Many people believe that the profession of mechanical engineer appeared only in modern times. In fact, its first representative can be considered our distant ancestor, who first descended from a tree and took a stick or stone in his still clumsy upper limb. The engineering profession already existed in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and at present it has been divided into many independent specialties, of which there are hundreds today.

Without engineers, the way of life we ​​know would disappear within hours, if not faster. It is their tireless work that provides us with all the benefits of civilization that are so familiar today. Therefore, we are always happy to congratulate them on their own professional holiday.


Mechanical Engineer Day acquired official status with the issuance of the corresponding order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1996. However, the first steps in this direction date back to 1854, when at the Imperial Russian Navy The Corps of Mechanical Engineers was formed for the first time in our country. But somehow it turned out that the country’s leadership never got around to approving the official date.

That's why we celebrated this important holiday purely on a voluntary and public basis. At first it covered only naval specialists of the relevant profile, and then became increasingly broader.

Today this day is celebrated by engineers of various specializations related to such areas of activity as:

  • design;
  • design;
  • direct operation of various technological equipment.


On this day in Russia it is customary to congratulate all engineers, both those involved in the design and construction of machines, and those responsible for their operation. Well, there are millions of such specialists in our country. Therefore, it is clear how large the scope of the celebrations is. True, they are all local in nature; each enterprise celebrates the date in its own way.

However, the common feature of all celebrations is:

  • congratulations to the teams by management;
  • exchange of congratulations between partner enterprises;
  • rewarding production excellence and presenting them with prizes or valuable gifts.

Corporate parties are held almost everywhere, and at home all the “culprits” are greeted with festively laid tables, family members and relatives gathered to congratulate their own engineer.

Today there are a huge number of holidays. They can be divided into Orthodox, professional and general holidays. So, the Orthodox include Easter and Christmas. General holidays include: New Year or March 8. Professional holidays include days on which congratulations are received by people of a certain profession, be they doctors or teachers. These include Mechanical Engineer's Day, which is celebrated in the fall, on October 30.

Mechanical engineer. A little about the profession

With the advent of electricity, humanity became dependent on many devices. It is impossible to imagine life without airplanes and buses, washing machines and heaters, televisions and computers. Technology has become deeply embedded in human life, but it tends to break and fail. And then mechanical engineers come to the rescue, to whom any mechanism is subject.

However, this is not all. Mechanical engineers don't just fix broken products: they invent them. Without their participation, the huge number of gadgets that make life easier would not exist.

The importance of the profession

This profession is quite universal. Mechanical engineers are needed in the metalworking and engineering industries. People of this profession even take part in the creation of space instruments. Mechanical engineers are capable of drawing up designs and then implementing them. On Mechanical Engineer Day, it is very important to congratulate people who work in this profession, because humanity owes them a lot. All items that make human life easier and more comfortable were created by mechanical engineers. They even own inventions that people rarely think about. For example, the presence of hot and cold water in the house.

history of the holiday

The profession is quite ancient and has its roots in distant Greece. Archimedes can be considered the first mechanical engineer in the world. A mathematician and physicist, he laid the first foundations of geometry. And what are his inventions worth! Systems for lifting heavy weights, throwing machines - Archimedes developed all this according to his own designs.

Mechanical Engineer Day in Russia is celebrated not so long ago - it was approved only in 1996. But the first people of this profession began to appear in Russia back in 1712. The first engineering school opened that year. But historians consider the official date of the appearance of this profession to be 1854, when the corps of mechanical engineers appeared in the Russian Navy.

Holiday now

In Russia, Mechanical Engineer Day is celebrated on October 30. However, this is not the only country that congratulates these specialists on their professional holiday. Mechanical Engineer Day is celebrated in Ukraine and Belarus. An interesting fact is that the profession is quite common and in demand in each of the countries mentioned above.

Mechanical engineers are usually considered people who have invented something remarkable. For example, one can recall Henry Ford, the American scientist who in 1908 created new model cars. Today, to become a mechanical engineer, you need to obtain a higher education.

Congratulations for Mechanical Engineers

On October 30, the question arises of how to congratulate a mechanical engineer so that he likes it. After all, it is necessary to make it clear to a person what an important work he is doing for the entire human race, how important it is for the comfort and life of everyone.

The methods of congratulations are very banal, but this becomes unnoticeable if the congratulations come from the heart. So, postcards would be an excellent gift. A mechanical engineer's day will be more fun if the image on the card is humorous. This could be a photograph of a person with a drawn wrench, or a postcard resembling a drawing of a device. If you need to congratulate a whole team of workers, you can order a cake with a wrench made from cream and whipped cream.

When congratulating a loved one, as a rule, it is not customary to limit yourself to one card - there must be a gift. Since Mechanical Engineer's Day is not as popular as, say, New Year or February 23, you will have to approach this issue creatively. You can give a T-shirt with a print or a mug of a suitable theme, or limit yourself to a gift of purely practical use: for example, give the hero of the occasion a suitcase with tools.

A person is always pleased if they remember his professional holiday. If it is not possible to congratulate you in person, you can use the SMS messaging service. In addition, it is best to send not just text, but poetic lines.

Mechanical Engineer Day is a holiday that should be marked on the calendar so as not to forget to congratulate people in this profession. Mechanical engineers take part in the movement of scientific and technological progress. Their achievements should be proud.

The holiday “Mechanical Engineer Day” in 2017 is celebrated on October 30, Monday. Not an official holiday.

Many people believe that the profession of mechanical engineer appeared only in modern times. In fact, its first representative can be considered our distant ancestor, who first descended from a tree and took a stick or stone in his still clumsy upper limb. The engineering profession already existed in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and at present it has been divided into many independent specialties, of which there are hundreds today.

Without engineers, the way of life we ​​know would disappear within hours, if not faster. It is their tireless work that provides us with all the benefits of civilization that are so familiar today. Therefore, we are always happy to congratulate them on their own professional holiday.


Mechanical Engineer Day acquired official status with the issuance of the corresponding order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1996. However, the first steps in this direction date back to 1854, when the Corps of Mechanical Engineers was formed for the first time in our country in the Imperial Russian Navy. But somehow it turned out that the country’s leadership never got around to approving the official date.

Therefore, this important holiday was celebrated purely on a voluntary and public basis. At first it covered only naval specialists of the relevant profile, and then became increasingly broader.

Today this day is celebrated by engineers of various specializations related to such areas of activity as:

  • design;
  • design;
  • direct operation of various technological equipment.

Every year on October 30, workers in engineering and technical specialties in various industries celebrate their professional holiday in Russia - this is Mechanical Engineer Day.

The celebration began with an order from the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy in 1996. But the countdown begins in 1854, when the corps of mechanical engineers was formed in the Russian Navy. A mechanical engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education in the field of design, construction and operation of technological equipment.

But, in reality, higher and more diverse requirements are placed on specialists in this profession. The same reality shows that a mechanical engineer is the most sought-after profession by society, and it is also the most universal and most sought-after specialty among engineers.

Mechanical engineers create the technological space around us and nurture high technologies. History knows interesting examples of the creativity of engineers who, without exaggeration, can be called mechanical engineers.

In August 1908, the American engineer and industrialist Henry Ford began production of a new car model, in May 1913, the world's first multi-engine aircraft, the Russian Knight, engineer Sikorsky, made its first flight, and in October 1945, the American engineer Percy Spencer patented a microwave oven.

In our country, this profession has always enjoyed respect and love. It’s not without reason that one of folk heroes Leskovsky is Lefty, and the name of the famous self-taught mechanic Ivan Kulibin even became a household name to designate any Russian engineer-inventor.

Today, the specialty of mechanical engineer is acquired by students, for example, MGSU, MISS, MSTU. N. Bauman and many other famous universities in Russia, in order to later work in various sectors and areas of domestic industry.

If you want to please someone you know in a similar profession, you should think carefully about gift options. It is not necessary to give different books on relevant topics, if only because the person might have read them before.

A stylish gadget, such as a smartphone or iPad, can be a good option. However, such expensive gifts may not be suitable for every congratulatory recipient, since their giving is often postponed until a birthday, wedding anniversary and other major holidays.

If you want to give original gift, you can give a gift portrait. Artists draw such portraits from real photographs, and can add a wide variety of backgrounds. Any mechanical engineer will be pleased to receive his portrait against the backdrop of a disassembled tank or spaceship.

If you have little time left to choose a gift or there is no suitable photograph for a portrait, you can prefer a simpler option and order the production of a T-shirt with the inscription “To the Best Mechanical Engineer.” The T-shirt can be decorated with bolts, nails, hammers and other tools and materials often used by such specialists. In addition, you can come up with some funny picture, for example, order a T-shirt with a picture of a disassembled computer or car.

An innovative 3D pen can be a very original and stylish gift. Such a device is a simple toy in the hands of a person without drawing skills. At this time, a mechanical engineer will be able to use it to create real prototypes and three-dimensional designs of his work, and also look stylish.

You can attach a leather-bound business notebook to such a pen, where the specialist’s ideas will be stored. Naturally, the notebook should be as original as a pen and should look expensive.

If an engineer you know is a more practical person and appreciates gifts that bring benefits, you can please him with an unusual teapot made in the shape of an airplane or train, the site informs. Such teapots and coffee pots look very original and will undoubtedly take their rightful place among any person’s belongings.

The simplest and most discreet version of congratulations is a small figure of an engineer with papers and drawing tools in his hands. Such figures can be both strict and cheerful, so you can find the most suitable option.

It’s not prestigious anymore
To be an engineer with us,
Managers are in fashion everywhere,
But we congratulate now
We dream of you, engineers,
And good luck!
May your career grow
And you can dream!

Congratulations, engineer!
You are an example for us in everything,
And smart and noble,
And talented by nature.
Congratulations on your day,
And of course we want
Wish you good luck, happiness,
Let bad weather not come!

Congratulations on Engineer's Day,
With all our hearts we want to wish now,
So that work brings you joy,
And all things went well in life!
Let your superiors appreciate your merits,
And know that no one can replace us
You, dear! May there be happiness in life,
Well, your health won’t lose one bit!

You studied for a long time, you always tried,
You wanted to become an engineer,
The training year passed unnoticed,
Having passed through a lot of barriers,
You became whoever you wanted! Congratulations,
After all, you are a brilliant engineer!
May your work bring joy,
Well, the income is real!

Ruler, pencil, and whatman paper,
And, of course, the head,
That's all an engineer needs!
We want to say the words now
About respect, and on holiday
We wish you good luck in everything!
Interesting, different work
Congratulations on your day!

You are a role model
Our dear engineer!
There have been trials in life,
You set an example
How we all need to work,
Congratulations on your Day!
We will learn from you,
And we say thank you!

You have chosen a difficult path for yourself,
After all, engineers are not held in high esteem these days.
But you became an engineer, friend, for a reason,
You take your work responsibly
Thanks to you, everything is fine -
All graphics and drawings are in place,
We congratulate you on your day,
Well, we wish you happiness according to honor!

What is the most important thing in life for an engineer?
I want to ask you, friends?
Not only his career,
But also his family!
Happy Engineer's Day
We praise all engineers!
We wish them health and happiness,
And may all your dreams come true!

You are our Russian engineer!..
You don’t take Venus to the baths,
Aphrodites don’t come to you...
But still, having raked in for a visit,
Let us report: we love you,
Yes, we are moderately drunk and full!
Let the gypsies not sing,
We sing ourselves - thicker, simpler...
With my wife, with children, so that there is comfort,
We wish! Peace and friendship - with mother-in-law!
And you don't need jingling medals,
Here, Nobel Prize would give it!!!

Being a mechanical engineer is prestigious.
Learn this without sparing your strength.
And let knowledge bring results,
And valuable ideas are born.
You continue the work of the greats,
Well-known and worthy people.
We wish you new discoveries,
Clear work and bold ideas.

We're not telling jokes these days -
We praise our engineer,
Happy birthday!
Her beauty, vigor and youth,
Talent, diligence and sweetness
Dissolved in it forever.
With the growth of solar career
We wish you dollars without measure
The exchange rate may be in rubles!
Participation in prestigious competitions,
With family - at home, in the house - happiness
And eternal unearthly love!!!

Airplane, car, microwave...
How to create all this? Here's a puzzle!
But he will find a way out and a solution
Mechanical engineer to finish.
Accurate, scrupulous, neat,
conscientious, responsible and smart,
It’s nice and pleasant to work with you,
you fill everyday life with perfection!

An engineer is a specialist who has a higher technical education in areas such as the design, manufacture and operation of technical equipment. Such a person is needed in any production; he not only designs and constructs equipment, but also provides workers with general production tasks, monitors their implementation, organizes workplaces, monitors the condition of equipment and monitors compliance with safety regulations.

An engineer needs not only to create some kind of technical innovation, but also to imagine how this thing will be used by people, what reaction society will have to the appearance of a new device. After all, in modern world Technology is constantly developing and the emergence of new technologies that make life more comfortable comes as no surprise to anyone.

Engineer's Day

Engineer's Day has every right to take pride of place among historical dates. October 30 is the professional holiday of Russian engineers - workers in engineering and technical specialties in various industries. It is celebrated at the enterprise level; it is not given the status of a public holiday. On this day, corporate events are organized and veterans of this difficult and interesting profession are awarded.

A little bit of history...

The history of the profession began back in 1854. When the Russian Navy decided to create a corps for training mechanical engineers. But the celebration itself began to be celebrated in 1996, after Engineer’s Day was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Now many universities train specialists in this field.

An engineer is a professional in the field of design, construction, and operation of technological equipment. This profession generally requires quite a bit of intellectual investment. The specialty has deep roots, dating back to Ancient Greece, where people's curiosity drove them on the path to progress. The first famous engineer is Archimedes, famous for his experiments.

In modern society, the engineering profession has become one of the most important and sought-after specialties. The significance of this profession is immediately clear, since it was the engineers who developed the first cars, aircraft and many others necessary for modern society high-tech devices.