"War through the eyes of children." Drawings and reflections

Photo report from the exhibition of children's drawings “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.”

Voronkina Lyudmila Artemyevna, teacher additional education MBOUDOD DTDM g.o. Tolyatti
instilling a sense of pride and gratitude to the soldiers and officers of the Great Patriotic War who saved humanity from fascism;
fostering respect for veterans.
Audience: for any age from 6 years...
The war of 1941-1945 has left us for sixty-nine years, but its cruel tragic image, 1418 anxious days and nights of the Great Patriotic War with the fascist hordes will forever remain in the memory of mankind. The exploits of those who freed the people from enslavement, saved world civilization and brought long-awaited peace to people will never be forgotten.

Not much time will pass and the opportunity to recreate the “living history” of the war will be destroyed forever. This is why children’s interest in the events of the terrible 40s on the eve of their 69th anniversary is so valuable. Great Victory.

What motivates the guys, what prompts them to return again and again to the events of 70 years ago? They are looking for their past, their roots, studying the history of the war not only fiction, documentary essays about the war, but also based on the memories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers passed down from generation to generation. Young authors wrote down their stories - this is living history Great Patriotic War. We, adults, understand: the worst thing that could happen to our ordinary children, who, fortunately, did not hear the howl of bombs, did not know the horrors of war, is ignorance and insensitivity. The worst thing is because without yesterday there is neither today nor tomorrow.

For the essays “War through the eyes of children”, for the respect shown to the veterans who defended the independence of our Motherland in a brutal battle with fascism, for the memory of the heroic past of our people, I thank the students of the creative association “Needlewoman”:
Plekhanov Irina
Kivilevich Anastasia
Neverov Oksana
Balanyuk Evelina
Manakhova Elizaveta
I thank the young artists participating in the competition visual arts"Forever in the memory of the people."
Many years have passed since the Great Patriotic War, but the stories of grandfathers and great-grandfathers resurrect the terrible image of the past, so that we know that it was so, so that we would take care of the world that the soldiers won for us. To remember the heroes who gave the Motherland the Great Victory!
The most significant day in our history. The day when Nazi Germany fell. The day when the Soviet flag was raised over the Reichstag. A day that went down in history as a day of greatness Soviet army. This day is May 9th.
On the eve of the main holiday of the country, our creative association held an essay and drawing competition “War through the eyes of children.” An exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” began its work. The exhibition presents works in different genres. The drawings displayed in the hall are the work of our students, young and old. Some of the artists recently turned 7 years old, but their paintings are already on display at the exhibition.
June. Russia. Sunday.
Dawn in the arms of silence.
A fragile moment remains
Before the first shots of the war.

In a second the world will explode
Death will lead the parade alley,
And the sun will go out forever
For millions on earth.

A mad storm of fire and steel
It won't turn back on its own.
Two “supergods”: Hitler – Stalin,
And between them there is a terrible hell.

June. Russia. Sunday.
The country is on the brink: to be or not to be...
And this is an eerie moment
We will never forget...
(D. Popov)

Children of war, you didn’t know childhood.
The horror of those years from the bombings is in my eyes.
You lived in fear. Not everyone survived.
The wormwood bitterness is still on my lips.
Svetlana Sirena.

author: Lena Vasilyeva 7 years old

The war took a terrible toll on children’s destinies,
It was difficult for everyone, difficult for the country,
But childhood is seriously mutilated:
Children suffered greatly from the war.
V. Shamshurin

Alarm over the country:
The enemy crept up like a thief at night.
Coming to our cities
Black horde of fascists.
But we will throw away the enemy this way,
How strong our hatred is,
What are the dates of the current attacks?
The people will be glorified for centuries.
(A. Barto)

The barge accepted the precious cargo -
The children of the blockade sat in it.
The faces are not childish, the color of starch,
There is grief in my heart.
The girl clutched the doll to her chest.
The old tugboat left the pier,
He pulled the barge towards distant Kobon.
Ladoga gently rocked the children,
Hiding the big wave for a while.
The girl, hugging the doll, dozed off.
A black shadow ran across the water,
Two Messerschmitts fell into a dive.
Bombs, baring their sting fuses,
They howled angrily in a deadly rush.
The girl pressed the doll harder...
The explosion tore the barge apart and crushed it.

Ladoga suddenly swung open to the bottom
And it swallowed up both old and small.
Only one doll floated out,

The one that the girl pressed to her chest...

The wind of the past shakes the memory,
In strange visions, it disturbs you in your sleep.
I often dream about big eyes
Those who remained on the Ladoga bottom.
Dreaming as if in a dark, damp depth
A girl is looking for a floating doll.
(A. Molchanov)

Last first fight
The bells sounded the alarm,
The ground is burning and tank tracks are clanging.
The flare went up
Scattering into thousands of remains.

And so the first platoon went on the attack,
There are boys there who are nineteen.
Tell me, fate, what is your turn?
And how many times should you go on the attack?

He was the first to go: handsome, young,
His fiancée wrote to him yesterday.
The first fight was the last -
An accidental explosion and the boy was gone.

Get up, soldier!
Well, why are you quiet?!
Get up, dear!
The earth will give you strength...
But he didn't get up. The poet will write a poem,
And he will read it aloud over the mass grave.
It was forty-one. There was a fierce battle
For the Motherland, for the blue sky.
For you and I to breathe...
Let us remember those who did not come from the battle.
N. Seleznev.

Russia will not forget the beardless faces
Defending the sunrise of the cornflower spring.
We will never dream of anything again,
So watch our youthful dreams for us.
We will never wear our medals
And we won’t march along the stands in parade formation.
We are lost, but we and the lost believe:
The history of our names will not forget.
We will return home to stay there forever,
They will sing us the last song in the churches.
After all, the Russian soldier does not know how to surrender,
If he defends his Fatherland.
Stepan Kadashnikov

The soldier, remembering his journey to the end,
She will cry with stingy tears.

And the fallen are all alive in our hearts, -
They stand silently next to us.
(V. Snegirev ■)

Horses can swim
But - not good. Near.
"Gloria" - in Russian - means "Glory" -
You will remember this easily.
A ship was sailing, proud of its name,
Trying to overcome the ocean.
In the hold, shaking their kind muzzles,
A thousand horses trampled day and night.
A thousand horses! Four thousand horseshoes!
They still didn’t bring happiness.
A mine pierced the bottom of the ship
Far, far from the earth.
People got into the boats and climbed into the lifeboats.
The horses swam just like that.
What could they do, poor people, if
No space on boats and rafts?
A red island floated across the ocean.
A bay island floated in the blue sea.
And at first it seemed easy to swim,
The ocean seemed like a river to them.
But that edge is not visible by the river,
Running out of horsepower
Suddenly the horses neighed in protest
To those who drowned them in the ocean.
The horses went to the bottom and neighed, neighed,
Everyone hasn't gone to the bottom yet.
That's all. Still, I feel sorry for them -
Redheads who did not see the land.

The Great Patriotic War is a page in our history that cannot be ignored. For a peaceful sky, for bread on the table, we are indebted to our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who, without sparing their lives, fought against a fierce enemy for the sake of a happy future for their children.

In token of eternal memory and respect in our country it is customary to give veterans flowers and themed cards made by small children's hands. Such masterpieces are worth more than any awards, because they testify that even children know and are proud of the exploits of their ancestors. Today we will tell you how and what kind of drawings for children about war you can draw on the eve of a great holiday or simply to consolidate the knowledge gained from a history lesson.

So, we bring to your attention a master class on how to draw the Patriotic War step by step for children with a pencil.

Example 1

Boys always associate war with military equipment and aviation. Tanks, helicopters, airplanes, various weapons - these are all achievements of scientific progress, without which victory would have come at an even greater cost to us. Therefore, we will begin our first lesson, dedicated to drawings about the war (1941-1945) for children, with a detailed description of how to draw a tank step by step.

First of all, let's prepare everything you need: pencils and colored pencils, an eraser and a blank sheet of paper.

Continuing to improve our skills, let's draw a military aircraft:

Example 2

Of course, little princesses may not like drawing military equipment. Therefore, we have prepared separate drawings for them that can be used as a greeting card:

As you can see, draw these simple pictures It’s not at all difficult for a child to talk about war, the main thing is to show a little imagination and patience.

Step-by-step instructions for practical drawing of tanks, planes and helicopters in the process of mastering the art of black-and-white and halftone graphics.

We invite you to learn how to draw domestic, mainly Russian, samples using a step-by-step method military equipment in their modern form.

Remember! Any mistake made at the very beginning of the drawing process can hopelessly ruin the final result. You may find it difficult at first to draw curved outlines (round, egg-shaped, or sausage-shaped) or even to get the pencil on the paper to the intended point. Do not despair! Stay enthusiastic and continue drawing with persistence and patience. The more practice, the higher the skill. If you wish, you can use a compass - professional artists do not consider this shameful for themselves.

Items needed for work: a blank white sheet of paper good quality, pencil with medium-hard or soft lead, eraser. Compasses, ink, feather, brush, ballpoint pen, felt-tip pen - optional.

Choose a sample of military equipment that you would like to draw. Using light touches of the pencil, without pressure, very carefully and carefully apply on the paper the strokes that make up the initial (first) “step” - usually it is located in the upper left corner of the diagram you have chosen. Then take the second “step” - also without pressure and just as carefully. Keep track not only of the direction and curvature of the lines, but also of the distance between them, that is, their relative position. The size of the drawing should match the size of your sheet of paper - not too small and not too large. The first “steps” seem to be the least difficult, but they must be performed with particular precision, because any mistake made at the beginning of the process can spoil the final result.

It is also very useful to look at the reflection of your work in a mirror from time to time - it can reveal distortions that you would not otherwise be able to notice.

New lines for each “step” are shown in the diagram as bolder, so that it is easier for you to recognize what exactly should be added to your drawing at the next stage. Continue working as before with light, thin strokes. If any line turns out to be too thick or dark, lighten it with an eraser: run it along the line without much pressure, without trying to erase it completely.

And a few more tips. Remember that for all the apparent complexity of some objects, they can always be reduced to simple geometric shapes: a ball, a cone, a pyramid, a cube, a parallelepiped, a cylinder.

Try to draw equipment not from the front, but from more advantageous angles, taking into account perspective, so that they look three-dimensional rather than flat.

You can also “cheat” a little when depicting complex details: in order not to be distracted from the integrity of the image and not waste too much time, you can draw them approximately, as a complex of expressive strokes, dots, underlines, and wavy lines.

Well, of course, let’s say, ships do not exist on their own, but, as a rule, organically fit into the surrounding landscape. Therefore, elements of the landscape - sea, river, rocks, even if only slightly outlined - will significantly enliven and enrich the drawing.

Having finished applying light strokes, that is, having completed the entire eight “steps” shown in the selected diagram, and making sure that all the elements of your drawing correspond to the desired image, outline them with confident pencil movements with the necessary pressure. After this final finishing, the drawing can be considered ready. If desired, you can enhance the contrast of the lines using ink (using a thin brush or steel nib), a ballpoint pen or a felt-tip pen. When the ink, paste or ink is dry, use an eraser to remove any unnecessary pencil marks.

Remember: if your first attempts to draw do not lead to the desired result, keep trying. It is very important not to lose perseverance, patience, and enthusiasm. In the end, your efforts will be crowned with complete success - at that moment you may not immediately believe yourself, but you will still be pleasantly surprised by what you have achieved.

We sincerely hope that your drawing skills will improve and the long time spent on recreating the images of all these formidable and in their own way beautiful examples of technology will not be wasted.

Drawing Medium Tank T-34 (USSR)

Drawing Tank T-VIB "Royal Tiger" (Germany)

Drawing the T-V "Panther" Tank (Germany)

Drawing Tank T-72 (USSR)

Drawing Tank "Leopard-1" (Germany)

Drawing the KV-85 "Klim Voroshilov" heavy tank (USSR)

Drawing the IS-3 Heavy Tank "Joseph Stalin" (USSR)

Drawing the Challenger Tank (UK)

Drawing Tank STRV-103 (Sweden)

Drawing the Centurion Tank (Great Britain)

Anti-aircraft missile system "Strela-1" (Russia)

Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 (Russia)

Drawing the BRT-80 Armored Personnel Carrier (USSR)

Drawing the BRDM-2 combat reconnaissance and sabotage vehicle (USSR)

BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle (USSR)

Launcher of strategic missiles "Topol M" (Russia)

Drawing the Katyusha multiple launch rocket system (USSR)

Drawing Anti-aircraft missile system (Türkiye)

Drawing Steyr Armored Personnel Carrier (Austria)

Drawing Self-propelled artillery unit M 110 A2 (USA)

Drawing the Grad multiple launch rocket system (40-barreled mortar) (Russia)

We draw the S-300V anti-aircraft missile system (Russia)

Drawing the Smerch multiple launch rocket system (Russia)

Drawing IL-2 Airplane (USSR)

Drawing Fighter ME-109 "Messerschmitt" (Germany)

Drawing the PE-2 Bomber

Drawing the JU-87B Bomber "Junkers" (Germany)

Drawing an Airplane F15-C (USA)

Drawing the MIG-21 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the SU-27 fighter (Russia)

Drawing an Airplane SU-24 (Russia)

Drawing the OV-10A "BRONCO" Attack Aircraft (USA)

Drawing the MIG-23 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the MIG-29 Fighter (Russia)

Drawing the A-10A Sturmovik (USA)

Drawing the F-111 Fighter-Bomber (USA)

Drawing the Mirage 2000-5 fighter-bomber (France)

Drawing the Airplane "Invisible" B-2 "Spirit" (USA)

Drawing the "Flying Fortress" B-52G (USA)

Drawing the MI-14 Helicopter (USSR)

Drawing Helicopter MI-24 (Russia)

Drawing the AN-64A "APACH" Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the CH-47A Chinook Transport Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the S-55 "Sikorsky" Helicopter (USA)

Drawing the KA-50 "Black Shark" Helicopter (Russia)

Drawing the nuclear submarine "Kursk" (Russia)

Drawing a Rocket Ship (Russia)

Drawing a Torpedo Boat (Russia)

Drawing the Cruiser "Kirov" (USSR)

Drawing a Submarine (Türkiye)

Drawing "Tank"

Heroes of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. known to everyone.

Songs are written about them, and many memorials are dedicated to them. However, few people remember that many children died during the war.

And those who survived began to be called “children of war.”

1941-1945 through the eyes of children

In those distant years, the kids lost the most precious thing in their lives - a carefree childhood. Many of them had to stand at the machines at the factory, like adults, and work in the fields to feed their families. Many children of war are real heroes. They helped the military, went on reconnaissance missions, collected guns on the battlefield, and took care of the wounded. Huge role in victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. belongs specifically to children and teenagers who did not spare their lives.

Unfortunately, it is now difficult to say how many children died then, because humanity does not know the exact number of deaths, even among the military. Children-heroes went through the siege of Leningrad, survived the presence of fascists in the cities, regular bombings, and famine. Many trials befell the children of those years, sometimes even the death of their parents before their eyes. Today these people are over 70 years old, but they can still tell a lot about those years when they had to fight the Nazis. And although at parades. Dedicated to the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. They honor mainly the military; we should not forget the children who bore on their shoulders the hunger and cold of a terrible time.

Related materials

Pictures and photos on the topic “Children of War” will help tell you what war looks like through the eyes of these people.

Many photographs known to modern children mainly show heroes who fought for the liberation of our land and took part in battles. On our website we offer pictures, drawings and photos on the topic “Children of War”. Based on them, you can create presentations for schoolchildren about how children, together with the military, achieved victory in the fight against the Nazis.

Children should pay attention to everyday life, clothing, appearance children of that time. Most often, photos show them wrapped in downy scarves, dressed in overcoats or sheepskin coats, and wearing hats with earflaps.

However, perhaps the most terrible are the photos of children in concentration camps. These are real heroes whom time has forced to endure unforgettable horrors.

It is worth including such photos in presentations for older children, since children are still too impressionable, and such a story can negatively affect their psyche.

The war through the eyes of those guys looked like something terrible and incomprehensible, but we had to live with it every day. It was a longing for their murdered parents, about whose fate the children sometimes knew nothing. Now children who lived at that time and have survived to this day remember, first of all, hunger, a tired mother who worked for two at the factory and at home, schools where children of different ages studied in the same class, and they had to write on scraps of newspapers. All this is a reality that is difficult to forget.


After the lesson and presentation, modern children can be given a task, timed to coincide with Victory Day or another military holiday, to create color drawings depicting children of war. Subsequently best drawings You can hang it on the stand and compare photos and illustrations of modern guys, as they imagine those years.

The heroes who fought against fascism today remember the cruelty that the Germans showed against children. They separated them from their mothers and sent them to concentration camps. After the war, these kids, having grown up, tried for years to find their parents, and sometimes they found them. What a meeting it was, filled with joy and tears! But some still cannot find out what happened to their parents. This pain is no less than that of parents who have lost their babies.

Vintage photographs and drawings are not silent about those terrible days. And the modern generation must remember what they owe to their grandparents. About this teachers and educators in kindergarten should be told to children, without hushing up the facts of bygone years. The better young people remember the exploits of their ancestors, the more they themselves are capable of exploits for the sake of their own descendants.

Military pencil drawings can be created step by step even for young children. There are a lot of lessons and instructions on the Internet, as well as pictures for sketching, which allow you to independently transfer various types of military equipment onto paper.

Drawing on military theme Boys will enjoy drawing with a pencil, but such pictures can also be created by girls, for example, on the eve of a big holiday on May 9 or February 23. On Victory Day, the drawing will be an excellent gift for veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple pencil drawing without coloring with paints or colored pencils. First, you should check if you have the tools necessary to create an art project:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

If possible, choose hard and soft pencils, which are convenient for making auxiliary lines or drawing the main ones. Next simple instructions will allow little artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. We create the main lines that serve as the basis for placing the plane on the leaf. Using a ruler, draw a long line, which we tilt down slightly. The second will intersect the first, you need to lead it from the lower left corner of the leaf to the upper right, this is the basis for the wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, add a small short line on the first main line, it should be perpendicular.
  2. If the lines are not a good enough guide for drawing the correct shape of the plane, we create additional points that serve as the edges of the nose, tail and wings of the object. It is recommended to start from the far right point, where the nose will be located.
  3. We draw the airplane cabin with smooth lines. Movements should be smooth; you should not press the pencil on the paper. The cockpit lines should taper slightly as you approach the leftmost point, where the tail of the aircraft is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cockpit, focusing on the second auxiliary lines with the same soft and smooth movements, we draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important step that completes the base is drawing the tail. On military aircraft, the tail can have different shapes, with additional elements, so it is advisable to look at the example drawing and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last step is adding important elements to bring the plane to life. A child can add various emblems to the aircraft body; he cannot do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are drawn, using an eraser, auxiliary lines and points are removed, unnecessary strokes that were the basis of the sketch.

All drawings of military equipment in pencil are created on this basis: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places, as a guide for creating basic contours.

Warship pencil drawing

Military pencil drawings allow a child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also to study the structure of various vehicles. Many children enjoy creating a warship and a pencil drawing that requires following instructions.

Unlike the previous drawing, children begin the art project by drawing the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the paper. Waves are curved lines that young artists can draw.

On the waves you need to place one horizontal line without tilting. A ruler will come to the rescue with this. The length of the main horizontal line should be of average length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge to the sides, continuing the base of the ship's hull; they are made using a ruler. To do this, the ruler is placed slightly at an angle towards the outer sides of the leaf. You can connect these two lines with one solid line. The ship's base is ready.

Next, you should focus on the example picture, from which the cabin compartments and deck details are copied. The guns must be drawn, and the main “highlight” of such a creation will be the ship’s flag. Important detail drawing. Finally, several curved wave lines are added around the ship to create the illusion of military transport moving.

Such military pencil drawings for children may seem simple at first glance, but with the help of shading they decorate the picture, and if desired, they add a little color with the help of paints.

Soldier drawing

A drawing of a military soldier with a pencil can be made by small children. The main thing is to first practice repeating basic geometric shapes and learn how to make neat lines.
As in the case of drawing a military airplane with a pencil for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the proportions of the soldier’s body will be correct.

  1. First, let's work on the markup. The frame of the drawing is the basis of the soldier’s body. On the vertical line at the top we draw an oval, which serves as the base for the head. Just below he draws two trapezoids - the base of the body. From the trapezoid we make lines for the arms and lines below for the legs. Important point– the drawing is made larger in order to clearly display all the details.
  2. In the oval area, for accuracy, you can create auxiliary lines with thin strokes: one horizontally, just above the center of the oval, the second vertical, clearly in the center, crossing the area of ​​the soldier’s future face. From the oval on the sides we draw ears with neat curved lines. Along the auxiliary horizontal line we add eyes and exactly above them two souls of eyebrows. In the lower part there will be a nose, and between the created details of the face. You can add bangs on top of the oval.
  3. Let's draw the cap. If it is difficult to replicate its shape, you can settle on a small triangle that “sits” exactly on top of the oval.
  4. From the oval down to the trapezoids with smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we move on to drawing the shape of the body, making the trapezoid less angular. At this stage, you can immediately work on such details as a collar, other clothing items in the form of a belt and shoulder straps.
  6. Don't forget about pockets, buttons and a star on the strap.
  7. The lower part is trousers. Kids should help with them, because not all little artists will be able to repeat the lines of the folds of trousers. We finish this part with boots.
  8. Step by step, slowly, we draw the arms and sleeves of the uniform, from which the soldier’s hands can be seen. It is not necessary to draw the hands in detail. Kids can stop at the schematic image.