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The presentation on the topic “Japanese Culture” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 32 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Introduction Cultural History of Japan Japanese and writing Literature Fine arts Theater Cinema Anime and manga Architecture Clothing National cuisine Sports Religion Traditions, customs, etiquette

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The culture of Japan developed as a result of a historical process that began with the resettlement of the ancestors of the Japanese people to the Japanese archipelago from the mainland and the emergence of the culture of the Jomon period. Modern Japanese culture has experienced strong influence countries in Asia (especially China and Korea), Europe and North America. One of the features of Japanese culture is its long development during the period of complete isolation of the country (sakoku policy) from the rest of the world during the reign of the Tokugawa shogunate, which lasted until the mid-19th century - the beginning of the Meiji period. The culture and mentality of the Japanese were greatly influenced by the isolated territorial position of the country, geographical and climatic features, as well as special natural phenomena(frequent earthquakes and typhoons), which was expressed in the peculiar attitude of the Japanese towards nature as a living creature. The ability to admire the momentary beauty of nature as a feature national character Japanese, found expression in many forms of art in Japan.

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Japanese cultural history

Jomon (10 thousand years BC - 300 BC) - the first examples of ceramics, jewelry and female figurines Dogu Yayoi (300 BC - 300 AD) - transition to agriculture, irrigation rice growing, bronze and iron products, dotaku bells Yamato: - Kofun (4th century AD - 6th century AD) - spread of the mound culture, haniwa sculptures, the emergence of ancient Shintoism and related cults - Asuka (593- 710) - borrowing samples of Chinese culture, Taika reforms, creation of Nara law codes (710-794) - penetration of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism into the country, creation of literary works “Kojiki”, “Nihon Shoki”, “Man’yoshu”, “Kaifuso”

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Heian (794-1185) - the beginning of the use of hiragana and katakana syllabaries, the construction of the Itsukushima Shrine, the creation of “The Tale of Genji”, the emergence of the Yamato-e style of painting Kamakura (1185-1333) - the formation of the samurai class of Muromachi (1333-1568) - the emergence of the theater no Sengoku Jidai (1467-1568) - the penetration of Christianity into the country Azuchi-Momoyama (1568-1600) Edo (1600-1868) - the establishment of the Tokugawa dictatorship, the sakoku policy, the suppression of Christianity and the fall of the shogunate, the emergence of the kabuki theater and the ukiyo style e Meiji (1868-1912) - the end of the period of self-isolation, the beginning of the capitalist path of development, the emergence of Japanese cinema Taisho (1912-1926) Showa (1926-1989)

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Japanese language and writing

The Japanese language has always been an important part of Japanese culture. The majority of the country's population speaks Japanese. Japanese is an agglutinative language and is characterized by a complex writing system consisting of three different types of characters - Chinese kanji characters, hiragana and katakana syllabaries.

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The oldest known form of Japanese is called Old Japanese, which was developed by borrowing the Chinese script and hieroglyph system and was used until the beginning of the Heian period. In progress further development Japanese language, then called classical Japanese or late Old Japanese, new ways of writing were added - two syllabic alphabet hiragana and katakana, which led to a significant development of the Japanese literary language and the rapid flowering of Japanese literature.

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In modern Japanese, a fairly high percentage is occupied by words borrowed from other languages ​​(the so-called gairaigo). Japanese names are written using kanji, consisting of a surname and a given name, with the surname first. Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. Various systems are used to transliterate Japanese characters, the most common being Romaji (Latin transliteration) and the Polivanov system (writing Japanese words in Cyrillic). Some words in Russian were borrowed from Japanese, for example, tsunami, sushi, karaoke, samurai, etc.

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For a long time, Japanese literature was influenced by China. literary works were also created in Chinese. The first written monuments are considered to be the collection of Japanese myths and legends “Kojiki” (“Records of Ancient Deeds”) and the historical chronicle “Nihon Shoki” (“Brush-written Annals of Japan” or “Nihongi” - “Annals of Japan”), created during the Nara period (VII - VIII centuries). Both works were written in Chinese, but with modifications to convey Japanese names of gods and other words. During the same period, the poetic anthologies “Man'yoshu” (Japanese 万葉集, “Collection of Myriad Leaves”, 759) and “Kaifuso” (Japanese 懐風藻) (751) were created.

The word "Japanese" in Japanese

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Japanese mystical prose of the 17th-19th centuries Code of Taihoryo Laws “The Tale of Genji” (Murasaki Shikibu) The Tale of Yoshitsune Trilogy of cult Japanese horror novels “The Ring”, “Spiral”, “Birth”. The types of poetic forms haiku (Japanese: 俳句), waka (Japanese: 和歌 “Japanese song”), and a variety of the latter tanka (Japanese: 短歌 “short song”) are also widely known outside Japan.

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Art. Painting

Japanese painting (Japanese 絵画 kaiga, “picture, drawing”) is one of the most ancient and sophisticated of Japanese species arts, characterized by a wide variety of genres and styles. For Japanese painting, as well as literature, is characterized by assigning a leading place to nature and depicting it as the bearer of the divine principle.

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Since the 10th century, the Yamato-e direction has been distinguished in Japanese painting; the paintings are horizontal scrolls that were used to illustrate literary works. In the 14th century, the style of sumi-e (monochrome watercolor) developed, and in the first half of the 17th century, artists began to print ukiyo-e - woodblock prints depicting geishas, ​​popular kabuki actors and landscapes. The influence of the popularity of ukiyo-e prints on European art in the 18th century is called Japonism.

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Art. Calligraphy

In Japan, calligraphy is considered one of the arts and is called shodo (Japanese: 書道 “way of writing”). Along with drawing, calligraphy is taught in schools. The art of calligraphy was brought to Japan along with Chinese writing. In ancient times in Japan, mastery of the art of calligraphy was considered a sign of a cultured person. There are several different styles of writing hieroglyphs. Buddhist monks were involved in improving the styles of writing hieroglyphs.

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Art. Sculpture

The oldest art form in Japan is sculpture. Since the Jomon era, a variety of ceramic products (ware) have been made, and clay dogu idol figurines are also known. During the Kofun era, haniwa were installed on graves - sculptures made of baked clay, initially simple cylindrical shapes, and then more complex - in the form of people, animals or birds.

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The history of sculpture in Japan is connected with the emergence of Buddhism in the country. Traditional Japanese sculpture is most often statues of Buddhist religious concepts (tathagata, bodhisattva, etc.). One of the most ancient sculptures in Japan is the wooden statue of Amitabha Buddha in the Zenko-ji Temple. During the Nara period, Buddhist statues were created by government sculptors. Wood was used as the main material for sculptures (as in Japanese architecture). Statues were often varnished, gilded, or brightly painted. Bronze or other metals were also used as material for statues.

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One of the earliest types of theater was the no theater (Japanese 能 no: “talent, skill”), which developed in the 14th-15th centuries; actors played in masks and luxurious costumes. Theater is considered "masked" drama, but masks (o-mote) are worn only by shite and waki. In the 17th century, one of the most famous types of Japanese traditional theater developed - kabuki (Japanese 歌舞伎 “song, dance, skill”), the actors of this theater were exclusively men, their faces were made up in a complex way. Bunraku - puppet theater

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The first Japanese films of the early 20th century had simple stories, the cinema of this period developed under the influence of the theater, the acting was theatrical, female roles were performed by male actors, theatrical costumes and scenery were used. Before the advent of sound cinema, film screenings were accompanied by a benshi - a live performer, the Japanese version of a pianist. At first, cinema was considered a low art, and there was a contemptuous attitude towards people involved in cinema. This type of art received recognition and authority only in the late 30s of the last century.

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The 50s-60s of the last century saw the active development of Japanese cinema. These years are considered the “golden age” of Japanese cinema. In 1950, 215 films were released, and in 1960, 547 films were released. During this period, the genres of historical, political cinema, action films and science fiction appeared; in terms of the number of films released, Japan occupied one of the first places in the world. Famous film directors of this period are Akira Kurosawa, Kenji Mizoguchi, Shohei Imamura. Actor Toshiro Mifune, who played in almost all of Kurosawa's films, became famous outside the country. During the film industry crisis of the 60s, yakuza films and inexpensive pornographic films became popular genres. In the 1990s, actor and director Takeshi Kitano became widely known both in Japan and abroad.

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Anime and manga

Anime (or Japanese animation) is highly popular all over the world. Among other animation genres, it stands out for its greater focus on an adult audience. Anime is characterized by an additional division into genres for a specific target group. The criteria for separation are gender, age or psychological type of the viewer. Often anime are film adaptations of Japanese manga comics, which are also very popular. Both anime and manga are designed for different age audiences. Quite a large part of the manga is intended for adults. As of 2002, about 40% of the total publishing market in Japan is occupied by manga magazines.

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Japanese architecture has as long a history as any other component of Japanese culture. Initially heavily influenced by Chinese architecture, Japanese architecture has developed many differences and approaches unique to Japan. Examples of traditional Japanese architecture include temples, Shinto shrines, and castles in Kyoto and Nara. In general, Japanese architecture is characterized by a desire for simplicity. Traditional wooden residential houses of ordinary Japanese, called minka (Japanese: 民家), are maximally adapted to the country's climate. The minka has a frame structure with a load-bearing column in the center of the house and sliding doors. Currently, minkas are preserved only in rural areas.

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The 7th century was marked by the rapid construction of Buddhist temples in Japan. Ise-jingu Shrine, dedicated to the goddess Amaterasu, is the main Shinto shrine in Japan. Japanese castles were distinguished by their originality, serving not only to protect their owners from enemies, but also as a symbol of power. The names of two castles (Azuchi and Momoyama) gave the name to the period in Japanese history - Azuchi-Momoyama. Very few castles have been preserved in their original state; many medieval castles were destroyed during wars, burned down in fires, and were dismantled at the direction of the government as a relic of the feudal past; in the 20th century, some of the castles were restored.

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The need to rebuild destroyed buildings after World War II gave impetus to the development of Japanese architecture. At the same time, the cities that were rebuilt were very different from the pre-war ones. Some modern architects, such as Yoshio Taniguchi and Tadao Ando, ​​are known for their extensive use of combining traditional Japanese and Western architectural influences.

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In Japan you can find two types of clothing - traditional - wafuku (Japanese 和服 Japanese clothing), and simpler, everyday, European style. Kimono (Japanese 着物) - literally translated “clothing, outfit” - is a general term for any clothing, and in a narrow sense - a type of wafuku. Yukata - light cotton kimono Obi - different kinds belts Geta - wooden sandals Mon - family coat of arms

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National cuisine

Japanese cuisine is known for its emphasis on seasonality of food, quality of ingredients and presentation of dishes. The basis of Japanese cuisine is rice. The word gohan (御飯 literally means "cooked rice") can also be translated as "food". In addition to its main purpose as a food product, rice also served as a monetary unit In the old days, taxes and salaries were paid in rice. The Japanese use rice to prepare a wide variety of dishes, sauces and even drinks (sake, shochu, bakushu). The second most important food product for the Japanese is fish. Japan ranks fourth in the world in per capita consumption of fish and seafood. Fish is often consumed raw or semi-raw, such as sushi. Bean curd (tofu) is also very popular in Japan.

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To preserve food in high humidity conditions, it is often salted, fermented or pickled, examples of such dishes include natto, umeboshi, tsukemono and soy sauce. In modern Japanese cuisine you can easily find borrowings from Chinese, Korean and Thai cuisine. Some imported dishes, such as ramen (Chinese wheat noodles), are becoming very popular. The Japanese tea ceremony occupies a special place in traditional Japanese cuisine. Recently, Japanese cuisine has been quite popular outside of Japan, and due to its low calorie content, it is considered healthy.

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Baseball, football and other ball games are popular in Japan. Some types of martial arts (judo, kendo and karate) are also traditionally popular. Although sumo wrestling is not an official sport in Japan, according to the professional sumo association, it is considered national species sports. Kyudo ("way of the bow") - archery Aikido ("way of the harmonious spirit")

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At the early stage of development of Japanese society, totemism was widespread. From ancient Japanese religious beliefs, the ideas of Shinto, the main religion of Japan, were formed. Shintoism (or Shinto) can literally be translated as “the way of many kami (gods)”). The basis of this movement is the worship of the forces of nature. According to Shinto beliefs, the sun, trees, mountains, stones and natural phenomena are kami (or mikoto) and endowed with a soul, they are worshiped in temples specially built for this purpose. An important feature of Shintoism is the cult of ancestors.

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The ancient Japanese believed that the Japanese islands and the people who inhabited them were created by kami, which is reflected in Japanese mythology. The cult of the emperor is also associated with these ideas - it was believed that the imperial family descended from the creator gods of the Japanese archipelago. Ancient myths and legends of Shintoism about the creation of the Japanese islands by the gods and the transfer of power over the country to the descendants of the gods (Jimmu and Ninigi) were preserved in the Kojiki and Nihongi.

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Later, from India through Korea and China, Buddhism penetrates into the country; 552 is considered the official date of recognition of the new religion. Buddhism has had a great influence on the education, literature and art of Japan, although it itself has undergone significant transformation and is very different from Indian and Chinese Buddhism. Under Emperor Shomu (reigned 724-749), Buddhism was recognized as the state religion. In the middle of the 16th century, Christianity came to Japan, supported by Oda Nobunaga and subsequently banned by the Tokugawa shogunate. The ban on Christianity was lifted after the Meiji Restoration. In modern Japan, the proportion of the population that simultaneously professes two religions - Buddhism and Shintoism - is 84%, about 0.7% of the country's population professes Christianity.

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Traditions, customs, etiquette

Japanese society is characterized by a clearly expressed sense of belonging to a certain social group(work team, family, student group), which is also expressed in special relationships within the group. In Japan great importance attached to the concepts of “debt” and “obligation”, usually called giri (Japanese 義理). Although giri is a general social norm among Japanese people, in some cases, such as in relationships among young people, this concept is taken more lightly. You should know that in Japan there are certain rules of gestures, and the more reserved a person is, the more respect he commands, so a familiar pat on the shoulder and grabbing the hand will not cause joy in Japan.

Business ethics

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • XV century The most powerful impetus for the development of architecture, as well as all culture Japan, gave the adoption of Buddhism. The main landmark in architecture before the 19th century... is its own, national, peculiar, Japanese. Particularly strong influence on Japan influenced Indian and Chinese civilizations in various aspects, it...

    Culture Japan Culture Japan originates from traditions and respect for them... dates back to the years of Genroku (1688-1703) golden age culture late Middle Ages The beginning of the kokkeibon ("funny books") genre ... as unique as all Japanese culture generally. The basis of all styles of Japanese painting...

    Place (after China) in terms of annual fish catch. Culture Japan Historical culture Modern culture Author's work Historical culture Japan Painting Origami Calligraphy Poetry Examples of painting: Origami Origami...

    Of these, they occupy an area of ​​less than 1 hectare). culture Japan Home food - rice. Wheat, barley, sugar beet Japan... Fishing, a traditional sector of the economy, plays a significant role Japan.

    Transport system culture Japan can be the envy of any country in the world. All types... Japan IMOST, department of Ministry of Health and Human Welfare Natalya Vladimirovna Petrova Topic 7. Features Goals and objectives of the lecture The purpose of the lecture is to develop in students... the following skills: 1. Understanding the role and place in the world culture culture

    , Asian relationships culture and world cultural heritage. culture Japan 2. Communication... culture Education, science and technology ideologization and unification Culture Japan Culture Japan Culture Japan Culture Japan Culture Japan Culture Japan

    Features of development

    Europeanization during the interwar period

    Painting Japanese painting is one of the most ancient and sophisticated of Japanese art forms, characterized by a wide variety of genres and styles. Japanese painting is characterized by assigning a leading place to nature and depicting it as the bearer of the divine principle. Since the 10th century, the Yamato-e direction has been distinguished in Japanese painting; the paintings are horizontal scrolls that were used to illustrate literary works. In the 14th century, the style of sumi-e (monochrome watercolor) developed, and in the first half of the 17th century, artists began to print ukiyo-e woodblock prints depicting geishas, ​​popular kabuki actors, and landscapes. The influence of the popularity of ukiyo-e prints on European art of the 18th century is called Japaneseism. Yamato-Esumi-Eukiyo-Eyaponism

    Sculpture The oldest form of art in Japan is sculpture. Since the Jomon era, a variety of ceramic products (ware) have been made, and clay dogu idol figurines are also known. During the Kofun era, haniwa sculptures made of baked clay were installed on graves, initially simple cylindrical shapes, and then more complex ones in the form of people, animals or birds.

    The history of sculpture in Japan is connected with the emergence of Buddhism in the country. Traditional Japanese sculpture is most often statues of Buddhist religious concepts (tathagata, bodhisattva, etc.). One of the most ancient sculptures in Japan is the wooden statue of Amitabha Buddha in the Zenko-ji Temple. During the Nara period, Buddhist statues were created by government specialist sculptors. During the Kamakura period, the Kei school flourished, of which Unkei was a prominent representative.

    Architecture Japanese architecture has as long a history as any other component of Japanese culture. Initially heavily influenced by Chinese architecture, Japanese architecture has developed many differences and approaches unique to Japan. Examples of traditional Japanese architecture include temples, Shinto shrines, and castles in Kyoto and Nara. In general, Japanese architecture is characterized by a desire for simplicity. Traditional wooden residential houses of ordinary Japanese, called minka, are maximally adapted to the country's climate. The minka has a frame structure with a load-bearing column in the center of the house and sliding doors. Currently, minkas are preserved only in rural areas.

    Japanese castles were distinguished by their originality, serving not only to protect their owners from enemies, but also as a symbol of power. The names of two castles (Azuchi and Momoyama) gave the name to the Azuchi-Momoyama period in Japanese history. Very few castles have been preserved in their original state; many medieval castles were destroyed during wars, burned down in fires, and were dismantled at the direction of the government as a relic of the feudal past; in the 20th century, some of the castles were restored. The need to rebuild destroyed buildings after World War II gave impetus to the development of Japanese architecture. At the same time, the cities that were rebuilt were very different from the pre-war ones. Some modern architects, such as Yoshio Taniguchi and Tadao Ando, ​​are known for their extensive use of combining traditional Japanese and Western architectural influences.

    Presentation on Cultural Studies

    Middle Ages


    Japanese civilization was formed as a result of complex and multi-temporal ethnic contacts. This determined the leading feature of the Japanese worldview

    – the ability to creatively assimilate the knowledge and skills of other peoples. This feature becomes especially noticeable during the era of early statehood on the islands.



    Yamato (“great harmony, peace”) is a historical state formation in Japan that arose in the Yamato region (modern Nara Prefecture) of the Kinki region in the 3rd-4th centuries. It existed during the Yamato period of the same name until the 8th century, until it was renamed Nippon "Japan" in 670.


    period in Japanese history (from 794 to 1185). This era became the golden age of Japan medieval culture with its sophistication and penchant for introspection, the ability to borrow forms from the mainland, but put original content into them. This manifested itself in the development of Japanese writing and the formation of national genres: stories, novels, lyrical pentaverse. The poetic perception of the world affected all types of creativity and modified the style of Japanese architecture and sculpture.


    Japan's entry into the era of mature feudalism at the end of the 12th century. It was marked by the coming to power of the military feudal class of samurai and the creation


    state headed

    shogun (military ruler), who existed until the 19th century.


    The Japanese language has always been an important part of Japanese culture. The majority of the country's population speaks Japanese. Japanese is an agglutinative language and is characterized by a complex writing system consisting of three different types of characters - Chinese kanji characters, hiragana and katakana syllabaries.

    (Japanese language)


    Modern Japanese uses three main writing systems:

    Kanji - hieroglyphs Chinese origin and two syllabaries created in Japan: Hiragana and Katakana.

    Transliteration of Japanese into Roman letters is called romaji and is rarely found in Japanese texts.

    The first Chinese texts were brought to Japan by Buddhist monks from the Korean kingdom of Baekje in the 5th century. n. e.


    YAMADA TARO :) -


    In modern Japanese, a fairly high percentage is occupied by words borrowed from other languages ​​(the so-called gairaigo). Japanese names are written using kanji, consisting of a surname and a given name, with the surname first.

    Japanese is considered one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. Various systems are used to transliterate Japanese characters, the most common being Romaji (Latin transliteration) and the Polivanov system (writing Japanese words in Cyrillic). Some words in Russian were borrowed from Japanese, for example, tsunami, sushi, karaoke, samurai, etc.





    Religion in Japan is represented mainly by Shintoism and Buddhism. The first of them is purely national, the second was brought to Japan, as well as to China, from the outside.


    Shintoism, Shinto (“the way of the gods”) is the traditional religion of Japan. Based on the animistic beliefs of the ancient Japanese, the objects of worship are numerous deities and spirits of the dead.

    Japanese culture is a unique, original phenomenon not only in the context of global culture, but also among other eastern cultures. Japanese culture is unique
    a unique phenomenon not only in the context
    global culture, but also among other eastern
    crops It has continuously developed since the 10th-11th centuries. From the 17th to the mid-19th century Japan
    was practically closed to foreigners (connections
    remained only with the Netherlands and China). IN
    the period of this isolation in Japan received creative
    development of national identity. And when
    after several centuries before the world finally
    the richest traditional culture was discovered
    Japan, it had a strong influence on subsequent
    development European painting, theater and literature.
    Japanese civilization was formed as a result
    complex and multi-temporal ethnic contacts.
    Japanese culture as opposed to Indian and
    Chinese was just being born at the turn of the Middle Ages,
    therefore, it was characterized by increased dynamism and
    special sensitivity to the perception of foreigners

    As the Kojiki, the oldest monument of Japanese language and literature, tells, the sun goddess Amaterasu gave her grandson, Prince Ninigi, adored

    As narrated by the Kojiki, the oldest monument of Japanese language and literature, the goddess
    sun Amaterasu gave to her grandson Prince Ninigi, the deified ancestor of the Japanese,
    sacred mirror Yata and said: “Look at this mirror the way you look at me.”
    She gave him this mirror along with the sacred sword Murakumo and the sacred jasper
    Yasakani necklace. These three symbols of the Japanese people, Japanese culture, Japanese
    statehood has been passed down from time immemorial from generation to generation as
    sacred relay race of valor, knowledge, art.
    In the history of Japanese culture and art, three deep ones can be distinguished, to this day
    living currents, three dimensions of Japanese spirituality, interpenetrating and
    enriching each other: Shinto (“the way of heavenly deities”) - folk pagan
    Japanese religion; Zen is the most influential movement of Buddhism in Japan (Zen is
    both a doctrine and a lifestyle, similar to medieval Christianity,
    Islam); Bushido (“the way of the warrior”) - the aesthetics of samurai, the art of the sword and death.

    Japanese language and writing.

    The Japanese language has always been an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese
    is an agglutinative language and has a difficult writing concept,
    which is formed from three different types hieroglyphs - Chinese kanji characters, alphabet
    katakana and hiragana syllables.


    Japanese painting (Japanese 絵画 kaiga, “picture, drawing”) is one of the most
    ancient and refined of Japanese arts, characterized by a wide
    variety of genres and styles.
    For Japanese painting, as for literature, it is typical to assign a leading place
    nature and its depiction as a bearer of the divine principle.
    Since the 10th century, the Yamato-e direction has been distinguished in Japanese painting, paintings
    are horizontal scrolls used to illustrate literary
    works. In the 14th century, the style of sumi-e (monochrome watercolor) developed, and in
    In the first half of the 17th century, artists began to print ukiyo-e - engravings on
    trees depicting geishas, ​​popular kabuki actors and landscapes. Influence
    popularity of ukiyo-e prints on European art in the 18th century
    century is called Japaneseism.

    Painting examples:

    Japanese calligraphy

    Calligraphy came to Japan from China. From the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. V
    ancient Chinese pictograms were gradually simplified and adapted to
    faster writing. By the beginning of our era, pictographic motifs
    turned into actual hieroglyphs with a square shape. They
    was made up of combinations of lines, strokes and dots and over time took shape
    some style directions: charter (full image of hieroglyphs),
    semi-cursive and cursive. Far Eastern calligraphy is one of the
    leading forms of art. Ideograms denote entire concepts and have
    deep philosophical meaning. This form of recording information
    contributes to the formation of structural-figurative perception of people. It is important not
    just to understand what is written, but also to see and feel how it is written.
    Calligraphic writing appeared in Japan in the 7th century. Based on Chinese
    styles, Japanese calligraphers created several new styles that
    They are much more simple and emotional. During the Edo era (1600
    -1868) decorative styles such as kabuki-moji and jo-rurimoji appeared. These styles were used to create posters and theater programs
    Kabuki and Joruri.

    Calligraphy examples:

    Culture and customs of Japan.

    Many customs and traditions of Japan set the rhythm
    life and behavior of the Japanese. This is especially noticeable
    in communication. For example, it is not customary for the Japanese
    shake hands. Handshakes are being replaced
    bows - arms at your sides, body bends in the area
    lower back. Moreover, you need to respond to bows with that
    the same frequency with which you were greeted.
    Another interesting point, which is often
    confuses foreigners. For any
    circumstances during communication Japanese
    (especially women) should smile even if
    the topic of conversation is serious or sad. Also not
    It is recommended to look the Japanese person directly in the eyes or
    gesticulating excessively when speaking is
    may be perceived as aggression. The Japanese are very
    friendly and hospitable. They always
    They will come to help at the first request. Is it true,
    as for treatment on the street, old people and
    teenagers are embarrassed to answer questions. Better
    reach out to the older generation.

    Tea ceremony

    There are many types of tea in Japan, and it is not only prepared directly from the tea leaves.
    Once upon a time in Japan, tea was viewed as something precious, an elixir of life.
    Now it is available to everyone, and yet a reverent attitude towards it has been preserved. Tea in
    Japan is a symbol.
    “O-cha” is how the Japanese respectfully call their favorite drink. Extremely difficult
    list all its varieties, because there are dozens of green tea alone
    varieties. Some of them are included in the highest category - "sencha". Price of individual varieties
    Sencha tea, in terms of American currency, may well reach 500 dollars per
    100 grams.
    It's interesting that the Japanese brew tea
    water that is not boiling, but warmed up to about
    up to 90 degrees. And they drink it without any
    there were no additives - milk, sugar or

    The Japanese also have a lot of rules at the table, which are very difficult to remember at once. When using hashi chopsticks, do not cross or stick them

    The Japanese also have a lot of rules at the table, which are very difficult to remember at once. Using
    “Hashi” chopsticks, you cannot cross them or stick them into rice - the Japanese associate this with death,
    because in this form they usually bring offerings to the spirits of their ancestors. It is also forbidden to transfer food from
    sticks into sticks - according to Buddhist custom, remains are transferred in this way during burial.
    Soups should be drunk, not eaten. Exceptions are noodle soups or New Year's o-zoni soup,
    Moreover, you need to eat the noodles with chopsticks and drink the broth. By the way, dishes and table setting too
    are of considerable importance. Each dish is served in a separate bowl and occupies a specific place
    on the table. In Japan there is no such thing as changing dishes (first, second, third...), all dishes are served at once,
    In this case, heating devices are required - braziers, alcohol lamps, etc. Any utensils and
    Serving is divided into men's and women's. Don't be alarmed by such a large number
    rules of decency and customs. Despite the fact that the customs and traditions of Japan are somewhat unusual,
    Japan is a beautiful country full of mysteries. It's always interesting to meet someone else
    culture, the main thing is desire.

    Love and respect for traditions in Japanese culture are so deeply rooted that it is difficult to imagine any branch of art

    Love and respect for traditions are so deeply rooted in Japanese culture that
    it is difficult to imagine at least some branch of art that is not rooted in the depths
    centuries and not overgrown with traditions and legends.
    Some historians and Japanese experts claim that the Japanese theater has preserved
    elements of ancient drama, and also enriched with the traditions of Asia, India and China.
    It is impossible to imagine a theater without Gigaku pantomime masks and Bugaku dances. But not
    one should think that Japanese theater consists only of them. It's very complex and
    a multifaceted world in which each shadow carries its own secret and obvious meaning, sometimes even
    contradictory to each other. Each of its components deserves its own chapter.
    acting, traditional dances, music, set design, costume and masks,
    scenery, makeup, dolls, etc.


    At first, cinema in Japan
    was considered unworthy art,
    there was disdain
    attitude towards the people who filmed
    movies. Popular cinema
    became only in the late 30s of the 20th
    In the 50s and 60s of the 20th century, Japanese cinema began to actively develop. This period
    called the "golden age" of Japanese cinema. In 1950, 215 films were produced, and
    in 1960 - their number reached 547. At the same time, genres were spreading
    political, historical cinema, science fiction and action films, Japanese cinema
    becomes famous all over the world. Famous directors of that time - Akira
    Kurosawa, Shohei Imamura, Kenji Mizoguchi. Great popularity outside
    Japan acquires actor Toshiro Mifune, who played in almost all films
    In the 90s of the last century, director and actor Takeshi became famous all over the world.

    Anime and manga.

    Anime (Japanese アニメ [anime], from English animation [animation] - animation) -
    Japanese animation. The main difference from animation in other countries is the greater
    Some of the products are designed for teenage and adult audiences, and for
    Due to this, it is highly popular in the world. Most anime series are
    film adaptation of Japanese comics - manga, usually preserving the graphic style and
    other features.
    Manga (Japanese: 漫画) - Japanese comics, sometimes in their homeland
    called komikku (コミック). The word "manga" means "grotesque", "strange (or
    funny) pictures”, and the artist who draws it is called a mangaka. Comics in Japan
    read by people of all ages, they are respected and as a form visual arts, And How
    literary phenomenon. Manga is almost always black and white, and only
    covers and individual illustrations.


    In Japan there are two types of clothing - national -
    wafuku, and the usual European one, which is worn in
    Everyday life.
    Kimono (translated as “clothing, outfit”) - common name
    any clothing in the broadest sense
    Yukata - light robe;
    geta, waraji - sandals;
    obi - belt.