with scarves. Their task is to find a shoe for their lady in the general “warehouse” of shoes. This is not so easy to do, because with your eyes closed you need to find not only the necessary shoe among the many, but also your pair. When all the shoes have been found and put on the ladies, the men are untied. This game is not complete without funny incidents.

Competition - Merry Trinity

  • Props: two empty plastic bottles
  • Participants: threesomes (two men and a girl)

Each team of players consists of two young men and one girl. The boys hold a plastic bottle between their legs. The girl's task is to unscrew the cap from one bottle and screw it onto another without using her hands. The three players who complete the task faster win.