Halloween for the little ones

Very little kids are unlikely to understand or remember anything about Halloween, so my daughter and I will just watch it, count the pumpkins and mice in English, and do a similar task on a piece of paper followed by coloring.
You can also buy a pumpkin and carve a face on it after class, or make masks yourself (models can be easily found online).
We ended up with this fun pumpkin:

Halloween for schoolchildren

These tasks are for a group of students aged 12 - 14 years. We get acquainted with the history of the holiday and solve a crossword puzzle, and then develop oral speech with the help of cut cards. The student draws a card and composes a story based on it, then you do this and at the end you choose the most interesting story. If your conversational language is poor, compose a story one by one - he says a sentence, you say the next, and so on until the end.

Alternatively, you can do this task in writing. Do you remember at school we played this game in class: we wrote the first sentence on a piece of paper, wrapped it up, then passed it to a friend and he wrote further? You do the same with a scary story.

(This exercise can also be done with adults; the more conversation with them, the better).

Halloween for adults

During class, we watch two parts of the Word on the street series and do exercises for it (I copy them from the website, slightly changing them to suit the student’s level).

And for home I give you the task of watching episode 6 of season 8 of the TV series Friends

Halloween is a holiday widely known, but not encouraged by the church, authorities and schools. However, it is part of the culture of the countries of the language being studied, so it is quite appropriate to discuss it in lessons, as well as use traditional holiday games to expand the vocabulary and general cultural horizons of students. The history of the holiday is described in detail on the websites and kingshouse.org/halloween (but the texts themselves are difficult for students and need adaptation).

My colleagues and I taught lessons on the theme "Halloween" in 7th grade. At the first stage, students became familiar with the vocabulary on the topic and learned to correctly pronounce and read words. Each student received a handout card with pictures (taken from different sites) and tasks:

A. Match the words and the pictures:


B. Fill in the words:

  1. The ………………… is a woman who can make magic.
  2. A human……………………………consists of 206 bones.
  3. When a man dies, his body is put into a ……………………………….
  4. There are a lot of graves in a ………………………… or a ……………………….
  5. The upper part of a skeleton is a ……………………………….
  6. A ………………………………………… is a small animal that flies at night and drinks blood.
  7. When a man died in ancient Egypt, they often made a …………………… of him.
  8. At Halloween children in the UK and the USA go ……………………………….
  9. The ……………… is a bird that flies at night.
  10. The witch needs a …………………………… to fly in the sky.
  11. If a ………………… or a ………………… bites you, you will turn into one, too!
  12. A witch cooks her magic potions in a large ………………………….
  13. You cut a face in a ………………… to make a ……………………………….
  14. A ………………… of a person who died sometimes frightens people at night.

In the second stage, we used materials from the ESL Holiday Lessons.com website. Students repeated the vocabulary necessary to understand the content, listened to the audio recording and answered questions that tested their general understanding of the text:

A. Read and translate the words:


B. Answer the questions:

  1. When is Halloween celebrated?
  2. In what country is it most famous?
  3. Is it a Christian or an un-Christian holiday?
  4. What colors are widely used at Halloween?
  5. What activity is most popular with children?
  6. Why is Halloween known in many countries?

Then the students listened to the audio recording two more times and completed the PHRASE MATCH and SCRAMBLED SENTENCES tasks (see website materials), after which they were able to compose short monologue statements about the holiday.

On the last day before the holidays, we played a station game based on the Halloween theme. There were three stations in total. At the first, students were asked to look at the pictures posted on the board for two minutes and remember what was happening on them, after which the board was closed, and the students wrote sentences from memory describing the pictures, for example, “The skeletons are dancing.” "The ghost is opening the window", etc.

Students remember the pictures.

Pictures downloaded from the Internet.

Students describe pictures from memory and form words from the letters of the word “Halloween.”

Note: pictures on the topic were found on the Internet, inserted into a text document and printed on a printer. If you (like me) do not have a multimedia projector and interactive whiteboard, and you will also search for black and white pictures on Google, add the word “colouring” to the keywords, and the search engine will find you many suitable children’s coloring pages.

Students then made words using the letters of the word "Halloween." It was possible to write any parts of speech in any form (except for proper names), for example, "on", "all", etc.

The students put a wart on the witch's nose.

The distance between the warts is measured.

At the second station, students were invited to play a game traditional for English children's parties. The most common version of the game is to put the tail on a donkey while blindfolded. Our students were asked, blindfolded, to attach a wart to the witch's nose as close as possible to the one drawn (a magnet was used as the second wart). The distance between the warts was measured, and the one with the smallest distance won.

After this, the students completed a language task: the witch mixed up the letters in the words, they had to guess the words and put the letters in the correct order. This activity used the Halloween vocabulary learned in previous lessons.

Students identify the body parts of "old dead Joe" by touch.

At the third station, students played another traditional Halloween (and rather creepy) game: identifying body parts in “Old Dead Joe's Cave” by touch. First, students repeated the names of body parts. The goal of the game was to guess , remember and write down in the correct order what they felt. The props used were: plastic skeleton parts, cherry tomatoes (eyes), a wig (hair), a rubber glove filled with cereal (hand), stuck together overcooked pasta (brain), a nose (carved from raw potatoes), real bones and other objects were particularly popular were the slippery “grave worms” (children’s candy worms made from marmalade dipped in water).

There's another Halloween game we haven't played: "Bobbing for apples." You need a lot of apples and a deep bowl of water. Children put their faces in the basin and try to catch an apple with their teeth (their hands should be folded behind their backs). The game is very wet and not very hygienic, but the children like it.

Other materials on the topic "Halloween" on this site:
materials for lessons and for playing by stations 2012

Svetlana Kaymonova

Target: introduce children with traditional holidays in the UK.



increase interest in learning English language through game situations;

continue to develop skills preschoolers perceive English speech by ear;

activate lexical units in children's speech English language according to this topic: Halloween ( Halloween, Jack Lantern (Jack – o` - lantern, Trick or Treat, Pumpkin ( Pumpkin,Candle (Candle, Ghost, Witch, Snake, Lizard, Bat, Spider);

consolidate the count to 5 in speech.


develop communication skills, cognitive activity, attention, visual memory, visual-figurative thinking, phonemic hearing;

develop children's emotional qualities and curiosity.


continue to cultivate children's interest in learning a foreign language;

respect for English culture and traditions.


multimedia presentation « Halloween» ;



song “5 little pumpkins sitting on the gate»;

paper coloring pages "Pumpkins";

rubber insects, spiders, snakes;

colour pencils;

Hello boys and girls. How are you?

Hello! I'm fine.

Today we will talk to you about unusual holiday traditional for Great Britain. Halloween « Halloween» is a holiday celebrated annually in Britain on October 31st. On this day English gather in cheerful mummers' companies.

Children enjoy this holiday the most, because for them it is a great opportunity to dress up in an unusual costume and, with a crowd of friends, go to neighbors’ houses begging for sweets and candies.

Speaking about the traditions of Halloween, first of all it is necessary to talk about where this holiday comes from. The modern celebration is believed to be related to the Celtic harvest festival. Residents of the British Isles celebrated the end of summer and the harvest on November 1st. This day marked the end of the summer sunny period and the onset of a period of cold and darkness. The Celts believed that with long hours of darkness and cold came evil spirits.

The most famous Halloween tradition is the tradition of dressing up.

The most popular costumes are skeletons "skeletons", ghosts "ghosts", witches "witches" and other scary images. Children love to dress up in all kinds of clothes. fairy tale characters. They go from door to door, begging for sweets from the owners of the house, saying "Trick or treat!", which literally translates as "Trick or treat!". Jokes, pranks, funny pranks - that’s the main concern English children on Halloween. I will read you a poem that children tell on Halloween.

Give us candy, give us cake,

Give us something sweet to take.

Give us cookies, fruit and gum,

Hurry up and give us some.

You had better do it quick

Or we"ll surely play a trick.

Trick or treat, trick or treat,

Give us something good to eat.

The main symbol of the holiday is the Jack-O-Lantern "Jack - o` - lantern". It represents a pumpkin " pumpkin", on which a sinisterly grinning face is carved; A lit candle is placed inside the pumpkin "candle". It was believed that such a fruit, left near the house on All Saints' Day, would drive away evil spirits from it. Look at the pumpkins that decorate our hall. And now, I want to invite each of you to color your pumpkin.

Children are given leaves with a picture of a pumpkin and pencils. Application

To make coloring more fun for you, let's listen to the song “Five little pumpkin sitting on the gate»/

This is how Halloween is celebrated in Russia. Not so long ago, the tradition of celebrating Halloween also appeared in our country. But it is not carried out everywhere. For children and young people, a themed party is organized in a room where competitions, games and dances are held.

We've been sitting still, let's play! We get up from our chairs and line up like a train.

Now the guys move in single file behind the leader, repeating the words after him and movement:

We enter a dark forest (we take a few sneaking steps forward,

Where the trees reach to the sky (let's raise our hands up!

Let's wander along the path (a few more steps,

Let's wander into the thicket of the forest (we spread our fingers so that it looks like tree branches).

We reach the ravine (we sneak,

Oh, we'll be scared (trembling):

There's a roar everywhere, a howl everywhere (we stomp and make scary sounds)

It's time for us to run home (the children are running in all directions!

A game "Dinner for the Witch".

Under the guidance of the teacher, children will need to find the ingredients scattered and hung in advance around the room. dinner: rubber snakes "snake", lizards "lizard", various insects "insect", bats "bat" and spiders. The presenter reads the recipe, For example: We will need 5 bats, 2 snakes, 10 lizards, etc. for the roast, and the children are looking around the room for ingredients in the right quantity. Everything is put into a cauldron and left to cook over an improvised fire.

Guys, did you like our class? What new did you learn?

Children's answers.

Good bye! See you again!

Publications on the topic:

Dear Colleagues! Today we will talk about educational field « Cognitive development" First of all, I would like to thank you.

"Funny English". Early Childhood Education Program Program “Fun English” Contents: 1. Explanatory note: relevance, problem, goal, objectives, expected results. 2. Structure.

Didactic game “What is missing? What's missing? for preschoolers learning English"What is missing?" (What has disappeared) Preparing for the game. The teacher can use the smart board to teach the seasons on English language, telling.

The Halloween holiday has recently become familiar in our country. You can start a story about Halloween in English with what you associate it with and what history it has.

Halloween symbols

You can use the following vocabulary.

  • Pumpkin - pumpkin.
  • Symbol – symbol.
  • Ghosts - ghosts.
  • Witches - witches.
  • Vampires - vampires.
  • Evil spirits - evil spirits.
  • Festival - holiday.
  • Holiday - holiday.
  • Creatures - creatures.
  • To take place - to pass.
  • To be dedicated to - to be dedicated.
  • To be created by – to be created.
  • Celts - Celts.
  • Superstitious - superstitious.
  • To be celebrated - celebrated, celebrated.
  • To be afraid of - to be afraid.
  • To wear masks - wear masks.
  • To recognize - to recognize.


Let's see what we can say with these words when composing an essay about Halloween in English.

Pumpkin is a symbol of Halloween. – Pumpkin is a symbol of Halloween.

It is dedicated to witches, vampires and ghosts. – It is dedicated to vampires, witches and ghosts.

This is a festival of evil spirits. – This is the holiday of evil spirits.

Halloween was created by Celts. – Halloween was created by the Celts.

Once superstitious people believed that evil spirits met on this day. – Once upon a time, superstitious people thought that evil spirits met on this day.

This holiday is celebrated in many countries in the world. – This holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world.

People were afraid of evil witches, they were wearing masks so the witches wouldn’t be able to recognize them. – People were afraid of evil witches and wore masks so that the witches could not recognize them.

Please note: if we say holiday, festival the article is used, but with the name of the holiday itself - Halloween, it is not needed.

Trick or Treat game


Let's see how people celebrate this day and what they do.

  • To wear costumes and masks - put on costumes and masks.
  • To dress as - dress like.
  • To cry “Trick or Treat” - shout “trick or treat”.
  • To carve jack-o-lantern – carve a jack-o-lantern.
  • To visit neighbors - visit neighbors.
  • To go from house to house - walk from house to house.
  • To give candies - give candies.
  • To accompany children – accompany children.
  • It is time for run - this is time for fun.
  • To take pictures - take photographs.


New English words on the Halloween theme need to be memorized immediately using the text, let’s make up examples.

Usually on this day people wear costumes and masks and play “Trick or Treat”. – Usually on this day people wear costumes and masks and play Trick or Treat.

When children go from house to house they can have carved jack-o-lantern. – When children move from house to house they can have a Jack-o'-lantern.

Children can go to visit their neighbors. – Children can visit their neighbors.

After the children cried “Trick or Treat” they were given candies. – After the children shouted “Trick or treat,” they received candy.

My friend likes to dress as a vampire, I prefer dressing as a fairy. – My friend likes to dress like a vampire, but I prefer a fairy costume.

Children don’t go by themselves, they are often accompanied by adults. – Children do not walk on their own; they are often accompanied by adults.

It is time for fun – a lot of people take pictures with children dressed as witches, vampires or other creatures. – It's a fun time - many people take pictures with children dressed as witches, vampires or other creatures.

Please note: to make a passive voice from an active voice, you need to use the verb to be (in the required form) and the third form of the verb. For example, we celebrate this holiday (we celebrate this holiday) – this holiday is celebrated (this holiday is celebrated).

Halloween holiday

Halloween story

Now let's make a short story about the Celtic holiday with already known expressions.

Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. It is an old holiday, which was created by Celts. Once people were very superstitious and believed that on this day all evil spirits meet together. People were afraid to be recognized by these spirits and were wearing masks. Nowadays it is the day of fun. Children are wearing the costumes of witches, vampires, fairies, ghosts and other creatures. They go from house to house and visit their neighbors. They cry “Trick or Treat” and receive candies. As a rule children are accompanied by the adults. The traditional symbol of this festival is Jack-o-lantern or carved pumpkin.

Halloween is celebrated on October 31st. This is an old holiday that was created by the Celts. Once upon a time, people were very superstitious and believed that all evil spirits met on this day. People were afraid that these spirits might recognize them and wore masks. Today it is a holiday of fun. Children dress up as witches, vampires, fairies, ghosts and other creatures. They go from house to house or visit their neighbors. They shout "Trick or Treat" and get candy. As a rule, children are accompanied by adults. The traditional symbol of this holiday is a Jack-o'-lantern or a carved pumpkin.

Margarita Daeva

1. Summarizing the material studied on the topic “Halloween.”

2. Updating lexical skills.

3. Maintain interest in learning cultural traditions country of the language being studied.


Audio recordings, decorations for decorating the hall (ghosts, balloons, spiders, the bats, witches' brooms, 4 paper water lilies, 2 bandages, 2 large puzzles, a note, a cauldron, a large spoon, glitter for a potion, a basket of gifts.

*The holiday was held for two preparatory groups kindergarten

Progress of the event:

To the song “This is Halloween,” the presenter dressed as a good witch flies into the hall.

Hello guys! Hello! Children say hello.

How are you? How are you?

The children answer. Then, in their seats, everyone greets each other with the song “Hello, how are you?”

Who knows why we have gathered here? Children's answers.

That's right, well done.

The history of Halloween goes back a long way. Many, many years ago, the ancient Celtic tribes celebrated the new year on November 1st. This day meant the end of the harvest and the beginning of the fierce cold winter. The Celts believed that on the night before the New Year, various spirits returned to earth to stay there. People wore scary, dirty clothes and masks to scare away spirits. This is where the tradition of dressing up in costumes came from.

Guys, what kind of scary movies do people dress up as on Halloween? Children's answers: skeleton, witch, ghost, etc.


Witches, witches, skeletons and bats.

Scary ghosts and big black cats.

Whoo! Whoo! What a fright!

It's scary, scary on Halloween night!

Is Halloween really such a scary holiday? Children's answers. No, of course, this holiday is very fun. What is the name of the kids' favorite activity on Halloween? Trick or treat! Well done! English children, dressed in carnival costumes, go from house to house, sing songs and receive treats from their owners for this.


Witches, ghosts, and goblins.

Stealing down the street

Knock on every door way,

When your door is opened,

This is what you meet,

Scary creatures shouting,

Guys, today we were also supposed to go Trick or Treating, but guess what, at the last minute the witches arrived and stole our treats. We need to get to their land at all costs and return our gifts. Shall we return? Children's answers.

But I must warn you that in the mysterious world of Halloween there are many other creatures besides witches. The guys from group 4 know a song about them.

Halloween's sounds

This is the way the witches fly, witches fly, witches fly,

This is the way the witches fly,

Swish, swish, swish.

This is the way the ghosts go by, ghosts go by, ghosts go by,

This is the way the ghosts go by,

Oooh, oooh, oooh.

This is the way the pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh, pumpkins laugh,

This is the way the pumpkins laugh,

Perhaps on the way to the witches we will have to encounter other creatures. Aren't you afraid? Children's answers. Then we hit the road.

The composition Walking, walking is turned on. Children perform movements near their seats.

Be careful, guys, there is a swamp in front of us. You need to cross it very carefully.

Game "Walk through the swamp" 3 people per group

For this game you will need two water lilies. The participants’ task is to walk through the room (swamp), stepping only on water lilies. For this purpose, after the first step, you need to bend down, take the water lily behind you, move it forward and take the next step. And so on until the designated point. The participant who put his foot on the floor is gets sucked into the swamp, and he leaves the game. The winners are those who managed to complete this difficult task.

Creepy music comes on.

Wow! Do you know where we ended up? In the land of mummies. Mommy's land. Guys, what are they, mummies? Children's answers. Exactly! Look at you, they will definitely recognize us like this! We urgently need to disguise ourselves.

Game "Mummy" 2 people per group

For this game you will need bandages. The guys must divide into pairs, each of them is given a bandage. One of the players on each team is a “mummy”. The second player’s task is to make a “mummy” out of his partner as quickly as possible. Those who complete the task faster win.

Creepy music comes on.

Now we're in the land of Halloween pumpkins! Pumpkins' land!

Children of the 9th group will tell a poem about pumpkins, pumpkins.

Five little pumpkins

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,

The first one said: “Oh, my! It’s getting late!”

The second one said: “Look! Witches in the air!”

The third one said: “But we don’t care!”

The fourth one said: “We’ll run and run, and run!”

The fifth one said: “It’s just Halloween fun!”

WOooo went the wind and out went the light

And five little pumpkins rolled out of sight.

Guys, the Pumpkins love all sorts of puzzles. And they won’t let us through further if we don’t complete their task. You need to collect a picture and say in English what happened here.

Game "Assemble the puzzle" 2 people per group.

Creepy music comes on.

And so, we finally came to the land of witches. Witches' land.

And we also have our own witches. (4 group)

Five little witches

Five little witches standing by the door.

And then there were four.

Four little witches standing by a tree.

One picked a pumpkin

And then there were three.

Three little witches stirring their brew. One fell in

And then there were two.

Two little witches went for a run. One got lost

And then there was one.

One little witch, yes, only one. She cast a spell

And now there are none.

Where are these witches with our treats? The brooms are here, but they themselves are not there. Look, there's a note here. It turns out they left their brooms here on purpose to see if you could handle them. If you succeed, you will receive your gifts back.

Game "Witch's Broom" 4 people per group

The players' task is to fly around an obstacle on a broom.

Happened! We did it!

And here is our basket of treats. Oh! Not given in hand! She's bewitched! I knew that these witches could not be trusted. But we have our own witches! Helpers, come to me!

Two assistant witches come out. Let's break the spell on the basket.

Hooray! Happened! Now we can go trick or treating!

Group 9 will sing a song

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

I'm a ghost. I'm a little ghost.

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

I'm a witch. I'm a little witch.

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

I'm a monster. I'm a little monster.

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

Knock knock. Trick or treat?

Happy Halloween. Happy Halloween.

Well done boys! You have completed all the challenges and deserve a treat! Let's wish each other Happy Halloween!