Natalya Ivanova, a journalist, decided to bring to life an interesting project. In her work, she decided to unite several nationalities at once, using female beauty. The goal of her project is to show each nationality, revealing its attractiveness and individuality.

Bold project

On her website, Natalya has already collected 57 different nationalities. Moreover, almost every girl can take a photo and show her ethnicity! To do this, you need to be a representative of a nationality in three generations aged 18 to 30 years. Let's talk about some.

Bengalis are a large people who live in India and Bangladesh.

Serbs belong to the South Slavic group of peoples and inhabit many countries, mainly Serbia.

Jews - ancient people. They live mainly in Israel, which has existed since 1948, but they also inhabit many other countries.

Lorraine are a Germanic nationality. They live in the north-east of France, where the border passes with two other countries - Belgium and Germany. They speak their own language, which, unfortunately, has almost been replaced by French.

Nationality person

Look at all these photos. Aren't these women beautiful?

website- “National Origins of Beauty” is a non-profit photo project by Natalia Ivanova, an independent photo artist and photojournalist, photo correspondent for the ITAR-TASS agency in France, which represents a unified media encyclopedia of all the peoples of the world. Natalya Ivanova collects throughout recent years author's photographic portraits and video interviews of young women - representatives of various nationalities and notes about each nation. The project started in 2012.

The project involves girls aged 18-30 years old, belonging to the same nationality for at least three generations. In addition to photogenic appearance and natural beauty, knowledge and awareness of their national (ethnic) roots were important for the photographer - the girls share stories about their country and people, beauty standards and features of the national way of life.

Representatives of more than 50 ethnic groups took part in the photo project “National Origins of Beauty”. It is ethnic groups, and not states, that are the basis of the project. Natalya Ivanova clearly demonstrates the entire multinational flavor of the world and the diversity of the world through the beauty of women. We are all different and that’s wonderful,” says the author of the idea.

The National Origins of Beauty project was recognized by UNESCO, and its stated goal was “not to miss a single nationality on Earth.”

To date, about 90 photos and video portraits of representatives of more than 50 ethnic groups from 15 countries and 4 continents have been captured. The plans are to represent all the peoples of the world (ethnic groups) without exception. Therefore, the project is still under implementation.

Our compatriot, a girl named Datkayim, also participated in the project. in the video she talks about what it means to her to be Kyrgyz.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Project "National origins of beauty"(The ethnic origins of beauty) is a non-profit artistic, documentary and research project about the ethnic diversity of humanity. In order to reach the hearts of the widest international and multinational audience, the language was chosen female beauty and charm.

The project started in 2012, but it is only in the initial stage of its implementation; there are not many nationalities in the project’s collection yet. To date, about 90 photo and video portraits of representatives of more than 50 ethnic groups from 15 countries on 4 continents have been captured. Each nationality (ethnic group) will be represented in the project by three girls (three photographic portraits and three video interviews) with an accompanying information note about the represented people.

The author of the project is Natalya Ivanova, a Russian photographer and photojournalist. Lives and works in Paris, is a special photojournalist for the ITAR-TASS agency in France. She considers it important to bring to life and convey to people the idea of ​​interethnic equality and tolerance, no matter how much time and effort it takes.

Editorial website I was convinced that beauty has no nationality and humanity is beautiful! Make sure you too.

Wolof- ethnic groups mainly living in Senegal and Gambia. The total number is about 6 million people.

Martinicans- the main population of the island of Martinique. Number of people: 500 thousand people. They also live in France (150 thousand people), on the island of Guadeloupe and on the Virgin Islands (USA).

Congo- a people in Central Africa numbering 10 million people. They inhabit the lower reaches of the Congo River, the border areas of Angola and the People's Republic of Congo, and live in Uganda, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe. The Kongo maintain a matrilineal account of kinship.

Ewe inhabit the southeastern regions of Ghana, southern regions of Togo and Benin. Number of people: about 4 million people.

Fulbe, or Fula, the Fulani are a people living over a vast area in West Africa: from Mauritania, Gambia, Senegal and Guinea in the west to Cameroon and even Sudan in the east. Number - 23–25 million people.

Haitians- people in the West Indies, the main population of the Republic of Haiti. A total of 7.2 million people.

“National Origins of Beauty” is a project about the beauty of the world’s ethnic diversity.
The main goal is to show all the diversity existing peoples, which we do not see, focusing only on the political map of the world. There are over 2000 ethnic groups in the world, while there are just over 200 countries, we do not see 90% of the ethnocultural diversity that surrounds us, sometimes even within our own country.

Anyi- people West Africa, present in Ivory Coast, Ghana. The number of Anya is about 1.25 million people. They were the first to make contact with Europeans in the 17th century.

Caboverdinians, Greens, Kriolu - the main population of Cape Verde, descendants of slaves who mixed with Portuguese settlers. Number of people: 310 thousand people.

Guadalupeans- people, the main population of Guadeloupe, number - 300 thousand people. They also live in France (100 thousand people).

Reunioners- the population of Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean (“overseas department” of France). Number of people: 250 thousand people. About a quarter of Reunion residents are white - descendants of the first French settlers.

Bengalis- one of the most numerous peoples in the world. Major population of Bangladesh and West Bengal state in India. Number - over 250 million people. They also live in Bhutan, Nepal, Singapore, and Great Britain.

Indo-Mauritians- the main population of Mauritius. Descendants of immigrants from India. Number of people: 800 thousand people.

Unlike many projects that seek to negate all sorts of differences between people, the National Origins of Beauty project, on the contrary, tries to draw attention to the beauty of the fact that there are so many different “colors” and “shades” of cultures in our world. Yes, we are all so different, and that's wonderful.

Shloch, or Shilkh - Berber people living in the western part of the High Atlas mountain range and the Anti-Atlas mountain range in Morocco, in the valleys of the Tensift and Sousse rivers. Number - about 8 million.

Tunisians- one of the Arab peoples, the main population of the Tunisian Republic. Number - 10 million.

Reefs- Berber people living in northern Morocco, on the northwestern strip of the mainland. Number of people: about 3 million people.

Kabyles- people of the Berber group in northern Algeria. A significant part of the Kabyles live in exile, mainly in France. Total number - 6.5 million.

Armenians are the state-forming people of Armenia. Number - 8 million people.

Georgians(kartvelebi). Most of the Georgian nation is concentrated within the borders of Georgia. There are also many Georgians living in the eastern provinces of Turkey and in the interior of Iran. Number - about 6 million.

We introduce people to the peoples of the world through photo and video portraits of young, bright, interesting girls - representatives of these peoples. An important factor is the unmixed ethnic background of these girls for at least three generations, as well as awareness of one's ethnicity.

A woman is the main bearer and custodian of the culture of her people, their language, traditions, since it is she who is involved in the upbringing and primary education of children. A woman is the face of a nation, literally and figuratively.

Kalmyks- Western Mongolian people living mainly in the Republic of Kalmykia. The number in the world is about 200 thousand people.

Han ranks first in number among the peoples of the Earth (19% of the population), is the largest nationality in China, Hong Kong and Macau, as well as in the Republic of China and Singapore. Number - 1.3 billion people.

Buryats - indigenous people Buryatia, Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug, Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug. Outside Russia - in Northern Mongolia and northeast China. The total number is 520 thousand people.

Uyghurs- the indigenous people of East Turkestan, now the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Number of people: 11 million people.

Altaians, Oirots are the people of the Altai Republic. Number of people: 71 thousand people.

Uzbeks- the main and indigenous population of Uzbekistan. Quite a large number of Uzbeks live in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, southern Kazakhstan, southern Kyrgyzstan, northern and eastern Turkmenistan. Number is about 29 million people.

How successfully we solve the task is for the public to judge. We are not trying to show a “template” of an ideal representative. We need living, real stories.

Ossetians They mainly live in the Caucasus, Russia and Georgia. The total population is about 700 thousand people.

Bashkirs- Turkic-speaking people living on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the historical region of the same name. Indigenous people of the Southern Urals and the Urals. The number in the world is about 2 million people.

Kumyks- Turkic-speaking people, one of the indigenous peoples of Dagestan. Number of people: 505 thousand people. They live in the Republic of Dagestan, in North Ossetia, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Chechnya.

Kazakhs - Turkic people, the main population of Kazakhstan. Kazakhs have long lived in the regions of China, Russia, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan adjacent to Kazakhstan, as well as in western Mongolia. A total of 14.5 million people.

Chechens- North Caucasian people, the main population of Chechnya. Historically, they also live in the regions of Dagestan, Ingushetia, and the Akhmeta region of Georgia. The total number of Chechens around the world is 1.55 million people.

Circassians- the indigenous population of Kabardino-Balkaria, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Krasnodar Territory. Number - about 3 million.

The project is in the process of implementation. Applications for participation are being accepted. We are looking for representatives of all nations of the world and we want to show all peoples (ethnicities) without exception.

Candidates for participation in the project are young women from 18 to 30 years old with regular facial features, natural beauty and belonging to the same nationality at least three generations. The selection of girls takes place first in absentia based on received application letters, then in person - based on the results of filming.

Abazins- one of the most ancient indigenous peoples of the Caucasus. Population - about 45 thousand. Live in Russian Federation, most compactly in Karachay-Cherkessia. The Abaza diaspora exists in Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria.

Ingush- Vainakh people in the North Caucasus. They speak the Ingush language, written on the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet. The total number worldwide is 700 thousand people.

Shugnans- one of the Pamir peoples in Tajikistan and northern Afghanistan. The largest in number of the Pamir peoples.

Germans. A huge number of Germans live outside of Germany. For example, in the United States, people of German descent outnumber people from England. The number in the world is about 140 million people.

French people are descendants of Celtic peoples and are now a mixture of several ethnic groups. The number of French people is about 63 million people.

Lezgins(Lezgiar, Lekier) - one of the indigenous peoples of the Caucasus, historically living in the southern regions of modern Dagestan and northern Azerbaijan. Lezgins also live in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Turkey. Number of people: 800 thousand people.

The project “National Origins of Beauty” received recognition from UNESCO and was first presented at an exhibition dedicated to International Women’s Day at UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2014.

The goal of the project is to contribute to harmonization, strengthening tolerance in interethnic relations through the search for beauty in every nation, through equal attention to each ethnicity, respect for each other’s characteristics, stimulation of intercultural dialogue.
Do contribution to the heritage of humanity by creating a universal multimedia and interactive collection
ethnic diversity of humanity for the period beginning of the XXI century.

Portuguese- people in the west of the Iberian Peninsula, indigenous to Portugal. Number - 31.2 million.

Lorraine- Germanic people (almost completely assimilated with the French), living in northeastern France on the border with Belgium and Germany, the main population of the French region of Lorraine. Number of people: about 1 million people.

Tatars- the main people of Tatarstan. They live in Russia, Bashkiria, Udmurtia, Mordovia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The total population is 7 million people.

Belarusians- East Slavic ethnic group. The total number is about 9.4 million people. They live mainly on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. They also inhabit the territories of Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania adjacent to Belarus.

Russians are one of the largest ethnic groups in the world. The vast majority of Russians live in Russia and about 18 million live in neighboring countries. 3 million live in America and Europe. The total number is 137 million people.

Finns- Finno-Ugric people, the main population of Finland. Finns also live in the USA, Canada, Russia, and Australia. There are about 6.5 million people in the world.

March 9, 2018, 10:43 pm

I was prompted to write this post by the debate about what the Slavic type is. Due to existing stereotypes, most of us imagine Slavic appearance standard and one-sided - our women are all beautiful, which cannot be said about men who are no match for polished Europeans, who are handsome all the time and in general true Aryans. Many perceive the Slavic type of appearance of men as chubby, snub-nosed, with a fairly flat face, with a weakly defined chin, genetically predisposed to age-related sagging. Is this really so? Does this stereotype apply to all types? In general, I’m tired of cliches in the comments, so I made this post.

In this post I want to dwell in more detail on each racial type common among the Slavs, and look at them with examples in photographs. I will give only those examples that I am more or less sure belong to one type or another. This often causes difficulties, since types in their pure form are not often found, and there are many more mixed and transitional types. I also don’t consider photoshopped photos of remade celebrities here.

I’ll start with the most common in Russian latitudes and in Ukraine too, Baltic racial type. From that very famous “Slavic face”.

This term was first used by the Soviet anthropologist V.V. Bunak (1922-1927) to designate a large group of racial variants of Caucasians.

Baltids often have ash or blond hair and blue-gray or gray-green eyes. Soft features of a rounded face with a wide forehead, small mouth, small chin and a small, sometimes snub nose are common to this type. Brachycephalic (round-headed, short-headed). Height: average and below average. Body type ranges from mesomorphic to endomorphic.

A small digression. Physique terms will appear throughout the descriptions here. Here's what they mean.

Mesomorphs are distinguished by a proportional body, long arms, legs and torso. They have a wide rib cage and well-developed shoulder muscles. Endomorphs are characterized by their small stature and round body. Such people are characterized by a figure with smooth, rounded shapes, large bones, their hips are wider than their shoulders, and the lower part of the body is an order of magnitude heavier than the upper. The ectomorphic body type is also called asthenic. Its representatives are distinguished by narrow hips and shoulders. The height of such people is usually above average.

The greatest concentration of the Baltic racial type is found in the Baltic countries, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Among Ukrainians, these are the indigenous inhabitants of the Dnieper region.

Let's look at the photos

Although Leo is only one-quarter Russian, he is a clear representative of the Baltic racial type. Our person)

Vitaly Solomin

Leonid Kuravlev

Vladimir Menshov

Vladimir Shevelkov

Mikhail Kononov

Raisa Ryazanova

Svetlana Hodchenkova

Elena Korikova

Anna Kournikova

Russian girls of the Baltic type:


Taras Chernovol, Ukrainian politician

Western Baltid

This racial type differs from the Baltids, its closest relatives, in its less soft facial features; the face itself is more profiled and more elongated, with a more defined chin and high cheekbones. This racial type contains a considerable Nordic component. Light pigmentation of hair and eyes, brachycephalic (short) or mesocephalic (medium size) skull, straight nose of medium size. Representatives are usually of medium and tall height. Body type: from mesomorphic to endomorphic. Western Baltids are very often confused with Nordids, but this is not them yet.

Distributed in Central and Eastern Europe, the Baltic countries, Belarus, northern Ukraine, and Russia.

Its representatives in photographs:

Klaus Kinski - ethnic Pole

Gleb Matveychuk

Andrey Gusin

Nikolai Olyalin, Soviet actor

Michal Zebrowski

Sergey Zhigunov

Alexey Serebryakov

Oleg Vidov

Galina Polskikh

Elena Proklova

Izabella Skorupko (Polish actress)

Magdalena Melzaz (Polish actress)

Alyosha - Ukrainian singer

Rusyn woman, photo from the early 20th century

East Baltic racial type

This subtype of the Baltic race arose when the Baltids merged with the Lapoids. Lapoids are a small race preserved among the Sami - the indigenous population Northern Europe(Northern Norway, Northern Finland and the Kola Peninsula). The East Baltic race is typical of the Finno-Ugric peoples, but among the Slavic and Baltic peoples it is more often represented in the form of influences. Brachycephalic and lightly pigmented with straight, finely textured ash-blond hair and blue-gray eyes. Facial features prone to flattening have a slight Mongoloid patina (since Lappoids/Uraloids are a mixed Caucasian-Mongoloid race): massive lower jaw, poorly defined chin, a lot of soft tissue, full cheeks, small straight nose or with a concave back (the tip is turned up , sometimes the nose is potato), the nostrils are wide, the brow ridges are weakened, the forehead is low. Height is low to average. Body type ranges from endomorphic to mesomorphic. Women of this type are quite pretty in their youth.

Eastern Baltids are an autochthonous population of North-West Russia, Northern Finland, Sweden, Norway and Lapland.

Representatives of the East Baltic type in photographs. Since this type is found much less frequently among the Slavs than among the Russians and Finno-Ugric peoples, for clarity, I am posting photos of people of different nationalities representing this type.

Renee Zellweger is a bright representative of the Eastern Baltic racial type, her mother is Norwegian with Sami roots.

Ida Lolo, our Renee Zellweger)

Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo

Vladislav Galkin

Leonid Bykov

Yuri Antonov

Alexander Povetkin

Yulia Savicheva

Elena Koreneva

Suvi Koponen - Finnish top model

Tatyana Totmyanina

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Girl from Sweden

Vepsian girl (Russia)

Man from Finland

Russian girl

Nordids (Eastern Nordids)

The very name “Nordic race” was introduced by the anthropologist Deniker, born in Astrakhan (but with French roots), who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in pre-revolutionary Russia. Unfortunately, subsequent Soviet anthropologists seemed afraid to even mention the term for political reasons. At the same time, in Nazi Germany, also for political reasons and propaganda, this term began to be almost universally attributed only to those who corresponded to a certain ideology or ethnic group, although they did not belong to the Nordic racial type. But we know what the entire top of the Third Reich, the “true Aryans”, looked like). Another misconception in this issue is that, they say, the more humane the more Nordic he is. However, as has already been shown above, other northern Caucasians also have light pigmentation.

Eastern Nordid is a subtype of Nordid, localized in Eastern Europe - from eastern Germany, Austria, further in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, northern Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries, partly in Finland and northwestern Russia.

Nordids have a thin physique (ecto/mesomorphic), their height is always high, their hair color ranges from blond and reddish to light brown, and their eyes are light. Nordids are always dolichocephalic (elongated skull with a protruding occiput). The face is oval, oblong, the jaw is narrow, graceful, the lips are thin, the thin nose with a high back can be either straight or slightly concave or with a hump, the brow ridges are pronounced.

Examples in photographs:

Alexander Godunov - standard Nordic

Petar Zekavica - Russian actor Serbian origin

Ivan Skobrev

Alexey Vorobyov

Vasily Stepanov

Ivan Dorn

Vladimir Talashko, Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Volyn region.

Some Russian guy

Of the Slavic women I can remember and confidently attribute to this type

Karolina Kurkova

Elena Dementieva

Olesya Sudzilovskaya

Daria Verbova (Canadian top model of Ukrainian origin)

Eva Herzigova

Antonia Misura (Croatian basketball player)

Pontic racial type

The Pontic racial type, also called the Black Sea or Eastern Mediterranean, is one of the subtypes of the Mediterranean racial type. Distributed in Ukraine, southern Russia, Georgia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria and the Balkans (the most common type in all of South-Eastern Europe).

The Pontian type is characterized by mesocephaly (a medium-sized skull with a convex occiput), a narrow oblong face, a high bridge of the nose, a straight nose, narrow lips, dark hair pigmentation and slightly dark skin. In general, facial features are soft. The body type is mesomorphic and ectomorphic. Growth is average with an upward trend.

Pontid subspecies - northern pontide, a mixture of Nordids and Pontids, is distinguished by a higher skull and a more elongated face. These are thin, tall brunettes, often with light eyes:

Pontids in photographs. This type is the most difficult for me to figure out, and I may be wrong here somewhere.

Sofia Rotaru

Diana Kovalchuk (Ukrainian top model)

Ani Lorak

Milla Jovovich

Zlata Ognevich (Ukrainian singer)

Milos Bikovich, Serbian actor

Oleg Menshikov

Vladimir Mashkov

Alexander Abdulov

Vasily Lanovoy

Vladimir Konkin. Northern Pontid.

Paul Wesley - Pawel Tomasz Wasilewski, American actor, ethnic Pole. Northern Pontid.

Alpine racial type

The Alpine race is a small race within the Caucasoid race. Highlighted in late XIX V. French anthropologist Georges Lapouge. Found throughout Eastern Europe. Outside of Eastern Europe, this racial type is found in the north of the Balkan Peninsula, Switzerland, southern Germany and northern Italy. The Alpine race is distinguished by its wide distribution and great diversity.

Russian anthropologist V.V. Bunak proposed, in addition to the Alpine itself, to distinguish the Eastern Alpine, or Carpathian. In Ukraine, this racial type is widespread. This type is not typical for the Russian population.

The Alpine race is characterized by average and below average height, mesomorphic and endomorphic physique. A low and wide face, a steep forehead with weakly defined brow ridges, severe brachycephaly (this is one of the shortest Caucasians), a small thick nose, dark pigmentation of hair and eyes, dark skin.

Examples in photographs

Nina Dobrev (Bulgarian by nationality)

Rialda Kadrić (Serbian actress)


Ruslana Lyzhechko

Irena Kilchitskaya, deputy of the former mayor of Kyiv L. Chernovetsky

Jaroslaw Kaczynski

Alpine Serbs


Sergei Bondarchuk

Bohdan Mortar

Dinaric racial type

The Dinaric racial type of southern Caucasians was named after the Dinaric Alps. The term was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the French anthropologist I. Deniker. Deniker identified the following characteristics of the Dinaric race: tall height (usually 190 cm and above in men), ectomorphic and mesomorphic build, short head, dark brown or black hair, straight or aquiline large nose, fair skin, wide face. Later, other researchers pointed to such typical characteristics as a slender physique, strong growth of hair on the body and face, and a flat nape.

This type is most common among residents of the Balkans, but it also occurs in Ukraine.

Examples in photographs

Zlatan Ibrahimovic is the standard representative of the Dinaric type

Roman Rusinov (Russian racing driver). Dinarides + Pontidas. There was a post about him on Gossipnik and everyone came to the conclusion that his type corresponds to people from Western Ukraine

Goran Bregovic

Kuzma Scriabin

More Dinars from Ukraine:

Pontid with Dinaric admixture

And in conclusion, there are a few more types characteristic of Western Ukraine, mostly mixed.

Chereshenka village, Chernivtsi region. Country wedding. 1988 The photo shows representatives of the Alpine-Dinaric type, mostly.

Oleg Skripka - Baltid with significant Dinaric admixture

Ivan Mikolaichuk (Soviet Ukrainian actor, native of the Chernivtsi region) - Dinaric with Baltic admixture

Sergey Pritula, TV presenter - Dinaran with Baltic admixture

Nazariy Yaremchuk (Ukrainian pop performer). Mixed Alpine-Dinaric type

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Also represents the Alpine-Dinaric type.

I did not consider other racial types of Caucasians that are not Slavs, there are at least a dozen of them, in this post. I hope you found it interesting. Thank you for your attention.