Elina Kamiren (Karyakina)- participant of the TV show, a native of the city of Tyumen. Elina grew up in a wealthy family, graduated from high school in England, after which, after returning to Russia, she started her own business.

Elina was looking for something to do for a long time. At first, she decided to try herself in the modeling business and opened a modeling agency in Moscow. But, realizing that it was "not hers", she sold the company and returned to Tyumen, where she began to engage in the oil business.

Elina did not develop relationships with men outside the perimeter. The girl lived for some time with one Moscow official, but this relationship did not lead to anything, and they broke up.

In 2011, Elina Karyakina decided to try her luck on the Dom-2 television project. On the show, she meets a young handsome handsome man. Their relationship is developing rapidly, she even introduces the guy to her mother. But, rumors that suddenly appeared that Elina is not really in business, but provides escort services, force the couple to leave the project. Outside the walls of House-2, the relationship between Elina and Alexei quickly fades away and the guys disperse.

In 2012, Alexey returns to the set and asks Elina all over the country to return to him. The girl, melted by such an act, returns to the guy. However, this relationship was doomed to fail. Samsonov violated the rules of the project, for which he was expelled from the clearing, Elina left for him. Outside the perimeter, their relationship lasted only a month.

On her third visit to the project, Elina met. Rather, it is Sasha who draws attention to the eccentric blonde and begins to seek her out. After long and stubborn attacks, Alexander manages to melt the girl's heart, and a relationship is born between them. Soon, Sasha proposes to Kamiren and they set a wedding date.

Elina with Sasha Zadoinov

At the moment when Sasha and Elina are planning a future celebration, two more couples begin to claim the project money allocated for the weddings of the participants. As a result, each of them received 333 thousand rubles for organizing the celebration. This fact shook the relationship between Elina and Sasha, because they hoped for a million. The need to find the missing amount made Elina take a different look at her chosen one and understand that he would not “pull” her requests. The girl decides to part with Sasha and leaves the project.

Some time later, unexpectedly for everyone, Elina returns to the project, announcing that she is pregnant from Alexander. The couple reconnects amid pregnancy, but their relationship is not easy. Alexander in every possible way proves to Elina his worth, and that he can provide for his family. On his side is Elina's mother, who offers her daughter to give the guy a chance. Just before the birth, they leave Dom-2, and leave for several months in Tyumen, on maternity leave. In the fall of 2014, their daughter is born, who is named Alexandra in honor of her father.

Fans of "House-2" do not need to explain who Elina Kamiren is. The biography of the girl is also known to them. But they should also read the article. Perhaps it contains facts about which they knew nothing.

Elina Kamiren, biography: parents

One of the rating participants of "House-2" was born on January 6, 1985 in Tyumen. In what family was she brought up? It is known that the father was a simple worker. He did not want to develop and strive for a higher position in society. Elina Kamiren's mother did not dream of such a husband. The biography of the woman indicates that there were aristocrats and wealthy merchants in her family.

She was single-handedly raising her daughter. The former spouse did not provide financial assistance and did not visit Elina on weekends. Soon our heroine had a stepfather - an intelligent and wealthy man. The girl immediately disliked him. At some point, Elena Nikolaevna had to make a choice between her beloved man and her only daughter. The woman sacrificed her personal life. To make it easier to survive the separation from her common-law husband, she threw herself into work. Elena Nikolaevna opened a small beauty salon in one of the bedrooms. Today she is the owner of a profitable and prosperous business.


Elina Kamiren, whose biography we are considering, grew up as an active and sociable girl. She had practically no girlfriends. Our heroine preferred to communicate with the yard boys. Even then, she showed her tough character. Elina was their "leader".

The girl attended a regular school. Mom tried to give her daughter to dance, but Elya opposed this in every possible way. Kamiren Jr. was reasonable and matured beyond her years. At 15, she made plans for the coming years. The first step was to study abroad. And I must say that Elina fulfilled it. After graduating from high school, the blonde went to the UK. Kamiren lived there for several years. During this time, the girl managed not only to learn English, but also to visit nearby European countries.

Finding yourself

The biography of Elina Kamiren is an example of how a person achieves his goals. At the age of 19, the blonde returned to Russia. On the street, she was accidentally seen by employees of one of the Tyumen agencies. They offered her cooperation. The girl was a little confused, but took a business card and promised to call one of these days.

Elina has long dreamed of becoming a model. High growth, figure and external data completely allowed her to build brilliant career in the field of beauty. As a result, our heroine signed a contact with the agency. After that, fashion shows, photo shoots and interviews for local magazines began in her life. Soon the blonde got bored with all this. She did not renew the contract with the modeling agency.

The girl entered the correspondence department of the oil and gas university. She didn't want her mother. Therefore, Elina started looking for work. Thanks to such qualities as sociability and responsibility, Kamiren managed to get a job in a large investment company. Knowledge was not superfluous in English. The girl began her career advancement from the position of Deputy General Director. She would have achieved considerable success if she herself had not quit. The reasons for this decision are not known.

"House 2"

Our heroine had a good education, an attractive appearance and a decent job. For complete happiness, only a loved one was missing. It was for this that Elina went to the reality show "Dom-2".

On April 8, 2011, a tall and slender blonde appeared on the famous TV project. It is easy to guess that this young lady is Elina Kamiren. The biography of the girl immediately interested the rest of the participants. The girl said that she came from Tyumen and is the owner of a small business.

Elina Kamiren and Alexey Samsonov

With the advent of our heroine to the project, the inhabitants of the men's bedroom noticeably perked up. However, the blonde immediately announced that she was considering only Alexei Samsonov as her potential boyfriend. The guy reciprocated her. A few days later, the couple settled in separate apartments. At first, romance and passion reigned in their relationship. But soon the girl showed her character in all its glory. Alexey is used to suppressing women. And Elina was not going to bend under him. Mutual discontent resulted in scandals and fights. It seemed to the audience that the couple was about to break off relations. But Alexey and Elina arranged passionate reconciliations.

Samsonov and Kamiren were going to get married. To avoid rumors and public discussions of the upcoming event, the lovers decided to leave the project. However, their relationship outside the walls of "House-2" quickly faded away.

New love

In May 2013, Elina again came to the project. She did not even want to hear anything about Alexei Samsonov. The blonde said that her heart is free. The guy immediately laid eyes on her. The guy sought Elina for a long time: he arranged romantic dates, gave flowers and Jewelry. As a result, the girl agreed to declare herself a couple with him and move into a separate room.

After some time, mutual reproaches and resentment began in this couple. Sasha and Elina swore loudly, then reconciled. In April 2014, Kamiren left Dom-2, breaking off relations with Zadoinov. And 2 weeks later, she told him about her pregnancy by phone. Alexander managed to return his beloved to the project. The guys started their life together with a clean slate.

On December 18, 2014, the biography of Elina Kamiren from Doma-2 was replenished with an important event. The fact is that on this day she became a mother. Their daughter was born with Zadoinov. The blue-eyed baby was named after her father - Alexandra.


Now you know where she was born, studied and when Elina Kamiren came to the project. The biography of the girl includes both joyful and sad events. The first include the birth of Sashenka's daughter and the opening of her own business. As for the negative events, the participant of "House-2" prefers not to remember about them. True, then she was known under the name of Karyakin.

The thirty-year-old scandalous personality from the Dom 2 TV project, Elina Kamiren (Karyakina) on Instagram can be found under the pseudonym @elina_kamiren_. Now her account has more than 1,400 publications and about 500,000 subscribers, the number of which is growing exponentially. We can say that Kamiren is very active on Instagram, as she uploads photos several times a day.

The entire Instagram feed of Elina Kamiren can be divided into events BEFORE pregnancy and AFTER. DO - Elina acted as a socialite, fashionista and business lady, around the clock involved in business, projects and fashion shows. Yes, and she positioned herself as "Russian TV and Radio presenter, beauty blogger, model, actress." Instagram Elina Kamiren filled with professional pictures from photo shoots in luxurious outfits, with excellent styling and in various looks.

Were present on Elina's Instagram and candid photos, in which the outrageous blonde did not hesitate to show her beautiful body to her followers. Another girl acted as a columnist for new projects on the TNT channel. She ran a blog on the Internet called ElinaProject. Elina Kamiren's Instagram often flashed images and reminders of this project, as well as photos with various famous people.

And, finally, AFTER - Elina is a caring wife and mother, recognizing that there is nothing in the world more precious than family and children. She encourages everyone to love and be loved. Such changes were the story with the participant of the television project Dom-2 Alexander Zadoynov, the pregnancy and the birth of Sashenka's daughter. On Instagram, Elina Kamiren often posts photos with her baby and her husband.

By subscribing to Elina Kamiren's Instagram, you can learn a lot about the modern beauty industry, namely: face care, body care, hair care, contacts of beauty salons, cosmetologists and makeup artists. The girl also loves to communicate with her followers, bringing up various topics for discussion and each time addressing them “My dears.”

The star of the show "House 2" Elina Kamiren was remembered by the wide audience as a slender beauty with a difficult character. What the star is doing today and how she started - let's figure it out.


Elina Karyakina is the real name and surname of Kamiren. Nickname future star took over, arriving at television show. Today Elina is a business woman and model in Moscow.

But a woman was born far outside the capital - in Tyumen (Siberia).

Elina was raised by her mother, Elena Nikolaevna. To provide for her daughter, not having a husband, she opened a small beauty salon.

Since childhood, the little Siberian was fond of gymnastics, reaching the second youth category when she was engaged on the uneven bars. Further, the girl's sports career did not have success and development, since Elina went into growth. Then she began to actively play basketball, but after school she gave up this hobby too.

Elina decides to change her life completely and goes to the UK to improve her English. In parallel, the girl works as a model, participating in fashion shows. She manages to create her own modeling agency in the British capital. But then Elina decides to return to her homeland and sells her previously opened business.

While in Moscow, Karyakina entered the State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin, to the correspondence department. During her studies, she works in the management of a reputable company.

TV screen

Kamiren first came to the show “House 2” in 2011, where she almost immediately developed a relationship with Alexei Samsonov. The couple became very interested in each other. Young people even leave the show together, but they didn’t manage to be together for a long time outside the perimeter of the TV project.

But after a while, Alyosha returns to the show. Elina comes after him to start building relationships with the guy again. Everything would be fine, and the couple reconciled, but their romance on the show becomes very stormy. In the morning, the girl chooses a dress, and in the evening she throws away her wedding ring.
You can’t enter the same water twice, and therefore soon the couple finally part. After that, Kamiren makes every effort to have Alexei expelled from the TV show. Evgenia Guseva and her husband, who were in conflict with Elina, fall under the distribution.

Then Karjakina herself leaves the project.

It was in May 2013 that Karyakina returned to the show again, changing her last name to Kamiren. Immediately she develops a relationship with Alexander Zadoinov. The guy takes care of Elina very beautifully: he gives her jewelry, flowers, organizes romantic meetings. But, having not changed, the girl starts to make trouble again, and the couple has conflicts. Tired of this, Karjakina leaves the project again, and after a while finds out about her pregnancy. The couple decides to start from scratch. And after the birth of a little daughter, the young play a wedding.

Personal life

Elina Kamiren had a husband (participant in the television project “Dom 2”) and a daughter, Alexander. For the TV show, the couple played to the end, remaining happy in front of the audience. But in real life, their marriage did not last long. But the young people parted peacefully and today they are good friends.

Zadoinov often comes to play with Sasha and is considered a good father.

As Elina Kamiren says today: “Initially, only the project connected them with Zadoinov, and she did not see anything else with the guy in the future.”

What can I say, if Alexandra even insisted on conducting a DNA examination, which helped to find out that he was Sasha's father.

Social media

Elina Kamiren is an active Instagram user. Karjakina uploads various pictures with enviable regularity.

Instagram Elina Kamiren - 1.4 million subscribers and 79 subscriptions. The beauty does not forget to show off a new outfit as often as posting new family photos.

Elina Kamiren on Instagram loves to pose in front of a mirror, show off seductive forms, or take pictures while applying makeup or creating an image in a hairstyle.
her real page - https://www.instagram.com/kamirenworld/?hl=ru

VKontakte Karjakina can be found on this page - https://vk.com/elina_kamiren_official.

There is Elina on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007914040117.
True, her page on the FB network was last updated back in 2014.

We were unable to find Elina's page in Odnoklassniki. On the page on Instagram, you can safely track the life of Kamiren.

Elina Kamiren is a woman who succeeds in all matters. She took place as a mother, as a business woman and improves her beauty. Unsuccessful relationships are in the past, and we hope that in the near future the young woman will meet her true and real love. We wish her this soon!


The Rospotrebnadzor Administration for the Tyumen Region summed up the results of the investigation into the fact of exceeding the level of gamma radiation during the transportation of MSW and issued an order to the carrier demanding to eliminate the radiation anomaly. However, representatives of the professional community expressed dissatisfaction with the decision of Rospotrebnadzor, since no claims were made against the organization that handed over radioactive waste with violations.


In YaNAO, residents of a new building are trying to get the developer and the management company to eliminate defects. The prosecutor's office has already joined the issue, but so far the supervisory authority, even through the courts, has not been able to force the Stroygrad company and the Energoprogress Priuralye management company to fulfill their obligations to the residents of the troubled apartment building.


The Kurgan administration is preparing a repair campaign for 2020 and is assessing the risks of the work. Mayor Andrey Potapov instructed his subordinates to strengthen control over the execution of municipal contracts at all stages and provide for the terms of punishment for contractors in the tender documentation.

Saturday - 29.02.20


Near Sysert, at 8 km of the highway between the villages of Glubokoe and Bobrovsky, a head-on collision of VAZ-2112 and Ford Focus cars occurred, as a result of which 5 people died, another one was hospitalized in serious condition.


The Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region is considering the possibility of providing children with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) with the new Swiss-made drug Risdiplam. This was announced by Deputy Minister Elena Chadova today, February 29, on the International Day of Rare Diseases.


Today in Miass, employees of Ural Automobile Plant JSC went to a mass picket, during which they recorded a video message to the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region Alexei Teksler. Citizens complain about the layoffs that are being prepared at the enterprise.


Tensions are growing in the business community of the Kurgan region due to debts under municipal contracts. Currently, it has exceeded half a billion rubles. At the same time, not all entrepreneurs are ready to go into open conflict with government officials, fearing additional pressure. Deputies and social activists point to a growing pool of problems with the accumulation of debt burden: from the loss of business confidence in government and refusal to participate in bidding for municipal contracts to massive salary delays and law enforcement intervention. In addition, the failure to fulfill obligations to business on the part of municipal structures “threatens the region with problems in the implementation of an individual program for the socio-economic development of the Kurgan region,” approved by the head of the government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin. Economists also point to the prospects for a reduction in the number of small and medium-sized businesses, a fall in tax revenues to the budget, which will inevitably aggravate the socio-economic situation in an already depressed region.


The authorities of the Sverdlovsk region have found a way out of the conflict between the residents of the Akademichesky microdistrict and the Atomstroykompleks construction group of Valery Ananyev. Officials have launched a process to give the birch grove the status of a specially protected natural area of ​​regional importance, which will make it impossible to cut down trees for the construction of a new residential complex. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the region is ready to pay for the maintenance and protection of the forest park zone with rare Red Book plants. The issue has already reached federal officials and the leadership of the state company Dom.RF, which sold the disputed land plot for housing construction. The defenders of Birch Grove are hoping for support from both the new head of government, Mikhail Mishustin, and the recently appointed director of the state-owned company, Vitaly Mutko. In their appeals, people say that the ASC has repeatedly ignored the current legislation related to the quality of life and health of people. For example, the factories of Atomstroykompleks for the production of dry building materials ignore the requirements of sanitary standards. The residential sector, in violation of the sanitary norms, is located only 300 meters from the site of Izvest Sysert LLC. Here, by the end of June, another large cement plant will start operating.

Friday - 28.02.20


The Megion prosecutor's office stated that the authorities of the municipality ignored dozens of court decisions. The list of the most serious problems includes security environment, extraordinary provision of residential premises to citizens applying for resettlement from the emergency fund, as well as a number of projects within the framework of road construction. Supervision also recorded egregious cases when decisions were not implemented for a long period of time. First of all, we are talking about the obligations of the city authorities and the management of MUP "Teplovodokanal" to reconstruct the sewage treatment facilities (STP). As it turned out, for 10 years untreated sewage enters the water bodies of the settlement, which are connected with one of the main arteries of Yugra - the federal river Ob. The deputies of the local Duma associate the complete inaction of the authorities with insufficient funding, but the public and prosecutors have a different opinion. If supervision speaks of the complete lack of initiative of the authorities in the context of including problematic issues in national projects and investment programs, then representatives of the city's political elite point to the irresponsibility of Oleg Deineka's team, and in some cases even suspect corruption.


In the Chelyabinsk region, 34 municipalities sent applications to the regional Ministry of Ecology for the provision of transfers from the regional budget for the organization of garbage sites and the purchase of containers. Municipalities need 350 million rubles.


Rospotrebnadzor of the Tyumen region issued an order to Utilitservis LLC after it was established that this company owns a garbage truck on which radioactive contamination was detected. Radiation was discovered after the car drove into the territory of the waste processing plant.


The Reftinskaya poultry farm may be merged into a holding company with the Sverdlovsk Bread Products Plant. This option of combining the assets controlled by the region is currently being discussed in the government of the Sverdlovsk region in order to avoid the loss of the meat processing enterprise. According to the results of 2020, Reftinskaya, according to members of the Cabinet of Ministers, hardly reached zero, while increasing its turnover to 6.5 billion rubles. The main problem at the enterprise is the rise in prices for feed, the main suppliers of which for the poultry farm are the SKHP and the Bogdanovichi Feed Mill. In the current year, feed manufacturers are fixing the persistence of high prices for products and do not exclude possible jumps in the direction of increase, which can hit the economy of the Sverdlovsk poultry industry sharply, and the marginality of Reftinskaya can be completely reduced to zero. By merging regional assets, the authorities hope to solve the problem of the high cost of poultry production, but feed producers do not intend to share their own profits.