Palace of Children's and youth creativity (as well as Center for Children and Youth Creativity) - a type of institution of additional education for children in Russia, with a large number of children's creative associations, studios, artistic groups, associations (clubs and sections) of technical, scientific and technical creativity, environmental education, sports sections, military-patriotic, tourism and local history associations, information technologies.

These palaces and centers arose in the year after the reorganization of the palaces (and houses) of pioneers and schoolchildren - as multidisciplinary institutions where classes are conducted, as a rule, on a free basis. A small part of associations (computer science, music education, early childhood development school age, individual species wrestling and martial arts, car clubs) operates on the basis of parental fees.

Modern Russian palaces of creativity for children and youth

Today, palaces of creativity occupy an important place in the Russian education system. Remaining, together with the Centers for Children's and Youth Creativity, the largest and most multifunctional institutions of additional education for children, they, in fact, are not only a conglomerate of student associations, but also a place for the development and communication of children.

A child studying at the Palace of Creativity finds a second home, where he is not only taught and develops certain social skills, but where he finds his future profession, determines his life choices, like-minded friends, mentors for life. The opportunity to voluntarily choose the type of creativity, move from one circle or section to another, while remaining in one institution, allows a child and teenager to choose their place in life, more accurately assess their capabilities and abilities, and realize their creative potential.

As a rule, it is the Palaces, which have preserved the best traditions of the Soviet system of out-of-school education and received a powerful impetus during the development of the Russian system of additional education, that today are most in demand by parents and children to receive a quality education that determines the professional choice of the child. In the 90s, many of the Palaces opened on their premises gymnasiums and lyceums, and other educational institutions with in-depth study of individual subjects. The practice of joint activities between universities and palaces is developing.

The methodological service of regional creativity palaces (city, regional, regional, republican) works not only for the teachers-workers of these institutions, but also for municipal houses and creativity centers, centers for young technicians, tourists, etc., located in the region.

It has become a good practice to use the potential of the Palaces to revive children's public associations; many of the leaders of regional unions of children's organizations work on the staff of the Palaces.

Some of the Palaces have their own country recreation and health facilities for children (for example, the country health center “Zerkalny” of the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity) for holding summer creative schools and specialized shifts for palace students.

Many of the palaces became laureates of all-Russian competitions of institutions of additional education for children.

As part of the priority national project “Education”, graduates and students of creativity palaces received awards to support talented youth, established by Decree of the President of Russia No. 325 of April 6 of this year. For example, more than 40 pupils of the St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity in 2006-2007 were awarded similar prizes in the amount of 30 thousand and 60 thousand rubles.

Related institutions in other countries

see also

  • Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity


Wikimedia Foundation.

2010. On December 7, 2016, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory celebrates its 80th anniversary. Over half a million young Muscovites have found friends and like-minded people here, many have decided on future profession

. the website and the Moscow Main Archive Department recall important events from the history of this unique institution.

In 1936, in house 6 on Stopani Lane (now Ogorodnaya Sloboda Lane, not far from the Chistye Prudy metro station), the Moscow City House of Pioneers and Octobrists (MGDPiO) opened. Everyone knew this non-school institution of a wide profile, and in common parlance it was simply called “Gord”, or “House on Stopani”. The magazine “Counselor” called it “the first of the laboratories that are being created in the Soviet country to educate a new person, a cultural citizen of the socialist homeland.”

The beautiful mansion where the House of Pioneers is located, before the revolution, belonged to the Vysotsky family, who owned one of the largest tea trading companies in Russia. As a high school student, Boris Pasternak often visited here: having fallen in love with the owner’s daughter, he quickly turned from a tutor to a family friend. Then the building was occupied by trade unions, the Central Club of Communications Workers and the Society of Old Bolsheviks.

For the children, the house was redecorated from the inside, reinterpreting the “merchant tastelessness and wealth” in the spirit of the era. This is how historian Vladimir Kabo describes it: “It was a beautiful white mansion in the Renaissance style, surrounded by an old garden... In the huge hall I was greeted by a panel depicting a good-naturedly smiling Stalin with a dark-haired girl in his arms. There is a fountain in the middle of the hall; Before the New Year there was always a tall tree covered in lights. From the hall doors led to a large concert hall and to the buffet, designed in the form of a grotto. I went up the stairs first to the second floor, there was a lecture hall where we were given lectures on all sorts of topics and where we met with famous writers, and there was a room decorated with frescoes of subjects folk tales. Above, on the third floor, our literary studio gathered.”

Already a year after the opening, 173 clubs and sections worked in the Moscow State Children's and Children's Academy, which were attended by about 3,500 children and adolescents. One building was not enough for them, and Gordom occupied the neighboring mansion (house 5) as a studio for technical creativity. This building housed an office for young inventors, an aircraft modeling and woodworking workshop, and six more laboratories - railway and water transport, communications, a darkroom, chemical and energy labs. The technical direction was a priority at that time, since the Soviet Union was experiencing rapid industrialization.

Children were seriously trained as qualified specialists: for example, in the railway laboratory there was a working model of a metro station with electric locomotives, escalators and a control unit. They also made a train here for a miniature railway, which they planned to build in the garden, but the war interfered...

Not only technology

Artistic creativity also actively developed: an orchestra, a choir, a music school, a dance school, a theater studio, a puppet theater, sculpture and architectural workshops, a literary and art studio operated in the House of Pioneers. The pioneer song and dance ensemble alone in 1937 numbered 500 participants, and in the production of “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes" to Pushkin days 750 people were employed!

Frequent guests of the literary studio were Samuil Marshak, Agnia Barto, Lev Kassil, Arkady Gaidar, Reuben Fraerman, Korney Chukovsky. No wonder they left here later famous writers: Yuri Trifonov, Sergei Baruzdin and Anatoly Aleksin. The theater studio is also proud of its graduates: among them are directors Stanislav Rostotsky and Alexander Mitta, artists Natalya Gundareva, Lyudmila Kasatkina, Igor Kvasha and Rolan Bykov. Actor Sergei Nikonenko recalls: “The spirit of kindness and commitment reigned in this House. We all loved our teachers to the point of oblivion... We had a common cause with them. We didn't feel forced like we did at school. Both they and we wanted the same thing - for us to do it as best as possible. They did not believe that childhood is a transitional period to real, that is, adult life. They understood that childhood is also a very real life. They respected the individuality in each of us.”

At the House of Pioneers they paid great attention to the study of Russian history and geography, especially Moscow studies. The work was not only desk work: for example, to get acquainted with the culture of antiquity, young historians visited the Hermitage funds, and in the summer they went to excavations in the Crimea; geographers organized expeditions to the Moscow region and the Caucasus.

They didn’t forget about sports either, but mainly in applied disciplines. “At the behest of time,” the military-sports and patriotic direction was actively developing. Already in December 1936, a consolidated pioneer regiment operated, where they trained future snipers, tank crews, paratroopers, cavalrymen, orderlies, signalmen, dog breeders and pigeon breeders. And in 1938, a defense (later military) department was created, which included a rifle room, a naval laboratory, a school of chemical and air defense instructors, and machine gunner and grenade launcher circles.

In the pre-war years, the foundation was laid for the Gordoma chess club, which later became one of the strongest schools of this sport in the capital. Young chess players published a handwritten newspaper, participated in various tournaments and simultaneous games with famous grandmasters.

Creative space

On the small territory of the Pioneer House, everything that could attract and amaze children was collected. Do you want to roller skate? Here is the asphalt area in front of the gate. Children's pedal cars also drive around here; later a garage was built for them. Do you want to read and do homework outdoors? There are cozy benches along the shady alleys. If you want to have some fun, go to the sports ground. You don’t even need to go to the zoo: in the courtyard there was a garden with fruit trees, and in it there was a swimming pool with waterfowl, next to it there was a living area with cages for young animals and a small stable with a foal. The Gordoma space was a real masterpiece of landscape design.

And most importantly, the entire House of Pioneers was a single whole, a huge creative laboratory where passionate people worked, who inspired and nourished each other. From the memoirs of historian Nikolai Merpert: “This whole House of Pioneers... seemed very valuable and, in the best sense of the word, a profound institution. A variety of circles communicated with each other, there was a magnificent theater hall where we usually met, and then many halls, passages, very cozy corners - this old brick mansion in Stopani Lane was rebuilt extremely successfully. Therefore, we, or the youth theater created at the same time and led by excellent directors, the geographical circle, within the framework of the history office, the Moscow history circle - we all communicated very, very closely.”

Adult help during the war years

Despite all the difficulties, the House of Pioneers worked during the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945). Mostly there were circles that could help the front: sewing, carpentry, plumbing, electrical engineering. But creative studios also continued their studies, especially theater, dance and choir: young artists organized concerts for Red Army soldiers.

In January 1942, Gordom took patronage over one of the military hospitals. The carpentry circle made cigarette holders for the wounded, and the sewing circle made pouches, collars and handkerchiefs. For the holidays, the pioneers collected books and records for the soldiers, and gave them a gramophone and an alloscope (a type of filmoscope, a device for projecting filmstrips. - Website note).

The guys brought writing materials to their sponsors - envelopes, postcards, paper and pencils; they themselves wrote dictation of news to their relatives and read newspapers aloud to the soldiers. Young artists decorated not only the hospital premises with their drawings, but also the carriages of the ambulance train.

“Pioneer” Tuesdays and Fridays became a good tradition, when members of the circle spent creative evenings in the hospital - they sang, danced, acted out skits and read excerpts from works of art. The guys also took on the duties of postmen, delivering the latest press and correspondence.

All this was done so easily and cheerfully that the soldiers joyfully looked forward to new meetings with the pioneers. Even the hospital commissioners, who at first were very skeptical about the offer to help, after a few months recognized Gord as a full-fledged chief.

In addition, during the war years, the House of Pioneers continued to provide methodological and practical support to out-of-school institutions and children's organizations in all regions of Moscow: it developed lesson programs and trained counselors and instructors.

After the war: patriotism and expanding borders

In the post-war years, the country experienced an unprecedented patriotic upsurge. Interest in our native history flared up with renewed vigor. This could not but affect the work of the House of Pioneers: historical circles have become one of the main directions. They were especially active in preparation for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the capital (1947). Back in November 1945, the Society of Young Historians of Moscow was created, which combined the efforts of the House of Pioneers and historical clubs in schools.

Members of the Society gave lectures, participated in excursions and trips, archaeological excavations and various competitions. In 1946, schoolchildren sent 25 thousand creative works dedicated to the history of Moscow, in 1947 - 80 thousand. There were stories, poems, drawings, models, embroideries, photographs...

Thanks to its large-scale activities, the Society received many awards from the Ministry of Education, such as a library historical literature and vouchers for excursions around the country. The active activity of historical circles continued in subsequent years: in 1948, the “Wonderful People of Moscow” competition was held, and in April 1956, a citywide school conference on the study of Moscow was held.

Other studios and laboratories opened earlier also developed. According to statistics, already in the first post-war year, more than three thousand schoolchildren studied at the House of Pioneers, and the number of participants in concerts, competitions, sports festivals and other public events reached 35 thousand per month.

At the end of the 1950s, it became clear that Gordom could not accommodate everyone. In the report for 1956, the director of the House of Pioneers V.V. Strunin wrote: “According to its conditions, our House of Pioneers cannot cover more than 3800-4000 people with circle work... If there were appropriate conditions, the composition of the ensemble choir alone could be increased to 2000-3000 people... Considering the aspirations of schoolchildren for creative amateur activities and the importance circle work in the education of students, it is necessary to achieve the creation of a wide network of circles in each school, to quickly resolve the issue of building a new City House of Pioneers in Moscow.”

Bold project

In 1958, the Central Council of the All-Union Pioneer Organization decided to build not only new house, and the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren. The memorial stone was laid in the fall of the same year - October 29, the day of the 40th anniversary of the Komsomol; it is now located to the left of the alley leading to the main entrance of the Palace.

They chose a beautiful place - on the high bank of the Moscow River, along Vorobyovskoye Highway (now Kosygina Street). Choosing a project turned out to be more difficult: there were several dozen proposals, each more interesting than the other. As a result, the application of a team of young architects led by Igor Pokrovsky won; This group also included Mikhail Khazhakyan, who at one time participated in the reconstruction of the MGDPiO building in Stopani Lane.

The project was so unusual and innovative that the authors did not hope to implement it, but, apparently, this courage was to the liking of the jury. Firstly, the architects wanted to contrast the new building with the palaces of the past - magnificent and grandiose, but hardly suitable for children's activities. Secondly, they decided to harmoniously fit the building into the existing green area - because of this, they abandoned the symmetrical composition, and then, during construction, they corrected the original plan more than once. Thirdly, for reasons of safety and aesthetics, the Palace was placed not near the road, but on a lawn deep in the grove. For complete unity with nature - “less massive stonework and more stained glass, transparent glass walls.”

The result was a free-form building, intricately scattered throughout the landscaped park. The walls were decorated with monumental multi-colored panels with pioneer emblems: a fire, a bugle, stars; paintings “Water”, “Earth” and “Sky” were placed on the end facades, which symbolize the conquest of the elements by man. Even the front square in front of the Palace was not filled with concrete or asphalt - the natural lawn was left, only separated by white stone paths. The center of the composition was a 60-meter flagpole, which turned the area around it into an allegory of a grand ship.

One of business cards The palace became a winter garden: “This is space, air, light, height. And of course, palm trees, araucarias, vines, papyrus. However, exotics require normal tropical conditions to grow. The tropics were created using a special automated system for heating soil, water, and air. I also had to think about the sun’s glare spectacularly falling on the greenery, about glass domes through which the sky could be seen, about a pool with water plants, about a fountain, about a lattice separating the through gallery from the winter garden. The lattice was made openwork, decorative, with fish, birds, insects, to match everything else.”

Komsomolskaya construction

The construction, which began in 1958, turned out to be large-scale: 18 design organizations were involved, and more than 300 enterprises supplied building and finishing materials, engineering structures, equipment and furniture. In addition to hundreds of skilled workers in 40 specialties, more than 50 thousand volunteers - boys and girls from all over the country - took part in cleanup and Sunday work over four years. According to official estimates, schoolchildren and students worked here over three million man-hours! Upon completion of construction, more than two thousand trees and about 100 thousand flowers were planted on the territory of the Palace.

The opening of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren took place on June 1, 1962, Children's Day. The First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Nikita Khrushchev took part in the ceremony. According to eyewitnesses, he said: “I don’t know what others will say, but I like this Palace.”

In 1967, the architects and designers of the Palace of Pioneers were awarded State Prize RSFSR. But they probably considered the best reward to be the words of the famous French architect Bernard Zehrfus: “I consider truly good architecture to be that which, being modern, does not lose the signs of modernity even after many years. I am confident that the building on the Lenin Hills will stand the test of time.”

Test of time

After the opening of the complex on the Lenin Hills, Gordom on Stopani also became a palace - the regional Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren named after N.K. Krupskaya (now the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth of the Central Administrative District).

And the Palace of Pioneers (now on Vorobyovy Gory) has more than doubled in size over half a century: if in 1962 it included 400 rooms, now there are about 900 of them, with a total area of ​​almost 40 thousand square meters. About 27.5 thousand children from three to 18 years old study in laboratories, studios, art and technical workshops, sports schools and sections of the Palace (including branches). In total, there are over 1,300 study groups in 10 areas: science and culture, technical, artistic and social creativity, information technology, ecology, ethnography, physical education and sports. In 93 percent of studios and clubs, classes are free.

The institution repeatedly changed its status and name: in 1992 it was renamed the Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, in 2001 - the Moscow City Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity. In 2014-2015, during the reorganization, the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution (GBPOU) “Sparrow Hills” was created, which, in addition to the Palace, includes 16 more educational institutions - kindergartens, secondary schools, a college of professional technologies and centers of additional education.

The essence of the Palace remains unchanged: people who are passionate about their work still work here. They help children and adolescents develop abilities and talents, find a calling and a path in life.

And the Palace of Pioneers, which can simultaneously accommodate up to 20 thousand people, is an excellent venue for festive events. Children and parents eagerly gather here for Christmas and New Year, on Family Day and Children's Day, City Day, on Children's Book Week and. Of course, the Palace will also celebrate its own 80th anniversary, which will take place on December 7.

Used sources

  1. Lanes of old Moscow. Story. Architectural monuments. Routes / Romanyuk S.K. - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2016. - P. 697-698.
  2. Cabo V.R. Road to Australia: Memoirs. - New York: Effect Publishing, 1995. - pp. 63-65, 73.
  3. Out-of-school student. - 2004. - No. 4. - pp. 24-25.
  4. Our winter garden. Issue No. 1. - M.: Center for Environmental Education MGDD(Yu)T, 2010. - P. 3-12.
  5. Under the sign of good: Memoirs of former students of the department of tourism and local history. - M.: MGDTDiYu, 1997. - P. 2-6.
  6. Novogrudsky G.S. Happy Architect // Comrade Moscow: collection of essays. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1973. - P. 386-393.

Select... (ANO "AMI") State Budgetary Institution "Center" branch "Our Arbat" State Budgetary Institution DSC "EPI-Altufyevo" State Budgetary Institution MC "Kotlovka" State Budgetary Institution "GKB named after. V.P. Demikhova DZM" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CBS SAO" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "CC "Lira" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Museum of Zelenograd" MBU DC "Gagarinets" LLC "Uni-Jim" POU "Tushino Automotive School RO DOSAAF of Russia, Moscow " "Znamenskaya Gymnasium" "MOSCOW 2024" "RTU MIREA" "FitKervs" "Sigma Fit" "Kyokushin Karate Union of Russia" "Fit - Avangardnaya" OOO "Sports Club "Sagittarius M" Academy of Modeling DECO ANO "PHOENIX" ANO VO MITU-MASI ANO "Health, education, culture" ANO "Auto-Moto TR-Club" ANO "ARTMEDIAOBRAZOVANIE" ANO "AS" ANO "Wind of Change" ANO "Harmony" ANO "Civic Patriotic Education "Nadezhda" ANO "Civil - Patriotic School "Orbita" " ANO "Children's Club "Baby Club Plus" ANO "Children and Youth Sports and Fitness Center "IMA" ANO "DIALOG" ANO "Leisure Center "KOLIBRI" ANO "DSC "Start-7" ANO "DEC "OKO" ANO "Edinenie" " ANO "Zabava" ANO "Image Studio" ANO "Intersport" ANO "IRTIKUD" ANO "IRTIKUD" ANO "Linen Rus" ANO "METAINTEGRA" ANO "World of Knowledge" ANO "MSC "Northern Star" ANO "MST" ANO "Nasha" Otrada" ANO "PO "WAY" ANO "Development Project" ANO "Professional" ANO "Joy of Childhood" ANO "Human Capital Development" ANO "SotsTour-Capital" ANO "Center "Lomonosovets" ANO "Leisure Center "MELBA" ANO "Center" development of socially significant projects and assistance in strengthening interethnic and interreligious harmony of the ANO " Central house pair dances" ANO "Central Committee "Khoroshevsky" ANO "CRST" ANO "CSA "Inspirational" ANO "ABNbilliards" ANO "Alley of Kindness" ANO "Atmosphere" ANO "GPS "Orbita" ANO "CYBER COUNTRY" ANO "Non-profit studio of theatrical art" Nadezhda" ANO "RTD" ANO "Assistance. Development. Initiative" ANO "Sociocircus" ANO "Dance Club DINAMO" ANO "Center for Noospheric Health" ANO "Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Legal Education "Perspective" ANO VO "MGI" ANO VO "RPU" St. John the Theologian" ANO DO "Record" ANO DO "TC Shapo-Sintez" ANO DO "School of Choreographic Art "Harmony" ANO Leisure Center "Intellectual Development" ANO DPO "Professional Plus" ANO DPO LYCEUM "DANILA-MASTER" ANO DCC "Chance" " ANO Cultural and Leisure Center "Fortuna" ANO Cultural and Leisure Center "Orbita" ANO Cultural and Health Center "Life Line" ANO CC "Red Gate" ANO CC "Theater Studio "Ostankino" ANO MKDC "Key" ANO MSOC "Alliance" ANO MEC "Allegro" ANO METs "EPI" ANO OTSSH "Sadko" ANO PO "KESI" ANO SDC "Sport Plus" ANO SK "Lianozovo" ANO SK-2000 "Yaroslavsky" ANO SOPSH "Zvonnitsa" ANO Secondary School "Dimitrievskaya" ANO Sports and Aesthetic Club "Development" ANO Sports Club "Avangard" ANO Sports Complex "Yuzhny" ANO STK "Latin Quarter" ANO TC "GELSOMINO" ANO FOTS "Harmonies of Soul and Body" ANO CD "Druzhba" ANO Center "Athena" ANO Center "Art in Maryino" » ANO Center for Development of the Water Stadium "Dynamo" ANO TsICS "Kaissa" ANO CPSI ANO CR&D "UMKA" ANO CRST ANOO "School at St. Andrew's Monastery" JSC "VDNH" JSC "Luzhniki" JSC "Savelovsky Park" JSC "City-XXI Century" JSC ETS JSC ID " TVNZ» ASCHU VO MFUA APSP Association "Society of Merchants and Industrialists" Association for the Promotion of Children's Sports "Residence Pokrovskoe" BVPF "Outpost of St. Elijah of Muromets" Charitable Foundation of St. John the Russian Grand Theatre Russia ( Kindergarten No. 219 "Ivan and Marya") Charitable Foundation "Cultural Seasons" Charitable Foundation "Peace and Harmony" Charitable Foundation "Peace" Charitable Foundation named after the Holy Apostle John the Theologian Charitable Foundation of St. Panteleimon GAOU "School No. 1518" GAOU VO MSPU GAOU DPO "TemoTsentr" GAOU DPO MTsKO GAOU DPO MTSRKPO GAOU DPO TsPM GAOU School "CHIK 16" GAOU School No. 1306 - "School of Young Politicians" GAOU School No. 548 GAOUHE "Moscow" City University of Management Moscow Government" GAPOU KP No. 11 GAPOU MOK im. V. Talalikhin GAPOU PK No. 8 named after. I.F. Pavlova GAPOU TC No. 24 State Autonomous Institution "Moscow Zoo" State Autonomous Institution "Secondary School "MCBI" Moskomsporta State Autonomous Institution MCOP GAUDO "Domisolka" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "GMZ" Kuzminki-Lublino" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "CULTURAL CENTER ZIL" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "KC" ZELENOGRAD" GAUK Moscow "PKiO "Khodynskoye Pole" GAUK Moscow " Poklonnaya Gora "GAUK of Moscow "Vorontsovo Estate" GAUK of Moscow MGS "Hermitage" GAUK of Moscow PKIO "Babushkinsky" GAUK of Moscow PKIO "Krasnaya Presnya" GAUK of Moscow PKIO "Tagansky" GAUK of Moscow PKIO "Fili" GAUK of Moscow PKiO "Lianozovsky" GAUK of Moscow "MPK "Northern Tushino" GAUK of MOSCOW "PARK "ZARYADYE" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO "Sokolniki" GAUK of Moscow "PKiO Izmailovsky" GAUK of Moscow "Garden KiO named after N.E. Bauman" State Autonomous Institution of Moscow "CPKiO named after M. Gorky" State Autonomous Institution of Culture of Moscow PKiO "Perovsky" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 754 "Solnyshko" GBDOU Kindergarten No. 766 GBNOU "Sports boarding school "Chertanovo" Moskomsport GBOU "IT-school MCKO" GBOU "Kurchatov School" GBOU "Moscow International School" GBOU "Sports and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomsport GBOU "School No. 1212 Shchukino" GBOU "School No. 1270 "Vector" GBOU "School No. 1595" " GBOU "School No. 167 named after Marshal L.A. Govorov" GBOU "School No. 2100" GBOU "School No. 354 named after D.M. Karbyshev" GBOU "School No. 448" GBOU "School No. 58" GBOU "School No. 597" "New Generation" GBOU "School No. 760 named after. A.P. Maresyeva" GBOU "School No. 842" GBOU "School in Nekrasovka" GBOU "Gloria School" GBOU "School on the Yauza" GBOU "Novokosino School" GBOU "Sports and Education Center "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Bitsa" GBOU "Sports Center" and education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Gagarinsky" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport branch "Tchaikovsky's Horse" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport department "Olympia" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "Sambo-70" Moskomsport branch "Sambo-70" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport branch "Khrustalny" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" Moskomsport branch "Cheryomushki" GBOU "Center for Sports and education "Sambo-70" of Moskomsport department "Youth" GBOU "Center for Sports and Education "SAMBO-70" of Moskomsport department "Yasenevo" GBOU "TsOiS "Moscow-98" of Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "MESH" of Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Olympus" of Moskomsport GBOU "CSiO "Sambo-70" Moskomsport department "Sevastopol" GBOU Veshnyakovskaya school GBOU HPE MGPPU GBOU GMC DOGM GBOU DO Moscow "Children's Music School No. 8 named after Arkady Ostrovsky" GBOU DO DT&M "On Stopani" GBOU DO DT&M "Sevastopolets" GBOU DO DTDM "Khoroshevo" GBOU DO DTDM on Miussy GBOU DO CYT "Victoria" GBOU DO TsVR "Na Sumskoye" GBOU DO TsDT "Novo-Peredelkino" GBOU DO TsDT "Strogino" GBOU DO TsDT "Bibirevo" GBOU DO TsRTYu "Hermes" GBOU DO TsTDYu "Presnya" GBOU DOD TsTR and MEO "Joy" GBOU DOD city. Moscow "Voskresenskaya Children's School of Arts" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School No. 66" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School named after M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Children's Education in Moscow "Children's Music School named after R.M. .Gliera" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's Art School named after V.A. Serov" GBOU DOD Moscow "Children's School of Arts named after S.I. Mamontov" GBOU DPO TsPVShS GBOU Engineering School No. 1581 GBOU Engineering and Technical School GBOU IT -TemoCenter School GBOU Cadet School No. 1784 GBOU Lyceum "Second School" GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1220 GBOU Multidisciplinary School No. 1577 GBOU Educational Center "Proton" GBOU Open School No. 88 GBOU OSHI No. 1 GBOU Romanovskaya School GBOU REC No. 105 GBOU REC No. 20 GBOU ROC No. 76 GBOU RSHI No. 32 GBOU sanatorium boarding school No. 4 GBOU SLSH No. 11 GBOU Special school No. 1 GBOU SPO (college) of Moscow “Moscow State Choreographic School named after L.M. Lavrovsky" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Secondary Special Music School (College) named after the Gnesins" GBOU SPO Moscow "Moscow Theater College at the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the City of Moscow "Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov" GBOU Digital School GBOU Central Educational Institution" School of Health" No. 1679 GBOU Central Educational Institution No. 7 GBOU CSiO "Olympus" Moskomsport GBOU School "Beskudnikovo" GBOU School "Dmitrovsky" GBOU School "Integral" GBOU School "Intellectual" GBOU School "Kuzminki" GBOU School "Maryino" GBOU School "Pokrovsky Quarter" " GBOU School "Sviblovo" GBOU School "Commonwealth" GBOU School "Spectrum" GBOU School "Troparevo" GBOU School No. 1000 GBOU School No. 1002 GBOU School No. 1015 GBOU School No. 1018 GBOU School No. 1021 GBOU School No. 1034 GBOU School No. 1056 GBOU School No. 1065 GBOU School No. 1078 GBOU School No. 108 GBOU School No. 1080 GBOU School No. 109 GBOU School No. 1095 GBOU School No. 1101 GBOU School No. 1103 GBOU School No. 1115 GBOU School No. 1125 GBOU School No. 113 GBOU School No. 1130 GBOU School No. 1133 GBOU School No. 1150 GBOU School No. 1151 GBOU School No. 1155 GBOU School No. 1158 GBOU School No. 1159 GBOU School No. 1161 GBOU School No. 1164 GBOU School No. 117 GBOU School No. 1173 GBOU School No. 1179 GBOU School No. 118 GBOU School No. 1186 GBOU School No. 1190 GBOU School No. 1191 GBOU School No. 1194 GBOU School No. 1195 GBOU School No. 1205 GBOU School No. 1206 GBOU School No. 1207 GBOU School No. 1208 GBOU School No. 121 GBOU School No. 1210 GBOU School No. 1212 GBOU School No. 1213 GBOU School No. 1222 GBOU School No. 1223 GBOU School No. 1228 "Lefortovo" GBOU School No. 123 GBOU School No. 1231 GBOU School No. 1232 GBOU School No. 1234 GBOU School No. 1236 GBOU School No. 1238 GBOU School No. 1239 GBOU School No. 1241 GBOU School No. 1245 GBOU School No. 1246 GBOU School No. 1247 GBOU School No. 1248 GBOU School No. 1249 GBOU School No. 1250 GBOU School No. 1251 named after General Charles de Gaulle GBOU School No. 1252 named after Cervantes GBOU School No. 1253 GBOU School No. 1256 GBOU School No. 1257 GBOU School No. 1259 GBOU School No. 1265 GBOU School No. 1272 GBOU School No. 1273 GBOU School No. 1279 "Eureka" GBOU School No. 1280 GBOU School No. 1282 "Sokolniki" GBOU School No. 1284 GBOU School No. 1285 GBOU School No. 1286 GBOU School No. 1287 GBOU School No. 1288 GBOU School No. 1290 GBOU School No. 1293 GBOU School No. 1296 GBOU School No. 1297 GBOU School No. 1298 "Kurkino Profile" GBOU School No. 1302 GBOU School No. 1310 GBOU School No. 1311 GBOU School No. 1315 GBOU School No. 1317 GBOU School No. 1321 "Ark" GBOU School No. 1324 GBOU School No. 1329 GBOU School No. 1347 GBOU School No. 1352 GBOU School No. 1353 GBOU School No. 1354 "Vector" GBOU School No. 1355 GBOU School No. 1356 GBOU School No. 1357 GBOU School No. 1358 GBOU School No. 1359 GBOU School No. 1360 GBOU School No. 1362 GBOU School No. 1363 GBOU School No. 1367 GBOU School No. 1368 GBOU School No. 1370 GBOU School No. 1371 "Krylatskoye" GBOU School No. 1373 GBOU School No. 1374 GBOU School No. 1375 GBOU School No. 1376 GBOU School No. 138 School No. 1381 GBOU School No. 1383 GBOU School No. 1384 GBOU School No. 1387 GBOU School No. 1391 GBOU School No. 1392 named after. D.V. Ryabinkina GBOU School No. 1394 GBOU School No. 1399 GBOU School No. 14 GBOU School No. 1400 GBOU School No. 1404 "Gamma" GBOU School No. 1409 GBOU School No. 141 GBOU School No. 1411 GBOU School No. 1412 GBOU School No. 1413 GBOU School No. 1415 "Ostankino" "GBOU School No. 1416 SBOU School No. 1420 School No. 1429 School No. 1430 GBOU School No. 1432 School No. 1434 School No. 1440 School No. 1448 School No. 1449 School No. 1450" Olympus "GBOU School No. 1454" Timiryazevskaya " "GBOU School No. 1465 SBOU School No. 1466 School No. 1467 SBOU School No. 1468 SBOU School No. 1474 GBOU School No. 1476 School No. 1482 SBOU School No. 149 SBOU School No. 1494 SBOU School No. 1498 School No. 1499 GBOU School No. 15 GBOU School No. 1500 GBOU School No. 1501 GBOU School No. 1502 GBOU School No. 1502 at MPEI GBOU School No. 1503 GBOU School No. 1504 GBOU School No. 1505 GBOU School No. 1506 GBOU School No. 1507 GBOU School No. 1508 GBOU School No. 1512 GBOU School No. 1514 GBOU School No. 1515 GBOU School No. 1516 GBOU School No. 1517 GBOU School No. 1519 GBOU School No. 152 GBOU School No. 1520 named after. Kaptsov State Budgetary Educational Institution School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkina GBOU School No. 1523 GBOU School No. 1524 GBOU School No. 1525 GBOU School No. 1526 on Pokrovskaya GBOU School No. 1527 GBOU School No. 1528 GBOU School No. 1529 named after A.S. Griboedova GBOU School No. 1530 "Lomonosov School" GBOU School No. 1531 GBOU School No. 1532 GBOU School No. 1533 "LIT" GBOU School No. 1534 GBOU School No. 1534 "Academic" GBOU School No. 1535 GBOU School No. 1536 GBOU School No. 1537 GBOU School No. 1538 GBOU School No. 1539 GBOU School No. 1540 GBOU School No. 1541 GBOU School No. 1542 GBOU School No. 1543 GBOU School No. 1544 GBOU School No. 1547 GBOU School No. 1550 GBOU School No. 1551 GBOU School No. 1552 GBOU School No. 1553 named after V.I. Vernadsky GBOU School No. 1554 GBOU School No. 1557 GBOU School No. 1558 named after Rosalia de Castro GBOU School No. 1560 "Leader" GBOU School No. 1561 GBOU School No. 1564 GBOU School No. 1566 GBOU School No. 1568 GBOU School No. 1569 "Constellation" GBOU School No. 1570 GBOU School No. 1571 GBOU School No. 1573 GBOU School No. 1574 GBOU School No. 1575 GBOU School No. 1576 GBOU School No. 1579 GBOU School No. 158 GBOU School No. 1580 GBOU School No. 1582 GBOU School No. 1583 GBOU School No. 1584 GBOU School No. 158 6 GBOU School No. 1589 GBOU School No. 1590 GBOU School No. 1591 GBOU School No. 1593 GBOU School No. 1596 GBOU School No. 1598 GBOU School No. 1601 GBOU School No. 1613 GBOU School No. 1619 GBOU School No. 1621 GBOU School No. 1636 GBOU School No. 1637 GBOU School No. 166 GBOU School No. 1678 "Eastern Degunino" GBOU School No. 1694 "Yasenevo" GBOU School No. 17 GBOU School No. 170 GBOU School No. 1708 GBOU School No. 171 GBOU School No. 1741 GBOU School No. 1747 GBOU School No. 1748 GBOU School No. 1770 GBOU School No. 1786 School No. 1788 SBOU School No. 179 School No. 1793 School No. 1794 School No. 1795 SBOU School No. 1797 School No. 1798 School No. 1799 School No. 1811 School No. 183 GBOU School No. 185 GBOU School No. 1852 GBOU School No. 1861 "Zagorie" GBOU School No. 1862 GBOU School No. 1874 GBOU School No. 1883 "Butovo" GBOU School No. 1900 GBOU School No. 1905 GBOU School No. 1912 GBOU School No. 192 GBOU School No. 1935 GBOU School No. 1944 GBOU School No. 1945 GBOU School No. 1948 GBOU School No. 1950 GBOU School No. 1955 SBOU School No. 1980 SBOU School No. 1981 School No. 1985 School No. 1987 School No. 1995 School No. 1995 School No. 1998 SBOU School No. 2000 GBOU School No. 2001 GBOU School No. 2005 SBOU School No. 2006 School No. 2007 FMSh GBOU School No. 2009 School No. 2010 School No. 2010 School No. 2016 School No. 2025 HBOU School No. 2026 School No. 2030 GBOU School No. 2031 HBOU School No. 2033 HBOU School No. 2033 2036 GBOU School No. 2042 GBOU School No. 2044 GBOU School No. 2045 GBOU School No. 2048 GBOU School No. 2051 GBOU School No. 2053 GBOU School No. 2054 GBOU School No. 2055 GBOU School No. 2057 GBOU School No. 2065 GBOU School No. 2070 GBOU School No. 20 72 GBOU School No. 2073 GBOU School No. 2075 GBOU School No. 2083 GBOU School No. 2086 GBOU School No. 2087 GBOU School No. 2089 GBOU School No. 2090 GBOU School No. 2094 GBOU School No. 2097 GBOU School No. 2098 named after Hero of the Soviet Union L. M. Dovatora GBOU School No. 2099 GBOU School No. 2101 GBOU School No. 2103 GBOU School No. 2104 on Taganka GBOU School No. 2107 GBOU School No. 2109 GBOU School No. 2114 GBOU School No. 2115 GBOU School No. 2116 GBOU School No. 2117 GBOU School No. 2120 GBOU School No. 2121 GBOU School No. 2122 GBOU School No. 2123 named after. M. Hernandez GBOU School No. 2126 "Perovo" GBOU School No. 2127 GBOU School No. 2129 GBOU School No. 218 GBOU School No. 2200 GBOU School No. 222 GBOU School No. 224 GBOU School No. 236 GBOU School No. 281 GBOU School No. 283 GBOU School No. 285 GBOU School No. 293 GBOU School No. 305 GBOU School No. 315 GBOU School No. 319 GBOU School No. 324 GBOU School No. 338 GBOU School No. 345 GBOU School No. 368 "Losiny Ostrov" GBOU School No. 37 GBOU School No. 384 GBOU School No. 402 named after Aliya Moldagulova GBOU School No. 41 GBOU School No. 423 GBOU School No. 429 GBOU School No. 444 GBOU School No. 45 named after L.I. Milgrama GBOU School No. 46 GBOU School No. 460 GBOU School No. 463 GBOU School No. 480 GBOU School No. 482 GBOU School No. 49 GBOU School No. 491 GBOU School No. 498 GBOU School No. 504 GBOU School No. 507 GBOU School No. 508 GBOU School No. 51 GBOU School No. 518 GBOU School No. 534 GBOU School No. 536 GBOU School No. 538 GBOU School No. 544 GBOU School No. 554 GBOU School No. 556 GBOU School No. 56 named after Academician V.A. Legasova GBOU School No. 57 GBOU School No. 587 GBOU School No. 609 GBOU School No. 618 GBOU School No. 625 GBOU School No. 626 GBOU School No. 627 GBOU School No. 629 GBOU School No. 630 GBOU School No. 64 GBOU School No. 641 named after S. Yesenin GBOU School No. 648 GBOU School No. 654 named after A.D. Fridman GBOU School No. 656 named after A.S. Makarenko GBOU School No. 657 GBOU School No. 664 GBOU School No. 667 GBOU School No. 67 GBOU School No. 69 GBOU School No. 7 GBOU School No. 705 GBOU School No. 709 GBOU School No. 710 GBOU School No. 712 GBOU School No. 717 GBOU School No. 718 GBOU School No. 719 GBOU School No. 734 GBOU School No. 74 GBOU School No. 763 GBOU School No. 771 GBOU School No. 777 GBOU School No. 806 GBOU School No. 814 GBOU School No. 825 GBOU School No. 827 GBOU School No. 830 GBOU School No. 843 GBOU School No. 851 GBOU School No. 852 GBOU School No. 853 GBOU School No. 854 GBOU School No. 86 named after M.E. Katukova GBOU School No. 867 GBOU School No. 868 GBOU School No. 875 GBOU School No. 878 GBOU School No. 883 GBOU School No. 887 GBOU School No. 89 GBOU School No. 90 GBOU School No. 902 "Dialogue" GBOU School No. 904 GBOU School No. 91 GBOU School No. 920 GBOU School No. 924 GBOU School No. 935 GBOU School No. 937 GBOU School No. 939 GBOU School No. 947 GBOU School No. 949 GBOU School No. 950 GBOU School No. 953 GBOU School No. 956 GBOU School No. 962 GBOU School No. 967 GBOU School No. 97 GBOU School No. 991 GBOU School No. 996 GBOU School No. 998 GBOU School Bibirevo GBOU School in Kapotnya GBOU School named after. A. Borovik GBOU School named after. N.M. Karamzin GBOU School named after E.N. Chernyshev GBOU School named after Marshal V.I. Chuikov GBOU School named after Mayakovsky GBOU School named after F.M. Dostoevsky GBOU School Maryina Roshcha GBOU School on Vernadskogo Avenue GBOU School Perspective GBOU Boarding School No. 17 GBOUDO "DDT on Taganka" GBOUDO "DTDM "Preobrazhensky" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM "Vostochny" GBOUDO DTDM named after A.P. Gaidar GBOUDO DTDM "Undiscovered Islands" GBOUDO ZDTiM GBOUDO im. V.A. Mozart" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after S.M. Maikapara" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's School named after I.S. Kozlovsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "MGDMSH named after I.O. Dunaevsky" GBOUDOD, Moscow "Children's Music School named after A.P. Borodin" Moscow Children's Music School named after G.F. Handel " Harmony" GBPOU of Moscow "MGTK named after L.A. Filatov" GBPOU "1st MOK" GBPOU "26 KADR" GBPOU "Sparrow Hills" GBPOU "Police College" GBPOU "MKAG" GBPOU "KFKS "Sparta" Moskomsport GBPOU " MSSUOR No. 1" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 2" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 3" Moskomsport GBPOU "MSSUOR No. 4 named after A. Ya. Gomelsky" Moskomsport GBPOU Moscow "State School (College) of Spiritual Arts" GBPOU Moscow "KMTI named after G.P. Vishnevskaya" GBPOU Moscow "TKhTK" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow State College of Musical Performance named after F. Chopin" GBPOU Moscow "Moscow Music and Pedagogical College" GBPOU DZM MK No. 1 GBPOU DZM MK No. 2 GBPOU ZKNO GBPOU KAIT No. 20 GBPOU KAS No. 7 GBPOU CAT No. 9 GBPOU KBT GBPOU KGTiT No. 41 GBPOU KDPI im. Carla Faberge GBPOU KZhGT GBPOU KIGM No. 23 GBPOU Film College No. 40 "Moscow International Film School" GBPOU KMB No. 4 GBPOU College "Tsaritsyno" GBPOU College of Moscow "MKhU at MGATT "Gzhel" GBPOU KPSR No. 16 GBPOU KS No. 54 GBPOU KST GBPOU KSU No. 10 GBPOU KSU No. 3 GBPOU MADC named after A.A. Nikolaev GBPOU MGOK GBPOU MIPC named after I. Fedorov GBPOU WEST GBPOU Moscow College of Creative Industries named after L.B. Krasin GBPOU MTK GBPOU OK South-West" GBPOU OKG "Capital" GBPOU Food College No. 33 GBPOU PC No. 10 GBPOU PC No. 18 GBPOU PC No. 50 named after twice Hero of Socialist Labor N. A. Zlobin GBPOU PC named after. N.N. Godovikov GBPOU PC named after. P.A. Ovchinnikov GBPOU PT No. 2 GBPOU PT No. 47 GBPOU SKISiG GBPOU TK No. 21 GBPOU TK No. 34 GBPOU TPSC named after. V. M. Maksimchuk GBPOU TSiT No. 29 GBPOU FC No. 35 GBPOU ETC No. 22 GBPOU Law College GBU "Aist" GBU "Almega" GBU "Harmony" GBU "Children-Children" GBU "Dialogue" GBU "DMC Perovo" GBU "Dosugovo" -sports center "Druzhba" State Budgetary Institution "Leisure Center Bogorodskoye" State Budgetary Institution "Leisure Center Sokolinka" State Budgetary Institution "DSC "Harmony" State Budgetary Institution "DSC "Nekrasovka" State Budgetary Institution "Zarya" State Budgetary Institution "KROTS" State Budgetary Institution "KCC "Uspekh" State Budgetary Institution "KCC "Krasnoselsky" State Budgetary Institution "Travel Laboratory" State Budgetary Institution "Lefortovo" State Budgetary Institution "Lomonosovets" State Budgetary Institution "MDN" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Basketball Academy" State Budgetary Institution "Gloria" State Budgetary Institution "Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population" State Budgetary Institution "MOTSVS" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "MC "GALERIS" State Budgetary Institution "NPRC" State Budgetary Institution "Rovesnik" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Vnukovo" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Alekseevsky" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Centaur" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "CONTACT" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Ostankino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Troparevo-Nikulino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC "Lublino" State Budgetary Institution "SDC" Triumph" State Budgetary Institution "SDC" Inspiration" State Budgetary Institution "Slavs" State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 28" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports and Leisure Center "Raduga" State Budgetary Institution "School "Academy Spartak" State Budgetary Institution "Spartak Academy" State Budgetary Institution "School No. 4" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School" Wrestler GBU "Talisman" GBU "FAVORITE" GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Youth of Moscow" Moskomsport1 GBU "CD&K "Yuzhnoye Butovo" GBU "CD&S "Phoenix" GBU "CDS "Obruchevsky" GBU "CDS "Olympus" GBU "CDSM "Astra" GBU "Center GBU "Center "Reflection" GBU "Center Veshnyaki" GBU "Center for Leisure and Creativity "Ogonyok" GBU "Leisure Center Kuntsevo" GBU "Center" branch " Dialogue" GBU "Center" branch "Kovcheg" GBU "Center" branch "Krasnoselsky" GBU "Center" branch "Khamovniki" GBU "Center" branch "Yantar" GBU "CSK "Izmailovo" GBU "CRiT "Union" GBU "CSD" Atlant State Budgetary Institution "TsTM "Olympus" State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS TiNAO Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS Central Administrative District of Moscow" State Budgetary Institution "Energy" State Budgetary Institution "DMC" Blue bird» State Budgetary Institution "Leisure Center "Yunost" State Budgetary Institution "Istok" State Budgetary Institution "Cultural and Sports Center "Forward" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School "Synchronized Swimming Center named after. Maria Kiseleva" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School "Chess School of Anatoly Karpov" State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Secondary School of Swimming State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Rugby State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Secondary School of Sambo State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" of Moskomsport Secondary School of Hockey State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" » Moskomsport SSHOR in boxing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in cycling GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in water polo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in kayaking and canoeing GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in judo GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in martial arts GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR for winter sports GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR for athletics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR for table tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in shooting GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in wrestling GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR in tennis GBU "MGFSO" Moscomsport SSHOR in weightlifting GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SSHOR fencing GBU "MGFSO" Moskomsport SShOR in rhythmic gymnastics GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR in diving GBU "MGFSO" Moskosport SShOR synchronized swimming GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" Moskomsport structural unit of SShOR No. 71 "Timiryazevskaya" GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" » Moskomsport (structural division of SShOR No. 56) GBU "Moscow Basketball Academy" GBU "SDC "Shire Krug" GBU "Sports School No. 10" GBU "Sports School No. 10" Moskomsport GBU "Sports" School No. 114 "Record" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 26" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 76" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 86" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School No. 93 "On Mozhaika" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Vorobyevs" mountains" Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of the Olympic reserve "Moskvich" GBU "Sports school of the Olympic reserve "Russian ski school - Capital" GBU "Sports school of the Olympic reserve No. 24" Moskomsport GBU "Sports school of the Olympic reserve No. 27 "Falcon" Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 42" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 61 "Fortune" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 64" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 65 "Nika" of Moskomsport GBU "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 73 "Victoria" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of Olympic Reserve No. 74" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports School of the Olympic Reserve Tennis "Olympian" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Sports Complex "Megasport" State Budgetary Institution "Bitsa" State Budgetary Institution State Budgetary Institution "School "Bitsa" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School "Kosino" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary school No. 104 "Pearl" of Moskomsport GBU "School No. 112 "Sputnik" of Moskomsport GBU "School No. 2" of Moskomsport GBU "School No. 29 "Khamovniki" of Moskomsport GBU "School No. 55 "SKIF" of Moskomsport GBU "School No. 57 "Wings of the Soviets" » Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 62" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 7" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 75 "Savelovskaya" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "Secondary School No. 82" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "School No. 84" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SSHOR "LUCH" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR " Moscow School of Golf" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR "Severny" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR "Labor Reserves" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR "Khlebnikovo" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR "Entuziast" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR No. 1" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "SShOR No. 102" Moskomsport GBU " SSHOR No. 103 "Southern Tushino" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 111" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 21" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 23" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 25" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 41 "Moskvorechye" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 43 » Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 44" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 45" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 46" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 47" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 53" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 54 "Orienta" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 63 “Change” of Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 70 “Molniya” Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 77” Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 81 “Babushkino” Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 9 “Shabolovka” Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR No. 95” Moskomsport GBU “SSHOR” Nagornaya" Moskomsport GBU "SSHOR No. 101 "Tushino" Moskomsport GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport Sports School of the Olympic Reserve "Blue Bird" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport School "Maryino" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport SSH " Meteor GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport Secondary School "Penguins" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport Secondary School "Silver Sharks" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport School "Snow Leopards" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport Secondary School " Constellation GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport Secondary School "Center" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport School "Yantar" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" Moskomsport FOK "Rus" GBU "FSO "Moscow Hockey" SShOR "Spartak" GBU "CDiS "Vertical" State Budgetary Institution "TsSP "Krylatskoye" State Budgetary Institution "TsTDS Novokosino "Rodnik" State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS VAO" Moscow" State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS ZAO of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS Zelenograd Autonomous Okrug of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North Administrative Okrug of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North-East Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS North-West Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport GBU " TsFKiS Southern Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution "TsFKiS South-Western Administrative District of Moscow" Moskomsport State Budgetary Institution VPSC "Rodina" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "SK "Vympel" named after. O.P. Makarov State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Physical and Leisure Center Brigantina" State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "MC "Galaktika" State Budgetary Institution GPPC DONM State Budgetary Institution Children's Medical Center "Sokolniki" State Budgetary Institution of the Secondary School of Moscow "Children's Music School named after. V.P. Solovyov-Sedogo" GBU DO Moscow "Children's Music School named after Edvard Grieg" GBU DO TsT "On Vadkovsky" GBU Leisure and Sports Center "Lefortovo" GBU DPO "Moscow Educational and Sports Center" Moskomsport GBU DPO (advancement) qualifications) Moscow "Directorate educational programs in the field of culture and art" GBU DSC "Khoroshevka" GBU DSC "Marfino" GBU DSC "World of the Young" GBU DSC "EPI-Altufyevo" GBU Club "Parus" GBU KSZhD GBU CSC "Pechatniki" GBU CSC "Forward" GBU KYuM "Briantina" " State Budgetary Institution MBA-SSHOR No. 49 "Trinta" named after. Yu.Ya. Ravinsky GBU MGDU GBU MMC "Rubezh" GBU MTK "Svyatogor" GBU MCDS "Sputnik" GBU PMC "Dialogue" GBU PNI No. 18 GBU SDC "Krylatskoye" GBU SDC "Brek" GBU SDC "Varshavsky" GBU SDC "Victoria" GBU SDC " Vostochnoye Izmailovo" GBU SDC "Vostochnoye Izmailovo" AD GBU SDC "Vysota" GBU SDC "Gladiator" GBU SDC "Kolchuga" GBU SDC "Labyrinth" GBU SDC "Lotus" GBU SDC "Nord-SVAO" GBU SDC "Nord-SVAO" GBU SDC "Nord" GBU SDC "Raduga" GBU SDC "Ratmir" GBU SDC "Fortuna" GBU SDC "Chertanovo Yuzhnoye" GBU SDC "South-West" GBU SDC "Orion" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Butyrsky" " GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Marfino" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Maryina Roshcha" GBU TCSO "Alekseevsky" branch "Ostankinsky" GBU TCSO "Arbat" GBU TCSO "Arbat" branch "Presnensky" GBU TCSO "Arbat" branch " Tverskoy" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Otradnoye" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Northern Medvedkovo" GBU TCSO "Babushkinsky" branch "Southern Medvedkovo" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Airport" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Savelovsky" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Sokol" GBU TCSO "Begovoy" branch "Khoroshevsky" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" branch "Dmitrovsky" GBU TCSO "Beskudnikovo" branch "Western Degunino" " GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Altufevsky" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Lianozovo" GBU TCSO "Bibirevo" branch "Severny" GBU TCSO "Butovo" GBU TCSO "Butovo" branch "Northern Butovo" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" branch "Kosino-Ukhtomsky" GBU TCSO "Veshnyaki" branch "Novokosino" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Vostochny" GBU TCSO "Vostochnoye Izmailovo" branch "Golyanovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "East Izmailovo" branch "Northern Izmailovo" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" branch "Vykhino" GBU TCSO "Zhulebino" branch "Nekrasovka" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Kryukovo" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Savelki" GBU TCSO "Zelenogradsky" branch "Solnechny" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Academic" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Kotlovka" GBU TCSO "Zyuzino" branch "Cheryomushki" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Danilovsky" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Donskoy" GBU TCSO "Kolomenskoye" branch "Nagatino-Sadovniki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" " branch "Pechatniki" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" branch "Ryazan" GBU TCSO "Kuzminki" branch "Textilshchiki" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" branch "Gagarinsky" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" branch "Konkovo" GBU TCSO "Lomonosovsky" " branch "Obruchevsky" GBU TCSO "Maryino" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Kapotnya" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Lyublino" GBU TCSO "Maryino" branch "Pererva" GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" branch "Basmanny" " GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" branch "Krasnoselsky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Krylatskoye" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Kuntsevsky" GBU TCSO "Mozhaisky" branch "Filyovsky Park" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" branch "Vnukovo" GBU TCSO "Novo-Peredelkino" branch "Solntsevo" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" branch "Ivanovsky" GBU TCSO "Novogireevo" branch "Perovsky" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Borisovo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Brateevo" GBU TCSO "Orekhovo" branch "Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye" GBU TCSO "Prospekt Vernadskogo" GBU TCSO "Prospekt Vernadskogo" branch "Ramenki" GBU TCSO "Prospect" Vernadsky" branch "Troparevo-Nikulino" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Bogorodskoye" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Metrogorodok" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Preobrazhenskoye" GBU TCSO "Sokolniki" branch "Sokolina Gora" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Zamoskvorechye" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Khamovniki" GBU TCSO "Tagansky" branch "Yakimanka" GBU TCSO "Testovy" GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" branch "Voikovsky" " GBU TCSO "Timiryazevsky" branch "Koptevo" GBU TCSO "Tushino" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Kurkino" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo" GBU TCSO "Tushino" branch "Northern Tushino" GBU TCSO "Fili- Davydkovo" GBU TCSO "Fili-Davydkovo" branch "Dorogomilovsky" GBU TCSO "Fili-Davydkovo" branch "Ochakovo-Matveevskoye" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" branch "Golovinsky" GBU TCSO "Khovrino" branch "Levoberezhny" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Biryulyovo Vostochnoye" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Biryulyovo" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Zyablikovo" GBU TCSO "Tsaritsynsky" branch "Moskvorechye-Saburovo" Scarlet Sails"GBUK of Moscow "CC "Brateevo" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Vatutinki" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Inspiration" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "VNUKOVO" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Volunteer" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Ivanovsky" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "LEADER" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Mitino" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Moskvorechye" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "ONEZHSKY" GBUK of MOSCOW "CC "RUBLEVO" GBUK of Moscow "KC "Salyut" GBUK of Moscow "KC "YAKOVLEVSKOE" GBUK of Moscow "KC named after I.M. Astakhov" GBUK of Moscow "KC "Severny" GBUK of Moscow "MGM S.A . Yesenin" GBUK of Moscow "MMKTs" GBUK of Moscow "Moskovsky Theatre of Drama under the leadership of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Moscow Production Center" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Museum "Garden Ring" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Creative Lyceum" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "TKS "Brigantina" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "TCS "Kuntsevo" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Novo-Peredelkino" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Optimist" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Planet" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Solntsevo" GBUK of Moscow "TCS "Sputnik" GBUK of Moscow Moscow "CBS "Novomoskovskaya" GBUK of Moscow "CBS VAO" GBUK of Moscow "CBS ZelAO" GBUK of Moscow "CBS NEAO" GBUK of Moscow "CBS North-West Administrative Okrug" GBUK of Moscow "CBS Central Administrative District" GBUK of Moscow "CBS Central Administrative District" GBUK Moscow "CBS Southern Administrative District" GBUK Moscow "CBS South-Eastern Administrative District" GBUK Moscow "CBS South-Western Administrative District" GBUK Moscow "Central City Children's Hospital named after A.P. Gaidar" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TsGDB" GBUK MOSCOW "CENTER OF CULTURE "OLYMPUS" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "Central Committee "Harmony" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Committee "Scene" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Center for Culture "Meridian" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "Central Committee for Culture and Culture "Academic" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow " TsKiS" GBUK of Moscow "TsKS "Vostok" GBUK of Moscow "TsUNB im. N.A. Nekrasov" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Phoenix" GBUK of Moscow "Club "Phoenix" GBUK of Moscow "Club" Phoenix" GBUK Moscow "Library of Arts named after. A.P. Bogolyubov" GBUK of Moscow "Vedogon-theater" GBUK of Moscow "Cultural center "Moskvich" GBUK of Moscow "Association "VZ Moscow" GBUK of Moscow "TKS "Fili-Davydkovo" GBUK of Moscow DC "Mayak" GBUK of Moscow Club "Rodnichok" GBUK of Moscow TCS "Orekhovo" GBUK of Moscow TCS "Orekhovo" GBUK of MOSCOW TCI "PERSPECTIVE" GBUK of Moscow " Children's theater Variety" GBUK of Moscow "DC "Harmony" GBUK of Moscow "DC "Nagorny" GBUK of MOSCOW "DC "TEMP" GBUK of Moscow "DC "Yunost" GBUK of Moscow "DC "Yunost" GBUK Moscow "DK" Cultural Center" GBUK of Moscow "House of Romance" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Zagorie" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Maryina Roshcha" GBUK of Moscow "CC "Novoslobodsky" GBUK of Moscow "Museum V .A. Tropinina" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "TKS "Comrade" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CBS ZAO" State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "CCT "Nega" State Budgetary Institution of the City of Moscow "House of Culture "Voskhod" State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "V. Devyatov Center" GBUKIO of Moscow "Center for Vocal Art V. Levko" GBUSOSHDO of Moscow "Class Center" GKOU KSHI No. 1 GKOU KSHI No. 5 GKOU SKOSHI No. 102 GKOU SKOSHI No. 2 GKOU SKOSHI No. 30 GKOU SKOSHI No. 31 GKOU SKOSHI No. 52 GKOU SKOSHY No. 73 GKOU SKOSHI No. 79 GKOU SKSH No. 571 GKOU SKSHI No. 65 GKOU TsIO "Yuzhny" GKOU School "Educational Technologies" GKOU School No. 2124 GKU "RCRSK" GKU "SFC" MOSKOMSPORT GKU Directorate of DogM GKU Directorate for Construction and Reconstruction of DogM GKU SFC DO Moscow GKU SFC DONM GKU Central Federal District DogM GKU Central Federal District DonM GKUK Moscow "MGBTs" State Budgetary Institution "Mospriroda" State Institution Medical Children's Center "Zamoskvorechye" State Institution GCMSIR Children's Music School named after. Yu.A.Shaporin GBOU HE “MGIM im. A.G. Schnittke" DSS DTSZN Moscow DYU UKS "Dynamics" CJSC "ACONIT-MEDIA" CJSC "MEDORTEKS" CJSC "MIRRA-M" CJSC "Sanatorium "Erino" I.P. Prytkov A.E. IKI RAS Levadnyaya Elena Sergeevna IOGKh RAS IP Shcherbakova Oksana Yuryevna IP "Borisov Vladimir Nikolaevich" IP "Vakhnichenko V.S." (Fitness Land) IP "Domoratskaya Tatyana Borisovna" IP "Zhukov Ivan Valerievich" IP "Ivliva M.N." Troitsk" MAOU "Gymnasium named after. N.V. Pushkova" MAOU "Lyceum of the city of Troitsk" MAOU "NMTs" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's Art School" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's Art School named after M.I. Glinka" MAOUDO "Troitskaya Children's School" MAOUD "Troitskaya Children's School" MARKHI MAU TO YOUTH-2 MAU DO YOUTS MAU FKiS "Sports Palace "KVANT" " MAU FKiS GSOC "Harmony" MAU FKiS SOK "Orbita" MAUK "Trinity Museum named after M.N. Lyalko" MAUK "TCCT" MAUK "Center "MoST" MBU "DK "Druzhba" MBU "SDC "Mayak" "MBU "SK "Krasnaya Pakhra" MBU "Sports complex "Voronovo" MBU "TsKS "Filimonkovskoye" MBU "TsSM" MBU "TsFS Mosrentgen" MBU "SCS" MBU "TsSM" MBU DC "Pervomaiskoe" MBU DKiS "Voskresenskoye" MBU DO Youth MBU TO Youth "STERKH" MBU SDC "ORION" MBU SC "Olympus" MBU SC "Cosmos" MBU SC "Nadezhda" MBUK "DC "Desna" MBUK "DC "Zvezdny" MBUK "DC "Ilyichevka" MBUK "DC "Yubileiny" " MBUK "DK Kommunarka" MGAHI named after. IN AND. Surikov MGODSHI "Kuskovo" MGODSHI "Sokolniki" MGRI MSTU. N.E. Bauman Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University of Arts and Sciences named after. S.G. Stroganov International Union of Poets Interregional public organization "Kundalini Yoga Federation" Interregional organization "WE ARE TOGETHER" MIET MKU settlement Shchapovskoye "SK "Zarya" MKU SK "Bear" MKU SK "Monolit" MKUK settlement Shchapovskoye "DK "Solnechny" IOO "Ecology Culture Society " MOO "Support for Youth Initiatives" MOO DSKTs "Voskhod" MOO PC "Nadezhda-"N" MOO FSE "Golden Knight" MOO "Pilgrim" Moscow Polytechnic Moskomsport MPGU MRO ChYu MGO VOI MU "SK "Desna" MU "SK "Desna" MU "SK "Rus" Museum of Moscow MUK "DK" Shcherbinka city district" MUK "DK" Moskovsky" Municipal budgetary institution Center "Fairy Tale" of the Timiryazevsky municipal district in the city of Moscow Municipal unitary enterprise "Pool" Moskovsky" MIPT ICHS at the Russian Academy of Arts Scientific and medical center "Medinkur" " National Floorball Federation of Russia NUST "MISiS" NRU HSE NRU MGSU NINU MEPhI NPO ANO "Fantasy" NPO ROO "Dance and Sports Club "RITHM" NNOU "Trinity Orthodox School" NNOUKS "School E.K." » NO "FKS" NO SF "Torpedo" NO UMC "Education and Culture" NOTC "Children's Atelier" NOI "PILATES Institute" NOI "EduLife" NOI DPO "Interregional Center of Cosmetology and Hairdressing" NOCHU "Orthodox Center for Continuing Education" NOCHU " Secondary School "Phoenix" NOCCHU PKG "Radonezh" NOCOUCHU Secondary School "Life-Giving Spring" NP "Non-Profit Partnership "Benefit" NP "EC "Club 33" NP "Physical Fitness Center" NP "PCC "Bulgakov House" NP "Open World" NP " TsRR Umka NP SPK "KANRIT" NCOU VO "MIEPP" NCCHUDO "UTsNVS" NPUOO "Private School "Shalom"" OANO CO "Znak" OJSC "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern" OK "Vatutinki" LLC "Champion Corporation" LLC "Fitness on Vernadskogo" » LLC fitness club "QUANT" LLC "Familyfit", Fitness club "Winner" LLC "54Studio" LLC "Absolute Fitness" LLC "Agency of social programs RADOM" LLC "Agency "Forum". Moscow Makeup Artists Club" LLC "Agency" "Forum" Moscow Makeup Artists Club" LLC "Adrenaline" LLC "IQ Fit" LLC "AYKUE MEDIA GROUP" LLC "ISKY" LLC "AQUASTAR-T" LLC "Actual Medical Solutions" LLC "Alex" Fitness" Tushino LLC "Allada" LLC "Allegro23" LLC "Allen-Direct" LLC "Altufyevo-Sport" LLC "Alpha Fit" LLC "ANATA-Ka" LLC "ANATA-Ka" LLC "APS-Group" LLC "ARENA FITNESS" " LLC "ARTMOSPHERE" LLC "ASP Mass-Media" LLC "Atletika" LLC "Ashgym" LLC "BAJARANG" LLC "Base No. 7" LLC "BELEK" LLC "White Gold" LLC "BIFITT" LLC "Black Sea" LLC " Bodyflex Mix" LLC "Vega Fit" LLC "Vector Traction" LLC "Vesely Den" LLC "VIPSPORT" LLC "WORLD FIT STUDIO" LLC "FITNESS TIME" LLC "VSK "Gvardeets" LLC "VFL" LLC "Gamma Group" LLC " Group of Companies Windows" LLC "Global Media International" LLC "Goodfit" LLC "DAVINCI GYM" LLC "DAVINCI GYM" LLC "Delo Pragmatika" LLC "Delta fit" LLC "Delta-Sa" LLC "DMA international" LLC "Dance Star" LLC "Women's fitness club "Miss" LLC "Healthy Nation" LLC "Zelenograd Kinesitherapy Center" LLC "Ivanova O.I." Lts" LLC "FITNESS CITY" LLC "Fitness Club Sokol" LLC "Fitness Life" LLC "Fitness on Alekseevskaya" LLC "Fitness on Kozhukhovskaya" LLC "Fitness on Krasnobogatyrskaya" LLC "Fitness on Taganka" LLC "FITSTAR" LLC "FKSport" Futiball Reserve LLC Yoga Center LLC Rhythmic GYMNASTICS CENTER JIMSTUDIO1 LLC CSU LLC Edalt Group LLC AIR FIT LLC ECOMIR LLC Energy of Life LLC USIMAS LLC Adrenaline LLC Art Studio "Thousand Leaves" LLC "ATHLETICS" LLC "GRACE FIT" LLC "DiDiX" LLC "Z Fitness 1" LLC "IDiS-Tour" LLC "Empire Club" LLC "Istochnik" LLC "Capella Fit" LLC "Karat" LLC "KLUBNICHKA" LLC "Company "Sirius" LLC "KONEK-M" LLC "Persey-Service" LLC "Production Center named after G.S. Ulanova" LLC "REFORM" LLC "SLK-FITNESS" LLC "SPORTS CONSTRUCTION SHMITOVSKY" » LLC "Studio 707" LLC "T-Stail" LLC "Theater Province" LLC "Technologies of Youth" LLC "UK" LLC "FIT-PLUS" LLC "FITLAND" LLC "Fitness Center on Venevskaya" LLC "Fitness League" LLC "Fitness Five" LLC "Fitcity" LLC "FOUR SEASONS OF TRAVEL" LLC "Four Elements" LLC "Effective Cooperation" LLC GDSSO "Dynamo" LLC DK "Slava" LLC Manifesto LLC SPORTS CLUB "SIBERIAN LEOPARD AND CO" LLC FC "Yellow Sun" - Rodniki" LLC FOK "Fit Form" LLC FOK "Planet" LLC EnergyFit LLC Energy Fit LLC Energy Fit LLC Energy Fit LLC "Sport Class" LLC "Fitness Studio" POU "USC DOSAAF of Russia North-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow" POU "USC DOSAAF Russia Southern Administrative District of Moscow" POU "Center of the VPV of Moscow DOSAAF of Russia" POU Automotive School of the Central Administrative District of Moscow DOSAAF of Russia POU UMC "Algorithm" RO JSC "DOSAAF of Russia" Prefecture of the Eastern Administrative District Prefecture of the Prefecture of the Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District Prefecture of the Northern Administrative District Prefecture of the North-Western Administrative District Prefecture of the TiNAO Prefecture of the Central Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Eastern Administrative District Prefecture of the Southern Administrative District of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation RSUH RDMOO "Sports Club "Alpha-BUDO" RDPMOOO "Aquarius" Regional Charitable Public Organization for Promoting the Activities of Jewish Communities "Moscow Jewish Community House" Regional public organization "Center for Psychophysical Improvement "Unity". Individual entrepreneur Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)" Religious organization "Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', Church of All Saints" RO Patriarchal Metochion Church of the IBM "Consolation" in Yaroslavl Regional Public Foundation "Tagansky Children's Fund" ROYUO "Education. Sports. Rehabilitation" ROO "Sports Club "Favorite" ROO "ANISIYA" ROO "Children and Youth Sports and Health Club "Leader" ROO "Youth Center "Sam Plus" ROO "Club of Painting Lovers of Konstantin Vasilyev" ROO "Kosinsky Children's Marine Club" ROO "Lotus" ROO "LOTS OF CHILDHOOD" ROO "Regincenter" law" ROO "SK" ROO "Tennis Club CSKA" ROO "Yuki Taiseko" ROO "PATRIOT" ROO "Family Club Perovo" ROO "Vozrozhdenie" Youth and Sports Club "ROO "UNESCO Club "Sphere" ROO MTsNOV ROO RDYUS SK "Yuzhny" ROO SZZh "Women" of our city" ROO SK "Perspective" ROO "Veliy" ROO "Bird of Happiness" ROO "Human Health" RSOO "Society for the Development of Mass Sports" RUT (MIIT) RFOO "YOGA FOR HEALTH" RHTU named after. DI. Mendeleev SVNP MDCD " "Sports and adaptive school "Youth of Moscow" of equal opportunities Sports club "Syujin" Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" for acrobatics Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" for judo Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" for sailing Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" for sambo Secondary school "Youth of Moscow" in dance sports and acrobatic rock and roll "Spartak" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in basketball "Dynamo" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in biathlon SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in boxing SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in wrestling SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in cycling SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in water polo SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in water sports "Scythians" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in handball "Kuntsevo" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in rowing sports SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in equestrian sports SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in athletics SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in athletics named after the brothers Znamensky SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in skiing "Burevestnik" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in cross-country skiing "Spartak" SSOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in swimming "Trud" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in diving SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in rugby "Glory" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in luge SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in synchronized swimming "Trud" SSHOR " Youth of Moscow" in synchronized swimming Anastasia Davydova SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in tennis SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in weightlifting SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in fencing SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in fencing "Burevestnik" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in figure skating "Sokolniki" » SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in figure skating SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" for football "Burevestnik" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" for football "Kuntsevo" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" for football "Spartak-2" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" for football "Torpedo" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in rhythmic gymnastics "Wings of the Soviets" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in rhythmic gymnastics "Olympic" SSHOR "Youth of Moscow" in chess SSHOR in badminton State Budgetary Institution "MGFSO" Moskomsport Creative Union of Artists of Russia Creative Center "Steps" TVC "Folk artistic crafts" Theater - school of modern dance" "Vortex" Theater "MEL" Test DPiOOS Test DSIT Test TCSO (DITovsky) USZN Eastern Administrative District of Moscow USZN ZAO Moscow USZN ZelAO Moscow USZN Northern Administrative District Moscow USZN North-East Administrative District Moscow USZN North-Western Administrative District Moscow USZN Test Moscow USZN Troitsky and Novomoskovsk Autonomous Okrug Moscow USZN Central Administrative District Moscow USZN Southern Administrative District Moscow USZN South-Eastern Administrative District Moscow USZN South-Western Administrative District Moscow UFK "DSO "Russkaya Zemlya" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "RSU of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin" Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University) Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov Ministry of Health of Russia FGBNU VSTISP FGBOU HE "MSTU" STANKIN" FGBOU HE "MSTU im. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU)" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "RGSU" Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "REU im. G.V. Plekhanov" FSBEI HE "Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts" FSBEI HE "State IRYA named after A.S. Pushkin" FSBEI HE "MSUPP" FSBEI HE "Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MGLA) (University named after O. E. Kutafina (MSAL)" FSBEI HE "MPEI" FSBEI HE "RSU named after A.N. Kosygin" FSBEI FSBEI RSAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev FSBI "OK "Desna" FSBI FNKTSSM FMBA Russia FGBUN VNIISB Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Russian Peoples' Friendship University" Federation of Taekwon-do South" branch "Crossroads" State Budgetary Institution "Center" Financial University Fitness club Sports Option Fitness center Golden Lotus FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia FNSIR Foundation "Arbat" Foundation "For Life" Foundation "SHOP OF JOYS" Foundation "Moscow Charitable Reserve" Foundation for Children's Cinema named after A. Rowe Foundation for New Technologies in Education "Baytik" Church of the Life-Giving Trinity Center "Social Development" Private Educational Institution "School" Information education"Es" PI "CD AiK DOSAAF of Russia" PI DO Center "Sunny Circle" PI FE "Network of Centers "PRODETI" PI FE "SU-JOK Academy" PI OO "INESNEK" School of watercolor by Sergei Andriyaka