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About the performance

Moscow New Theatre of Drama invites guests to the play “The Old Lady’s Visit.” How much is honor and dignity worth? Is revenge possible at the cost of death? Is everything in the world bought and sold? As you leave after the performance, ask yourself if you could make a deal with your own conscience, risking living the rest of your life in your own purgatory on earth...

What is the price of well-being

Güllen, a once prosperous town, is now increasingly mired in debt and despair. In this outback, as if in a swamp, everything good has sunk - justice, honor, dignity and even faith in people. What to expect tomorrow? Unknown... But one day a stunning millionaire beauty comes to Güllen and promises to return prosperity to the city. The price of well-being is small - the life of one worthless person who once betrayed his beloved. But will the townspeople make a deal with the devil in the flesh? Hurry up to buy tickets to the performance to find out how the story of one small betrayal ends, which ultimately plunged the whole city into the abyss of sin and hopelessness.

Roles performed by:
Ekaterina Demidova in the title role,
Anatoly Sutyagin,
Alexander Kursky,
Sergey Bredyuk and others.

The duration of the production is 2 hours 30 minutes, including intermission. The age limit for attending the event is 16+.

Everyone has their own monsters

The main character of the play, Clara Tsakhanassyan, lived her whole life in the hell of her own grievances, bitter memories and betrayal. These feelings were like terrible monsters devouring her once bright soul, until Clara herself became a Monster. “Once this city made me a public whore, now I will turn it into a brothel,” says the main character...

The story of Clara was written by the Swiss playwright F. Dürrenmatt more than 60 years ago, but its plot is relevant for all times. The book was filmed several times and became the basis for theatrical productions.

The premiere of the play “The Old Lady’s Visit” at the New Drama Theater in Moscow took place in 2016, and since then the performance of talented actors has invariably caused a storm of delight among the capital’s public. The production is played cynically, but at the same time it is amazingly funny - according to all the rules of a real tragicomedy.

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Theater address: Medvedkovo metro station, Moscow, Prokhodchikov str., 2

  • Medvedkovo
  • Babushkinskaya

New Drama Theater

Carefully preserving the best traditions of classical Russian theater school and at the same time shining with original innovative ideas, the New Drama Theater successfully operates in Moscow.

A young team with great potential, a great director with famous name and fantastic ideas, a strong repertoire - it was thanks to this recipe that the New Drama Theater literally within a decade became one of the leading theater venues in the country. Today you have probably heard rave reviews about the Moscow New Drama Theater. The creative team continually surprises the capital's theatergoers with a loud premiere. Finding something new and interesting in the well-forgotten old and pampering the public with performances based on plays by modern authors, the theater is rightly called Russian psychological repertory theater.

Since 1976, when this group was organized, the New Drama Theater has been trying to expand its repertoire as much as possible with works in different genres, and most importantly, to do it with high quality and outstanding quality. Today, in the New Drama Theater's playbill you can choose a detective production, a comedy or dramatic performance, a musical for the whole family, a children's show or work in one of the experimental genres.

The description of the acting team of the New Drama Theater deserves special attention. Average age The actors are 30 years old, and there are also honored cultural figures in the troupe. The name of the theater director, Vyacheslav Dolgachev, has a great effect. As soon as he puts his hand to the production, the result is a gorgeous, unforgettable performance. By purchasing a ticket to the New Drama Theater, you are guaranteed to receive a lot of emotions and impressions.

Opening hours of the New Drama Theater

The theater doors are open from 10.00 to 21.00. Children's performances start mainly at 12.00 and 15.00, adults at 18.00 and 19.00.

How to get to the New Drama Theater
Address: Moscow, st. Prokhodchikov, 2

How can I get to:

Metro "VDNKh"
Buses: 136, 172 - to the “New Theater” stop

Buses: 316, 317, 388, 392, 451, 499, 576k 903, 903k - to the stop “Egor Abakumov Street”

Trolleybus 76 - to the "New Theater" stop

Minibus 544.578 – to the “New Theater” stop

Minibus taxi: 551k, 565 - to the stop “Egor Abakumov Street”

Metro "Medvedkovo"
Bus 172 – to the “New Theater” stop

Metro "Babushkinskaya"

Bus: 605 - to the Los Platform

I was very pleased. This city made me a whore, and I will turn it into a brothel. A few words about the play “The Old Lady’s Visit” at the Maly Theater. Dürrenmatt has always been difficult to stage on stage, well, he is a difficult guy. His dramaturgy is a conglomerate of social psychology, futurology, demonology and much more, and therefore any director taking on such a thankless task must think a hundred times, and think more than once before cutting. And just think how difficult it is to organically arrange on stage the appearance of the Evil One in a small town and punishing every single one of its inhabitants, casually taking possession of their souls. Woland, in my opinion, was more humane towards the residents of Moscow than the demonic avatar of Clara. And when Clara said the main plot of the action: “This city has made me a whore, and I will make a brothel out of it,” the residents of Gulen no longer understood that the Abyss was now looking into them. But Ilian Ronen, working on this performance, thought well, but didn’t cut it either... He began to create, which he was very successful at. The architecture of the performance always relies on certain points of support, it happens that the retinue plays the king, and sometimes vice versa, but here Ilian Ronen built everything in such a way that on the one hand, a perfectly selected retinue seemed to play the queen, but on the other hand, the queen dominated everything . Clara, Lyudmila Titova literally shocked me with the depth of her character portrayal and literally infernal elegance. And the retinue was a match... The tragic illustration of Vasily Bochkarev, who believes and does not believe in the imminent black abyss. A conformist official played by Alexander Klyukvin, who absolutely synthetically played the transition from a friendly fellow countryman to a cold killer holding out a suicide instrument of the Walter R-38 brand. Vasily Dakhnenko, whom I didn’t even recognize in civilian clothes at first and who, despite the cassock, handled the Mauser carbine very professionally, Maria Dunaevskaya is one in four persons, playing four roles at once and not repeating herself in any of them. Viktor Nizovoy, literally dissolved in the role of a policeman (although for my taste, instead of a cap, he should have introduced a German policeman’s cap into his costume, along with the Mausers and Walthers of the extras, this would have been an organic addition). By the way, regarding the Mauser carbines, I was very amused by the touch when the choir members singing a pitiful requiem for a killed jaguar, sing with guns on their belts. And the two-level scenery and, of course, a brilliant solution with a shadow theater integrated into the performance were very much in keeping with the theme. About the living almost Shakespearean forest, it’s absolutely delightful. I would also like to note the work of the performance designers Lili Ben-Nahshon Aaron and Anat Sternshus Bedani. Excellent costume and color scheme for the performance. Toby and Robie's anatomical body armor are simply delightful. Well, the subtle psychological growth of the yellow color in the composition, which, starting from the yellow shoes and ending towards the finale with a completely yellow ensemble of suits, shows the degree and gradation of the capture of souls by the demon of acquisitiveness, this is generally highest class. And the finest organic choreographic flair, bringing unsurpassed plasticity to the performance, the wonderful work of N.V. Tsibulskaya. All in all Thanks a lot Theater and Team. In short, I recommend it.

The play takes place in the provincial town of Güllen, where life has recently fallen into decline, since for some reason all the previously quite successful enterprises have now gone bankrupt. And then the city residents have hope of salvation thanks to multi-billionaire Clara Tsakhonassyan. And there seems to be every reason for this, because Mrs. Tsakhonassyan is famous for her charity, and Güllen is her hometown. And Clara really agrees to help, but on the condition that the city residents kill Alfred Ill. What is Alfred's fault? Why is Clara willing to pay such a high price for his death? It would seem a banal story... A long time ago, Alfred and Clara loved each other, Clara became pregnant and sued for recognition of paternity, but Alfred found two false witnesses and managed to get away with it, and Clara was forced to leave the city and engage in prostitution. And now she demands revenge by right of force, by right big money. She has already punished false witnesses, who have turned into two of her faithful servants, and even the judge serves as her butler. Only the main culprit - former lover Alfred Ill - remained unpunished... Will the inhabitants of enlightened Europe decide to kill? On one side is the material well-being of the entire city, on the other is the life of old Alfred... Clara is ready to wait until the thirst for free money overcomes moral principles... Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen and the ending of the story is also banal. Residents of the city, under the guise of restoring justice, decide to commit collective murder...

And this seemingly banal story struck a chord with me. Perhaps because I myself come from a similar Güllen, and perhaps because the action of the play takes place in such a way that you, willy-nilly, feel involved in the choice of the inhabitants of Güllen and this makes you scared and creepy... Because, by and large, each of more than once we have to choose between clear conscience and material assets. And it often outweighs the second... After all, your own shirt is closer to the body...

As for the acting, first of all I was shocked by the work of Ekaterina Demidova. Seeing how her Clara from a blooming lady in the prime of her life turns into an old woman after her goal is achieved, and realizing that this goal was to take revenge ex-lover, whom she paradoxically still loves, tears welled up in my eyes...
Her Clara turned out to be truly alive and you perceive her pain as your own.

Special thanks to Vsevolod Shergin and Alexey Spirin. They were beautiful in both their forms.