Cthulhu is an ugly creature that appears in dreams that make your blood run cold. The inhabitant of the deep sea is not as ancient as ghosts and vampires, the heroes of European legends - the creature settled in the mysterious worlds of books, suffering from nightmares, only at the beginning of the 20th century. But today, modern science fiction with elements of mysticism and horror is unthinkable without it.

History of appearance

An eerie mythology filled with chaos and nightmares was invented by the American writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft, laying the foundation for the genre of mystical horror, which many authors later turned to. Lovecraft's universe has a special atmosphere of cosmic fear, inexplicable to humans. Mythology consists of a large-scale galaxy of deities, “half-bloods” and monsters that are both otherworldly and very real.

The main deity of the pantheon is the terrible monster Cthulhu. Readers met this character in 1928 in the story “The Call of Cthulhu,” and since then the creature has become a constant hero of the author’s works. The key story from the Cthulhu Mythos series is considered to be “The Ridges of Madness,” which was published in 1931.

According to researchers of Lovecraft's work, the prototype for the vile monster was the god of the sea elements Tangaroa, who lives in the Polynesian epic. And there is plenty of evidence for that. The inhabitants of Hawaii imagined the lord of the sea as a squid or an octopus of enormous size (the book Cthulhu appearance– also a representative of cephalopods). In the worlds of American science fiction, there was a place for the deity Getanoa, whose name echoes the name of the Polynesian god. And finally, Howard Lovecraft placed Cthulhu to hibernate near the islands of Polynesia.

Fans of the writer's work still have questions about the pronunciation of the character's name. The author explained that in fact the word sounds and is written as “Khlul’Hluu”, and its roots should be sought in the language of the ancients (he did not specify which people).

The concept of the “Cthulhu Mythos” arose after the death of the brilliant creator of horror films. The term appeared with the light hand of August Derleth, writer, friend and colleague of Howard Lovecraft. He edited and expanded the unfinished works, noting specific artistic techniques and a set of characters. Derleth was later joined by Richard Tierney, who expanded the myths. Subsequently, Frank Long, Colin Wilson and, of course, pored over the Cthulhu universe.

Cthulhu in myths

The evil god rests peacefully in his arms in the sunken city of R'Lyeh (home of the dead) in the heart of the Pacific Ocean, waiting for the heavenly bodies to take a certain position. Then Cthulhu will awaken from his sleep and set off to wreak destruction and chaos throughout the world.

"The Father of Horror" Lovecraft claims in his books that the ancient religion of this deity exists in every corner globe. Greenlandic aborigines and residents of some American states believe in the underwater monster. On the pages of the stories, the author talks about the ritual of worship of Cthulhu, which requires human sacrifice. Adherents of the cult dance and pronounce the mantra “Ph"nglui mglw"nafh Cthulhu R"lyeh vgah"nagl fhtagn", which translates as "In his house in R"Lyeh the dead Cthulhu sleeps, he will wake up at the appointed hour."

God appears before the reader in the form of a giant (like a mountain, even taller than Cyclops) with the features of an octopus, a man and a dragon, covered with how many green scales. There are long nails on the hands and feet, and wings on the back, like bat. The head of the sea monster is devoid of vegetation, its mouth is framed by many tentacles. Followers of Lovecraft described the living monster as squelching as it moved.

A descendant of the Ancient family has the ability to influence people, but since the giant rests on seabed, this talent is losing power. But Cthulhu is cunning and takes a different path - he gives a person terrible dreams, from which it is easy to lose his mind.

The terrible creature is the father of Cthulla, a young lady of cosmic origin. The secret daughter of the deity, like two peas in a pod, is hiding in a place called Yuth. The girl’s mission is to make sure her father doesn’t die. In case of death, she will revive him to life. Therefore, the body of the heiress is vigilantly guarded by the servants of Cthulhu.

Film adaptations

An unknown monster appears in a number of works of world cinema. Cthulhu was called upon to rise from the bottom of the seas by occultists in the multi-part cartoon “The Real Ghostbusters,” directed by Harold Ramis. Adherents of the cult used a book of spells in the ritual.

Cthulhu from "South Park"

The deity has cameos in three episodes of the animated film South Park. Here the monster was awakened from sleep by employees of an oil refining company who blew up an oil platform.

In 2005, the film “Call of Cthulhu” was released based on the story of the same name by the American progenitor of mystical horror. Director Andrew Lehman decided to stylize the film as a silent black-and-white film, believing that such a decision would better convey the atmosphere work of art. The film stars Matt Feuer, John Bolen, Ralph Lucas and others.

Still from the movie "Call of Cthulhu"

The last mention of Cthulhu in cinema happened in 2007 - the film bears the name of this sinister character and tells about the adventures of the son of the head of the Order of Dagon. The director was Dan Gildark, and Jason Cottle, Casey Curren, Ethan Atkinson, Patrick McKnight, Cara Buono met on the set.

  1. To attract tourists to the Kammon Strait (Japan), marketers from the Attractions Association created an advertising video in which the “local Cthulhu” awakens. The 230-meter-high monster was named Kaysendon.
  2. The 130 playing collectible cards of the online game Hearthstone from World of Warcraft are based on the mythology of Cthulhu.

  1. There is a Cthulhuist church in the world, based on the doctrine of “Call of Cthulhu”. The slogan of the occultists sounds like “Cthulhu fhtagn.” They say that among the 16 million people who consider themselves to be members of the church, 60 thousand are from Russia.
  2. Cthulhu is so popular in popular culture that the creators of memes failed to pass by the deity. Internet dreamers have come up with hundreds of pictures with phrases that mention the name of the monster. One of the popular ones is “Cthulhu fell asleep for our sins.”


“This cult will never cease, it will continue until the stars again take a favorable position, and the secret priests will raise the great Cthulhu from his grave to revive His subjects and restore His power on earth.”
“He is not dead who can lie forever.”
“In strange epochs, even death is capable of dying.”
“I looked into the eyes of universal horror, and from now on even the spring sky and summer flowers are poisoned for me by its poison. But I don't think I'm destined to live long. Just as my grandfather passed away, just as poor Johansen passed away, so I too will have to leave this world. I know too much, and the cult is still alive.”
“He who rises can plunge into the abyss, and he who plunges into the abyss can rise again.”

This is how, according to old beliefs, that Cthulhu, an underwater inhabitant, looks like.

For 12 centuries, terrible legends have been circulating about this book. It is called the Book of Evil, the Book of Calling the Dead, the Book-Key that opens the gates to hell. People mostly know this book from the South American films “The Sorcerer” and “Return of the Living Dead.” But Hollywood thrillers are just that: Hollywood thrillers.

“At first this book was called “Al Azif,” which can be loosely translated as “The Howl of the Night Demons,” says the recognizable writer Pavel Gross. — It was written by Abdul Alhazred from Yemen (the government in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula). In search of truths and enlightenment, he traveled throughout the Middle East. For two years he lived near the ruins of Babylon, for 5 years he studied the hidden caves of Memphis, for 10 years he wandered through the southern desert of Arabia, which at that time was called Rub al Khaliyi (“Empty Quarter”), and is now called Dakhna (“Dark Red Desert”). According to popular beliefs, this place is inhabited by evil spirits and all kinds of evil spirits that serve Satan and the angel of destruction. Alhazred spent 10 years in this desert. Their last years he lived in Damascus, where around 700 AD he wrote the book Al Azif. In the introduction, he stated that he had seen the fabulous Irem - the City of Columns, or in other words, the City of the Old. According to Arab legends, representatives of a race that preceded the human race once lived there. They were called "nephilim" - giants. It was also believed that under the ruins of the town there was a sanctuary with manuscripts about the knowledge of this old civilization.

In the 10th century, “Al Azif” was translated into Greek and received a new name - “Necronomicon” (Greek - “necro” - “dead”, “nomos” - “experience”, “customs”, “rules”). Around 1230, the book was translated into Latin, but it retained its Greek title. In the 16th century, the manuscript fell into the hands of Dr. John Dee, who translated it into British language. Dee is a legend. The conqueror of Queen Elizabeth of Britain, one of the greatest scientists, alchemist, sorcerer, sorcerer. The most brilliant courts of Europe competed for the honor of hosting him.

They say that since the 17th century, the same number of copies of this mysterious book has always remained in the world. No matter how hard followers of ordinary religious organizations try to kill the Necronomicon, there are always 96 handwritten copies in circulation. But only seven of them are of real value, in other words they can serve as gateways to other dimensions: three in Arabic, one in Greek, two in Latin and one in British (the one from the pen of John Dee).

Don't wake the sleeping dragon

“The book is about the dark secrets of the nature of the Earth and the Universe,” says Gross. — It indicates certain deities that were worshiped by the ancients. Yog-Sothoth and Azathoth were considered especially necessary. Yog-Sothoth is an omnipresent and all-encompassing being, personifying the past, true and future. In its center lives a twin brother, Azathoth. This midget is the support of the entire universe and the king of the worlds. He emits “waves of probabilities” into infinity, from which “sets of abilities are created for every cosmos and every being in the Universe.” Researchers say Azathoth's thought is tightly woven into the latest models of quantum physics. It’s even hard for me to imagine that at the beginning of centuries, the inhabitants of the Arabian deserts understood the arithmetic of chaos, the laws of parallel spaces, and similar topics that our modern science is only beginning to understand.

Next, the Necronomicon reports on a mysterious force, inherent to the Earth. She is personified by the dragon Cthulhu, a deity whose round face was depicted with a dozen tentacles. Some Orientalists believe that he was the high priest of the Old Ones. And there is a legend according to which if the sorcerer calls him at the wrong time, then Cthulhu will rise from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean and strike the population of the earth with an unheard-of disease - attacks of madness, from which neither old nor young will be saved. Legend also says that people’s dreams are the thoughts of Cthulhu, and our life is his dream. When the deity wakes up, we will disappear. So it's better not to wake up Cthulhu.

Who are the Others

The book also mentions Other Gods. It is they who lure people who crave immeasurable power to the Necronomicon. At various times, countless expeditions were sent to the heart of the Arabian deserts. Napoleon Bonaparte, Richard Francis Burton (British traveler, 1821 - 1890), Zhora Gurdjieff (esotericist, philosopher, 1872 - 1949), Adolf Hitler, hundreds of representatives of various intelligence departments - they were all united by a single goal: to find the City of the Old Ones and enlist the support of the terrible, but powerful forces. The book contains signs and spells for calling Other gods. One of them, Shub-Niggurath, appeared in the form of a dark goat. By the way, he was worshiped not only by the Arabs, Greeks and Egyptians, but also by the Sumerians, the oldest civilization on earth.

Approximately the third part of the book is devoted to controlling shoggoths - amorphous “eels” from bubbles of protoplasm. The ancients made them as servants, but the shoggoths, possessing reason, quickly emerged from subordination and from that time acted according to their own will.

Another fascinating race is the “deep”. They live in the depths of waters and caves. Their appearance resembles a mixture of fish, frog and man, and they are ruled by the deity Dagon, an ally of Cthulhu.

And the most vile creatures are ghouls or ghouls. They are similar to humans in almost every way, but their breed is usually given away by fangs and scary facial features.

“Many people perceive magic from fairy tales and cartoons,” says Gross. “The funny little man waved his wand and creme brulee appeared.” In fact, it's even worse. Old treatises contain chemical formulas, the structure of apparatus for genetic experiments, the concepts of cloning and splitting the atom. There you can find drawings of a psychotronic weapon and a training base for the enslavement of human souls. The power of the Necronomicon is aimed at ensuring that the book falls into the hands of only self-centered and power-hungry people. Of all the black mysteries of the Universe, they usually choose the worst, and the fruits of their labors fall like a languid burden on the population of the earth.

*Cthulhu is a tricky deity living in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. At the moment, his name has become a household name on the Internet.

Worldview of a SKEPTIC

Historian, orientalist Zhora RAMAZANOV:

— Arab Abdul Alhazred was a crazy drug addict. So in his crazy fantasies, a lot of evil spirits could have appeared. In addition, the original - the Arabic original - has been lost, and all that has come down to us is only free translations. Now versions of the Necronomicon are kept in the English Museum, State Library France, Harvard Institute Library, Buenos Aires Institute. Other copies are in private possession. They are studied by students and teachers without any risk to life from non-existent sorcerers and genies.

Readers, imbued with a story, often believe that they are all real. This is what happened with Howard Lovecraft.

Today, one of the most mysterious characters is perhaps the mythical creature Cthulhu. Is this really a myth? Or does it exist?

Appearance and abilities

Cthulhu is a deity sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. The first mention of it appears in the book The Call of Cthulhu, written in 1928 by Howard Lovecraft. In the world created by the author, Cthulhu is the Beast of the Worlds.

The appearance of the Beast of the Worlds is very specific and frightening: it simultaneously looks like an octopus, a human and a dragon. The head has tentacles, the body of a humanoid is covered with scales, and wings are located on the back.

The characters in the book add that Cthulhu makes squelching sounds when he moves, and the mucus running down him is green, like his body, gelatinous and jelly-like. A special feature of the mythical monster is its incredibly fast regeneration.

Cthulhu's height is not specified, but he was compared to a “walking mountain,” and if he walked or swam along the bottom, then his body rose high above the water.

Cthulhu has an unusual ability: he can influence the minds of people. But being immersed in a deep sleep under the thick waters of the Pacific Ocean in the ruins of the city of R'lyeh, his abilities are muffled, and he is able to penetrate people's dreams, causing horror and fear. Some people go crazy from such nightmares.

When the stars are in the right position, R'lyeh appears above the water, and Cthulhu is freed.

The appearance of Cthulhu and the city of R'lyeh

Where did he come from? How did you end up on our planet? Myths dedicated to the appearance of Cthulhu tell the story of his appearance.

He was born in the world of Vurl, located in the 23rd nebula. Having transformed into the green double star Hoth/Ksot, he had intercourse with the creature Idh-yaa. Thanks to this union, the Great Ancients appeared: Ghatanothoa, Ythogtha, and Tsog-Ommoga.

While traveling, Cthulhu and his offspring flew to Yuggoth, after which they ended up on Earth.

Although some sources report that the entire population of R’lyeh is considered to be the descendants of Cthulhu, in the series of short stories by Lin Carter, a follower of Howard Lovecraft, only 4 Ancients are spoken of:

  • The creature is considered first Ghatanothoa/Ghatanotoa, mentioned in Lovecraft's story "Out of Time". It had the ability to turn anything into stone with just a glance.
  • Ythogtha- This is a mixture of a toad and a giant-sized man. A single eye and many tentacles adorned its head.
  • Tsog-Ommoga- the third descendant generated by the Great. Conical body with head, razor teeth and tentacles, four arms.
  • Another Lovecraft follower, Brian Lumley, added one more to the list of descendants. She turned out to be a secret daughter Cthulla, which is hidden from everyone because it has a special mission. She must revive her father if he dies, enduring his reincarnation.

In the Pacific Ocean they built a giant stone city.

In different sources, depending on the transcription and pronunciation, the name of the city is read as R'Lyeh/R'Lyeh/R'Lyeh.

True, it is reported that before the arrival of Cthulhu, Elder Beings lived on Earth for millions of years.

They resisted his power, but after a war during which all the cities of the Elder Beings were destroyed, both sides agreed to peace.

For a long time they lived quietly in the city. But suddenly he plunges under water, trapping Cthulhu in the depths of the Pacific Ocean.

No one knows why this happened. But the most obvious reason is considered to be the revenge of the Elder Beings for the offense caused.

From time to time the city appeared above the water, but then sank to the bottom again.

Worship of an unusual figurine

In 730, the Arab traveler and occultist Abdullah ibn-Hazred (or Abdul Alhazred) published the book “Kitab al-Azif”. It would seem, how are myths and a book published so long ago connected?

It turns out that the traveler found a group of sects whose cult was the worship of the Elder Gods, seeking to help them subjugate the Earth.

Cthulhu is the high priest in this whole story. The sectarians believed that he rested at the bottom of the ocean and was waiting for the moment of awakening. As soon as Cthulhu awakens, he will awaken the Elders.

All this could have remained a legend of the Arab traveler, without any confirmation, if not for the expedition to the Arctic carried out by Princeton University in 1860.

Traveling to Iceland and Greenland, they searched for ancient Viking sites to confirm or refute the hypothesis about the discovery of America by the Scandinavians.

During an expedition on the west coast of Greenland, an endangered Eskimo tribe was discovered.

The object of their worship was the devil - Tornasuku. The created cult scared people. Neighboring tribes were afraid of them, trying to stay away.

Drawing of a Cthulhu figurine

Anthropologist professor Joel Korn was able to find out from the chief shaman about their rituals.

The tribe kept a figurine made of black-green stone, raised on a pedestal.

They organized ritual dances during sunrise after a long winter and made sacrifices.

Special attention The professor drew attention to the words of the cult chants that accompanied their rituals. It was a different language, previously unknown.

The shaman agreed to translate the song, and it turned out that it was dedicated to the powerful Cthulhu.

The year 1908 comes. It was then that interest in the unusual creature returned.

A sect suspected of human sacrifice was discovered in the woods of Louisiana. The object of their worship was the same figurine discovered during the Princeton expedition.

It was identified by Professor William Channing Webb, who took part in that same expedition. It turned out that the Eskimo sect was not the only one.

A policeman who took part in the capture of the cult members recorded a ritual chant, which later turned out to be the same chant of the Eskimos. The captured sectarians talked a lot about the Elder Gods and Cthulhu, who slept in a crypt at the bottom of the sea.

“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn” in Russian sounds like “In his house in R’Lyeh, dead Cthulhu is waiting in his sleep.”

Howard Phillips Lovecraft was in New Orleans at the time and heard this story. He depicted the Cthulhu figurine in his drawings. It was this news, which he heard from the professor, that formed the basis of the books.

The city of R'lyeh in the Pacific Ocean

In the story about Cthulhu, Howard Lovecraft described not only the history of its appearance, but also indicated the coordinates where the city of R’Lyeh could be located.

Of course, no one took it seriously until strange ruins were discovered. As a result of seismic activity, they rose in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Lovecraft was not much wrong: he indicated 47° 9′ south latitude and 126° 43′ west longitude. The ruins were discovered in the area of ​​47 degrees 9 minutes south latitude and 126 degrees 43 minutes west longitude.

Approximate location of the city of R'Lyeh and the sound of "bloop"

Unfortunately, it was not possible to study it, because it almost immediately sank under water.

Since then, the city of R’Lyeh has been considered to really exist, although this information was hidden by the state for a very long time.

A frightening discovery related to the story of Cthulhu came in 1997.

In the area indicated by Lovecraft as the location of the city of R'Lyeh, unusual sounds were recorded.

The underwater acoustic sensors were not mistaken as the sound was played multiple times. Subsequently, ultra-low-frequency sound received its given name— “Bloop.”

The coordinates of the sound almost coincided with Lovecraft's coordinates: approximately 50° south latitude and 100° west longitude.

Influence of Cthulhu

Despite its mythical nature, Cthulhu gained followers throughout the earth. Haiti, Louisiana, the South Pacific, Mexico City, Arabia, Siberia and Greenland are a list of places where the cult of Cthulhu was widespread.

In most cases the cult is secret or has disappeared altogether, but Hawaii is filled with legends of Kana-loa, the evil squid god.

Rituals dedicated to the deity are usually performed near the ocean. Followers perform sacrifices, dance and sing a song that was discovered among the Eskimo cult in Greenland.

The popularity of Cthulhu stories was enormous. His images spread all over the Internet, becoming the basis for funny pictures. And the most unusual manifestation of popularity was the appearance of Cthulhuism in Russia.

This is a parody religion that claims that “Cthulhu will awaken and “zokhavait fsekh.”
The Cthulhians even have their own “rituals”:

  • Sacrifices: it is necessary to “zohavan” something, while saying “Zohavano in the name of Cthulhu!”
  • Offerings: if a cultist has lost something, he must consider it an offering, saying “Cthulhu zokhaval!”

The image of Cthulhu not only became an object of humor, but also left a deep imprint in books by various authors, movies, music and games. He formed the basis of several stories, became a wonderful character in computer and board games.

Howard Lovecraft created incredible story with a monster that still arouses the interest of many. Perhaps, if not for his books, this character would not have gained such popularity.

But how true the research of the Eskimo sect is and whether the cult of Cthulhu exists can only be guessed at.

It is not for nothing that heads of state classify information about him. After all, the island in the Pacific Ocean has long been a state secret.

All that remains for us is to wonder whether Great Cthulhu, buried in the ruins of the city of R'Lyeh, will awaken from his sleep.

My old Internet buddy Scott C. Waring is still studying satellite photos from DigitalGlobe. Let me remind you that they are all freely available on the Google Earth website. Of course, all this seems strange to the average person, but the pleasure from searching on the site is very strong. Scott has tens of millions of followers around the world. And this time Scott found something... According to Scott C. Waring, at the coordinates (I give them exactly) 63°2"56.73"S,60°57"32.38"W near Deception Island, located nearby with Antarctica. The body of a huge squid emerged from the water. His head is visible in the photograph. The head dimensions are 30 meters long, 15 meters wide. Tentacles are visible in the water. The total length of the monster will be about 100 meters (!) and maybe much more. It is clear that such titans have never been found on Earth. The largest specimen known to science is about 20 meters long. But it is also considered huge. Scott tries to explain this phenomenon. But it cannot be explained. The monster visible on a satellite image taken in 2013 was found for the first time. The most interesting thing is that the area of ​​water itself is small. This means they were looking for the monster on purpose. It’s hard to believe in such a coincidence. The only mystery is that the photo ended up on the Internet. Usually such photos are not published.

Someone (for example, journalists from “ Komsomolskaya Pravda") compares the monster with the legendary Kraken. The Kraken is a legendary mythical sea monster of gigantic size, a cephalopod, known from the descriptions of Icelandic sailors, from whose language its name comes. The first detailed summary of maritime folklore about the Kraken was compiled by the Danish naturalist Eric Pontoppidan, Bishop of Bergen (1698-1774). He wrote that the kraken is an animal “about the size of a floating island.” According to Pontoppidan, the kraken is able to grab with its tentacles and drag even the largest warship to the bottom. Even more dangerous for ships is the whirlpool that occurs when the kraken quickly sinks to the seabed. In the English edition of St. James Chronicle" in the late 1770s. The testimony of Captain Robert Jameson and the sailors of his ship was given about the huge body they saw in 1774, up to 1.5 miles in length and up to 30 feet in height, which either appeared from the water, then sank and finally disappeared “with extreme agitation of the waters.” After that, they found such a quantity of fish in this place that they filled almost the entire ship. This testimony was given in court under oath. According to cryptozoologist Mikhail Goldenkov, evidence of the kraken's "island-sized" size and "thousands of tentacles" indicates that it is not one creature that, given its size, would be torn to pieces by the waves even in a mild storm, but a swarm of giant cephalopods, perhaps , giant or colossal squid. Smaller species of squid are often schooling, which may indicate that larger species are also schooling.

But I like another legendary ocean dweller better. This is Cthulhu. a deity from the pantheon of the Cthulhu Mythos, the ruler of the worlds, sleeping at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, but nevertheless capable of influencing the human mind. First mentioned in Howard Lovecraft's story "The Call of Cthulhu" (1928). By the way, Howard Lovecraft is my favorite writer. In appearance, Cthulhu is similar to an octopus, a dragon and a man in different parts of its body: judging by the bas-relief of Anthony Wilcox, the hero of “The Call of Cthulhu”, and the mysterious ancient sculpture from the story, the monster has a head with tentacles, a humanoid body covered with scales, and a pair of vestigial wings. A description from Gustaf Johansen's fictional journal adds that the living Cthulhu squishes and oozes mucus as it moves, and its body is green, gelatinous, and miraculously regenerates at an observable rate. His exact height is not indicated; Johansen likened the monster to a “walking mountain” larger than the “legendary Cyclops”; Cthulhu (floating or walking along the bottom) “rose above the unclean foam, like the stern of a demonic galleon.” Cthulhu belongs to the family of the Ancient Gods. He lies in a death-like sleep on top of the underwater city of R'lyeh in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. “When the stars are in the right position,” R’lyeh appears above the water, and Cthulhu is freed. The existence of the Cthulhu prototype is not known for certain, but it is often hypothesized that the prototype for it was Tangaroa (Tangaloa, Kanaloa), the Polynesian deity of the sea. The following arguments are put forward in favor of this hypothesis: Hawaiians imagine Tangaroa in the form of a giant octopus or squid. Cthulhu is an alien creature completely alien to human nature, and the entire history of mankind is just a moment of his sleep. Admirers of Cthulhu are convinced of the great power of their idol, and the destruction of civilization seems to them a very likely, albeit insignificant, consequence of the awakening of Cthulhu. Descriptions of Cthulhu are given in the “ancient” treatise Necronomicon. This is a fictional book created by H. P. Lovecraft and often mentioned in literary works, based on the Cthulhu Mythos. According to the story "The Witch's Lair", this book describes all magical rituals, and full story The ancients, who constantly waged fierce wars. Some believe in the existence of a real prototype of the ancient book, authored by Abdul Alhazred, and also in the fact that the fictional author by Lovecraft had a historical prototype. I have read all versions of this work. And it seems to me that the devilish magic of this book is much older than Loughcraft himself. Cthulhu is described there more than once. Since he is the last of the mythical Gods who supposedly fought in space for their undivided power in the entire Universe. By the way, the author of the find found a huge squid in the areoles of the “habitat” of Cthulhu himself. The Southern Ocean is the conventional name for the waters of the three oceans (Pacific, Atlantic and Indian) surrounding Antarctica. Sometimes unofficially identified as the “fifth ocean”, which, however, does not have a clearly defined northern border by islands and continents. The conventional area is 20.327 million km² (if we accept northern border ocean 60th degree south latitude). The greatest depth (South Sandwich Trench) is 8428 m. Interestingly, some orientalists believe that Cthulhu was the high priest of the Ancients. And there is a legend according to which if a magician calls him at the wrong time, then Cthulhu will rise from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean and strike humanity with an unprecedented disease - attacks of madness, from which no one can be saved. The photo was taken on April 12, 2013. No need to remind me what happened in December 2013? It was in 2013 that this madness began, which will very soon lead the world to the brink of complete destruction. So, it turns out that fairy tales are not so fabulous? In any case, both Cthulhu and even the Kraken have every reason to be true. And the photographs found by Scott C. Waring only prove this? So, apparently, that's all.

Cthulhu- a mythical creature from H. P. Lovecraft's novel The Call of Cthulhu. As a meme, it symbolizes unknown crap and is used in a variety of situations, mainly in online communication.


Cthulhu was first mentioned in the story of American science fiction writer Howard Lovecraft “The Call of Cthulhu” (1927), where he is described as a creature of gigantic size, having a head with tentacles, a humanoid body covered with scales, and a pair of wings. Buried under thick water in his dead crypt city in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The character was probably inspired by the Sumerian deity Enki and the legends of the kraken.

The Cthulhu meme became popular in 2006, when during an Internet conference, President Vladimir Putin was asked the question “What do you think of the awakening of Cthulhu?” Despite the fact that the question received almost 17,000 votes and reached the top, it was never asked. But later Putin did answer it.

Speaking about his attitude towards Cthulhu, the president said that he is suspicious of “all otherworldly forces,” RIA Novosti reports.

“If someone wants to turn to true values, then it is better to read the Bible, Talmud or Koran. Will more benefit", said the president.

Since then, Cthulhu has been the subject of many jokes, photoshops, humorous caricatures and other creative works on the Internet.

The memes “fhtagn” and “zokhavat” are also associated with Cthulhu. Cthulhu zokhavait fsekh- an errative of the phrase “Cthulhu seizes everyone,” the motto of the Cthulhu cultists, meaning the inevitability of the end of humanity.

Some associate the popularity of Cthulhu with the ru_unspeakable LiveJournal community, in which a comic book with this character appeared. In addition, Cthulhu's popularity increased thanks to the game "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth", created based on the stories of Lovecraft.


The Cthulhu meme is broadly associated with any unknown entity or abstract phenomenon. But in the narrow sense, Cthulhu is a symbol of the apocalypse or Complete Fucked Up. It is believed that Cthulhu is dormant, but when he wakes up, the planet will end (hi, Pelevin).

Legend also says that people’s dreams are the thoughts of Cthulhu, and our life is his dream. When the deity wakes up, we will disappear. So it's better not to wake up Cthulhu.
