Theme description: I wonder who will remember how many nicknames he had, does he have now? What kind of offensive nicknames are there, or maybe it’s just a description of a person or a meaningless, stupid mockery?
Can a thoughtless nickname do any harm?
And also, we thought that we give ourselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So are we real or do we just want to see ourselves that way, and looking at ourselves from the outside through the eyes of another person can be scary, but it tickles our nerves and is useful.

In general, here is an article for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

"Nicknames Among Us"

None of us had a nickname. There were good nicknames, characterizing the best side, and there were also offensive ones - often they were given to tease a person. Yes, and they arose in different ways. Last name, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies formed the basis of nicknames.

They say that for a person there is nothing more harmonious in the world than his name. And addressing him as a pet, by name, is a sign of bad manners. But sometimes a nickname for a person is much nicer than his own name.

In addition, nicknames largely reflect the attitude of people towards a person. If he is loved in the company, then the nickname is most likely kind and cheerful, but if it’s the other way around, beware. Often, such angry, sarcastic nicknames, given to a person thoughtlessly, can do a lot of harm. They can greatly offend and a person can become withdrawn, disappointed not only in himself, but also in those around him.

By the way, it is worth noting that not very offensive nicknames are very convenient. Call, for example, Masha on the street or in the corridor - about five people turn around, and Red shouts - it immediately becomes clear who they are addressing. Of course, you can object - after all, there is a surname. But the surname does not always sound beautiful.

Another feature is nicknames on the Internet. We give these so-called nicknames to ourselves. Often they reflect our essence. Or they talk about how we really want to appear. Hiding behind nicknames, these bright, noticeable nicknames of our own creation, we hope to please our interlocutors and intrigue them.

And living in the world of the Internet, it is more convenient to choose a new name for yourself and imagine yourself as a completely different person. Sometimes it can seem like an exciting adventure to pretend to be a completely different person.

Whether it’s good or bad to have a nickname is something each of us decides for ourselves. But there is hardly anything bad about them, since the tradition of giving nicknames goes back centuries.

Often in the Russian language a class may receive a rather original task - to write an argument, main theme which should be nicknames. This problem is quite ambiguous - after all, one person may like a nickname, but another is always unpleasant when they call him a name.

First, decide on your own position

An essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames” is interesting task for any student. If a person receives a name at birth, then the nickname is always created spontaneously. And it most often notices not the desired qualities, but those that a person actually has. Any label that society puts on a person (no matter whether from evil or good intentions) always emphasizes some special meaning of existing qualities. In an essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames,” the student must first of all decide on his own position on this issue. Indeed, depending on his opinion, the essay will contain arguments in favor of nicknames or against them.

Parental nicknames

In order to determine the main idea of ​​the essay-discussion on the topic “Nicknames,” we will first consider the positive aspects of this phenomenon. Often a child or an adult can receive a nickname from others due to an excess of positive feelings towards him. And therefore it will always be creative. Parents often call their children Sunshine or, for example, Sweetheart. Some mothers and fathers come up with affectionate nicknames that come from the names of animals - for example, Hamster or Kitten. Sometimes they lovingly call the child by the names of cartoon characters: Dwarf, Pokemon. Such words have an affectionate connotation; they are always pleasant.

Dependence of nicknames on the environment

Children learn to give nicknames from their parents. A short essay-discussion on the topic “Nicknames” can also emphasize the point that such names are present in many areas of life. Starting with affectionate nicknames that parents give to their child, and ending with nicknames in the criminal world. They can be found everywhere. They only vary depending on the cultural environment. For example, in the countries of the Arab world it is customary to give nicknames that ridicule a person’s physical flaws. For example, in Japan, many nicknames are taken from the names of insects or animals.

Why are offensive nicknames given?

But if in the adult world a nickname always carries a certain symbolic meaning, and a person can often be proud of him, then children often give each other very offensive nicknames. Who will be pleased when his peers call him Seal, Barnacle Boy or Fattrest? The main reasons why children give each other offensive nicknames are aggression, an immense desire to become the center of attention of others, or simply revenge.

In an argumentative essay on the topic “Nicknames,” if a student wants to defend the idea that nicknames are unacceptable, this must be emphasized. After all, aggression towards others is a deliberate desire to offend another, to make someone angry. Such behavior should in no way be encouraged by either adults or children themselves. When a nickname is given in order to attract attention, often the offender is simply playing for the audience. He is aware that he is insulting another person, but this does not stop him.

Nickname for yourself

And now nicknames on the Internet have become very popular. When a person finds himself in the boundless expanses of the World Wide Web, he definitely needs to come up with some name for himself - to identify himself. Everyone wants to come up with something original that will make them stand out from the crowd. You can also include this point in an essay-argument in Russian on the topic “Nickname”. Nicky on the Internet is one of the rare cases when a person comes up with a nickname for himself. And here the scope for imagination is really great. Some come up with nicknames based on foreign names (Sabrina, Marlene, Jennifer), others prefer funny nicknames (Crocodiller, Smorkel). Still others use ancient greek names, names of kings and rulers of the past, names of animals or flowers.

Essay on the topic "Nicknames"

Sometimes a person's name and behavior are quite ordinary. But this person also has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly-haired boy may be called Pushkin. Or the girl looks quite plump and well-fed, and her classmates, for reasons understandable only to them, begin to call her Nightstand. They told me about the bad one young man, whom his friends began to call Skull. Names, by the way, are also distorted. I was amused by the name of the boy named Andrey. And who even thought of calling him Drunka?..
The associative path of nickname inventors can be very complex. For example, a boy’s last name is Chalov. Classmates turn it into the combination Chuck-Chuck, and in some mysterious way they compare it with a nut. So, Mr. Chalov turns into Nut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. We dropped the first letter and got Zamat. Now we've added the ending -ka. It turned out to be Zamatka. And after that it is not difficult to turn it into Putty. Thus, poor Azamat is now Putty.
Yes, besides school and the company of friends, we should mention one more place where people get nicknames (nicknames). This happens “in the zone.” I am (fortunately) not very knowledgeable in this area, but I have heard some things. There, the sound of nicknames is very impressive: Humpbacked, Soaked, Scalded, Kolobok, the same Skull. Features of appearance are also noted here. But these features may arise from incidents in their dangerous lives.
I will draw conclusions based on my research. First: names do not reflect the true essence of a person, what is most clearly visible in him. Nicknames are invented by people you know. You never know in the circle of acquaintances Mish and Katya. And if you are talking about a person and calling him by a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand who you are talking about. And second: the imagination of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. This is probably why the Russian language is so rich. However, it is not enough for people to express all their feelings, to designate all objects and phenomena. And new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, when you see a person, you want to identify him not with an abstract name, but with a capacious and understandable, as well as cheerful name.

The question of nicknames is vast, since there are a huge number of nicknames in the Russian language. Still, this question is very interesting, so I will look at some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Every person is given a name at birth. But parents choose it only for the beauty of its sound. And despite the fact that there are books that explain the meaning of names, this meaning rarely coincides with the character of a person. But over the course of his life, a person receives another name, or even more than one, where the most striking feature of his character is highlighted. This name is called a nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Crybaby, Sneaky, Mama's Boy, Greedy, Botanist, Tolstoy. Mostly such nicknames are given during school years. They arise as a result of some memorable incident or series of incidents. The girl cried once or twice, and the nickname stuck to her. Or the children noticed that the boy was of unusual build, and it occurred to someone to call him Tolstoy.

Nicknames are often invented when a person has a long or funny last name. The boy bears the surname Bobarov, and his classmates noticed a vague similarity of the surname with the word beaver. They began to call him Beaver. Or there is Lebedev in the class, and they start calling him Lebedev. I know of a case when a boy with the last name Tochenov began to be called Sharpener. The surname Shekarskas was also shortened. It turned into the nickname Chic.

Sometimes a person's name and behavior are quite ordinary. But this person also has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly-haired boy may be called Pushkin. Or the girl looks quite plump and well-fed, and her classmates, for reasons understandable only to them, begin to call her Nightstand.

The associative path of nickname inventors can be very complex. For example, a boy’s last name is Chalov. Classmates turn it into the combination Chuck-Chuck, and in some mysterious way they compare it with a nut. So, Mr. Chalov turns into Nut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. We dropped the first letter and got Zamat. Now we've added the ending -ka. It turned out to be Zamatka. And after that it is not difficult to turn it into Putty. Thus, poor Azamat is now Putty.

Yes, besides school and the company of friends, we should mention one more place where people get nicknames (nicknames). This happens “in the zone.” I'm (fortunately) not very knowledgeable in this area, but I've heard a few things. There, the sound of nicknames is very impressive: Humpbacked, Soaked, Scalded, Kolobok, the same Skull. Features of appearance are also noted here. But these features may arise from incidents in their dangerous lives.

Let's draw conclusions from our research. First: names do not reflect the true essence of a person, what is most clearly visible in him. Nicknames are invented by people you know. You never know in the circle of acquaintances Mish and Katya. And if you are talking about a person and calling him by a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand who you are talking about. And second: the imagination of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. This is probably why the Russian language is so rich. However, it is not enough for people to express all their feelings, to designate all objects and phenomena. And new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, when you see a person, you want to identify him not with an abstract name, but with a capacious and understandable, as well as cheerful name.

Is it good or bad to have a nickname? The answer to this question is quite difficult to give, since each person reacts differently to the “label” that the people around him stick to him. On the one hand, the nickname must be very apt and exactly match the person. On the other hand, the nickname should not be offensive to the bearer himself. Thirdly, over time, a person himself begins to adapt to the nickname, sometimes to the detriment of the development of some of his other qualities.

Alexander Nevsky, Richard the Lionheart, Suleiman the Magnificent, Manas the Magnanimous - the list can be continued almost endlessly, just as the number of rulers, military leaders, scientists, and artists is endless. What do all these individuals who left their mark on history have in common? Not only their deeds are interesting, the names themselves have become household names. The nicknames that the era assigned to them still resurrect their images in our memory. It is with this historical excursion that the discussion about nicknames will begin.

The year 1170 was marked by the birth of the first major mathematician of medieval Europe - Leonardo of Pisa, best known to us under his nickname - Fibonacci, which, by the way, was given to him by Guillaume Libri in 1238. The mathematician himself, a promoter of the decimal number system and the use of Arabic numerals, signed his works as “Bonacci” or “Bigollo”. And to this day, one of the cornerstones of number theory, game theory and many other mathematical issues is called the Fibonacci series. This is how the nickname becomes part of the name.

What is a nickname? The academic interpretation considers a nickname as an additional name that is given to a person by those around him in accordance with his characteristic features, and I see no reason to contradict this. Each person is unique in nature and each person has his own unusual traits - both physical and psychological. Unfortunately, very often in relatively small groups, for example, in classes, a nickname is understood as an exclusively offensive, ridiculing and humiliating property of a person. This happens, most likely, as a result of the desire of representatives of the class to “show off their wit”, standing out by humiliating others. And, as a rule, a completely inappropriate, offensive nickname “sticks” to a person, which hurts him very much.

As an example, two completely opposite cases can be cited: a plump little man who came to new class, and in three months won the nickname “genius” for his extensive erudition and remarkable mathematical abilities and the leader of the class, who received the nickname “rat” for his vile antics. These nicknames were given to people based on their actions, and it is fair to say that each of them earned his own nickname.

Summing up, you can only notice that each person determines for himself: whether a nickname is acceptable to him or not. And to give it or not to give it - history will judge.

Essay Nicknames for 7th grade

For various reasons, a person, in addition to the name his parents gave him at birth, may also have a nickname. This can be observed especially often among schoolchildren. Sometimes nicknames arise to distinguish a person from people with similar names. For example, a nickname is invented from a change and transformation of a surname. For example, Fedtsov suddenly becomes Fedya. Or, something completely opposite. Silent person becomes Chatterbox. And it is not necessary that the person is necessarily talkative. The nickname just comes up as a joke.

Sometimes a nickname appears after some funny incident. And not always pleasant. You dropped something in front of everyone, and now you’re Krivoruky.

It happens that a nickname reflects some character trait: Gloomy, Grumpy.

Usually, these nicknames remain in childhood. But it happens that adults also come up with them among their circle. Or to your work colleagues to make fun of them. Or among friends who have been friends for a long time, it is customary to address each other by humorous nicknames. In this case, no one is offended by anyone. This is already a tribute to many years of friendship.

In principle, nicknames have always been present in human history. Indians named their children by nicknames that reflected their physical characteristics or character. Swift doe, keen eye.
In Rus', when surnames began to be introduced into use, according to research, they were often invented from nicknames: Trusov, Khitrov, Sorokina. And in more ancient times, nicknames were given to protect against evil spirits.

Various rulers have also been given nicknames throughout history. Ivan the Terrible, Vladimir Yasno Sunshine, Louis the Sun King. Because of their character or simply to somehow distinguish rulers from similar names, when it was customary to give the same names to father and son.

Nicknames also appear within the family circle, as a term of endearment among loving relatives. Husband to wife, mother to child, grandmother to grandson or granddaughter. These nicknames arise as an expression of love and tenderness for a person.

So, nicknames have existed at all times and in all levels of society. And they can occur at any age. How to approach this is up to each person to decide for himself. Some people like this tradition, others find it annoying. When an offensive nickname arises, which can form a complex in a person, this, of course, is not good. But if this address is used among friends and the bearer of the nickname himself does not mind being called that, then why not?

Speech development lesson in 7th grade. Essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames”.

Based on technology developing critical thinking through reading and writing

Lesson topic : Essay-reasoning on the topic “Nicknames”.

The purpose of the lesson : Ppreparation for independent writing of an essay-argument on a given text.



    learn to identify text problems, author's position, express your own opinion on the problem;

    collect material for an essay, systematize it, construct written speech statements;

    select speech means to express your thoughts, expand your vocabulary, enrich the grammatical structure of speech;

    conduct a dialogue, conversation, in accordance with the rules of speech behavior;

    expand knowledge about types and styles of speech.

Developmental: develop thinking skills:critical thinking, mindtionpose problematic questions, summarize the data obtained and draw conclusions.

Educational: to cultivate a culture of communication, behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards others.

Technology used: technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing

Lesson structure:

1.Challenge (activation, motivation)

2. Comprehension (active reading, listening)

3. Reflection (thinking, analysis).

Methods, working methods:

    staging thick and subtle issues to the text;

    searching the text for answers to the questions posed;

    marking using icons that are placed in the margins;

    arrangement of keywords, key sentences in a logical sequence;

    graphic systematization of text material: clusters, tables, diagrams;

    keeping records (“log books”).



    Tostudent activity art;


    multimedia projector;

    presentation “Essay-discussion “Nicknames”;

    Aphorisms aboutcommunication culture;

    Withdiagrams, tables.

Lesson Plan

    Call. Teacher's word. Goals, objectives of the lesson.

Guys, have you read a fragment of A. Aleksin’s story? (Answers from the guys)

Are you interested in the topic of the story? (Answers from the guys)

I would like to express my opinion: to object to the hero or, conversely, to support him? We will try to do this, and for this we need to be well prepared. Today we will prepare to write an essay-argument on the topic “Nicknames” based on the text that you read in the textbook. Let's define the goals and objectives of our lesson.

What do you need to do to write a good essay? Let's plan a step-by-step path for our work. (Students answer).

Slide No. 2,3. Goals, tasks. We enrich the grammatical structure.

2. Repetition of what has been learned about journalistic style.

Slide No. 4 “Publicistic style.” Function, purpose, scope of use.

Who works with the journalistic style of speech?

- Journalists. They are trying to solve issues that are important to our society, draw attention to them, form public opinion, and think about ways to solve them.

Slide number 5. Problem.

A person solving a complex issue forms a certain opinion. What other synonymous words can be used?Write it down in your notebook - point of view, position, views, opinion.

Slide number 6. (Position, views, opinion, point of view).

2.Comprehension. Conversation based on the text of the exercise. Today we will solve an important problem for children of our age and for our school society - nicknames. And I invite you to play the role of journalists, research this problem, and then speak to your friends from other classes. At home, you read a fragment of A. Aleksin’s story “Detective” from the textbook, and prepared questions about the text for your comrades.

Possible questions.

Why has the desire to give nicknames become a “dangerous epidemic”?

How does Alik feel about nicknames?

If Alik approves of nicknames, then why doesn’t he like being called “Defective”? Don't you find a contradiction in his position?

Is a name really more interesting than a nickname?

Let's summarize. What is Alik's position? Is it possible to argue with him?

Yes, sure. He believes that using nicknames is normal, but he does not like the offensive nickname “Defective”. Let's formulate our position on the problem.

Slide number 7. Wording options. (Write in notebook)

4.Updating knowledge about the structure of reasoning.

Type of speech in our essay? (Reasoning).

Let us repeat the reasoning scheme. Name the structural parts of the argument. What is a thesis? (Main point, summary of thoughts ). Arguments? ( Proof ).

Let's look at the slide. Slide number 8. Scheme of reasoning.

5. Structure of the essay.

Slide number 9. Essay structure.

This diagram will form the basis of our essay. Where does the essay begin? (Introduction) . Let's not forget that we are writing based on a given text. Therefore, we will first write about the position of the hero of the story, and then about our attitude towards it. (Write the diagram in your notebook).

6.Collecting material for the essay in accordance with the plan.

Introduction. What could it be? Check out some entry options.Slide No. 10-11. Entry options.

Hero's position . We have already formulated it. But do not forget that these are working (supporting) materials

Own position. Look at slide number 12

Let's formulate our position. (Thesis). Thesis is the main idea, position.

(Write sentences in notebook).

Argumentation. How do we prove our position? To more fully understand the problem, we apply the techniquebrainstorming .

Let's write the keyword in the center, and around it all the words and phrases that come to mind by association. This scheme is called a cluster.

(Nicknames humiliate, insult honor, dignity. Hurt, shame. Disrespect. They make fun of shortcomings. They mock, laugh, everyone knows. Feel anger, annoyance. Lead to quarrel, conflict. Repeat, stick, pester for life. It’s difficult to get rid of. Evil people , uncultured, ill-mannered. Nicknames are faceless, gray.)

Let's systematize the material. Let us formulate several arguments.

1) Nicknames humiliate…..the honor and dignity of a person.

A person feels offended,……….

This often leads to quarrels,………

Nicknames stick......

Nicknames are given by ill-mannered, ………… people.

Don’t forget that these are basic, supporting thoughts: a thought in a collapsed form. We establish semantic, logical connections between individual micro-topics. Let's lookslide number 13.

When arguing, you can rely on the thoughts of famous people

Slide14, 15,16

2) What does a name mean for a person? (The name is given by the parents. They choose for a long time, with love, with excitement, with trepidation. All relatives participate in choosing a name and give advice. Many good thoughts, desires, and hopes are associated with the choice of a name. To call by name is to show respect. Names glorified famous people. They are named after worthy people, relatives).

Do you know the meaning of your name? (Children's answers).

    Alina - other German.noble , Greek solar, Arabic faithful., scand. V generous, majestic.

    Vladimir – Slavyansk. owning the world.

    Dmitriy Greek in honor of the goddess Demeter.

    Vadim .attractive.

    Tatiana Greek . organizer, founder. Delivered, appointed.

    Nelly - other Russian .gentle but persistent. Grech . young, new.

    Nadezhda – hope.

What wonderful names we have! Each has its own story and carries a positive charge.The famous American teacher, psychologist, and writer Dale Carnegie wrote: “When talking, call the person by name more often. Remember that a person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound for him in any language.”Slide 17.

3) Appeal to the thoughts of great people is also a very powerful argument in an essay in defense of one’s position.Slides No. 18, 19. (Write briefly in notebook - choice of arguments)

The conclusion is about the culture of communication.

7.Work on speech means.

When writing an essay, we will use synonyms so as not to use the same words.

We will try to use various syntactic structures when constructing sentences. (Participial and adverbial phrases, homogeneous members).

Rhetorical exclamations and questions.

Visual and expressive means: metaphors, comparisons (weed, epidemic, burdock), evaluative epithets.

Phraseologisms. (Sticks like a burr. Feel out of place).

Proverbs. As it hits, it will respond. What you don’t want, don’t wish for others. Don't dig a hole for someone else...


8. Reflection.

Did you like today's lesson?

Have the goals and objectives set at the beginning of the lesson been achieved?

Did you learn something new in class?

Will the information you received in class be useful when writing your essay? Will it make it easier to work on?

Are you satisfied with your job?

Our lesson is over. Thank you all very much.


Map of student activity in the lesson

Participation in determining the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Repetition of what has been learned about journalistic style.

Recording synonyms for a wordopinion .

Understanding the text ex. 216.

Formulation of the position of the hero of the story. Writing in a notebook.

Repetition of the structure of a text such as reasoning.

Drawing up an essay plan.

Analysis of entry options.

Selection of vocabulary for entering your own position.

Write a thesis in a notebook that reflects your personal position.

Collecting material using brainstorming to argue your point of view.

Systematization of collected material.

Conversation about people's names.

Analysis of quotation material.

Selection of means of expression for creative work.

Self-assessment of work in the lesson

I don't understand,

Don't know

Information about journalistic style

Construction of an essay-reasoning

Synonyms for the wordopinion.

I understand the problems of A. Aleksin’s text.

I know how to start an essay.

I understand how to formulate the position of the main character.

Defined your position on the issue.

I can prove my point.

I have information about means of expression.

I can use some means of expression in my writing.

I think the lesson was fruitful and we learned a lot

Working materials for the essay-discussion “Nicknames”.

1.Synonyms . Point of view, position, views, opinion.

2. Selecting synonyms (position of the hero of the text). Considers it normal, (acceptable.)Allows the use of nicknames.He doesn’t see anything terrible or dangerous in this.Has a positive, approving attitude.Finds it interesting witty.

3. Essay plan. 1.Introduction. 2.Position of the hero of the story. 3.Own position on the problem. (Thesis). 4. Arguments in defense of your position. 5. Conclusion.

4. Entry options.

Question. Have you ever heard how some guys call their friends by nicknames? I'm sure everyone has encountered this.

Statement. Nicknames. Unfortunately, the “most dangerous epidemic” mentioned in A. Aleksin’s story also exists in our school.

Situation. " Hey, big-eared Koschey, where are you going!” - a thick-set, athletic-looking high school student pushes away a thin boy clearly younger than him in age. Cheerful laughter is heard behind. “Koschei” draws his head in, turns away his reddened face, his lips tremble. Common situation? I think each of us has seen such a scene.

5.Emotional response to the text . A. Aleksin's story excited me (interested me).

6. Quotes. The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity, he will drag it with him into service, and into retirement, and to St. Petersburg, and to the ends of the world.

In Rus' there are such nicknames that you can only spit and cross yourself. N.V.Gogol

Treat others as you would like them to treat you.Biblical truth.

By the way a person speaks, we can determine the degree of his intelligence, the degree of his psychological balance. Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul, mind... D.S. Likhachev

Self-analysis of the lesson

The lesson is included in the educational block on speech development of the 7th grade Russian language curriculum, ed. T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

Goal: preparation for an essay-argument on a given topic.

Type of lesson – combined. Workshop lesson.

Formation of positive motivation: the knowledge gained will help you successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam and State Examination. In addition, knowledge has practical significance - it helps solve specific life problems, applied in practice.

Formation of cognitive learning skills: understand the cognitive task, listen, find the necessary information in the text, learn to analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, learn to construct speech statements

Tasks aimed at the formation of regulatory universal educational actions: the ability to set an educational task ourselves, plan actions, methods of solution (what will we do next?), exercise control, evaluate our results. Goal setting is carried out together with children.

During the lesson, the acquired knowledge is updated.

The lesson assumes an integral approach; knowledge of various sections of the language is involved. (Morphology. Vocabulary. Stylistics. Text).

Practical skills are formed: children learn to use the entire inventory of linguistic means, the stylistic riches of the Russian language, and specific examples show the way to create an argumentative essay.

Technologies used: elements of problem-based learning, development of creative abilities,technology of critical thinking.

Methods: partial search, problem presentation, creative. Used in classbasic techniques for developing critical thinking technology:

Posing direct and covert questions to the text;

Searching the text for answers to the questions posed;

Arrangement of keywords, key sentences in a logical sequence;

Graphic systematization of text material: clusters, tables, diagrams;

Elements of discussion.

Communicative learning activities: enter into an educational dialogue with the teacher, classmates, participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech behavior, formulate your own thoughts and statements, justify your point of view.

The question of nicknames is vast, since there are a huge number of nicknames in the Russian language. Still, this question is very interesting, so I will look at some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Every person is given a name at birth. But parents choose it only for the beauty of its sound. And despite the fact that there are books that explain the meaning of names, this meaning rarely coincides with the character of a person. But over the course of his life, a person receives another name, or even more than one, where the most striking feature of his character is highlighted. This name is called a nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Crybaby, Sneaky, Mama's Boy, Greedy, Botanist, Tolstoy. Mostly such nicknames are given during school years. They arise as a result of some memorable incident or series of incidents. The girl cried once or twice, and the nickname stuck to her. Or the children noticed that the boy was of unusual build, and it occurred to someone to call him Tolstoy.

Nicknames are often invented when a person has a long or funny last name. The boy bears the surname Bobarov, and his classmates noticed a vague similarity of the surname with the word beaver. They began to call him Beaver. Or there is Lebedev in the class, and they start calling him Lebedev. I know of a case when a boy with the last name Tochenov began to be called Sharpener. The surname Shekarskas was also shortened. It turned into the nickname Chic.

Sometimes a person's name and behavior are quite ordinary. But this person also has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly-haired boy may be called Pushkin. Or the girl looks quite plump and well-fed, and her classmates, for reasons understandable only to them, begin to call her Nightstand.

The associative path of nickname inventors can be very complex. For example, a boy’s last name is Chalov. Classmates turn it into the combination Chuck-Chuck, and in some mysterious way they compare it with a nut. So, Mr. Chalov turns into Nut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. We dropped the first letter and got Zamat. Now we've added the ending -ka. It turned out to be Zamatka. And after that it is not difficult to turn it into Putty. Thus, poor Azamat is now Putty.

Yes, besides school and the company of friends, we should mention one more place where people get nicknames (nicknames). This happens “in the zone.” I'm (fortunately) not very knowledgeable in this area, but I've heard a few things. There, the sound of nicknames is very impressive: Humpbacked, Soaked, Scalded, Kolobok, the same Skull. Features of appearance are also noted here. But these features may arise from incidents in their dangerous lives.

Let's draw conclusions from our research. First: names do not reflect the true essence of a person, what is most clearly visible in him. Nicknames are invented by people you know. You never know in the circle of acquaintances Mish and Katya. And if you are talking about a person and calling him by a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand who you are talking about. And second: the imagination of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. This is probably why the Russian language is so rich. However, it is not enough for people to express all their feelings, to designate all objects and phenomena. And new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, when you see a person, you want to identify him not with an abstract name, but with a capacious and understandable, as well as cheerful name.

Theme description: I wonder who will remember how many nicknames he had, does he have now? What kind of offensive nicknames are there, or maybe it’s just a description of a person or a meaningless, stupid mockery?
Can a thoughtless nickname do any harm?
And also, we thought that we give ourselves nicknames, for example, on the Internet. So are we real or do we just want to see ourselves that way, and looking at ourselves from the outside through the eyes of another person can be scary, but it tickles our nerves and is useful.

In general, here is an article for you - an essay - it is also a discussion on the topic:

"Nicknames Among Us"

None of us had a nickname. There were good nicknames, characterizing the best side, and there were also offensive ones - often they were given to tease a person. Yes, and they arose in different ways. Last name, character, habit, appearance, even hobbies formed the basis of nicknames.

They say that for a person there is nothing more harmonious in the world than his name. And addressing him as a pet, by name, is a sign of bad manners. But sometimes a nickname for a person is much nicer than his own name.

In addition, nicknames largely reflect the attitude of people towards a person. If he is loved in the company, then the nickname is most likely kind and cheerful, but if it’s the other way around, beware. Often, such angry, sarcastic nicknames, given to a person thoughtlessly, can do a lot of harm. They can greatly offend and a person can become withdrawn, disappointed not only in himself, but also in those around him.

By the way, it is worth noting that not very offensive nicknames are very convenient. Call, for example, Masha on the street or in the corridor - about five people turn around, and Red shouts - it immediately becomes clear who they are addressing. Of course, you can object - after all, there is a surname. But the surname does not always sound beautiful.

Another feature is nicknames on the Internet. We give these so-called nicknames to ourselves. Often they reflect our essence. Or they talk about how we really want to appear. Hiding behind nicknames, these bright, noticeable nicknames of our own creation, we hope to please our interlocutors and intrigue them.

And living in the world of the Internet, it is more convenient to choose a new name for yourself and imagine yourself as a completely different person. Sometimes it can seem like an exciting adventure to pretend to be a completely different person.

Whether it’s good or bad to have a nickname is something each of us decides for ourselves. But there is hardly anything bad about them, since the tradition of giving nicknames goes back centuries.

The question of nicknames is vast, since there are a huge number of nicknames in the Russian language. Still, this question is very interesting, so I will look at some cases where people come up with unusual nicknames.

Every person is given a name at birth. But parents choose it only for the beauty of its sound. And despite the fact that there are books that explain the meaning of names, this meaning rarely coincides with the character of a person. But over the course of his life, a person receives another name, or even more than one, where the most striking feature of his character is highlighted. This name is called a nickname.

There are quite popular nicknames. They are understandable to almost everyone. These include Crybaby, Sneaky, Mama's Boy, Greedy, Botanist, Tolstoy. Mostly such nicknames are given during school years. They arise as a result of some memorable incident or series of incidents. The girl cried once or twice, and the nickname stuck to her. Or the children noticed that the boy was of unusual build, and it occurred to someone to call him Tolstoy.

Nicknames are often invented when a person has a long or funny last name. The boy bears the surname Bobarov, and his classmates noticed a vague similarity of the surname with the word beaver. They began to call him Beaver. Or there is Lebedev in the class, and they start calling him Lebedev. I know of a case when a boy with the last name Tochenov began to be called Sharpener. The surname Shekarskas was also shortened. It turned into the nickname Chic.

Sometimes a person's name and behavior are quite ordinary. But this person also has a chance to get a nickname. Because people can pay attention to his appearance. For example, a curly-haired boy may be called Pushkin. Or the girl looks quite plump and well-fed, and her classmates, for reasons understandable only to them, begin to call her Nightstand.

The associative path of nickname inventors can be very complex. For example, a boy’s last name is Chalov. Classmates turn it into the combination Chuck-Chuck, and in some mysterious way they compare it with a nut. So, Mr. Chalov turns into Nut. Or, the boy's name is Azamat. We dropped the first letter and got Zamat. Now we've added the ending -ka. It turned out to be Zamatka. And after that it is not difficult to turn it into Putty. Thus, poor Azamat is now Putty.

Yes, besides school and the company of friends, we should mention one more place where people get nicknames (nicknames). This happens “in the zone.” I'm (fortunately) not very knowledgeable in this area, but I've heard a few things. There, the sound of nicknames is very impressive: Humpbacked, Soaked, Scalded, Kolobok, the same Skull. Features of appearance are also noted here. But these features may arise from incidents in their dangerous lives.

Let's draw conclusions from our research. First: names do not reflect the true essence of a person, what is most clearly visible in him. Nicknames are invented by people you know. You never know in the circle of acquaintances Mish and Katya. And if you are talking about a person and calling him by a nickname, then your friend will immediately understand who you are talking about. And second: the imagination of the Russian-speaking population is limitless. This is probably why the Russian language is so rich. However, it is not enough for people to express all their feelings, to designate all objects and phenomena. And new words and new nicknames will constantly appear. After all, when you see a person, you want to identify him not with an abstract name, but with a capacious and understandable, as well as cheerful name.