
Recently, I read the romantic story “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. A. Green lived a very hard life. He was in prison and exiled, but escaped from there. It was then that A. Green began writing the story “Scarlet Sails,” and in 1920 he finished it. Exactly this famous work A. Green. The writer defined the genre of his work as “extravaganza.” The story begins like many others literary works, with the characteristics of the main characters, but after reading just a little, I realized that this book was special.
In the story “Scarlet Sails,” Green tells the story of the girl Assol, who lost her mother early and grew up with her father, they lived on the fact that he made children’s toys-ships. Longren, Assol's father, took on all the housework; daughter and father loved each other very much. But still, Assol was unhappy, since none of the village children communicated with her. And she lived with one single dream, which was given to her by Egle, a famous collector of songs, legends, stories and fairy tales. He told her that someday a prince would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and from then on Assol looked hopefully at the horizon of the sea, waiting for a ship with scarlet sails.
The second main character in the story is Arthur Gray, who, on the contrary, was born into a rich family, and he also had his own dream - to become a captain and he became one. At the age of 15, he went on board a ship as a simple sailor and during the voyage, the captain of the ship taught Arthur various marine sciences. After four years of sailing, returning home, Arthur took a large sum of money from his parents to purchase his own ship. And from that moment on, he sailed the seas and oceans as a captain. And one day, during his next trip, Arthur met Assol, whom he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled it.
I believe that the main idea of ​​the author of the story is that a person in his life needs to have the most cherished dream, believe and strive for it, and only then will it come true. After all, Alexander Greene did not write this work in better times his life, and, probably, in my opinion, he wanted to create an example of dreams, faith, hope.
Assol – main character romantic story, closed and beautiful girl, who loved her father very much, trusted only him and lived the dream that the storyteller gave her. Arthur Gray is a freedom-loving person, a leader by character, respecting the opinions of others, educated and understanding, and purposefully pursuing his goals. All these qualities made him famous person. Longren is Assol's father, her life mentor, and loving father. In it, the author tried to show an example of what a father should be. In the story " Scarlet Sails“Alexander Green often uses nature to express the mood, feelings and spiritual mood of the characters.
I believe that Greene first of all wanted to tell the reader that at any time in your life you need to live in a world of reality and dreams.

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Recently, I read the romantic story “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. A. Green lived a very hard life. He was in prison and exiled, but escaped from there. It was then that A. Green began writing the story “Scarlet Sails,” and in 1920 he finished it. This is the most famous work of A. Green. The writer defined the genre of his work as “extravaganza”. The story begins, like many literary works, with characteristics of the main characters, but after reading just a little, I realized that this book was special.
In the story “Scarlet Sails,” Green tells the story of the girl Assol, who lost her mother early and grew up with her father, they lived on the fact that he made children’s toys-ships. Longren, Assol's father, took on all the housework; daughter and father loved each other very much. But still, Assol was unhappy, since none of the village children communicated with her. And she lived with one single dream, which was given to her by Egle, a famous collector of songs, legends, stories and fairy tales. He told her that someday a prince would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails, and from then on Assol looked hopefully at the horizon of the sea, waiting for a ship with scarlet sails.
The second main character in the story is Arthur Gray, who, on the contrary, was born into a rich family, and he also had his own dream - to become a captain and he became one. At the age of 15, he went on board a ship as a simple sailor and during the voyage, the captain of the ship taught Arthur various marine sciences. After four years of sailing, returning home, Arthur took a large sum of money from his parents to purchase his own ship. And from that moment on, he sailed the seas and oceans as a captain. And one day, during his next trip, Arthur met Assol, whom he really liked. And having learned about her dream, he decided and fulfilled it.
I believe that the main idea of ​​the author of the story is that a person in his life needs to have the most cherished dream, believe and strive for it, and only then will it come true. After all, Alexander Greene wrote this work not at the best times of his life, and, probably, in my opinion, he wanted to create an example of dreams, faith, and hope.
Assol is the main character of the romantic story, a reserved and beautiful girl who loved her father very much, trusted only him and lived the dream that the storyteller gave her. Arthur Gray is a freedom-loving person, a leader by character, respecting the opinions of others, educated and understanding, and purposefully pursuing his goals. All these qualities made him a famous person. Longren is Assol's father, her life mentor, and loving father. In it, the author tried to show an example of what a father should be. In the story “Scarlet Sails” Alexander Green often uses nature to express the mood, feelings and spiritual mood of the characters.
I believe that Greene first of all wanted to tell the reader that at any time in your life you need to live in a world of reality and dreams.

Quiz. 1. How did A. Green determine the genre of his work? (extravaganza) 2. Who is Longren? .(Assol's father, a sailor.) 3. What craft did Longren take up to feed his family? (He began making toy ships.) 4. What was the name of Longren's wife? (Mary) 5.Where do the events of the story develop? (On the seashore, in Kaperna) 6. “That evening there was cold, windy weather...” And what happened that evening? (Shivered and sick, Mary went to Liss, pawned the ring and got some money. She got wet...) 7. “Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands..” Who are we talking about? (About Longren). 8. “He started working...” What did Longren do? (“Soon his toys appeared in city stores...” 9. “She also asked you!” Whose words are these? To whom are they addressed? (Longren says to Menners) 10. “... do they know how to love? One must be able to love, but this- then they can’t.” Who is the hero talking about? (About the inhabitants of Kaperna.) 11. Whose question is he answering? (Assol’s question 12. What was the question? (Why don’t they like us?) 13. What was your favorite?) entertainment Assol? (Climb on your father’s lap and listen to his stories about people and life.) 14. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers, cane and bag...Who is this (Egle, a famous collector of songs, legends, legends and fairy tales.) 15. Who is Egle? 16. Whose house was gloomy inside and majestic outside? (Arthur Gray.) 17. Whose portrait is before us: “A chintz dress washed many times..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair, wrapped in a lace scarf... Every feature... is expressively light and pure...” (Assol) 18. “I don’t know how many years will pass... One morning...” Who predicted the future Assol 19. And what will happen one morning? (“ the distance of the sea, a scarlet sail will sparkle under the sun. The shining bulk of the scarlet sails of a white ship will move, cutting through the waves, straight towards you...”) 20. Why do you think the story about Assol’s life is parallel to Gray’s life story? (The author prepares the reader for the idea that the fates of these heroes were not intertwined by chance.) 21. “Grey’s father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position...” How was Arthur Gray different from them? (Living soul.) 22. Why did Gray ruin the painting depicting the crucifixion? (“I can’t allow nails sticking out of my hands and blood flowing. I don’t want that.”) 23. What episode made Gray and the maid Betsy friends? (Betsy scalded her hand, and Gray specially scalded his hand to feel how painful it was for the girl.) 24. What role did Gray play in Betsy’s fate? (He gave her money so she could marry the man she loved. ) 25.Who did Arthur Gray play with as a child? (One) 26. “Gray came several times to look at this picture...” What was depicted in the picture? (Ship) 27. Continue the phrase: “In the autumn, in the fifteenth year of his life, Arthur Gray ....” (“...secretly left the house...”) 28. Continue the phrase: “Captain” Anselm”... triumphed in advance, imagining how in two months Gray would tell him...” (I want to go to my mother...) 29. “Victory is on your side, rogue " Whose words are these? Who are they addressed to? (Captain Gop, to Gray). 30. Who prayed with these words: “For those who sail, travel, are sick, suffer and are captured...” (Grey’s Mother.) 31. What was the name of Gray’s new ship? (“Secret”) 32. “The captain got out into the open... and saw here ..."And what did Captain Gray see? (Sleeping Assol). 33. Who told Gray the story of Assol? (Menners, a long young guy...) 34. “Since then that’s what they call her...” And what was Assol’s name in Kapern? (Assol Korabelnaya.) 35. Who owns these replicas from the text. “We don’t have a crumb of food in our house, I’ll go into town, and the girl and I will survive somehow until my husband returns” (Maria). 36. “If I lower the schooner into the water for a little swim, it won’t get wet, I’ll dry it later” (Assol). 37. “I’ll probably wake her up, but only so I can soap up your hefty neck” (Longren) 38. “I didn’t ruin the picture. I can’t allow nails sticking out of my hands and blood flowing, I don’t want that.” (Arthur Gray) 39. Continue the phrase: “...There are two girls in it, two Assols, mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity. One was the daughter of a sailor..., the other was....” "...a living poem." 40. Who are Assol's true friends? (These are large old trees) 41. “Whose joke is this? Whose joke?” What is Assol asking? 42. How did the ring appear on her finger? (Gray put the ring on her while she was sleeping.) 43. “He blushed like a smile, with the charm of a spiritual reflection”... What are we talking about? (About the scarlet silk bought by Gray.) 44. How many meters of scarlet fabric did Gray buy? (Two thousand meters.) 45. Continue the phrase that Assol said to the coal miner: “ probably, when you fill a basket with coal, you think that...” (“.. it will bloom.”) 46. Complete the sentence: “thanks to her I understood one simple truth. It is to...” (“ do so-called miracles with one’s own hands.”) 47. Continue the phrase: “When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it is easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the seed of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle...” (“He will have a new soul and a new one for you.”) 48. “Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten...” When did happiness settle in Assol’s heart? (When she saw Gray.) 49. What did Assol ask Gray as soon as she got on the ship? (“Will you take my Longren to us?”) 50. What did Assol call Letik? (The best cargo, the best prize of “The Secret”) 51. The last phrase of the story: “Zimmer... sat... and thought about...”. Say the last word of A. Green’s book (“…about happiness.”) Quiz. 1. How did A. Green determine the genre of his work? 2. Who is Longren? 3. What craft did Longren take up to feed his family? 4. What was the name of Longren’s wife? 5.Where do the events of the story develop? 6. “That evening there was cold, windy weather...” And what happened that evening? 7. “Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands..” Who are we talking about? 8. “He started working...” What Longren did 9. “She also asked you!” Whose words are these? Who are they addressed to? 10.“ they know how to love? You have to be able to love, but that’s something they can’t do.” Who is the hero talking about? 13. What was Assol’s favorite pastime? 14. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag...Who is it? 15.Who is Egle? 16.Whose house was gloomy inside and majestic outside? 17. Whose portrait is in front of us: “A cotton dress washed many times..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair tied up in a lace scarf... Every feature... expressively light and clean...” 18. “I don’t know how many years will pass... One morning ..." Who predicted the future of Assol? 19. What will happen one morning? 20. Why do you think the story about Assol’s life is parallel to Gray’s life story? 21. “Grey’s father and mother were arrogant slaves of their position...” How was Arthur Gray different from them? 22. Why did Gray ruin the painting of the crucifixion? 23. What episode made Gray and the maid Betsy friends? 24. What role did Gray play in Betsy’s fate? 25.Who did Arthur Gray play with as a child? 26. “Gray came several times to look at this picture...” What was depicted in the picture? 31. What was the name of Gray's new ship? 33. Who told Gray the story of Assol? 34. “Since then that’s what they call her...” And what was Assol’s name in Kaperna? 40. Who are Assol's true friends? 42. How did the ring appear on her finger? 44. How many meters of scarlet matter did Gray buy? 47. Continue the phrase: “When the main thing for a person is to receive the dearest nickel, it’s easy to give this nickel, but when the soul conceals the grain of a fiery plant - a miracle, give him this miracle...” 48. “Happiness sat in her like a fluffy kitten...” When happiness settled in Assol's heart? 49. What did Assol Gray ask for as soon as she got on the ship? 50. What did Assol call Letik? 51. The last phrase of the story: “Zimmer... sat... and thought about...”. Say the last word of A. Green's book

We know many works dedicated to love, but none of them touches the soul as much as A. Green’s extravaganza story “Scarlet Sails”. Not everyone has the ability to selflessly love. This feeling only sprouts and blossoms in all its glory when there is no anger, greed, meanness, prudence and deceit in a person’s soul. Such is the sailor Longren. Having lost his wife, he concentrated “all his Thoughts,

Recently, I read the romantic story “Scarlet Sails” by Alexander Green. A. Green lived a very hard life. He was in prison and exiled, but escaped from there. It was then that A. Green began writing the story “Scarlet Sails,” and in 1920 he finished it. This is A. Green's most famous work. The writer defined the genre of his work as “extravaganza”. The story begins as

“When the days begin to gather dust and the colors fade, I take Green. I open it to any page, just like how they wipe the windows in the house in the spring. Everything becomes light, bright, everything again mysteriously excites, as in childhood. Green is one of the few that you should have in your travel first aid kit against fatty heart disease and fatigue. With it you can go to the Arctic and virgin lands, go to

Today's life does not spoil us with romance or something uplifting. We are suffocating in everyday worries and, suddenly realizing this, we turn our eyes to the sky and seem to rise. But it doesn’t last long: everyday life tends to drag on. And less and less often do you look at the blue heights or at the bright stars. And you have to shake yourself, otherwise you risk completely drowning in everyday life and everyday worries. Peculiar

The second part of the story “Scarlet Sails” begins with these words: “If Caesar found that it was better to be first in the village than second in Rome, then Arthur Gray could not envy Caesar regarding his wise desire. He was born a captain, wanted to be one and became one. From the age of eight, Arthur Gray “did everything with his own hands.” When it became known that he had a goal -

The romantic story “Scarlet Sails” is one of best works Alexandra Green. The path to creating this story was long. The author repeatedly changed and rewrote the text until he achieved what he wanted. He sought to create an ideal world where they live wonderful heroes and where love, a dream, a fairy tale can overcome rudeness and callousness. And he achieved his goal. The writer depicted “extraordinary circumstances in which something was to happen

Alexander Green wrote a wonderful story “Scarlet Sails”. In this story, he did not try to show us a miracle, a fairy tale, magic. The writer wanted to say that they happen, to give us hope for a miracle. A little girl named Assol once met Egle, who told her that in adulthood a handsome prince would sail to her on a huge ship with scarlet sails fluttering above it. WITH

A. Green's story “The Green Lamp” tells the story of the amazing fate of the tramp Yves, who became a famous doctor and wealthy man, and the downfall of the rich man Stilton, who turned into a pitiful, sick beggar. This is a parable story. It has all the features inherent in this genre: exceptional sharpness main idea, moral and philosophical judgment of the writer, elements of fantasy, convention and grotesque. The story is based on contrast: the second part is opposed to the first, one hero

Perhaps, no less than Gray, Assol inspires faith in success and brings the glow of good luck. Two people coexisted in Gray's soul. And in Assol’s soul there lived two Assols, “mixed in a wonderful, beautiful irregularity.” One was the daughter of a sailor, an artisan, who knew how to make toys, diligently sew, cook, and wash floors. The other, the one that Green called a living poem “with all the wonders of its consonances and images,”

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Presentation - Crossword based on the story “Scarlet Sails” by A. Green


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VERTICAL: 1. Who are Assol's true friends? 3. “Gray came several times to look at this picture...” And what was depicted in picture 4. The last phrase of the story: “Zimmer... sat... and thought about...”. Say the last word of A. Green's book. “He blushed like a smile, with the charm of spiritual reflection”... What is the name of the village where the events of the story unfold? 8. “Ten years of wandering life left some money in his hands..” Who are we talking about? 11. Who did Arthur Gray play with as a child? 13. “Victory is on your side, rogue.” Who said these words? 14. What was the name of Longren’s wife? HORIZONTALLY: 2. What was the name of Gray's new ship? 7. Continue the phrase that Assol said to the coal miner: “ probably, when you fill a basket with coal, you think that...” 9. Whose portrait is in front of us: “A cotton dress washed many times..., thin tanned legs, dark thick hair, tucked into a lace scarf... Every feature.. is expressively light and pure...” 10. “Since then that’s what they’ve called her...” And what was Assol’s name in Kapern? 12. Gray curls, gray blouse, blue trousers. High boots, a cane and a bag...Who is it? 14. Who told Gray the story of Assol? 15. How did A. Green determine the genre of his work?

F E E R I A - background - ship
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