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Step by step drawing of a soldier

Every soldier must always be neatly dressed and always have a cleaned and serviceable weapon for battle. Let's start drawing the soldier. Draw an oval for the head and two long lines descending from the oval.

Draw two ovals at the top of the rectangle. These ovals will be the outlines for the soldier's arms.

On the left oval we will add another oval tilted to the right so that the hand salutes. Let's add another oval on the second hand. At the bottom we will draw two more ovals for the soldier’s legs.

Let's draw the basic shape for the soldier's rifle and other elements.

Let's add features to the face and improve the soldier's body. Let's draw a military pattern on the uniform.

Let's check the soldier's sketch. Outline the drawing with a black felt-tip pen and erase all unnecessary lines

Let's paint the soldier's uniform green and brown. We will paint the rifle and boots black.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group "Soldier on duty"

Program content: Educational objectives: Teach children to create the image of a warrior in a drawing using unconventional techniques images, transmit characteristics suit, pose: what...

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Soldier on duty”

To promote children’s ability to create the image of a warrior in a drawing, conveying the characteristic features of costume, pose, and weapons. Strengthen the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper and draw large. ...

Drawing "Soldier on duty"

Teach children to create the image of a warrior in a drawing, conveying the characteristic features of costume, pose, and weapons. Strengthen children's ability to place an image on a sheet of paper and draw large. Use nav...

Military pencil drawings can be created step by step even for young children. There are a lot of lessons and instructions on the Internet, pictures for sketching that allow you to transfer them to paper yourself military equipment different types.

Drawing on military theme Boys will enjoy drawing with a pencil, but such pictures can also be created by girls, for example, on the eve of a big holiday on May 9 or February 23. On Victory Day, the drawing will be an excellent gift for veterans or relatives who served in the army.

Military aircraft pencil drawing

A military aircraft can look interesting in the form of a simple pencil drawing without coloring with paints or colored pencils. First, you should check if you have the tools necessary to create an art project:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

If possible, choose hard and soft pencils, which are convenient for making auxiliary lines or drawing the main ones. Next simple instructions will allow little artists to create their own beautiful military aircraft on paper.

  1. We create the main lines that serve as the basis for placing the plane on the leaf. Using a ruler, draw a long line, which we tilt down slightly. The second will intersect the first, you need to lead it from the lower left corner of the leaf to the upper right, this is the basis for the wings and tail. To make the tail of the plane realistic, add a small short line on the first main line, it should be perpendicular.
  2. If the lines are not a good enough guide for drawing the correct shape of the plane, we create additional points that serve as the edges of the nose, tail and wings of the object. It is recommended to start from the far right point, where the nose will be located.
  3. We draw the airplane cabin with smooth lines. Movements should be smooth; you should not press the pencil on the paper. The cockpit lines should taper slightly as you approach the leftmost point, where the tail of the aircraft is located.
  4. From the main lines of the cockpit, focusing on the second auxiliary lines with the same soft and smooth movements, we draw the wings of the aircraft.
  5. An important step that completes the base is drawing the tail. On military aircraft, the tail can have different shapes, with additional elements, so it is advisable to look at the example drawing and ask the child to copy the finished shape.
  6. The last step is adding important elements to bring the plane to life. A child can add various emblems to the aircraft body; he cannot do without drawing the front glass and side windows.
  7. After the lines are drawn, using an eraser, auxiliary lines and points are removed, unnecessary strokes that were the basis of the sketch.

All drawings of military equipment in pencil are created on this basis: auxiliary lines intersecting in the right places, as a guide for creating basic contours.

Warship pencil drawing

Military pencil drawings allow a child not only to understand the basics of creating complex drawings, but also to study the structure of various vehicles. Many children enjoy creating a warship and a pencil drawing that requires following instructions.

Unlike the previous drawing, children begin the art project by drawing the waves of the sea, which are located at the bottom of the paper. Waves are curved lines that young artists can draw.

On the waves you need to place one horizontal line without tilting. A ruler will come to the rescue with this. The length of the main horizontal line should be of average length, taking into account the fact that additional lines will diverge to the sides, continuing the base of the ship's hull; they are made using a ruler. To do this, the ruler is placed slightly at an angle towards the outer sides of the leaf. You can connect these two lines with one solid line. The ship's base is ready.

Next, you should focus on the example picture, from which the cabin compartments and deck details are copied. The guns must be drawn, and the main “highlight” of such a creation will be the ship’s flag. Important detail drawing. Finally, several curved wave lines are added around the ship to create the illusion of military transport moving.

Such military pencil drawings for children may seem simple at first glance, but with the help of shading they decorate the picture, and if desired, they add a little color with the help of paints.

Soldier drawing

A pencil drawing of a military soldier can be made by small children. The main thing is to first practice repeating basic geometric shapes and learn how to make neat lines.
As in the case of drawing a military airplane with a pencil for children, it is worth creating several auxiliary lines with which the proportions of the soldier’s body will be correct.

  1. First, let's work on the markup. The frame of the drawing is the basis of the soldier’s body. On the vertical line at the top we draw an oval, which serves as the base for the head. Just below he draws two trapezoids - the base of the body. From the trapezoid we make lines for the arms and lines below for the legs. Important point– the drawing is made larger in order to clearly display all the details.
  2. In the oval area, for accuracy, you can create auxiliary lines with thin strokes: one horizontally, just above the center of the oval, the second vertical, clearly in the center, crossing the area of ​​the soldier’s future face. From the oval on the sides we draw ears with neat curved lines. Along the auxiliary horizontal line we add eyes and exactly above them two souls of eyebrows. In the lower part there will be a nose, and between the created details of the face. You can add bangs on top of the oval.
  3. Let's draw the cap. If it is difficult to replicate its shape, you can settle on a small triangle that “sits” exactly on top of the oval.
  4. From the oval down to the trapezoids with smooth lines.
  5. From the neck we move on to drawing the shape of the body, making the trapezoid less angular. At this stage, you can immediately work on such details as a collar, other clothing items in the form of a belt and shoulder straps.
  6. Don't forget about pockets, buttons and a star on the strap.
  7. The lower part is trousers. Kids should help with them, because not all little artists will be able to repeat the lines of the folds of trousers. We finish this part with boots.
  8. Step by step, slowly, we draw the arms and sleeves of the uniform, from which the soldier’s hands can be seen. It is not necessary to draw the hands in detail. Kids can stop at the schematic image.

In general, drawing a person is not an easy task. We have already tried to depict on a sheet,. You can even remember these lessons before starting. Because today the task has become more difficult. Not only do you need to determine the proportions of the body, you will need to think through the details: pose, objects in your hands, facial expression. That is, everything that will help us show a brave, armed, but at the same time drawn soldier. And in general, defending the Motherland is not an easy task. So, we thought for a second, remembered the films, and maybe someone we knew who wears a military uniform. Now let's get started.

Step one. Our entire drawing depends on it. Draw with a thin line, carefully and accurately. Oval head, with cross-shaped center lines. Vertical neck line broad shoulders, turning into a large body, consisting of two large parts. Confident foot stance. For now we’re just sketching out the big details. In this picture, our soldier seems to be holding a stick in his hands. In the future, it should turn into a worthy weapon. Step two. We will add a chin to the oval face; its shape will give character to the person. A rectangular one will make him more masculine, a triangular one will make him more assertive, and an oval one will make him soft and kind. Let's draw the eyebrow part of the headdress. From eye level down we will show the ears. Step three. At the intended level we draw the eyes, along the vertical line - but also the mouth. And then the details: a sharp collar, rectangular shoulder straps, a hat. Step four. Let's show the details of the firearm. Let's finish drawing the hand. Step five. We draw in detail the second hand, a military jacket, a bag, buttons and pockets on it. Step six. A few more details on the machine and large pockets on the leg. By the way, you can determine the number and location of pockets yourself or look at the photos to find out how to draw a soldier present. Step seven. There are a few left - these are boots Step eight. Erase the center lines on the face. Let's highlight and circle large details. Well, our drawn soldier is ready for battle. And the machine gun in his hands is almost like a real one. I'm sure you will now know how to draw a soldier with a pencil and everything will work out for you. Good luck! I still recommend it.

To the question “How to draw a soldier with a pencil step by step?” will help answer the basic principles that are used in the depiction of not only soldiers, but also other people, animals, fairy tale characters. These rules apply to amateur creativity.

  1. We stock up on pencil and eraser.
  2. We begin to draw the head with a circle divided into four parts.
  3. Next, we attach a body in the form of an oval, circle or rectangle to the head.
  4. We add legs and arms to the body. Most often they are depicted using ovals.
  5. Give the sketch the outline of the body.
  6. We finish drawing the hands, legs and other details.
  7. Add the missing small elements on clothes and shoes.
  8. We outline the drawing, erase unnecessary contours and color it.

What to use for drawing

For a high-quality image of a soldier, you need to use a simple pencil. The drawing techniques presented below assume that this item is at hand. When using paints or felt-tip pens, the drawing will turn out to be inaccurate, without small details, possibly with streaks. The methods presented below will describe how to draw a soldier step by step.

How to draw a soldier with a pencil

There are many ways to pencil. One of the simplest options, which demonstrates fairly simple schemes, will be described step by step. Therefore, every person can cope with this task. Drawing is best with a simple pencil without pressing hard on it. Do this so that after finishing work on the picture, everything unnecessary can be easily erased without leaving any traces. You need to start drawing any picture with markings and outline outlines. We begin to depict the soldier from the head. Draw an oval and two lines down from it so that it looks a little like a triangle. Next, slightly lower than the oval, draw a rectangle, which will later serve as the soldier’s body. In the upper part of the body we depict two ovals, which will be the contours for a person’s hands. We depict the legs in the form of two rectangles emanating from the main figure - the body.

For the greatest convincing, we add another oval to the left oval (hand) so that it is inclined to the right. We also add another one to the right oval (arm). We also draw two ovals at the soldier’s feet.

How to draw a soldier with a gun? This is not difficult to do. We need to add some more elements. We give the soldier’s facial features and add various details to his uniform. We check the sketch of the work, if everything is in order, then we outline the drawing with a felt-tip pen, and erase the pencil and unnecessary lines. We complete the work on the picture with color design.

Soldier at war

The plot of our picture may involve working on an entire action. For example, there is a battle going on. How to draw a military man? We draw the soldier step by step as described above. You especially need to pay close attention to the depiction of various details, those characters in the picture that are in the foreground. First you need to make a sketch of the drawing. Next, we finish drawing the remaining elements. Then we add lines in the form of a wire and draw belts on the soldiers’ bodies. To complete the drawing, we display the finishing touches and, if necessary, decorate the picture.

Drawing a soldier under a ruler

Below is another way to draw a soldier with a pencil step by step. For this method, you will need, in addition to the pencil and eraser itself, a ruler. We start drawing from the head. We draw a circle and divide it into four parts. The circle will help us correctly draw features and a person. Then we finish drawing the headdress. To simplify the display of the body and clothing, you can make markings using a ruler. This is how the first sketches of the soldier’s body are made. To complete the work on the picture, you need to complete the small elements on the form. If desired, the characters in the drawing can be decorated with a pencil, felt-tip pens or paints

The most complex scheme for drawing a soldier

Below is a way to draw a soldier with a pencil step by step at a more professional level. This requires a little more care, effort and knowledge of theory. The first thing you need to start drawing a soldier with is to determine his pose, facial expression, and weapon. Perhaps war photographs and memories can help with this. This will give the drawing more reality and professionalism. After determining the content of the plot, we begin to work. We can use a photo or a toy as a basis. We start drawing the soldier from the basics. We draw the main structure - the human body. We begin to depict from the head. Give it an oval shape and draw the center lines in the form of a cross. We draw the outlines of the neck with vertical lines, and the shoulders with wide lines to give the soldier a more masculine look. The body is initially depicted in the form of two large parts. We make outlines for the arms and legs. Next we draw the chin. In the picture it may be rectangular. We give the body human outlines, draw the eyebrows and ears. Then we display the eyes and mouth along the dividing line of the face. We complement the drawing with a hat, shoulder straps, stars, collar and other elements. Draw the line of the hand and add other elements, for example a machine gun. Let's finish drawing the hand. We design the jacket, pockets and buttons on the uniform. We draw the details of the machine gun or pistol required for the soldier. We depict army boots. Carefully erase the center lines. We finish drawing the face, if necessary.

How to draw a Cheburashka with a pencil step by step

Well, now let's start drawing... Just five steps.

Step one

Let's start with the head. At the top of the sheet, in its center, draw a large circle. On the left and right sides of it are ears. They are also round and quite large, but smaller than the head. Let's draw the body - it's a large oval. All that remains are arms and legs.

Step two

We transform the outlined figures into body parts. Let's outline the head and then the ears. One leg of the Cheburashka is hidden behind the back. Let's draw a T-shirt and legs.

Step three

Let's outline the outline of the head to get the face. Let's show two big eyes. High above them are small rounded eyebrows. All that remains is to outline the triangular nose and small mouth. A finger reaches to the mouth.

Now let's pay attention to the ears.

Step four

Let's draw the eyes, or rather the pupils. Now let’s dress our Cheburashka in a fur coat. At the same time, pay attention to the bangs and ears.

Step five

Let's draw a small ornate design on our hero's T-shirt. Well, almost ready. All that's left to do is color it.

How to draw a squirrel with a pencil

Step one. We start as usual by drawing the position. We make a sketch of the body position of the baby squirrel. We draw a circle that will represent the stomach, then add two oval shapes from below and one large one from above, these are the legs and chest. And at the very top we draw another circle, but smaller, this is naturally the head.

Let's move on. Draw the paws up and add a tail. It should be fluffy. In shape it resembles the tail of a mermaid, which we drew in the previous lesson. After that, draw the squirrel’s legs.

Step three. Let's make an elongated shape for the squirrel's muzzle. It is as easy to draw as the face of a tiger. Draw the front sharp teeth on it. Add ears on the head.

Step four. We move from sketching to drawing real forms. We draw kennels of fur around the tail and legs. On the face we draw eyes, ears and a nose like a smurf.

Step five. We continue in the same spirit with the rest of the body. Let's finish drawing the paws and toes on them. The squirrel's eyes are round, add black pupils. And draw an exposed tongue. Also make a few teeth on the upper jaw.

Step six. Now we erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser and trace the contours of the drawing.

It remains to add some background details. Let's draw a palm tree and a nut (or is it a coconut?) that the squirrel is holding in his hands. (How does he just hold it, it’s clearly bigger and heavier than him?)

And finally, I also colored the drawing with colored pencils to make it more fun. Here's how it happened:

How to draw the Barboskins with a pencil step by step

How to draw cartoons with a pencil

Step one. Let's determine the position of the head. It is quite large and wide. Moreover, you can draw a not very even oval. On the face, not in the center, but closer to the cheek, draw an axial vertical line. With a short line we outline the level of the nose. Now you need to carefully draw the mouth, starting from the vertical auxiliary line: first to the right, then to the left. The cat turns halfway in our direction, so the mouth does not seem to be symmetrical. Now let's draw the body. We try to make it look like in the picture. Let's draw two straight lines from the body down - the legs. With an uneven line we outline the bend of the tail. Let's depict two large shapeless oblong feet.

Step two. First, draw large oval eyes, and above them small rounded ears. Now let's round the edges of the cat's smile. At the already marked level we will place a round spout. Hands folded on the chest: they are not easy to show. Let's draw three thumbs, and from under them we draw the second hand. We draw two lines along one axis of the leg and get a leg. On the feet there are two curved stripes - toes.

Step three. Inside the ears, draw a line along the edge, so we get the auricle. Under the already drawn hand we will show a second peeking hand: almost round, but uneven. We will draw two lines along the second axis of the leg to depict the leg. Let's draw the feet. Let's outline the fluffy tail. Inside the large eye sockets, draw a horizontal line at the bottom, and under it a small pupil filled in with a pencil.

Step four. We finish drawing the tail: draw the top line along the axis. Garfield is striped: draw parallel stripes and make the tip of the tail darker.

Step five. Using an eraser, remove all auxiliary and center lines. The main outline of the cat can be outlined and made brighter.

How to draw a motorcycle step by step

Step one

The first thing to do is draw a horizontal center line for the wheels. This way we will immediately give directions to our drawing. Now the wheels themselves. Let's outline the horizontal axes. The visual effect is such that we see them not quite round, but slightly elongated vertically. Moreover, the wheel closest to us is larger.

At the top is the angular outline of a motorcycle.

Let's connect the grain of the ear with a horizontal line.

Step two

Let's make the wheel closest to us three-dimensional. Let's show the width of the rear wheel tires and its wide fork. On the body of the motorcycle itself we will need to make a lot of straight reference lines, which we will need later. Look carefully at the drawing and try to do the same.

Step three

We continue to draw wide wheels. Above them are wide wings. Let's show the seat and front tail.

Step four

All the details of the two-wheeled friend need to be transformed from angular to smooth and graceful. We carefully draw out the details.

Step five

Let's outline the outline of the base and make it brighter. Here, our brainchild is already visible.

Step six

There are a couple of barely noticeable inscriptions on the case. But we noticed them and will draw them. Now we need to give shadow to some of the details located in the depths. Well, you're done!

How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

Step one

First, let's outline the people in motion. Head, position of the torso, arms, legs.

Step two

Now let’s think about what will happen around our soldiers: a fence, stones, logs. Let's show their outlines.

Step three

We will dress our fighters: helmet, trousers, boots. Let's equip one of them with a bag. Let’s draw the face profile of the one closest to us. We will surround the fence with barbed wire.

Step four

Let's add details: barbs on the wire, belts on people's clothes, a spatula, etc.

Step five

Let's do the shading. The clothing has darker areas at the folds. Let's darken the areas on the pillars. Well, here are the soldiers against the backdrop of a military and completely unpicturesque landscape.

let's try draw Harley Quinn.

Step one.

Draw a circle in the center of the sheet. This will be the head of Harley. On both sides of it we will draw a sketch of a harlequin’s clothing.

Step two.

We draw eyes and folds on clothes.

Step three.

Then we will draw a small neck, 3 lines from it, and on them in a circle behind them you can see the shoulder, and below them the girl’s chest. The center line is where the hand is. Next we draw a graceful posture.

Step four.