New Year is one of the most long-awaited and favorite holidays. This is also the time when all office papers are put away on the table, the Christmas tree is decorated and champagne is opened. This is the time when all employees stay in the office to celebrate this day together. wonderful holiday. This is also a time when each employee has a chance to get to know their colleagues better, when the team can unite even more.

How to make a holiday beyond praise? So that your colleagues don’t get bored and have a lot of fun, you will need not only champagne, but also fun competitions.

Competition No. 1. "New Year's taster."

Two people must participate in this competition. 8 plastic cups are placed in front of each participant. The host pours various drinks into them, a little at a time. It could be juice, lemonade, whiskey, champagne, beer and so on. The task of each participant, blindfolded, is to determine what he drank. And you need to do this faster than the enemy. The point is awarded to the person who said the name of the drink first. The one who earns more points is the winner.

Competition No. 2. "Feed me".

This competition requires two pairs. The presenter blindfolds the men and gives them yogurt and a tablespoon. The task of men is to feed their mate without seeing her. Whichever couple eats their yogurt the fastest wins. Also, if there is no yogurt, you can give the couple candy and force them to eat it without using their hands. It will look very funny from the outside, so everyone can have a lot of fun.

Competition No. 3. "Scout".

To participate in this competition you will need a girl and four men. The men carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember every detail in her wardrobe and hairstyle. Then the presenter takes the woman out the door, and there he changes something minor about her. For example, he takes off a bracelet, puts on earrings, unbuttons a button on a blouse, rolls up his pants, or puts a small hairpin on his hair. Then the girl enters the office again. Men must catch all the changes. The one who noticed the most changes in the girl wins and is recognized as the most attentive person of the evening.

Competition No. 4. "Things on the chair."

This competition involves two people. Two chairs are placed in the middle of the office, with their backs facing each other. A huge number of different things are scattered around the room. They must be large. For example, soft toys are suitable. The task of the participants is to collect all the things and fit them on their chair. On whose chair the most things are collected, he wins.

Competition No. 5. "Relay race".

This competition is more dynamic so that employees do not sit still. You can hold this competition in the corridor, where there will be more space. All those present are divided into two equal teams. They line up in two columns, one behind the other. A line is drawn at the end of the corridor. Each team is given one item from the office (pen, proofreader, stapler). When the leader claps his hands, the first two participants of both teams begin to race towards the line at the end of the corridor. They must leave their item behind the line and run back. When he comes running, he must touch the next team member so that he can continue the relay. The team that loses all items the fastest will win.

Competition No. 6. "Cow."

For this competition we need two men and two young ladies. Men will play the role of cows. The presenter gives them a medical glove filled with water. There will be small holes made with a needle in the fingers of each glove. The task of women is to milk more “milk” into a glass than their opponent in 30 seconds. At the same time, the participants must be supported with loud applause.

Competition No. 7. "Nimble Monkey"

Three people can participate in this competition. The presenter places a stool in the middle of the office. He places three unpeeled bananas on it. Three participants kneel so that each person has a banana in front of them. In this case, their hands must be tied behind their backs. When the music starts, participants must temporarily open and eat their banana. The fastest participant wins.

Competition No. 8. "A bottle of vodka".

10 people take part in this competition. They are divided into two teams, 5 people each. At the end of the office, on the desk, the presenter places two bottles of cognac or champagne and glasses. Both teams line up in two columns, one behind the other. When the music starts, the first members of both teams run to the table, pour cognac into a glass and run back. They stand at the end of the column. The second participants run to the table and drink the contents of the glasses. Still others pour again. The team that drinks alcohol the fastest will win.

Competition No. 9. "Be attentive - get a prize."

One man and one woman must participate in this competition. They stand opposite each other, and between them is a stool. There is some kind of prize on the stool. When the host says "five" they must grab the prize. But the cunning presenter counts: “One, Two, Three, Four, Five….ten”, “One, Two, Three, Four, Five….hundred.” The winner in this competition will be the one who is more attentive and the first to grab the prize.

Competition No. 10. "Matches on eyelashes."

For this competition you will need matches, two men and two women. The leader indicates which pair will be first. A woman puts a match or a toothpick on a man's eyelashes. He must say as many Happy New Year congratulations as possible until the toothpick falls off. The presenter records how many seconds have passed. Then the second pair does the same. The one who said more congratulations wins.

Three men and three women must participate in this competition. They are divided into three pairs. Each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The presenter turns on rousing music. The task of women is to wrap their partner in toilet paper as quickly as possible to create a mummy. The team whose participant completes the transformation of her man faster wins.

Competition No. 12. "Nuts."

This competition requires four beautiful ladies. They are blindfolded. The presenter places four chairs in the center of the office. He places different amounts of walnuts on them. There may be eight of them on one chair, four on another, six on a third, and only one on a fourth. The facilitator then leads each participant to her chair. She must sit on it and use her butt to determine how many nuts are on her chair. It is prohibited to look at and touch the nuts with your hands. The winner will be the one whose butt correctly determines the number of nuts on her chair.

Competition No. 13. "New Year's lottery."

Anyone can take part in the lottery. The presenter distributes a piece of paper with a number to everyone present. He has other leaves with the same numbers in his hat. There are gifts wrapped in a huge red bag beautiful paper. Some of them are real, and some are jokes. For example, the bag might contain scented candles and beautiful handmade soaps, or a box of chocolates made from play dough and a bottle of whiskey that smells like apple juice. The presenter takes out a gift and a piece of paper with a number from the hat. The one who has this number receives a gift. This way, every employee in the office will receive either a real or a comic gift. But the main thing is that everyone will receive good mood.

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This competition is good to hold at the beginning of the holiday. The team is divided into two teams. The presenter asks interesting and humorous riddles. One correct answer - one step to the table. The distance for placing teams is selected depending on the number of participants. Sample riddles for the competition could be:
- what can be seen when a woman raises her leg, this word is made up of 5 letters, starts with “p” and ends with “a” (heel);
- the hairy head fits neatly behind the cheek (toothbrush);
- who doesn’t get their hair wet in the rain? (bald);
- Why does the goat have sad eyes? (because the husband is an asshole);
- takes it to one place, and gives it to another (ATM) and so on.

New Year's greetings from the President

Each of the guests for a minute becomes the president of the country and each forfeit gets his own 5 words, which he must organically insert into his New Year’s greetings. The words must be unusual to make the congratulations funny, for example, crane, duck, Chinese, bananas, worm; airship, Turks, mole, broth, radish; cinquefoil goose, glass, peas, Kirkorov, teeth and so on. The president will receive a prize for the most cheerful and harmonious congratulation.

Everybody dance

Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter plays a cheerful and lively song, or vice versa - a slow and smooth one. Participants will need to dance, but not just dance, but only with a certain part of the body. To do this, everyone chooses a card on which a specific part of the body will be written. For example, fingers, head, legs, butt, stomach and so on. As soon as the music starts playing in the hall, the participants join the dance with their specified part of the body. The most eccentric and artistic person is awarded a prize.

Get away from your significant other

Friends, anything can happen at a corporate party and therefore it is better to think through various excuses for your significant other in advance. Each of the participants takes out their own forfeit, which indicates a specific situation for which the participant must come up with the funniest excuse. For example, you have three lipstick marks on your shirt; you came home wearing men's shoes; you have a napkin in your pocket with Natalie’s phone number and name; you have a man's tie in your purse and so on. There is a prize for the most fun and interesting excuse.

To a meeting on skis

The game can be played both for teams and for individual participants. Guests are late for an important meeting, but the roads, as luck would have it, are covered with snow. Therefore, you need to get there on skis. Each participant receives two album sheets and two sticks. At the “start” command, the participants get on their skis (on two landscape sheets: one foot on one sheet, and the other on the other) and begin to move towards the goal in such a way that the sheets do not disappear from under their feet. The participant who arrives at the meeting the fastest will win.


Each of the participants is invited to pull out one card, on which the name of one of the horoscope signs will be written, i.e. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. Everyone’s task will be to show, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, what kind of sign they came across; the rest will guess.

Bucket of snow

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people. There is a bucket (basket) located at the same distance from each company and each team has a whole stack of plain white paper sheets. At the command “start”, the members of each team cooperate, crumple up a sheet of paper, turning it into a “snowball” and throw it into their bucket (without stepping over the line). The team that fills its bucket with snow faster than others from a specified distance will be the winner.


The guests are divided into equal teams, each team receives a bunch of old and unnecessary documents and papers. At the command “start”, team members must crumple up each leaf and make the best handsome snowman. For the nose, eyes and bucket, you need to be creative and take something from the table (any product) to complement the image with creativity. The team that makes the most beautiful paper snowman the fastest will win.

Movie, movie, movie

Guests are divided into teams with the same number of people and in 5 minutes of preparation each team must show their miniature from the Soviet film about New Year, for example, “The Irony of Fate”, “Sorcerers”, “Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Carnival Night” and so on. For the best performance, the team will receive a bottle of champagne or a kilo of tangerine.

On the way to Santa Claus

Two teams with the same number of people. Each team will need a pair of skis. At the command “start”, the first participants put on skis and move to the tree, hug it and back to the team, passing the baton to the second participants. The team that skis the fastest will win.

We carry interest and love for the holiday called New Year throughout our lives; from it we expect gifts, miracles and special fun. What kind of fun would it be without New Year's games, competitions, fairy tales with dressing up and funny entertainment!? Moreover, everyone wants to move around a little and have some fun after the traditionally generous New Year's table with all sorts of goodies and drinks!

On holiday entertainment program it is recommended to include various comic fortune telling and predictions, but, most importantly, do not forget to choose games and competitions suitable for the gathered company; the festive mood of all guests will largely depend on this.

Offered here New Year's games and competitions for a wide variety of tastes: creative, funny, active and moderately spicy . These are fun games for cheerful people, some of them will come in handy at corporate parties, others are more suitable for home parties and a close group of friends. Think about which ones you need, and play New Year's Eve with fun and pleasure!

1. New Year's game "Santa Claus is coming.."

This entertainment can be carried out immediately before the appearance of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden and involve all the guests in it, for example, during a dance break. The host invites the guests to stand so as not to disturb each other and call Santa Claus in an unusual way: not by shouting, but by an unusual New Year's dance. The point of the game is as follows: you need to replace the words of the New Year's poem with sign language.

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,

Santa Claus is coming to us!

And we know that Santa Claus

He brings us gifts! Hooray!

All words are replaced with gestures: “coming” - walking in place, “Santa Claus” - placing a hand with outstretched fingers to the chin (representing a beard), the combination “to us” - with a gesture pointing to oneself. To show the word “we know” we put a finger to the forehead, the word “we” is a gesture pointing to all the guests, the word “carries” is like a bag over the shoulders, and with the word “gifts” - everyone depicts what they dream of. "Hooray!" - everyone is stomping and clapping

For greater interest, it is better to change words for gestures gradually: first one word, then two, until the last word disappears, and only gestures remain with cheerful musical accompaniment.

And when they start clapping (meaning “hurray”), Father Frost and the Snow Maiden appear, handing out gifts to the “artists” (if any are provided) or starting their program.

2. New Year's competition "Race for Fortune"

The role of “luck” in this competition will be played by durable, unbreakable Christmas tree decorations, for example, large and colorful balls. Another piece of equipment you will need is children's plastic mini hockey sticks (or Chinese back scratchers), one for each player (3-4 people are enough).

At the start, participants have children’s clubs (or back scratchers) tied to their belts, and the finish line is marked with chairs for each. The chairs will also serve as gates into which players must drive their “ball of luck.” This can only be done with the help of clubs, and in no case should you help with your hands.

Naturally, the one who scores a goal faster wins - he will “drive luck” into his own goal. He is given a good luck talisman (a Christmas tree decoration), he is declared “lucky of the year” - everyone else, including those sitting in the hall, is invited to urgently touch the one who just caught luck, so that they too will be lucky.

3. "Be my Christmas tree!"

First, participants in this competition cut out a Christmas tree toy from colored cardboard. Then, using the resulting clothespin or paperclip, they must hang the “created miracle” on the Christmas tree, but... blindfolded. The most insidious thing about the rules of this game is that the participants, having been “deprived” of their sight, are spun around their axis and then asked to walk to the Christmas tree. In this case, the Christmas tree for everyone will be the first thing they bump into - that’s where they should hang their toy.

Usually, rarely does anyone get to a real Christmas tree, so the main prize is given to the one who stumbles upon the best one and can even hang his work on it.

4. Competition for New Year's holiday"The most resourceful Snow Maiden."

To participate in this competitive game, we form five pairs (boy-girl). The girls are blindfolded, and about ten Christmas tree decorations are hidden in the clothes of the men. Jewelry can be hidden in pockets, socks, in a bosom, hung on a tie, attached to a lapel, and so on. The main thing is to try not to use anything breakable, piercing or cutting in this game.

The task of the “Snow Maiden” girls is to discover everything hidden on their partner’s body. Naturally, the girl who discovers larger number toys for the allotted period of time.

5. New Year's greetings for the boss.

This is a party competition. The presenter will need to call five to seven people, preferably both men and women. The presenter asks such an innocent question: which animal, bird or flower (if the boss is a lady) does each of you associate your boss with?

Then everyone comes out, names their association and depicts it, on the command freeze - it becomes a sculpture, the next one comes out - everything is repeated - a whole picture is obtained. Depending on the content of this picture, the toastmaster announces that the employees have decided not to waste time on trifles and give the boss an instant painting by Repin “We Didn’t Expect” or a painting by an unknown author “The Morning After the Corporate Party.”

Perhaps it will be more fun if we limit the associations only to the animal world and then imagine it as a painting by an unknown author, “Animals at a Banquet.”

Everyone gets a chance to join the art and have fun, and the “native” authorities will melt from the attention shown to him personally.

6. “Naughty” signs.

At the beginning of the drawing, six players are shown six signs depicting a green Christmas tree, a bottle of champagne, a roll of toilet paper, a chair, a package of New Year's napkins and a beautiful box with a bow - a gift. Then the players sit with their backs to the hall, and it is announced to them that one of the shown signs is attached to their chairs in random order, they make a guess at random which one and, in accordance with their guess, answer the questions:

  • What do you think happens to you when you are first brought into a home?
  • What do you think guests do when they pick you up?
  • How often does the owner use you?
  • Where do you go after use?
  • What can replace you if you really need it?
  • What material do you think they are made of?

There are no losers or winners in this prank game, but everyone deserves applause.

7. Game moment"Road to the New Year"

(Thanks to the author - Adekova T.I.)

The text is read by the Presenter. The guests line up and step at the appropriate moment.

Leading. The road to the New Year awaits you,
And he will walk along it all year,
Whoever takes what they need.
We're heading out in droves for the New Year...
Did you take everything with you on the journey?
Since health has been taken,
Take a wider step forward!
Are we in the mood?
Let's take a step together!
We take on problems... Well, alas...
You must not step forward!
And who decided to take it anyway?
You'll have to return it back!
We'll grab the money, because they
We must influence our lives.
And how many pockets can you count?
You will walk so many steps!
Who's behind? Friends will help you
Have...another pocket.

Those who lag behind are pinned an additional pocket.

You also need to take hope,

It's somehow more fun to walk with her!
Do we take love? By itself!
We cannot live without her with you.
How many grandchildren do you, children, have?
According to their number, you take steps faster.
Who will take friendship with them on the road?
He boldly takes a whole step forward.
And who decided to take the blues?
I ask you to step back!
And happiness won't hurt us.
Let it accompany everyone,
And it will enter every home...
Let's take it one step further!
Now turn to each other
And hug tight!
Let's celebrate the New Year together
And walk along his path
Forward! Against adversity!
Happy New Year to everyone!

The leader hands the first person in the line a bottle of champagne.

Feel free to take a bottle of champagne,
Treat each other to champagne now.
May your path be easy!
And again I wish you all a Happy New Year!

8. “Live” chairs.

In this game, Santa Claus himself “drives”. He recruits participants, there must be at least ten of them, and seats them on chairs. The chairs are arranged in a checkerboard pattern with the seats facing each other. First, they place the number of chairs corresponding to the number of participants involved in the game. The players sit down, and Santa Claus begins to walk around to the New Year's song, and the one next to whom he hits the floor with his staff gets up from his place and begins to follow Frost, as if tied.

Thus, Santa Claus lifts all participants in the process from their chairs and begins to write out various pretzels around the hall. Everyone who follows on his heels must clearly follow all his “zigzags”. From the outside it turns out to be quite an interesting sight, because this whole procession, following Grandfather, either crouches, then waves its arms and performs other actions.

However, you need to immediately warn the players that when Santa Claus hits the floor with his staff twice, they need to run headlong to the chairs and take their place. In fact, while this whole “caterpillar”, led by Grandfather, is “walking,” one chair is removed, so that upon return one of the players will not find a place for himself.

After this trick, the game is repeated again, only for the second time two chairs disappear - then the game continues until the last “survivor” (he gets a prize).

9. New Year's "Crocodile"

Even such a well-known game as “Crocodile” can be presented in a new way at the New Year’s holiday. For example, the theme of guessing pantomimes is to make comic scenes from life and “everyday work”... Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

To do this, the presenter prepares in advance a lot of paper cards with approximately the following content about Santa Claus: “Father Frost fell asleep after a children’s party in a bag of gifts,” “Father Frost grabbed a surplus and woke up in bed with the Snow Woman,” “Father Frost’s children were stolen beard”, “Father Frost received a telegram asking the Moscow Zoo to give him a deer”, “Father Frost ate too much ice cream”, “Father Frost gave the Snow Maiden underwear”.

About the Snow Maiden something like this: “The Snow Maiden will cheat on Father Frost with the Snowman”, “The Snow Maiden worked at a matinee in a sex shop”, “The Snow Maiden gave birth to twins to Father Frost”, “The Snow Maiden found Father Frost in bed with the Snow Queen”, “The Snow Maiden was paid 1000 dollars for a striptease”, “After the holidays, the Snow Maiden gained 6 kg”, etc.

Select tasks for a specific company; of course, they should be different for adult party and for a family holiday.

The rules can be changed a little, for example, divide the participants into two teams, each one draws a card for themselves. Then, one by one, using only facial expressions and gestures, they depict what is written in pantomime style, and the opposing team guesses. You can limit the time, and at the end of the game you can count which team guessed more, or you can not do this at all, because the main thing is general fun.

10. "Who is this?"

The coming New Year always evokes the most vivid emotions, hope for a miracle and magical fulfillment of desires. Thus, children are looking forward to gifts from Santa Claus, and for adults the “hot” time of preparing for the upcoming holidays begins. In addition, many enterprises traditionally conduct corporate parties– in a restaurant, outdoors, or right within the walls of your home office. As a rule, such events have an informal atmosphere, and employees have the opportunity to have a lot of fun, make new friends, and also take a fresh look at their “usual” colleagues. We have selected the best competitions for New Year's corporate party- 2018 at work - with jokes at the table, question and answer, karaoke. Use our video ideas when drawing up a holiday script, and such a cool corporate event will be remembered for a long time by everyone present. Moreover, such activity will also appeal to the owner of 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog, who simply loves outdoor games and funny fun. Happy New Year's entertainment to you!

Fun competitions for a New Year's corporate party - with jokes and gags

The tradition of organizing a New Year's corporate party in domestic companies appeared relatively recently, but has managed to gain enormous popularity. Thus, every year office employees eagerly await the cherished date, when they can immediately plunge into the atmosphere of pre-holiday carefreeness and fun. How to organize an unforgettable corporate party for the New Year 2018? In our selection you will find fun competitions for a New Year's corporate party - with jokes and funny “adult” jokes. Of course, all jokes for a corporate party scenario should be funny, but not affect the dignity of the employees, and especially the bosses. We are sure that with such cool competitions, your New Year’s corporate party will become one of the most exciting events, as well as an excellent chance to show the creativity and imagination of all its participants.

The best ideas for cool competitions for the New Year's corporate party - 2018

The essence of this fun table competition is that everyone present receives an assignment from the presenter - to make a toast starting with a certain letter. For example, with the letter “K” the following speech will be extremely relevant: “Colleagues! Here the Yellow Earth Dog is running towards us. So let's greet her with a friendly bark! Happy New Year! With new happiness!". As an option, with a “T” - “So let’s drink to Father Frost and the Snow Maiden - as long as I can remember - they don’t get sick, don’t get old, and there is always money for gifts! May we live like this too!” The author of the coolest New Year's toast is declared the winner.

In every office on New Year's Eve you can find a fluffy Christmas tree decorated with shiny balls of fashionable colors. Is it possible to decorate a Christmas tree “blindly”? Best competition I can’t think of anything better for a New Year’s corporate party! To complicate the task, blindfolded participants can be moved in different directions and spun around their axis. Then everyone heads to the Christmas tree to hang the toy - whoever can do it faster wins this cool, fun competition.

New Year's competitions for corporate parties - 2018 - with jokes at the table

The main part of every New Year's corporate party traditionally takes place at a generously laid table - be it a banquet hall of a cafe-restaurant or a barbecue with an outing. To prevent the entertainment event from turning into a standard “eating” of Olivier, we suggest diversifying the program with fun table competitions that can be held in between active games. We will be happy to share ideas with you interesting competitions for the New Year 2018 - and your corporate party will go off with a bang!

A selection of table competitions for corporate parties in honor of the New Year 2018

To hold the competition you will need a capacious hat or cap and pieces of paper - according to the number of areas of the corporate event. On each piece of paper, each participant describes his appearance - for example, “snub nose,” “blue eyes,” “red curls.” Leaves with descriptions need to be put in a hat and taken out one by one, trying to guess by brief description general “portrait”. Who will win this entertaining competition? The one whose answers hit the “target” most often.

You can always organize a lot of fun entertainment at the New Year's table - a great opportunity to take a short break. We offer an entertaining prank competition for a corporate party, in which you can take part without leaving the table. Each participant says something that he has never done in his life. For example, “I've never been on a plane” or “I've never eaten oysters.” If among those present there is someone who has done this, he will have to drink a glass.

The popular funny Question and Answer competition will delight any company of adults or children. To do this, you need to first prepare two types of cards - with cool questions and answers to them. At the beginning of the competition, we put the “questions” and “answers” ​​into two decks face down. The participant then takes a card from the first deck and reads the question to the adjacent player. He, in turn, also reads out the answer from the top card taken from the second deck. For a corporate party for the New Year 2018, you can also choose humorous options on a festive and winter theme.

Cool competitions for corporate parties for the New Year - original ideas

A series of endless workdays, a mandatory dress code and a tight schedule “by the hour” invariably leaves its mark on every person. In addition, at the end of the year one feels tired from the short daylight hours, cold weather and “eternal” darkness outside the window. But the New Year's corporate party is ahead - it's time to have fun! Here you will find original ideas for competitions for a corporate party in honor of the upcoming New Year 2018. Such funny competitions will provide everyone with a good mood and leave the most vivid “collective” memories.

Collection of cool competitions for New Year's corporate events

All interested men are invited to participate in this comic competition. Each player has a large balloon tied to their stomach using tape, and matches are scattered on the floor. At the presenter’s signal, the “pregnant” male employees begin to collect matches - carefully squatting so as not to damage the “tummy”. The one who copes with the task, keeping the ball intact, is declared the winner of the competition and is rewarded with thunderous applause.

The New Year always comes with bright lights of garlands, the smell of tangerines and wonderful gifts. As souvenirs, you can use various funny “little things” associated with the symbol of 2018 - a dog collar, an artificial bone, a muzzle, a food bowl. We mark the items with serial numbers and put them in a capacious bag, and put pieces of paper with numbers corresponding to each gift in a brightly decorated box. During the competition, participants of the New Year's corporate party take turns approaching the box, taking out pieces of paper with a number and receiving a comic surprise “from the Dog.”

Funny competitions for a corporate party for the New Year - for women and men, video

As the New Year approaches, many companies hold corporate parties. Of course, the traditional “highlight of the program” remains festive table, but you also need to think about fun activities. Thus, there are many competitions for New Year’s corporate parties in which both women and men can take part. In connection with the upcoming holidays, we have selected the funniest competitions, and with the help of videos you can easily bring your brightest ideas and fantasies to life.

Several funny competitions for the New Year's corporate party

At every corporate event there will be lovers of “solo and choral” singing – the New Year’s party is no exception. Those wishing to demonstrate their vocal talents will enjoy the karaoke competition, in which you can invite two people to participate. For example, a duet between a boss and an ordinary employee - we are sure that the song performed in this way will become a “hit” of the New Year’s corporate party.

The coming 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Dog, so this competition is relevant for any corporate event. Each participant must depict a four-legged symbol of the coming year - in any way possible. Whoever imitated the animal the funniest won.

Video with a funny New Year's competition for a corporate party

New Year's entertainment for corporate parties for the New Year 2018 - games and competitions in nature

It’s just wonderful to be in nature in winter - best place you can’t find one for a New Year’s corporate party! To carry out our fun games and competitions, the whole work team can go to the nearest forest or park. Great fun for the New Year 2018!

We are choosing a competition for the New Year's corporate party - 2018 with a trip to nature

All those present are divided into teams - women's and men's. After the leader’s signal, each side begins to sculpt a snowman, trying to finish the job before their opponents. The winner of the competition is the team that creates a beautiful snowman the fastest.

New Year's games for adults, competitions for corporate parties for the New Year 2011

As a rule, the brightest and most memorable corporate events are holidays with fun competitions and skits in which all company employees can express themselves. We hope that the games and competitions offered to your attention will help you in organizing a corporate vacation.

Game "Jump into the New Year"
A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three”, everyone makes a jump into the “new year”, that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday,
How beautiful, look.
We'll jump into the New Year together,
As I say: one - two - five...
New Year comes at midnight
Look at the clock
How the arrows come together
Let's jump together: one - two - one!
Round dances around the Christmas tree...
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Our Christmas tree will light up
When he hears: one - two - seven!
We are tired of waiting for a long time,
It's time to say "three".
Those who didn't jump are a cucumber!
Whoever jumped, well done!

Hot snowball COMPETITION. Explain that: I have a snowball in my hands, it is not ordinary, it is hot. Whoever holds onto this snowball will melt. Everyone stands in a large circle. The snowball (make a big one from padding polyester) is played to the music. The music stops, whoever has the snowball remains melts (i.e. is removed.) And so on until the last participant. The latter is awarded the title of Snowman, or Snow Queen. Not stressful and fun.

"Sew on a button"
2 teams of 4 people each participate. The teams stand behind each other. Large fake buttons (4 pieces for each team), made of thick cardboard, lie on the chairs next to the teams. At a distance of 5 meters from the teams there are large reels on which a rope 5 meters long is wound, and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.

The game involves 2 people. To play the game you need 2 chairs, which are located at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, 10 balloons in two colors (for example: 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal from the leader, 2 “shepherds” must drive their “sheep” (balls of a certain color) into their “caves” (chairs) with plastic bottles. This needs to be done quickly, without “losing” a single “sheep”.

"Balloon Dance"
The game involves 5-6 people, and a balloon is tied to the coolest leg of the participants. Participants must dance to the music and try to burst their opponent's balloon with their right foot. The game continues until the participant has one ball left.

"Musical vinaigrette"
The game involves 6 people, i.e. 3 pairs. Under modern music couples need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, tango, “lady”, modern dance. Based on the audience's applause, the best couple is chosen.

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, shoe covers, wigs, etc. funny things.

The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour.
At the presenter’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

And right there, without taking off your clothes

Competition “next year I will definitely...”
Each of those present takes pieces of paper and completes the phrase in three versions - “next year I will definitely ....”, the pieces of paper are put into a common container, mixed and in three prises they are pulled out of the container by those present and read aloud. For example, a statement young man that I will definitely give birth to a child next year, etc. causes great joy among others... The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants...

Game for corporate parties "Blanket"
Anyone is invited to participate in the game.

The player is asked to cover himself with a blanket. Then they report that those around him have made a wish for the thing that is on him and offer to guess what it is.For each incorrect answer, the player must remove the named item. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is a blanket, and the player, as a rule, does not know about it.

For convenience, the blanket can be supported by someone else.

Locker rooms.
Volunteers are called - 2 boys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task, at the command of the presenter, is to put on the girl as quickly as possible more clothes taken from the guys. Even socks and underpants count Smile)) In the end, imagine this picture: a girl is standing, dressed from head to toe in men's clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nakedness is determined by the degree of their modesty and the size of the prize for the winner!

GAME “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.”

1. Who sometimes walks with a cheerful gait with vodka?
2. Tell me out loud, which of you catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost and drives like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who completes the work task on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, like at today’s banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks around dirty from ear to ear?
10. Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to the office an hour late?

Where did I go last year?
This game requires three to four people. They turn their backs to the guests. Sheets of paper are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, and public places are written. For example: bathhouse, police, Train Station and so on.
If the party is private, close people have gathered, you can be naughty and, without holding back your imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital, etc.).
Participants should not see what is written. Each of them is asked questions in turn. How often do you visit this place? Do you go there alone or accompanied by someone? What are you doing there? Is admission to this place free or do you have to buy a ticket?
Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and answer at random, ridiculous and funny mismatches and inconsistencies arise.

Russian roulette.
Very impressive draw. That is why it is carried out only once. Repeatedly organizing it in an auditorium where at least one person is familiar with the nuances of the game detracts from the experience.
Men present at the evening are invited to demonstrate their ability to be romantic and reckless. As once in knightly tournaments, each of them can dedicate participation in this competition to their beloved lady.
The men stand in a row. The hostess approaches each one in turn, holding a vase with eggs in her hands. Boiled eggs, except for one. Each man must take an egg and break it on his forehead.

Here you need a certain courage and courage - what if you end up with a raw egg? Real Russian roulette!
The situation becomes more tense the fewer eggs remain in the vase.
Usually it is the ladies who are very worried about the preservation of the decent appearance of the “tournament” participants. They begin to give advice on how to get up and break more conveniently; hand out napkins.

The game, of course, requires certain props, but given that the New Year's table is set almost everywhere, there should be no problems with preparing it. The number of eggs is determined by the number of people present at the party.

The secret is that there are no raw eggs in the vase. They are all hard-boiled.

Game "Khristoforovna, Nikanorovna". You need space to run, at least a little. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, and hang scarves on the chairs. On command, the first players run, run to the chair, sit down, put on a scarf, say “I am Khristoforovna” (or “I am Nikanorovna”), take off the scarf, run to their team, the second player runs...... That team wins which is faster.

The winner receives some small prizes. The losing team sings ditties.

3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. To play the game, empty 0.5 liter beer bottles are required in quantities equal to the number of players. Participants have a fresh carrot tied to their belt so that it hangs in front at knee level. On command, the men must race to get the carrot into the neck of the bottle in such a way that they can then lift the bottle on a rope to which the carrot is tied.

Ring throw
Empty bottles and bottles of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are lined up close together on the floor. Participants are asked to place a ring on the bottle from a distance of 3 m. Whoever manages to put a ring on a full bottle takes it as a prize. The number of throws for one participant must be limited.

The ring is cut out of thin cardboard. Ring diameter – 10 cm.

You need to print the wishes below and buy prizes. “Gypsies” enter the hall and offer to tell fortunes to everyone and predict their fate.

Lottery forecast
1. Chocolate "Journey"
Many incidents await you
And interesting travels -
For courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where fate will decide!

2. Lighter
You, friends, will continue to
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!

3. Cream
You will join the cream of society
Perhaps you will find a sponsor.

4. Shampoo
Your hairstyle appearance
It will pleasantly surprise us all.
From then on you will continue to
Everything is getting prettier and younger!

5. Sponge
And you with household worries,
There are a lot of household chores waiting for you.
But in the family and in personal life
Everything will work out great for you!

6. Red pepper
Many adventures await you
And a lot of thrills
But everything will end well
It's no coincidence that the pepper is red!

7. Markers
Love will brighten your days
And they will become bright.
Your whole life in winter and summer
It will be illuminated with a magical light.

8. Chocolate "Alenka"
What does Alenka chocolate mean?
The Year of the Child awaits you!
Who needs what tests?
Birth or upbringing!

Fate will gild your pen,
Will send a handsome salary
Or he will throw his wallet,
And all this in the near future!

10. Vitamins
Your health will become stronger,
The second youth will come.
You are destined to be a hundred years old
Live without any storms and troubles!

11. Tea "Mistress"
You are the darlings of fate, which means
Success and good luck await you.
Celebrating your successes,
Stock up on more tea!

12. Condensed milk
You are used to living in the thick of things,
Work is your main destiny.
We don’t promise you peace,
We are treating you to condensed milk!

13. Cookies
You have friends, acquaintances of the sea,
And everyone will come to visit soon.
Prepare tea and treats.
Here's a cookie to get you started!

14. Can of Beer
Who gets a can of beer?
Live happily all year!

15. Toothpaste
Receive this tube as a gift,
So that every tooth shines in the sun!

16. Handle
To record where the pay went,
You will really need this pen!

17. Yogurt "Uslada"
Delight awaits you for your heart -
Big salary increase!

18. Coffee
You will be cheerful and energetic,
And therefore the whole year will be great!

Gifts from Santa Claus.
Call 5-6 people. They must illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.
Show him with one hand how he combs his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.
He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show me how she twists the meat.

He gave his daughter a doll.
She bats her eyelashes and says “Mom.”
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
All movements are performed simultaneously.

Long arm.
Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.

The lottery procedure is very simple. The presenter announces the drawn numbers, which he takes from the first bag. The holder of the named ticket number takes out a card with the text from the second bag and reads it out. Santa Claus presents gifts, which he takes out of the third bag.

Names of prizes:
v By chance, you got Indian tea on your ticket.
v So that you write off with love, you received envelopes.
v Get a hot air balloon and fly into space to the stars.
v You got the chocolate, come visit us.
v Your winnings are a little original, you got a baby pacifier.
v There is no better win than a business package.
v You, of course, are getting younger, you look in the mirror more often.
v For your hairstyle, we provide you with a comb.
v It’s a miracle, it’s such a miracle, to win a bottle of beer.
v Get it, hurry up, you need a notebook - write poetry.
v Fortune has not forgotten you - a bottle of champagne is strength.

Games for New Year's corporate party: "Boxing"
At the beginning of this game, the host of a corporate party challenges two men to participate in a boxing match. Participants put on boxing gloves, several guests holding hands mark the boundaries of the boxing ring. The presenter escalates the situation, as if holding a real boxing match. After a short warm-up, the opponents converge in the center of the ring. The judge announces the rules of the fight. After that, he gives the participants the same candy and asks them to remove the wrapper as quickly as possible.

Hang the toy on the Christmas tree:
Participants with their Christmas tree decorations go out to the middle of the room. Everyone is blindfolded and everyone is rotated several times around their axis. The task of each participant is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is located and hang a toy on it. You can't fold it. If the participant chooses the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he “bumps” into. To create confusion in the ranks of the participants, women can be evenly distributed around the room and stand in their way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy.

Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing the phrases:
“There are soaked brooms in the bathhouse” (in a low voice).
“The spindles are not crushed” (high).
“But the sponges are not dried” (low).
All: “Mistress, lady, lady-madam.”

Whose ball is bigger?
Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple. The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are invited to dance in a squat position.

In a plate
The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name the object that is currently on their plate with this letter before others. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (е, и, ъ, ь, ы).

What to do, if...
Participants are asked to consider difficult situations from which they need to find an original way out. The participant who, in the opinion of the audience, will give the most resourceful answer receives a prize.

Example situations:
What to do if you lost your employees' salaries or public money in a casino?
What to do if you are accidentally locked in the office late at night?
What should you do if your dog ate an important report that you have to present to the director in the morning?
What to do if you are stuck in an elevator with general director your company?

For accuracy competitions, it is best to use a factory-made Darts game. A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with the cap open) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a piece of paper attached to the wall. You can come up with a humorous meaning for each number that determines the degree of attitude towards work. The most accurate participant receives a prize.

The marker should be intended for drawing only on paper, then accidental traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

Competition of unusual sculptures
This competition is offered to men. From balloons of various sizes and shapes, they must use tape to fashion female figure. It is advisable that for this competition the men are divided into teams of 2-3 people.

Women can be asked to make a sculpture of a man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated; in addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balloons and threads. It's fun to use balloons of different sizes and shapes.

We all have ears
The players stand in a circle. The presenter says: “Each of us has hands.” After this, each participant takes his neighbor on the right by left hand and with the words “Each of us has hands,” the players move in a circle until they make a full turn. After this, the leader says: “Everyone has a neck,” and the game is repeated, only now the participants hold their right neighbor by the neck. Next, the leader lists the various parts of the body, and the players move in a circle, holding the named part of their neighbor to the right and shouting or singing: “Everyone has...”

The listed body parts depend on the imagination of the presenter and the degree of looseness of the players. For example, you can list arms (separately right and left), waist, neck, shoulder, ears (separately right and left), elbows, hair, nose, chest.

Auction “Pig in a poke”
During the break between dances, you can hold a silent auction. The presenter shows the participants the lots, wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. To provoke the audience, the presenter jokes about the purpose of the item.

The auction uses real money, and the starting price of all lots is quite low. The participant who offers the highest price for the item buys it.

Before being handed over to the new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public.It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots to increase the excitement of the public.

Examples of lots and applications:
Without it, we will not be happy with any feast. (Salt)
Something sticky. (Lollipop candy or lollipop, packed in a large box)
Small that can become big. (Balloon)
Cold, green, long... (Bottle of champagne)
An item for those who want to leave their mark. (Set of colored crayons)
An integral attribute of civilized life. (Toilet paper roll)
Brief joy. (Box of chocolates)
A simulator for those who want to learn how to put a good face on a bad game. (Lemon)
A gift from Africa. (Pineapple or coconut)

A volunteer is selected. One presenter takes him away and explains that he will have to depict a kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. At this time, the presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal is being shown to them. It is necessary to name any other animals except kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it’s jumping! So. It’s probably a rabbit. No?! Strange... Well then it’s a monkey.” In five minutes the imitator will really resemble a maddened kangaroo.

You will need two tin cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - a gentleman and a lady. Now gentlemen have a jar attached to their belt. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the presenter’s signal, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman’s jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if he has one). The pair with the most coins in the jar wins.

New Year competitions for corporate parties, games for corporate parties New Year 2011

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