It seems that not so long ago you heard the solemn march of Mendelssohn, the clinking of glasses, the shouts of “Bitter!”, and 17 years have passed since you live together in love, tenderness and harmony. All family crises are behind us, and life pleases with its regularity. Celebrating holidays and anniversaries. 17th wedding anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding and how to celebrate it?

Pink wedding

There are two versions why 17th birthday life together called pink. According to the first version, the name comes from Pink colour. This is the color of tenderness, affection, sensuality. After 17 years of marriage, love is not as passionate as it was at the beginning family life, but soft, caring.

According to the second version, the name of a pink wedding comes from a noble flower - a rose. She is very beautiful, but if handled carelessly she can prick with her sharp thorns. But if you treat the rose with care, it will delight you with its appearance and delicate aroma for a long time. So it is with love. In order for it to bring joy even after 17 years of marriage, you need to make every effort to do so.

Pleasant surprises, or What to give for your 17th wedding anniversary

As a rule, spouses do not celebrate such a wedding “loudly.” It is best to do this in a warm family circle - with children and loved ones, or together, alone. A family dinner at home or in a cozy small restaurant, watching black and white films, warm hugs - everything that is needed for such a holiday.

Children often think when going to their parents for their 17th wedding anniversary: ​​what kind of wedding, what to give.

When choosing a gift, you need to turn to the symbol of this anniversary. You can give a rose in a pink pot, which will symbolize love and tenderness of feelings and delight the spouses for a long time, you can make a collage of family photos different years, bake a cake according to the traditional family recipe and decorate it with roses.

Spouses also shouldn’t rack their brains too much about a gift for this anniversary. The wife will be delighted with an incomparable breakfast in bed, pleasant words, a bouquet of roses and kisses. Give her a “day of your attention” and true romance, court her the way you did in your youth - many years ago. This date of married life together is an excellent reason to go to the cinema, cafe, or park. Remember your early years when you were in love and looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. Sharing pleasant memories can bring you closer and give you positive emotions, because this is your love story.

The wife may think: “17th wedding anniversary: ​​what should I give my husband?” What kind of wedding would it be? best gift- attention. Even the most serious man will be pleased to find tender notes of love in his pockets or documents, after reading which he will not be able to contain his smile. Pamper your man: cook his favorite dish or give him a massage with rose oil. You can organize a joint trip to the spa for “double” programs for lovers.

When celebrating your 17th wedding anniversary, you shouldn't buy expensive gifts. For such a tender, but significant pink wedding over the years, sweet words, signs of attention, hugs and kisses are enough. After all, real feelings cannot be bought for any money, and the love given 17 years ago remains the most memorable, pleasant and truly expensive gift. We just need to remind you of this once again. Find out,

17 years of marriage for spouses is a serious date. It is popularly known as a pink wedding, although some call it a tin wedding. The number 17 in numerology means choice, suggests the opening of new heights and horizons. It should be assumed that at this stage the spouses will be able to discover something new.

The 17th wedding anniversary in Russia has its own symbol - the most delicate and romantic flower - the rose. This plant represents the personification true love and loyalty. A 17th wedding anniversary is an event that involves a modest celebration, without noisy celebrations. But even for this you need to prepare in advance.

Wedding traditions for 17 years of marriage

A pink wedding has certain traditions that should not be ignored.

  1. An obligatory and irreplaceable attribute of the holiday is roses. They are a symbol of romance and the feeling of love that the couple was able to carry and maintain to the 17-year mark of their life together, despite thorns and obstacles. The husband should please his soulmate with a chic bouquet of these beautiful flowers.
  2. According to the good old tradition, a husband and wife should plant rose bushes under the windows of their house on their anniversary. And on the night immediately before the pink wedding, the wife covered the wedding bed with pink bed linen or with the image of roses. Each spouse should put a rosebud without thorns or branches under their pillow so that their future life together will be velvety and smooth as petals.
  3. Some people call the date of 17 years of marriage a tin wedding. Another symbolic and beautiful tradition is the tin rings that spouses exchange on the holiday. You can also repeat the vows that the spouses made on their wedding day. It is necessary to take care of such decorations in advance.

How to celebrate your 17th wedding anniversary

There are many interesting options for celebrating a significant event. The date is not round, it is not worth celebrating it in a banquet hall with a large number of guests. It is better if the spouses devote this day exclusively to themselves and go on a romantic trip. To escape the ordinary and breathe new life In a relationship, such a trip will come in handy.

When preparing for a celebration, if one is planned, you should take care of the pink interior. A tablecloth on the table, napkins of the appropriate color, and the spouses’ clothes in pink tones will create a special holiday atmosphere. A pink wedding can be celebrated with a romantic evening, symbolizing the beginning of a new tender period in a relationship.

Celebrating in a quiet family circle, with children and close relatives is an excellent option. But a simple feast should definitely be adjusted to the specifics of the date. For example, make an original wall newspaper with touching photographs from the wedding of the heroes of the occasion. You can decorate the apartment with roses and hearts made of multi-colored paper, draw comic caricatures of the “young ones,” and arrange congratulations. Scarlet rose petals, which will be strewn with the tablecloth, will help create a romantic atmosphere.

During the celebration itself, you can watch a wedding video, look through a family album, and remember funny incidents in the life of the spouses. As a rule, the children of a married couple are already big and independent and they can come up with some kind of unusual gift for the 17th wedding anniversary for parents or an original congratulation. And what holiday would be complete without cake?! You can bake it yourself and decorate it with roses or order it ready-made.

What to give for your 17th wedding anniversary

You should definitely congratulate the spouses on their wonderful anniversary, even if you were not invited to the celebration. It’s better to do this over the phone or on social media. networks. But if you are lucky enough to be a guest at a significant event, then a pressing question arises: what do you give for a pink wedding?

When choosing a gift, remember that it’s not for nothing that the anniversary has a similar name. Pink color and roses provide endless possibilities in its acquisition.

  1. A pink tea set is a wonderful gift for this occasion.
    The set will be an excellent addition to any kitchen, and you will have an extra opportunity to invite yourself over for tea.
  2. Textiles of the appropriate color (bed linen sets, blankets, curtains, tablecloths) are a practical and win-win option. Such items will leave a good memory of such a wonderful event as a pink wedding.
  3. They will be able to please the “young” indoor roses, which will decorate the lives of spouses for a long time. But you shouldn’t give artificial flowers.

If you want to be creative, you can choose as a gift a bouquet of chocolates wrapped in pink, aromatic sets with the scent of roses, paintings depicting this flower, etc. All of these options are perfect for a 17th anniversary. To make it even more original, a gift for a pink wedding can be wrapped in paper of the appropriate color.

17 years of marriage is not a round date, but it is beautiful and romantic. How to celebrate it, each couple decides for themselves. But why not take the opportunity to please each other with pleasant gifts and tender congratulations. Let romance and love reign in the home of the heroes of the occasion on this day!

Liana Raimanova

Any wedding anniversary is an important and memorable event in the family life of the spouses. Living together for many years in perfect harmony is worth a lot, and therefore the anniversary deserves to be remembered. How many years later is the pink (tin) wedding celebrated? A pink anniversary is 17 years of marriage. It got its name for a reason, there are several reasons for this:

  • Tin wedding symbolizes the metal tin. This is a fairly strong, but at the same time flexible metal, which is used in production for the manufacture of various useful household items. One of the advantages of tin is its excellent bonding properties. Thanks to this, tin is associated with strong family ties, when spouses are ready to change for the better if circumstances require it and are ready to do anything to save the family. A tin wedding, like tin, has brought the spouses together over 17 years of marriage, creating a family where mutual understanding and income reign.
  • Then what kind of wedding is called a pink one? It so happened that the 17th wedding anniversary also has a second name - pink. Pink has always been associated with tender and warm feelings; it is the color of love and care. But the anniversary takes its name not from the color, but from the rose flower. Rose for most peoples symbolizes happiness and fertility, and is also considered the sacred flower of Isis, the goddess of motherhood. A rose is a flower of people in love, it is a symbol of passionate feelings and love. Therefore, for seventeen years of family life, it is customary to give the wife a bouquet of roses.

That's why the 17th wedding anniversary is called pink or tin. This is an important day in the life of a family. Usually, after so many years, romance disappears from a relationship, but despite this, the spouses still continue to love and appreciate each other.

As you know, the 10th wedding anniversary has the same name, but there is one serious difference between these anniversaries. Unlike 10 years of marriage, the 17th tin wedding is not celebrated with a large number of guests, it is rather family celebration, which you need to spend next to your significant other and children.

Previously, it was customary to celebrate a tin wedding together, without relatives and children, without drawing special attention to this event

This is why 17th wedding anniversary is not celebrated. The main traditions of a tin (pink) wedding:

  • On the seventeenth anniversary, it is customary to give each other tin rings. Pewter rings are inexpensive. This is a symbol of strong and strong feelings that spouses experience for each other.

  • On this day, it is customary to decorate your home with delicate pink flowers and rose petals. This is necessary to give the holiday a romantic and touching mood.
  • Best choice for a holiday dinner drink red sweet or semi-sweet wine. This is a drink of love and passion.
  • At a tin wedding, the spouses must remember the vows of fidelity that they swore on their wedding day. Thus, confirming the inviolability of feelings, despite the years lived together and the sincerity of their intentions.
  • IN old times On the tenth anniversary, the man carried with him a special tin spoon, which he then put under his wife’s pillow at night. This tradition can be repeated on the 17th anniversary. It helps to make the feelings between spouses even stronger, and also binds them together for the rest of their lives.

As a rule, after 17 years of marriage, spouses lose passion and ardor in a relationship, so in order to refresh family life and add a little romance to it, it is recommended to hold an informal wedding ceremony. If the feelings between you have cooled and lost their strength, a properly organized ceremony will help restore their brightness, and also remind both of you that in addition to obligations, you are also connected by real feelings.

At an unofficial wedding ceremony, you can exchange rings again, as at your first wedding, only not gold, but tin

You will take vows of love and fidelity, and also confess your feelings . The ceremony will help diversify your family life, after it you can organize a small feast where you can celebrate your wedding anniversary .

How to choose the right gifts for a tin wedding

In order to do it right and make it unforgettable, there are several important tips:

  • First of all, avoid trivial gifts, try to be original. Thanks to your extraordinary approach, you can make the holiday unforgettable, because it is the little things that make up our lives. The gift should be memorable, so that after many years, looking at it, they remember you. For example, flowers will be quickly forgotten, but going to a concert of your favorite band will never be forgotten. If you still decide to give a regular gift, try to give it in an unusual way. The most important thing on a tin anniversary is not the set of pots, but the attention you pay to your loved ones.

  • A gift must be given with all your heart and soul. The main thing in any gift is the thoughts with which it is given. Inexpensive souvenir or DIY crafts, can bring more joy than the most expensive kitchen appliance given as a gift from an insincere person.

  • Symbolic gift. You need to choose a gift with the condition that it becomes memorable for the person to whom it will be given. It should be something related to warm memories, something that you were happy about and loved.

How to celebrate your 17th pink wedding anniversary

It is generally accepted that 17 years of marriage is not a reason for lavish celebrations. But despite this, it is, of course, impossible not to celebrate this event at all. Everything should have its own measure. There aren't many 17th wedding anniversary ideas out there.

It is not necessary to invite many guests to the holiday; it will be enough to spend this day with parents and children

In the circle of loved ones you can relax, relax, remember interesting points from life or watch old family videos.

Decorate the room where you will have a festive dinner with flowers. Flowers in vases, a tablecloth with flower embroidery are mandatory decorative elements. Main Don't overdo it with pink and flowers so that the decor does not seem too pretentious.

After you have dinner, you can look at the family photo album and review wedding video and children's photographs. If you don’t know what script to write for your 17th wedding anniversary, just spend the evening with your beloved family. A tin wedding is great for a day of memories. You have a good reason to remember what you dreamed of, what you wanted to achieve together, and how your life together began. But you shouldn’t spend the whole day remembering only the past, try to look forward and together with your spouse make plans for the near future. You can perform a popular ritual of making wishes. Buy an aerial sky lantern in a special store in advance, and when it gets dark, launch it into the sky together, while making your cherished wishes.

What clothes to choose for your 17th anniversary

An important role is played by the clothes in which you plan to celebrate your tin wedding anniversary.

With the help of specially selected outfits, you can emphasize the importance of the event and focus on the symbolism of the holiday.

In addition to spouses, guests who will be present at the celebration must also adhere to certain rules when choosing clothes. Therefore, do not forget to indicate this in the invitation to celebrate 17 years of married life that you will give to guests.

Outfits for wife and husband

To celebrate your anniversary unforgettably, choose beautiful and stylish outfits for the occasion. Any woman can independently cope with the selection of clothes for herself and her husband. Choose bright and stylish outfits, which will suit each other in style. Your spouse can choose a suit in light or bluish shades. Pair a light suit with a pink pocket square or tie. For your wife's anniversary, you can choose a dress in warm colors, decorated with beads or lace. A light pink dress is ideal for a 17th anniversary. Both outfits for spouses should not only correspond to the symbolism of the anniversary, but also emphasize the dignity of the figure.

Outfits for relatives and children

Children will look very beautiful in elegant pink dresses. For boys, you can choose one clothing accessory that will match the style of the holiday. This could be a bow or tie of a certain color, such as pale pink or lilac. The rest of the family should also be dressed in a consistent style, for example, choose clothes in pink tones.

Festive table for the 17th wedding anniversary

The menu at a tin wedding should not be too overloaded; choose dishes according to your financial capabilities, and so that the dishes complement each other. You can choose unusual recipes, the main thing is that the prepared dishes are tasty and give the status of a pink wedding. Festive menu options for the pink (tin) anniversary:

  • Sea fish dishes and snacks. Trout, pink salmon or salmon would look very appropriate on a holiday table. An original and tasty red fish appetizer will be a highlight festive table.
  • Chicken in pink sauce. Finding a recipe for the main dish is not difficult. The main thing is that it looks appetizing.
  • For drinks, it is better to buy rose or red wine.
  • A mandatory decoration of the festive table should be a cake for the 17th wedding anniversary. You can easily prepare it yourself, find your favorite cake recipe and come up with an original decoration for it. A cake decorated with white or pink roses will look best.

The festive table can be decorated with short-cut flowers. They look more impressive and sophisticated.

28 February 2018, 19:48

What to gift:

17 years of marriage is an anniversary that is celebrated on a special scale. Today this holiday is called the tin wedding thanks to characteristic features alloy: the metal is amazingly flexible, just like the union of spouses who, over so many years of marriage, managed to instill this quality in themselves.

Flexibility is the ability to adapt to each other’s needs and desires, without infringing on one’s own needs and desires. Otherwise, this quality is called compromise. Sound familiar? It was thanks to these qualities that the union of the spouses managed to last for so many years, bringing them to their next wedding anniversary.

It is worth noting that tin is often used as a strong binding element for soldering different metals. That is why the marriage of the young was able to last for seventeen years.

Celebration customs

Like any other wedding, the tin anniversary has its own traditions. The husband must give his wife flowers, and not just any flowers, but scarlet roses, and seventeen in number. Of course, the husband would have thought of giving his wife flowers even without this tradition, but if you celebrate beautifully, then by observing this particular tradition.

And after celebrating many years of marriage, it would be nice to decorate the marital bed with flower petals. This will add a bit of sensuality and romance, which, probably, is not as much in the life of the spouses as at the very beginning of their life together.

According to tradition, on this day spouses should also give each other tin rings. This is done in the same way as on the first wedding day many years ago. And before giving, you can engrave the rings.

As a rule, it is customary to celebrate the 17th anniversary of marriage exclusively with family. Parents of spouses and their children are the ideal company for this celebration.

Dedicate the day to the memories of the past years, share the joyful moments of life together with loved ones, look through common photographs together, remember which of them was taken under what circumstances.

Of course, a narrow circle is not a prerequisite for the holiday. You can always make a large-scale celebration and invite all the desired guests who can come to your wedding anniversary.


A lot can be said about what to give on this day. However, this anniversary is called a tin anniversary, so it would be great if antique or jewelry, interior items with tin elements.

In general, you can choose absolutely any gift that you consider necessary or suitable, appropriate for this married couple, for this celebration. Even if you were unable to link the gift you liked to a celebration such as a tin wedding, it will be enough to simply make a beautiful themed package.

Wrap the gift in beautiful metallic wrapping paper, decorate it with a lush bow and your gift will harmoniously blend into the atmosphere of a general holiday, and will certainly appeal to the young.

A gift that is not entirely made of tin, but only with some elements of this metal is quite suitable: jewelry, antique watches, beautiful figurines, photo frames, lamps, floor lamps and much more.

It will be very romantic and useful to buy a beautiful photo frame and insert a beautiful thematic photo into it. For example, this could be a photograph of spouses on their first day of marriage. Or you can make a collage of the best pictures of the spouses. Be creative, spontaneous, friendly and certainly in a good mood - after all, that’s why you were invited to the anniversary!

What else can we do to make each other happy?

Almost every person knows which wedding is celebrated on the fifth, tenth or twentieth anniversary of marriage. And 17 years - what kind of wedding? Few people know about this, and moreover, not all couples celebrate this date. Let's figure out what kind of wedding is celebrated on the seventeenth year of marriage and what it means.

By their 17th anniversary, the couple had already become family, their children were already growing up, and even though romantic and passionate relationships were no longer in the first place, they continued to sincerely care and protect their family. At this time, it is very important to celebrate each year spent together, as this holiday of love, patience and fidelity emphasizes tenderness and care for each other.

Symbolism of the holiday

17 years of marriage named pink and pewter wedding It is no coincidence that the reason for this is the flexible and pliable metal tin, which, when heated, can take on absolutely any shape. It symbolizes the metallic strength of family ties, capable of withstanding any adversity, no matter how time bends it. Roses dilute the ordinary atmosphere of family life, making it more tender, passionate and romantic. They symbolize lovers who were able to endure despite bumping into each other's thorns.

Traditions of the 17th anniversary

On the 17th year of marriage, a tin or pink wedding is celebrated. Moreover, many sources believe that this is the name of the tenth anniversary. The whole difference is that on the tenth anniversary of the wedding it is customary to organize a celebration and invite guests, but the seventeenth anniversary is usually celebrated modestly in a quiet family circle. At the same time, there are unshakable traditions that are respected even today.

  • On their seventeenth wedding anniversary, spouses must exchange simple tin rings, which cost nothing, but firmly cement the already strong love of husband and wife.
  • A man can give his wife delicate pink roses as a symbol of tenderness and warmth, as well as strong emotional attachment.
  • For the seventeenth anniversary, it is customary to decorate a room or the entire house with bouquets of roses or pink petals, which they can give to spouses good mood and a romantic atmosphere.
  • You can devote this day to yourself, retiring from the hustle and bustle of your family in a pleasant small restaurant or hotel room.
  • You should not drink strong alcoholic drinks on this pleasant evening; you should celebrate your wedding anniversary with red semi-sweet wine, as this drink fills the hearts of the spouses with love and tenderness.
  • On your seventeenth anniversary, tell each other the same words of love that you said at your wedding. Your other half will be very pleased to hear them again.

The main purpose of a wedding anniversary is to revive the romance and passion that fades a little during the period of marriage. Let a small holiday remind the spouses of how they wanted to be together when they got married, how they wanted to become each other’s hope and support, and dreamed of a strong and large family.

Even in ancient times in Rus', on the seventeenth wedding anniversary, the husband made a tin spoon, which he placed under his wife’s pillow before going to bed. It was believed that it was she who cemented their marriage for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, some couples also give each other some kind of tin gifts.

What to give your spouse for his 17th anniversary

What would a holiday be without small, purely symbolic gifts? The 17th anniversary is no exception. What to gift? Here are some options.

  • A man can give his beloved wife any piece of jewelry, as long as it has a pink stone inserted into it. It could be quartz, garnet, tourmaline, sapphire or topaz. It is worth noting that the pink color creates a feeling of comfort, puts you in a positive mood, and improves your mood. Among women Jewelry always evoke a lot of romantic emotions.
  • Also on pink and pewter wedding It is customary to give bed linen, towel sets, terry robes, tablecloths or any home textiles in soft pink or its shades.
  • An item of clothing could be a gift for both spouses. For a man, this could be a shirt or tie, and for a woman, an evening dress, which, by the way, can be worn to dinner in a restaurant on the anniversary day.
  • During these 17 years in the life of each married couple there was a lot of joy and happiness, but at the same time there were problems, as well as quarrels and misunderstandings. It would be ideal if a man gave his life partner a flower arrangement of 17 roses, each of which symbolizes the year spent together.
  • Often, many couples want to be alone on their wedding anniversary and go on a romantic trip. If you have such an opportunity, then purchase vouchers and go somewhere with your significant other for at least a few days.
  • You can give a man tin beer mugs, and if he likes to fish, then some gear.
  • You can also present your beloved spouse with some jewelry on your wedding anniversary, such as cufflinks, a chain or a tin bracelet. You can also give a signet or bracelet made of gold or platinum.
  • In general, whatever you want to give your significant other for their wedding anniversary will do. It’s enough to pack the surprise in pink paper, and whatever you put inside, you’ll like everything. Having lived together for 17 years, the spouses know each other’s tastes and desires very well, so choosing a gift will not be difficult.

What to give to friends or parents for 17 years of marriage

If your close friends or parents decided to celebrate a pink-and-tin wedding, then you should also choose a gift for them. What to present on this memorable day?

  • An excellent gift would be a set of tableware or tea set, as well as pewter cutlery.
  • You can also give a set of bed linen, a blanket or a tablecloth in pink or with a pattern of roses.
  • Help organize a romantic evening for a married couple, in a cozy, quiet cafe or restaurant, where you or other guests can congratulate your friends and then leave so they can enjoy their holiday to the fullest.
  • If your parents are celebrating a pink-and-tin wedding, then you, as a child, can give them a card, a small figurine, a collage of photographs. This gift is inexpensive, but it's not the price - it's the attention. By the way, the child can also give it to his parents beautiful picture, embroidery and anything else, because the gift from the fruit of love is not measured in money.
  • All women, just like men, have a sweet tooth; present your parents with a box of homemade cookies or sweets, in a beautiful pink box. These sweets can be a great end to a family dinner. You can also order a cake for your parents in the shape of a rose or a heart, decorated with marzipan figures reminiscent of lovers.

To return the spouses to the atmosphere of their best day, it is not necessary to organize magnificent celebrations. It is enough to give them the opportunity to escape from a series of worries and troubles and let them be alone with each other or with their family or the company of relatives and friends, because these were the best 17 years of life together. It doesn’t matter which wedding is tin or pink, the main thing is that the couple remains faithful and sincere towards each other until the end of their days.