ATTENTION! The deadline for booking tickets for all performances of the Taganka Actors' Theater is 30 minutes!

Author of the dramatization and stage director N. Gubenko
Production designer, costume designer I. Gorshkova
Plastic arts and ballet: V. Ignatyuk, O. Kaplunova

Assistant directors: N. Bondar, I. Yatsynina

Philosophy, history, politics, poetry, concert, show, video, funny, tragic, performance, similar to a collage, and yet - a holistic author's statement. Its basis is the history of Russia, and its literary core is poetry from Pushkin to modern poets. The viewer will see Minin and Pozharsky, Peter the Great, Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Boris Yeltsin and others. And at the same time, all the action is strung together with poetry, which reflects historical circumstances from the Time of Troubles to the present day. An important and unexpected element of the performance will be the Internet, that is, absolutely instant information on the stage screen. Even the viewer who will be in the hall will see himself on the screen in the context of what is happening on stage.

In addition, the performance involves choirs, ballet, roller skates, more than 250 costumes were made - in short, we will see all the variety of concert forms in one incredible performance. The viewer will also witness unexpected behind-the-scenes incidents, which, as a rule, remain behind the scenes, see the rehearsal underbelly of the creative process and feel like a direct participant in it. And who are we really: just spectators or participants in great, glorious, and often tragic events in the life of our native country?

The performance includes:

Stegny Evgenia Alexandrovna
Bityutskaya Olga Evgenievna
Mikhailichenko Daria Alexandrovna
Grubnik Christina
Zavictorin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Osokin Evgeniy Mikhailovich
Ostrovskaya Yana Vladimirovna
Gubenko Nikolay Nikolaevich
Basov Mikhail Yurievich
Bondar Nadezhda Igorevna
Ignatyuk Vladimir Vasilievich
Lebedev Mikhail Serafimovich
Perov Danila Yurievich
Savchenko Lidiya Kuzminichna
Ustyuzhanina Elizaveta Nikolaevna
Barinov Alexander Vladimirovich
Vlasova Svetlana Yurievna
Bazynkov Vladimir Gennadievich
Plentaitis Alexander Romualdovich
Ryabkova Maria Nikolaevna

Duration 2 hours 50 minutes

Photo and video

My acquaintance with the “Commonwealth of Taganka Actors” theater began with “Concert on the Occasion of the End of the World” - a performance where the entire troupe was involved. In my opinion, the perfect start. The concept is this: 2012 is ending (which, as we remember, was considered the end of the world) and the theater troupe is having a dress rehearsal for the New Year's concert. At first glance, the rehearsal seems to be the most ordinary: everyone is running around, fussing, then some of the artists will be late, then someone will go on stage on roller skates at the wrong time.. But what do the concert participants want to convey to us?

Years ending in “12” always bring something fatal: in 1612 the Poles were expelled from Moscow, in 1812 there was a war with Napoleon, and finally, in 2012 they promise the end of the world. But hasn’t it already arrived for us? There is not a single poem or song here for no reason, they are all organically woven into the canvas philosophical reflections about Russia, which we have lost, perhaps irretrievably. For example, first they show a scene from “Boris Godunov”: on the stage there are boyars in ancient clothes. But under the words

“Boris will still wince a little,
like a drunkard before a glass of wine,
And finally, by my grace
He will humbly agree to accept the crown;
And there - and there he will rule us

Footage of Boris Yeltsin flashes on the screen behind. And then follows the insertion of a video fragment where random people are asked if they know who the monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected and in honor of what? Nobody answered - some didn’t know, but one young man was sure that they had discovered Siberia. But crowds of people take pictures every day on Red Square :)

I was very unpleasantly surprised by the footage from Youtube, where graduates of one of the main pedagogical universities in Moscow, namely future literature teachers, are asked basic questions, for example: “Who wrote “War and Peace”?”, “How many volumes were there in “War and Peace”? ", "Who killed Lermontov?", and they confuse Pushkin, Lermontov and Tolstoy. What will they teach the younger generation? It was also unpleasant, but in a different sense, it was surprising that at the end of this video series, the creators of the video incomprehensibly slapped a chant of REU students. G.V. Plekhanov “Join us - you’ll immediately become smarter!”, and the final shot showed just REU. I sincerely hope that this was, after all, a campaign to enroll in an economics university instead of a humanities university, and that the creators of the video did not confuse something and at the same time discredit the students of the university, which I myself, by the way, recently graduated from. The aftertaste remained disgusting, to put it bluntly. However, this is not the theater’s fault, so we move on.

The audience will see a series of historical events - bloody, difficult, dramatic, and the people who carried them out. Peter I, who built St. Petersburg on the bones of workers, Nicholas I, who crushed the Decembrist uprising and ordered the hanging of their leaders, his meeting with Pushkin, at which the poet confesses: ““Inevitably, sir, all my friends were in the conspiracy, and I would have been in inability to keep up with them. One absence saved me, and I thank Heaven for that,” if he had been in St. Petersburg, he would have been on Senate Street. The charming ball scene suddenly gives way to a rock band performing the Leningrad song “When there is no money, there is no love.”

The 19th century is followed by the 20th century, and in the words of A. Blok they promise that it will be even more terrible:

“The twentieth century... Even more homeless,
Even worse than life is darkness
(Even blacker and bigger
Shadow of Lucifer's wing."

We know what the 20th century cost our country. It all began with that very Bloody Sunday in January 1905, when innocent workers and peasants who came with crosses and banners to ask the Tsar for equality were shot on Palace Square. It is not surprising that the next scene shows the murdered people rising and singing “The Internationale”. But the misfortunes do not end there: people are sent to the front of the First World War, where they die in the hundreds of thousands. Excerpts from the diary of Nicholas II are read: when people were dying in the trenches, not even understanding what they were fighting for, he drank tea with his mother. It’s difficult for me to judge Nicholas II; in my opinion, he really was a useless tsar, but the situation with the execution royal family terrible, this is a response with cruelty to the escapism of the king and the innocence of his wife and children.

And I want to dwell on one more scene, which was very difficult for me psychologically. Mayakovsky reads out his poem from 1915:

“To you, who live behind the orgy of the orgy,
having a bathroom and a warm closet!
Shame on you about those presented to George
read from newspaper columns?!...

Is it for you, who love women and dishes,
give your life for pleasure?!
I'd rather f*cking be at the bar
serve pineapple water!”

We are again shown a video chronicle of our days, 2009 - a scandalous party in honor of the anniversary of the Russian Pioneer magazine on the cruiser Aurora. Events that were popularly called the “Sabbath on Aurora.” And so, after demonstrating such desecration of the symbol of the courage of our sailors, a choir came onto the stage and sang “What are you dreaming about, the cruiser Aurora?” I saw that many people in the hall actually shed tears.

After the intermission, we quickly walked through Lenin and Stalin: how people cried when the leaders died, how in hunger and cold thousands stood on Red Square to pay their last respects to them... And how contradictory opinions are about them now. I don’t agree with all the emphasis placed: Lenin really put the country on the path out of poverty, onto the path of equality, but at what cost...Revolution and Civil War, NEP, dispossession... My great-great-grandfather was shot, the family was left without property and a horse, my great-great-grandmother herself harnessed the plow to plow at least a small part of the field.

Under Stalin, thousands of people were shot and sent to camps. But the worst thing is that after his death, when the repressed were gradually returned back, they felt complete inner devastation - Stalin was a part of their life, how could they live without him. But Joseph Vissarionovich really was strong man(although, as one of the respondents said, he should go to our country for a week now to restore order here), but how he loved children, how much he did for them - eliminating illiteracy, developing sports, children's camps..

Only a couple of minutes of the performance are devoted to Yuri Gagarin's flight into space. But they dwell in very, VERY detail on the 1990s. The August putsch, the “abdication” of M. Gorbachev, the rise to power of B. Yeltsin, Chechnya... I was born in the mid-90s, so I didn’t catch all these events either.

In general, I don’t want to delve into modern politics, but about the “Concert on the Occasion of the End of the World” I will say that it is a must-see for anyone who reflects, who is not indifferent to what is happening in our country, who wants to think about both historical and modern events. The story is shown concisely, but the main points are highlighted, in my opinion, perfectly. The transitions between historical and current events are beautifully done, I am in admiration. You just need to remember that the director’s vision still plays a big role here, with which I, for example, do not agree on everything. But you definitely need to watch it and form your own opinion. Just come in the right mood. Here you need to be mentally prepared; for example, I have never left the theater with such a depressing feeling. You involuntarily ask yourself questions: “Why, oh why does our country have such a difficult fate?” and “What awaits us next?”

7 out of 10 for disagreeing with the director's point of view

The basis of the performance is the history of Russia, and the literary core is poetry from Pushkin to modern poets. The viewer will see Minin and Pozharsky, Peter the Great, Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Boris Yeltsin and others. And at the same time, all the action is strung together with poetry, which reflects historical circumstances from the Time of Troubles to the present day. An important and unexpected element of the performance will be the Internet, that is, absolutely instant information on the stage screen. Even the viewer who will be in the hall will see himself on the screen in the context of what is happening on stage. In addition, the performance involves choirs, ballet, roller skates, more than 250 costumes were made - in a word, guests will see the whole variety of concert forms in one incredible performance. The viewer will witness unexpected behind-the-scenes incidents that, as a rule, remain behind the scenes, will see the rehearsal underbelly of the creative process and will feel like a direct participant in it. And who are we really: just spectators or participants in great, glorious and often tragic events in the life of our native country?

That's how many times I tell myself - don't go to the theater without reading: what it's about, whose script, director, reviews. And then I came across, as they say, “one woman said” that this was a funny skit.
What a funny guy he is, and a skit at that. It turned out that this performance was the entire long-suffering history of Russia.

Having already arrived home from the theater, I went to the website " Playbill"Here is what Afisha's review of this performance says:

"Philosophy, history, politics, poetry, concert, show, video, funny, tragic, a performance similar to a collage, and yet - a holistic author's statement. Its basis is the history of Russia, and the literary core is poetry from Pushkin to modern poets The viewer will see Minin and Pozharsky, Peter the Great, Nicholas II, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin. And at the same time, all the action is based on poetry, which reflects historical circumstances from the Time of Troubles to the present day. The Internet will become an important element of the performance. , that is, absolutely momentary information on the stage screen. Even the viewer who will be in the hall will see himself on the screen in the context of what is happening on stage.
The performance involves choirs, ballet, and more than 250 costumes were made. The viewer will also witness unexpected behind-the-scenes incidents, which, as a rule, remain behind the scenes, will see the rehearsal underbelly of the creative process and will feel like a direct participant in it. And who are we really: just spectators or participants in great, glorious and often tragic events in the life of our native country?”

And here is my impression.
We were at this performance on January 22, 2015. The hall was completely sold out: half the hall were pensioners from Social Security and Social Security on discounted tickets, the rest half of the hall were students of theater schools.
Well, what can I say, the play is the history of Russia through the eyes of the communist N. Gubenko. And even though we ourselves are already elderly people, having lived through all the periods, from Stalin to the present, we completely disagreed with his vision of our history. The activities of Novodvorskaya are shown with denial, and vice versa with sympathy - the 1991 putsch.

The performance is very cumbersome, tedious (it lasts about 3 hours, considering that there is no air conditioning in the theater hall) and it is not even a collage, as they think, but a hodgepodge. The performance is very expensive - it seems that everyone is attracted. media: cinema, dance ensembles, ballet, choirs, jazz bands, pop singers, readers, etc.
And what the viewer can endure as a result is complete chaos.
The only thing I agree with in the course of the plot is the criticism of the failure of modern politicians and the degradation of society and youth, ignorance of their history and culture. But N.N. Gubenko was at the head of the entire culture for so long and what...?
No, I didn’t like the performance. The idea may not be bad, but there is no zest, that is, Lyubimov’s talent.

The only thing that I really liked was the exhibition in the form of stands in the foyer of the theater, telling about its entire history, starting from the 19th century. With photographs and reconstruction of the theater building (once it was a cinema), a chronological listing of all artistic directors, directors and theater directors, wars, quarrels and division. Orders for the theater of Soviet times, for example, about the salary of Vysotsky - 150 rubles, Zolotukhin - 165 rubles. So the exhibition deserves attention, you can’t tell everything.

Still, you should visit the Taganka Actors' Commonwealth Theater after carefully choosing a performance.

There are performances for which prizes are given and awards are given, and there are plays staged to please the undemanding audience. And sometimes productions arise, born of our conscience and memory.

Collage, dramatization, phantasmagoria, historical drama - the play “Concert on the Occasion of the End of the World”, which is staged at the Taganka Actors’ Commonwealth theater, is called differently. What does he talk about? new job director Nikolai Gubenko, artistic director theater? About our past, present or future? Or about the possible end of the world?

According to the author of the text, director of the play Nikolai Gubenko, a creative idea must find its own unique solution. The content of the play “Concert on the Occasion of the End of the World” dictated to the director the necessary form: rehearsal. A spectator who comes to the theater becomes an accomplice of what is happening on stage, watching how the structure of the performance is born out of chaos.

The play is a kind of educational program on history Russian state: from the reign of Ivan the Terrible to the present day. Classics of Russian literature and musical art: Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov. They pass in a line historical figures: starting from Minin and Pozharsky and ending with the figure of Boris Yeltsin.

Artistic design of the performance

The first audiences saw the “Concert for the End of the World” in April 2014. On stage, actors, sailors, pioneers, ballerinas in tutus, roller skates and sniffer dogs are holding a dress rehearsal for the upcoming apocalypse.

Despite the seeming absence of a familiar plot, the production appears to be a holistic statement by the author. An unexpected character for the viewer in the play “The End on the Occasion of the End of the World” in Moscow is the Internet. Not only are they visualized on the screen historical events and facts, but also what is happening in the hall: viewers can see themselves on the monitor.

To buy tickets

Use our services to buy tickets for the End of the World Concert in advance. We have been on the market for more than 10 years and offer you:

  • order tickets by phone or online;
  • payment plastic cards, by bank transfer, in cash when paying with a courier;
  • pleasant discounts for groups of 10 people or more;
  • prompt free delivery of orders in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Nikolai Gubenko’s production of “Concert on the Occasion of the End of the World” in 2019 is an extraordinary event in the cultural life of Moscow. It is not enough to read about the performance; you must definitely see it!