MiscellaneousThe premiere performance at the Puppet Theater on Baumanskaya is “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Buratino” based on the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy

. Tolstoy himself borrowed the idea from the Italian Carlo Collodi, literary processing his work “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of a wooden doll." Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy dedicated his book to his future wife, Lyudmila Ilyinichna Krestinskaya.

The main characters: Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin - dolls who escaped from the theater of the evil Karabas-Barabas and are trying to find the treasured door to a new, fair world. They will find this door in Papa Carlo's closet and will be able to open it with the help of the golden key to remain in a happy future forever. But before they reach their goal, they will have to endure many trials and adventures. A favorite fairy tale for many generations of children. And it would be a sin not to put puppet show about dolls! The theater offers us classical production

this performance with bright, easily recognizable dolls and characters. The action is built on the principle of “people and dolls”: some of the characters on stage (Carlo, Karabas, Duremara, Alice, Basilio) are played by people with or without masks; the other part (Pinocchio, Malvina, Pierrot, Harlequin) are dolls. The performance is intended for an audience of five years and older.

Stage director - Oleg Rusov. The puppets for the performance were made by the famous puppet theater director, member of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation Andrei Mikhailovich Lukomsky. His father also worked in the puppet theater. The question of choosing a profession never faced A. Lukomsky. He always knew who he would be and seems to know everything about dolls. Cheerful and mischievous, like Pinocchio himself, the music for the production was written by Kharkov composer Igor Anatolyevich Gaidenko. He is the author of music for more than 40 performances staged in different cities of Russia and Ukraine.

We recommend watching this kind and positive play about a resilient wooden boy with your children. Just remember that tickets are required for all spectators, both small and large. Children under 14 years of age are allowed into the hall only if accompanied by an adult. For the convenience of young spectators, so that everything that happens on stage can be clearly seen, transformable chairs are installed in the hall, in which the seat is raised to the desired height. The theater is waiting for you!
Every viewer, big and small, regardless of age, must have a ticket.
Children under 14 years of age are allowed into the hall only if accompanied by an adult (if they have a ticket and are with an adult).
The duration of the performance is one hour 20 minutes with intermission.

Dear viewers! From December 23 to January 8, 30 minutes before the start of the performances, there will be an interlude at the New Year's tree (Father Frost, Snow Maiden, heroes of favorite fairy tales). The interlude will only take place before the performances listed below:

Teremok. December 23 at 11.00.
Magic nut. The story of the Nutcracker. December 23 at 17.00.
The famous Moidodyr. December 24 at 11.00.
Go! December 24 at 11.00.
Cinderella. December 29 at 19.00.
Bunny and his friends. December 30 at 11.00.
Magic nut. The story of the Nutcracker. December 30 at 17.00.
Magic nut. The story of the Nutcracker. December 31 at 11.00.

Galina Prokopyeva

Children's performance based on a fairy tale« Pinocchio»


Children Readers 2



Forest animals: Fox, Wolf, Bear, Hare.

Little frogs


Fox Alice

Cat Basilio


Scene 1

The curtain is closed.

Reading children come out.

1 reb:

I'll tell you a riddle.

About cheerful, about kind,

A wonderful country.

Balls, dolls and bears live there,

There is a miracle - flowers grow in the clearing.

It's fun, great, just wonderful...

And this country is called…. childhood.

2 reb:

Childhood fairy tales are miracles

They stay with us forever.

Fill the heart with affection and warmth,

Enter childhood fairy tales in every home.

1 reb:

IN fairy tale sea ​​with golden fish,

Chernomor with a long beard.

And in the crystal house in front of everyone

A golden squirrel gnaws a nut.

2 reb:

Fairy tales- this is the light in your eyes,

Fairy tales- kindness in all hearts.

Life will become brighter if suddenly

Will come back to us fairy tale – childhood friend!

1 reb:

We'll show you we have a fairy tale for you.

About a mischievous boy,

Such a cute one.

2 reb:

How many adventures will there be?

You can guess for a long time,

But it's time to start.

The readers go behind the curtain.

To the music, children - dolls run out into the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern.


Carpenter Giuseppe blue nose

One day he brought a log into the house.

He started making something

The log began to speak.

Who spoke in that log?

Who did Giuseppe make?

Dolls– Pinocchio!

To the soundtrack of a song « Pinocchio» runs into the hall Pinocchio, stands among the dolls in the center.


Hello friends! Here I am!

For a long, long time I ran

And where did I end up?


You're in the theater!


To the theatre? Great! Who are you?

Dolls: We are the dolls of Karabas Barabas.


What luck! What an evening!

I am very glad to meet you like this!

Pierrot and Malvina are here,

Artemon and Arlekino (slaps his hand)


Here's your front row ticket.

Pinocchio sit on a chair in front of the dolls.


Come! Come! Hurry up! Look!

Only with us and only once!

Puppet theater of the famous Karabas Barabas!

Dance of whispering dolls

Karabas: Honorable audience! I present to your attention, Dolls and clowns! They were raised and trained by me personally. On thin threads - the living ones seem to obey Me unquestioningly! Come on! Once! (bow to Harlequin) Two! (bow to Pierrot) Three! (bow to Malvina and Artemon.)

Dance "Doll" M. Rodovich.

(Carabas and dolls bow)

The dolls leave behind the canopy and Pierrot remains behind.


Malvina ran away

To foreign lands.

Malvina is missing

My bride!

I'm crying, I don't know

Where should I go?

Isn't it better to part with a doll's life?

A Harlequin with a stick peeks out from behind the curtains


What's happened?

What's happened?

Who's whining here?

Who's whining here?

What kind of obsession is this?

In the middle of the show!

I'll teach you a lesson!

I'll beat you with a stick in no time!


Oh, please don't hit me!

Oh, please be sorry!

Harlequin (quiet):

I would be glad, but you yourself know

If you don't play well with us,

How Karabas came up with

He will punish us all with a whip!


I'll teach you a lesson!

I'll beat you with a stick in no time!


I couldn't sit anymore

I couldn't stand it anymore!

Why did you pester him?

How did he bother you?


What do you care?

Why did you jump out like that, are you brave?

I'll teach you a lesson too!

And I'll beat you up!


Wait! Calm down!

Well, my friends! Do not quarrel!

All dolls should be friends

It's more fun to live together!

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5!

Let's start dancing!

Dance of dolls and Pinocchio“The bird was dancing a polka.”

At the end Karabas comes out, the dolls freeze in poses.


Who dared to have fun here? (waves the whip)

Why don't I see tears? (stomps his foot)

It's you, wooden boy,

Pinocchio - long nose...

Karabas walks towards him threateningly. Buratino backs away, hiding behind dolls, peeking out, teasing. But Karabas catches him.

The dolls run away. Karabas holds the collar Pinocchio.


Ah, gotcha! Stop running!

It's time for me to have lunch!

I really, really want to eat,

I'll boil you in a pot!

The curtain opens. Karabas leads him to a screen on which a fire and a pot are painted.


Ha ha ha! Decided to scare me!

Your bowler hat is drawn

Bright paint on canvas!

I'm like Papa Carlo

I saw houses on the wall!

Karabas: - Shh - s – s... (leans over Pinocchio)

Shut up, wooden boy! (whispers)

Don't talk about the great secret!

No one should know about her...

Take five gold! (puts it in his palm)

Pinocchio - Wow(to the side)

It's time to run!

Music. Buratino runs along the path.

Dance miniature « Pinocchio in the forest» (Pinocchio runs through the forest, meets forest animals, dances with them and at the end hides behind the curtain)

Scene 2

The curtain opens. On stage house, flower bed with flowers. There is a desk. School board or easel. Sitting at a desk Pinocchio and Artemon. Malvina rings the bell.

Malvina: Lesson begins!

Remember 5 important rules:

You can't get your hands into the jam.

Swallow the cakes whole.

Chatting under the table at night.

You cannot pour coffee on the tablecloth.

You can't be naughty at breakfast.

Pinocchio: Why am I being punished for this?

Why do I need this education?

Malvina: I ask for your attention

Let's do the counting now.

You have 2 pears in your pocket

Give me one to eat

and how many pears do you have left?

Pinocchio(turning out pockets): There is none, as it turns out.

Malvina: Listen carefully!

You have 2 pears in your pocket

Give me one to eat.

Pinocchio: I give my pears to no one

and I never give it away!

Malvina: You are not capable of anything!

Pinocchio: What good is the account?

I'm already smart! Don't be stupid!

And studying is boring!

Who has money in his pocket - (shows)

No use for science!

Pinocchio gets up, throws the briefcase and runs away in leaps.

Malvina – Pinocchio! Pinocchio! Come back!

The curtain closes. The scenery is changing.

Scene 3

"Dance of Flowers"

The curtain opens.

Runs out Pinocchio looks around.

Pinocchio: What a beautiful clearing I came running to!

There's a song playing "What a blue sky" music A. Rybnikova. Alice the fox and Basilio the cat enter the hall. They are dancing. Buratono hides behind flowers. At the end of the dance, Alice and Basilio are led out Pinocchio.


Hello Darling Pinocchio!

Why did you hang your nose?


I don't want to go to school

Tired of everything to tears!


Oh, what a lovely boy

Everything is clear to us without words.

Go with us, Pinocchio!


Cat and Fox:

To a cool country... "Zna-to-kov"(to the side) Hee hee hee!

The flowers are leaving. There is a tree in the middle

Dance miniature to a song "Field of Fools" Pinocchio hides the bag of money and falls asleep. The fox and the cat steal the money and run away.

Scene 4

Sounds "Song of the Frogs" music And Rybnikova. On swamp scene, reeds, lilies. Baby frogs jump out.

Frog dance.

Frog 1:

We are green frogs

Jumping, laughing.

Frog 2:

Look- Pinocchio!

He's sitting on a leaf!

Very sad and sad,

Does not say anything.

Frog 1:

We urgently need to tell the turtle about this tell,

And she will help him


Tortilla! Tortilla!


Help! Save the poor thing Pinocchio!

To the music "floats" Tortilla turtle on the boat.

She performs "Tortilla's Song" A. Rybnikova

Turtle looks carefully Pinocchio in pince-nez.


What's that noise in our swamp?


I was a little guilty. I ran away from my friends!

I didn't want to go to school

That's why he got into trouble.

(Tortilla gives him his hand, Pinocchio gets up)


I realized my mistakes

And I'll tell you, friends!

“Learning is always useful”,

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness"!


Cute boy Pinocchio!

Don't be sad, don't be sad.

I'll give you a key.

He's from fairy door. (gives the key)

In that fairy tale joy and fun,

In that in a fairy tale there is no sorrow and no evil.

Go there boldly, my boy!

Give miracles to all people!

All the heroes run out fairy tales.

Dance « Pinocchio» music A Rybnikova

An adult introduces all participants performance.

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About the children's performance

In one secluded corner of Moscow there is a closet behind which miracles are hidden. The play “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” at the Puppet Theater will help little Muscovites find it and find out what is hidden inside.
Age limit: 5+. Young theatergoers under 14 years old can only enter the hall if accompanied by an adult (tickets can be purchased for both adults and children).
The production takes place in the Great Hall.
. Author: Alexey Tolstoy;
. director - Oleg Rusov.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it
One day, in a closet under the stairs, Papa Carlo whittled a boy-doll out of an unusual log, and from that moment miracles began in the town. The boy came to life and, like many children, turned out to be not particularly obedient. He offended the Talking Cricket, angered the old rat Shushara, deceived his dad, preferred the booth and wealth promised by charlatans to school. What fate awaits a boy who is not familiar with the treachery of our world and lives by momentary emotions? Spectators who purchase tickets to the play “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” in Moscow will learn about this.

The ending of this instructive, but fun and good fairy tale many people know. Pinocchio will have many adventures and unexpected acquaintances, difficult and even dangerous trials. He learns about the human world incredible facts, and with it, little theatergoers will discover a lot of new things for themselves.

The mystery of the door behind the canvas
Puppet show about the adventures of a wooden boy is based on the original text and is therefore especially attractive to viewers familiar with its plot. All your favorite characters will appear on stage as the action progresses - the charming turtle Tortila, the blue-haired Malvina and her sad admirer Pierrot, the scary red-bearded Karabas-Barabas and the charismatic swindlers Alice and Basilio.

The dolls in this performance harmoniously coexist on stage with masked actors, which adds dynamics to the action and perfectly complements the plot about the life of dolls in the world of people and magical creatures. Despite all the twists and turns and very instructive events, a happy ending awaits the heroes - the key will still open the door behind the canvas, which hides a real, genuine miracle.

Full description


Additional Information

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes, with intermission.

From December 25 to January 8 inclusive, 30 minutes before the start of performances, there will be an interlude in the Theater Foyer New Year tree(Father Frost, Snow Maiden, heroes of favorite fairy tales. Games, round dance).

Full description

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Theater address: Baumanskaya metro station, Moscow, Spartakovskaya st., 26/30

  • Baumanskaya

Moscow Puppet Theater

The Moscow Puppet Theater is one of the oldest puppet theaters in the capital; it was founded in 1930. His artistic director is Doctor of Art History Boris Goldovsky. The puppet theater in Moscow is open from 10.00 to 19.00 from Tuesday to Sunday. Monday is a day off.

The Moscow Puppet Theater's playbill includes performances for spectators of all ages: from one-year-old children to 16-year-old teenagers. Some productions require the participation of actors in addition to puppets. Along with traditional performances, new stage forms are being created at the Moscow Puppet Theater: interactive baby theater for the little ones, storytelling (“story telling”), plastic performances, theater with eyes closed and other genres. The theater holds festivals and actively tours abroad.

Features of the Moscow Puppet Theater

The theater has three stages:


The layouts of the halls of the Moscow Puppet Theater help spectators choose the most convenient seats.

In the foyer on the ground floor there is an exhibition of designer dolls made by outstanding Russian artists. In the hall on the second floor there is an exhibition of theater artists. In addition, the most curious visitors can take a behind-the-scenes tour.

The theater has theater workshops where they make scenery, puppets, props and other equipment necessary for performances. The institution also operates a school for young puppeteers called “Theater of Miracles.” Children aged 6 to 12 years old attend it for free: they write scripts, make scenery, and draw sketches.

Visitors are always very welcome at the theater, but you should remember that certain rules apply here. For example, children under 14 years old can only come to the show if accompanied by an adult. It is also worth keeping in mind that buying a ticket to Moscow puppet show necessary for both an adult and a young visitor, regardless of his age.

How to get to the Moscow Puppet Theater

The Moscow Puppet Theater is located at the address: Moscow, Spartakovskaya street, building 26/30. Nearest metro station: Baumanskaya.
There are several train stops nearby public transport called "Metro Baumanskaya". Stop here

trams No. 37, 45, 50;
bus number 425.

Musical performance for adults and children, duration 1 hour 30 minutes, 6+

Music: Alexey Rybnikov
Libretto: Sofia Troitskaya
Poems: Yuri Entin
Production: Alexander Rykhlov
Choreography: Zhanna Shmakova
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Characters and performers:
Pinocchio: Svetlana Bakaeva/Arina Kirsanova
Papa Carlo: Nikolay Drozdovsky/Leonid Sivets
Cat Basilio: Nikolai Lyutov/Iv Nabiev/Dmitry Bogdanov
Fox Alice: Ekaterina Kulchitskaya/Evgenia Blagova/Anna Kurkova
Karabas-Barabas: Leonid Sivets/Mikhail Evtyukhov
Malvina: Natalya Krestyanskikh/Alexandra Akmanova/Svetlana Bakaeva
Piero: Egor Nikolaev/Denis Boerevich/Iv Nabiev/Dmitry Bogdanov
Harlequin/Artemon: Yaroslav Dyakov/Konstantin Pankratov/Mikhail Markov/Victor Bakaev/Shamardin Valery
Turtle Tortilla: Svetlana Milovanova
Duremar: Dmitry Bogdanov/Iv Nabiev/Borislav Dronzikov/Denis Boerevich
Tavern owner: Natalia Koshkina/Ulyana Lukina/Sofia Zibrova
Fat boy: Stanislav Zavgorodniy/Alexandra Akmanova/Anna Seidnazarova/Yazilya Mukhametova
Policemen: Stanislav Zavgorodniy/Anna Galkina

Choreographic group: Natalya Koshkina, Sofya Zibrova, Ulyana Lukina, Tatyana Yakovenko, Oksana Stratulat, Yaroslav Dyakov, Dmitry Bogdanov, Konstantin Pankratov, Victor Bakaev, Mikhail Markov, Anastasia Zavgorodnyaya, Valery Shamardin

Backing vocals: Daria Dubina, Maria Savina, Diana Orlovskaya, Anna Kurkova, Yazilya Mukhametova, Anna Seidnazarova

The organ grinder Carlo made a wooden man out of a talking log so that he could walk around the yards with him and earn his living. But the baby turned out to be an unusually mischievous, impudent boy, constantly getting into trouble.

Instead of obeying his father and going to school, Pinocchio, as Carlo called him, ran away to the performance of the Karabas Barabas Theater, the great producer and director of all times, and disrupted his brilliant production.

A well-deserved punishment is unexpectedly replaced by a pardon and a monetary reward of 5 gold coins. And all because Karabas finds out about a secret door hidden in Carlo’s closet. He needs to open it. Therefore, when Pinocchio goes home, he, Karabas Barabas, will follow the tomboy and find out where his father lives...

Although Pinocchio is a liar and a scoundrel, he is easy to deceive. He had not even gone half way home when he met scammers - Alice the fox and Basilio the cat, and they promised that his finances would increase 22 and a half times. You just need to get to the Land of Fools, bury money in the Field of Miracles and in the morning you can count your profits.

Since its inception, the story of the restless wooden doll has changed little. Pinocchio is the same naughty man, a liar and a loafer, Tortila is the same forgetful and fair, Alice the fox and Basilio the cat are the same scoundrels as they were before.

So why do we need to once again retell a plot that is familiar to everyone and has become so familiar (that’s why it’s good)?! Let's talk about the most unusual performance that could ever happen! Not in a fairy tale, but for real!

It all started with the fact that composer Alexey Rybnikov conceived a musical performance that would be interesting to both adults and children. So that both of them would come - and no one would be bored, and would not want to leave, and after the end of the performance there would be a desire to come back here again.

Childhood unites us with common memories. Theater unites the audience with experience. IN musical theater Music becomes such an experience. It is the key to the success of the play “Pinocchio!”

Also, as a guarantee of enthusiastic animation in the audience - in a funny and sensible libretto. And the performers - artists of our Theater, musicians, singers, who take direct part throughout the entire show and never leave the stage for a minute, highlight new facets of not only the tale of Pinocchio, but also the musical entertainment genre itself.

Inspired by what is happening, the audience, as a rule, does not even suspect that they are returning to the origins of the theater - to the clownish booths, fastnachtspiel, theater dell'arte. And this is not a simple revival of old traditions, but their enrichment with centuries-old experience, enhanced by modern means. Coming to the play "Pinocchio", we find ourselves in a theater in which everything characters, on stage and in the hall - these are living people - participants in the same game and, it seems, its outcome depends on you and me.