Musical instrument: Flute

This amazingly virtuosic instrument with a light, airy, seemingly “fluttering” sound, reminiscent of birdsong, belongs to the group of woodwinds. According to ancient Greek myths its invention is the merit of Hephaestus’s son, Ardal. Perhaps no other instrument has undergone such transformations and improvements. Initially there were two varieties - transverse and longitudinal, but later the first version replaced the longitudinal one and took its rightful place in the orchestra. These two types are very different from each other not only in appearance, but also in the method of sound production.

History flutes and read many interesting facts about this musical instrument on our page.

Flute sound

The sound of the flute is reminiscent of magic. Amazingly beautiful sounds are born in the middle register - unusually clear, pure and transparent. It is not without reason that the flute occupies a special place in the folklore and fairy tales of many peoples; it is often endowed with mystical properties. The melodic sound of a flute in the hands of an experienced musician can not only give aesthetic pleasure, but also simply enchant us with its expressive and piercing music, which seems to go straight to our hearts. The soft and melodic sound of a flute can sweeten our ears, soften our hearts, and evoke the kindest and brightest feelings.

A flute or a simple pipe, as a rule, becomes one of the very first musical instruments that children may encounter, and they are even able to make it themselves from available objects of a suitable shape.

It is worth saying a few words about the peculiarities of the sound of the flute.The lower register is slightly dull, but one cannot help but notice its softness, warmth and spiritual penetration, and the upper row of notes sounds piercing, with a sharp whistle.The peculiarity of the flute's acoustics is that when playing the piano, the pitch of the sound decreases slightly, while playing the forte raises the sound.

The nature of the pitch of sounds can be changed by adjusting the strength of the air stream as you exhale, and of course, using the valve mechanism that closes the holes on the instrument.

Flute range occupies the interval from the note “C” of the first to the note “C” of the fourth octave.


Interesting Facts

  • An example of the largest transverse flute is an instrument created by Indian master Bharat Sin in Jamnagar in 2014. The length of this flute was 3.62 meters. The national anthem was sung with her participation.
  • Flutes are made from more than a hundred different materials, including bone, wood, metal, glass, crystal, plastic, and others. There is even a chocolate flute that can be used to play music.
  • The title of the most expensive flute according to the Forbes rating belongs to an instrument created by Powell in 1939. This platinum flute is now valued at $600,000.

  • The largest number of flute players in an ensemble of 3,742 participants gathered in Japan on July 31, 2011, at the 400th anniversary of Hirosaki Castle.
  • The longest continuous performance by a flautist lasted 25 hours 48 minutes and was achieved by Catherine Brookes in Bedworth, UK, on ​​17-18 February 2012. Catherine repeated the 6-hour program several times, containing 92 different works, from classical to contemporary music styles.
  • Flute is the only one orchestral instrument, in which air is blown across the holes. And you should know that a flutist’s air consumption is much greater than on any other wind instruments, including such large ones as tuba .
  • The oldest flute was discovered in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 1998. The musical instrument, made from the bones of a cave bear, contains four holes. Paleontologists believe that this flute is 43,000 - 82,000 years old.
  • The main deity of Hinduism, Krishna, is depicted with a bamboo flute. It was said that Krishna created the world through the beautiful sound of the flute, which also preaches love and freedom.

  • There are 30 varieties of flutes, which are produced in almost fifty countries around the world.
  • Outstanding personalities played the flute. Leonardo Da Vinci, John II, Martin Luther, Emperor Nicholas I, Enrico Caruso, Woody Allen, M. Glinka , and many others.
  • It is known that at the court of the English king Henry the Eighth V, a whole collection of flutes was collected - 72 pieces.
  • US President G. Cleveland greatly valued his crystal flute with gold elements.
  • In Vietnam, in the mountainous district of Yen The, during the rebel peasant movement, the flute was used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a bladed weapon. They were given alarm signals and killed their enemies at the same time.
  • According to researchers, practicing the flute has a positive effect on the intellectual development of children, immunity, and has a preventive effect against respiratory diseases.

Popular works for flute

I. Bach - Scherzo (Joke) from Suite for Flute and String Orchestra No. 2 (listen)

V.A. Mozart - Concerto for flute and orchestra in G major (listen)

J. Ibert - Concerto for flute and orchestra Allegro scherzando (listen)

Flute design

The transverse flute is an oblong cylindrical tube with a system of valves that close 16 holes. One end of it is closed, there is a hole on it where the lips are applied to blow air. Modern types Flutes include a three-part structure: head, body and knee. Unlike other wind instruments, the sound of a flute is formed by directed air flow towards the edge of the lip plate. Huge role in the correct playing technique belongs to the shape of the lips or “embouchure”. You can subtly change the sound of the instrument by changing the degree of tension and shape of the lips.

The overall pitch of the sound is changed by extending the head from the body of the instrument; the more the head is extended, the lower the sound will be.

Average flute weight – 600 grams.

Modern concert large flute makes up 67 cm long, and the length of the piccolo is only about 32 cm.

Varieties of flute

In addition to the main large concert flute, the transverse flute has three main varieties: alto and bass.

Piccolo flute- among wind instruments the most sounding instrument. The structure is the same as that of a large flute, the difference lies in the size - it is half as long as an ordinary one and sounds an octave higher. The harsh tone of the piccolo flute easily drowns out the sound of an entire orchestra. In the play Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" she is given the theme of a squirrel crunching nuts. In Act 1 Bizet's opera "Carmen" a pair of piccolos accompanied a chorus of boys marching boldly behind the line of soldiers.

Alto flute. They resemble an ordinary concert flute, but are slightly larger in size and with a different structure of the valve system. The range is from “G” of the small octave to “D” of the third octave.

Bass flute- in the range from “si” of the major octave to “fa” of the second octave

It is worth mentioning much more rarely used samples - d "Amour, double bass, octobass and hyperbass.

Application and repertoire

The expressive sound of the flute attracted the attention of the greatest composers.

A. Vivaldi wrote 13 concertos for flute and orchestra. I.S. Bach, who is well aware of technical capabilities, composed a huge number of works with the participation of the flute, his sonatas are especially beautiful, and the sparkling “Joke” and the unusually touching “Siciliana” do not leave music lovers around the world indifferent to this day. Masterpieces of the flute repertoire include works G.F. Handel , K.V. Gluck, I. Haydn , W.A. Mozart, L.V. Beethoven . The charming “Melody” is the most popular solo in the opera “ Orpheus and Eurydice ” demonstrated the sensually expressive aspect of flutes. The flute received a significant place as a solo instrument in the works of V.A. Mozart . A real understanding of timbre and virtuoso capabilities was revealed by L. Beethoven, who in his own way introduced it into the symphony orchestra; an example is the overture to the opera “Leonora”.

The age of romanticism was also marked by the development of performing skills on the flute. During this period, the repertoire of flutists was enriched with masterpieces by such masters as K.M. Weber, F. Schubert , D. Rossini, G. Berlioz, C. Saint-Saens .

IN jazz Drummer and jazz bandleader Chick Webb was one of the first to use flutes in the late 1930s. Frank Wess was among the first notable jazz flutists in the 1940s.

Jethro Tull is probably the best known rock band to regularly use the flute, played by band leader Ian Anderson. The alto flute can be heard in the Beatles song, "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away", played by John Scott. Also in the composition "Penny Lane".

Game techniques

There are a variety of techniques used when playing the flute. Often, musicians use double and triple staccato and the very effective frulato technique, which was first used in the symphony-poem “Don Quixote” by R. Strauss. Subsequently, the ingenuity of the flutist performers had no limits:

Multiphonics - two or more sounds are produced simultaneously.
Whistle tones - soft whistle.
Tangram - sounds similar to clapping hands.
Jet whistle - jet whistle.

Knocking of valves, playing with a spike without sound, sounds produced at the same time as singing, and a variety of other techniques.

History of the flute

The history of the flute takes us back to primitive times. It all started with tubes, which were used to whistle at first. Nowadays they are simply called pipes, which can be made from any suitable object, such as a pen or a cocktail pipe. Then people realized that if holes were cut in the tubes that could be covered with fingers, it would be possible to create more complex structures. musical works- numerous tunes and melodies.

The flute is very diverse in its functions. Initially she was a tool in the arsenal of shepherds who used her to control animals, and then her status increased to such an extent that she took part in spiritual rites.

Samples of the transverse type flute appeared a very long time ago, back in ancient China, in the 9th century BC, then in India, Japan, Byzantium. It spread to Europe only in the Middle Ages and arrived from the East. In the 17th century, the flute, which gained great popularity, was modified by the French master J. Otteter, after which it began to occupy worthy positions in instrumental ensembles and opera orchestras.

We owe the modern appearance of the flute to the German master and composer T. Boehm, who lived in the 19th century. He complements the flute with a system of valves and rings, placed large holes for the fingers according to acoustic principles, and also began to use metal in production, which made it possible to enhance the brilliance of the sound of the flute. Since those times, this instrument has hardly changed, and it is difficult to add something truly original to a musical instrument that is laconic in design, capable of introducing new features into a familiar form.

Flute for all its apparent simplicity, it not only has a rich and glorious history, but is also distinguished by a uniquely wide range of uses. This is due to the fact that it is one of the most ancient, if not the most ancient, instruments with the help of which our primitive ancestors tried to create music tens of thousands of years ago. Since the Stone Age, the flute begins to win the hearts of people, enchanting us with its soulful and exciting sound, which reverberates not only in the heart, but also in the most deeply hidden genes inherited from our distant ancestors. A modest wooden or bone flute, lovingly carved by a master, can create a whole unique universe filled with continuous amazing sound that you want to listen to endlessly.


How to draw a flute so that it looks like a musical instrument and not like a baseball bat? This is exactly the question that aspiring artists ask. Everything is quite simple, you first need to draw a frame, and then “cover” it with wood. This is where the most troublesome part of the work lies. After all, the texture of a material is the most difficult thing to convey. But with daily training, the hand quickly gets used to drawing oval shapes depicting a cut of wood. How to draw a flute step by step? The answers to this question will be given below.

History of the flute

To learn how to draw a flute, you need to know the history of the origin of this musical instrument. It was invented in Egypt in the 3rd century BC. e. The first progenitor of the flute is a rolled sheet of papyrus. For good sound, holes were cut in the paper tube for air circulation. Gradually the holes increased in size and number. And as a result, 6 holes appeared in the modern flute. In the form in which we know it, the musical instrument was fully formed in the 16th century.

Various types of flute

There are several types of this musical instrument. And in order to draw it well, you need to know the most common ones.

Stages of work

How to draw a flute step by step with a pencil? For beginners, pencil sketching is one of the most difficult stages of drawing. After all, everything will depend on him future drawing. It is like a skeleton in the body. The first step is to decide on the size of the musical instrument. The standard proportion of a flute is one height x 9 times the width.

These sizes should be adhered to, but since there are many varieties of musical instruments, the design will depend on the chosen type. To draw a flute with a pencil, you first need to outline its outline. Most often, artists mark it with an oval or rectangle. After this you need to copy the shape of the flute. Then you should draw the details. And the next stage is applying shadows. The final step will be to work out the contours and brighten the highlights. It is thanks to these small details that the drawing will look complete.

Painting with paints

Before you start with a multi-color image, you need to draw a sketch. We discussed how to draw a flute step by step with a pencil in the last paragraph. To draw a musical instrument with paints, you need to repeat the steps again, which consist of layout, drawing the shape and details. And then you can start painting. Regardless of the chosen material, be it watercolor, gouache, acrylic or oil, the principle of operation will be the same. How to draw a flute so that it is realistic? The first step is to fill the entire field of the future musical instrument with one of the lightest colors. The main thing in this process is not to paint over the highlights. After the first layer has dried, you can begin the second. The second application of paint is the drawing of penumbra. And this does not mean that you need to take a shade one tone darker than the previous one. Penumbra, just like shadow, includes many different shades.

Yes, the main shade will be just a tone darker than the first layer, and the additional colors will be blue and green. The main thing is to apply them in strokes with a distance of 1 mm from each other, otherwise, in some painting techniques, such as watercolor, you can get dirt instead of penumbra. All aspiring artists who are wondering “how to draw a flute” should remember that painting is not mathematics. There are no strict canons or rules here, there are just tips that need to be followed to get a good result. But to become a professional artist, you need to find your own style, and not blindly copy other people's work.

We use soft material

How to draw a flute step by step using charcoal, pastel or other bulk materials? Naturally, any artistic work must begin with a sketch.

Next you should move on to shading. As in watercolor, the first layer should be the lightest. The soft material has characteristic feature, it crumbles and sprays during operation. Therefore, when drawing, for example, the right side of a flute, you need to place a blank sheet of paper under your hand. Otherwise, an incident may happen - you will erase the finished drawing. After the first drawing, you need to move on to penumbra and shadows. It is advisable to work with sharply sharpened pieces of charcoal or pastel; the strokes will then be easy to grind. This can be done with your finger or a piece


To draw beautifully and efficiently, you need to practice your skills every day. As the artists say, “to get better.” Nowadays notebooks - sketch books - have become incredibly popular. It is convenient to make sketches and sketches in such notebooks, and most importantly, such an album does not take up much space and can be carried with you. But the flute is a rather unique musical instrument, and in ordinary life It’s difficult to sketch from it, so it’s worth drawing objects that are similar in shape every day. With daily practice, even a novice artist can become proficient at drawing a flute in just a week.

There are a lot of them in the world. A person far from this art may be wondering: “Flute - what is it?” This instrument belongs to the woodwind group. This unusual classification has already ruined many music school students on tests. Although this instrument is most often found in metal today, it was originally made of wood.

What became the progenitor of the flute

The first flutes were longitudinal. They originated from an ordinary reed pipe. Unlike their ancestor, flutes have edges that cut the air flow, replacing the traditional reed that is used in other flutes. The range of the flute is traditionally from the first to the fourth octave. The lower register is slightly dull.

Even in ancient times, people used the flute. What this instrument was was known in Egypt and Greece. The most ancient flutes were discovered during excavations in these countries. Scientists believe that they were used before our era. Then the musicians held them vertically, and the main materials for making them were reed and wood.

Unusual types of instruments

Now it’s easy to understand what a flute looks like, what it is (photo below) and where it is used. In modern musical groups it is held horizontally, since this instrument is most often transverse. This has been the case since the nineteenth century, when the German master Boehm improved the flute. Gradually, everyone in the orchestras switched to using the updated instrument.

In addition to changing the location of the wind hole, Boehm managed to modernize the system of finger holes (they began to be located according to acoustic principles), installed a valve system, improved intonation and sound, and used metal for the first time. A wide variety of flutes are used in orchestras. What it is according to classification can only be found out after careful consideration. Most often, orchestras use the classical version and the piccolo, which has the highest sound and smaller size.

Use in music

IN classical music The flute is most often used. Many people knew what kind of instrument this was. famous composers. Sergei Prokofiev in his symphonic fairy tale “Peter and the Wolf” gave the part of the bird to the flute. It is this character, according to the composer, that best suits the sound of the instrument. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the parts for this instrument in the opera “The Snow Maiden”. There, flute passages were used to convey a frosty mood. In his opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” a piccolo flute is used, which plays the part of a squirrel gnawing golden nuts.

Modern musicians also use the flute. Rock musicians most often know what it is. For some time, flutist Yan Nikolenko performed with the group “Bi-2”. Vladimir Kuzmin, who can be classified as a multi-instrumental musician, often uses the flute in his concerts. He writes his own music and gives solo parts to the flute. The folk group “Melnitsa” also includes a flutist, Sergei Zaslavsky.

Many objects that have the shape of a cylinder can be depicted by constructing ovals along their axis of symmetry. Using this technique, you can draw not only the columns of any buildings or various vases, but also, for example, musical instruments such as flutes.

The drawing can be started by drawing an auxiliary line, which will correspond to the axis of symmetry of the flute itself. Afterwards, it will be necessary to mark on this line the beginning, as well as the end of this musical instrument. Then you need to draw straight lines that pass through this designation, namely, perpendicular to the axis of this symmetry. The pitch of the sound, in most cases, as is known, depends precisely on the length of the flute.

It is also necessary to select the thickness of this tool. To do this, you need to mark points on perpendicular segments that will correspond to half the required thickness. Next, draw an oval that passes through them accordingly. Connect the extreme points of the ovals on each specific side of the line of symmetry itself. If the flute has blocks or any inserts in its head part, then draw larger ovals. These areas can be highlighted using transverse lines.

When you draw a longitudinal type of musical instrument, you need to draw a nozzle used for the lips; it resembles a small mouthpiece, and is located, accordingly, at one end or another of the cylinder. This musical instrument can be very similar to a simple pipe with several holes. In the case when you intend to draw a transverse type of flute, you need to round one end of it and draw the hole for the lips on the side surface.

It is also necessary to draw holes on this tool. An ordinary flute has seven such holes on one side and one on the other. The size of these holes should be the same as the diameter of its cavity.

It is very important that when depicting a longitudinal flute, which we lean against the lips with its side, there must be the necessary valves; they both open and close during playing. These valves are round in shape and attached to a special stem. Quite often, they are located along the same line, but there are instruments with a different arrangement of valves. Then the auxiliary lines can be removed.

Next we should proceed directly to coloring our drawing. It should be remembered that quite often simple flutes of the longitudinal type can be made of wood and have a variety of colors.

    How to draw a flute


    Many objects that have the shape of a cylinder can be depicted by constructing ovals along their axis of symmetry. Using this technique, you can draw not only the columns of any buildings or various vases, but also, for example, musical instruments such as flutes. The drawing can be started by drawing an auxiliary line, which will correspond to the axis of symmetry of the flute itself. Afterwards, it will be necessary [...]