The bride's ransom is one of the most colorful and memorable events on this amazing day, so you need to approach its preparation with all responsibility. We offer you a funny option bride price in traffic police style: the groom will have to be tested for intoxication with love, the ability to get out of unusual situations, knowledge of the signs of family life and, of course, obtaining the rights to family life. Will your betrothed cope with the test? Let's find out.

The bridesmaid or her friend, dressed in a traffic police uniform, will conduct the ransom.

Necessary details for bride ransom in traffic police style:

  • Uniform (if you can’t get work clothes, don’t worry, you can put on a blue skirt, jacket, and a blue paper cap on your head);
  • A rod - you can also make it yourself from cardboard rolled into a tube with black stripes glued or painted on;
  • Rope, all kinds of cubes, logs and other obstacles;
  • A radio-controlled car or a toy KamAZ on a string, a whistle, a folder for papers, a pen, a receipt for fines;
  • Bubble;
  • A driver's license filled with humorous text;
  • Medical or regular white coat and stethoscope for the doctor;
  • Ribbons with the smells of different perfume aromas.

Territory design

To make the bride price interesting, you need to take care of the design of the territory in advance. Place a “brick” near the entrance and cordon off the entrance with striped tape. Place homemade signs around. The ransom will last about 30 minutes - this is enough for the guests to have fun and the groom not to get tired.

Prepare an area for the “doctor’s office”, place two chairs, arm the doctor with a stethoscope, a hammer, a spoon and other intimidating objects.

When the groom approaches the bride's house, the inspector is already waiting for him.

Test 1. Sobriety test

Inspector: - Good afternoon. Traffic police captain Petrenko. We're breaking it, it's not good. We don’t see the signs, we don’t slow down, you probably want to go with me to the department?

(The groom denies).

Inspector: - There is no need for haste in love (sniffs), my friend, but are you driving while drunk? Come on, breathe into the tube! (The groom breathes). I don’t understand anything, let’s check. Walk in a straight line, citizen, but don’t turn anywhere!

There is a rope stretched on the ground, the groom’s task is to walk along it with his eyes closed, without turning off the path. But at the most insidious moment, the assistant inspector changes the direction of the “road”, bending the rope to the side. After this, the groom either walks in a straight line or marks time in one place - both options are considered a violation.

Inspector: - Well, I knew it, we’ll all draw up a protocol. Or do you want to get off with a fine? (the groom offers money or sweets, the inspector quickly takes it and hides it in his jacket pocket). That would be right away. I understand everything, it’s a wedding. By the way, do you have the right to lead a family life? No? How come you have no rights? You need to pass the exam, otherwise there is no marriage! We'll take the tests, okay, then let's get started, good me today.

Test 2. Intoxicated with love

Inspector: - Sometimes slight dizziness and no less slight intoxication are even useful, especially in love. Are you losing your mind over your lover? Can you recognize its scent?

Several ribbons sprinkled with perfume are brought out on a tray - you can even use men's scents to make it funnier. The groom's task is to determine which ribbon smells like his bride's perfume. If the answer is incorrect, the examiner advises to “learn the material” and graciously agrees to admit the groom to level 2 for a financial reward.

Test 3. Test drive

Logs, cubes, and pegs are scattered near the entrance. The groom is given a radio-controlled car or a car on a string; he needs to get to the opposite side without hitting any of the obstacles.

Inspector: - Comrade groom, do you know how to drive such a vehicle? (demonstrates a typewriter) No? Will you have to learn? If you can overcome the obstacle course, you will pass the exam, if not, you will go home and prepare for the re-exam.

Test 4. Soap bubbles

Inspector: - A real driver must be not only dexterous, but also resilient. Let's see what the groom is like.

They bring soap foam and a pen for the groom and offer to blow a soap bubble. If the ball turns out to be small, and a priori it cannot be large, it means that the groom is sent to the doctor “for a medical examination.”

Test 5. At the doctor's

The inspector and the groom enter the doctor's makeshift office. The doctor sits imposingly on a chair, a stethoscope around his neck, a hammer and other instruments on the table.

Inspector: - Here, doctor, I brought you another unfortunate driver for a medical examination.

The doctor sits on a chair, on his knees he holds a magnifying glass, a mirror, and a sheet listing the bride’s advantages.

Doctor: - Tex, let's see and see. What are you complaining about, patient? Is your head buzzing? Is your heart beating fast? Are your pupils dilated? Yes, this is love, my friend. We will not treat, but we can relieve the symptoms. Let's check your vision first.

The doctor gives the groom a piece of paper on which compliments to the lady of his heart are written in small, under a magnifying glass, without spaces. The doctor asks to read what is written there. Naturally, he doesn’t give me a magnifying glass. If the groom cannot cope, the doctor shakes his head and writes everything down in a special notebook. You could write something like:


After this, the doctor tests the groom for stress resistance, asking him to find an excuse for the most unexpected actions of the bride. For example:

“I spent my entire salary in 2 hours” - the groom says “Generous”

“Brought 2 stray kittens into the house” - “Kind”

“I watched melodramas all night and cried” - “Romantic” and so on.

After this, the inspector enters the office.

Inspector: - Doctor, what? Can we issue him a license or should we wait a year?

Doctor: - Well, my diagnosis is an acute chronic form of falling in love, there is no cure. But I allow you to issue the license.

Inspector: (holding out the license) - Congratulations on receiving the rights to family life, comrade groom. I passed the technical inspection, passed the exams, I, Captain Petrenko, was convinced that the bride would be fine with you.

A fun stage of the wedding celebration is the bride price, which charges both the newlyweds and the guests present with positivity. Therefore, more and more often, the bride and groom are looking for interesting ideas for the ransom, so that it does not just consist of a series of banal competitions, but has a specific theme and focus. If you are involved with the traffic police or cars, then you should like the original bride price in the style of the traffic police, which the portal will tell you about.


To conduct a fun ransom in the traffic police style you will need:

  1. Clothes for a traffic cop and his assistant, white coats for nurses.
  2. Wand (toy or homemade from cardboard rolled into a tube, painted black and white).
  3. “Breathalyzer” (hair dryer, mixer or other household appliance similar to a breathalyzer).
  4. Attributes for competitions (listed below for each individual competition).
  5. Certificate of suitability.
  6. "Rights" to family life.

Meeting the groom

When the groom with his relatives and friends enters the bride’s yard, a traffic cop stops him and asks him to show his documents, saying: “ Where are you going, citizen? Haven't you seen the "brick" sign?" The groom says he didn’t see it. The traffic cop then continues: “ Maybe you don’t even know traffic signs? Let's check it out!"


According to the traffic police style bride ransom scenario, in order to meet his beloved and go to the registry office, the groom will have to complete a number of tasks in the form of small thematic competitions, which are perfect for such a modern bride ransom.

Participants: groom.

Props: A4 sheets with road signs.

You should print or draw road signs on A4 sheets in advance, and the groom will have to decipher them.

  • Airplane - transport to the sea.
  • A person with a child - raising children.
  • Turning left is prohibited - do not walk left, etc.

When the groom completes this task, the traffic cop says: “ And you exceeded the speed limit. Let's check how you know the speed limit signs!».

Speed ​​mode

Participants: groom.

Props: speed limit road signs.

Prepare road signs with “speed” - written numbers that mean one or another important date in the bride’s life:

  • Date/month of birth.
  • Date the newlyweds met.
  • Bride's apartment number, etc.

The traffic cop looks at the groom with suspicion and says: “ The signs you know are strange! Haven't you had a drink this morning?" The groom replies that no, but the traffic cop insists on checking.

The traffic cop calls his assistant, who brings a “breathalyzer” and gives it to the groom: “ Well, well, well, nothing is clear! I didn't drink. Or maybe you are not fit to drive due to your health? And now I look at you, it’s so pathetic: your hands are shaking, your speech is not coherent, you’re somehow nervous... Let’s go and show you to the doctors!».

Doctors examination

Participants: groom.

Props: poster; voice recorder with recording; a sheet with questions; certificate of suitability; a radio-controlled car or a children's car on a string; “obstacles” (bottles, boxes, stones, etc.).

The bridesmaids come out in white coats and bring out a poster with words written together and say: “ Read how you will affectionately and tenderly call your wife! Make no mistake, there are some bad words in there too!" On the poster you can write: dark, beautiful, smart, sloppy, clueless.

When the groom completes the task, they say: “ Vision is fine! What about your hearing?" They give him to listen to a recording of girls saying “meow”; among all the voices, the groom must find the bride.

The nurses say: " Well, the last test of coordination and reaction speed" They give the groom a radio-controlled car or a regular children's car on a string. The groom must go through an obstacle course made of bottles, stones, and boxes without hitting them while driving.

After the groom passes the test, the nurses say: " Your reaction is also normal! Good!" And they give him a certificate of suitability for family life.

Technical inspection and meeting with the bride

The last stage of the redemption in the style of the traffic police is a technical inspection, which begins with the traffic cop saying: “ I see that you are in good health. Then all that remains is to carry out a technical inspection! What are you going to the bride with?" The groom shows a bouquet. The traffic cop says: “ That's all?" The groom shows the rings. Traffic cop: " That's all?(gently hinting with gestures at a bribe with alcohol or sweets).” The groom gives the traffic cop a bribe, who says that he has passed all the checks and solemnly hands him the rights to family life. The groom enters the room of his future wife, the traffic police-style ransom is coming to an end.

If the newlyweds or their witnesses work for the Ministry of Internal Affairs or are ardent car enthusiasts, then it would be appropriate to conduct a bride ransom in the style of the traffic police. It is also necessary that guests have a good sense of humor.

This stylized presentation allows for a large number of anecdotes and stereotypes associated with police officers.

In addition, the uniform looks very nice on your girlfriends. But for everything to go well, you must first draw up a script for the bride price in the style of the traffic police and preferably in verse.

List of details, room design ideas

To create a unique and memorable bride price in the traffic police style, you will have to try quite hard. Such a celebration cannot be done quickly, otherwise it will look low-quality and boring, because it is necessary not only to prepare the text.

  1. You need the ability to present it correctly and the availability of thematic props.
  2. First of all, you will need to prepare a police uniform. You can use the standard guard outfit as a basis, or use a regular blue pencil skirt and a blue blouse with a jacket.
  3. Caps.
  4. Striped wands.
  5. Fake radars.
  6. Whistles.
  7. Darts and a homemade board.
  8. 2-3 sheets of thick paper, it is best to buy a special one - for drawing. Suitable size A0 (84 cm by 119 cm).
  9. Traffic signs printed on a color printer, two copies each. Selected to match the theme of the holiday. Some symbols can be redesigned and supplemented.
  10. Fake driver's licenses and IDs of traffic police representatives.
  11. Thick bandage for blindfolding.
  12. 5–10 meters of bright twine.
  13. Toy steering wheel.
  14. Radar dummy, hand-held or on a tripod.
  15. Wooden sticks 1.5 meters long.
  16. 10 children's cars of approximately the same size.
  17. Printed traces, it is advisable to make them in color.

Before the groom and his friends arrive, it is necessary to improve the ransom venue. Most often, it begins long before the bride’s parents’ apartment.

If they live on the 1st or 2nd floor, then the hosts and guests wait for the men at the beginning or middle of the courtyard. But when the apartment is located high up, you can opt for the local area.

When they have decided how many competitions there will be and where the groom will meet the “inspectors,” they begin to decorate the event site. To do this, printed road signs are attached to sticks and placed in a chaotic manner throughout the area. You should also fence off the venue with warning tape.

If the main action will take place on the flights of stairs, then the main decorations can be left for the interior decoration of the entrance. Thanks to this, you don't have to look for wooden sticks to create signs. At the entrance, you can wrap the railings with warning tape, hang road signs and “driver instructions” on the walls. If the bridesmaids wish, they can complement the decoration of the staircase with white and blue balloons.

It is only important to observe moderation, and it is best to use helium-filled balloons so that they tend to rise up rather than droop sadly. It looks very interesting when a signal tape is used instead of a holding thread.

Ready script

Despite the fact that much attention is paid to the design of the area where communication with the groom will take place, the most important component is the competitions.

Therefore, it is necessary to decide when and in what sequence to conduct tests for the man and his friends, which requires careful preparation and development of the scenario.

If there is no desire, opportunity or confidence in your ability to create funny storylines, then you can use ready-made productions.

In them you only need to learn your lines and prepare the listed props.

The bridesmaids put on the prepared uniform or an imitation of it and try to decide where the groom should stop the wedding procession. This must be done in order to effectively “stop” him with the help of a striped rod. First girlfriend: I wish you good health, traffic police inspector, captain (last name). You violated the speed limit. For what reasons? Why are we in a hurry? They show the radar readings and pay attention to a special sign that says “You can’t rush in love.” First competition

Second girlfriend: Maybe he's drunk? Come on, walk in a straight line! 5–10 m of twine is rolled out on the ground, after which the groom is blindfolded. As he begins his journey, one of the inspectors or their assistant carefully wraps the rope.

It is advisable to do this halfway or the last third of the segment. Because of this, a man, reaching a turn, may stop or continue moving without realizing that something is wrong. In any case, he fails the test and must pay a fine.

First girlfriend: Violation! This behavior threatens to deprive you of your rights! Show me permission to manage your family life! At this point, the groom may begin to deny or try to come up with something.

Second friend: Well, if you don’t have permission, you’ll have to get it! But first you need to pass exams and prove your knowledge about family life. Of course, I can help you pass them, but you understand that you need motivation (characteristic finger movement).

At this moment the groom offers a bribe. The first competition is visual acuity: the groom is given a dart from a dart, asked to hit a drawn target with comic reasons for marriage, and only in the middle “for love.” If a man does not hit or is not satisfied with the result, then he can buy another dart.

The second competition is knowledge of the signs of family life.

First friend: Tell us what these signs mean in family life. The groom must make a guess about the meaning of the hanging pictures. Moreover, the funnier the answer, the better.

If a man finds it difficult to describe the drawing, he will have to pay a fine. But for such situations, it is important that the girlfriends themselves know the approximate meaning of the images.

The third competition is a medical examination. It consists of two parts. Third friend (dressed as a doctor): Do you have medical certificates about your suitability for family life? No? What can your escorts say about your state of mind? The groomsmen should list the greatest number of positive qualities of the groom. At the same time, it is permissible to praise him.

If the description is pale, then you will have to pay a fine “into your pocket”, to the doctor.

Third friend: Well, you passed the test. Now prove that you have a good memory. At this stage, they take out a stack of treatment forms, which differ only in dates.

The groom must answer what unusual happened. Days are chosen that are important for the future family, such as the bride's birthday, date of acquaintance, first date, filing an application with the registry office, etc. For each unguessed number, a fine must be paid.

The fourth competition is driving accuracy. First friend: You have passed the medical examination, now you need to confirm your driving accuracy. The groom is given a toy steering wheel, his groomsmen take his shoulders, and he must drive their “car” along the designated route. To do this, use colored marks glued to the floor.

The fifth competition is the ability to park.

Second friend: Well, now there is very little left, you need to prove your ability to park. The groom is given a car on a string, and he must guide it past other children's cars and stop at the marked place. For each toy touched, a fine must be paid.

The sixth competition is technical inspection. Second friend: There is one last test left to obtain the rights to family life. Answer - what are you saying to your beloved? The groom shows a bouquet. Second friend: And what is all this? Why so stingy? What else can you offer?

The groom is not allowed to see the bride until he shows the rings. First friend: Well, you passed all the tests. I solemnly entrust you with the rights to your family life.

It is necessary to distribute roles well between the presenters of competitions. The first should be strict and demanding, and the second roguish and resourceful.

It is advisable to give bribes to the latter, and she will then persuade her stern colleague.

A very funny bride ransom in the traffic police style:

Bridal ransom in the traffic police style is a rather unusual way of conducting an obligatory part of the wedding day. But even in a sphere so far from marriage, there are many clues for holding competitions. What situations can you think of related to the traffic police and suitable for testing the groom?

The bride's ransom is one of the brightest and most memorable stages of the wedding celebration. Therefore, writing a ransom script must be approached with all responsibility. The portal brings to your attention a comic version of the bride price in the style of the traffic police: the groom will have to pass a test to determine his readiness for marriage and receive the rights to family life.

To conduct such an unusual ransom you will need the following details:

  • police uniform;
  • wand (a tube made of white cardboard with black stripes painted or glued on);
  • white tape;
  • cubes, logs and other objects that can be used as obstacles;
  • radio-controlled car or toy car on a string;
  • folder for papers, pen, receipt for fines;
  • funny driver's license;
  • brick sign or red ribbon;
  • white coat for doctor.

You should take care in advance of registering the territory where the ransom will be carried out. Place a “brick” sign near the entrance or cordon off the entrance with red tape. Set up a doctor's office where the doctor will examine the groom.

Test No. 1 "A detour to the bride"

The groom and his friends arrive at the bride's house, where the inspector is waiting for him, who says:

Good afternoon. Traffic police captain Ivanov. Breaking the rules is not good. Why don’t you see the signs and don’t slow down? You see, there's an accident ahead. You'll have to take a detour!

The inspector gives the groom a radio-controlled car and says:

If you can overcome our obstacle course, we will let you through to the bride

The groom sees a red ribbon in front of him, which he cannot go beyond. He must make a detour in a radio-controlled car without knocking over the agreed obstacles: cubes, logs and other objects.

Test No. 2 "Sobriety test"

After completing the task, the inspector says:

Somehow you were driving strangely, swerving around, bumping into obstacles. Are you driving drunk? Walk in a straight line without turning anywhere!

There is a white ribbon on the ground, the groom’s task is to walk along it with his eyes closed. But as soon as the groom steps on the tape, the assistant inspector bends the tape to the side, changing the direction of the “road”.

Inspector says:

Well, that’s what I knew, we need to draw up a report and take you to the department. Or you can issue a fine on the spot. What do you want?

The groom offers money or alcohol, the inspector takes it and says:

Just be so. I understand everything, it’s a wedding. However, I have not checked whether you have rights to family life. There are no such? Well, you'll have to get it! Come with me.

Test No. 3 "Certificate for driving license"

The inspector leads the groom into a makeshift doctor's office and says:

Doctor, I brought you a unfortunate driver for a medical examination

The doctor says:

Let's check your eyesight

The doctor gives the groom a piece of paper on which a phrase is written small and without spaces, and says.

Read what is written here. These are the words you should say to your beloved every day!

You can write the following phrase: I love you madly and you are the best in the world.

After this, the doctor suggests testing the groom for stress resistance:

Find excuses for the following actions of the bride:

  • I spent your entire salary in 1 hour - that means how generous it is.
  • She screamed at you for coming home drunk - she was caring.
  • She brought 3 stray kittens into the house - she was kind and so on.

An inspector comes into the office and asks:

NWhat, doctor, is our groom good for?

And the doctor answers:

PI authorize the Rav to be extradited.

Gives the groom a certificate. And the inspector says:

You received the certificate, therefore you are allowed to take the exams on knowledge of the PSG - the rules of family life!

Test No. 4 "Road signs"

The groom is invited to enter the entrance, where road signs are glued to the wall. Inspector says:

Well, groom, you know what these signs of family life mean. I emphasize family life! For example, a stop sign means don't argue with your wife. Tell me what the rest mean.

Signs can be like this:

  • Turning left is prohibited - cheating on your wife is prohibited.
  • Low-flying planes - take your wife to the Bahamas.
  • Motel - fulfill your marital duties.
  • Car traffic - buy your wife a car.
  • Children - have children soon.
  • Car maintenance - nail the shelf.
  • Phone - call your wife every hour when you go to the bathhouse with friends.
  • Drinking water - fix the tap, it's leaking.

The funnier the groom answers, the better. After this, the groom is given a document stating that he has passed the theoretical exam.

Test No. 5 "Site"

The inspector gives the groom a radio-controlled car (a car on a string) and says:

You need to park your car in accordance with all traffic rules

On the site at the entrance there is a “parking lot” of children’s cars, which has one free space. The groom must take this place without hitting other cars.

Test No. 6 "Driving test"

Inspector says:

Well, groom, now let’s test your driving skills to see if you can take your future family out of town. And you will have a big family: you, your wife and three children.

The groom is given a steering wheel; the guests (4 people) must take hold of it like a train. This entire “caterpillar” must follow strictly the tracks that are drawn in chalk on the floor. When the task is completed, the inspector issues the groom a PSG license.

The groom rings the doorbell, and the other side tells him to show his license. As soon as the groom shows the received license through the peephole, the door is opened for him by the bride. The ransom is over.


    Modern bride price is a fun game, a performance, usually organized by the bridesmaids. For the performance to be a success, the girls will need an interesting, original script. For example, bride price in the style of traffic police. He will help them create an unforgettable adventure for the groom and witness, which will be remembered long after the wedding. Let's figure out how to prepare and conduct this event.


    Before carrying out the bride's ransom, you need to seriously prepare: you will need many important details to create the right atmosphere, special costumes, decoration of the house, entrance and even the street. The presenter participants will have to learn the text and rehearse it several times before the day of celebration. Bridal ransom in the traffic police style requires a thorough approach and attention to detail.

    Props for ransom

    To ensure that the redemption of the desired bride in the traffic police style goes perfectly, prepare the following details:

    • Inspector uniform. It will be good if your girlfriends can get suits that are close in style to the original ones, or a striped vest. But if this does not work, a formal suit, as well as paper shoulder straps attached to it, will do. A police cap, which can be made from paper, will ideally complement the look.
    • Inspector's Rod. This indispensable attribute of the traffic cop image can be easily made using cardboard, folded and painted with black stripes, or a painted stick.
    • Traffic police or traffic police certificate. Draw a comic “crust” yourself or buy it at a souvenir shop.
    • “Brick”, as well as other road signs, drawn and cut out of thick cardboard.

    • Multi-colored ribbons treated with perfumes, one of which is the bride's perfume.
    • Business folder in which minutes are stored.
    • Designer machine.
    • A children's steering wheel, bought at a toy store, or created by girlfriends themselves.
    • Lots of plastic jars.
    • Striped or red long ribbon.
    • Wooden posts for signs.


    A traffic police-style ransom can take place with only two characters - the chief inspector and the mechanic, who will give the groom tasks and then monitor the execution. Gather a few guests to be the public watching what is happening, and let the invited cameraman capture the process in photos and videos.

    Room decoration

    Having purchased the props, proceed to decorating the area. Attach road signs to improvised poles, cordon off the space with long tape, and place plastic jars in the shape of a special labyrinth. Almost all ransom activities will take place on the street; it is important that all these structures do not interfere with passers-by. Thematic posters with traffic rules are suitable for decorating the entrance; you can decorate the space with funny poems about family life.

    Redemption scenario in the style of traffic police

    • Part one. Arrival of the groom

    The groom and the witness drive into the yard where there is a stop sign. The betrothed is stopped by a witness or another bridesmaid, who has taken on the role of the chief inspector, and shows her ID:

    - Hello, dear ones. Captain (girl's last name). Show your documents: rights to live together, registration certificate, please.

    The groom says that he does not have “rights to live together,” only a driver’s license, then the girl replies:

      Part two. Technical inspection.

    “First of all,” says the inspector, “I need to check your car for the presence of things that you are going to take for your future life with your wife.” Open the trunk.

    The future husband obediently opens the trunk, and the presenter asks the groom to tell how all these items will be useful for him and his wife for family life. It will be funny if the groom puts all the things necessary for the ransom (alcohol, candy, etc.) in the back seat, and in the trunk there are, for example, fishing rods: this will give the betrothed the opportunity to show his imagination.

    If the inspector is satisfied with the answer, he will give his conclusion: “The machine is in good working order.” If the groom has not shown sufficient ingenuity, he will have to pay to “fix” the car, and then move on.

    • Part three. Skillful hands.

    A mechanic appears who must check the suitability of the groom as an owner:

    - Hello dear. I see your car is in order, now we will check if you can maintain it yourself. In family life, more than once you will have to repair sockets, a refrigerator, and sometimes restore the mechanics of relationships after quarrels. Prove that you are capable of this.

    The mechanic hands the groom a construction set, from which the hero of the occasion must assemble a car. You need to complete this bride ransom competition in a timely manner. If the groom fails, he will have to pay a fine.

    • Part four. Driving as a team.


    “And now the groom’s best man will have to prove that he is a good friend and will always support his future spouse, no matter what happens.” To do this, both of you will have to take a driving test. We'll see how good the team was for the betrothed in the fight for the bride's heart.

    A pre-prepared labyrinth of cans will come in handy here. The participants’ task is to walk along it like a “train”: the groom stands in front, and the witness holds him by the belt behind him.

    This fun competition to buy the desired bride in the traffic police style will not leave those present indifferent. For each broken jar, the groom and his witness pay a fine.

    • Part five. Alcohol intoxication.

    - Well! - says the inspector. – You completed all the previous tasks, congratulations. The last thing left is a test for alcohol intoxication, because you can’t drive a car while intoxicated. Drunk drivers are known to have an impaired sense of smell, so we'll test it for you. Find the bride's scent among other scents, and we will determine the sobriety of your mind.

    The groom is offered the last ransom competition, which is held at the entrance: he needs to smell ribbons with different scents of perfumes and find the scent that belongs to his beloved. If the smell is named correctly, the groom is applauded, the ransom ends, and he can go up to the bride. If not, he pays a fine and buys “Rights to live together.”

    In any case, the chief inspector says:

    – Congratulations to you, citizen, on receiving the honorary “Rights to live together”! We wish you to confidently keep your hands on the steering wheel of your brand new car called “Marriage”, avoid left turns, and always confidently move forward along the road of love. Please come with us to meet your companion.

    The inspector, the mechanic and the guests accompany the groom to the apartment, where his betrothed meets him.

    Process video

    The ransom of your beloved bride in the traffic police style is an unforgettable holiday that those present will remember for a long time. Beautiful costumes, props, well-learned roles - all these are necessary components of the event. Funny examples of bride ransom in the traffic police style in the video will help you realize your plans: